Project 22350 frigate admiral potsov armament. Frigate "Admiral Gorshkov": When the best is not the enemy of the good. Weapon and carrier

For fitting and assembly work 16.10.2020
For fitting and assembly work

Fleet Admiral Soviet Union Sergey Gorshkov during the Great Patriotic War commanded a brigade of cruisers, and subsequently served as Commander-in-Chief of the Navy for almost 30 years. It is not surprising that warships are named after him.

Previously, a heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser was named after the admiral. Now the name of the naval commander has been given to the representative of the newest family - the multi-purpose frigate of project 22350. These are not only completely new, modern ships, but also the first officially called frigates.

Origin of type name and construction history

The historic sailing frigate is a warship, fast and agile, but not powerful enough to be used in the battle line. This name was first revived in the Royal Navy during the Second World War, giving it to light anti-submarine ships.

In the American Navy, after the war, “frigates” were called air defense missile cruisers for some time, but in 1975 they changed the classification. So, the modern frigate was finally determined as a small (in terms of displacement) anti-aircraft and anti-submarine defense ship.

In the Soviet Union, smaller ships of this purpose were called "sentry", and larger ones - "large anti-submarine". This classification was inherited by the Russian fleet. But in recent years, the term "frigate" has also begun to be used in Russia. And one of the first was "Admiral Gorshkov".

For a long time, the basis of the Russian naval forces were ships designed and built in the Soviet era.

Moreover, the ships could be good in themselves - but the tasks facing the fleet have changed. What was needed was no longer "carrier killers" armed with heavy anti-ship missiles, but ships capable of effectively combating piracy and supporting anti-terrorist operations.

Unfortunately, hard economic situation in the country it was not always possible even to maintain existing combat units, not to mention the development of new ones. For example, the patrol boat "Yaroslav the Wise" was laid down in 1988, but it entered service only 20 years later.

It was only towards the end of the first decade of the 21st century that truly new and modern combat units for the Navy began to be built again in Russia. The direct ancestors of the Admiral Gorshkov are project 11540 patrol boats. These are ships designed and laid down in Soviet times. The construction of the third ship in the series, even according to the modernized project, was abandoned, finding it not fitting into the plans for the development of the fleet.

The lead frigate of the basic project 22350 was laid down in 2006 in St. Petersburg. Four years later, the launch took place. In the future, according to the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy, such ships will become the main ones in the Russian ocean fleet. In the meantime, two frigates - "Admiral Gorshkov" and "Admiral Kasatonov" - are being tested. Two more ships of project 22350 "Admiral Golovko" and "Admiral Isakov" have not yet been launched into the water.

Brief description of the design

The hull of the frigate has a long forecastle, a double bottom extends from the bow to the engine room. In order to reduce the likelihood of the ship being detected by enemy radars, its superstructure is made of carbon fiber composites. Such materials absorb radio waves well.

In other words, the Admiral Gorshkov was built using stealth technologies.

The power plant of the frigate - combined type. In it, a diesel engine and a gas turbine operate on each of the propeller shafts. Turbine power is 27,500 hp, and diesels - 5,200 hp. The total power of the entire installation reaches 65,000 hp. The ship uses fixed-pitch propellers. The frigate is equipped with stabilizers. Seaworthiness, in the end, should allow the Admiral Gorshkov to conduct combat operations even with a five-point storm.

The main artillery caliber of the frigate is a universal 130mm automatic gun in the A-192 mount. The previous gun mount of a similar caliber, the AK-130, weighed over 80 tons. This limited its use only to large ships - cruisers and destroyers. The mass of the A-192 installation is only 25 tons, and it can be installed even on small ships such as frigates.

The rate of fire reaches 30 rounds per minute, the gun can hit land and sea targets at ranges up to 23 kilometers. When using the gun as an anti-aircraft gun, the reach is 18 kilometers in height.

Small-caliber artillery is represented by two broadsword anti-aircraft guns, one on board. Each installation carries two six-barreled automatic guns GSh 6-30KD, the rate of fire of which is up to 10 thousand rounds per minute (in total). "Broadswords" hit air targets at altitudes up to 3 kilometers.

Missile weapons "Admiral Gorshkov" is placed in the nose of the hull in universal vertical launch installations.

Two UVP ZS14U1 contain eight cells each, into which missiles for various purposes can be loaded. The Onyx medium-range anti-ship missile allows you to hit ships at ranges up to 300 kilometers, the mass of the warhead is 300 kilograms. It is hardly noticeable to radars and is used according to the “let it go” principle.

Another option is Caliber cruise missiles. This missile is universal and can be, depending on the variant, anti-ship, anti-submarine or tactical to destroy ground targets. The flight range is up to 300 kilometers (like the Onyx), the warhead can be penetrating or high-explosive fragmentation. Guidance - inertial and radar. Anti-submarine missiles carry a torpedo as a warhead.

Finally, in the future, the frigate will be able to use, which has not yet entered service. These anti-ship missiles are characterized by extremely high (hypersonic) flight speeds. Re-equipment of Russian ships with these missiles could, according to some estimates, reduce the role of aircraft carriers and force the development of new anti-missile defense systems.

The air defense of the Admiral Gorshkov is provided, in addition to artillery, by the Redut missile system. Its launchers are also in the nose, in front of the ZS14U1. The ammunition has up to 32 long-range 9M96 missiles (launch range - up to 120 km) and up to 128 9M100 short-range missiles (range - about 15 km).

The frigate is protected from enemy submarines by two quad installations "Packet-NK".

They hit submarines with small-sized 324 mm torpedoes, and attacking torpedoes with M-15 rocket-propelled anti-torpedoes. The deck hangar of the Admiral Gorshkov accommodates the Ka-27 helicopter, traditional for the Russian fleet.

Combat characteristics of project 22350 frigates

It is noteworthy that the composition of the US Navy has also undergone changes. Heavy aircraft carriers are still the main striking force, but the old Oliver Perry frigates have been replaced by “littoral” patrol ships of the Freedom and Independence projects. As another competitor of the Gorshkov, consider the not new, but widespread German frigate of the MEKO family.

Project 22350Littoral Combat ShipMEKO 200
Displacement, tons5400 3100 3400
Length, meters135 127 118
Width, meters16 32 14,8
Travel speed, knots30 44 32
Artillery armament1 x 130mm1 x 57mm, 2 x 30mm1 x 127mm
Missile weapons16 missile launchers "Onyx" and "Caliber"24 Hellfire missiles8 rockets "Harpoon"
Anti-aircraft weapons2 x ZAK "Broadsword", 4 x SAM "Redut"1 x ZRKSeaRAMSAM SeaSparrow, ZAK Phalanx
Anti-submarine weaponsPLR 91R2, 2 torpedo tubes- 2 Mk32 torpedo tubes
Aviation armamentHelicopter Ka-27Helicopter MH-60, UAV MQ-8Helicopter S-70
Crew, man210 75 220

Comparing the performance characteristics, we can conclude: "Gorshkov", if not a "super frigate", is not inferior in combat capabilities to its counterparts. And it is quite capable of becoming a worthy competitor to German frigates if the ships of the project are exported.

But the characteristics of the latest American watchdog make you think about the appropriateness of the comparison. Too much "littoral warship" moved away from the established concept of the frigate. The caliber of artillery guns is half that, anti-aircraft weapons are weaker, anti-submarine weapons are limited to an airborne helicopter. And the Hellfire light missiles are not at all a competitor to the Onyx anti-ship missiles.

If at least Harpoon missiles were in their place, this would bring the possibilities closer. Perhaps additional combat modules can significantly change the combat qualities of the LCS. Attention deserves the high speed and small crew size of the "Americans".

Prospects, combat and service

The main thing to expect from Admiral Gorshkov is trouble-free operation. Still, this is the first series that does not have continuity with its predecessors. So it is necessary to hope first of all that he will not have serious "childhood diseases". And that the mid-flight diesel engine that had time to break down will remain the biggest nuisance.

The frigate, most likely, will carry out patrol duty. It is possible that it will support the actions of ground forces with missile strikes (if they are not withdrawn from hot spots in the coming years).

And if the Project 22350 ships are built in a large series, then they have every chance of becoming the main “workhorse” of the fleet (which is the American destroyer Arleigh Burke today). And frigates armed with Zircon missiles will be able to attack any, even the largest, enemy ships. And heavy cruisers will no longer be needed to destroy aircraft carriers.

Project 22350 frigates opened a new, long-awaited page in the history of the Russian fleet.

Even the best Soviet-built ships have long been in need of replacement - and here she comes. The Navy began to accept new ships designed to meet modern requirements.

The activities of Admiral Sergei Gorshkov as commander-in-chief are currently being evaluated differently. There is an opinion that instead of building nuclear cruisers, the Soviet Union should have paid more attention to aircraft carriers. But there is a certain symbolism in the fact that the name of the admiral was assigned to a small ship, but powerfully armed and quite capable (in the future) of coping with the role of a counterweight to aircraft carriers.


The navy is the lot of only the most militarily and industrially developed countries. You can buy a ship, but you won’t be able to create all the infrastructure necessary for it. It is not surprising that the state of the shipbuilding industry in our country caused the deepest despondency among sailors: new ships were not built, the old ones gradually exhausted their resources. Fortunately, the situation gradually began to improve. A clear confirmation of this is the frigate Admiral Gorshkov.

It was launched on October 29, 2010. This event is unique in that it is not only the first ship launched after the collapse of the Soviet Union, but also the first example of this kind of equipment, which was designed from scratch, without the use of Soviet developments.

About the history of creation

Immediately after the country had money for the deployment of a new shipbuilding program, submarines of projects 955, 885 and 667 were laid down and launched. Soon the turn of surface ships came. The new frigate "Admiral Gorshkov" of project 22350 was created by specialists from the Severny Design Bureau. P.M. Shraiko became the chief designer of the project. The laying of the ship took place in 2006. As expected, the first frigate of project 22350 was built much longer than expected, but still the shipbuilders managed to meet adequate deadlines, despite all the difficulties.

The project of the new ship was created and approved back in 2003. When a state tender was announced for its construction in 2005, there were three major contractors at once who really wanted to prevent competitors from getting such a tasty morsel: Severnaya Verf, Yantar and Sevmashpredpriyatie. In the end, the right to build remained with the St. Petersburg "Severnaya Verf". As practice has shown, it was the right decision.

The importance of the ships of project 22350 for the country's defense

No one will be surprised by the words that the coastline of our country is distinguished both by its length and its complex relief. The problem of our fleet is that it includes many morally and technically obsolete ships, which, in the event of a massive attack by a potential enemy, simply cannot protect such a huge area, or even interact normally with each other and other branches of the Russian Navy. The frigate "Admiral Gorshkov" against this background is in an advantageous position, as it is a multi-purpose combat unit.

Thus, Russia in the shortest possible time needs to launch as many modern coast guard ships as possible, which are equipped with effective missiles and anti-ship missiles. This will make it possible to build a normal coastal defense without resorting to the use of more expensive weapons. The United States is following a similar path today. The military leadership of this country is just focusing on the construction of a large number of relatively inexpensive and functional ships designed to protect coastal waters.

It should be noted that the Black Sea Fleet especially needs them. The fact is that this group of ours is located at a great distance from other combat fleets. During the “management” of Ukrainians on the land of Crimea, there are practically no normal air defense and missile defense systems left there. And those of them that still remain cannot effectively cover the remaining territory from a possible enemy strike. The only ship that more or less meets the flagship of the Black Sea Fleet, GvRKr project 1164.5 "Moskva". Not only is he alone, but also the combat systems of the ship clearly do not meet modern requirements.

It is equipped with the S-300F Fort air defense system, which is completely unified with the S-300PS land-based anti-aircraft missile system. The maximum height of the hit target is up to 27 kilometers. You can simultaneously capture up to six air targets at a distance of 90 kilometers. As you can see, our air defense forces in the new region of the Federation cannot boast of anything outstanding. It is to correct this situation that in recent years an intensive new type has begun, and one of the most impressive is the Project 22350 Admiral Gorshkov frigate.

Distinctive features

The ship is good because it is designed to work both in the near and far sea zone, as well as for combat operations in oceanic conditions. Displacement - approximately 4500 tons, maximum length - at least 130 m, width of the hull at the widest point - 16 meters. The length of the course is more than four thousand. The navigation season is not limited. In addition to powerful artillery and missile weapons, there is a platform for receiving a combat helicopter (Ka-28).

Among other things, the Admiral Gorshkov frigate is unique in that at least 30% of completely new technologies and materials are used in its design. Competing in that with the Americans, the stern superstructures and the wheelhouse were created using stealth technology, which provides a strong dispersion of radar waves, guaranteeing the ship a high degree of stealth. It is not surprising that the degree of secrecy in its design was "on the level": only designers and shipbuilders knew about the appearance of the "Admiral". Nothing leaked to the press until the very launch.

Onboard armament

The frigate "Admiral Gorshkov" (photo of 2014 convincingly proves this) carries an impressive combat complex on board. It includes a whole battery of anti-ship missiles ("Mosquito"), an artillery mount with a caliber of 130 mm (rate of fire 30 rounds per minute), as well as an anti-aircraft missile battery and an anti-submarine missile system. Thus, the Project 22350 frigate "Admiral Gorshkov" is distinguished by impressive security and is able to stand up for itself in any conditions.

Ship anti-submarine protection

Anti-submarine weapons consist of two Medvedka-2 launch systems at once. They are located in the middle of the ship. Each launcher is loaded with four active guided missiles. The ZARYA-M sonar system is responsible for detecting enemy submarines. Subsequently, it is planned to replace this type of station with its improved analogue, VIGNETKA-M.

These devices include a flexible antenna (GPBA) and an emitter, which can provide effective detection of the latest generation of low-noise submarines. Among other things, the same systems make it possible to effectively detect enemy torpedoes and surface ships at a distance of up to 60 km. Thus, knocking out the Admiral Gorshkov frigate with a conventional torpedo attack is almost impossible.

Defense against combat aircraft

The real highlight of the ship is the installation 3S14U1 (UKSK). Rocket, of course. This complex is unique in its “omnivorousness”: it is possible to replace the ammunition at any time, as a result of which the specification of the ship will also change. In addition, it is worth dwelling on the characteristics of the anti-aircraft installation, Rif-M. Let's tell you that in the press it is often called "Polyment-Redut".

So. The Rif does not differ in any impressive combat characteristics, but it is completely unified with the land-based Vityaz. Of course, this plays into the hands of both sailors and their land "colleagues", since ammunition can be replenished almost anywhere where there are air defense units. In order not to leave a single chance for flying enemies, the ship also has a new type of radar, which is distinguished by increased performance in the field of early detection of aircraft.

Four phased arrays (AFAR) "Polyment" are responsible for this at once. Experts believe that in the future ships of this type will be equipped with unified fire control systems, as well as A-192 and ZAK Broadsword installations. By the way, the latter have already been installed on the Admiral Gorshkov frigate (the photo of which is in the article). Their task is to cover the regular airborne helicopter Ka-28 during its takeoff and landing. All available combat elements work in a single circuit, providing the frigate with reliable protection from enemy combat aircraft and helicopters.

The protective contour of the ship can capture and lead 16 flying objects at once in one "approach". The firing during their interception is up to one missile per second. Even if someone manages to break through, the frigate 22350 "Admiral Gorshkov" will almost certainly shoot him down with artillery systems. The combination of a 130 mm automatic cannon and an automatic guidance system is a terrible thing. Do not forget about the powerful airborne electronic warfare, which is capable of almost completely suppressing the computer guidance system of enemy missiles. All this not only significantly increases the degree of protection of the Admiral, but also makes it possible to drastically reduce the load on the crew in a combat situation.

And more about anti-aircraft weapons

Not so long ago it became known that the development of a new small-sized system designed to protect warships with a displacement of 1,000 to 4,500 thousand tons is in full swing at the Altair MNIIRE. The new anti-aircraft gun will be built on the basis of the well-proven Rif-M air defense system. It is assumed that she will use 9M96E missiles, which are distinguished by active homing, as well as an inertial target acquisition system. The combination of these systems will make it possible to create a truly formidable weapon capable of intercepting highly maneuverable aircraft with a high probability of hitting them.

This is what distinguishes the frigate Admiral Gorshkov from its competitors. A photo of the ship is able to immediately prove to experts that it is able to easily cope with the majority of a potential enemy.

Power point

In general, there is nothing surprising in it: a diesel gas turbine plant, whose power is about 65,000 hp. It belongs to the CODAG type, the diesel engine itself belongs to the DGTA-M55MR family (all in one housing). Such a design solution made it possible to combine both high maximum power and the best efficiency when moving at low speed (sea trials of the Admiral Gorshkov frigate clearly proved this).

It is located in the bow compartment, while the diesel engine is traditionally located at the stern.

Detailed characteristics of the diesel plant

The manufacturer of the well-established 10D49 diesel engines is the Kolomna Plant. The power of each is 3825 kW (5200 hp), they are fully automated. Each has a two-speed reduction gear, which is responsible for the separate or combined operation of two engines. Finally, there is the local control system. The gas turbine units themselves, GTE M90FR, were developed by two famous enterprises at once - NPO Saturn and NPP Zarya-Mashproekt.

Without these companies, the Admiral Gorshkov frigate itself would not have been possible. The year 2014 proved that the leadership of the fleet is very grateful to them, since both enterprises received generous state orders. It is to be hoped that this favorable trend will continue in the future.

Only on diesel engines alone, the ship's power plant will immediately produce 10,400 hp, which is quite enough to accelerate to 10-13 knots. If diesels and turbines work at the same time, the power rises immediately to 64,800 hp, so that a colossus with a displacement of four thousand tons accelerates to 30 knots. Why do we list everything in such detail? Why do you think such a design of ship power plants was not used in the ships of the Soviet fleet? It's simple: no one wanted to take on the responsibility of developing such a complex system. A system that had to be not only powerful, but also extremely reliable.

In this area, Russian shipbuilders managed to get around their Soviet counterparts, which is good, since the Admiral Gorshkov ship is a real "first-born" of post-Soviet shipbuilders. In this it is similar to the T-50 fighter. This aircraft was also developed from scratch by Russian developers.

Some results

Generally speaking, the Admiral of the Fleet Gorshkov is a frigate, which in many ways is a fairly typical representative of the Soviet-Russian shipbuilding school. However, for the first time in the history of our fleet, missile weapons are placed in mines on a surface ship. By the way, our American "colleagues" have long come to the need for precisely this type of deployment of this type of weapons, since in this case it is possible to eliminate the "zoo" of installations for launching, which is so characteristic of the Soviet fleet. This will make it possible to significantly reduce the cost of operating ships, since much fewer specialists will need to be trained.

Alas, until 2010, the Russian Navy did not have any unification in this area at all. Moreover, each (!) missile system had its own specific application. The latter fact practically put an end to the idea of ​​​​creating multifunctional ships. If our shipbuilding industry follows the path blazed by the Admiral Gorshkov ship, then the fleet will finally get a truly versatile, flexible and powerful weapon that can be effectively used along the entire length of the Russian coastline.

Why did the Admiral Gorshkov take so long to put into operation?

The main problem, due to which we constantly had to postpone the deadlines, was a chronic delay in the delivery of individual systems. Yes, the Admiral Gorshkov cruiser was built by a St. Petersburg shipyard, but all the weapons, radar and hydroacoustic systems were provided by completely different contractors! It is on them that the lion's share of responsibility lies for the postponement of the delivery of the frigate. In particular, air defense systems and hydroacoustics systems caused a lot of problems. In addition, the delivery of components for the new artillery system was disrupted a couple of times, without which the frigate pr. 22350 "Admiral Gorshkov" would not have been much superior to ships of a similar class.

How does the domestic Admiralty solve the problem of the shortage of ships?

In principle, there is the only correct solution here, which is actively used today. We are talking about the hasty "reproduction" of ships that could operate in one tactical niche. Since on this moment Project 22350 frigates are not being built fast enough, it was decided to intensify the construction of cheaper ships belonging to the 11356 family (six of them were previously acquired by India). Despite their unification, they will be used in different fleets. Unfortunately, even now it will not be possible to completely do without confusion in the nomenclature. The only consolation is that it will not be as confusing as it was during the Union.

If we evaluate the degree of readiness of the frigates of project 22350, intended for the re-equipment of the Black Sea Fleet, the following should be said. A total of six ships are expected to be launched. The frigate "Admiral Grigorovich" is expected to be commissioned approximately in the second half of 2015. His "brother", "Admiral Essen", will begin to surf the waters of the Black Sea in 2016. The ship "Admiral Makarov" is unlikely to be ready before 2017.

Even if we take into account the sharply increased state allocations to the shipbuilding industry and loading branch enterprises in the Crimea, the re-equipment of the fleet runs the risk of being greatly delayed. Thus, the frigate "Admiral Gorshkov", whose tests showed impressive results, is in many ways the only worthy alternative. One can only hope that the domestic industry will keep up with the pace taken.


Be that as it may, the construction of the frigate "Admiral Gorshkov" clearly proves the sharp activation of our shipbuilding industry. Never since the early 1990s has the fleet received so many new ships. That's just because frequent breakdowns The Navy receives more and more supplies of the same type of frigates, which can often be used in only one tactical niche. As you can imagine, this state of affairs is not very good for the overall defense capability of the country.

To some extent, the military themselves are to blame for this, who are far from always ready to provide manufacturers with a clear and detailed technical specification. In addition, even when the construction of the Admiral Gorshkov frigate was underway, adjustments were often made to its appearance, which cannot be in other countries. There are also problems with the newly developed projects of new classes of ships, for which adequate weapons simply have not yet been created. Fine-tuning them "on the fly" leads not only to a catastrophic increase in the cost of construction, but also to stretching the deadlines for delivery to exorbitant values.

Projects are also transferred from plant to plant, bypassing a huge number of bureaucratic obstacles. Setting up equipment, programs and fitting projects to the specifics of each shipbuilding enterprise is carried out almost manually. The situation is especially deplorable in the Pacific Fleet, where there are either no ship repair enterprises left at all, or they exist, but are equipped with morally and technically outdated equipment that is simply not suitable for modern frigates. The combination of all these problems over time can lead to very unpleasant consequences.

In principle, there is more good news. Thus, the sanctions of the West will not have any effect on the re-equipment of the fleet, since the construction of ships is carried out using exclusively domestic technologies. Of course, some imports technological solutions could solve many problems, but such an option is practically unrealistic in the light of the current foreign policy realities. Whatever it was, but the cruiser "Admiral Gorshkov" is the real pride of our shipbuilding.

Done! A few days ago, the new Russian ship Admiral Gorshkov set off on her first long voyage. It can be said without exaggeration that this multi-purpose frigate has been one of the most desirable ships for the Russian Navy for several years. Let's see why the Admiral Gorshkov is one of the most advanced warships in the world, and what role it plays for our country.

The Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Gorshkov is the lead ship of the 22350 multipurpose frigate project. The ship was built in St. Petersburg in 2010 and is the fourth generation of Russian missile launchers. For a long time, little was known about the ship. For eight years, the Admiral Gorshkov made several training flights in the Baltic and the North Sea, and on February 26 set off on its first long-distance voyage. The ship was officially adopted by the Russian Navy on July 28, 2018.

The main difference between the frigate and other warships is its multitasking. "Admiral Gorshkov" can withstand both surface and underwater enemy ships, as well as repel air and missile attacks. In addition, the ship is capable of hitting ground targets on the coast, carrying out convoys and landing troops. Russia for a long time needed just such a ship with a similar wide range of tasks. In addition, the Admiral Gorshkov became the first Russian warship whose documentation was completely paperless using the FORAN computer system.

As for the technical component and armament, then "Admiral Gorshkov" stepped far ahead. Innovative developments in the hull significantly improved the seaworthiness of the ship. Now the combat operation of weapons systems is ensured during a storm of 4 - 5 points. Also, when building the ship, the latest composite materials were used, which, together with Stealth technology, make the Admiral Gorshkov practically invisible to enemy radars.

The Caliber-NK missile system is used as the main armament of the ship. Also, the Admiral Gorshkov has sixteen universal launchers that are suitable for placing Onyx supersonic missiles. According to the website, the frigate also became the first ship in the Russian Navy on which the A-192M artillery system of 130 mm caliber was installed. But the most "advanced" weapons "Gorshkov" was the latest naval air defense "Polyment-Redut". Roughly speaking, this is an anti-aircraft missile system using advanced radar to detect targets. The installation can simultaneously hit up to sixteen targets at a distance of up to four hundred kilometers. It is currently one of the most advanced air defense systems in the world.

In general, it can be said that the frigate is several steps ahead of the ships in the fleet in terms of armament, which is both good and bad. It's good that Russia can create perfect warships, but it's bad that the construction and implementation of such projects takes so much time. Whatever one may say, one is not a warrior in the field. "Admiral Gorshkov" needs a few more "sisterships" to finally plug the "holes" in the Russian segment of the multi-purpose fleet.
Patrol ship (TFR) of the far sea zone / frigate. The project was developed by the Northern Design Bureau and approved by the command of the Russian Navy in June 2003 (date of approval of the draft design). The tender for the construction of a series of TFRs was announced by the Navy on February 28, 2005. The shipbuilding enterprises Severnaya Verf, Baltic Plant Yantar and PO Sevmash took part in the tender. Baltiysky Zavod also submitted an application for participation in the competition, but on April 11, 2005, the ICT group, which owns Baltiysky Zavod, and the United Industrial Company, which controls Severnaya Verf, signed an Agreement "On the Joint Implementation of Projects in in the field of military shipbuilding, according to which all defense orders were concentrated at Severnaya Verf. Initially, it was planned to build a series of 20 ships over 15-20 years, but by the end of 2010, the media called a figure of 10-12 ships, project 22350. On March 17, 2011, Severnaya Verf and the Russian Ministry of Defense signed a contract for the construction of 4 ships of the project (in addition to the two already under construction) as part of the State Program for the Procurement of Arms until 2020. In addition, Shipyard "Severnaya Verf" is recognized as the sole supplier of TFR pr.22350 for the Russian Navy.

The contract for the construction of the lead ship of the project was signed with Shipyard Severnaya Verf on October 21, 2005. The ship Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Gorshkov (serial number 921) was laid down at Severnaya Verf on February 1, 2006, launched on October 29, 2010 The ship was planned to be handed over to the Russian Navy back in 2011 (plans began in 2010), but already in 2011, November 2012 is called as the probable date for handing over the ship to the Navy. Later, plans changed several times. According to September media statements, the lead ship of the project "Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Gorshkov" is expected to enter sea trials by the end of November 2012, which seems doubtful, based on the actual state of the ship. Also, this media report was refuted by a USC representative at the beginning of November 2012 that mooring trials will begin on the ship in November 2012, and the first going to sea is planned for 2013. Later, on November 19, 2012, the general director Shipyard "Northern shipyard" Alexander Ushakov told the media that "this year we intend to complete the tightening of cable routes, in March 2013 the crew is scheduled to move in and mooring trials begin in order to enter the factory sea trials in the fourth quarter of 2013." As a result, in the summer of 2013, mooring trials began, and in 2014, sea trials of the head frigate. Acceptance of the ship by the Fleet was expected in 2014, later - in December 2015, later - in December 2016. And as a result, as of the beginning of 2017, it is expected before the end of 2017. The main reasons for the delays are the unavailability of weapons systems (in particular SAM "Redoubt").

The transfer of the head frigate to the Fleet as of March 2017 is expected in 2018.

The first production ship of the project "Admiral of the Fleet Kasatonov" was laid down there on November 26, 2009, the launch of the ship is planned for 2012.

Frigate "Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Gorshkov" pr.22350 during trials in the Northern Fleet, autumn 2015 ().

Frigate "Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Gorshkov" project 22350, factory sea trials, November 22, 2014 (photo from the Curious archive,

Frigate "Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Gorshkov" project 22350, 09/30/2013 (photo from the Curious archive,

Frigate "Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Gorshkov" project 22350, 07/25/2013 (photo from the Curious archive,

Drawing of the TFR "Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Gorshkov" project 22350 (

Design: a ship of long bow architecture, with a solid superstructure. The superstructure is made using composite structural materials based on polyvinyl chloride and carbon fibers, due to which the level of the secondary radar field of the ship is reduced. Physical fields of the ship are minimized. Thanks to the original architecture of the superstructure and the use of composite structural materials (stealth), the effective dispersion surface of the ship is reduced, which in turn makes it possible to reduce its radar and optical visibility.

Aft end - transom. The shape of the hull contours and the sharp stem should provide the ships of the project with good seaworthiness. The double bottom extends over most of the hull (from the bow compartments with ammunition up to the engine room and aft inspection). The ship is supposed to install new stabilizers with non-retractable rudders, which will reduce the volume occupied by the control mechanisms of the stabilizers. The seaworthiness of the ship should ensure the use of armament and equipment without restrictions with a working stabilizer in sea waves up to 4-5 points. All ammunition of guided missiles is supposed to be stored in vertical launchers with constructive protection.

Propulsion system: CODAG diesel gas turbine unit, 2 x DGTA-M55R diesel gas turbine units, including:

2 x gas turbine units (GTE) of the 4th generation M90FR / DA91 with a capacity of 27200 hp each / 27500 hp, located in the forward engine room; installations jointly developed by NPO "Saturn" (Rybinsk) and NPP "Zorya-Mashproekt" (Ukraine, ).

2 x diesel engines 10D49 with a capacity of 5200 hp each with two-speed reduction gears, located in the aft engine room;
Crankshaft speed - 1000 rpm

Reducer RO55R - provides separate operation of diesel and turbine. Control system "Metel-55".

The development of a diesel-gas turbine unit began in 1993. Interdepartmental tests of the gas turbine engine M90FR were carried out in 2006 and interdepartmental tests of the M55R unit were carried out in 2008. As of the beginning of 2013, the joint venture ZAL "Turborus" solved the problem of localizing the production of units in Russia ( ).

Energy- 4 x ADG-1000NK diesel generators manufactured by the Ural Diesel Engine Plant (UDMZ).

TTX of the ship:


project 22350
Project 22356
RCC 2 x 8 x Universal Shipborne Firing System (UKSK) 3K14 "Caliber" - vertical launcher 3S14U1, missiles of the "Caliber-NK" complex (3M54T, 3M54T1, 3M14T, 91RT2) with a range of more than 300 km, anti-ship missiles
SAM 2 x vertical launchers for 14 missiles of the complex, ammunition load - from 28 to 112 missiles of the 9M96 class or similar. The control system of the complex with the Poliment radar with 4 PAR is capable of simultaneously providing target designation to 16 targets (4 per PAR).
Rate of fire - 1 SAM / sec
SAM "Rif-M" (ammunition 32 missiles) or SAM "Shtil-1" (ammunition 36 missiles)
MANPADS 2 x "Igla-M"
Artillery 1 x 130 mm artillery mount with SU 5P-10 "Puma" with a new model of the antenna post.

In the summer of 2012, the development of the A-192M mount was stopped, and the development of the Kartaun ROC artillery mount began.

In October 2012, information appeared about the cessation in the summer of 2012 of the development of an artillery mount. Later, in mid-November 2012, it became known that the development of a 130 mm caliber artillery mount for the Cartown R&D project had begun. As of the end of March 2013, the second ship of the project (serial number 922) is being prepared for the installation of shaft lines and propellers, and, possibly, will be launched in the summer.

Auxiliary armament 2 x 14.5 mm machine guns on MTPU mounts
ZRAK / AK 2 combat modules 3R89 ZRAK "" with 2 x 2 x 4 launchers ZUR 9M340
torpedo tubes 2 x 6 x launchers SM-588 complex
Jamming 2 x PU KT-308-05
8 x PU KT-216 / complex
Helicopter landing area and hangar for Ka-27 helicopter likewise

Model of the 3S14E vertical launch facility at one of the IMDS showrooms in St. Petersburg (

Installation of vertical launch 3С14 on tests (

Drawing of the 3S14E vertical launcher at one of the IMDS salons in St. Petersburg, reconstruction from photographs (c) 2012 http: // site

130-mm artillery mount A-192M on the frigate "Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Gorshkov" project 22350, tests in the Northern Fleet, autumn 2015 (video frame from tests,).

SAM "Broadsword" on the frigate "Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Gorshkov" pr.

ZRAK "Broadsword" on the frigate "Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Gorshkov" project 22350, July 25, 2013 (photo from the Curious archive,

ZRAK "Broadsword" on the frigate "Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Gorshkov" project 22350, tests in the Northern Fleet, autumn 2015 (video frame from tests,).

project 22350
Project 22356
BIUS Sigma-22350
Radar for detection of air and surface targets and control of air defense systems
5P20K () "Polyment", 2 HEADLIGHTS / 4 antenna arrays - radar installed on the lead frigate in the fall of 2012, but closed with wooden covers
Radar for detecting air and surface targets 5P27 "Furke" (manufactured by NPO "Pravdinsky Radio Plant")
RCC target designation radar 34K1 "Monolith" / BAND STAND ??
Navigation radars 3-4 pcs
Radar fire control system of an artillery mount Serial version of the 5P-10 "Puma" system with a laser range finder (on the right in the figure - see below) developed and manufactured by the Polyus Research Institute. On the left in fig. (see below) - TV system. A prototype for the A-192M artillery system was installed on the lead ship (serial number 921). ().
Radar stern artillery installations
Other means of observation Optoelectronic system
Multifunctional television complex MTK-201M
Navigation inertial system
GAK "Zarya-3", according to unconfirmed reports, the Zvezda SJSC was installed on the head TFR factory No. 921
Towed GAS "Vignette-M" "Vignette-EM"
Electronic countermeasures electronic warfare complex "Prosvet-M" (2 x PU KT-308
8 x PU KT-216)
complex REP TK-25E and fired interference KT-308-05
Laser detection station
Communication complex Satellite communication complex "Tsentavr-NM" (on the aft superstructure)
General operational management system

Radar detection and target designation 5P27 "Furke" (

Announced post of the 5P27 "Furke" radar on the frigate "Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Gorshkov" pr.22350, tests in the Northern Fleet, autumn 2015 (video frame from tests,).

Antenna posts of the 5P-10 "Puma" artillery control system and the 5P27 "Furke" radar on the frigate "Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Gorshkov" project 22350, November 14, 2012 (photo from the Curious archive, .

Antenna posts of the 5P-10 "Puma" artillery control system, 5P27 "Furke" radar and radar antennas with 5P20K headlights under wooden covers on the frigate "Admiral Gorshkov" project 22350, July 25, 2013 (photo from the Curious archive, http ://

Antenna posts on the frigate "Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Gorshkov" project 22350, 09/30/2013 (photo from the Curious archive,

Antenna mails on the frigate "Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Gorshkov" project 22350, as of the second half of March 2013 (photo from the sevstud1986 archive,

Radio equipment on the frigate "Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Gorshkov" project 22350, tests in the Northern Fleet, autumn 2015 (video frame from tests,).

Antenna post of the SLA of artillery 5P-10 "Puma" for the frigate "Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Gorshkov" project 22350, November 14, 2012 (from the Vova-r archive,

Combat posts on the frigate "Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Gorshkov" project 22350, tests in the Northern Fleet, autumn 2015 (video footage from tests,).

project 22350- the basic model of the TFR / frigate for the Russian Navy.

Project 22356- frigate, export version, as of the end of 2011, not implemented. 07/04/2013, the press service of Severnaya Verf announces the readiness of production facilities for the construction of an export version of the frigate pr.22356 ().

Project 22350M- a significantly modernized version of the frigate - changes in electronic equipment, new weapons systems (sea version of the S-500 air defense system, etc.).

Presumably a sketch of the frigate prp.22350M - it was previously believed that this is an image of one of the layout options for a promising destroyer for the Russian Navy - the research work "Leader". Frame of the video from the website of the Morinformsystem-Agat concern,

Price one ship of the project, according to media reports, is about 18 billion rubles. ( east - CAST).

Status: Russia

TFR "Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Gorshkov" project 22350 after launching, October 2010 (photo by M. Lieberman,

At the outfitting wall of the shipyard "Severnaya Verf", St. Petersburg. From left to right: SKR "Boykiy" pr. Helicopter photo, April 25, 2011 (

- 2011 May 26 - on slipway No. 4 of the Shipyard "Severnaya Verf" an informal in-plant laying of the ship pr.

2011 autumn - the first A-192 installation was manufactured by the Arsenal software and is being tested at the training ground before being installed on the head TFR pr.22350 "Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Gorshkov".

Head TFR project 22350 "Admiral Gorshkov", Severnaya Verf, St. Petersburg, 10/17/2011 (photo from the inquisitive808 archive,

Head TFR project 22350 "Admiral Gorshkov", Severnaya Verf, St. Petersburg, 01/25/2012 (photo from sevstud1986 archive,

On the left, factory No. 1004 - TFR "Stoykiy" (stock No. 1). In the center - slipway No. 2 - factory No. 1005 of the TFR "Thundering". On the right - slipway No. 3 - TFR "Admiral Kasatonov" project 22350. Shipyard "Severnaya Verf", St. Petersburg. February 01, 2012 (

Stapel No. 3 - factory No. 922 of the TFR "Admiral Kasatonov" project 22350. Shipyard "Severnaya Verf", St. Petersburg. February 01, 2012 (

Stapel No. 4 - factory No. 923 TFR "Admiral Golovko" project 22350, bookmark. Shipyard "Severnaya Verf", St. Petersburg. February 01, 2012 (

- 2012 February 07 - the Kommersant newspaper, citing sources in the Russian Ministry of Defense, reports that the amended weapons development program until 2020, the number of TFR pr.22350 - 8 units.

April 2, 2012 - the press service of Severnaya Verf announced plans to complete the first TFR pr. in November 2012). The first serial ship pr.22350 will be handed over to the Navy in November 2014.

Frigate "Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Gorshkov" project 22350, May 2012 (photo from the Curious archive,

Frigate pr.22350 "Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Gorshkov" in completion at the "Northern Shipyard", St. Petersburg, May 30, 2012 (photo - A. Akentiev,

Frigate "Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Gorshkov" project 22350, September 2012 (photo from the Curious archive,

- 2012 November 14 - according to a published photograph of the frigate "Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Gorshkov" being completed near the wall of the "Northern Shipyard" in St. Petersburg, antenna posts of the Frigate-type radar and the Puma artillery fire control system were installed on the ship. A radar with phased array has not yet been installed, a radar of the "Monolith" type has not been installed, and there is also no main caliber artillery mount and, probably, a number of avionics and weapons systems.

Frigate "Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Gorshkov" project 22350, November 14, 2012 (photo from the Curious archive,

Frigate "Admiral of the Fleet Kasatonov" under construction at Severnaya Verf, November 14, 2012 (

Frigate "Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Gorshkov" pr.22350, as of the second half of November 2012 (photo from sevstud1986 archive,

Frigate "Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Gorshkov" pr.22350, as of the second half of March 2013 (photo from sevstud1986 archive,

- 2013 April 25 - the media reported with reference to the senior builder of the head order No. 921 Kirill Madzyuta that the ship is expected to enter the factory sea trials in 2013. In the waters of the Gulf of Finland, they will test the main power plant, navigation equipment, communication complex. Then, to continue the ZKhI, the frigate will move to Baltiysk, and the tests in the Northern Fleet will be completed.

July 31, 2013 - the press service of Severnaya Verf reports that mooring trials of the head frigate pr.22350 "Admiral Gorshkov" of the Soviet Union Fleet have begun. During the mooring trials, which are carried out at the outfitting wall of the shipyard, the quality of installation, the operation of all mechanisms and equipment, the conditions for their maintenance before entering the factory sea trials will be checked. First of all, the frigate will check the operation of mechanical equipment - diesel generators, compressors, refrigerators, air conditioners, pumps, the main power plant of the ship. Particular attention will be paid to the navigational equipment and communication complex necessary for the ship to go to sea. The start of the first stage of factory sea trials of the frigate is scheduled for mid-autumn 2013 ().

December 24, 2013 - sea trials of the head frigate pr.22350 "Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Gorshkov" will begin in the first half of 2014 after the installation of the main artillery system - A-192 on the ship. A representative of the Arsenal plant told the media that the unit would be delivered to the shipyard in early 2014 ().

Conclusion from the shed of the first serial frigate "Admiral of the Fleet Kasatonov" project 22350, JSC "Severnaya Verf", 10/30/2014 (

- 2014 - at the end of the year, the first stage of sea trials of the head frigate "Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Gorshkov" pr.22350 was completed. According to unofficial information, the ship was delivered to the Severnaya Verf shipyard for repair of the power plant.

Register of TFR / frigates pr.22350:

No. pp project factory no. factory laid down launched into the water entered service note
01 "Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Gorshkov" project 22350 921 Shipyard "Northern shipyard" (St. Petersburg), senior builder D.Yu. Silantiev (as of April 2013 - Kirill Madzyuta)
plan December 2009 (2009)


plan - February 2009 (2006)

plan - 2011 (2009-2010)

plan - November 2012 (2011)

plan - November 2013 (04/02/2012)

plan - December 2014 (summer 2014)

plan - by the end of 2016 (2016)

plan - first half of 2017 (12/24/2016)

plan - the end of July 2017 (25.01.2017)

03/24/2017 it was announced that the deadline for the delivery of the ship was in jeopardy due to problems with bringing the Redut air defense system ()

plan - 2017 (03/29/2017, viro general director of Shipyard "Severnaya Verf")

Baltic Fleet. 02/01/2012, information appeared that the ship, after completion of the tests, would be based in the Northern Fleet
02 "Admiral of the Fleet Kasatonov" project 22350 922 26.11.2009
plan - 2011 (2009)

plan 2012 (2010)

forecast - June-July 2013 (03/24/2013)

10/30/2014 launched into launch dock
launching - December 2014

plan - 2012 (2009)

plan - November 2014 (2010, 04/02/2012)

plan - 2018 (03/29/2017, viro general director of Shipyard "Severnaya Verf")

Black Sea Fleet. In December 2014, information appeared that the ship was planned to be based in the Northern Fleet

2011 - Corps formed.
- 2011 ADG-1000NK diesel generators (4 pcs) were delivered.
- 2013 beginning - after the completion of the tests, it was planned to deliver the DGTA M55R ().

03 "Admiral Golovko" project 22350 923 Shipyard "Severnaya Verf" (St. Petersburg), senior builder - A.V. Nikotin ()
plan 2011 (2010)

05/26/2011 (beginning of metal cutting)

plan November 26, 2011 (June 19, 2011)


plan 2013 (19.06.2011)

plan - end of 2015 (2014)

plan - 2016 (20.02.2015)

plan - 2017 (24.12.2016)

plan - 2014 (06/19/2011)

plan - 2019 (03/29/2017, viro general director of Shipyard "Severnaya Verf")

Northern Fleet (information from the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy on February 1, 2012)

The construction contract was signed on 03/17/2011.

The laying of the ship is scheduled for 02/01/2012, but work on the ship will begin later (inf. from January 2012).


"Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Isakov"

(as of 2011 there was information about a possible name - "Admiral Yumashev")

project 22350 924 Shipyard "Severnaya Verf" (St. Petersburg) plan - summer 2012 (02/01/2012)

plan - 11/14/2013 (07/30/2013)


- plan until 2018 (2011)

plan until 2025 (2016, )

05 no data project 22350 925 ?
Shipyard "Severnaya Verf" (St. Petersburg) - - plan until 2018 (2011)

plan until 2020 (2013)

plan until 2025 (2016, )

The construction contract was signed on 03/17/2011.
06 no data project 22350 926 ? Shipyard "Severnaya Verf" (St. Petersburg) - - plan until 2018 (2011)

plan until 2020 (2013)

plan until 2025 (2016, )

The construction contract was signed on 03/17/2011.
07 no data project 22350 no data Shipyard "Severnaya Verf" (St. Petersburg) - -
08 no data project 22350 no data Shipyard "Severnaya Verf" (St. Petersburg) - - plan until 2020 (02/07/2012) announced by the Kommersant newspaper on February 7, 2012, doubtful
Italic hypothesized data.

Board numbers:

Getting ready to build nuclear surface ships - Andrey Fomichev. Website, 2012
Ships and ships of the Navy of the USSR and Russia. Site, 2011 Website, 2012
Machine-building plant "Arsenal" eliminates the backlog in the production of naval artillery guns. Website, 2011
An export version of the newest Russian frigate is presented at the Euronaval 2010 exhibition. Website, 2011
Frigate 22350. Website, 2010
Project 22350 frigate "Admiral Gorshkov". Website


Missile weapons

  • 2 x 8 - VPU UKKS (PKR, KR, PLUR);
  • 4 x 8 - VPU SAM "Polyment-Redut";
  • 2 MANPADS "Igla-M".

Artillery armament

  • 1 x 1 - 130-mm gun A-192M "Armat";
  • 2 BM ZRAK "Broadsword";
  • 2 x 1 - 14.5 mm MTPU machine gun mounts.

Torpedo armament

  • 2 x 4 - 330-mm launchers SM-588 of the Paket-NK complex.

Aviation armament

  • 1 helicopter Ka-27PL, hangar and runway.

Built ships

History of creation


The patrol ship of the far sea zone was developed by the Northern Design Bureau (JSC Severnoye PKB), the draft design under the number 22350 was approved by the command of the Russian Navy in June 2003.


Initially, the need was voiced to build a series of 20 ships of project 22350 for 15-20 years, but by the end of 2010 this figure had dropped to 10-12 ships. The tender for the construction of the ship was announced on February 28, 2005. It was attended by the Severnaya Verf Shipyard, the Baltic Shipyard, the Admiralty Shipyards Association and the Yantar Kaliningrad Shipyard.

The first contract for the construction of the Project 22350 frigate was signed by the Ministry of Defense with the winner of the tender, the Severnaya Verf Shipyard on October 21, 2005. Subsequently, two more contracts were signed with the same enterprise: on March 25, 2010 for three ships and on March 17, 2011 for four ships. According to the contracts, deliveries of ships to the fleet will be completed by 2018. At the same time, Shipyard Severnaya Verf was recognized as the sole supplier of Project 22350 ships for the Russian Navy.

Construction and testing

"Admiral Gorshkov" after launching passed bench factory tests. In May 2013, mooring tests were carried out on the ship. October 3, 2014 "Admiral Gorshkov" was put on the demagnetization stand in the pool of the Shipbuilding Plant "Severnaya Verf". On November 8, 2014, the frigate was towed to Kronstadt for factory sea trials. On November 18, 2014, the ship went to sea on its own for the first time to conduct the first stage of factory sea trials. Admiral Gorshkov was adopted by the Russian Navy on July 28, 2018.

Design Description

Project 22350 frigates are designed to conduct combat operations against surface ships and submarines in oceanic and sea areas, as well as to repel air attacks, both independently and as part of a formation of ships.


Project 22350 frigates are ships with an extended forecastle and a solid superstructure made using composite structural materials based on polyvinyl chloride and carbon fibers (composite materials reduce the level of the secondary radar field of the ship by absorbing and scattering radio waves - stealth technology). The physical fields of the frigate are minimized.

Aft end - transom. The shape of the hull lines and the sharp clipper stem should provide the Project 22350 ships with good seaworthiness. The double bottom is located throughout most of the hull (from the bow compartments with ammunition up to the engine room and aft valance).

It is planned to install new stabilizers with non-retractable rudders on the ship, which will reduce the volume occupied by these mechanisms. The seaworthiness of the ship should ensure the use of armament and equipment without restrictions with a working stabilizer in sea waves up to 4-5 points.

Power plant and driving performance

The ship uses a diesel-gas turbine unit of the CODAG type, consisting of two diesel-gas turbine units DGTA-M55R, including:

  • two gas turbine engines of the 4th generation M90FR / DA91 with a power of 27200 hp each / 27500 hp full speed, which are located in the forward engine room, jointly developed by NPO "Saturn" (Rybinsk, Russia) and NPP "Zorya-Mashproekt" (Nikolaev, Ukraine).
  • two diesel engines 10D49 of economic progress with a capacity of 5200 hp each manufactured by OAO Kolomensky Zavod (Kolomna, Russia) with two-speed reduction gears located in the aft engine room;
  • reducer RO55R, which provides separate operation of diesel engines and turbines, manufactured by SE NPKG "Zorya" - "Mashproekt" (Nikolaev, Ukraine);
  • automatic control system "Metel-55", developed by OJSC "Concern" NPO "Avrora" (St. Petersburg, Russia).

The fuel reserves on the ship provide her with a cruising range of 4,000 miles at an economical speed of 14 knots.

Auxiliary equipment

The ship is equipped with four ADG-1000NK diesel generators manufactured by the Ural Diesel Engine Plant (UDMZ).

Crew and Habitability


Missile weapons

The main strike armament of the Project 22350 ship is the Kalibr missile system with a universal 16-container vertical launcher (UVPU) 3S-14 with the ability to deploy sea-based cruise missiles, anti-ship missiles and anti-submarine guided missiles. All ammunition of guided missiles is supposed to be stored in vertical launchers with constructive protection.

The far zone of the ship's air defense is provided by the Poliment-Redut air defense system, the near one - by the broadsword anti-aircraft missile and artillery system. The Poliment-Redut air defense system has one 32-round vertical launcher (32 ZUR 48N6E2, or 128 9M96E, or 512 RVV-AE-ZRK in any combination). SAM "Broadsword" is represented by two combat modules (2x4 PU SAMs with an ammunition load of 32 missiles and 2x6 30-mm automatic guns).

Artillery armament

The ship's artillery is represented by one A-192M "Armat" automatic artillery mount.

Torpedo armament

Aviation armament

The ship has a hangar and a runway for permanent deployment of a Ka-27 carrier-based helicopter.

Means of communication, detection and control

The electronic armament of the ship is represented by means of detecting air, underwater and surface targets, issuing target designation to shipborne weapons, as well as electronic suppression and combat, the operation of which is integrated using the Sigma-22350 CICS.

To detect air and surface targets, as well as to control the fire of the air defense system, a radar with a phased array 5P20K "Polyment" is used. The radar operates in the X-band, is capable of detecting and tracking more than 200 targets at a distance of up to 200 km and simultaneously providing shelling of 16 of them. The antenna post of the station "Polyment" is represented by a 4-sided AFAR.

The 5P27 Furke radar (manufactured by NPO Pravdinsky Radio Plant) is used as a general detection station for air and surface targets.

For target designation of anti-ship missiles, the 34K1 "Monolith" radar is used.

For target designation and fire control of the A-192 AU, the 5P-10 "Puma" system (developed and manufactured by the Polyus Research Institute) with a laser rangefinder and a TV channel is used.

To monitor the surface and air situation in the interests of ship defense, ensure navigational security and control the takeoff and landing of shipborne helicopters, the MTK-201M multifunctional optoelectronic television system with a small-sized gyro-stabilized camera installation of the MTK-201M-S7 sector view (development and production of the Ural optical-mechanical plant UOMZ).

To illuminate the underwater situation and issue target designation to anti-submarine weapons, the Zarya-3 SJSC is used (according to unconfirmed reports, the Zvezda SJSC is installed on the head TFR plant No. 921) and the Vignetka-M GAS towed.

The tasks of electronic warfare and countering enemy electronic means are solved using the Prosvet-M electronic warfare complex (2 launchers KT-308 and 8 launchers KT-216).

The ship's communication facilities are supplemented by the Centaurus-NM satellite communications complex, the antenna posts of which are located on the aft superstructure.

Built ships

The lead frigate of Project 22350 was laid down on February 1, 2006. By order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy, the ship was given the name "Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Gorshkov." D. Yu. Silantiev became the main builder of the ship. This is the first large surface ship laid down at Russian shipyards since 1991. The frigate was launched on October 29, 2010, entered factory tests in November 2014, and is expected to enter service in 2015.

In November 2009, the first serial frigate of Project 22350, the Admiral of the Fleet Kasatonov, was laid down, the second serial ship, the Admiral Golovko, was laid down on February 1, 2012. The laying of the third serial frigate - "Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Isakov" - was made on November 14, 2013 on the day of the 101st anniversary of the founding of "Severnaya Verf".

Name Head No. Construction plant Bookmark Launching Raising the flag Note
Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Gorshkov 921 "Northern Shipyard" February 1, 2006 October 29, 2010 Lead ship of the series
Fleet Admiral Kasatonov 922 "Northern Shipyard" November 26, 2009 December 12, 2014 First serial ship
Admiral Golovko 923 "Northern Shipyard" February 1, 2012 Second serial
Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Isakov 924 "Northern Shipyard" November 14, 2013 Third serial

The fate of the ships

The first commander of the ship - ?.

  • On November 18, 2014, the Project 22350 frigate Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Gorshkov left Kronstadt for the first time for the Gulf of Finland. for carrying out factory sea trials in the sea ranges of the Leningrad naval base of the Baltic Fleet.

During the first stage of the ZHI, the performance of the ship, the operation of the main power plant, ship systems and devices will be checked. In particular, the operation of the power plant, steering gear, auxiliary mechanisms, means of communication, detection and navigation, anchor device. Speed, maneuverability and vibration tests of the ship will also be carried out. In addition to the crew, more than 200 specialists from various divisions of the manufacturer, specialists from industry, as well as contractors are on board the frigate.


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