Prayer from prison to Saint Nicholas. A strong prayer so that your loved one is not put in jail. Prayer to the Great Martyr Anastasia the Destroyer

leaking 28.10.2020

Our life is sometimes like a roller coaster. We are sometimes understood up to the top, reaching the peak of our career ladder, then we fall sharply to the bottom right up to prison term. And practically no one can be insured against this. But with the help of prayer we can find a way out of this situation and thus avoid prison.

A conspiracy from prison is a miraculous way to escape from imprisonment. Every mother who loves her son or daughter wishes only the best for her child. Unfortunately, keeping track of your unlucky child is not always possible.

There are quite often cases when, in the name of saving our relatives and friends from trouble, we break the law. An example would be when you save a friend from bullies and inflict bodily harm on them. On the one hand, your saved friend, and on the other hand, the hooligans whom you beat or, God forbid, killed.

Another example is the following case. You are the driver of a car in which, in addition to you, there are several other passengers. Suddenly, a traffic accident occurs and your passengers get various injuries. Maybe you are not to blame for what happened, passengers can get quite serious injuries, even fatal ones. This means one thing - you are guilty and must be punished for the incident.

From all of the above, you can do - no one is safe from the court and from prison.

  1. On the Day of Judgment, do not take anything of value from your home, do not give alms to the poor. Don't lend money to anyone. This rule applies to both the perpetrator and the suspect in a court case.
  2. Do not look in mirrors after twelve o'clock in the afternoon. This rule applies to all surfaces that have mirror surfaces.
  3. If you bring food or other foreign things into your home, be sure to cross them three times.
  4. On Judgment Day at dawn, you need to drink spring or holy water, to which sugar or honey was previously added. Take exactly seven sips. The number of spoonfuls of sweets in your glass should be a multiple of seven.
  5. Fasting must be observed throughout the Day of Judgment. Do not eat fatty, sweet, and flour products.
  6. If you suddenly become ill during the trial, wash your face with holy water and say the following words:

    "From the water of strength to an equal fate."

    If you do not make such a manipulation, you may be given an overly harsh sentence.

  7. If you did not perform all of the above rituals alone, their performer should be in the trial next to you.
  8. Be sure to wear white clothes to the trial. This color signifies purity and innocence. And, therefore, will help mitigate the severe punishment.

In no case should a widow or widower perform a rite of release from punishment. They can harm the person who is threatened imprisonment.

If you yourself are conducting a ritual so that your unlucky son is not sent to prison, follow one simple rule. When reading a saving prayer, be sure to take off your shoes, stockings and socks. You must perform the ritual barefoot.

How to create a reliable shield from imprisonment

This ritual is especially good for those people who face 100% imprisonment. You need to take a chicken egg, pre-boiled hard boiled. It needs to be wrapped with a new handkerchief. And just before the ceremony, this handkerchief should be held by the person for whom the ritual is performed. Thus, he absorbs the energy of this person.

At night, on a full moon, you need to proceed to the bridge. You need to try not to be seen along the way. The bundle with the egg must be buried directly under the bridge. Do this so that the water does not reach your seat. And bring the earth that was taken out of the hole to the defendant's house. Lay the earth so that when leaving the house it will not be stepped on. Say the following magical prayer:

“As long as that bridge is standing, I will not be in prison. Holy thresholds, holy bridges, holy martyrs. Amen".

In the morning, the earth must be collected in the palm of your hand and taken to the nearest intersection. There they pour it out and say a prayer:

“Spread, people, my misfortune around the world. Let him not come back to me, And you will not get it.

So that you are not put in jail, and the court hearing is successful, you need to use the following magic spell. It is read in a quiet and peaceful place. Close the shutters or curtains on the windows, light a church candle, and say this:

“A bird in the sky soars freely and knows no limits to its flight. Fish swim freely in the water and the whole ocean is not the limit for it. So let you (name) be free from walls and bars, from rumors and from a government house. Let your path know no boundaries, and let you yourself be free to choose where you go. Let only God be your judge, and not a man whose thoughts are not pure. Amen".

The spell must be read at least fifteen times in a row, without interruption and without being distracted by extraneous conversations. The number of repetitions must be odd.

Mother's prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker

It is very important for every mother that her children are healthy and happy. And if trouble comes to the house, it is a great grief for the mother.

This prayer is one of the most important magic spells for all Christians. Nicholas the Wonderworker is prayed in the following cases:

  • if you need to get rid of a serious illness;
  • if you want to make your personal life happier and more successful;
  • if you want to climb the career ladder;
  • if you will soon have to participate in a serious lawsuit;
  • if you need help in a difficult life situation;
  • if you want to find your soul mate;
  • if a woman is infertile and wants to become pregnant.

There are many examples where prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker is applied. It is used in almost all spheres of human life. Many believers idolize Nicholas because he works real miracles. They consider this prayer truly magical. It is prayer to Nicholas that can change our lives for the better.

In ancient times, he patronized sailors, merchants and children. He was also a reliable patron of illegally convicted, seriously ill, undeservedly humiliated and insulted people. He protects from ridiculous deaths and pacifies warring people. Every believer can pray to him and ask him for miraculous salvation.

Prayer to Nikolai Ugodnik has an important role for our children. For any loving mother, she is a real salvation. By regularly applying such a prayer, a mother will be able to protect her son or daughter from any trouble.

In order to change the plight of her son and save him from severe punishment, the mother needs to read this particular prayer:

“Oh, all-holy Nicholas, the servant of the Lord, our warm intercessor and quick helper everywhere in sorrow! Help me, a sinner and despondent in this life, beg the Lord God to grant me the remission of all my sins, who have sinned from my youth, in all my life, deed, word, thought and all my feelings; and at the end of my soul, help me, the damned one, implore the Lord God, the Sodetel of all creatures, to deliver air ordeals and eternal torment; May I always glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and your merciful intercession, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen".

If your son is facing a very difficult trial and is about to be punished too harshly, say the following:

“O great intercessor, the bishop of God, blessed Nicholas, even the sun shining miracles, calling on thee a quick hearer, you always anticipate and save, and deliver, and take away all kinds of troubles, from God given you miracles and gifts of grace! Hear the unworthy, with faith invoking and prayer bringing you singing; I offer you an intercessor for prayer to Christ. O notorious in miracles, high saint! as if you have boldness, soon the Lord will appear, and reverence your hands in prayer to Him, stretch out for me a sinner, and from Him give bounty of goodness, and accept it as your intercession, and deliver me from all troubles and evils, freeing me from the invasion of enemies visible and invisible, and destroying all those slander and malice, and reflecting those who fight me in my whole life; ask for forgiveness by my sin, and present me to Christ and save the Kingdom of Heaven, and make me better for the multitude of that philanthropy, he deserves all glory, honor and worship, with his Father without beginning, and with the Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever. .

This prayer protects a person very well from various troubles.

“O all-good Father Nicholas, the shepherd and teacher of all who by faith flow to your intercession and call you with warm prayer, soon rush and deliver Christ’s flock from the wolves that destroy it, and protect every Christian country and save with your holy prayers from worldly rebellion, a coward, invasions of foreigners and internecine strife, from famine, flood, fire, sword and vain death. And as if you had mercy on the husbands sitting in the dungeon, and you delivered them from the king’s wrath and the cutting of the sword, so have mercy on me, mind, word and deed in the darkness of sins being, and deliver me the wrath of God and eternal punishment, as if by your intercession and help, by His own mercy and grace, Christ God will give us a quiet and sinless life to live in this age and save me from standing, and vouchsafe the right hand with all the saints. Amen".

A conspiracy from prison can gain tremendous power only if a person really believes in it. And he believes not just out of hopelessness or a difficult situation, but with all his heart and all his heart.

Such magic spells help us restore justice, justify an innocent person and mitigate the punishment of the defendant. And after all, it doesn’t matter to us at all whether we want to save our loved one from trouble or make him happy, help him cope with a serious illness or save his son from a difficult fate. It is important for us to help a person with our prayers and requests to the Almighty.

We will try to answer the question in detail: a prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for help from prison on the site: the site is for our esteemed readers.

At all times, there have been cases when an innocent person could be behind bars. Unfortunately, the justice system has never been perfect. No one is immune from undeserved punishment. Therefore, today, as before, rituals are popular that allow you to win the court, protect yourself and loved ones from prison.

Prayer words and conspiracies from prison are used when a person faces a term

Rules for reading prayers and conspiracies

Prayer words and conspiracies from prison are used when a person is threatened with a term. Thanks to the words of the texts there is a connection with higher powers who can help turn things around. The main rules for reading prayers and conspiracies:

  • it is very important to read them with the certainty that they are effective and will help;
  • the person they want to release must be innocent;
  • it is better to conduct rituals in complete solitude;
  • before reading prayers, you need to repent for all your sins;
  • it is important to clearly fulfill all the requirements of the ceremony;
  • it is necessary to turn to higher powers not only with a request, but also with gratitude;
  • words should be learned in advance and read by heart;
  • the person performing the ritual must not be a widow or widower.

What prayers to read

Even at a distance, the prisoner feels the moral support of loved ones. Prayer helps to strengthen his morale, gives hope for a speedy release. Relatives can ask God for a fair trial by reading prayers:

  • the Lord, the guardian angel, the Most Holy Theotokos;
  • Before the Pochaev icon;
  • Matron Miracle Worker;
  • Anastasia the Patterner;
  • Thomais of Egypt;
  • Peter of Athos.

Anastasia the Patterner herself was enslaved by her husband, who mocked her. She turned to God with prayers that he heard. Petition for prisoners:

“O long-suffering and wise great martyr of Christ Anastasia! You stand with your soul in heaven at the Throne of the Lord, on the earth, given to you by grace, you perform various healings: look mercifully on the people who are coming and praying before your relics, asking for your help: extend to the Lord your holy prayers for us, and ask us for forgiveness our sins, healing for the sick, those who mourn and those in need ambulance: implore the Lord, may he give us all a Christian death and a good answer at His Last Judgment, may we be vouchsafed with you to glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen".

You can pray to the Matrona of Moscow

“Blessed Matryonushka, you plucked out the captive doctor Sergius by his prayer from prison, He became Lord Stefan, and remembering You all his life, before his father and mother, accepted a blessed death in the altar, on the week of the Myrrh-bearing Women.

Look now at the captive, suffering servant of God (name), in his difficult situation.

Begged the Lord of the Force to deliver him from bondage, with the prayers of the Blessed Prince Daniel of Moscow to the glory of Our Lady, the Ever-Virgin Mary, and the bloodless Sacrifice of Her Son, daily offered for the world.

May all his sins be washed away by the blood of the Lamb (3 times) You commanded the Myrrh-Bearers to rejoice, You quenched the cry of the foremother Eve, by Your resurrection, Christ our God. Thou, the Savior, is risen from the tomb, commanded his apostles to preach. Amen".

Prayer for husband from prison

In order for the husband to be released faster, they advise reading prayer texts to Nicholas the Wonderworker. Next to the lit candle, you need to place the icon of St. Nicholas the Pleasant, ask God to release her husband to freedom. It is necessary to read “Our Father” several times, to cross. Then slowly say special prayers addressed to Nicholas the Wonderworker:

“Wonderworker Nicholas, Defender and Savior. Let go of the sins of the husband - sitting in jail, sick from imprisonment. If it is destined to be released ahead of schedule, let it be firmly attached to faith. May your will be done. Amen".

"Nicholas the Wonderworker, God's Pleasure. I beg you, help your husband, save him from the evil time. May the prison correct him faithfully, and forever reject this filth. Being free again, the Lord's love will protect him. May it be so. Amen".

“The Miracle Worker Nicholas, Savior and Defender. I suffer for the sinfulness of my husband, I am waiting for him from prison. Help his grieving soul, fall according to real faith. You bring liberation closer with a prayer, I will pray next to you. Amen".

In order for the husband to be released faster, they advise reading prayer texts to Nicholas the Wonderworker

Effective prayers and conspiracies

If a loved one, relative or friend was taken into custody and accused of a crime that he did not commit, a special rite must be used. It is necessary to give him a paper with a prayer from the prison to the pre-trial detention center. It should contain the words:

“The servant of God (name) the guardian angel saves from prison, unlocks all the locks in front of him. Save, Lord, the servant of God (name) from human lies, from criminal slander. Give him freedom, like he is honorably innocent, entangled in slander. Help him, God, and protect him. Protect from the judgment of man. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Let him read 12 days at noon and at midnight. This prayer will definitely help.

For those who are on the threshold of prison, the following text is an effective conspiracy:

“A bird in the sky soars freely and knows no limits to its flight. Fish swim freely in the sea and the whole ocean is not the limit for it. So let you (name) be free from walls and bars, from rumors and from a government house. Let your path know no boundaries, and let you be free to choose where you go. Let only God be your judge, and not a man whose thoughts are unclean! Amen!".

Conspiracies before the court

This well-known rite is called the "Shield from the prison." It can be used both for yourself and for another person. A hard-boiled egg is wrapped in a new handkerchief. It is necessary that the one held accountable holds this handkerchief in his hands before the ritual.

On a full moon, you need to go to the nearest bridge over the river and bury the egg where there is no water before it. The earth remaining from the hole should be folded into a bag and taken home. It is scattered in front of the entrance of the house of the accused. This ritual is not to be seen by anyone. When a person goes to court, you need to say:

“While that bridge will stand, I (he) will not be in prison. Holy thresholds and bridges. Help me all the holy martyrs. Amen".

Then the earth must be collected in a hand and thrown away at the first crossroads, and whisper:

“People go through the crossroads, take my trouble with you and spread it all over the world. And let her never come back to me, but let her not get to you either. Let the trouble disappear and disappear without a trace. Amen".

This rite will allow the court to decide in favor of the performer or a person close to him, on whom the impact was directed.

Conspiracies before the court are popular

The next strong conspiracy will help win the trial. When the accused enters the courtroom, he must mentally say:

“The Orthodox world has always been judged. There were princes and boyars in court. And I, the Servant of God (name), came here to sue. Negotiated unfairly in my hand I hold the holy truth. What I say to fair judges, they will believe. My thoughts and deeds are right. No one can put me in jail. Amen".

But you need to go confidently and slowly. After pronouncing the words, you need to strongly clench your fist right hand and stomp with your right foot.

On the date of going to court, stand in the middle of the room, turning to the east, and say three times:

"There is under the east side,

There is a table, the throne of the Lord.

His Lord God the throne of the hosts of heaven,

And they cannot see bad things and look at their own eyes.

Kings and queens, princes and princesses,

boyars and boyars

And all the laity, Orthodox peasants

And so judge me, servant of God (name),

Not daring to see badly,

Get your eyes and eyebrows out,

And with dashing words speak and say,

And raise your hands

The twists of the heart flare up

And all the guests can't do business.

Heaven and earth, in the name of the Lord, forever.

If possible, you need to tear off the sleeve from the shirt in which someone died. They put the sleeve in their bosom closer to the heart and go to court with it. Entering, say:

“Just as now this dead man cannot be condemned, they cannot be imprisoned for iron bolts, so the judges will not overwhelm me, a servant of God (name), from prison shackles, shackles will be released. My word is stone. My case is correct. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen".

It will be useful, along with reading prayers and conspiracies, to follow the following rules:

  • On the Day of Judgment, you do not need to pick up and take anything out of the house, as well as give alms to those who ask.
  • You can not lend money on this day.
  • After dinner, you should not look at mirror reflections.
  • Before sunrise, you should drink holy water with sugar or honey. They take seven sips, the same number of spoons of sweet should be added to the water.
  • If any things are brought into the house, they must be crossed over the threshold. This also applies to food.
  • The performer of the rite must be present at the trial and hear the verdict. Clothing must be predominantly white.
  • The performer after the rial must fast until the evening.
  • If the defendant becomes ill in the courtroom, you need to give him clean water to drink and say:

"From the water of strength to an equal fate."

Result and consequences

Prayers involve a close relationship with heavenly powers. If a person does not know how to pray correctly, he should learn more information, go to church more often. If for some reason the ritual was violated and even a small action was missed, the rite will not work or everything will not happen as we would like.

Every condemned person will be released at the time set by the Lord God. We must try not to sin, help others, thank Jesus Christ. No need to be surprised that prayer did not help if a person had never believed in God before this conversion.

Exist powerful conspiracies to escape from prison. But this is already a cardinal decision, which is unlikely to lead to something good.

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Orthodox prayers not to be imprisoned and for a speedy release

At all times, the Holy Church has prayed and continues to pray for prisoners. Regardless of the type and severity of sin, one cannot leave a prisoner without spiritual support, and the Almighty Himself will determine when to grant freedom to a person.

But people must help the prisoner endure the difficulties of his position: to give the allowed help, to visit for fellowship and consolation. After all, even being far from each other, the prisoner feels the moral and prayerful support of his relatives and people.

Prayer for release from prison strengthens the spirit and gives hope.

Who to pray for a speedy release from prison

A prayer request will not be fulfilled immediately.

It may take a week, a month, a year. The circumstances necessary for the fulfillment of a desire must line up harmoniously, and this takes a lot of time.

In the long wait for the cherished request, it is important not to lose faith and not to blacken your soul.

Prisoners who dream of a speedy release can pray as follows:

Lord Jesus Christ my God, who freed Your holy Apostle Peter from bonds and prison without any harm, accept my humble prayer. Be merciful in leaving the sins of Your servant (Your servant) unworthy (name), imprisoned in prison. God benevolent! With Your almighty right hand, protect me from all evil and lead me to freedom. Lord almighty! As once Joseph, imprisoned in an Egyptian dungeon, gloriously freed, so now I beg You to deliver me from bonds and bitter misfortune. The source of mercy and the abyss of goodness, do not despise Your unworthy servant (name), hear me and have mercy soon. May the sigh of the chained ascend to Thee. Almighty God! As Manasseh, the eldest son of Joseph, from the bitter imprisonment of prayers for the sake of mercy, now praying, have mercy. I send glory to you, in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Oh, Blessed Virgin, Mother of the Lord and my Savior! All people flow to You, and no one flows away from You in vain, if he asks for good. The bishops and priests pray to Thee, as the Mother of the Great Bishop, who passed through heaven. The monks and nuns pray to Thee, as if You yourself are the Most Pure Virgin. Fathers and mothers pray to Thee, and they condole for their children, lying in infirmities or living far away, as You yourself were sickly looking for your Son, when He, a twelve-year-old boy, remained in Jerusalem. They pray to You for resentment, as if you suffered persecution from Herod with the Divine Infant. The dying offer their last prayer to Thee, as You stood before the Cross of Your dying Son. The righteous and all those who want to live piously pray to Thee: and no one from them has attained righteousness, without having a prayer book for You. Taco everyone has you as an intercessor zealous and give everyone an ambulance.

Am I alone, sinner, sitting in prison, will I be forgotten from You? Will you not hear the only prayer? Will you not take me, who runs to you, under your roof? Oh, I don’t even think of this being. Thou art the Mother of the Savior of perishing sinners. Because there is no other God except Jesus Christ, Thy Son, with the Father and the Holy Spirit in the One Godhead worshiped. So there is no other intercessor at the Throne of God, like You, Mother of God! Maternal prayer can do much to the mercy of the Lord. Before Him all things are possible to You. For this sake, I place all my hope on Thee according to Bose. For this reason, I keep Your most pure image in my prison, remembering Your closeness to all those who mourn and those who are imprisoned.

You are both, Mother of God, and until now you have shown many mercy to me at my request to You! Why did I appear before You? Alas for the wicked one! But I am forgetful of Your good deeds. But, O merciful Queen Theotokos, forgive my treason and foolishness, do not reject me, again returning to You, show me Your ancient mercy and take me into Your powerful hands, like I am sick, like I am barely alive from the ulcers of sin. Bring my sinful soul to repentance. For my iniquity exceeded my head. So far, I have been angry with my God with lies, theft, drunkenness, sedition, hardheartedness, lack of conscience. I sin without ceasing in this prison with laziness, dreams, deceptions, disobedience, annoying my fellow prisoners and corrupting them, complaining and grumbling at my fate. Who has not been with me until now, neither tears, nor tenderness, or I cry only from my annoyance.

Reconcile me, O Gracious One, with God, Thy Son. Vouchsafe me to receive permission in all my sins in the mystery of repentance, and abie to partake of the Holy Body and Blood of Your Son. Help me from now on to hate my evil passions and fight strongly against sin; but if I repent of it, in a little hour I do it, and I find myself lying before God. Ask me, Lady Mother of God, the grace of the rest of my life in firm repentance, die. Merciful sinners, do not despise me the first of them. See my troubles, see my bitter life in this dungeon. Help me endure to the end my disgrace, narrowness and other prison deprivations, lest I fall into despair, lest I dare to blaspheme the Providence of God, but only I grieve and weep for my sins, only from my sadness about my children and relatives, from them I am separated, I turn to consolation in prayer. I have no patience, and every day I remember that this is the end of my patience. Oh, sad unknown consolation! Comfort my father and mother with relatives, who mourn for me, for them I have acted as if I were dead. Most of all, O child-loving Mother! do not deprive your protection of my wife and child, I left them, like a criminal father, for they are not guilty of my sins. Nurture them and keep them healthy and God-fearing with Your prayer. Grant me, finally, to see freedom and kiss my household with tears of joy. From the depths of my soul I cry out to Thee, Queen of Heaven, from one image of Thy with the eternal Child on Thy hand held, feel joy in my heart: do not reject me, be the patroness in all my needs, in all my fear and despondency, day and night , in health and disease. Ease my spiritual and bodily sorrows, as You are the joy of all those who grieve. Be merciful to me not only here, but also there, in the land of eternity. Do not leave me without Your intercession on the day of the Terrible Second Coming of my Lord. Hey, Holy Mother of God! Do not forget then my faith, even to You, and my unworthy prayers before You. Yes, so, having been pardoned by You for eternity, I will thank You and glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit in endless ages, amen.

To the Baptist of Christ, preacher of repentance, repentant, do not despise me, but copulating with your heavenly ones, praying to the Lord for me, unworthy, dejected, weak and sad, fallen into many misfortunes, troubled by the stormy thoughts of my mind: for I am a den of evil deeds, by no means have an end to the sinful custom; nailed more is my mind by an earthly thing. What will I do, I do not know, and to whom will I resort, so that my soul will be saved? Only to you, Saint John, give the name of grace, as before the Lord, according to the Mother of God, it is greater for all those who were born, for you were honored to touch the top of the King of Christ, who takes away the sins of the world, the Lamb of God: Pray for him for my sinful soul, but from now on in the first ten hours, I will bear a good burden, and I will receive wages with the latter.

To her, the Baptist of Christ, an honest Forerunner, an extreme prophet, the first in the grace of a martyr, a mentor of fasting and hermits, a teacher of purity and a close friend of Christ, I pray, I resort to you, do not reject me from your intercession, but raise me up, fallen by many sins; renew my soul with repentance, as with a second baptism, better than both, thou shalt wash away sin with baptism, but preach repentance for the cleansing of every bad deed; cleanse me with sins defiled and compel me to enter, even if it enters badly, into the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen.

Angel of God, stand before me from the font of holy baptism! Koliko az, I grieved you with evil thoughts, bad words and shameful deeds in my life! Who, not remembering, as the imam of thee given to me from the guardian God. Whenever I got drunk with wine, or danced without a cold, or in fornication, theft and mischief, dependent on my life: and in these days you did not leave me, but only, like a pure spirit, you were sad about me, an indecent slave. If a multiplicity of people was close to death itself, do criminal deeds and do not at all think of appearing suddenly as God the Judge! Death is not beyond me then: and we know that you have turned me away from me. So take me out guarding me, and I am not alone, I always live alone in this prison, but with you, my guardian. Even if I don’t see you with bodily eyes, you always dwell on my accursed soul and body. Like the sun, passing through a filthy place, is not defiled, so you, the luminous Angel of God, do not disdain my stench, but never leave me in this dungeon. Keep me healthy at night and impregnable in a dream to the devil's temptation. Get rid of my sleeplessness. Accompany me, in days, for every hour, in all my entrances and exits. Grant me the strength of bodily strength, to bear the bitter work that is imposed on me as a punishment, but more bitter because of their fault. Protect me from the malice of demons, who fiercely attack my soul: for demons flee from a single wave of your right hand. Most of all, take away from me spiritual confusion and harmful murmuring: this one is more confused in heart, I don’t want to look favorably on anyone or anything, and I’m always upset here. Grant to my eyes tears for sins, but quiet speech to my lips. Do not step away from me, holy Angel, and when my soul begins to part from the body, but stand by my mortal bed, quiet and joyful; for then the imam will see you near the being. Do not leave my soul even later, if you were betrayed by God to be blameless, but even after my death I should be judged, as if defiled by many sins. Oh my keeper! Call then to pray for me and other incorporeal forces, but by your intercession I will have mercy, a sinful slave (name), forever and ever, amen!

Oh, great miracle worker and saint of Christ, Saint Father Nicholas! Thou art a quick helper and merciful intercessor to all those who call upon thee, and even more so to those who are in mortal troubles.

Such are the miracles of mercy you showed in the days of your life. When, after your death, you appeared to the Throne of God, according to this no one can count your mercies, even if he had many languages. You keep floating on the waters; You have saved many drowning people.

You keep on the way, even catching the winds, great snow, fierce scum, the greatest rain. You guard houses and estates from the burning of malicious people and the all-term burning. You protect the beings on the way from the attack of the villains.

You help the poor and the poor, delivering them from extreme despondency and fall, for the sake of poverty. You protect the innocent from slander and unjust condemnation. You saved from death itself three men sitting in a dungeon, they were determined not to be cut with a sword.

Taco, you have been given a great grace from God to pray for people and save beings in trouble! You also became famous for your help to people among the unfaithful Hagarites. Can't you help me only, unfortunate and needy, if I myself have prepared this lot for myself?

Protect me, too, from despondency and despair, which are worse than me. Oh, great saint Nicholas! You yourself endured imprisonment in prison for the holy faith, and, like a zealous shepherd of Christ, you yourself knew how hard it is to be deprived of liberty and stay in chains.

Kohl to many who pray to you in bonds, you helped thou! Make it easy for me, sitting in prison, this misfortune. Grant me to soon see the end of my prison stay and receive freedom - not for the sake of continuing my sins, but for the sake of correcting my life!

Pray diligently about this too, if we are to be delivered from eternal dungeons, and with your help we save, I glorify God, marvelous in His saints, amen.

O long-suffering and wise great martyr of Christ Anastasia! You stand with your soul in heaven at the Throne of the Lord, on the earth, given to you by grace, you perform various healings: look mercifully on the people who are coming and praying before your relics, asking for your help: extend to the Lord your holy prayers for us, and ask us for forgiveness our sins, sick healing, grieving and needy ambulance: pray to the Lord, may he give us all a Christian death and a good answer at His Last Judgment, may we be honored with you to glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

The rule of prayer at the icons

Prayer is a conversation with God. It is through this dialogue that a person feels the participation of God in his life. During the conversation, it is important both to speak out and cry yourself, and to hear the answer of the Heavenly Father to your prayerful sigh.

But it often happens that many do not understand the importance of communication with the Almighty and do not even have a clue how to turn to God.

  1. Each prayer book receives an answer to his prayer request. And it does not matter where he prays: in the temple, at work or at home. You need to start reading the prayer, fully concentrate on it and finish your petition correctly.
  2. It is important to set yourself up for the fact that the saint to whom the prayer is addressed hears the prayer book. It is worth remembering that we do not pray to the icon, but to the holy face depicted on it.
  3. If you do not know the prayer text, then it is not forbidden to turn to God's Pleaser in your own words. But in critical situations that require prompt assistance, the words must be learned by heart. A sincere sincere request will not make you wait long for the result of a prayer request.
  4. Before starting prayer work, it is worth confessing and taking communion, forgiving your offenders and asking for forgiveness from people yourself - a prayer request must be started with a pure soul and an open heart.
  5. Approaching the icon, it is necessary to overshadow yourself with the sign of the cross, then bow.
  6. Say the words "In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit," then begin to read the petition to the saint before whom you stand. At the end of it, you should say “Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen". Then cross yourself three times and read “Lord, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, prayers for the sake of Your Most Pure Mother, our reverend and God-bearing fathers and all the saints, have mercy on us. Amen".
  7. Do not forget to put your lips and forehead on the icon of the saint who has just been prayed to. The kiss symbolizes fiery faith in the help of this saint. If the Pleaser is depicted in full growth, then you need to apply to the arm or leg. If the icon depicts a face, it is necessary to kiss the hair.

As you know, the human soul suffers the most, and during the commission of a sinful offense, it is she who becomes his main victim. Anger settles in her, a thirst for revenge.

But sometimes you need to go down to the very “bottom” in order to push off from it and emerge.

You never know what life has in store for you. Today you are a rich and successful person, and tomorrow you are trying to free yourself or your beloved husband from prison shackles. If you or your loved ones have suffered the fate of being captured by a prison guard, or such a problem is just approaching, then the time has come for decisive and unconventional methods. The conspiracy from prison refers to one of them and is very popular. Those who were once helped by magic forever change their idea of ​​life and human capabilities, begin to believe in prayers and the power of God.

Conspiracies from prison can help a loving mother prevent the imprisonment of her beloved son, save her life from making a mistake. Agree, because legislation is not always objective. There are cases when a person is sentenced to serving time for the sins of others or for acts committed to protect himself. As life proves, every person can fall into the shackles of prison. This can lead to both a judicial error and someone's malicious influence. A conspiracy from the "prison" is called to avoid the irreparable.

How to behave before the court session and during it?

There are a number of tips for conducting the ceremony, which help to somewhat mitigate the judge's sentence or avoid imprisonment altogether.

  1. In no case do not take valuable things out of your native walls, do not lend, do not give bread to strangers.
  2. In order to avoid a serious period, try not to look at yourself in the mirror and other mirror-type surfaces.
  3. A person going to court, upon receiving any things from the hands of strangers, must baptize what was brought on the threshold.
  4. When the day of judgment comes, get up at dawn and drink spring water, adding honey or sugar there. There should be exactly 7 sips.
  5. After the ceremony is completed and the plot is read, do not eat any food until the evening, especially for flour products.
  6. It is necessary to monitor the well-being of the defendant. If he suddenly became ill, close person you should throw clean water on him and say: "The power of water, give a smooth fate." If this is not done, then there is a high possibility of receiving a harsh sentence.
  7. The presence of the executor of the spell is mandatory during the trial.
  8. It is necessary to give preference to light-colored clothes with one white element of clothing.

A widower and a widow cannot perform the ceremony, as this will only bring harm to a person.

How to protect yourself with a "shield"?

There is a conspiracy called a shield, which is able to protect a friend or close relative from the possibility of going to jail. To make such a “shield”, you need to wait for the full moon and boil a hard-boiled egg. After that, follow these steps:

  • you should wrap the egg in a handkerchief just bought, which was previously held in the hands of the person whose fate you decide - so, the thing is able to be saturated with energy;
  • then you need to go at night under any bridge, where it is important to hide from all passers-by;
  • hide the egg in a handkerchief in a place where water cannot reach, and take the excavated earth under the house of the defendant;
  • there you should scatter the earth near the threshold with the words: “The bridge will stand, you will not go to prison. Thresholds, bridges, holy martyrs. Amen";
  • with the onset of morning, you need to collect the earth and take it to any intersection of 4 roads;
  • pouring it out, start reading: “People spread all the troubles around the world. They don't come back here. You won't get it."

If the possibility of imprisonment concerns you, then it is necessary to utter the following spell in a secluded place (do not forget to light a candle and wait for darkness): “As a bird is free, knowing no boundaries, so I will always be free from bars and foreign walls. I choose my path myself, wherever I want, I go there and keep the path. Amen". You need to read the plot 15 or more times. Such a shield helped more than one person. It is important to follow all the described steps and believe in the result.

Conspiracy to Nicholas the Wonderworker

Nicholas the Wonderworker helped more than one person. Prayers to him are said in Hard times, when looking for answers to questions, for the fulfillment of desires. In order to save an unjustly condemned person from prison, it is enough to stand in front of the icon of the Saint and say:

“Oh, the great miracle worker Nikolai. You are able to intercede and help all those in need. Your mercy knows no bounds. Your graces are innumerable. You are able to save all those drowned in the ocean of life. You keep life on the road, you shelter from winds, snow, frost and rain. Thanks to you, my house is standing. Thanks to you, I am a happy person. You stand up for those who are slandered, for those who are unjustly condemned. So I ask you to intercede for the servant of God (name). Who, if not you, knows how hard it is to live without freedom? I know you have helped all those who pray and turn. I ask you to ease the suffering of the servant of God (name). Not for the sake of continuing sins, but for the sake of the path of true correction. Amen".

You must keep an open mind, purity of heart and sincerity of requests. The person who addresses the Holy malice, will be punished.

Other anti-prison plots

An interesting and unusual conspiracy is considered against the prison, for which a white skin from a birch is needed. It must be spoken and handed to the person going to court. It should be read for 15 times:

“The feather shakes, while the adversary’s tongue trembles. Amen".

The following strong and easy-to-carry-out conspiracy is able to protect a person who has been imprisoned unfairly. Its peculiarity is that only a wife who wants to free her husband, or a mother who wants justice for her son can read the conspiracy:

“To the west with a ridge, to the ground with a finger. Holy Mother of God, dear, golden, put a ban on the judgment of the servant of God (name). Help save the family, find happiness for the sweetheart. Judges of the peace, city judges, made a gross mistake in the case. They want to take away the freedom of the darling, from native land take. Be merciful to the servant of God (name), as you are merciful to every person on earth. Amen".

If the court really made a mistake, then the release will happen in any case.

There is only one opportunity a year to read the protective conspiracy: the last day of fasting. It is necessary to stand above any water and begin to read the following words:

“The Lord is strong, the Lord is merciful, today you are with me. Lord, I know you are great. As you saved your servants from injustice, so save the one and only servant of God (name) from it. Your word will not win anyone, no one can harm him. So direct him for the good of the son (husband) of the servant of God (name). Amen".

How to influence the speedy release from prison?

In addition to conspiracies, you can resort to the help of the Heavenly Forces in another way. So, prayers of a certain type, read in a certain place, are quite effective. Let's take an example of those that can be related here below.

  1. Request to the Lord, the Mother of God or the Guardian Angel against the conclusion.
  2. A request made near the Pochaev icon for the release of a loved one who was imprisoned not according to his merits.
  3. A strong method for being released from prison is to read the prayer to Anastasia the Destroyer. This prayer strengthens the spirit of the prisoner, is able to give hope for the nearest release. Its text is as follows: “I appeal to the long-suffering and wise Anastasia of Christ! Your role for the Lord is great, so let us ask all of us to leave sins. Help heal the grieving and distressed, give Ambulance.
  4. Reading the prayer to the Matron the Wonderworker also contributes to the creation of a miracle, because the saint was sure that faith can save any person, despite his sins. In order for you or your loved one to be released from prison, it is necessary to read the following words before the face of the holy Matrona: “I pray Blessed Matryoushka for help, for the release of the suffering servant of God (his name). His world is unbearable, deliver him from bondage. Forgive him all his sins, we all deserve forgiveness. Amen".
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The scary word "Prison". And yet folk wisdom says: "Do not renounce prison and the bag." How much grief to loved ones is the conclusion of a loved one who stumbled (with whom he does not happen) and ended up in places of deprivation of liberty. Often there is an undeserved punishment or a too severe sentence of the court. To avoid severe punishment, you still need to make sure that the decision is fair. How to help a person to endure, so as not to break, to survive all the hardships prison life how to protect yourself from cruelty and beatings. Prayer will help every suffering person in this.

Prayer for the salvation of the prisoner

First of all, an appeal to God:

Lord Jesus Christ, our God, Thy holy Apostle Peter from bonds and prison without any harm, free, accept, we humbly pray to Thee, this prayer is merciful for the remission of the sins of Thy servant (name), planted in prison, and with the prayers of that, like a lover of mankind, all-powerful With your right hand, deliver from every evil situation and lead to freedom.

Prayer from prison to our Mother of God

O All-Merciful Lady, Virgin Lady Theotokos, Queen of Heaven! With your birth, you saved the human race from the eternal torment of the devil: for from you Christ, our Savior, was born. Look with your mercy on this (name), devoid of God's mercy and grace, intercede with your motherly boldness and your prayers from your Son, Christ our God, so that you send down your grace from above for this perishing one. O Blessed One! You are the hope of the unreliable, you are the desperate salvation, may the enemy not rejoice over his soul.

Strong prayer to the Blessed Matronushka

The matron is reputed to be the intercessor of all those deprived of liberty, a very strong and effective prayer.

Blessed Matryonushka, You plucked out the captive doctor Sergius through his prayer from prison, He became Lord Stefan, and remembering You all his life, first of his father and mother, accepted a blessed death in the altar, on the week of the Myrrh-bearing Women.
Look now at the captive, suffering servant of God (name), in his difficult situation.
Begged the Lord of the Force to save him from bondage, with the prayers of the Blessed Prince Daniel of Moscow to the glory of Our Lady, the Ever-Virgin Mary, and the bloodless Sacrifice of Her Son, daily offered for the world.
May all his sins be washed away by the blood of the Lamb (3 times).

Prayer of a prisoner to the guardian angel

The prisoner reads this prayer himself. Each person has his guardian angel, who does not leave a person in any circumstances, in all troubles and joys. Ask for help with these words:

Angel of God, stand before me from the font of holy baptism! Koliko az, I grieved you with evil thoughts, bad words and shameful deeds in my life! Who, not remembering, as the imam of thee given to me from the guardian God. Whenever I got drunk with wine, or danced without a cold, or in fornication, theft and mischief, dependent on my life: and in these days you did not leave me, but only, like a pure spirit, you were sad about me, an indecent slave. If a multiplicity of people was close to death itself, do criminal deeds and do not at all think of appearing suddenly as God the Judge! Death is not beyond me then: and we know that you have turned me away from me. So take me out guarding me, and I am not alone, I always live alone in this prison, but with you, my guardian. Even if I don’t see you with bodily eyes, you always dwell on my accursed soul and body. Like the sun, passing through a filthy place, is not defiled, so you, the luminous Angel of God, do not disdain my stench, but never leave me in this dungeon. Keep me healthy at night and impregnable in a dream to the devil's temptation. Get rid of my sleeplessness. Accompany me, in days, for every hour, in all my entrances and exits. Grant me the strength of bodily strength, to bear the bitter work that is imposed on me as a punishment, but more bitter because of their fault. Protect me from the malice of demons, who fiercely attack my soul: for demons flee from a single wave of your right hand. Most of all, take away from me spiritual confusion and harmful murmuring: this one is more confused in heart, I don’t want to look favorably on anyone or anything, and I’m always upset here. Grant to my eyes tears for sins, but quiet speech to my lips. Do not step away from me, holy Angel, and when my soul begins to part from the body, but stand by my mortal bed, quiet and joyful; for then the imam will see you near the being. Do not leave my soul even later, if you were betrayed by God to be blameless, but even after my death I should be judged, as if defiled by many sins. Oh my keeper! Call then to pray for me and other incorporeal forces, but by your intercession I will have mercy, a sinful slave (name), forever and ever, amen!

Prayer of a prisoner to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

Oh, great miracle worker and saint of Christ, Saint Father Nicholas! Thou art a quick helper and merciful intercessor to all those who call upon thee, and even more so to those who are in mortal troubles. Such are the miracles of mercy you showed in the days of your life. When, after your death, you appeared to the Throne of God, according to this no one can count your mercies, even if he had many languages. You keep floating on the waters; You have saved many drowning people. You keep on the way, even catching the winds, great snow, fierce scum, the greatest rain. You guard houses and estates from the burning of malicious people and the all-term burning. You protect the beings on the way from the attack of the villains. You help the poor and the poor, delivering them from extreme despondency and fall, for the sake of poverty. You protect the innocent from slander and unjust condemnation. You saved from death itself three men sitting in a dungeon, they were determined not to be cut with a sword. Taco, you have been given a great grace from God to pray for people and save beings in trouble! You also became famous for your help to people among the unfaithful Hagarites. Can't you help me only, unfortunate and needy, if I myself have prepared this lot for myself? Protect me, too, from despondency and despair, which are worse than me. Oh, great saint Nicholas! You yourself endured imprisonment in prison for the holy faith, and, like a zealous shepherd of Christ, you yourself knew how hard it is to be deprived of liberty and stay in chains. Kohl to many who pray to you in bonds, you helped thou! Make it easy for me, sitting in prison, this misfortune. Grant me to soon see the end of my prison stay and receive freedom - not for the sake of continuing my sins, but for the sake of correcting my life! Pray diligently about this too, if we are to be delivered from eternal dungeons, and with your help we save, I glorify God, marvelous in His saints, amen.

Prayer to the Great Martyr Anastasia the Destroyer

The Great Martyr Anastasia the Solver, who lived in Rome in the 4th century, is known as the daughter of a pagan and a Christian. And the baptized woman herself helped imprisoned Christians languishing in captivity. Dressed in beggarly clothes, the saint secretly visited the prisoners, bandaged wounds, washed, fed, comforted everyone who needed spiritual help. Her husband severely punished her for this activity by beating her. But God sent her protection. Soon her husband died and then Anastasia was free in her choice. Until the end of her days she served ordinary people imprisoned in dungeons.

This prayer will not only save you from judgment, from prison, but will also help those who got there to survive the hardships of imprisonment:

O long-suffering and wise great martyr of Christ Anastasia! You stand with your soul in Heaven at the Throne of the Lord, on the earth, by the grace given to you, you perform various healings; then look graciously at the coming people and praying before your icon, asking for your help, extend holy prayers to the Lord for us and ask us for forgiveness of our sins, help in merciful labors, strengthening the spirit in service, meekness, humility and obedience, sick healing, grieving and in the bonds of the existing ambulance and intercession, implore the Lord, may he give us all a Christian death and a good answer at His Terrible Judgment, may we be able to glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit together with you. Amen."

Prayer to the Great Martyr Anastasia the Destroyer (translation into modern Russian)

Oh, long-suffering and wise great martyr Anastasia of Christ!
You stand with your soul in Heaven at the throne of the Lord, but on earth, given to you by grace, you perform various healings.
Look mercifully at the people praying before your relics and asking for your help: send your holy prayers to the Lord for us, ask us for forgiveness of our sins, cure the sick, mournful and distressed - ambulance!
Pray the Lord, may he give us all a Christian death and a good answer to doomsday His own, and may we be worthy together with you to glorify the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit forever. Amen.

Conspiracy for protection in places of detention

The rite of conspiracy in prison will help every prisoner in need, especially atheists, people who are baptized but do not follow church calls, biblical scriptures, those who are not churched. Before you perform the rite of conspiracy, read how to do it correctly.

Jesus Christ, 40 saints, Angels, Archangels, Brakhangels, Holy Martyrs and Great Martyrs. Surround the slave (name) on all sides, bless with a word. From bits and passions, from overseen whips, from fire and a knife, from an evil watchman, from a noose and a stick, from all troubles and from all evils. Take away the arms, legs, tongue from his enemies and foes. For you are sewn up to me eternal, endless. Amen.

Rewrite the words of the conspiracy on a piece of paper and pass it on to a loved one on a date. Let him carry it with him and read as much as possible.

Prayer for the speedy release of her husband from prison

In order for the husband to be released as soon as possible, so that he himself is worthy of this, you can turn to Nicholas the Wonderworker. After Our Father:

“Wonderworker Nicholas, Defender and Savior. Let go of the sins of the husband - sitting in jail, sick from imprisonment. If it is destined to be released ahead of schedule, let it be firmly attached to faith. May your will be done. Amen".

A conspiracy so that the released person does not go to jail again

You will need the shirt the person was wearing when they got out of jail. Tie up her sleeves and read the plot

Oak barns stand, healthy locks hang, and people in the barns are troubled. Let the castles hang, and the poor ones sit in prisons. Amen. Amen. Amen.

I really hope that the prayers and words of the conspiracy given here will help you or your loved ones who are in prison survive the dark days. It’s not even so important whether this deprivation is deserved or the judge’s mistake, it is important that now he himself realized the severity of what happened and did not repeat this.

Prayers of repentance of a prisoner before God

Prayer First

Oh my God! By Thy grace alone, You brought me into existence from non-existence, and adorned me in Your image. I didn’t think enough to thank You, nor if you gave me life, if you put me below all earthly creatures, like their king. You made me worthy to receive holy baptism, always beh baby. But from my childhood, I did not retain the grace of baptism: I started to lie, speak foul language from childhood, compose voluptuous songs, be lazy, hide someone else's, resist the command of my parents, despise the good advice of my elders, but the younger ones beat me in vain with my hand. When he came to the age of courage, he indulged in various passions, drunkenness, fornication, mischief, anger, pride. And my body and soul are forever defiled by sins. In what bodily filth did I not fall into the accursed? In what impurity of the flesh can you not imagine clearly even in a dream? What evil do you not think in my soul? How many incomparable dreams have risen into my soul! How many selfish would be az, do not think of having Christian love for your neighbor! Ozhistochny az, accursed, my heart is so much, as if neither from prayers, nor from tears, lower from the groan of those suffering from my malice or self-interest, was not touched. Therefore, my obvious crimes are not confessed before the judges. I have lied a lot in judgment, and I have not been embarrassed. Do not be before my eyes neither the shame of man nor the fear of God. Forgetting to pray in the morning and in the evening, protect yourself below one with the sign of the cross, showing yourself as godless. I deviate and in conversation with my neighbors remember my Creator and Savior. The name of the enemy of my salvation, the devil, alas for me, the fool! often recollections. Even if I received good things from Your hand, merciful Lord, if I also saw sickness and other visits on my neighbors: both from this I did not manage to repent before You.

And so to the end, I departed from You, my Lord! I have departed from You, like a prodigal son, to a country far away: I have retired not by a place, for You are omnipresent, and nothing can hide from You, but truly by my spirit and life. The image and likeness of Thy darkened in me; Can the Department of the Moscow Patriarchate for Cooperation with the Armed Forces and Law Enforcement Institutions be conceived from the beginning of the world to be like me a sinner? Worse than the same Christ-killers, I have sinned, accursed one.
Taco, having retired to You, reached and sowed the dungeon, I have done it, in my name and life, a criminal.
But Lord, Lord! Leave you, don't leave me. Do not turn Your face away from me, as I grieve. Do not let me perish with my iniquities, if I am not worthy to have mercy from You. Have mercy on me, O God, according to Your great mercy! Image only weigh the fates, save me, a sinful one. For Thou art, God, the God of the repentant, and I send glory to Thee, Father and Son and Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer two

Long-suffering and many-merciful Lord! I fall down to You, I am a prisoner, praying warmly: like a strong Samson, knowing his weakness, always in custody, and turning to You, almighty God, bound with iron fetters; like the wicked Manasseh in captivity and prison, the exaction of Thee, the true God; like the captivity of the Jews, more on the land of strangers, you understand you, God your father; like a prodigal son I will remember my father, when, having gone to a far country, I began to bend with a smoothness: so from now on I will only know You and diligently pray. Alienated am I now of communion with men: but Thou seekest the alienated. Carry with me here neither father, nor mother, nor brother, nor one from my friends, but help me; no one from them will hear my cry from here: but you are near to all who mourn and call on you in truth. O merciful God! Even more than the number of the sands of the sea, I have sinned against You, if I am not worthy to look at the heights of heaven from the multitude of my sins: but You, unrepentant of anger, accept the repentant. I have sinned against You alone, but I repent to You alone. Almighty Lord! before I even die to the end, save me.

Prayer three

God! Father of mercy and God of all comfort! I humbly confess before You with a contrite, contrite heart that I deserved not only this sorrow, but also a much greater punishment with my sins, and therefore I will bear Your wrath, because I have sinned against You. I acknowledge and know that You have sent this sorrow upon me, and that it comes from Your hand. God! Do not weigh down Your hand more than measure over me, so that I will not disappear. I will gladly drink the cup that You, beloved Father, have filled for me; only make it a cup not of Thy wrath, but of Thy mercy. Remember, Father, my weakness, and do not rebuke me in Your anger, and do not punish me in Your fury: have mercy on me, because I am weak. Do not use Your strength against me, from a withered ear and brittle straw: I cannot bear Your strength and Your wrath. I fear Your majesty and bow my heart before You, praying for mercy: do not let me perish in this disaster. Father! If this is Thy will that I bear these sorrows, then do Thy holy will over me, not to my destruction, but to my good and to my salvation. You do not rejoice at our destruction, and sent Your Son not to destroy people, but to save. Father! Save me in these misfortunes. You hurt me, you heal me; You have slain me, but you have revived me; You brought me down to hell, take me out of it again. Make it so that the light of Your mercy ascends upon me in darkness, so that I may rejoice in it. You have washed my sores with caustic wine; soften them with the oil of Thy mercy. Make sure that my weak faith does not fade away, this smoking flax; do not completely break this broken reed. Grant that I love You in sorrows as well as in prosperity, and trust in You that even in the midst of suffering You will keep Your fatherly heart for me. Strengthen my hope, lest my patience doubt, lest it be shaken and overcome by despondency. Make this bitter cup saving and sweet for me, so that I may receive it from Your hand, calling on Your name. Beloved Father! You said: “Will a mother forget her child, so that she will not have mercy on her offspring? Even if she forgot him, I will never forget you.” Delight, Lord, to remember this word of Yours, and do not forget me. Strengthen my hope O all-good Father, because You have said that all who hope in You shall not be put to shame. Lord, I trust in You, that I may not be put to shame forever. Deliver me through Your righteousness. Incline Your ear to me, make haste, save me. a strong wall where I can be saved, for You are my stone mountain and my wall; for the sake of Your name, guide me and rule over me. Take me out of the net, for You are my strength, I have loved You, Lord! kindly deliver me; I have known Your name, please protect me; I call you, please listen to me. Be with me in sorrow; deliver and glorify me. Satisfy me with long life and show me Your eternal salvation. Amen.

Prayer Four

Oh, Blessed Virgin, Mother of the Lord and my Savior! All people flow to You, and no one flows away from You in vain, if he asks for good. The bishops and priests pray to Thee, as the Mother of the great Bishop, who passed through heaven. The monks and nuns pray to Thee, as if You yourself are the Most Pure Virgin. Fathers and mothers pray to you, even if they are sick for their children, lying in infirmity, or living far away, as if You yourself were sickly looking for your Son, when He, a twelve-year-old boy, remained in Jerusalem. They pray to You for resentment, as if you suffered persecution from Herod with the Divine Infant. The dying offer their last prayer to Thee, as You stood before the Cross of Your dying Son. The righteous and all those who want to live piously pray to Thee: and no one from them has attained righteousness, without having a prayer book for You. Taco all have You as a zealous intercessor, and give everyone quick help.
Am I alone, a sinner in prison, sit down, will I be forgotten from You? Will you not hear the only prayer? Do you not take me, who has recourse to you, under your roof? Oh, I don’t even think of this being! Thou art the Mother of the Savior of perishing sinners. Because there is no other God, except Jesus Christ, Thy Son, with the Father and the Holy Spirit in one Godhead worshiped, so there is no other closest intercessor at the throne of God, like You, Mother of God! Motherly, Your prayer can do much to the mercy of the Lord. Before Him all things are possible to You. For this sake, I place all my hope on Thee according to Bose. For this sake, I keep Thy most pure image in my prison, remembering Thy closeness to all those who mourn and those who are imprisoned.
Both of you, Mother of God, have shown many mercy to me until now at my request to You! Why did I appear before You? Alas for the wicked one! But I am forgetful of Your good deeds. But, O merciful Queen Theotokos, forgive my treachery and foolishness; do not reject me, again returning to You, show me Your ancient mercy and take me into Your powerful hands, as if I were sick, as if I were barely alive from the ulcers of sin.
Lead my sinful soul to repentance, for my iniquities have surpassed my head: how many hitherto have I angered my God with lies, theft, drunkenness, sedition, hardness of heart, lack of conscience. I sin incessantly in this prison with laziness, dreams, deceptions, disobedience, annoying my fellow prisoners and corrupting them, complaining and grumbling at my fate. Who has not been with me until now, neither tears, nor tenderness, or I cry only from my annoyance.
Reconcile me, O Gracious One, with God Your Son. Vouchsafe me to receive permission in all my sins in the mystery of repentance, and abie to partake of the Holy Body and Blood of Your Son. Help me from now on to hate my evil passions and to fight stronger against sin; zane, if I repent of it, in a little hour I do it, and I find myself lying before God. Ask me, Lady Mother of God, the grace of the rest of my life in firm repentance. Have mercy on sinners, do not despise me, the first of them. See my troubles, see my bitter life in this dungeon. Help me to endure to the end my shame, narrowness and other prison deprivations, lest I fall into despair, lest I dare to blaspheme the Providence of God, but only I grieve and cry about my sins, only from my sadness about my children and relatives, from them but I am separated, I turn to consolation in prayer. I have no patience, and every day I remember that this is the end of my patience. Oh, sad unknown consolation! Comfort my father and mother and relatives, who mourn for me, for them I have done it, as if dead. Most of all, O philanthropic Mother! do not deprive your protection of my wife and child, I left them, like a criminal father, for they are not guilty of my sins. Nurture them and keep them healthy and God-fearing. Grant me, finally, to see freedom and kiss my household with tears of joy. From the depths of my soul I cry out to You, Queen of Heaven, from one image of Yours with the eternal Baby, held in Your hand, feel joy in my heart: do not reject me, be the patroness in all my needs, in all my fear and despondency, in the afternoon and night, in health and sickness. Ease my spiritual and bodily sorrows, as You are the joy of all those who grieve. Be merciful to me not only here, but also there, in the land of eternity. Do not leave me without Your intercession on the day of the terrible second coming of my Lord. Hey, Holy Mother of God! Do not forget then my faith, even to You, and my unworthy prayers before You. Yes, having been pardoned for eternity, I will thank You and glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit in endless ages. Amen.

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Prayer to the saint
Nicholas the Wonderworker

Oh, great miracle worker and saint of Christ, Saint Father Nicholas! Thou art a quick helper and merciful intercessor to all those who call upon thee, and even more so to those who are in mortal troubles. Such are the miracles of mercy you showed in the days of your life. When, after your death, you appeared to the Throne of God, according to this no one can count your mercies, even if he had many languages. You keep floating on the waters; you saved many drowning people. You keep on the way, even catching the winds, great snow, fierce scum, the greatest rain. You guarded houses and estates from the burning of malicious people and the all-term burning. You protect those who are on the way from the attack of villains. You help the poor and the poor, delivering them from extreme despondency and the fall, for the sake of poverty. You protect the innocent from slander and unjust condemnation. You saved from death itself three men sitting in a dungeon, they were determined not to be cut with a sword.
Taco, you have been given great grace from God to pray for people and save those in trouble! You also became famous for your help to people among the unfaithful Hagarites.
Can't you help me only, unfortunate and needy, if you prepare this lot for yourself? Protect me, too, from despondency and despair, which are worse than me. Oh, great saint Nicholas! You yourself endured imprisonment in prison for the holy faith, and, as a zealous shepherd of Christ, you yourself knew how hard it is to be deprived of liberty and stay in chains. If you have helped many who pray to you in chains! Make it easy for me, sitting in prison, this misfortune. Grant me to soon see the end of my prison stay and receive freedom - not for the sake of continuing my sins, but for the sake of correcting my life! Pray fervently for this, if we are to be delivered from eternal dungeons, and with your help we save, I glorify God, marvelous in His saints. Amen.

St. John the Baptist in the Wilderness

Prayer of a prisoner to St. John the Baptist

Forerunner and Baptist of Christ John, preacher of repentance! You were innocently planted in prison: but, thrown into this misfortune, worthy of my deeds, I accept, like a criminal of truth and law. Instill in my heart a sense of repentance for my sins! There is no more than a single malice or lawlessness, even I, accursed, did not deed; fear my sins. Truth teacher! teach me the right to speak about myself before judges. Do not stop in the dungeon to expose the lawless Herod, grant me, but most of all, my conscience convicts me here, but from the denunciation of it I will not be able to hide my crime for a long time. If I am condemned to be punished, grant me to be patient, as if you yourself patiently bear the beheading of your head, desired by Herodias. Hey, the Baptist of Christ! Stretch out, thy servant, the hand that baptized Christ my Savior, and draw me out of the depths of perdition. You are the greatest of all in those born of women, you are the first according to the Mother of God, the righteous among men. For this reason, I resort to you az, having the need for a great intercessor, for I am a great sinner. Ubo and may it overshadow me, unworthy, your grace, Forerunner of the Lord.

On alleviating the plight of prisoners

Great Martyr ANASTASIA, the Maker of Patterns (December 22 old style / January 04 old style) Suffered around the year 304. Being married to a pagan, she kept her bodily purity and labored in helping Christians imprisoned in dungeons.

Troparion, tone 4:

Victorious Resurrection / the true name is called thou, the martyr of Christ, / you put victory on the enemies of torment with patience, / for Christ's sake, your Bridegroom, whom you loved. / Him pray / save our souls.

Kontakion, tone 2:

In temptation and sorrow existing, / flowing to your temple, / they accept honest gifts from the Divine grace living in you, Anastasius: / you will always bring healing to the world.

Stichera, tone 8, on "Lord, I have called":

Neglecting the world of the red ones and not sparing your flesh to these, honest, all afar, serve yourself most adorably to the saints, patiently in suffering, wiping their pus and strengthening the words of the wise to courage wisely, pray that our souls be saved.


Oh, long-suffering and wise great martyr of Christ Anastasia! You stand with your soul in heaven at the throne of the Lord, on the earth, given to you by grace, performing various healings. Look mercifully on the people who are coming and praying before your relics, asking for your help: extend to the Lord your holy prayers from us, and ask us for the remission of our sins, healing for the sick, ambulance for those who are grieving and in need; pray to the Lord, may he give us all a Christian death and a good answer at His Last Judgment, may we also be honored with you to glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer of the Optina Elders

Lord, give me peace of mind to meet everything that the coming day brings me. Let me completely surrender to Your holy will. For every hour of this day, instruct and support me in everything. Whatever news I receive during
day, teach me to accept them with a calm soul and a firm conviction that everything is Thy holy will.
In all my words and deeds guide my thoughts and feelings. In all unforeseen cases, do not let me forget that everything is sent down by You.
Teach me to act directly and reasonably with each member of my family, without embarrassing or upsetting anyone.
Lord, give me the strength to endure the fatigue of the coming day and all the events during the day. Guide my will and teach me to pray, believe, hope, endure, forgive and love. Amen.

Prayer of the condemned

Manasseh from the bonds and bitter imprisonment of prayers for the sake of the free, all-merciful God, and to me, Thy servant who is now praying, free from bonds and imprisonment, and deliver from every golden situation, as the only Lover of mankind.
Like a source of mercy, and abyss of goodness, Christ God, do not despise in sorrows and troubles You faithfully calling, but like a generous, have mercy, and soon be free from the bonds, but I sing to You: Alleluia.
Bring my soul out of prison, confess your name. Listen to my prayer, as if you humbled yourself

Reading from the Book of Acts of the Holy Apostles (ch. 12, verses 1-5):

"At that time King Herod raised his hands against some of those who belonged to the church, to do them evil. And he killed James, the brother of John, with the sword. Seeing that this was pleasing to the Jews, after that he took Peter also. Then were the days of unleavened bread. And , having detained him, put him in prison, and ordered four quarters of soldiers to guard him, intending to bring him out to the people after Easter. So Peter was guarded in prison; slept between two soldiers, chained with two chains, and the guards at the door guarded the prison. And, behold, the Angel of the Lord appeared, and the light shone on the prison. The angel, pushing Peter on the side, woke him up and said: Arise quickly. And the chains fell from his hands. And the angel said to him, gird yourself and put on your shoes. He did so. Then he said to him, put on your clothes and follow me. Peter went out and followed him, not knowing that what the angel was doing was real, but thinking that he was seeing a vision. Having passed the first and second watch, they came to the iron gate leading to the city which of themselves opened themselves to them: they went out and passed one street, and suddenly the angel was not with him. Then Peter, having come to his senses, said: Now I truly see that the Lord sent His Angel and delivered me from the hand of Herod and from everything that the people of the Jews were waiting for.
From the depths I called to Thee, Lord, Lord, hear my voice.
May Your ears be attentive to the voice of my supplication.

From John of the Holy Gospel reading (ch. 8 st. 31-36):

“Then Jesus said to the Jews who believed in Him: if you continue in My word, then you are truly My disciples. And you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free. They answered him: we are the seed of Abraham and have never been slaves to anyone; "become free"? Jesus answered them: Truly, truly, I say to you, everyone who commits sin is a slave of sin. But the slave does not stay in the house forever; the son abides forever. So if the Son sets you free, you will be truly free.”

Glory to Thee Lord, glory to Thee.

Know Peter from the bonds and prison, and present Your church, Christ, and me, Your servant, now praying to You, as if merciful, have mercy, and from the bonds of freedom, I pray Thee, all-merciful Savior, hear and have mercy.

Lord have mercy. (thrice)

They saved the poor from the strong and the poor, he already has no helper, and to me, in trouble and imprisonment and the bonds of existence, like a generous, merciful freedom, diligently I pray to You, hear soon and graciously have mercy.

Lord have mercy. (thrice)

Joseph in prison, sometimes in Egypt, a gloriously free prisoner, and now deliver me from bonds and bitter misfortunes, I pray to You, merciful deliverer, hear and have mercy soon.

Lord have mercy. (thrice)

Through the prayers of our holy fathers, Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us. Amen.

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