Palmistry life line years. How to read the signs on the hand: the interpretation of the life line. More important is the right or the left

Finishing 24.11.2020

It starts in the palm of the hand between the thumb and forefinger and extends in an arc around the thumb towards the wrist. Many people know that by it you can find out the duration life path however, it shows more than that. It also indicates the quality of the life path and vitality of the individual. It also shows diseases that have a high risk of getting sick, an increased likelihood of accidents in a certain period of existence.

Which hand to guess - left or right

It is advised to guess with both hands, since we are all characterized by duality. One of the hands represents our active part, the other is passive, it is important to compare these results to obtain an objective result.

The beginning of the line of life

It can start on the knoll of Saturn, the knoll of Jupiter, and also, perhaps, the most common variant - between the knoll of Jupiter and the thumb. People who start it on the mound of Saturn are careerists. People striving for fame and fortune have the beginning of a life line on the hill of Jupiter, such persons try to get a good job in and make a lot of money. People with a life line between the thumb and the hill of Jupiter are balanced, lead a fairly calm existence and do not strive for a dizzying career, or for fame and fortune.

Life line shape

The harmonious line wrapped around the thumb and gently going down to the wrist characterizes an attractive person with a love of life. Striving for the thumb and the hill of Venus indicates love for home and family. If she strives in the opposite direction from the thumb, her owner is an adventurer and strives to leave the parental home as early as possible. Quite often, you can find a double line. This is interpreted as good sign: some consider this a sign of a happy life path, while others argue that it is easier for such an individual to get help from other people. If she stops already on the hill of Venus, then such a person is not familiar with sympathy. The straight line says that a person needs to love and sympathize more, compassion for other people will help make his existence better.

Life line length

There is debate as to whether length reflects duration of existence. The old schools say this is so. Recent generations of palmists do not always support this theory. It is worth paying attention to both the left and right hand and draw conclusions according to the length on both hands, since the length on the right and left hands does not always coincide.

Depth and width of the lifeline

A deep and clear line promises good health to the owner. We can see this in phlegmatic people who perceive adversity calmly and without unnecessary worries. This quality is enhanced if it starts on the hill of Jupiter.

In contrast to the deep and clear, weak and narrow means the opposite, that is, that a person will be in poor health, have an exhausted nervous system and it will also be more difficult for him to cope with troubles. It is not at all necessary that the individual will certainly be ill all the time, it is just that such a line denotes a little less poor health. Such signs on the hand should alert the owner and make him take a closer look at his health.

Very narrow life line

Indicates extremely poor health. A person will always have to be looked after, since he will not be able to take care of himself. Also, people with a narrow line are often aggressors, a constant depressed mood and lack of well-being over time affects their character. Typically, people prone to suicide have this type of life line.

Horizontal lines on the line of life

Horizontal lines indicate a flaw or flaw: this is illness or failure. Small subtle features give out a nervous person, prone to unnecessary worries. If the line is located closer to the middle of the elevation of Venus, then the owner of such a sign will be for a long time suffer from the influence of relatives. If a line on the line of fate also crosses the head line, then such a person may have problems with the bronchi, as well as blood diseases. If the line passes to the hillock of the moon (at the bottom of the palm under the little finger), then this indicates problems with the digestive system.

Chains on the line of life

Chains indicate unhappiness and heartache. By the location of the chains, you can find out which life period will be miserable and difficult. For example, the chains at the beginning between the index and thumb indicate a difficult childhood. If it is all made up of chains, it means a constant struggle for survival. Fading with chains along its entire length indicates that at the end of the path, the owner will not have the strength to fight difficulties.

Double line of life

The double stripe indicates the high energy of the owner. Some palmists consider the presence of a second or even a third line as several options for the development of the future.

Star on the line of life

A star is a good omen. This is a sign of well-being. The location will tell you in what period of time a favorable event will take place.

Islands on the line of life

The islands are visually similar to chains, with the only difference that they are more rounded and slightly larger. The islands are not a very auspicious omen. They indicate the onset of illness or changes in the body. If there are several islands and they are connected, this means continuous development of the disease. However, these may be just changes in the body, such as menopause.

Lack of a life line

Absence indicates a high level of anxiety. It is difficult for this type of person to enjoy their own existence. You need to pay attention to dealing with stress: eating right, exercising, and carefully monitoring any changes in mental health. The balanced mound of Venus, combined with a clear and complete head line, compensates for its absence.

Age designation on the life line

If you draw a straight line from the index finger to the eminence under the thumb, then total area will indicate a period of up to twenty one years. The area formed by the intersection of the line of life and the imaginary line from the mound of Saturn (below the middle finger) indicates a period of twenty-one to forty-two years. The line drawn from the mound of Mercury (little finger) indicates age after sixty-three years.

For many centuries, palmistry has been trying to help a person correctly interpret what fate has prepared for him. Any protrusion or depression, dash or mark on the palm indicates a very important points in all periods of a person's life. Therefore, it is impossible to predict truthful information without examining all the details and all the intersections of the lines.

Even in ancient times, our ancestors learned to read and decipher the signs marked on the hand. This is one of the types of predictions, but not everyone is given it. The most important thing to remember is that no one will tell you the exact answers and you should not completely rely on these predictions. Of course, according to the different symbols on the hand, you can predict the upcoming events, but whether they happen or not will depend only on you.

As a rule, most people do not often encounter this type of fortune telling, and do not know which hand to use for fortune telling. Everything is very simple here. If you are right-handed, you can use your right hand for divination; if you are left-handed, therefore, your left.

Now we have decided on which hand it is necessary to guess for certain people, and in the future, in the course of the article, we will find out exactly where the life line is and what it means.

All about the Life Line - meaning and interpretation

A more detailed study of this line will help you learn much more about yourself than you might even imagine. So, having learned everything about the life line, you can change the course of the life path and increase its duration, protect yourself from accidents and overcome various diseases.

A person has 7 main and 12 minor lines in the palm of his hand. The life line is one of the most important on the hand, which is present in absolutely everyone. It is formed on the palm of a human embryo at a time when he is only eight weeks old!

  • It encircles the hill of Venus in the palm of a person. With the help of it, you can determine the state of human health, his disease and even age.
  • It can have different shapes and lengths, it can be oily or thin, with islets and dots, abrupt or bifurcated.
  • From it you can find out the character of a person, his temper, difficulties at certain periods of life. Having knowledge of palmistry and learning about certain events, you can try to prevent them.

Following this line, the line of the heart is formed, and then the third line of the mind. If the line of life originates from the line of reason, then in this case, the owner of the hand belongs to the category of generous people.

Often these people are too compassionate and merciful towards each other, they try to never refuse to help loved ones and acquaintances. But, as for helping outsiders, this is another question that should be considered from the position of his soul line and its direction.

If the line of life and mind begins from one point, such a person has an active life position and strives to achieve his goal. It is impossible to call such people egoists, but somewhere in the depths of their souls they have this quality. By their nature, they are too persistent and in almost all cases they always achieve their goals, and in different ways.

When the life line originates separately from the mind line, this is an arrogant and proud person. For people in whom material values ​​play a very important role in life, neither friendship nor devotion matters. They are so greedy that they refuse even to acquire any material things.

Most often, because of their greed, such people lose their friends. Their main disadvantage is the fact that they like to teach others, give advice, but at the same time do not listen to the advice of loved ones. As a rule, they are fixated on their own interests, and the interests of those around them do not bother them much.

Bold and thin lines

  • Bold stripes indicate a difficult yet active life. Such an owner of a hand in life does not succeed in everything easily.

To reach some heights or a set goal, he will need most of his life. A deep and bold line is an indicator of perseverance and hard work, and if it is also long, then you can expect success.

  • A thin or indistinct life line indicates a windy personality, many obstacles along the path of life.

Such a person is not too persistent in achieving what he wants and listens more to the opinions of others than to himself. They can be convinced of anything, so a leadership position is not for them. If, at the same time, the line is long and straight, then this is a sign of measured fate.

Split Life Line

It is extremely interesting to know what the split of the main band tells us. If the life line on the hand bifurcates, then this, first of all, suggests that this person is two-faced. The owner of such a split is inconsistent in his thoughts and actions.

He can think or say one thing, and do a completely different unthinkable act. The double line of life matters - another life, i.e. a person can live two lives at once.

Of course, with such a category of people it is better not to have any business, and even more so of a personal nature, hoping for the loyalty of your companion and for creating a family with him. Forking the line and turning it towards the Hill of the Moon can mean an immense passion for travel and frequent relocation. If such a split is present on two hands, then this is a sign of your emigration. Your life will end far from your homeland.

  • If a small line departs from the strip of life and connects with the line of fate, then this indicates that the person has managed to achieve his cherished dream.
  • If a small dash departs from the line of mind and connects with the life line, this indicates that changes will occur in a person's life that will affect his personal destiny and career. Perhaps it will be a job change where he can make money directly with his mind.
  • If the life line is too thin and almost invisible, then the person is distrustful and fearful, treats everyone with suspicion. He passes all problems through himself, constantly worries, even for no particular reason.
  • Departing stripes from the life line are an indicator of the loss of vitality and strength, as well as trouble or disappointment.

If the life line connects with the fate line, this indicates that the person was able to achieve the desired result. His life goals completely coincide with the principles, morality or tradition, but after achieving the goal, his vital assets will significantly decrease.

Various symbols in the palm - what do they mean

In palmistry, you can also find a point, and if its location is directly on the main strip, then this is not a very good sign. The loss of a loved one, financial instability or other troubles is quite likely.

In some cases, a dot may indicate the death of the owner of the hand, but it should not be considered as a sentence. This is just a warning sign. As a rule, those who have such a mark on their hand cannot always cope with difficulties on their own.

A break in the main strip indicates some kind of danger, but this is just a warning, not a sentence. This combination of lines can be explained as psychological or physical pain, trauma that can be healed and in the future this will not all be reflected in the state of the person and his life. If this band breaks, the following can happen:

  • disenchantment with religion;
  • difficulties in professional activity;
  • financial difficulties;
  • family problems and disagreements;
  • misunderstanding with others.

On the main line, you can also see some islands indicating dead-end problems, faced with which, a person does not know how to solve them. It can be troubles not only in the family, but also financial difficulties. People who have an island on this line are prone to a depressive state, so the problem needs to be solved only by real actions and not relying on other forces or that everything will be resolved by itself.

Sometimes there is another line that is parallel to the life line. In palmistry, it is called the angel line. This is additional energy, which must be used correctly and not to abuse the additional power. The angel line also has its beginning and its end. Therefore, additional energy is given to a person only for a certain period of time.

Relying on centuries of practice, in most cases, if you look at the hands of children, you can see that these lines are too short, but then, as children grow up, these lines become longer.

There is no way to calculate the length of the lifeline on a person's hand. the exact date his death. This would require subjecting many other circumstances to careful analysis.

And even more than that, the palmist is by no means allowed to tell a person the estimated date of his death, because such portents tend to become self-fulfilling prophecies.

Ideally, such a line should be continuous, deep, and also long. Although its length is not an indicator that a person's life will be long or that he will die prematurely. Therefore, it is a mistake to think that by just one line you can learn about the duration of a person's life.

In the course of your practice, you may come across people who have three main lines quite short. These lines:

  • life line,
  • mind line,
  • and heart line.

Some skeptical people make their assertion about the above lines that they are ordinary folds acquired in the process of life. The most interesting thing is that these statements absolutely do not correspond to the truth, because all the listed lines appear in the palm of the embryo much earlier than the time when he has the opportunity to move his arms and wiggle his arms.

The life line serves as a kind of litmus test and shows how viable a person is and loves to live in this world. Therefore, it is natural that the living standard, its quality and the amount of human vital energy directly affect this line. Moreover, along the line of life, one can determine not only the strength and energy of a person, but also his endurance.

Interpretation of symbols on the life line

The location of various signs and symbols on the life line helps to give an accurate description of the life path of a particular person. What these symbols are and what they mean, we will find out below:


The location of this symbol on the hand is a very good sign. If he is on any negative sign, then it can soften its effect in the future.

  • A small square near the index finger will definitely bring well-being.
  • Rectangle or square big shape, located on the hill of Venus, warns that your freedom will not last long.
  • And this does not mean at all that you will be imprisoned for a long time. For women, this can mean an unhappy marriage, and for men, subordination at work.


This sign is a harbinger of good luck. Those who hold such a sign in the palm of their hand are very successful and adventurous in their careers. It is not difficult for such people to achieve heights and at the same time spend a minimum of their strength.


It is very difficult to interpret this sign correctly. It all depends on its location in the palm of your hand. A good sign of imminent material well-being, if the triangle is located somewhere at the beginning of the line.

The location of this symbol next to the line of life will bring some disasters associated with fire, but if this symbol is on the line itself, then its owner will suffer. You should not dwell on this, because you can suffer in figuratively having lost important documents, without which you will be fired from your job.

A loop

The presence of this sign indicates a difficult unresolved situation, on which you will need to spend not only money investments, but also your own strength. If the square overlaps everything, then the value in this case changes and predicts, for example, some kind of training or advanced training.

A circle

  • The presence of such a sign makes it clear that a person is in harmony with the world, and that he has peace and tranquility in his soul. The size of the circle doesn't matter much.
  • If the circle is located at the very beginning of the line, then fate predetermined a calm childhood without any particular upheavals.
  • Only after reaching a more mature age, you can part with a monotonous life and make any changes to it.


A line with this symbol at the beginning of a life's journey speaks of an unbearable character and mutual misunderstanding with more mature people. If this sign is located closer to the end of this strip, then the person has a psychologically difficult and difficult life.

The complete absence of a Life Line - what does it mean

It is almost impossible to meet the owner with a palm on which there will be no lifeline, but there have been such cases. This could indicate a hectic, anxious life. This sign warns of danger and most likely you need to radically change your entire life path. It is necessary to reconsider the priorities, values ​​and worldview in general.

  • There were such cases that when a child appeared in the family, the missing line was instantly restored.
  • This appearance of a child was regarded, first of all, as a gift from above and meant that this person was given another chance to start all over again.
  • The main thing in such a situation is to remember that the disappearance of the main line cannot be just like that!

We hope that you have received enough information by reading the detailed transcript about the life line, about its symbols and their location. Do not forget that all these signs only predetermine your destiny, but they are not. If you give up after receiving a negative prediction, you won't be able to change everything. Reconsider your actions, your values ​​in life, do everything to re-arrange the favor of the stars.

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It is believed that all our destiny is written in the palm of our hand at birth. The science of interpreting this very fate along the lines on the hands is called palmistry. They began to study it even in the fifteenth century. We will try to tell you in detail and explain how to correctly interpret the lines drawn on your palms.

What is the life line in the palm of your hand

Before you start, to interpret and tell something, you need to figure out in detail how to correctly carry out fortune telling by hand. The life line has a permanent location. But branches on it, or next to it, can appear and change location throughout a person's life. Probably you are interested in the question, and on which hand do they look at the life line? Such fortune-telling is carried out on both hands. Palmists believe that if a person is left-handed, then another palm will be able to tell us about his fate. But the left hand can tell about life at the moment.

It originates between the thumb and forefinger almost exactly in the middle. Taking its origin at the point of departure, it flows smoothly along the tubercle of the thumb. In such a science as palmistry, it is called the hill of Venus. And it reaches the very bottom, ending almost at the wrist.

Please note that it is constantly crossed by various small and large lines. As a rule, it is customary to call them marks in fortune-telling. They are also very important in interpreting divination. Without knowing their interpretation and decoding, you will not be able to read anything on your hand. By devoting as much time as possible to the study of information, it will be possible to answer a very large number of questions.

How to prepare your hands for fortune telling

After you have decided that you want to know the future or the present, you need to properly prepare for fortune telling by hand. For convenience, there are several simple ways:

To make a good print, wash your hands with soap and dry with a towel. Place your palm against the copier glass and press down as hard as possible. And in any case, do not move it until the scan is complete. After everything went well and the quality of the images obtained allows you to start working, you can print them and start fortune-telling.

  • For a simple way to get a palm drawing, you can use ordinary stamp ink. Prepare a few newspapers, the paint itself, a rolling roller, a rubber, clean white sheet and a pencil are best suited. Now we take newspapers, put a white sheet of paper on them and carefully apply paint with a roller on the palm of your hand. After the whole hand is covered with a dye, boldly press it against a sheet of paper, and with a simple pencil we carefully outline the contours of the fingers.

That's all, we were able to make a readable print of the hand of interest to us for fortune-telling, now we need to figure out what the lines on it mean.

Value in the palm of your hand

After the science of palmistry was studied by scientists, it became clear the meaning of the trait of life in the palm of a person. It is considered to be an indicator of health status throughout a person's life. She will be able to point out when someone is wondering who, such events in life can occur as:

  • Violation of the emotional state.
  • Possible appearance of diseases.
  • Loss of vitality.

Having examined it correctly and carefully, you will be able to approximately, as accurately as possible, find out the number of years that this person has been given for life in this world. Look carefully at it, where it runs from the sides and on top of it there are cuffs and convolutions in the form of a line of less pronounced, but still clearly visible. The whole line is literally cut by these cuffs. And notice, they play a very large role in interpretation. They appear and disappear, and this is also influenced to a greater extent by the age of the person.

The very beginning of the life line, which is located between the thumb and forefinger, has a meaning, of course, birth. This is a kind of zero countdown, as palmists call it, it is from this point that everything begins, and then the line will show how much a person is allotted to live in this world. And of course, the end of the life line is the milestone of 85 years. This is the so-called old age zone. If we divide the entire line into decades, starting from 0 and ending with the border of 80 years, then it will be possible to understand what events will occur in each period.

There are, of course, double life lines on the hand, conducting fortune telling, pay attention to both palms and consider each strip next to the main one. Such stripes are of great importance. Here are their transcripts:

The main criteria for interpretation are:

  1. Length.
  2. Thickness.
  3. Integrity.
  4. Depth.
  5. Signs.
  6. Branches.
  7. Location to other lines.

Interpretation criteria

Length. For such a value, as the length in no way speaks of the duration of the life period. This is an indicator of the vital energy that is inherent in a person at birth. It indicates a person's ability to plan his life. Accordingly, if it is short, then this indicates that you do not have too much energy and, probably, in poor health. And if such a line is long, then accordingly Vital energy the person beats over the edge.

Thickness. Looking at such a criterion of interpretation, we can talk about how active a person is in this life. In the event that it has a broad basis, then with confidence, we can say that a person is slow, rather, reasonable and calm. He takes all the hardships of life for granted and nothing is able to take him out of balance. He keeps himself very well in hand.

The thick line will tell us about the person which does not have a lot of events, he has everything planned out and life goes on schedule. Otherwise, when it has a narrow base, then say confidently that the owner of this palm is very active and is constantly in search and striving for something new. Very often it is these people who are ahead of the events, and are in a hurry to live and be afraid of not being able to catch up with something in one lifetime. Please note that its thickness may vary.

Depth. It characterizes the replenishment of the energy forces of a person. If it is unexpressed, it means that you have very little strength. And you, like, never need to collect them all and send them in the right direction, without being bored with trifles.

A deep line will tell about a person's activity and amazing health. They travel very often, make new acquaintances, and also find many new hobbies for themselves and never stand in one place. In the event that you see that the line is constantly interrupted, then advise the person to urgently take care of their health.

Bends. The energy potential level can be monitored by examining the bend. If it looks more like a semicircle, then you are looking at the palm of a life-loving person. Pay attention to the fact that the more a line looks like a straight line, the less cheerfulness in a person.

It is inherent in these people to behave calmly and judiciously, never to get involved in any adventures. It happens that she is winding and looks like a zigzag... People with such a bend are sometimes not very easy in this world, as they are very modest and indecisive. But despite this, they are always for justice. They need to be given a little confidence and more attention to their family.

The beginning of the line. If the line of life begins right under the index finger, then this is a self-confident, self-sufficient person who is endowed with extremely large ambitions. Man can easy to start your business, and quite successful.

But if a line of life begins from one point as the line of the head, then this person is too attached to his ancestral roots, and will not take a step without the approval of relatives and people close to him. He can be called a failed personality.

But if the line of life is located near the line of the mind, but pay attention does not intersect with it in any way, then this is a person endowed with self-control. He will easily calculate all the pros and cons, weigh the correct decision and only then move on. If it is under the line of the mind, then it is already much worse. This person is very unrestrained and very impulsive. If it has branches at its beginning, then this is a pretty good sign. These branches symbolize good immunity.

The end of the line of life. Here, pay attention to both palms. And you will see that there are ramifications at the end of the line. They are almost always found, very rarely they are not there. These are very important signs, they indicate the character of a person, and his death.

If there is such a branch then most likely, a person will spend old age alone, and, possibly, in complete poverty. In the case when the line of life smoothly turns into a ramification, then the end of his life he will need everything. But when the line does not end with a branch, but draws a fork pattern, then this is a very good sign for him in old age.

Breaks. There is information from somewhere that ruptures on this fateful line promise death, but this is not true. Pay attention, even if it is torn, but it goes on, it means that life goes on. There can be several gaps, not necessarily one or two. Such gaps indicate great changes in a person's life.

Of course, it will be some kind of strong shock, accident or accident, but life will not end there. It can also mean the death of a close relative for a person. Or dismissal from the usual place of work. Look carefully at which hand the woman's life line ends with a rupture, if on the right hand, then, most likely, she still ends up at the end of her life with her betrothed divorce. And it will be very painful for her, but pay attention, not fatal. And if there is a connection of this gap with a thin line, then everything will be fine, and she will return to a full life.

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Notes of a Novice Palmist

Long line: good health, vitality
Short line: poor health, vulnerability
Clear line:
smooth life
Fuzzy line: little energy
Broken line: fight, loss
Forked Line: dispersion, energy separation
Double line: have a soul mate or guardian
Lack of a lifeline:: nervous, anxious life

Life line does not indicate how many years you will live, it only determines the quality of your life. She is an indicator of vitality and inherent energy. The life line next to the thumb denotes low vitality and is sometimes common in people who suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome. The meaning of the line is stability, a sense of security, vitality, energy, nutrition. Element correspondence: Earth.

General view of the life line

Clear, deep, no breaks- a person is stable, self-confident, full of strength and energy.

Short, weak, intermittent- uncertainty, weakness, isolation from reality, vulnerability; health problems, digestion, sleep.

A weak life line doesn't always mean poor health and disease. Disease is a consequence of the internal state of a person. If a person feels insecure in life, then he is more vulnerable to illness. A person with such a life line often seeks support from other people in order to feel safe; go through life for more strong people you can rely on.

Lifeline location

The line curves close to the center of the palm, far from the thumb- an abundance of vitality, the ability to overcome difficulties.

Line close to thumb- weakness, insecurity, fear.

The line starts near the index finger, very high- ambition, energy.

Breaking the line of life

On the active hand (right)- a sharp change in important life circumstances (divorce, illness, relocation, etc.).

Line state after break:
The line is clearer- changes have positive effect strengthen the person.
The line got weaker- changes for the worse, weakening of health, loss of energy.
The line approached the center of the palm- a more active life, a new career.
Line closer to the base of the thumb- a secluded, calm lifestyle.

On the passive hand (left)- problems of growing up, difficult childhood (divorce of parents, moving, loss of a close relative, etc., any serious threat to life stability that affected the psyche of the child in childhood).

Branches on the line of life

Fork at the base of the line- love of travel and change.

Short branches pointing up- new positive beginnings and changes in life.

Short branches pointing down- changes associated with loss of energy, anxiety.

Parallel lines

Lines that are approximately the same in thickness, i.e. double life line- two value systems in life, two ways of life. For example, combining family life with a career. On the passive hand, it can mean different influences from parents who are not similar in character.

Parallel lines are thinner than the main life line- support from outside significant people(faithful friends, relatives, spouses, etc., with whom a close and reliable relationship has developed, constant mutual support) or favorite pets.

Life length versus life line

It is widely believed that the duration of a person's life directly depends on the length of the life line. In general, it makes sense, but the meaning is relative. For example, a person with a short life line, with the support of close people, can feel stable, not get sick and live a long time. A person is able to change himself, the way of thinking, feelings, emotions, develop in a positive direction, thereby shaping a new future; often the lines of the palm also change, in accordance with internal changes. So, a short life line can become longer, and vice versa.

There is also an opinion about a chronological scale by which you can mark the life line in order to calculate the dates of events. This point is also relative, and more focused on the average person. For example, they divide the life line into 12 segments of 7 years, 84 years in total. But this is not the limit at all, there are people who have lived for more than 100 years, which once again speaks of the conventionality of such assessments.

Signs on the line of life

so-called "trauma lines" that predict emotional shock
The gap
illness, in particular coma; overlay lines: significant changes in life
variable energy and apathy, energy comes in fits and jerks
difficult period

The life line on the hand is the main straight line that dissects the palm. It originates at the base of the index finger, bends around the hill of Venus in a semicircle, ending at the hand or under the thumb. She is not able to tell about the length of the life path, but it is possible to learn about the quality of the time allotted by God on Earth along the line.

People who are not associated with palmistry are sure that the life line measures the time that is destined to live. This is a popular misconception that frustrates people with short lines. The main line of the hand predetermines further fate, possible changes, health problems, ups and downs. Its interpretation depends on the severity, depth, length, intersection with other signs.

A solid, without breaks, clearly visible line denoting life and its events, shows that a person is confident, full of energy, has great potential, and has a large supply of strength.

If a line on the hand is interrupted in several places, is poorly visible, there are moles or marks on top, this is an indicator of insecurity, vulnerability. Weak furrow of the vital straight line, an indicator of increased soreness.

Palmists consider identical prints of the relief of two palms to be ideal. The identical meaning of the life lines on the hands is rare. It is not correct to predict fate by one hand. Basic information encoded in lines is stored in the dominant palm. Left-handed - left hand, right-handed - right. The supplement, where they can find confirmation or correction of the signs of fate seen, is looked for in the opposite palm, making up a complete picture of the prediction.

How to find out how much to live along the line on the hand

Comparison of the longevity of existence and the length of the life line in the palm of your hand is rather relative. There are a number of examples where people who died at an early age had a clear, continuous, long line, and a short furrow was present in centenarians. A shortened straight line does not always indicate death; it can speak of a decrease in the quality of a person's being. Palmistry calls a sign of early death a sharply breaking arc present on both hands. The signs of death covering the palm are taken into account. If such a prophecy is discovered, you should not wait for death, the line on the hand only indicates possible events. Man is the creator of his own destiny.

If you change your way of life, thinking, and direct emotions in a positive direction, then it is quite possible to change the “dark” future. Often the lines on the hand change, positive changes can lengthen a straight line, and negative changes can erase part of the arc from the palm.

Interpretation of signs on the line

The life line in the palm of your hand is rarely perfect, without defects. On 95% of palms, there are various signs left by fate. These can be stripes, geometric shapes, gaps, moles. Each of the symbols carries encoded information. Palmistry is able to decipher such signs and tell the owner of the hand about the events that await him in the future.

Short or long line

A long, well-defined straight line on the arm indicates a long century that ends in extreme old age. It is difficult to determine how long to live along the line of life. The short arc that bends around the mound of Venus is not always indicative of an imminent end. Its owner may have a chronic pathology, an incurable disease or poor living conditions. In addition to length, location should be considered:

  1. Starting high, next to the index finger of the hand, speaks of ambition, arrogance, an energetic side of the person. Such people are able to achieve great success in life.
  2. A line running near the middle of the palm far from the thumb indicates a great will of a person and the ability to overcome any difficulties.
  3. Located close to the thumb, characterizes the owner as an insecure, weak person. People are afraid of being misunderstood, unloved, abandoned.

Presence of a triangle or island

The arc of life on the hand, "decorated" with different geometric shapes, warns the owner about possible events. To be ready to face difficulties, you need to be able to read the left overlapping of the hand relief.

  1. An islet on the line indicates illness or injury. The second is not always physical. A closed ring on the hand carries psychological, mental imbalance caused by negative events: loss of a loved one, rupture love relationship, obsessive enmity or other.
  2. A triangle located on it can interrupt the furrow. He will tell about a fire in which a person will participate. The event will completely change his life. If the triangle is placed close, not in contact with the arc, then the owner of the triangle will not physically participate in the fire, but the imprint of what happened will remain.
  3. A triangle looking towards the thumb, the base of which coincides with the line telling about life - to a big win, inheritance, unexpected enrichment thanks to intuition and the current situation.

Double or bifurcate

The double line of life in palmistry indicates the presence of a guardian angel. They say about such people “born in a shirt”. The protection of higher powers protects a person if the additional parallel line is identical in length to the arc on the arm. When the secondary line is visible near a certain part, then the protection will extend for a certain period: several years, adolescence, the time of old age. The presence of a triple line, speaking about events in life, shows that in addition to protecting the guardian angel, one of the previously deceased relatives is caring about the fate of the owner of such a mark from the other world.

A person with a chain on his hand, where several straight lines are intertwined, always have many fans and friends. He easily enters into trust, has many connections. He is "cramped" with a quiet family life, frequent changes of partners, many marriages for such individuals are the norm.

The straight line often bifurcates or has branches:

  • fork at the base of the line - travel, trips, active lifestyle;
  • a small bifurcation on the arm, directed upwards - positive changes, new achievements, conquering the peaks;
  • a small bifurcation on the line, directed downward - loss, loss of energy, strength, depression;
  • a small process at the beginning directed to the hill of Venus on the hand - an early psychological trauma that will forever remain in the subconscious;
  • a clear bifurcation with the further presence of two lines of approximately the same thickness - the beginning of a double life from a certain age (the place of bifurcation). Often a person has a second family and plays a double game;
  • a fan of straight lines at the end of the arc on the hand in the wrist area - a bright life with difficulties in old age, lack of self-realization.

With a break

The presence of a ruptured line on the active hand (more often the right) indicates a change in life path. Change can be positive or negative: divorce, enrichment, significant move, sudden illness. If a gap is visible on the passive hand (left), this indicates a difficult childhood and incorrect values ​​that were formed due to certain conditions during the period of growing up. It is important to consider the continuation and appearance of the line after the break:

  • moved to the thumb - solitude, seclusion, loneliness;
  • has become less pronounced - the quality of life will deteriorate;
  • became clearer, deeper - the positive effect of the changes that have occurred;
  • changed direction towards the center of the palm - increased activity associated with a change in environment: new job, love, the birth of a long-awaited child;
  • a break with the overlapping of lines one on top of the other - significant changes in life, which will lead to a different perception of their existence, a reassessment of values. External overlap is positive change, internal - negative.

The line connects to the line of fate on the right hand

The arc of life can connect or cross the line of fate on the hand. If such a fusion occurs in the middle of the palm, the person has acquired new meaning to existence. There was a shake-up that forced to reconsider the attitude towards the destiny.

The connection of the straight lines from the wrist to the hand indicates happy life... The merger is interpreted in different ways, based on the additionally present signs:

  • a person can achieve certain heights in his career, respect for society;
  • the work of the individual will be appreciated, he will go down in the history of mankind;
  • will enjoy a family idyll, gifted children, financial stability, a carefree life.

Other signs

Palmistry has a decoding of other signs on the hand:

  1. A cross below under an arc - indicates a poor old age due to deception.
  2. Frequent interruption of a straight line - the fate of the owner of such a line is divided into periods. The number of breaks and their duration are black streaks of failure or periods of deep depression.
  3. A rhombus or square on the hand is a favorable sign that protects against negative factors. If the rhombus contains a part of the line, being on top, it indicates the temporary isolation of a person from society. The square at the top testifies to the army, church tonsure.
  4. A mole or dark dot on the mark of life is fraught with danger and can predict instant, unexpected death. This is not a verdict, her presence is seen in combination with a different relief of the palm of both hands.
  5. The fork-shaped fork at the bottom of the arc of life is a dreamy nature, incapable of self-realization. A person with a powerful intellect that can manifest itself when creating ideal conditions.
  6. Star - bright, memorable events, can carry negative emotions.
  7. A butterfly is a special sign that speaks of a person's talent. A unique mark of gifted people. They are able to be realized in any field of activity.

Lack of a life line on the hand. This phenomenon occurs in children under one year old. After that, fate puts its relief on the palm of your hand.

In adults, the line is subtle, which is perceived as its absence. An imperceptible arc speaks of emotionally weak people who succumb to the influence of others, do not have willpower, fall into enslavement, give up their vital energy.

Palmistry is not fortune telling, but a science that explains the handprints present. Man himself "writes" fate. You should not wait for the changes written in the palm of your hand, you need to change your life on your own.

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