Which speeds up the metabolism. Effective ways to improve the body's metabolism to lose weight. What affects metabolism

Finishing 31.05.2021

You should not console yourself with the phrase: "There should be a lot of good people."

Where do those extra pounds come from? This may be due to a poor metabolism, although it can be accelerated if desired. But what kind of exchange is this? Let's figure it out.

Proteins, fats and carbohydrates enter the human body along with food. Then an amazing process of their transformation takes place in the cells.

How does metabolism work?

It is a chemical process for the maintenance of life. It is also called metabolism. The higher the speed, the more calories the body needs. Simply put, this is the most complex process of converting the food we eat into energy.

With an insufficient amount of enzymes or hormones, substances decompose poorly and accumulate in the body. Obesity is underway... Or, conversely, a rapid decay. Then there is a strong weight loss and the problem of insufficient weight.

You can divide the exchange rate into the following types:

We conclude that metabolic rate is the amount of calories burned over a certain amount of time.

Reasons that affect metabolic rate

As soon as there is a suspicion that the metabolism is impaired, it means that you should immediately pass tests for hormones.

How do you know if your metabolism is impaired? Usually such problems arise due to improper nutrition.

Typical signs of violations

You should pay attention to such unpleasant symptoms:

Having noticed such signs in yourself, you should think about how to restore your metabolism.

Slow metabolism

There are many factors that inhibit metabolic processes. But the situation can be corrected, because there are many ways to speed them up. The main thing is to find out the reason. It can be anything:

The reasons for poor metabolism are clear, but something needs to be done about it.

How to speed up the metabolism in the body

The road to normalization will not be quick. There are several ways. Where do you start? You can start with food.

The conclusion suggests itself that it is impossible to starve and go on a diet, you can and should eat, but in small portions and often. What is, so as not to get fat and speed up your metabolism?

Metabolism boosting foods

For weight loss - you need to eat! Paradox. Let's find out what exactly you can eat in order to speed up the metabolism and lose weight.

Squirrels... Do not give up meat, fish and eggs. They contain a lot of protein, which serves as an impetus to start metabolic processes. The body spends a lot of energy to obtain, transport and metabolize protein. It is the main building block for muscles, which play a significant role in enhancing metabolism.

Cellulose. Beans, vegetables, fruits, cereals. These foods are digestible long time, which helps to keep the level of insulin in the blood at a constant level for a long time. Insulin is a hormone that is responsible for storing fat just in case. If insulin is normal, the metabolism can speed up by 10%.

Ginger... The enzyme contained in this product comes to aid in digestion, which aids in better absorption and transport of essential nutrients. Oxygen is better absorbed in the muscles and calories are quickly reduced.

Citrus. Oranges, tangerines, lemons, grapefruits are not only tasty, but also very healthy. The work of the digestive tract improves, excess water and harmful substances are removed from the body. Blood cholesterol levels are declining.

Cinnamon ... With its constant use in food, the level of glucose in the blood drops and the metabolic process accelerates. Fat stores break down more quickly, which releases the necessary energy and promotes weight loss.

Water. With a lack of water, the body temperature drops, which slows down the metabolism. The body tries to raise or maintain the desired temperature and begins to accumulate fat. To avoid this trap, you should drink more water.

Green tea. The content of caffeine and catechins in this drink increases the level of thermogenesis, it increases the body's energy consumption, and as a result, even more calories are burned, even at rest.

Coffee. A cup of flavored drink contains 200 mg of caffeine, which stimulates the central nervous system. The metabolism is increased by 5-6% to destroy fat reserves.

Folic acid. It is found in the following foods: carrots, liver, eggs, beans, wheat bran. With their regular use, the body is cleansed, metabolic processes are accelerated and the immune system improves.

Chromium. This microelement is rich in: onions, cabbage, corn, tomatoes, buckwheat, rye, oats, peas, beans. By including these foods in your menu, you can guarantee the burning of carbohydrates and fats. Good insulin helper, lowers blood sugar.

Calcium. It actively participates in digestion and delivery of essential substances to cells. Removes excess fat from the body. It is worth including in your diet sesame seeds, dairy products, poppy seeds, rose hips and beans.

This, of course, is not the entire list of products that will make your figure slimmer.

Boost your metabolism through exercise

Movement is life. Another way to lose weight. All movements lead to burning of calories. So you should lead a more active lifestyle. Better not to take the elevator, but go up the stairs.

Hiking will only be beneficial. You can walk a couple of stops after work.

Even housework can help you burn off those extra calories.

Of course, power loads will lead to better results. These are growth exercises muscle mass.

You can do intense workouts. Here the emphasis is on exercises with quick and intense sets.

The most impatient want to get results as quickly as possible. For this, there are various drugs to speed up metabolic processes.

Magic drugs for a faster metabolism

These miracle pills include:

All of the above drugs entail a plume of harm and problems.

  1. Requires more food.
  2. Will not let you fall asleep until a certain time.
  3. Will create a positive emotional background.

Excessive acceleration is also stressful, and the body will also try to stabilize, which will lead to the following factors:

  • A sharp decline in mood.
  • Constant sleepiness.
  • Decreased appetite.
  • deterioration of the condition of the skin, hair, nails.
  • Decreased vitality.
  • The risk of developing diseases of the digestive, cardiovascular, endocrine systems.

If you take the body out of balance for too long, you can get a metabolic disorder.

In this case, the body ceases to resist a change in the metabolic rate and begins to increase its speed.

If the exchange is accelerated, then it will accelerate even more. And, if you starve for a long time, then the body can fall into "sadness and sadness", which will lead to a stable slowdown and deposition of adipose tissue.

Metabolic disorders usually occur when eating plans and physical activity are changed too dramatically, or when the balance is not correct. For example, in the case when the amount of incoming nutrients is not balanced, and he cannot adapt to new conditions.

Otherwise, the essence of metabolic adaptation lies in one simple fact: after losing weight, there is always a set and vice versa!

How can you improve your metabolism?

If you want to speed up the metabolism for weight loss at home, then first you can try to balance it, and, therefore, improve it. For this, it is not necessary to pursue any sophisticated diets. Just try the following guidelines:

  1. Try to reduce the amount of fast carbs and rethink your diet.
  2. Eat more than 1 time per day (the optimal number of meals is 5 - 6).
  3. Normalize the amount of sleep. A minimum of 8 hours + 1-2 hours of siesta.
  4. Increase the amount of protein in your diet.

Protein can help speed up and improve metabolism, as protein molecules are transport cells for fats, which helps to digest fatty foods and remove them as waste products.

In addition, the abundance of protein will enable all functions of the body to start, which will increase the energy expenditure per day.

Well, and finally, an abundance of water and fiber can help to improve metabolism. Eat salads and wash them down with water. Fiber will allow you to bind excess nutrients and safely remove them without disturbing the pace and rhythm of metabolism.

Acceleration of metabolism

Now we come to the most important thing, namely, the direct acceleration of metabolism.

Note: following the further principles outlined in the article, try to switch to the indicated regimes of nutrition, exercise, sleep, etc. smoothly, since in this case you reduce the risk of a violation, and you can better control your body, which ultimately will allow you to achieve goals.

Why do you need to speed up the metabolism for an ordinary person. There are only 3 reasons for which this step is justified:

  1. Emergency weight loss. Yes, usually by accelerating substances, you can release excess energy that the body will spend - which will lead to more rapid weight loss.
  2. Weight gain. This is important for so-called hard gainers who cannot gain muscle mass. The acceleration of metabolism will also increase the synthesis of protein fibers from the obtained amino acids, which, as a result, will increase the athlete's useful weight.
  3. Constant weakness. Sometimes a slow metabolism is not a bad weight at all, but a lack of energy. People are used to using caffeine for extra energy, but you can also do that by boosting your metabolism.

Direct acceleration with physical exertion

The most effective way to speed up your metabolism is to directly affect metabolic processes. This is done by enhancing the processes of additional oxidation in the heart muscle (- textbook "Sports Biochemistry", Mikhailov). For this, it is necessary to increase the rhythm of its contraction. It's very simple - the faster the heart beats, the more intensively the body works. It always works.

Power loads

It is specifically about heavy basic exercises that women do not like so much. However, they are necessary for one simple reason. Strength training is a powerful stimulant leading to improved metabolism.

  1. Exercise depletes all glycogen. As a result, the body seeks to replenish it (due to nutrition or due to adipose tissue).
  2. This results in a large release of insulin after exercise, which opens up tissues.
  3. Further, after the closure of the carbohydrate window, a powerful inflammatory process begins.
  4. Muscles that have received microtrauma begin to recover.
  5. This, in turn, creates a powerful anabolic background.
  6. When trying to fight inflammation and create a platform for super recovery, the body accelerates significantly to get back to normal as soon as possible.
  7. Together, this stimulates the production of the male hormone testosterone, which at the psycho-emotional level improves well-being and makes a person more energetic.
  8. As a result - increased calorie consumption, and acceleration of all processes in the body.

As you can see, hourly strength loads three times a week accelerate metabolism, and their effect lasts for several more days.

Aerobic exercise

Aerobic exercise deserves special mention. They use such a level of heart rate at which the fat depot opens even without insulin, which allows for a short time to accelerate the metabolism as much as possible without major catabolic effects. In fact, at this time, the heart muscle directly feeds on fat cells.

An important point: you can not eat food closer than 40 minutes before aerobic exercise. Otherwise, insulin, which seals new energy into the fat depot, will not allow energy to be drained from it.

Changing your meal plan

You can also speed up the metabolism in the body with food. The most in a simple way is to change the meal plan. If you are not used to counting calories or following a specific diet, try to simply follow certain guidelines:

  1. Break all the food you consume in the day into more meals.
  2. Try to eat more natural foods.
  3. Use more complex carbohydrates.

This will be enough to speed up the metabolic response. The more often you eat, the faster your metabolism.

Important: try not to exceed the number of snacks 7 times a day, as this can lead to disruption of the pancreas.

Avoiding fasting

Very often, people striving to lose weight begin to very severely limit themselves in their diet. Sometimes diets imply critical malnutrition in the form of a 70% calorie deficit. They all recommend drinking it down with water or chamomile tea. Yes, in the short term, such fasting will help you lose 1-2 kilograms, but in a longer period, metabolic adaptation will occur in the form of a global slowdown.

The main thing is, even if you do not feel hungry, the stomach must constantly work.

Salads and protein foods(which are decomposed for a rather long time, but at the same time are equal to the energy value of carbohydrates).

Increasing the amount of fluid intake

As we already wrote, an increased amount of fluid intake can help speed up the metabolism several times.

The bottom line is that any incoming fluid has an intermediate state in our body.

She becomes part of the blood. Excessive fluid intake will allow blood to be dispersed throughout the body, which, in turn, leads to an acceleration of metabolism. Well, and, of course, the elimination of excess fluid stimulates the entire excretory system.

With increased fluid intake, be extremely careful - try not to consume more than 4 liters of fluid and monitor the salt and mineral balance. Since in the case of depletion of minerals in the blood, the body will enter a defensive phase and begin to slow down the metabolism instead of speeding it up.

Artificial direct acceleration stimulants

Another way that is used to speed up the metabolism is artificial stimulants.

This includes:

  1. Energy.
  2. Fat burners.
  3. Adrenaline and norepinephrine substitutes.
  4. Nicotine.

Let's consider in more detail the impact of each of them:

  1. Energy drinks are A complex approach, allowing you to simultaneously start lipolysis and accelerate the heart muscle. In addition, they contain a huge amount of antioxidants, which leads to the oxidation of adipose tissue. The result is a small release of insulin (thanks to sugar), a small release of adrenaline (associated with hypoxia due to the presence of CO2 in drinks), and acceleration of the heart muscle. All this allows for a short period (up to 4 hours), to accelerate the metabolism.
  2. Fat burners are essentially the same energetics, only with a shift towards fatty acid oxidation. Energy enters the body not by stimulating the heart, but by creating a positive balance of glucose in the blood. As a consequence, when using fat burners for positive effect it is necessary to increase the load (thereby stimulating the consumption of kilocalories).
  3. Adrenaline and norepinephrine are the body's natural optimizers in case of stress. The body finds itself in an extremely stressful situation, in view of which it starts up all systems by 120%, which leads to a temporary acceleration of metabolism. It is important to understand that in this case, acceleration leads to complete exhaustion, and as a consequence, after such an acceleration, a strong deceleration will occur.
  4. Nicotine. But here everything is somewhat more complicated. Yes, cigarettes do help you lose weight. But for those who prefer a healthy lifestyle, nicotine can be replaced with vitamin B6 (, nicotinic acid). What happens to the body in this case? The acid stimulates the release of gastric juice, which is perceived by the body as new trick food. As a result, the opening of cells with insulin and a decrease in hunger. Energy comes from fat stores.

Effect of sleep on metabolic rate

How else can you improve your metabolism? One way is to normalize your sleep patterns. Our body is not only a machine, but also a computer that periodically needs a reboot.

In particular, during wakefulness, waste products accumulate in the brain and muscles, which interfere with normal functioning and are ballast.

In addition, the energy efficiency of the food consumed is significantly reduced. All of this is stressful for the body, and it seeks to optimize its own resources to conserve energy. Naturally, therefore, people who do not get enough sleep are always lethargic, and sometimes even poorly thinking. In order to speed up your metabolism, use 2 tricks:

  1. Regardless of when you go to bed, aim to normalize your sleep on a 4-hour cycle. The best option is two 4-hour cycles at night (i.e. 8 hours of sleep).
  2. It is recommended to consume casein protein before going to bed. Casein helps to stimulate digestion at night, serving two functions at the same time. Increases nighttime calorie expenditure and nourishes the muscles with essential amino acids.

Do not seek to replace caffeine and other energy drinks for sleep. Since after a sharp acceleration of vital activity, a rollback occurs, which can last much longer, and the resulting stress will lead to a systematic and stable slowdown in metabolism. People who constantly drink coffee, if they do not drink a cup a day, then their metabolism will not accelerate and, as a result, they will not be able to enter the working regime, which will affect their performance.

Foods that affect metabolic rate

You don't have to use extreme methods to change your metabolic rate. For starters, you can use foods that accelerate metabolism.

Product Operating principle Recommendations for use
SugarTriggers insulin synthesis - opens cells, releases energy.3-5 grams one hour after each meal.
Hot peppersStarts digestive processes.Supply food abundantly with this ingredient.
Green vegetables
SaladFiber starts an extra cycle of digestive processes, you can speed up your metabolism through additional food intake with zero calories.Separate meals 2-3 times.
TomatoesFiber starts an extra cycle of digestive processes, you can speed up your metabolism through additional food intake with zero calories.Separate meals 2-3 times.
FruitsThey are sources of fructose - a low-calorie fast carbohydrate. Which, together with an abundance of fluid, speeds up metabolism.Replace all common sweets with fruits.
KefirFermented milk products are sources of protein involved in digestion. A large amount of liquid stimulates the acceleration of metabolism and blood purification ..1-2 times a day on an empty stomach.
YogurtFermented milk products are sources of protein involved in digestion. A large amount of liquid stimulates the acceleration of metabolism and blood purification.1-2 times a day on an empty stomach.
A product with a negative calorie content - puts the body into a stupor. In an attempt to digest it, additional resources are used, which increases the metabolic rate.100 grams of celery along with green vegetables.
RootNatural antioxidant. Causes a rush of stomach acid, which is perceived as an additional meal.
Chamomile decoctionMetabolism normalizer.In the form of tea - at least 2 times a day.
Strong teaDirect stimulant to increase heart rate.Up to 250 mg, based on pure caffeine.
Sour juicesCauses a rush of stomach acid, which is perceived as an additional meal.250 ml 2-3 times a day.

Note: It is not necessary to take all of these foods on the same day. The list is given solely for guidance purposes with an explanation of the effects of certain substances on the body.

The Right Meal Plan To Boost Your Metabolism

If you are looking for a way to lose weight fast, remember the following nutritional principles:

  • Creating a calorie deficit.
  • Reducing the amount of fast carbohydrates in the diet.
  • Increasing the number of meals.
  • Increased water consumption.
  • Physical exercise.
  • Caffeine.

An example meal plan might be a carbohydrate rotation or the following approach:

You choose the portion sizes yourself based on the daily calorie deficit.

Let's take a closer look:

  1. The first meal accelerates the heart. Fiber and carbohydrates stimulate the release of the first insulin. In addition, complex carbohydrates take a long time to digest, which allows you not to feel hunger for a long time.
  2. Additional insulin release. When fruits are low in calories, adipose tissue will be released from the depot, which will give an additional boost of energy.
  3. Plenty of fluids with plenty of fiber and vitamin C. Allows an increase in blood volume (which will lead to the release of excess fluid). Plus protein to stimulate digestive enzymes.
  4. Stimulating the release of insulin.
  5. Casein protein is digested by the body for a very long time. As a result, when you go to bed, the body will not slow down the metabolism too much in an attempt to break down the low-fat cottage cheese, which will increase the consumption of night calories by 20-25%. More about.

In the event that a boost in metabolism is needed to gain muscle mass, increase the amount of carbohydrates and protein in accordance with the correct nutritional plan.


Whatever goals you set for yourself in sports, weight loss or any other activity, remember the most important difference between a fast, normal and correct metabolism:

  1. Fast metabolism. It is characterized by the largest amount of consumed and wasted energy, it is necessary to constantly feed the body not only with carbohydrates, but also with other minerals and trace elements (source - Wikipedia).
  2. Correct metabolism. It has nothing to do with speed, the basis is a balanced intake of all micro and macro elements, which allows the body to function at all 200%.
  3. Normal metabolism. This is the mode in which your functioning is genetically laid. No matter how you eat, no matter how you strive to accelerate / slow down, improve metabolism, the body will still return to a state of balance, in which it will feel most comfortable. That is why people who are rapidly losing weight, or kept in shape, when leaving the regime, restore their original balance.

And finally, if you maintain a certain rhythm and type of metabolism for a very long time, then over time it can find a new balance point. So, if you go on a weight loss diet for several years, then the body will not immediately begin to gain new kilograms after changing the diet, sleep and stress. Therefore, many athletes manage to maintain part of the form after the end of their careers and quickly restore it when returning to the previous regime.

In continuing to consider the basic metabolic processes that take place within the body to achieve the parameters of an ideal body, many are faced with the main problem - the peculiarities of metabolic processes in their own body. Therefore, many immediately start looking on the Internet for how to speed up the metabolism. However, is this the right approach, and is it worth speeding up? Is it possible to achieve the necessary condition without speeding up the metabolism? We will try to figure it out together with you.

Metabolism types

Before considering how exactly you can speed up metabolism, you need to understand the basic postulates of metabolism and figure out whether it is worth speeding up metabolism in general.

So, in total there are 8 main categories of metabolism:

Metabolic type His essence
Normal Normal metabolism is the natural state of our body, genetically and hormonally regulated through natural evolutionary processes, and depends on our lifestyle and nutrition. Regardless of your goals, any change from this parameter will be considered stress for the body, and it will strenuously strive to return to its original state.
Balancing Balanced by the processes of acceleration and deceleration of metabolism. Unlike the previous type, it is characterized by the fact that it is an artificial state, and this is a combination of factors of the body's counteraction (striving to normalize metabolic processes), and forced changes in terms of nutrition, training plan, amount of sleep and other factors.
Incapacitated Disabled metabolism is the first stage in the start of the formation of a balancing metabolism. The body does not always keep up with changes in the lifestyle of a person. And when he seeks to speed up / slow it down, this process may be uneven, which will be characterized by the inoperability of some regulatory factors.
Overclocked The main characteristics are excessive food intake, increased load on the pancreas, on the secretions of insulin, the thyroid gland, gastrointestinal tract... Increased stress on the heart muscle. Changes in the processes of lipid formation. Violation of the hormonal background, towards an increase in catabolic reactions.
Delayed A subtype of disabled metabolism. The main characteristics are a decrease in the energy balance in the body. Infringement in the production of ATP, Changes in lipid formation processes, decreased mobility, constant drowsiness. The tendency to gain excess body fat. Reducing the load on all systems. Usually the result of sedentary work.
Quick Fast is a subspecies of normal metabolism, characterized by the prevalence of catabolic processes over anabolic ones, and most importantly, all organs are working normally. It is not balancing, which means that a change in reactions can lead to metabolic disturbances. Nutrition planning is to continue accelerating the metabolism and not slowing it down, as this allows you to increase anabolism without changing the functioning of the basic nutrition systems.
Violated Impaired metabolism is the most dangerous stage. The thing is that our anabolic-catabolic scales always strive to balance each other. Therefore, acceleration-deceleration must always be carried out smoothly so that the body does not leave the balancing state. At the same time, with a sharp change in metabolic processes in the body under the influence of external factors, the scales can break. We are talking about excessive and prolonged acceleration / deceleration, or simply abrupt entries and exits from the diet (meal plan / training regimen). It is almost impossible to restore a disturbed metabolism without the help of nutritionists, doctors and endocrinologists, due to the fact that the body reacts poorly to any attempts to change, since it does not have a balancing catabolic / anabolic counterweight, which leads to dramatic changes characterized by a constant freelance mode of operation of all organs , and the complete intransigence of the organism to change.
Slow It is one of the most favorable types of metabolism for humans. A characteristic feature is the need for delicate nutritional planning to reduce lipid formation. The advantage of a slow metabolism is the ability to fix the resulting form, in a lower requirement for nutrients. And the most important thing is the ability to make more controlled adjustments in terms of nutrition, which will allow you to more accurately regulate the anabolic processes taking place in the framework of the basal metabolism.

As you can see from the table, a fast metabolism is good for an athlete. But it's not always good to speed up your metabolism. So, for those who strive to lose weight, you need to understand that the acceleration of metabolism is a big load for the body, which it will seek to compensate in any way possible, which will lead to a relentless struggle for every extra kilogram. The same applies to those who want to gain high-quality muscle mass with a slow metabolism by accelerating metabolic processes.

Conclusion: overclocked metabolism not always good, as it forces the body to work at the limit of its capabilities, which may then not have a very good effect on health in general, and as a result, such an excessive acceleration of metabolism may backfire.

Acceleration methods

When we talk about how to accelerate metabolism, it is worth understanding that we do not seek to disrupt it, but only to bring it out of balance in such a way that the subsequent balancing state does not completely deplete the body and all weight loss does not come down to kickbacks and struggle with oneself. In total, there are several main ways to improve and accelerate metabolism:

  • Forced stimulation of the heart muscle.
  • Use of adrenaline stimulants.
  • The use of analogue adrenaline stimulants (energy, caffeine, etc.)
  • The use of thermogenetics, which will increase the basal flow rate, and therefore accelerate the metabolic processes in the body.
  • Changes in volumetric balance due to increased fluid intake.
  • Creation of additional stressful situations, as a result of which not the optimization of the body's means will be launched, but the buildup of new energy consumers.

Physical activity

Physical activity is the main stimulus for both weight loss and muscle gain. However, it is worth remembering that it is impossible to gain muscle and burn fat at the same time, and different approaches are used for this. Why does physical activity have a beneficial effect on the metabolic processes themselves, besides, speeding them up and not taking them out of the initial balance?

With an increase in the overall level of physical activity:

  • The heart rate increases, which in turn leads to the fact that the body begins to faster accelerate blood through the body, introducing and removing waste products.
  • The level of the hormone cortisol increases, which increases catabolic processes in the body.
  • During rest, begins the synthesis of additional testosterone to balance cortisol.
  • Glycogen and fat are melted, which, getting into the blood, increase the total energy load on all systems, which in turn leads to the fact that the body, being in oxygen and sugar saturation, works faster.
  • Stimulates the synthesis of new protein structures, which are the main energy consumers in the body. In order to feed them, you need to eat more often and more, which indirectly but affects the metabolic rate.

Changing your meal plan

The optimal solution for accelerating metabolic metabolic processes associated with the vital activity of the body will be to change the diet plan. For this there are both special diets and an individual selection of food.

Consider what are the main signs of a diet to accelerate metabolism in a person who is not involved in sports:

  1. The most important thing is the absence of a calorie deficit. In the presence of a deficit in caloric intake, the body, whatever the tricks, instead of accelerating, the metabolism will gradually slow down in order to preserve its own resources and actually survive.
  2. If the main goal is to lose weight, by extreme limiting the supply of nutrients, the entire diet should be intermittent. 2 days of ultra-fast acceleration by increasing calorie content and the number of meals. 3-5 days an increase in the number of meals with a sharp restriction of nutrition in terms of energy value.
  3. An increase in the number of meals by 2-3 times relative to the original meal plan.
  4. Division of food into fractional elements.
  5. Eating fast-digesting food.
  6. Adequate fluid levels in the body.
  7. Lots of foods high in fiber.

For athletes everything is somewhat simpler. A diet to speed up the metabolism implies only an increase in the number of meals while maintaining a general deficit in caloric intake.

Protein layout

Those who want to understand how to speed up the metabolism for weight loss need to come close to planning their nutrition for nutrients. It is important to understand that not all proteins, fats and carbohydrates contribute to the acceleration of metabolic processes in the body of a particular individual. Everything here is quite individual, and what may be salvation for one person will be torment for another. However, you should adhere to simple recommendations:

To speed up metabolism with protein products:

  • Proteins must be distributed over different types during the day. In the morning and in the afternoon - these should be fast whey proteins, which will allow you to quickly start the synthesis of beneficial amino acids and digestive enzymes.
  • At night, it should be long-lasting casein proteins.

Layout of fats

As for the planning of fats in the diet for weight loss and how to speed up the metabolism in the body, everything is quite simple here.

  1. On short-term diets, completely abandon Omega 6 fatty polyunsaturated acids.
  2. Avoid trans fats.
  3. Refuse from fats with a saturated polymorphic structure.
  4. Ensure an adequate supply of Omega 3 fats.

Foods that accelerate metabolism among fats are Omega 3 acids. They are contained in:

  • Fish oil.
  • Olive oil, not subjected to heat treatment
  • Linseed oil, not subjected to heat treatment
  • Unrefined sunflower oil, not subjected to heat treatment
  • Uncooked coconut oil

For a long-term change in the diet plan, you should not completely abandon Omega 6 polyunsaturated acids, it is enough to ensure a 3: 1 balance in relation to the consumption of Omega 3.

Fats are the main regulator of the hormonal system. And the main stimulant of acceleration is testosterone, which affects the synthesis of the main energy consumer in the body - protein. The more healthy fats, the more cholesterol, and therefore more testosterone, and therefore more protein.

Well, and the most important rule - do not mix fats with carbohydrates, since under the release of insulin, the liver starts to work in a very specific way, which will slow down the achievement of the result with a general acceleration of metabolism with insulin injections.

Carbohydrate planning

When it comes to scheduling carbohydrates for an overall metabolic boost, things are a little more complicated than it sounds. The point is that carbohydrates themselves are metabolic boosters. At the same time, these are all two sides of the same coin. In particular, a large consumption of fast carbohydrates leads to energy depletion, in view of the fact that energy is not consumed but locked in the fat depot.

Therefore, no matter how strange it sounds, to speed up the metabolism, you need to consume slow complex carbohydrates, which will regale the body with energy for a long time, and therefore block the possibility of launching optimization processes to slow down metabolic processes in the body. At the same time, sugar and other fast carbohydrates can be consumed in unlimited quantities 20-30 minutes before the training complex.

Sample meal plan

Editors Note: This meal plan is provided as an example only, to show how the recommendations given in the previous sections are implemented in practice.

Total calorie intake: 2000

Number of meals 7.

Priority BZHU 80/15/5.

1st meal:

  1. Cup of coffee / tea
  2. Protein scrambled eggs from 3 eggs, minus the yolks.
  3. 2-3 tablespoons of sugar.

2nd meal:

3rd meal.

Light vegetable soup(about 1 liter). It should be free of potatoes and cereals. Meat and vegetables.

4th meal.

Protein shake, or apple. Half a liter of mineral water.

5th meal:

Fruit juice + a serving of fast fructose carbs. Diet baked goods for diabetics are possible.

6th meal.

Protein shake, or apple. Half a liter of mineral water.

7th meal:

  1. Low-fat cottage cheese - 250-350 grams.
  2. A cup of cocoa without sugar
  3. Sugar-free dark chocolate - 100 grams.

Life hacks

There are some tricks that can help improve and speed up metabolic processes in the body in the short term.

  1. Drink plenty of fluids. When the consumption of water is carried away, the blood changes its composition, it can carry more oxygen, and to maintain the required density, the energy consumption of the kidneys is additionally increased, which speeds up all metabolic processes.
  2. Drink more caffeine, which is a direct alternative to exercise as it increases your heart rate and, as a result, speeds up your metabolism.
  3. Eat right. In this case, even without acceleration, the normalization of metabolic processes will lead you to the desired result.
  4. Avoid fatty foods. The digestion of fats and the release of energy from them is one of the most difficult processes for our body.
  5. More fiber.
  6. Maintain a calorie balance. Don't make the deficit too big. This can lead to optimization processes that directly affect metabolic rate.

Summing up

In fact, the cause of excess weight should not be looked for in the metabolic rate, but in the reasons that initially led to the slowdown. If this has become the abuse of junk food, it is enough just to give it up. If this is an excess of calories, cut it back. If there is a change in terms of metabolism, then it does not need to be accelerated, but to understand how to improve metabolism. After all, in fact, there is a main myth about rapid metabolism.

The accelerated metabolism in the human body does not yet indicate his thinness, as well as the fact that he will lose weight. It just means a large energy capacity and consumption of each individual cell taken. This means that with a fast metabolism, all processes are faster. Starting from what everyone is striving for - losing weight, and ending with the deposition of adipose tissue.

You've noticed that morbidly obese people don't have a slow metabolism. They simply consume tens of thousands of calories a day. So, for example, a person listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest in the world consumed about 12,000 kilocalories per day, most of which came from sweet Pepsi Cola, which quickly created a surge in insulin and glucagon, which in turn led to even more accelerate metabolism.

As soon as he gave up the Coke, his weight quickly flew down. Then, of course, followed by dietary adjustments and the addition of minimal physical activity. However, as a result, he slowed down his metabolism more than 7 times, and for about a year he struggled with the consequences of the fact that his body, lacking counterbalance levers, could not stabilize the work of the hormonal and gastric system, and all organs worked to the brink of their capabilities.

Let's face it, mentally remembering how much emotion, energy and strength you, of course, have already left to become slim and healthy. Remember how many times you had to deal with that huge diet proposal.

Perhaps you have already been offered to count calories more than once and just eat what you did before? It was so? Or can you remember something else like that (tablets, pills, berries)? ... Well, you must agree, finally, it all sounds too beautiful to be true. Familiar to everyone and one of the fashion magazines COSMOPOLITAN, in his article, he competently described the whole process of how easy it is to seduce you into these ridiculous ways to lose weight, simply by fraudulently presenting you the recommendations of another star.

And I would like today and right now to reveal the truth about correct and healthy weight loss. Give me just a few minutes and you will find out the best foods that increase metabolism and help you cope with overweight much faster.

And in fact, they work! You just need to change your eating habits a little and add a few important foods, as your metabolism improves and you can burn an additional several hundred calories per day, for example 200-300. How do you like it? ... And in combination of such a meal plan with several physical exercise You could be a star in the next few weeks. Before we get into these amazing metabolic-boosting foods, let's find out a little more about our metabolism and what it is ...

What is metabolism?

Most likely, you have already read many sites and blogs on this topic and how to increase your metabolism. However, let's see ...

According to information medical center"KnowHowMed": Metabolism is certain chemical transformations that occur in our body from the moment nutrients are supplied to the moment when the final products of all transformations and transformations are excreted from the body into the external environment. Speaking strictly in scientific language, metabolism (metabolism) is a set chemical reactions arising in a living organism to support its vital functions. The processes, united by the concept of metabolism, allow any organism to develop and reproduce, preserve all its structures and respond to environmental influences. In simple words, it is the process that turns everything you drink and eat into energy.

Even when we are at rest, we need energy to breathe, repair cells, and pump blood to our organs. And that's about 70% of the calories we burn every day! Of course, body size, gender, genetics, and age mainly affect your metabolic rate, as does your level of physical activity. However, there are some foods that are capable of stoking our calories like fire. Let's get down to business ...

Metabolism boosting foods

If you are following a balanced meal plan and exercising regularly or doing some of the simplest movements, but still not losing weight as quickly as you would like, try to speed up your metabolism by including the following foods (and drinks) in your diet.

1. Water

You have probably read more than once and you know that water is very important in proper weight loss. It can be said to be the strongest ingredient in any healthy diet. By the way, remember the formula for water from chemistry? ...

Good old H2O is not only able to fill you when there is a deceptive feeling of hunger, but it is also great for helping you burn calories. The US National Institutes of Health in one study showed that drinking just 0.5 liters of water can increase metabolism by 24% - 30%, for about 1.5 hours. Therefore, you can try drinking this amount of water before each meal, half an hour before meals. Some people argue that it allows some people to lose 44% more weight over a 12-week period than people who do not. In addition to speeding up your metabolism, water can help you feel fuller, so don't overuse it.

2. Green tea

Green tea is one of my favorite drinks. When it came to losing weight, he helped me 100%. This is one of the best drinks for boosting your metabolism. It improves metabolism, speeds up metabolic processes and removes toxins and toxins from the body. Thus, weight is reduced naturally without harm to health and even beneficial. It is also known that the process of losing weight on green tea is not only due to an improvement in metabolism. Green tea flushes excess fluid from the body through its mild diuretic action.

Of course, to be honest, tea won't burn most of your calories, but an extra 50-60 calories is quite easy. And in conjunction with other products that increase metabolism, this process will accelerate even more. Green tea contains catechins. These are the strongest antioxidants of plant origin, which not only help to increase metabolism, but are also important in the prevention of many diseases of blood vessels, heart and others. Green tea is an important drink in improving overall health and weight loss!

3. Spicy foods

One thing can be said here - eat more hot spices! The best of the best are chili peppers, jalapenos and cayenne. These sharp monsters are able to significantly increase your metabolism. And the whole point is in the colorless element capsaicin, which bears the entire burden of responsibility for the most useful properties of hot peppers, including metabolism.

When you eat hot peppers or take capsaicin as a food additive, it can help improve digestion by increasing gastric secretion and fighting bacteria that can cause infection. While these hot peppers provide a fairly small increase in metabolism (about 8%), keep in mind that they can also increase feelings of fullness and keep you from overeating. Try adding some spicy spices to your cereals, stews, or make an antioxidant-infused slimming drink with them. If you're not quite familiar with the health benefits of spicy foods yet, check out 6 Bomb Facts on Why Spicy Foods Are So Good for You.

4. Broccoli

A lot can be said about the benefits of broccoli. You can take the opportunity and see the article about all unique properties broccoli cabbage. I'm sure you don't know a lot about this cruciferous vegetable. Broccoli is packed full of nutrients and boasts countless health benefits. Even if you don't pay attention to its many health benefits, I highly recommend adding broccoli to your meal plan regularly. The antioxidants in broccoli have already been shown to fight free radicals by fighting off many inflammations in the body. Thus, it helps our immune system to boost metabolism effortlessly. Of course, some of the other crucifers are similar to this cabbage, such as cauliflower, and will also help boost your metabolism.

5. Coconut oil

Remember, not so long ago we proved with you that coconut oil is one of the best vegetable oils. It's high in healthy fats that can take our metabolism to a whole new level, so if you're looking to boost your metabolism, go for coconut oil. We have found that coconut oil does not release carcinogens when heated, which will help you lose weight properly, and has been shown to be effective in several studies. For example, participants (31 people) who consumed coconut oil instead of olive oil for 16 weeks burned more fat around their belly than they could. If you are serious about losing weight, you should consider using this oil option in your kitchen.

6. Avocado

Coconut oil not only improves metabolism, but it also adds more healthy fats to our meal plan. However, avocado deserves a spot on your weight loss list. This creamy fruit is a rich source of L-carnitine, an amino acid found in the liver. It promotes better fat metabolism and fat burning. I don't know about you, but for me avocado is a frequent ingredient in my salads and especially green smoothies. If you are not quite familiar with this product I suggest you give it a try. And be sure to check out the article on all its beneficial properties - Is Avocado Useful? ... Or 20 Reasons To Fall In Love With An Avocado!

7. Brazil nut

Brazil nuts are also high in healthy fats, which are very good for our heart. Plus, they are an excellent source of selenium. One nut contains up to 137% of the recommended daily intake. Now you have an idea of ​​what we are talking about. This is a godsend for every healthy diet. Selenium, in turn, supports our thyroid gland, which is responsible for regulating metabolism. However, don't go too far. It is worth remembering that too much selenium can be hazardous to your health. Just eat 2 - 3 Brazil nuts a day for weight loss.

8. Walnuts

These nuts are also very healthy. They contain about 7 g of protein per 30 g of nuts, making them an excellent choice for improving metabolism. Walnuts are also rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which have been shown to have a positive effect on your metabolism. Enjoy walnuts sprinkled on salads or oatmeal in the morning.

9. Chia seeds

These tiny seeds will provide you with the most nutrients with the least calorie intake. They not only benefit digestive system and heart, but ready to increase the metabolic rate significantly. As well as walnuts Chia seeds are loaded with omega-3 fatty acids. They contain both soluble and insoluble fiber that stabilize blood sugar levels and raise your metabolism faster. According to f-journal, due to its ability to absorb a large amount of moisture, chia seeds give a feeling of fullness, preventing overeating, are easily absorbed and normalize the digestive tract. Dietary fiber and fiber, which they are rich in, improve intestinal motility, remove toxins from the body, so Spanish sage seeds can be a great help for those who want to lose weight or maintain weight.

10. Ginger

I can say with confidence that we have a superfood! Dr. Oz claims that ginger raises body temperature and metabolic rate by as much as 20% after we eat it. Ginger is also good for digestion and may even increase feelings of fullness.

11. Oatmeal

It seems to me that many people start their morning with a plate of oatmeal. Or I'm wrong? ... Write in the comments under the article what you prefer for breakfast.

If you start your morning like this, you are not wrong. Oatmeal in the morning will help regulate blood sugar levels and raise your metabolism.

Only when choosing porridge, look around. Read the label. Not all porridges are created equal. There are some ready-made cereals with dried fruits, but at the same time they contain sugar, which will reduce all your attempts to lose weight well.

Other cereals such as buckwheat, millet, brown rice, and rye will also help you increase your metabolism.

12. Lentils

It turns out that meat is not the only excellent source of protein. Yes, and lentils can surpass him in many ways, for example, in fiber. She's also a super source of iron. And it, in turn, increases the level of hemoglobin and plays an important role in the body's metabolism.

One cup of cooked lentils contains 37% of your daily iron requirement. Lentils are also among the fiber-rich foods that have a beneficial effect on our heart health.

This cereal also acts as a natural appetite suppressant.

You can also add some other legumes to your diet as they carry tons of healthy nutrients.

13. Lemons

As I mentioned in my article on the 13 health benefits of lemon juice, this is a great way to boost your metabolism. They also boost immunity, reduce bloating, and carry many other values ​​for health and a slimmer figure.

Not everyone will be able to eat lemon due to the fact that it is very sour. But adding 1 - 2 tablespoons of lemon juice to a glass of warm water in the morning will help you get the most out of this fruit. Be sure to check out the article -

You can also squeeze it into your salads or make fresh vegetable juice for weight loss.

14. Greens

Vegetables like spinach, kale, turnips, and other greens are superfoods packed with nutrients to failure. They contain a minimum of calories, so this is an ideal option for those who now only dream of losing weight. Dark greens are also high in iron, which we said is vital for proper metabolic rate. Greens are generally high in magnesium (particularly spinach and chard). This is a mineral, the lack of which can bring us to death. It also promotes better metabolism and proper weight loss.

A few words in conclusion ...

Now you have the best metabolic-boosting foods. However, even if I recommend that you include some or all of these 15 healthy foods in food, this is not to say that you just have to eat them and the miracle will happen. They add you more opportunities for healthy weight loss in the shortest possible time with a properly balanced diet and some physical activity. Of course, healthy weight loss should take into account both sleep patterns and the amount of stress. published by

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness - together we are changing the world! © econet

Reading time: 3 minutes

If you want to lose weight and get beautiful forms, then you need to decide for yourself important question:. With improper nutrition, it is very easy to disrupt the metabolism, and then the process of losing weight can be complicated several times. What rules should you follow to increase your metabolism and improve your figure?

How to speed up your metabolism?

1. Avoid low-calorie diets

If you want to speed up your metabolism, forget about low-calorie meals forever. You will never improve your metabolism if you eat 1200 or fewer calories per day.... In response to such severe food restrictions, your body will simply go into an "energy-saving" mode and store fat. How to lose weight, you ask? Calculate your daily calorie intake and eat according to that figure. In this case, you can both lose weight and maintain metabolism.

2. Do not take long breaks between meals

How many of us love to skip lunch because of a crunch at work. Or, in general, arrange yourself a full meal only by 8 o'clock in the evening. Just imagine, the body does not know what to expect from you: whether you feed it on time today or not. Why would he risk it if you can simply save energy and slow down the metabolism? You do badly to your body, it gladly reciprocates you. Therefore, if you are not your own enemy, then you should not be left without a full meal for more than 5 hours.

3. Love strength training

Do you think that dumbbells and a barbell are purely male attributes? You are wrong, girls need strength training just as much as men. The more muscle mass in your body, the better your metabolism. Muscle cells require several times more energy than fat cells. Sitting on a restricted diet without strength training will cause you to lose your muscles. Just imagine that by your inaction you yourself complicate the task of losing weight. It's always important to remember that one of the key ways to boost your metabolism is through strength training.

4. Drink water

Don't you drink 2 liters of clean water every day? Then now is the time to start. Water speeds up metabolism, reduces appetite and moisturizes the skin... You need to drink 20 minutes before meals and at least 40 minutes after. Drinking food with water is not worth it, it can disrupt digestion. It is important to note that when calculating two liters, only pure water should be taken into account: coffee, tea and juices do not apply to it.

5. Do Interval Cardio Workouts

Cardio is not only a way to train your heart muscle, but also a great way to get rid of excess fat. However, if you want to increase the effectiveness of your aerobic activity, do it with interval.... For example, while running every 5 minutes, accelerate to the maximum possible pace for you and keep it for a minute. And do these intervals throughout your cardio workout. Why is it important? Such explosive loads will make your metabolism increase, not only directly during exercise, but also for several hours after. Those. you will ensure yourself a fast metabolism even after training. Isn't that great?

6. Have breakfast every day

Run away to work or school without breakfast, and arrange the first full meal for yourself by noon .. Sound familiar? If so, then it's time to get rid of old bad habits. Breakfast is the most important meal that sets the tone for the day. A nutritious breakfast will help you to activate all systems of the body and turn on metabolic processes. Forget about a sip of coffee and a piece of cookies. If you want to speed up your metabolism, start your day with healthy porridge for example with fruits and nuts. Those who are limited in time in the morning can make themselves a smoothie with oat flakes, milk and a banana and drink on the way to work.

7. Eat protein foods

Meat, fish, cottage cheese and legumes should be the staples of your table. The protein they contain is muscle building tool, and we wrote in detail above about their importance in the process of accelerating metabolism. In addition, protein foods (unlike carbohydrates) do not cause an increase in blood sugar, and therefore do not provoke the creation of fat cells in the body. When playing sports, you need to consume about 2 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight. If you cannot get your protein intake with regular foods, you can eat protein shakes or bars.

Observing these simple rules, you will not only speed up your metabolism, but also learn to eat a balanced and healthy diet. A good metabolism will help you cope with excess weight much faster.

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