Converting screenings from tons to m3. Why the volumetric weight of different types of crushed stone is very different

building materials 28.06.2019
building materials

When performing construction or road work, it is important to be able to calculate the weight of the required volume of bulk materials, this helps to understand how much they need to be purchased. In order to easily determine how many tons of crushed stone are in a cube, it is necessary to take into account its features.

Characteristics affecting weight

The product is made by crushing different rocks:

  1. granite - more solid, dense, is a crystal of mica, quartz;
  2. gravel - loose, obtained from sedimentary rocks;
  3. marble - strong enough;
  4. calcareous - less strong;
  5. slag - heavier (depending on alloys);
  6. tuff - highly porous, hygroscopic.

What should be taken into account in order to establish how much a rubble cube weighs?

  • shape (flakiness), as well as the size of the fraction;
  • water absorption, giving an error when calculating a ton of crushed stone.

All data contain accompanying documents.

Methods for calculating the number of tons in a cube for crushed stone

1. If the necessary information is available, the density is multiplied by the fullness. For example, the average density of granite is 2,600 kg / m 3; void fraction 5-20 mm - 43%, fullness - 57%, thus, 2600 x 0.57=1482 kg/m 3 . For lime, this figure is much lower: 1300, because its density is 2,280, although the rest physical indicators The same.

2. Counting how many cubes are in 1 ton of crushed stone, a conditional conversion factor is used. For this, it is taken simple formula: V \u003d M / K (M - mass in tons; V - volume m 3; K - coefficient. The following table gives the necessary numbers:


Fraction, mm

Expanded clay
Marble chips

For example, you need to know how much in one ton of the average fraction of crushed stone cubes (for example, quartz). We work according to the formula, using the data provided: V \u003d 1 x 1.7 \u003d 1.7 m 3. Do not forget about the approximate result, since the coefficient depends on the various characteristics of the material listed above.

3. The table below shows the approximate weight in kilograms of different types:


Cube weight, kg


Very often our customers are tormented by the question of how to convert cubic meters to tons and vice versa. On this page, we tried to look at two ways to do this.

Bulk materials conversion factor from m3 to tons: these coefficients are approximate. for an accurate translation, it is necessary to know the moisture content of the material. For a more accurate determination of the conversion factor, you can conduct a simple experiment. Pour the material you need into a 10 liter bucket (its volume is 0.01 m3) and weigh it. And first you need to weigh an empty bucket. According to the formula Рн=(М2-М1)/V where pH- bulk density coefficient, M2 is the mass of the measuring vessel together with the material, M1 is the mass of the empty measuring vessel, V- the volume of the measuring vessel.

Table of coefficients for converting m3 to tons for bulk materials:

Material name Volume Coefficient Weight
Sand river particle size 1.6-1.8 mm 1 m3 1,6 1.6 tons
Quarry sand dry fraction about, 8-2 mm 1 m3 1,5 1.5 tons
Quartz sand (crushed) fraction 0.8-2 mm 1 m3 1,4 1.4 tons
Crushed granite fraction 5-20 mm 1 m3 1,36 1.36 tons
Crumb granite fraction 2-5 mm 1 m3 1,4 1.4 tons
Crushed gravel fraction 5-20 mm 1 m3 1,34 1.34 tons
Crushed limestone fraction 20-40 mm 1 m3 1,25 1.25 tons
Cement PC 500 D0 1 m3 1,3 1.3 tons
Expanded clay M 200 1 m3 0,2 0.2 tons
Expanded clay M300 1 m3 0,3 0.3 tons
Expanded clay M400 1 m3 0,4 0.4 tons
Salt technical Type With grinding No. 3 1 m3 1,2 1.2 tons
Sand and salt mix 70/30 1 m3 1,48 1.48 tons

Bulk density of bulk building material is its density in the uncompacted state. It takes into account not only the volume of the material particles themselves (grains of sand or individual gravel stones), but also the space between them, so that the bulk density is less than the usual density. When bulk material is compacted, its density becomes greater and ceases to be bulk. Cement in a bag, a rubble dump, or six cubes of sand in the back of a truck - they are all in an uncompacted state and have their own bulk density. It is necessary to know it in order to connect the volume and mass of such materials, because the prices for their supply can be in rubles, both per ton and per cubic meter. Similarly, the quantity of these materials, for example, their proportions for the preparation of concrete, may be needed both in tons and in cubic meters.

Sand Density, Voidness and Moisture are interrelated characteristics of sand that have importance in the selection of materials for the preparation of concrete. The density of sand can be: true - this is the density of dried sand and bulk - the density of the supplied sand. An indicator such as bulk density varies depending on the moisture content of the sand. With a decrease in density, the voidness increases, which leads to an increased consumption of binders, and consequently to an increase in costs.
The density of sand, with an increase in humidity to about 10%, decreases very sharply, which is explained by the fact that moisture, enveloping each grain of sand, causes them to stick together into lumps and this leads to an increase in the total volume. After the humidity reaches ten percent, its further growth leads, on the contrary, to an increase in density, since water begins to fill the space between the sand grains, displacing air. Thus, if the concrete components are dosed by volume, this factor should be taken into account without fail. The moisture content of the sand can be determined by measuring the difference in the mass of sand before and after drying and dividing the result by the initial mass of the sample of sand (usually 1 kg.) Dry the sand on a metal pan until completely dry (when the mass of the sample stops decreasing).
In order to determine the volume of sand supplied, its bulk density is determined at the place of acceptance, which will allow converting the mass of the supply into cubic meters.
The bulk density of sand is calculated as follows: sand, without any pre-treatment (drying, compaction), is poured with a scoop into a measuring cylinder with a capacity of 10 liters (bucket), from a height of 10 centimeters, until the cylinder is filled “with a slide”. This “hill” is cut flush with the edge of the measuring cylinder, trying, again, not to compact the sand. After that, the sand sample is weighed. The density of the sand will often be divided by the mass of sand divided by the volume, in our case 10 liters, i.e. 0.01 cubic meters of sand. Naturally, the mass of sand is measured without taking into account the mass of the vessel. The measurements are carried out twice, and the final value will be the sum of the measurements divided by 2.

How to convert weight to cubes and vice versa - there are two ways. The first is to use conditional conversion factors. But in this case, you must understand that the result obtained in this way will be approximate. The second way to take measurements using a 10 liter bucket of the nominal material that you use in this moment this is a much more troublesome undertaking, but it will bring you a more accurate result.

Any construction, whether it is a large-scale or a small building of a private house, requires a preliminary calculation of materials. Large organizations have a whole staff of workers involved in the preparation of construction estimates.

If you are planning to carry out an independent construction of a house or other structure, then you cannot do without buying non-metallic material. In order to correctly spend the planned funds, a preliminary calculation of the volume in cubic meters or tons is required.

When hiring a freight transport with a certain carrying capacity, you have to adapt to the equipment. Therefore, it is necessary to pre-calculate how many cubes of crushed stone in a ton so as not to create an overweight of transport.

How to convert rubble cubes into tons? There is a solution

To calculate the weight, you need such an indicator of the characteristics of the material as bulk density of crushed stone. This value is found in the laboratory. To perform the test, a lab worker uses a one liter metal cylinder. The empty container is weighed first. A control sample of crushed granite is poured into the cylinder from a height of 15 centimeters to the upper level of the tank. The container filled with material is weighed again. The laboratory assistant makes a calculation using a special formula. Now that the bulk density has been found, you can calculate how much a ton of crushed stone weighs in cubes, or vice versa.

Translation of a ton of crushed stone into cubes: an example

In order to find this value, you need to divide the weight by the bulk density. Suppose the bulk density is 1600 kg / m³, which means 1000 kg, divided by 1600 kg / cm³, it turns out 0.625 m³ in one ton of material. For example, there is a dump truck with a carrying capacity of 20 tons. How many cubic meters of crushed granite can be transported? In order to convert tons into cubes of crushed stone, you need to divide 20,000 kg by a bulk density of 1600 kg / m³. The result is a volume of 12.5 cubic meters, which can be taken away by a dump truck with a carrying capacity of 20 tons.

In this example, the bulk density value of 1600 kg/m3 is arbitrary. In order to calculate as correctly as possible how many cubes of crushed stone are in a ton, a more accurate indicator of the bulk mass of the material is required. To do this, you can call the manufacturer for the extraction and processing of crushed stone in advance, and then independently perform the calculation.

From the practice of ProBeton specialists, a ton of crushed stone of granite fraction 5-20 takes about 0.6 cubic meters, and a ton of granite crushed stone of fraction 40-70 - about 0.75 cubic meters.

Experienced developers use an average indicator, which varies from 1400 kg / m³ to 1600 kg / m³, and depends on the fractional composition. The smaller the grain size, the higher the bulk density value, since a small stone of crushed granite occupies a denser volume.

If it is difficult for you to convert tons of crushed stone into cubes on your own, or vice versa, then just call the managers of the material supplying plant, who will quickly calculate the price value depending on the available transport for delivery.

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