The procedure for taking readings of the electricity meter. How to take readings from the electricity meter correctly

Electricity 03.07.2019

Electric meters according to the rules should be in each apartment. Typically, the numbers from these devices are transferred to the management company by the residents themselves. On this occasion, many are interested in the question of how to take readings from the electric meter and still not be mistaken. We will talk about this later in the article.

Varieties of modern counters

First, consider what meters are used in modern apartments. So, most often in residential premises you can see:

  • single-phase conventional 2.0);
  • single-phase electric devices (1.0);
  • multitariff counters with several windows.

In luxury apartments, you can sometimes see three-phase devices. Determining what kind of equipment is installed in the room is not difficult. If only two or three wires are suitable for the meter, then it is single-phase. If more - three-phase.

Meter Locations

Before you start figuring out how to take readings from the meter, let's see where it can be mounted. This meter is usually located either on the landing or directly in the apartment itself. In the first case, the management company is engaged in its maintenance, including taking readings. Of course, the tenant has every right to check the number of kilowatts that have arrived and independently.

If the meter is installed in the apartment, the owner himself must provide data to the management company in a certain period of time. Also, the landlord is obliged to provide representatives of RES with access to their apartment to check equipment and take readings. In the event that the owners are not at home, usually public utilities or the power grid leave a note at the door asking them to call the indicated number and report the numbers from the device.

How to take readings from the meter yourself

In apartments, three-, four- and five-digit counters can be installed. In order not to be mistaken, you should look at the color of the last drum. If it differs from the color of the others, it means that this part is not calculated, and the figure indicated on it should be simply discarded at the moment. The same can be said if there is a comma in front of the drum. The zero in front of all digits must be indicated.

It will also be useful to learn how to take readings from the meter in case it is multi-tariff. In this case, you will have to perform some calculations. All windows of such devices are usually numbered. The tenant should write out all the numbers up to one after the decimal point on a piece of paper. That is, if the device shows 230.756, you need to record 230.7. And so with all the windows. Next, proceed to fill out the receipt. For example, the codes for three-tariff accounting are as follows: peak (T1) - 13, p / peak (T3) - 15, night (T2) - 2. The receipt will need to include the readings of all the windows for the previous month and for the current one. Actual power consumption is calculated by subtracting the former from the latter. The following columns enter the cost of a kilowatt for each of the three tariffs. Calculating how much you have to pay for the energy spent is not difficult. You just need to multiply the actual expense by the cost of the tariff.

What should not be done in any case

So, how to take readings from the electric meter, we found out. Now let's talk about what you should not do. Some home craftsmen rewind meter readings in order to pay less for electricity. Basically, this method of "saving" is used by those residents whose metering devices are installed directly in the apartment. Of course, this should not be done. Distribution workers constantly conduct raids, measuring the load on the line. After that, suspicious apartments are checked for theft of electricity. In the event that a violation is detected, the owners will have to pay much large amounthow to save.

Thus, it is absolutely clear who should take the readings of the electric meter: either the owners of the apartment themselves, or representatives management company. In order to find out the figure, you just need to look at the window of the device.

There is an electricity meter in every house, and to take into account the amount of electricity consumed once a month, readings are taken from it, it is better if these readings are taken on the same day of the month.

How to write off the readings from the electricity meter?

In order to fix the counter data, take a pen and a piece of paper with you. Before we record electricity, we need to record the initial readings of the electric meter. To do this, we need to look at the counter and write out all the digits to the decimal point.

This figure will be the beginning of our accounting. Next month, we again take readings and subtract the old ones from the new readings, thereby we will get the amount of electricity we spent. To calculate the amount that will be presented to you for the provided service, you need to multiply the number we received by the cost of 1 kW, which is set according to the terms of your tariff.

Now a few words about modern electricity meters.

For example, a mercury counter. On this model, an LCD screen or a special drum is installed on which data is displayed.

Electricity meter "Mercury"

There are several ways to take readings from this counter. On the electronic meter, the readings are displayed either on the screen itself or on a computer connected to it, if any. For the number of readings to appear on the screen, it is enough to press a few buttons. In the event that the counter is electromechanical, then the data can be written off from the drum.

This is a modern device for metering electricity. The peculiarity of this electricity meter is the possibility of accounting for electric energy depending on the time of its consumption. For consumers with such meters, a double tariff is set: day and night.

To take readings from such meters, we need to write down three numbers that will indicate consumption per day, per night and the total number of kW consumed. To pay on such a meter, it is necessary to calculate the amount of kW spent depending on the time of day and multiply by the appropriate tariff.

After reading this article, we hope that you will not have problems with taking readings and thus you will not be shortchanged in the organization that supplies electricity.

The dial of any electric meter shows how many watts of electricity a subscriber consumed. So, how electricity is paid per kilowatt of energy, we will find out how to determine it.

How to take electricity meters

  1. Take a sheet and pen;
  2. Go to the electric meter and make sure it is working (the numbers are clearly visible, the electric dial does not blink, there is no external damage to the device, the seal is not broken);
  3. Copy all the digits of the counter to a comma on paper:
    1. for a conventional single-rate meter counter, one indicator is taken;
    2. for two-tariff - two indicators. The first is responsible for the kilowatt / hours that were consumed during the day, the second for night;
    3. for three-tariff - three indicators. The first two are the same as in the two-tariff meter, the third is kilowatt / hours, the consumption of which occurred during the half-peak period.
  4. Below, under these data, record the latest indicators of electricity consumption (for the previous billing period). These indicators should be less than the current data.
  5. Subtract the difference between the numbers.
  6. Multiply the resulting numbers by a certain tariff applicable in the area.
  7. Sum up all the prices obtained.

How many digits electricity meter readings

Electric meters for the number of indicators are:

  • three-digit (three digits before the decimal point, one after). The maximum value that the device shows is 1000 kW / h;
  • four-digit (the readings are the same as in the previous one, only four digits go to the decimal point). The maximum value that the device shows is 10,000 kW / h.

After reaching the maximum numbers, the counter is reset to zero.

When installing an electric meter in an apartment or private house, a utility representative must show the consumer how to take readings from the meter.   The subscriber may not take electricity readings for the current period. This is done by the supervisors of energy organizations. If the meter is located outside the consumer’s house, the specialist takes a reading at any time of the billing period. In the case when the device is in the subscriber’s house, the time for taking the testimony by the controller is discussed with the owner.

The technical certificate of the appliance indicates the date of verification. In case of violations in the operation of the counter ( twisting, slow motion) at the expense of the consumer, he will bear administrative responsibility.

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