Put an electric pole in the country. How concrete electric poles are installed.

Country house 04.07.2019
Country house

Today humanity cannot imagine existence without electricity. An uninterrupted supply of electricity to each room depends on the competent laying of networks from directly to each consumer. This goal led specialists to the invention of reinforced concrete electric poles. The devices do their job very well. Before starting work, you should calculate how much the materials cost and how long the installation will take.

Before making an electric pole, it is necessary to take into account the advantages of such supports. The advantages include durability. Reinforced concrete electric poles can serve consumers for many years. It is important to take into account that high-quality building materials should be used in the construction of supports. They are more expensive, but their use guarantees durability to each concrete pillar.

Another plus is the choice of design. With the help of additional building materials (panels and other means), you can arrange. In addition, during installation work, specialists will not need expensive special equipment. This allows you to do the installation yourself and not turn to professionals.

How many disadvantages do such supports have? A concrete pole for electricity has only one drawback. It's about about laying the foundation, which is necessary in order to securely install a reinforced concrete electric pole. Otherwise, the structure may fall.


  • power lines;
  • street lighting electrically;
  • transmission of electricity.


When installing an electric concrete pole, it is important to observe a number of conditions. First of all, builders must take into account the landscape, the strength of the wind gusts in the region, the traffic density of cars. Also, specialists should measure the distance between reinforced concrete supports. It is necessary to determine how many meters there are between each pillar. During installation work, a thorough check on the strength of the supports is carried out.

Execution of work

For uninterrupted transmission of electricity, it is necessary to install a structure in accordance with safety regulations. For the correct construction of supports, builders should adhere to the following rules:

  • install poles depending on the purpose, terrain features and laying, special equipment systems;
  • perform high-quality installation work;
  • fix the wires on the poles according to all the rules (PUE).

Each reinforced concrete support is installed in stages:

  1. First you need to mark the selected territory.
  2. Then the specialists begin drilling holes for the poles.
  3. After that, you can start installing the supporting structures. For this, special equipment is used.
  4. The last stage is the installation of electrical wires.

Selection and marking of the territory

For proper installation of concrete structures, it is necessary to adhere to safety rules. In particular, the marking of the selected territory involves choosing the place for erecting supports and determining the distance directly between the pillars.

The calculations should take into account the expected loads, as well as the characteristics of a particular area and soil. The markup should be done in such a way that as a result, uniform illumination of the areas by each pillar is achieved. Specialists carry out installation according to the technology of installation work. When marking, the number of concrete pillars and their location are determined.


After marking is completed, specialists begin drilling, following the marked parameters and taking into account the characteristics of the soil at the installation site. At this stage of work, a technique is used, which is a drill placed on a special platform.

Installation of reinforced concrete pillars

Before starting work, it is necessary to recheck the supporting structures for possible cracks. Their vertical alignment is carried out using special levels and other means. A manipulator is used to erect concrete pillars. A thick cement mortar is poured into each pit where the supporting structures were installed. To give structures additional stability, specialists install props made of reinforced concrete or metal.

Work control

When installing and assembling support structures, you must carefully monitor the strict observance of the parameters:

  1. Measurement of a pit intended for reinforced concrete supports. For reliable installation, the design of the pit must be deep.
  2. The quality of the material from which the structure is made. If the reinforcement is visible and cannot be covered with concrete, the product will soon begin to collapse.
  3. Specialists must install metal spacers in a dug hole in the place where the post is in contact with the ground. The Zeta workers should cement the support structure with high quality cement mortar.
  4. Specialists need to install the structures in a strictly vertical position using a special plumb line.

The final stage is the laying of electrical wires.

After the installation is completed, the installation of metal structures for attaching insulators begins. For this, clamps are used. There are also traverses that are not intended to transmit current. They are only needed to secure the electrical wires. Their dimensions will depend on the number of electrical wires that they have to hold.

To prevent possible corrosion of the traverses, it is necessary to cover them with a special agent that will ensure their protection. In addition, experts fix a cover that will protect them from harmful effects. environment. The laying is completed with the installation of electrical wires. At the same time, workers should take into account that the above actions must be carried out by representatives of an organization that has the appropriate permission.


Work on the installation of reinforced concrete structures for power lines is a responsible and complex process that involves the use of special equipment. If workers take into account the prescribed rules and safety precautions, they will be able to build a reliable and durable structure. Such a support will transmit electricity uninterruptedly for many years.

It is also important to remember that installation work should be carried out by employees of organizations with the appropriate permit.

Where can I install a pole for electricity in the country? What distances from surrounding objects should be kept? What should be the wires and insulators?

How much will it cost to connect the cottage to the electricity supply? Let's try to find the answers.

Our task is to find out how difficult it is to electrify a country house

Regulatory requirements

Let's start with regulatory requirements. They are spelled out in the PUE - the rules for the installation of electrical installations. We have to study the latest this moment, the seventh edition of the document, adopted by the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation in 2003.

Please note: the adopted document canceled the effect of older PUEs. The changes affect, among other things, the chapter “Sewerage of electricity”, which is relevant to us.

Let's pay attention to the most important points of the document in our case.

General requirements for lines with voltage up to 1 kV

  • When hanging any unprotected wires on supports, the distance from them to windows or balconies with a maximum deviation should not be less than 1.5 meters.
  • Above the carriageway, the wires are hung at a height of at least 6 meters, above the impassable part - at least 3.5 m.

The height of the wires above the carriageway and footpaths
  • The distance between the wires when flying up to six meters should be at least 10 cm, when flying over 6 meters - at least 15 cm.
  • Entry into the building is carried out at a height of at least 2.75 m; at the same time, an insulating pipe is used for the input, the shape of which prevents water from entering the house.
  • The structures on which the conductors are installed are made of non-combustible materials and must have a fire resistance limit of at least a quarter of an hour.

Commentary: it would seem that this item puts an end to wooden poles. But ... no, a loophole remains: wood impregnated with a protective compound does not support combustion.

  • The minimum distance from bare wires to a pipeline for any purpose is 1 meter. If the wire is insulated, the distance is not standardized.
  • Insulators must be fireproof. Traditionally, porcelain and glass are used in this capacity.

In the photo - porcelain insulators

Requirements for overhead lines with voltage up to 1 kV

The supports should not impede the passage and passage, block the entrances to the yards.

Where there is a possibility of a collision with a car, the support is protected from collision with it by a bumper bollard or in any other way.

The post must be marked at a height of 2.5 - 3 meters. It indicates the serial number of the support, the width of the security zone and the telephone number of the owner of the line.

All metal structures are protected from corrosion. The method of protecting the PUE is not specified; Traditionally, painting is used for this.

The minimum wire cross section for an overhead line is limited by its mechanical strength and is determined by the material.

It is curious: for a steel single-wire wire, not the cross-sectional area is limited, but the diameter. It should not be less than 4 mm.

Branching from the nearest support is carried out only and exclusively with insulated wire. The maximum branch length is 25 meters.

To connect the wires, connecting clamps or welding are used. Single-wire wires can be connected by twisting followed by soldering; but you can't butt weld them. In this case, a wire that differs in the material or cross section of the current-carrying core is connected only by clamps.

The minimum section for entering the house is also limited by the document; and in this case the cross section is determined by the type of wire:

What should be the actual pillar?

For low-voltage lines, reinforced concrete, metal, solid wood and wooden poles with a concrete base can be used. All types of wood, except for larch, must be impregnated with an antiseptic; larch wood itself is exceptionally resistant to decay.

Wood is the most affordable material for a pole.

When using a wooden support, its minimum diameter (at the upper end) should be:

  • For the main power supply line - 14 cm;
  • For a branch to the house (in particular, for a pole installed on the site) - 12 cm.

Regarding the deepening of the supports, the document speaks somewhat vaguely - "depending on local conditions."

What should be minimum distance from the pole to the surrounding objects and communications?

How to put up a pole for electricity?

Is it difficult to put an electricity pole on the site with your own hands?

Here the simplest instruction for its manufacture from a bar with a section of 150 mm.

  1. We process the timber with an antiseptic in two or three layers.
  2. We assemble a crosspiece about 2x2 meters in size at one of the ends of the future pillar. The crosspiece itself is connected in half a tree; galvanized corners are used for fastening to the pole.
  3. Four braces are attached between the pillar and the cross, after which the entire underground part (about one and a half meters) is painted over with bituminous mastic.
  4. A cruciform pit opens under the support, into which it is easy to install the pillar together with the help of a rope tied to its top. It remains only to align it with a plumb line, bury the base and compact the soil.


  • The advantage of reinforced concrete supports (power lines)

Concrete electric poles are an integral part of the life of a modern civilized society.

Electric poles: what they are made of, installation rules, operating time

It is impossible to imagine the modern life of people in large industrial centers, in megacities and in the most “seedy” village without concrete electric poles. Mankind has not yet come up with another way to supply electricity from transformer substations to those areas where people live, as soon as through wooden or concrete poles.

Electric poles for supplying energy from transformers to consumers are made of two types: wooden and reinforced concrete. In the Soviet Union, during electrification, wooden poles were installed for electricity, because reinforced concrete had not yet been invented. In our time, there is a widespread replacement of outdated wooden poles for electricity with reinforced concrete products, even in those places where there are no problems with the forest.

Wooden poles for electricity are used in places where it is very expensive to deliver reinforced concrete or there is no possibility: taiga, regions of the Far North, etc.

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Advantages of reinforced concrete electric poles and their manufacture

Poles for electricity, having a concrete base, have a number of advantages:

  • high resistance to temperature changes (from -55 to + 55°C) and environmental influences (hurricanes, precipitation);
  • high resistance to aggressive environments and external influences;
  • fire safety;
  • the possibility of endless production;
  • low cost and, as a result, the price of products;
  • the possibility of long-term operation of the product (more than 50 years);
  • ease of installation and maintenance.

The manufacturing technology of reinforced concrete pillars is simple and does not require qualified personnel and high-precision modern equipment.

From iron fittings of a certain diameter, a frame mesh is welded according to TU or GOST. This iron frame “frame” is placed in a mold and poured with a concrete solution of a certain consistency (cement / sand / water / any additives). The concrete hardens and after a while the form is disassembled, and the finished product "in the air" finally acquires its performance characteristics: strength, resistance to various aggressive environments, ignoring corrosion processes.

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Installation of reinforced concrete electric poles

No installation organizations and individuals do not have the right to install on adjacent to their land plots territory reinforced concrete electric poles, as and where they want. At first glance, it is easy and simple to install a reinforced concrete electric pole, but only an amateur can have such an opinion, because the production of such work requires professional knowledge.

You need to know how deep the product should be mounted, how many meters should be to the nearest pole from which the wires will stretch.

The installation of electricity poles requires approval from state specialized organizations. To begin with, it is necessary to draw up design estimates for the production of this type of work and coordinate it with state regulatory authorities. And only after obtaining permission to carry out specific work, you can begin to install reinforced concrete electric poles.

If you have money - the best option will turn to a law firm that, for a certain amount, will eliminate the need to fight Russian bureaucrats. If you think that you will not pay for what they are already obliged to do, be patient and calm.

Information for those who decide to independently install a reinforced concrete electric pole for their own needs.

Basic knowledge that 100% must be observed when installing reinforced concrete poles for electricity:

Pits for lighting poles are made with a special earthen drill.

  1. Before installing the post in the hole, check it for chips and other damage. If iron fittings are exposed on the product, repair the damage with concrete mortar.
  2. The depth of the pit for installing electricity poles must be at least 2 m;
  3. Insert a reinforced concrete pole and plumb to check its vertical position. Concrete pillars must be strictly vertical.
  4. At the point of contact of the post with the ground, it is necessary to install metal reinforcing struts.
  5. Fill the hole with high-quality concrete mortar and let it harden before starting the installation of electrical wires.

When performing installation work, it is necessary to take into account the local "wind rose".

It doesn't seem to be very complicated rules, which everyone must comply with in order to install concrete pillars. But just think about the fact that you need to dig a hole 2.2 m deep, even in soft ground!

Therefore there are more fast way install a reinforced concrete pole for electricity - hire a specialized organization.

Of course, now it is impossible to take and simply entrust such a responsible matter as the installation of an electric reinforced concrete pole, even to a specialized organization. The customer or his authorized representative will be forced to be present during the production of all work - from earthwork and concrete, to the installation of wires.

Otherwise, the customer runs the risk of seeing, after a while, a small "Leaning Tower of Pisa" under his window. Such a “spectacle” is not only and not so much aesthetically pleasing, but also threatens with power outages in the house.

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What to control for the customer when the work is performed by hired professionals

In production necessary work it is necessary to control the following parameters:

  1. The depth of the pit for the installation of a reinforced concrete pillar. Elementary logic: the deeper the pit, the stronger the structure will stand.
  2. The quality of the installed pole. If the reinforcement becomes visible and it is impossible to close it with cement mortar, then the product will very quickly begin to become unusable. That is, when the column "falls over", it is only a matter of time.
  3. In order for the workers to install metal spacers in the pit at the place where the column touches the ground and cement the structure with a high-quality, as expected, mortar.
  4. So that specialists use a plumb line to install an electric pole strictly vertically.

Subject to these mandatory actions, the customer can be sure that the reinforced concrete electric pole will serve him for the prescribed period.

Installation of additional electric poles may be needed in the private sector, especially if the wooden poles have become unusable. You probably noticed rotting and rickety wood poles from which power lines run? Previously, only these were mounted, but after the expiration of the service life, old samples should be replaced with new ones.

Today, factories produce reinforced concrete and metal structures, and all because they are stronger, more stable and reliable, they are not afraid of temperature changes, insects and precipitation. Unfortunately, products for electricity are not cheap, so the installation of metal or reinforced concrete poles is affordable only for organizations funded by the state.

You can put wooden poles with your own hands; in villages and villages, just such poles for electricity are still used.

Instructions for installing poles for electricity

Before starting the installation process, it is necessary to study the features of the area, which can significantly affect the quality and duration of the use of electricity poles. So, pay attention to the factors:

  • natural landscape - on which site the installation is being carried out, for example, in a lowland;
  • optimal spacing between supports.

The installation guide for electricity poles is as follows:

  1. Mark the ground. Use pegs and twine for this. The distance between the supports should be approximately the same.
  2. Now you need to drill a well of great depth, so you can not do without special equipment. Drilling and crane transport comes to the aid of builders.
  3. While one part of the brigade is working on the machines, the second part can, without wasting time, take up other earthworks. Armed with a hand drill, the workers dig holes, laying the diameter in accordance with the type of hand drill. An ideal handy tool would be a gas drill for drilling holes, installing poles with its use takes much less time, especially since the process can be done by hand.
  4. Further, the finished supports are fixed using a drilling machine manipulator or a crane.
  5. Specialists carry out reconciliation vertically.
  6. The pillars are firmly fixed in the pits, and the bases are securely fixed.
  7. It remains to mount power transmission line traverses on electric poles and lay wires through which current will flow to houses, to the street, etc., depending on the purpose of laying highways.

Rules for installing poles for electricity

It may seem to the layman that the post holes have the same depth, but this is not so, because each recess depends on the following factors:

  • line type;
  • the nature of the earth, the composition of the soil;
  • copy option.

The depth of the pit is laid taking into account the turning of the poles for electricity - the overturning of the supports should not occur even in a natural disaster. There are also intermediate and main pillars - holes for the first ones are dug by self-propelled drilling equipment, where there is a crane for fixing the pillars in the soil.

Where the track is characterized by poor passability, the pit is reached by manual digging. At the same time, it is important to observe the period between fixing the pit and installing the support - no more than 1 day.

As for equipment, the following equipment cannot be dispensed with during installation:

  • jib cranes;
  • cranes, with the help of which the installation of supports of the KVL type is carried out;
  • tractor.

If the pit has a cylindrical shape, the diameter of the rack becomes the reference point - the first indicator cannot exceed the second by more than 25%. If the difference increases, then the upper crossbar is installed. Crossbars on intermediate pillars are placed along the axis of the overhead line.

It is impossible to lift and immediately fix the free-standing poles with a crane, so that the supports do not fall, the workers securely fix the base with temporary braces, after which they place the upper and lower crossbars. The final fastening is carried out using the method of backfilling with soil, when alignment has already been made by backfilling into the sinuses of the earth with layer-by-layer tamping.

Whether the verticality of the poles for electricity, the voltage on which is 10 kV, is taken into account, is checked with a plumb line. If the voltage is increased to 35 kV, a theodolite is used. So that the traverses do not rust over time, it is advisable to walk over the material with a bituminous varnish composition.

The installation of insulation is carried out with polyethylene caps, in fact, the procedure looks like this:

  1. Caps should be heated in water up to 80-90 degrees Celsius.
  2. Heated caps are sequentially placed on the pin, lightly hitting with a wood hammer.
  3. The outer surface of the tip is a thread onto which the insulator is screwed.

Who should deal with the arrangement of pillars

You already understood that installing poles for electricity with your own hands is problematic - this requires equipment and special knowledge. Therefore, if there is a need to equip poles, you can leave a request at the nearest RES department. Privately, certain firms also perform such work, only this requires obtaining permission.

Before using the help of employees of a private company, read reviews on the Internet, find out how many objects the company has already equipped. If everything is in order, it is desirable to conclude an agreement on the provision of services and responsibilities of each party to the contract.

How to install power lines

The technological procedure for the installation of a power line (power line) is carried out by the same company that you hired. It consists of several stages:

  1. Preparatory. The task of specialists is to get acquainted with the section of the route, outline it, dig pits for poles and bring the necessary premises.
  2. Basic. It includes the installation of poles for electricity, the fixation of insulators, the pulling of wires and cables.

The cost of the pillars

Many are interested in how much the purchase of supports will cost. Prices vary within different limits and depend on the size of the pillars, the material used and its quality:

  1. Reinforced concrete installations cost from $330 (in Stavropol) to $475 (in a joint venture for 1 section).
  2. Metal ones are cheaper - from $ 58 to $ 105 for 1 piece.
  3. Wooden ones are not in demand in the city, which cannot be said about the villages - the cave age still reigns here. $26 per rack saves rural budget money.

In any case, no matter how reliable the supports are, it is important to fix them not only in the reinforced concrete foundation, but also in the soil - this is the correct installation, which will extend the service life to the maximum possible.

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