Assemble mining farm components. What is a mining farm - the principle of operation, the necessary equipment, the calculation of profitability and risks. Mining farm case

Block houses 05.07.2020
Block houses

Do-it-yourself farm assembly - anyone can!

In this article, we will be building a mining farm. There is nothing complicated in this, it is very similar to assembling an ordinary personal computer, but there are several nuances. It will be easier for beginners to complete the assembly, having clear step-by-step instructions before their eyes. I took some of the pictures from open sources on the Internet, so do not be surprised that they have different farms.

Truss assembly accessories

So, as a very peculiar video blogger would say: “Great, goldfinches! Today we are going to assemble a mining farm with our own hands. " We need:

  1. Motherboard.
  2. CPU.
  3. Cooler (+ thermal paste).
  4. RAM.
  5. HDD.
  6. Video cards.
  7. Risers.
  8. Power supply unit with a set of cables.
  9. Power synchronizer.
  10. Frame (+ power button).
  11. Cable ties, self-tapping screws, metal corners.

More details about the components of the farm, why they are needed and how to choose them, I told in a separate article:

Assembling a mining farm, step by step instructions

We start assembling a mining farm, that is, we go directly to the process of installing components into the frame of your future farm.

Mining farm framework

A classic frame (often called a body) is a metal or wood frame, mutual arrangement parts of which allows you to install the components of the mining farm and connect them. Usually these are several parts that form the outer edges of the frame, one or more support rails for video cards and the lower part (platform) for placing the motherboard, power supply, hard drive.

Mining farm frame

A ready-made frame can be bought for $ 20-25, it will turn out to be found cheaper. I like to do it myself, buying the necessary parts for $ 10-15 and spending about half an hour on assembly. If interested, I will write a separate material about this, with photographs and drawings. It's easier to buy a ready-made one.

A moment of humor, a joke known in miner circles. The picture below is not a frame for a truss!

Motherboard and processor

We insert the processor into the motherboard, apply thermal paste to it, attach the cooler. Everything is the same as in personal computers. Then we install the RAM and place the motherboard at the bottom of the farm frame. In this case, the following conditions must be met:

  1. PCI-Express slots for connecting video cards should preferably be located in the center of the frame.
  2. Connectors for connecting a monitor, keyboard, mouse should be directed outward.
  3. The motherboard should not protrude beyond the edges of the chassis.
  4. After installing the motherboard, there should be room next to it for a power supply (or two) and a hard drive.

In practice, the easiest way is to press the motherboard to the corner of the bottom platform of the frame, expanding it in such a way that the first two conditions are met. It should look like the picture below.

An example of assembling a mining farm

After placing the motherboard, we fix it with several self-tapping screws, screwing them through the mounting holes of the motherboard. If the lower platform is made of wood, then there is no need to worry about the contact of the motherboard with it. If the platform is conductive, such contact must be prevented. This can be done using dielectric spacers or special legs that lift the motherboard above the platform.

Power Supply

Near motherboard we place one or more power supplies.

We have a separate article about the nutrition of the farm:.

The cooling power supply fan must be facing outward or upward. It is desirable that the cable from the mains also looks to the side and does not take up space inside the case. The power supply has no holes for mounting inside the truss frame. In order not to spoil its presentation, I usually pull the power supply with several cable ties to the corner of the frame. And so that it does not move during transportation, I restrict it with the help of metal corners screwed to the lower platform with self-tapping screws.


The hard drive is also located on the lower platform. It can be pressed against the corner of the frame, next to the power supply, and secured with several bent metal corners. In the photo below, you can see the power supply secured with a cable tie and a metal bracket, as well as a fixed hard drive.

Mining farm, mounting a hard drive and a power supply

Power connection

The next step in assembling the truss is to connect the following power lines:

  1. Motherboard power connector (ATX connector) to the motherboard. When using several power supplies, these connectors should be combined with a special synchronizer and already connected to the motherboard.
  2. CPU power connector to motherboard.
  3. SATA or Molex hard drive connector.

I strongly recommend that you familiarize yourself with the very important instruction about before performing this step, this will help to avoid serious problems. In the figure below, video cards are installed, but the power supply has not yet been connected, no need to do this. It will be inconvenient.

The graphics cards are not powered


It's time to connect the risers. A typical kit includes:

  • a board for connecting a video card;
  • board for connecting to the motherboard;
  • USB 3.0 cable for their connection;
  • power adapter (used only when needed).

We connect these parts as shown in the figure below.

Riser connection

We insert the board for connecting to the motherboard into the PCI-Express connector on it, and place the board for connecting the video card on the support bar of the farm frame. We connect the power supply unit of the same name (SATA, Molex or PCI-E) to the power connector on the riser. This can be done directly or using the adapter supplied with the riser.

Video cards

The next step is to connect the additional power connectors to the video card connectors. After that, when all the connections are complete, you can try to clean up the inside of the truss by securing the wires with cable ties.

Mining farm assembly

The mining farm is assembled. It remains to connect the power button and power indicator light to the motherboard.

The final touch is connecting a keyboard, mouse, monitor and network cable... After that, you can proceed to the installation operating system, software and their configuration. More about this in one of the following articles, stay with us!

Do you want to make money on crypto? Subscribe to ours!

We create a bitcoin farm at home from suitable materials with our own hands - assembly instructions and video. Quite recently, the unfamiliar word "cryptocurrency" began to enter our lexicon. Over the past couple of years, the use of cryptocurrency has shown rapid development. Bitcoins and other virtual money are successfully used as payment. Cryptocurrency exchanges and bitcoin exchangers are widely represented on the network. Digital currency is accepted for payment not only by online stores, but also by quite real sellers. There are even crypto machines that work like conventional ATMs.

It is not difficult to exchange real money for cryptocurrency, but the main feature is that you can create bitcoins and other digital coins yourself without fear of criminal liability.

Anyone who is a little familiar with the basics of computer devices can try their hand at generating cryptocurrency. Note that it is precisely in the creation of virtual money, and not receiving as earnings for the work performed.

Putting together a mining farm

To generate bitcoin at home, you need special equipment called a cryptocurrency or mining farm. Bitcoin generation is referred to as mining, and the miner is referred to as a miner. Highly profitable farms cost from several hundred rubles, but practice shows that a completely working mining farm can be deployed at home, with a budget of around 50,000 rubles. Of course, the profit from the use of such budget equipment will not be sky-high, but a very real and constant replenishment of the bitcoin wallet is guaranteed. In order to meet the indicated budget, we need:

  1. For the given purposes, the most common processor costing from 1200 to 1500 rubles is suitable.
  2. A standard motherboard is purchased for 2000 rubles. You can find it cheaper, there are no fundamental features.
  3. Also, for about 2,000 rubles, 4 GB of RAM is purchased, which is quite enough for us.
  4. You will have to spend from 1000 to 1500 rubles on a hard drive.
  5. Within 5,000 rubles, a power supply unit that provides a power of 650 watts will cost.

The most expensive is the purchase of four 8 gigabyte video cards. Considering that the cost of new video cards is quite high, we recommend buying used ones. For 10,000 rubles, you can find quite working copies in a satisfactory condition.

Installation instructions for a mining farm are easy to find on the Internet, and assembly is not difficult.

Video - assembling a crypto farm

What is better to mine

Any cryptocurrency can be mined. It is unlikely that it will be possible to generate bitcoins at home, but it is quite possible to provide yourself with a constant stream of satoshi (). In addition, there is the possibility of mining an alternative cryptocurrency, which will bring more profit than generating satoshi.

Recently, it has been rapidly gaining momentum. This cryptocurrency has great prospects and Ethereum mining is much more profitable. Although it has already risen in price and it makes sense to look for little-known newcomers.

Thus, creating your own mining farm in your apartment for budgetary funds is a very real task, which guarantees a payback and a constant small income.

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How to build a "farm" for mining, and what currency should be mined instead of bitcoin

Jens Kalaene / dpa-Zentralbild / Global Look Press

In June, the rate of the most popular cryptocurrency, bitcoin, rose sharply again and surpassed the $ 3,000 mark (however, now it has dropped to 2,700). Many wanted to start mining cryptocurrency on their own, and against the background of the excitement in Russia, powerful video cards have ended, on the basis of which miners (those who extract bitcoins and analogues) build "farms". the site succumbed to the general excitement and decided to find out how and from what cryptocurrency "farms" are built, how much it costs, how much you can earn and whether it is worth joining this process.

What are bitcoins, mining and blockchain

To understand what bitcoins and mining are, you must first understand what a blockchain is, on the basis of which the entire cryptocurrency system is built. Blockchain, literally, is a "blockchain", a decentralized system in which millions of computers around the world are combined into pools to solve crypto problems (a certain formula). Each member of the system has a file with absolutely all transactions of all users of the system. That is why it is believed that the system cannot be faked or hacked - to do this, you need to change not only your file, but also the files of all millions of users. The system is absolutely transparent, there are no names in it, but there are wallet numbers by which you can track transactions. Blockchain technology can be used not only for finance, but also in public services, which, for example, the head of Sberbank, German Gref, dreams of.

If we omit the complex description of the process, then the essence of the bitcoin system boils down to the following: system participants create transactions that are collected in a block. A special hash sum (formula) is calculated in the block header. The hash is always unique, therefore it is considered a selection of numbers - this is a very complex process, it is for it that powerful video cards are needed. Whoever managed to calculate the hash receives a conditional "reward" - a cryptocurrency. Miners are those who mine bitcoins, maintain the system by conducting transactions for which they are charged a commission. They are also needed for security.


It's too late to mine bitcoins. There are too many participants in the system, therefore, in order to solve the hash and get the currency, too much power is needed, for which video cards alone are not enough. For mining bitcoins, there is already special equipment that is sharpened exclusively for the extraction of this cryptocurrency. To assemble a powerful workshop, you need to invest millions and find a source of cheap electricity. Now this can only be afforded by large companies that build factories, for example, on the territory of Ukraine, where energy is inexpensive.

All newbies mine altcoins - alternative currencies that are built in approximately the same way based on bitcoin and which can be exchanged for bitcoins. The most popular currency now is Ethereum ("ether"), because it has a fairly high rate of $ 339.

How to build a farm

In fact, a mining “farm” is a computer with powerful video cards. It is believed that it is necessary to buy video cards worth about 100 thousand rubles, but on specialized forums they tell how to assemble an economical version of the "farm".

For an inexpensive "farm" on which you can mine "ether", you will need four video cards (we chose ZOTAC GeForce GTX1060, each costs about 12 thousand rubles), a motherboard, a power supply, a processor, RAM, a hard drive or flash drive, a monitor emulator and four raisers (adapters that allow you to connect video cards). All equipment will cost 69.5 thousand rubles. The farm can be managed remotely using TeamViewer. To work on a computer, you will need a special program - Claymore is suitable for mining "ether". In addition, you need to choose a pool - a site on which miners unite in order to work more efficiently, and to which you need to deduct a commission, for example, this one. / YouTube channel

In Russia, powerful video cards really ran out, so we looked for ZOTAC in stores in Germany. Now the equipment ends there as well. You can still buy it in the US as well as on Amazon, but in this case, you are unlikely to get a guarantee.

On the "farm", you need to install the Watch Dog control scheme, which will automatically restart the system if it freezes or something else goes wrong. Video cards heat up during complex computing work, so many advise installing a cooling system, but this is important for large "farms" - industrial fans are installed there. On a small "farm" like ours, it is enough to install additional coolers on video cards. If 3-4 "farms" are assembled in the room, miners install conventional air conditioners or fans. But do not collect more than one "farm" in the apartment where you live, otherwise it will be difficult to be in it because of the heat - the temperature in the rooms can rise to 40 degrees. Better, of course, to find an empty office.


Complex equipment consumes large amounts of electricity. The sites have calculators where you can set the parameters of video cards, currency and the price of electricity and calculate when the equipment will pay off and how much "farm" will bring profit per month. At the same time, miners are constantly looking for various illegal ways not to pay for electricity and steal it.

With the video cards we have chosen on the ether currency and at the cost of electricity at 3.8 rubles per kW, we will be able to recoup the investment in 91 days. For a month with the "ether" rate as of June 22, 2017, you will be able to earn 22,860 rubles.

The peculiarity of cryptocurrencies is their unstable rate - in a day it can rise or fall by several percent. At the beginning of 2017, bitcoin cost $ 970, in June it was already $ 3,000, now the currency has fallen in price again. Sharp jumps in Bitcoin are very difficult to predict, it happens after the fact. For example, the April jump is associated with the fact that Japan officially recognized bitcoin.

One cryptocurrency can be exchanged for another or for the usual dollars on special exchanges. There is a site where you can sell bitcoins for rubles (they will be transferred to the Sberbank card). There are even physical exchange offices in cities where you can literally turn in bitcoins and get bills. Real money comes to the bitcoin market through large investors who want to invest in cryptocurrency without building "farms", as well as through illegal markets. Almost the entire "shadow" Internet is now selling drugs through cryptocurrencies, say the miners.

There are firms and stores that already accept bitcoins as payment. You can use them to buy cars, bus tours around Europe, rent apartments, visit a Buddhist monastery and do much more.

Is it worth the risk

Analysts disagree on the future of cryptocurrencies. Morgan Stanley believes that the rise in the bitcoin rate will stop until it becomes more regulated. Now in most countries, including Russia, there is no legislative regulation of cryptocurrencies, therefore they are not taxed. The Russian government has been thinking about what to do with Bitcoin for many months. By latest information, The Ministry of Finance wants to recognize them as "a different kind of property." Prior to this, cryptocurrencies were simply going to be banned.

V investment company CERIC Capital Management supposes that the bitcoin rate will continue to grow, but everyone should understand that this is a high-risk asset, since it is impossible to develop clear criteria by which its value should be assessed. “The boom in high technologies we are experiencing today leaves a lot of room for predictions about the possible rate of growth of the exchange rate: for example, 4 thousand dollars for one bitcoin by the end of this year or 8 thousand dollars by 2020. All this additionally fuels interest in cryptocurrencies and allows them to be considered as a promising investment asset. However, investors must be aware that this is a high-risk asset, and therefore they must be prepared for both potentially high profits and possible losses, ”said Oleg Yakushev, an expert at ZERICH Capital Management JSC.

There is a certain difficulty with the fact that the number of bitcoins is finite - the formula is designed in such a way that only 21 million can be “mined”. The mathematical rationale for the rate at which bitcoins emerge is roughly the same as the rate at which gold is mined. This also has a certain threat, for example, deflation. However, there are also controversies among analysts about this.

According to financial analyst Vitaly Kalugin, if the growth of bitcoins, the emission of which is limited, is somehow justified, then in the case of altcoins it comes about a pyramid scheme: as soon as customers run out, the system will crumble.

The possibility of hacking the system is also questionable. In theory, for example, China has it - today there are 70% of companies that own pools (sites that unite miners). But while hacking is not profitable for them - to carry it out, huge capacities are needed, and investments in hacking will exceed the profit from it. In some altcoin systems, there have already been cases of hacking, for example, 50 million dollars were stolen from the DAO cryptocurrency system, the developers promised to return the money to users.

Miners believe that someday cryptocurrencies will replace physical money, and the owners of large "farms" will become the infrastructure that will replace banks, since they receive small deductions in the form of a commission for each transaction with bitcoins.

Vitaly Kalugin believes that bitcoin can never replace real money, because the capitalist system is structured differently. “There is a fundamental problem - the world is built on fiat (credit) money, which is reprinted if necessary. It is impossible to lend in bitcoins, because their number is limited. This cryptocurrency will take its place in the market, but a small one, about 2-3%, ”the expert said.

As of June 23rd, the market capitalization of bitcoins is $ 44.95 billion, and "ether" is $ 32.1 billion.

With each round of growth in the value of major cryptocurrencies, a new portion of people are planning to join their mining. So, in June 2017, the bitcoin rate reached $ 3,000 per coin. Subsequently, however, he fell to 2700, but still remained high.

All this has led to the fact that the number of people who would like to do this simple, at first glance, business, jumped incredibly. As a result, powerful video cards and other equipment used for these purposes simply disappeared from sale. The deficit, so disliked by us in a planned economy, overtook us in the era of the virtual economy.

Today, it is possible to mine (or extract cryptocoins on the network) on a computer specially purchased for this purpose. But if finances allow and there is a desire, you can build a farm, and then the profitability will increase significantly. Let's take a closer look at this option.

What is a mining farm? Without getting into the technical details, this is one computer, which includes several powerful video cards. The more graphics cards you have, the higher your profitability will be.

On specialized forums, where they teach how to create farms, they argue that the optimal video card for crypto-mining should cost at least 100 thousand rubles. However, if you set a goal, then you can collect the "economy option".

For example, in step-by-step instructions on how to create an inexpensive farm, you will probably find advice to pay attention to the ZOTAC GeForce GTX1060. Each such video card will cost 12 thousand rubles. For a budget farm, you will need 4 pieces. Well, and then everything that is needed for the computer to work:

  • motherboard - nowhere without it;
  • power supply - it goes without saying;
  • processor - preferably more powerful;
  • some RAM;
  • not too large hard drive (there will be no data that should be stored, and this computer cannot be used for purposes other than mining). In the end, in order to save money, they get by with flash drives;
  • monitor emulator;
  • reservers - adapters for connecting video cards - 4 pcs., according to the number of purchased video cards.

If you buy yourself, from scratch, order spare parts via the Internet, comparing prices on various resources, then the price of such a farm will be 70 thousand rubles. To determine the cost, prices were used on the main sites selling iron for mining, as of July 2017.

What else do you need to organize work?

Purchasing iron alone is not enough to create a farm. It is collected, and preferably under the supervision of a professional - beginners often make mistakes. And then they hang programs:

  1. TeamViewer - for remote access. Do not put the farm in an apartment - you will suffocate from the heat that it will generate. Either it must be used for heating (there are already such developments), or the farm must be taken outside the apartment - for example, into a heated garage or an inexpensive office. The main thing is the absence of dampness.
  2. Mining software. They are different for different cryptocurrencies. For ether, the second most popular cryptocurrency after bitcoin and with great growth potential, you can use Claymore. It is said to be convenient and effective.
  3. Pool for joint crypto-mining. Solo mining (alone) is not profitable today. Whatever advanced equipment is. They mine together, uniting in teams of ten to a thousand people. There are many pools, we described the selection principles in another article.
  4. Watch Dog is a control system. Its purpose is to automatically restart the system. Turns on if the program hangs.

Mining farm 2017 is ready! You can start mining.

An additional expense is the purchase of a cooling system. This question has already been raised above. If the farm is very large, industrial fans can be used. If the farm is small (as in our case), additional coolers on video cards will be enough. If there will be 4 farms in the room, you cannot do without a fan or air conditioner.

Keep in mind - it's almost impossible to buy a powerful video card like the one mentioned above. To get the price, we took data from online stores in Germany, where there are still leftovers. But the iron runs out there too, so hurry up. The super popular Amazon miners do not recommend using it: it is impossible to get guarantees, it is risky to issue a refund - all the more, to buy a pig in a poke for that kind of money.

How quickly the investment will pay off

We have already talked about how to build a mining farm, detailed instructions available. Now let's discuss income issues.

Complex equipment, which includes the farm, is energy-intensive. That is, it consumes a lot of electricity. Actually, in the exchange of electricity for coins, the essence of mining is manifested. You must choose the option in which this exchange will be most beneficial to you. Since the price of electricity is different everywhere, the profitability of a business in different parts of the world will be different.

For these purposes, on the network you can find calculators that are busy with similar calculations. There you can set the parameters of the mining farm:

  • parameters of video cards;
  • their number;
  • settlement currency;
  • electricity prices.

The online program will automatically calculate how many days of work it will take to recover the finances invested in the equipment. Another question that cannot be ignored: how much money will the farm generate after the initial investment has paid off?

Let's go back to the considered example. The selected video cards, the choice of ether, and the cost of electricity at the level of 3.8 rubles per kilowatt, lead us to the fact that the investment will pay off in 91 days. That is, in three months you will have 70 thousand rubles on hand and a constant source of income in the form of a mining farm. From the point of view of entrepreneurship, the project is considered successful and is recommended for implementation.

As for the profitability of work after the end of the return on investment, everything is much simpler. The do-it-yourself mining farm, which we talked about above, in 2017 in the summer can bring up to 20 thousand rubles of net profit every month. Not a bad business, agree.


Any purchase of equipment should be approached from the point of view of an investment project. Otherwise, it is not a business, but amateurism. Assembling a mining farm is a pure investment that should not only pay off, but also generate income after the initial investment has paid off.

The main problem, which cannot be influenced in any way by the purchased equipment, is the volatile exchange rate. Cryptocurrencies are now at their peak of popularity, and therefore they are sensitive to world events. The bitcoin rate, for example, jumps constantly: at the beginning of the year it was $ 970 per coin, in June - $ 3,000, then it became cheaper again, then, under the influence of some laws passed by Japan, it increased again. And such turns of events are difficult to predict. Although the relevance of such events speaks about one thing: the mining of bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies is not the only way to make money on new trends in the economy. Sometimes it is more profitable to play correctly on the course. But this is a completely different story and a different business plan.

The rapid increase in the popularity of modern cryptocurrency leads to an automatic increase in thematic interest in it among users. More and more people are beginning to wonder how to make money on mining and whether it is possible to make a profit by this method by deciding the question of how to assemble a farm for mining 2019. Instructions for creating it are presented in the article.

You can learn how to create a mining farm for the production of cryptocurrencies on your own from scratch, what is needed for this, how to do it yourself. After studying the information, you can build a farm yourself for passive earnings, learn how to start the creation correctly, how the farm is assembled on video cards.

To start mining, you need to build a special farm. This is a relatively straightforward process. Anyone who has little understanding of PC and programming can handle it.

Important! All components and boards are modular in design, have a special manual for use and individual drivers. There will be no problems with preparation and installation.

Running home mining farms are a business that requires certain material expenditures. A novice user will need to purchase computer elements. In the example, specific brands and categories of equipment are given, but you should not regard them as undeniable. The detailed names are given in order for a beginner to have a rough idea of ​​what may be required to make a profit in the form of Bitcoins. Here are the main elements:

  • Motherboard Biostar H81S2 or its analogues. Such a solution is mainly by providing the ability to connect up to 6 modern video adapters at a time. Farm productivity is significantly improved.
  • Graphics adapters. They are required for a farm made on a motherboard of the specified brand. AMD Radeon R9 290 MSI adapters are ideal. This is an expensive option, so if you want to save money, choose a more affordable adapter. The number of elements is determined on an individual basis.
  • Processor - Celeron with a total clock speed of at least 3.2 GHz.
  • Functional RAM brand Kingston. Its performance should be 8 Gigabytes.
  • SSD Sata with at least 16 GB. There is no clear requirement for purchasing a disc with a large volume. These are not particularly necessary costs, especially if you plan to use a construction for mining.
  • Power supply unit of the Enhance category. It should be 2 units, where the capacity of each should be 1000 watts and have 80 Gold + certificates. This is an inexpensive option for a beginner. As this method of earning develops, the power supply should be changed to a more powerful one.
  • Frame. If you have no desire or special knowledge of how to assemble the case, you can purchase the best option from Dragonfly. This is a design with a small size and a fairly large size. There are several high-quality coolers here to help reduce heat build-up on installed graphics cards.

The rest of the elements are small things. Their acquisition does not require special expenses and knowledge. These are risers, fasteners, special thermal paste for processes, video cards, splitters, molecules that are not included in the kit.

Build a mining farm from scratch in 2019: by yourself

Installing components in a PC case and purchasing video cards is not enough to run a farm. Those who assemble the structure on their own must understand that the level of heat transfer from video cards is high. Some models can heat up to 120 degrees Celsius. For short-term starts, it is permissible, and for long-term operation, it should be reduced.

To maintain a normal level of heat transfer during many hours of operation of the system at high speeds, it is imperative to take care of high-quality cooling.

To provide ventilation, you will need to install several coolers that automatically increase air circulation and reduce stagnation of hot masses in the areas between video cards. This will allow mining as long as possible and productively. In this case, the dimensions will not matter.

Important! Semiconductor parts on motherboards in the absence of air circulation, they begin to deteriorate very quickly and fail. For this reason, you simply cannot do without high-quality ventilation.

DIY bitcoin farm: assembly diagram and dimensions

After purchasing all the components, you can proceed to the process, the next step in deciding how to assemble a farm for mining step-by-step instruction, that is, to the assembly of the structure. Ideally, all purchased video cards are installed on a special external stand with two coolers on the sides.

If you buy top-end equipment, then you can count on the fact that it will work with a power of about 100 watts. If you multiply this indicator by 6, that is, by the maximum number of slots, you can get an impressive 0.6 kilowatts. In other words, building a mining farm will consume exactly the same amount of current as any modern electrical appliance takes.

The solution to these issues is also not final. As you know, the installation, even properly assembled, will not be able to work independently. A mining farm is the same computer, just with more advanced capabilities, therefore it is worth adding such important elements to the installation as:

  1. CPU.
  2. HDD.
  3. RAM.
  4. Coolers on racks, as well as in the inside of the system unit.

Such additional elements are able to add about 400 watts to the entire system, that is, 1 kW in 60 minutes. This indicator is the norm of energy consumption per month, that is, a farm can turn an ordinary person into a small office in terms of current consumption.

It is also worth taking into account the factor of the external dimensions of the truss.

In terms of dimensions, it will be something close to a small diesel generator. With regard to weight, on average, such installations weigh up to 25 kilograms.

Setting up a mining farm from scratch

To start a farm into operation, it is not enough to purchase the necessary high-quality equipment, it is important to carefully select the right software. It all depends on the Internet currency that you want to receive. What matters is the amount received at one time. If you plan to engage in the extraction of satoshi, you will need to study the programs:

  • Ethminer;
  • Ccminer-1-8-3-git-tpruvot &;
  • Sgminer-gm-windows.

For a different currency, you will need to purchase, install and configure other programs. For example, if you plan to mine Etherium and Sia, you will need to pay attention to Claymore's Dual. This application is quick to install and features a user-friendly interface.

Modern mining software is constantly improving and changing, it is difficult to name the exact and specific. Before purchasing, beginners should get professional advice, ask for help in carrying out the settings, a scheme can be developed by specialists.

How much does it cost to build a mining farm in 2019?

Many novice users are interested in the question of how to build a mining farm and how much money will have to be spent on starting a mining farm. To understand the answer to the question and find out what performance can be achieved, it is worth studying an example using six Radeon RX 550. So, if you install the elements, you can get digital indicators:

  1. Productivity 60 Mh / s;
  2. Profit $ 70 per week;
  3. Electricity costs are $ 6 per week;
  4. The cost of the equipment is $ 900.

The payback period for the equipment will be 3.5-4 months, and a full guide will be present.

How to build a mining farm from old video cards?

For beginners, the purchase of 6 video adapters may be expensive, but you can't do without them. Many people decide to use old video cards so as not to waste 3⁄4 of all material expenses.

There will be no peculiarities or difficulties in the collection. The only difference from working with new video cards is spending a little more time looking for old used video cards that are suitable in terms of power and functionality.

Summing up

The profitability of bitcoin mining, as a full-fledged enterprise with certain investments, can bring income. The size depends on the effort invested, funds and equipment purchased. Computer power may be enough to receive funds in addition to the existing basic earnings for 2019.

The more funds are invested, the more profit you can get.

If you need a budget farm or btc setup, you can contact the specialists, they will perform a turnkey assembly. Users will be provided assistance at any time, if necessary, you can undergo training.

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