It is best to plan a trip with the help of a horoscope. The best way to plan your trip is with the Aquarius horoscope: make a wish on the fish

Country house 21.08.2020
Country house

2018 TRAVEL HOROSCOPE 1. Aries Well, you can say you are lucky: the stars promise you an abundance of free days, not one or two vacations a year, but more. No, we are not talking about the loss of work, on the contrary, there will be a lot of cases, but you will also rest accordingly. In March, you will most likely move somewhere within Russia. And it can be very powerful - in a good way. In late spring - early summer, the vacation will be repeated, just take care of it in advance if you plan to go to Europe. Miss the moment - again make a tour of your native country. And finally, for the third time, you will have the opportunity to rest until November somewhere in Asia. And if after November - do not agree. No need, and that's it. Be with your family during the last months of the year. 2. Taurus Do not forget about the rest, even if you work hard. This is a strategic issue: find time for a short vacation, spare yourself - further work will be argued. It would be nice if you take a week of respite in February and fly somewhere to the sea - this will help you then calmly and without excessive fatigue to run to the warm days of May. By the way, it is recommended to spend the February holidays in the company of not just the loved one but also the whole family, parents, for example. Yes, it can be hard work, but don't strain yourself, and everything will go smoothly. The best time for your summer vacation is August. Do not miss this opportunity, it is very important for you to meet autumn renewed. Madrid, Paris - try to change the habits of a couch potato resort vacationer for intense experiences in European capitals. 3. Gemini Until April, vacation and travel are not your topic, but then the suitcase in hand - and forward: either to the south or to the east, choose. After the spring relaxation, it is worth forgetting about the routine again in July, and you should also choose the south or, alternatively, the western countries. And it is also reasonable to finally touch eternity - Istanbul, Athens, Jerusalem are waiting for you. You can end the year in a week in December somewhere in Europe: where there is quite a comfortable winter, roasted chestnuts and wine. Well, you understand. 4. Cancer August and November are your time. In the last month of summer, the soul will ask active entertainment, so take a closer look at those places where diving, rally or safari. In November, buy plane tickets for the whole family, including your grandmother, and go to Italy. Walk, ride in Tuscany, drink wine, stare at the "cemeteries of culture". Touch eternity, in other words. Just flying home, do not forget your grandmother. 5. Leo A rather specific vacation plan for the year looms, friends. In May, you will be drawn to fishing or rafting, and in the second half of August - to lie down and not move. And to lie and not move not at home on the couch, but in one of the boarding houses in our country. As a bonus - there is an option from Sochi. Well, the truth is, how much you can wander around abroad. Discover the charms of domestic tourism and do not thank later when you get the taste. If with such a horoscope you are not at all on your way, try to surprise yourself with a choice. Singapore or Baikal? Bangkok or Mineral water? Think. 6. Virgo Look for a vacation with solitude this year. Maybe Rome? Take the risk of getting lost on its streets - and something important will be revealed to you. Across the sea, go to Montenegro, just don't let the tourist bustle take you into circulation. Lie on the sand, bathe, read, wander, and don't be distracted by the outside. 7. Libra 2018 can be quite difficult for you. When you feel that you are already smoking, rather put out the fire of passions with the help of exotics. Look for something like the seventh wonder of the world, some lost city in the jungle or Chichen Itza in Mexico. However, the Great Wall of China is also suitable. And let the second episode of your 2018 holiday series be an idle paradise in the spirit of Provence. Learn to take the little things seriously: choose a baguette for an hour or drink a cup of coffee for two hours - and you will return home enlightened and impenetrable. 8. Scorpio While you're racing in Everyday life full steam ahead, Hong Kong is waiting for you. Or not Hong Kong, but any other place where tradition coexists with advanced technology and a high standard of living and comfort. If this is not Asia, then what is? Yes, whatever. In the end, the service in some Bruges is more than on par, and at the next table in a street restaurant, they will probably talk about cryptocurrencies. And don't forget to see the ocean in 2018. Better on the other hand, that is, having made a flight. 9. Sagittarius Your life will be full of romance this year, and your vacation plans will revolve around new relationships (or renewed current ones). Even Verona, a seemingly banal route for lovers, will also be very out of place. From there, wave to Paris (yes, it’s also banal, but this is Paris) and generally take a ride around Europe - if finances allow. Another scenario is no less traditional - beach, island, white sand, cold white wine. Divine. 10. Capricorn Cuba or Georgia. What to choose? The correct answer is both. Let there be fewer things and more freedom. If you are set to rest alone, do not reflect and do not consider it necessary to explain anything to anyone, just go and that's it. Your ideal holiday in 2018 - away from the glossy resort areas and perfectly streamlined urban tourism. Look at the world from a different perspective and it will give you strength. 11. Aquarius You need inspiration and you don't get it. ordinary life? Rest will help you. Iceland, Sri Lanka, Dominican Republic, Cuba, Norway - go to where there is more land than people living on it, and where nature is in charge. It would also be appropriate to have a view from a modest hotel in Sicily - so that the sea in your window smoothly turns into the sky. And so that, when you go out into the street, you will certainly stumble upon a restaurant, where you immediately stay until late in the evening. A little food, a little more wine, lively conversations around, a good book in hand - a great way to get through the day so that you can go for a walk at night. 12. Pisces It turns out that you have a rich imagination. If there is an opportunity to materialize this fantasy, it will be great. And New Zealand, and Morocco, and Iceland - everything will do, everywhere you can say to yourself "This is happiness!"

Coming 2018 is the Year of the Dog, moreover, Earthy, which means that it will be favorable for all mankind if we ourselves begin to behave correctly.
According to the Chinese horoscope, the dog is a devoted and disinterested friend, it is the watchman of the house and the protector of Man. The arrival of this sign in a cosmic sense promises to strengthen security mechanisms, a course to contain negative processes.

And we, people, need to adjust our attitude to the world and our behavior. If we escalate fears, quarrel. The dog will begin to worry, rush about in search of the enemy, and this is the path to destabilization, disharmony both in the souls of people, and in the world, and in the Cosmos, which is also our home.

Caring for the home, family, health and self-realization - these are the guidelines for a person on next year. And you can be sure that by choosing these landmarks, you will receive support from the outside world.

And in order to strengthen it through connection with the necessary energy flows, travel horoscope for 2018 recommends that you use your vacations properly. Caught in right time in the right place, each person will be able to harmonize their “settings”, remove various “distortions” of the physical, psychological and spiritual plane, feel harmony and an influx of positive energy.

Therefore, be careful when choosing a vacation spot. It remains to find out which points on earth correspond to your sign in 2018. Remember your places of power and travel routes.


For the lucky ones who carry the element of Fire, the stars promise a very fruitful year, but they will also have to work for ten. It is unlikely that this can upset the energetic and purposeful Sagittarius, Aries and Leo, because in principle you cannot sit idle.

As for earnings, the situation is developing well, for many it is excellent. Although the signs of income stability and material well-being are determined in different ways.

But let's not be distracted from the main thing - the horoscope of upcoming travels. You are energetic and active - sometimes too much. There is no time to stop and think, adjust goals, relieve stress. Therefore, despite the love for a bright beach holiday, try to devote part of your vacation to a trip to the northern regions and along waterways.

For STRELTSOV places of power: Karelia, Finland with its cozy cottages, Norwegian fjords.

OWNAM suitable for travel recreation areas in the suburbs or the vicinity of St. Petersburg, Sweden, Scotland.

LIONS it is worth going to, the Swiss Alps, St. Petersburg.


The talented people of the element of Water receive protection and support for any of their projects and undertakings in the coming year. You are closer than ever to fulfilling your most cherished desires and achieving important goals. First of all, because they are filled to the brim with brilliant ideas and plans.

But you often lack the energy and courage to start implementing them in order to bring your plans to life, to take that very “first step”.

If you really want to not only dream, but also act, you need the energy of the Earth.

Go to where she is in full swing, relieving complexes and self-doubt. The ocean coasts and islands, the Mediterranean, and also - for Cancers and Scorpios - zones of the spread of Buddhism will suit you.

FISH perfectly recharged with energy in the south of Italy, in the Crimea.

CANCER can take the route recommended for Pisces, but if you manage to visit Tibet or Bali, this will have a miraculous effect on you and, among other things, will allow you to find your soul mate.

SCORPIO they will find inner harmony and real goals if they visit Altai, Tibet or India.


Often, the inner life of representatives of the elements of Air is richer than real existence.
No matter how well things go, "airy" people rarely use their versatile abilities to their fullest, because, first of all, they do not always see accurately. life goals, and even more so - ways to achieve them.
You can effectively solve local problems, but do not work to expand your area of ​​interest and influence. And they could, moreover, successfully, focusing, among other things, on the travel horoscope for 2018.

Gemini, Libra and Aquarius should definitely relax in the resorts of Russian Mineralnye Vody, in Hungary or Bulgaria. You can get a charge of intellectual activity in order to build your own revolutionary program of life achievements by visiting places of power.

SCALES will receive the necessary energy mix in China, in Turkish Antalya or in Armenia.

AQUARIUS Thailand is suitable, as well as Belgium and our Kazan.


The element of the Earth makes people realistic and purposeful, very efficient, which, of course, is wonderful. This allows you to achieve stability and material well-being.

Usually. Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn do without sharp ups and painful falls.
And in 2018, you will also be lucky in financial affairs and in the personal sphere. But your life will become much brighter, and your achievements will be truly impressive if you manage to awaken your imagination.

In addition, places of power harmonize the physical processes in your body, contribute to overall health, and this is important. You will certainly spend part of your vacation days at your dacha or in the countryside, but dedicate part of it to the pursuit of new experiences.

TAURUS find inspiration in a trip to the Russian North, Spain or Mexico.

VIRGO discover the Emirates or Azerbaijan, Morocco. The energy of these lands will help you understand your mistakes and bring people important to you back into your life.

CAPRICORN will be fascinated by the romance of St. Petersburg, Paris or, thanks to which you can both make happy and find happiness.

Many have a tendency to check their yearly horoscope when the year begins. Of course, it's nice to know if you're going to have a sentimental year or know when the right time is to reap some benefits, etc.

However, one should not miss the opportunity to extend these Vedic standards to such aspects of life as travel. When is the best time to travel, where to go, whether there will be an unwanted excursion, and whether travel is possible at all - these are a few questions that the 2018 horoscope will answer.

Travel Horoscope 2018: The New Year Will Bring Many Exciting New Events

1. Aries horoscope 2018. Aries will have the opportunity to travel abroad in connection with their professional activities or restorative treatment. It is recommended to be more careful in the amount of money that is planned for this trip. There are several trips this year. After August, you can plan a short time trip; which should be very useful from a professional perspective. At the very end of the year, a romantic trip is possible, but less distant.

2. Horoscope Taurus 2018. The year can start with a short visit to an expensive sanatorium. Some business trips are also possible this year. There will be an opportunity to go to a religious place with the family during the year. In truth, Taurus will have a need to go to religious places as often as possible this year.

3. Gemini Horoscope 2018. If there are trips this year, then all of them will be business trips. You have to deal with your finances. It is also possible to travel with parents or with those who guard or control this year. Moreover, approaching the end of the year, a very short but decisive business trip. again develop a short trip for business trips.

Travel horoscope for 2018: the horoscope will teach you to follow your plans

4. Cancer horoscope 2018. Traveling around your country with companions or relatives is possible. This journey is likely to be auspicious. You should try to invest quality energy in your other half to keep your relationship running smoothly. The truth is that for this current year it is important to be where the loved one is.

Leo Horoscope 2018. For travel, you can plan a short trip, like a getaway for a week, most likely to a goal that is religious. You are probably just an excuse to take a break from your close relatives and that's reasonable. In addition, a short business trip is possible this year, which may not be as productive as we would like.

6. Virgo horoscope 2018. It is possible that a trip abroad will fail. In truth, you may already be spending a good chunk of your money on it. This year you will enjoy many short trips nearby. In addition, as for long-term events, it is possible that it will be a nearby and very rich place.

Travel horoscope 2018: planning your trip can be strategic

7. Libra Horoscope 2018. Mostly shopping or marketing hitchhiking. This trip will be successful if you have experience in such trips. An extravagant short trip with your loved one may happen this year, but it could eat up your entire budget.

8. Scorpio Horoscope 2018. You may have to travel abroad often. These excursions may not be suitable for your pocket. Short domestic excursions can also be repeated sequentially. This may be due to religious reasons, business or companions.

9. Sagittarius Horoscope 2018. A trip to a remote place dedicated to a case that needs to be completed is possible. It would be nice to combine this trip with a business trip, which will be in professional terms. It would be beneficial. You can take your family with you and then the trip will acquire a romantic connotation. So you can kill three birds with one stone, but it’s better not to admit this to your soulmate.

Travel horoscope for 2018: the year promises to be successful

10. Horoscope "Capricorn 2018". "Travel" will focus on the intention of settling abroad. You can also go to another country to study and this trip would be economical and productive. It is also possible to go to a religious place.
11. Aquarius horoscope 2018. For travel, you can go to another country for a whole year, perhaps also looking for a job after getting higher education. It won't have a return like you might expect. In addition, there is the plausibility of a family lavish holiday with family or potential companions that would be positive. In case you currently live abroad or far away from your main residence, you will have the opportunity to go home this year.

12. Pisces 2018. Travels in the sphere professional activity who are likely to receive monetary benefits. Your organization may send you to another country to complete a task, and this will be beneficial for your future. This year you will also enjoy charming entertainment with companions or partners.

Promises active movement outside the familiar environment. A change of scenery will benefit all the signs of the zodiac, without exception, but where and when - there are differences.


March 21 - April 20

Well, you can be said to be lucky: the stars promise you an abundance of free days, not one or two vacations a year, but more. No, we are not talking about the loss of work, on the contrary, there will be a lot of cases, but you will also rest accordingly. In March, you will most likely move somewhere within Russia. And it can be very powerful - in a good way. In late spring - early summer, the vacation will be repeated, just take care of it in advance if you plan to go to Europe. Miss the moment - again make a tour of your native country. And finally, for the third time, you will have the opportunity to rest until November somewhere in Asia. And if after November - do not agree. No need, and that's it. Be with your family during the last months of the year.


April 21 - May 20

Do not forget about the rest, even if you work hard. This is a strategic issue: find time for a short vacation, spare yourself - further work will be argued. It would be nice if you take a week of respite in February and fly somewhere to the sea - this will help you then calmly and without excessive fatigue to run to the warm days of May. By the way, it is recommended to spend the February holidays in the company of not just the closest person, but the whole family, parents, for example. Yes, it can be hard work, but don't strain yourself, and everything will go smoothly. The best time for your summer vacation is August. Do not miss this opportunity, it is very important for you to meet autumn renewed. Madrid, Paris - Try to change the habits of a couch potato resort vacationer for intense experiences in European capitals.


May 21 - June 21

Until April, vacations and travel are not your topic, but then the suitcase in hand - and forward: either to the south or to the east, choose. After the spring relaxation, it is worth forgetting about the routine again in July, and you should also choose the south or, alternatively, the western countries. And it is also reasonable to finally touch eternity - Istanbul, Athens, Jerusalem are waiting for you. You can end the year in a week in December somewhere in Europe: where winter is quite comfortable, roasted chestnuts and wine. Well, you understand.

June 22 - July 22

August and November are your time. In the last month of summer, the soul will ask for active entertainment, so take a look at those places where diving, rally or safari. In November, buy plane tickets for the whole family, including your grandmother, and go to Italy. Walk, ride in Tuscany, drink wine, stare at the "cemeteries of culture". Touch eternity, in other words. Just flying home, do not forget your grandmother.

July 23 - August 23

A rather specific vacation plan for the year looms, friends. In May, you will be drawn to fishing or rafting, and in the second half of August - to lie down and not move. And to lie and not move not at home on the couch, but in one of the boarding houses in our country. As a bonus - there is an option from Sochi. Well, the truth is, how much you can wander around abroad. Discover the charms of domestic tourism and do not thank later when you get the taste. If with such a horoscope you are not at all on your way, try to surprise yourself with a choice. Singapore or Baikal? Bangkok or Mineralnye Vody? Think.


August 24 - September 23

Look for a holiday with solitude this year. Maybe Rome? Take the risk of getting lost on its streets - and something important will be revealed to you. Across the sea, go to Montenegro, just don't let the tourist bustle take you into circulation. Lie on the sand, bathe, read, wander, and don't be distracted by the outside.


September 24 - October 23

2018 may be quite difficult for you. When you feel that you are already smoking, rather put out the fire of passions with the help of exotics. Look for something like the seventh wonder of the world, some lost city in the jungle or Chichen Itza in Mexico. However, the Great Wall of China is also suitable. And let the second episode of your 2018 holiday series be an idle paradise in the spirit of Provence. Learn to take the little things seriously: choose a baguette for an hour or drink a cup of coffee for two hours - and you will return home enlightened and impenetrable.


October 24 - November 22

While you are racing in your daily life at full speed, Hong Kong is waiting for you. Or not Hong Kong, but any other place where tradition coexists with advanced technology and a high standard of living and comfort. If this is not Asia, then what is? Yes, whatever. In the end, the service in some Bruges is more than on par, and at the next table in a street restaurant, they will probably talk about cryptocurrencies. And don't forget to see the ocean in 2018. Better on the other hand, that is, having made a flight.


November 23 - December 21

Your life will be full of romance this year, and your vacation plans will revolve around new relationships (or renewed current ones). Even Verona, a seemingly banal route for lovers, will also be very out of place. From there, wave to Paris (yes, it’s also banal, but this is Paris) and generally take a ride around Europe - if finances allow. Another scenario is no less traditional - beach, island, white sand, cold white wine. Divine.


December 22 - January 20

Cuba or Georgia. What to choose? The correct answer is both. Let there be fewer things and more freedom. If you are set to rest alone, do not reflect and do not consider it necessary to explain anything to anyone, just go and that's it. Your ideal holiday in 2018 - away from the glossy resort areas and perfectly streamlined urban tourism. Look at the world from a different perspective and it will give you strength.


January 21 - February 20

Do you need inspiration and you don't get it in everyday life? Rest will help you. Iceland, Sri Lanka, Dominican Republic, Cuba, Norway - go to where there is more land than people living on it, and where nature is in charge. It would also be appropriate to have a view from a modest hotel in Sicily - so that the sea in your window smoothly turns into the sky. And so that, when you go out into the street, you will certainly stumble upon a restaurant, where you immediately stay until late in the evening. A little food, a little more wine, lively conversations around, a good book in hand - a great way to get through the day so that you can go for a walk at night.


February 21 - March 20

You seem to have a rich imagination. If there is an opportunity to materialize this fantasy, it will be great. And New Zealand, and Morocco, and Iceland - everything will do, everywhere you can say to yourself "I'm happy."

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