Library of International Sports Information. Philosophical Aspects of Kung Fu So what is Kung Fu

Astringent compounds 09.10.2020
Astringent compounds


There are many secrets and mysteries in all martial arts, but in kung fu, there are dozens of times more of them. One of the oldest martial arts, which undoubtedly arose at the dawn of civilizations ...

To begin with, before you read further entries, I would like to talk a little about the concept of the word KUNG-FU. The Chinese character designates this as a person - an artist, a person - a customer and an executor of his self. A person who does not adhere to a certain framework for conducting a fight, but works spontaneously, judging by the situation that develops during the fight. So the concept of KUNG-FU is very flexible. Chinese man looking at beautiful picture, can say - "what a good KUNG-FU", and good poem can also call the same word. So we can say that KUNG-FU is not only the ability to fight and destroy everything, but it is a way of life. You can comprehend KUNG-FU all your life, discovering your inner world in yourself. And when you are on the right path, then all new talents and opportunities open up in you, you begin to compose poetry, music, paint pictures. After all, all the great masters of martial arts were engaged not only in fighting, but also had a high aesthetic development. So the correct practice of martial arts leads you not to cruelty and murder, that is, down, but higher and higher to the top of GUN-FU mastery, and you will comprehend many secrets of not only combat, but also life. And you can't discount your health, you will always be in great shape, forget about illnesses and bad mood, because these classes give vigor, health and strength for many years.

So start practicing KUNG-FU, because it's never too late, but of course you need to do it at a younger age in order to have time to reach the heights, because life is very small. And do not tune in that you will not reach the top, because this is not given to many, but there is nothing more important than health and excellent well-being.

In these notes, I have collected, in my opinion, the most necessary for starting KUNG-FU classes from many ancient treatises and from good literature about the martial arts of the East. It is no coincidence that there is a lot of philosophy here, because without it it is impossible to comprehend the truth.

Do not drink wine, do not eat meat, suppress sex drives, do not be distracted by extraneous objects, honor the mentor and senior students. Do not allow deception in relations with them, do not boast of your knowledge and do not demonstrate, do not use your art only for self-defense, in every possible way avoid the fight, do not teach unworthy people. Shuttle Tactic - Strike like lightning, disappear like the wind. Jiao approved in kung fu an approach to combat combat tactics as a way for the small to defeat the great. Jiao Yuan combined the techniques of the Tiger, Dragon, Snake, Leopard, and Crane schools. On the basis of Jiao Yuan's commandments, the concept of the FIVE QUALITIES OF A WARRIOR was developed.
TENDERNESS - the ability to feel the enemy, to anticipate his behavior in order to develop an optimal pattern of their actions.
DIRECT - consistent and unswerving implementation of the chosen scheme of actions necessary for victory, without regard to possible own defeat.
IMPASSIVENESS - maintaining mental balance under any circumstances, gaining the ability to react not to a separate action of the enemy, but to see him as a whole, assessing his combat capabilities.
GRACE - the ability to move and act in a combat situation with the least expenditure of forces.
COMBINATORY THINKING - the ability to choose the optimal complexes of movements, it is easy to rebuild from one system to another, which is especially important when conducting a duel with several opponents.

Mental rather than physical, Jin Lek manifests itself in cases of exceptional concentration. Only the mastery of this internal energy allows you to perform impossible actions without discarding the athletic capabilities of the individual. Jin Lek is available only to true masters and continues to act even when physical strength leaves them with age. Such people are able to stop the enemy from a distance.

ENERGY CONCENTRATION - it is not enough to be able to create a surge of strength in oneself, ready to break everything, - you need to be able to direct the force correctly. It depends on proper muscle coordination. The concentration of energy also presupposes concentration in time (speed of movement) and in space (completion of a blow and maintaining force at points and places limited for its application using natural body parts and reaction forces).

ENERGY TRANSFER - the entire blow of force concentrated in an arm or leg and directed towards the enemy should hit him at the intended place, as if he would be struck by a ejected mass thrown out with force, the kinetic energy of which suddenly stopped, turning into a destructive effect of the shock wave ... It is a very short but effective touch that focuses on bodily mobilization and mental focus. This moment is sometimes accompanied by a short and strong cry, which facilitates unloading.

STANDS - the effectiveness of a particular technique largely depends on the adopted stance. Stoics allow you to direct all the force of the body in a given direction, on the other hand, they provide stable points of stability necessary to concentrate energy when striking and blocking a blow.

Any action evokes opposition of equal force in the opposite direction. In kung fu, as well as in karate, the desired effect is the same with each exchange of blows. With each blow, the body is fully strained for a very short period of time, not only for protection, but also for a retaliatory strike in the opposite direction. Consequently, a double effect is obtained when striking, the shock wave is thrown forward due to the stability of the fulcrum and the synchronous action of the muscles. This increases the impact power in the opposite direction.

The SHI HAI point - the sea of ​​breath - is the source of abundant and lasting strength. At the first level, the main task is the development of the abdominal muscles, which lower the body's center of gravity. We can say that the blow is delivered with the stomach and only additionally with a hand or foot. The second level is related to the study of internal styles. There is a source in the vital center of a person that few people suspect, but which is inexhaustible because it is associated with the hidden forces of the universe. This is a rather metaphysical concept, but only thanks to it you can achieve the heights of mastery.

Knowledge of techniques or their prediction will give nothing if the implementation is delayed. The technique should work the moment it came to mind. The Chinese have an expression - a counter-attack must start after the enemy attack and end before him - this is the essence of the art. Gaining time is achieved only when you are completely relaxed.

It is necessary to have both, and strength and flexibility, depending on the conditions of the battle.

The body goes through phases of strength and weakness, depending on the respiratory period: when inhaling, the muscles relax, a feeling of lightness appears, and, conversely, when exhaling or holding the breath, the muscles contract - and a strong blow can be delivered.

Breathing should be abdominal as in indoor styles.


Thoughts should not be focused on one thing, and one should not be completely absorbed in every movement. A kung fu practitioner should be at the same time the author and performer of his self, voluntarily immersing himself in the work of his body. It should be distracted from environment to become more receptive to the inner forces that govern the body.

Man is the Universe. What is most important in human life is always to adhere to the cosmic order. Man - a microcosm - is just a continuation of the universe, the macrocosm and its vital internal energy are just a particle of the Universe, and if a person gives it the opportunity to flow freely, then as if the eternal energy of the cosmos will act through him.

Avoid unnecessary excitement. Truth is here at hand in the heart of man. The meaning of all things is calmness and moderation. You should live in harmony with the path of nature, from this follow the principles of the inner style of Wu wei - inaction, Wano - to be liberated, and Cuyan - efficiency, spontaneity.

Everything should be in balance, like YIN and YANG.

Everything that is positive, tonic, masculine: life, sky, sun, day. And everything that dies harsh: death, earth, moon, night. But these equilibria are and are in constant motion, and the truth is in the middle of the path. This fundamental philosophical position is represented by the famous symbol DAY DZI.

Thus, we have completed a short course about kung fu, now let's move on to the main thing: the study of the internal style of Wu-wei.

Instead of hitting the arms and legs, the first thing to come should be breathing - qi, which is carried with the blood and is the basis of valor and strength.

When the tip of the tongue rises to the sky, the qi breath becomes healthy, and when the qi breath is directed into the cinnabar field, the Szhen Spirit becomes strong. Downward breath should reach the center of Yun-Tsuan's foot, and upward it should reach Mount Kun-Lun - the crown of the head.

Following these Chinese sayings, all strength in martial arts lies in the correct application of qi breathing and the directing of internal energy by tensing and relaxing the muscles while blocking or striking. In order to learn this, we must learn to breathe correctly, feel the movement of Qi energy in a small and large circle, learn to fill the cinnabar field of Dan-Tian with Qi energy and throw it into the leg or hand.

In breathing exercises, there are six types of breathing, which represent six stages for a deeper mastery of breathing.
Natural breathing.
Circulation of the YIN and YANG substances (small turnover of the celestial cycle).
The circulation of the YIN and YANG substances (a large turnover of the celestial cycle).
Control and frequency of breathing of SI-TNW.
Throat breathing HOW-SHOW HU-SI.
Internal breathing.

The first stage is natural breathing. During inhalation, there is a small gap between the nose and lips, and the upper and lower teeth touch each other. The tip of the tongue touches the base of the lower teeth. As you inhale, your abdomen bulges out. During exhalation, the mouth closes smoothly, the tongue drops to the lower palate and as you exhale, the stomach is pulled up. This breathing should be practiced every day for half an hour. However, you should start with three to five minutes, then go up to ten minutes and finally up to half an hour.

All other stages also require half an hour of practice a day. After thirty days of classes in the first stage, you will see the results in the fact that you will become stronger, mentally more vigorous, and the power of the lungs will increase.

The second stage is called the circulation of the YIN and YANG substances, the small celestial cycle. According to the QI-GUN theory, the front part human body refers to the YIN substance, and the back to the YANG substance, and if the YIN and YANG substances cover one small celestial cycle, this means that the Qi breath can expand, circulating in the upper part of the body, without reaching the lower part of the body. And therefore this cycle is called the small celestial cycle.

The circulation of the YIN and YANG substance along the small celestial cycle is also called reverse inhalation and exhalation, since in this case the expansion and contraction is opposite to the first stage of natural breathing, in which the stomach is pulled up during inhalation. Although breathing is carried out through the nose, it is necessary to control the circulation of Chi breathing through the mind, directing it to the upper part of the body, that is, in this case, the mind controls the Chi breathing.

While exhaling in your mind, you should think about how the Chi breath from the crown of the head descends through the chest into the area of ​​the cinnabar field. While inhaling, you need to think about how the Chi breath from the cinnabar field rises through the tailbone, up the spine, reaching the brain. During inhalation, the anus must be drawn in.

If you are standing in a fighting position, then while inhaling, you should strain your toes, as if grabbing the ground. This helps to raise the Chi breath. The training time in this way is 90 days. As a result of these activities, lung disease can be cured, intestinal diseases, cardiac, low blood pressure, etc.

The third stage is called the circulation of YIN and YANG in a large cycle. It is so called because breathing extends to the lower part of the body. Due to the fact that the trainee has already mastered two methods, learned to breathe more deeply and fully, the circulation of Chi can be distributed to the entire body. During breathing, exhalation is done through the mouth and inhalation through the nose. During exhalation, the abdominal cavity expands and at this time it should be imagined that Chi breathing descends from the crown through the chest and cinnabar field to the center of the foot, where the YUNQUAN point, or bubbling source, is located. During inhalation, one should think that Qi breathing through the YUN-QUAN point rises to the tailbone, further along the spine and neck, penetrating into the brain. During inhalation, it is necessary to strain the toes. The training period is 180 days. The effect is the same as in the second stage, among other things, this type of breathing strengthens the nervous system.

The fourth stage is called the control of the frequency of breathing of SI-TNW, it is also called natural breathing.

It is called natural because there is a consistent expansion and contraction of the abdominal cavity, however, inhalation and exhalation are deeper and longer than the first. The fourth stage lasts 60 days, it serves for the harmonious development of the abdominal cavity and for the treatment of intestinal diseases.

The fifth stage is called throat breathing. It is also called enhanced deep breathing. The throat should be widened as much as possible. widening the throat allows you to intensify and deepen the inhalation and exhalation. Why are the words that are chanted well? .. Because the throat is completely open, the expansion and contraction of the abdominal cavity at this stage occurs in the same way as in the second and third stages. In addition, the Chi movement should be done throughout the body. The duration of the classes is 90 days. It strengthens the internal organs very well.

The sixth stage is called internal breathing: inhalation through the nose, the stomach is tucked up during inhalation, and expands during exhalation. Why is it called internal? Because during inhalation, the sound of breathing is not heard, so the breather himself does not hear the sound of breathing. During inhalation, Chi descends from the crown of the head into the cinnabar field, then below. The duration of the classes is 300 days.

While developing these methods of breathing, one must not forget that in parallel, muscular system arms and legs, body flexibility. Which is an integral part of martial arts training. After assimilation correct breathing and the sensation of the circulation of Chi energy in a small and large circle, you need to learn to throw energy through the arms and legs in order to deliver an irresistible energy blow, which is called the black YAN blow.

Peace lies in the emptiness of the heart, which holds only the image of the one, and ten thousand things fall into emptiness, like stones that sink to the bottom of the sea.

In relaxation of the muscles, your lungs are like quicksand, in which the blood, following the Chi breath, moves smoothly downward. The inhalation and exhalation should be deep, long, careful and balanced, so that the length of inhalation and exhalation does not differ by one iota.

The Chi breath must connect with the LI force, the brain must maintain unity with the heart, the heart must connect with the mind, and the mind must lead the breath.

Chi breathing strengthens the LI power, and the power is the engine of Chi breathing. Through breathing, effort is made, and the effort must reach the eyes and sight.

The action should be carried out smoothly and gradually, through sudden movements you will not achieve success.

The body moves like a rolling wave, and the arms fly out like the waves roll. And when they strike, even a shadow is not visible, you need to quickly defend, you need to quickly attack. So the great secret of the art of movement is the unity of inhalation and exhalation. TSZUN-QI (main breath).

If you practice long and hard, then your strength, like a wave, can destroy the mountain.

The law of the cinnabar field is the basis of breathing exercises, and the force that comes from the cinnabar field is equal to the strength of the tiger. All one hundred joints of the human body move together and movement - striving - effort erupts like a volcano, the energy of Chi permeates all joints - the joints of the body, and its strength is like a thunderbolt, and its speed is like lightning.

When the main breathing of TSZUN-QI, the guarding breathing of WEI-QI and the initial breathing of YUAN-QI of the whole organism are concentrated in the cinnabar field of DAN-TIAN, then the body is capable of unleashing an enormous irresistible force on the enemy. Best time concentration training on the cinnabar field - this is at dawn, from five to seven in the morning; in the morning, from nine to ten; in the afternoon from two to three and in the evening from nine to eleven. At the beginning, study for ten to thirty minutes, and after one year you can spend 30-60 minutes.


Chi breath control, the ability of the mind to direct the Chi breath to the right place in the body. For example, your liver hurts and therefore you need Chi breath to flow into the liver. Concentrate the Chi breath in the required place little by little.

You can direct the Chi breath wherever you want. Besides, good way breath control Chi is the control of breathing with the help of sight. If you want Chi breathing to go to the brain, you need to raise your eyes up. If you lower it at your feet, you need to look down.
The heart is the original mentor (commander).
Breathing Chi is moving forward.
The eyes are banners and banners. If the eyes are blurred, vision is not concentrated, then you do not see clear indications. As a result, movements and rest lose the correct sequence, the regular alternation of inhalation and exhalation is disrupted.
All body movements, leg movements, arm turns should be mobile. And this mobility is achieved through the training of Chi breathing. Rapid movement, and the Chi breath rushes with full speed. If you don't have to fight, then everything is fine. And the battle happens - you win it.

Eyes play an important role in the practice of martial arts. Hone your ability of vision to see the location and formation of the enemy, because your will follows the turn of your eyes. The movement of the heart should set in motion all one hundred joints of the articulation of the body, and the essential strength of a person comes from the lungs.

It is necessary to regulate and control the sequence of inhalation and exhalation of movement and rest, taking in the Chi breath and concentrating it into a single lump. After all, every movement of the body is permeated with a single QI breath, as a result of which both legs and arms become fast and strong like that of a monkey.

And a man moves with the speed of a flash of lightning, and he passes with a joyful mood, having won all the fights.

Chi breathing circulates in the system of channels and meridians of JIN-LO in the tendons and channels of MAY. And the source of LI power is blood, muscles, skin and bones. If the enemy is strong, then his appearance, skin and bones, express external strength, and internal strength lies in tendons and channels. Chi breath and blood act as an internal force, while blood and LI force act as an external force. And only if you understand the meaning of Chi breath and blood, then you awaken the source of origin of Chi breath and LI power.

First, the Qi breath moves, from which the action of the LI force arises, and if the cinnabar field is filled, then there is enough force and breath.

During the fourth phase, it is necessary to straighten the joints and remove the exhausted Chi breath from the body. Go up 9 times and go down 9 times. The exhalation is like an eagle grabbing a fish with its claws, and the inhalation is a huge peng bird that spreads its wings. At the hour of tzu, persistently and persistently practice the exercise "the wind shakes the willow" and the exercise "diamond fist" should be done at the hour of hai. After eating, repeat the "metal finger" exercise many times, and then break the wooden doll with the edge of your palm. With an open heart, practice the "crack a brick" exercise and in the afternoon use your elbow to break a stone. When the Qi breath reaches the top of the KUN-LUN head, you do the "diamond foot" exercise. When hungry and tired, lift the Chi breath by jumping on the wall. Hanging bags of sand and stones at your feet, walk 1000 li, and when the breath of Chi leaves the cinnabar field, sweep the yard. When Chi breath gathers in a cinnabar field, go upstairs and, like a gust of black wind, bring down the forest to the ground. When the Qi breath comes out and reaches the Bai-HUA point, the wind moves down, sweeps across the market, pulling your bow, bending forward like a bow and striking a kick in the tiger pose, concentrating the Qi breath, returning it to the heart, and directing it to the base of the foot ... Qi breath permeates both feet, and you stand like a rider sitting on a horse, steady like the TAISHAN mountain - a staircase leading to heaven. If you transform the breath of Chi, then in battle it is like an arrow fired from a bow, you fly by the elusive strength of your spirit with the speed of the wind.

These are all translations from ancient Chinese martial arts treatises. Each such saying goes as if in a coded form, and everyone who reads this must figure out for himself what it is about and how to correctly apply all this during training. Consider further these treatises, in them there will be a speech about educating your hands, bringing them to the rigidity of a deadly weapon.

Shaolin monks were forbidden to carry weapons with them, and therefore they made terrible weapons out of their hands and feet, bringing their hardness to the hardness of metal.

Every day, early in the morning and before going to bed, first hit the inner wall or wooden board with your fist. Every day, do three sets, in one set, inflict 50-100 blows. And only after three to five months do you begin to notice any results. Three to four sets should be done per day, and each set consists of 50 beats. After three to five months, when you can break a brick, move on to breaking stones.

And now we will find out how the Shaolin monks did it.

During the fourth watch, hit the bag of rice, and in the evening, in the light of the stars, hit the board. Hit the dining table at noon and hit the wall in the afternoon. The skin bursts and the blood scatters in splashes, and you continue your training in spring and winter.

One must try to train the strength of the index finger, and for this the Chi breath must come out of the cinnabar field. First you should hit the millet with your finger, then you should hit the sand and gravel with your finger. And your finger will turn red and swell, but you have to beat 3800 times. After that, the meat on the finger turns into scabs and calluses, then you need to beat them into iron filings. After that, as he struck nine times a thousand times, the finger will burst and blood will appear. But then the corn will cover your finger with a triple layer, and the nail should change three times, and then you will become a husband who has achieved perfection in the martial art. Hit the wall, and a hole will appear in no time. the flesh on the finger turned to metal.

First, you need to stand in a three-circle stance and set the Chi breath in motion five times. At the same time, it should leave the cinnabar field and go to the point Bai - Huah. Then they hit themselves on the top of the head and hit themselves on the skull with their fists, and gradually the blows become stronger and stronger. Head blows are applied to the wall, you can break a wooden board. This exercise is best done at noon. When exercising, the tongue should touch the palate, the mouth is closed, breathing through the nose. The Chi breath passes through the crown of the head, and when the Chi breath exits, a sharp sound is emitted. At the same time, Chi breathing cannot be relaxed.

It should be noted that these trainings should be supervised by an experienced master to avoid all kinds of injuries and concussions.

Let's now look at what various exercises give us, there are a lot of them in the fighting schools of the east. I will give an example of just a few of them that I most often use in my studies.
Scratch your ear with your shoulder. It helps to normalize the vascular tone of the head, relieve fatigue and irritability, and removes stiffness in the shoulder girdle.
A snake in a dance. Warming up the muscles of the lower back, increases the mobility of the spine, has an effect on head pain.
Massage your knees. Has a tonic effect.
Snake ring. Increases mobility in the hip joint.
The snake plays with its tail. Tones up the nervous system.
The defeated dragon. Strengthens the abdominal muscles.
The boa constrictor prepares to be thrown. It is accompanied by massage of the reflexogenic zones of the lower back and the back of the hand. Associated with the activity of the genitourinary and central nervous system... Helps prevent lumbar pain.
The snake bites its tail. Massaging effect on the active zones on the ankles and toes associated with the activity of the nervous system of the organs of vision and hearing, endocrine glands.
Hands push the sky. It is used to restore breathing and the ability to associate tension and relaxation with inhalation and exhalation.
The snake raises its head. To warm up the joints of the hands, the movement is practiced: the hand-snake used in fighting techniques.
Take a look back. To eliminate overwork and seven diseases (heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys, as well as from disorders of the genitourinary system).

It is believed that each finger is associated with a certain cosmogonic beginning - these are the five elements of traditional Chinese philosophy (metal, fire, water, wood, earth).

Or something else. For example, in NINJUTSU schools, the Thumb corresponded to emptiness - the beginning and end point of all things. Index - to the wind and any gaseous substances, was responsible for wisdom and virtue.

The middle finger - fire and burning - represented intelligence and aggression. The nameless one - water and fluids - controlled body activity and emotions. Little finger - earth - is associated with human stability in a changeable world.

The right hand is positive - YIN, which gives off energy. The left one is passive, YAN, which accepts energy. By closing the thumb and ring finger in a ring, the adaptability and flexibility of consciousness increases. Interlacing of fingers KUJI-IN, which closes the circulation of Chi along a special trajectory. One finger calms the mind, the other gives strength, the third adaptation in extreme conditions.

IN-TRON - between the eyebrows
SHOKU - bridge of the nose
TIAN-TING - carotid artery
LIANTSYUAN - Adam's apple, larynx, trachea
TSUO - the lower part of the sternum
UZHONKOAN - solar plexus
SONLEY - at the bend of the elbow
UZHANMAN - free point 11 edge
JUIKOAN - under the spoon
SHEMEN - underworld
TSRIURON - groin fold
KONSUN - inner part of the foot
FONFU - occiput, base of the cerebellum
VALAO - between 2 and 1 dorsal vertebra
SHEN-CHU - between the 3rd and 4th dorsal vertebra
SHEN-DAO - between the 5th and 6th vertebra
UZHEIAN - between 7 and 8
SHENLU - between the 2nd and 3rd lumbar vertebrae on both sides of the spine
XUYANCHU - between 1 and 2 lumbar
MINMEN - between 2 and 3 lumbar
LANEOAN - between 4 and 5 lumbar

Judging by these descriptions of pain points, we can say that most of them are on the back and, if the blow is applied correctly, completely paralyzes the enemy.

Now let's move on to the commands that are given before the beginning and at the end of classes. All this is included in the ritual of classes, and everyone involved should know them. Don't do anything without ritual, don't heed anything without ritual, don't move without ritual.
DUISIN - build up
ZHANLI - stand straight - at attention
NINHAO - hello
Khao - a return greeting
CHAN-ZO - pre-workout meditation
QIN-TsZO - sit down
TSILAI - stand up
KAISHI - start
SEN-SHEN - teacher
ZAI-JIANG - goodbye
LANCY - training
LUVEY - end

So the commands before the start will sound like this; DUXING, ZHANLI is commanded by a senior student, after that a teacher comes out in front of the formation and greets everyone: NINHAO, HAO - the students answer. Then the command CHANZO, QIN TsZO sounds, everyone sits down for meditation before class.

After 2 - 3 minutes of meditation, the TsILAI command sounds, and at the teacher's signal, everyone jumps up from their seats. The LANCI KAISHI command sounds and the training begins, after the training the senior gives the command to DUXING ZHANLI, everyone builds up, and the teacher commands JAI-JIANG LANCI LYUVEI, and this is where the training ends.

TEU-GEN-DI iron buffalo plows the land.

GAN-JIN-JUAN diamond fist.

FEI-MAY-JIAO leg flying like a feather.

YES-TA-DAY hitting the sandbag.

GIVE-TE-WA wearing iron hoops.

YES-MU-ZHEN to beat the wooden doll.

TE-GAN-TUI leg like an iron pillar.

SE-TZI-LOW-LU scorpion crawling along the road.

PO-YIN-ZHOU elbow breaks the substance of YIN.

TUI-SHAN ZHANG the palm pushes the mountain.

PE-CHZHU-GAN a pole for strikes.

HEY-HU-TIAO-SHAN the black tiger jumps over the mountain.

MAO-CHZHANG grinding palm.

FEN-ZHANG windy palm.

CHEN-CHUAN-CHZHAN palm grinding brick.

I-ZHI-JIN The finger is as hard as metal.

DUKI-KAO-HU standing on one leg to saddle the tiger.

WAI-GU-AN is located on the back of the fist 2 tsun above the joint.

HOU-SI is located on the palm 1 cun above the joint.

Bai-hua crown of the head.

SHON-JUN the middle of the chest.

TsZUI-CHUE point at the level of the heart is 6 tsuns above the navel.

YUN-TsZIU-AN is a bubbling source located in the middle of the foot.

Quan fist.

GOU hand-hook.

HU-CHZHAN hand is the paw of a tiger.

LONG-CHZHAN hand is the paw of a dragon.

IN-CHZHAN hand is the paw of an eagle.

SHYAKU blow inflicted from the bottom up.

TING-JU is an elbow blow.

CA-QUAN hammer hand.

TSKHYANEI-GUN side punch with a fist.

NYDAN block with the hand inward.

VECO block with the hand outward.

XIAAN block hand down.

South right side.

CPO left side.

YUTSZO-FEN-ZUN right and left kicks.

LU-DA-GUN back kick (donkey kick).

SHANG-JIANG block with hand up.

LOUTO sweeping the block with the foot.

SHISHIKO-DAN knocking inward with his foot.

SHIJA SHOW crossed arms.

HOO-COU- hand is the mouth of a tiger.

UDAY-TUI side kick.

DEN-TUI direct heel kick.

TUI-CHZHAN blow with a palm.

CHUN-QUAN blow with an iron fist.

BIMBU front stand.

MABU rider stance.

GNUNBU archer's stand.

XUIBU stand empty leg.

PUBU bottom dragon rack.

DULIMBU standing on one leg.

SEBU twisted stand (monkey in the bushes).

HYBU rack scissors.

JIANG-CHA longitudinal twine.

HEN-CHA cross twine.

Now let's move on to the secrets of Chinese medicine. I want to tell you about the secrets of Chinese pills, the composition of which I will give further. The Chinese have always played an important role in their special ethnoscience, which is mostly based on natural components and bioenergetics of the body. The secrets of this medicine come from the most ancient roots of Eastern civilization. After all, it is known that she is the oldest on earth. The development of the martial arts of the ancient east and the development of medicine have always gone side by side, because one is unthinkable without the other.

Take 120 grams of multiflorous mountaineer (boiled in wine) and Chinese wolfberry, 120 grams of Chinese dodder seeds, 120 grams of shiny privet fruits, 60 grams of black seeds of oriental sesame, 180 grams of various angelica, 240 grams of foxglove root, 120 grams of black eclipta, 60 grams of ginseng, 60 grams of white-flowered peony, 60 grams of silver celosia seeds, 180 grams of Japanese dioscorea, 60 grams of a prominent orchid curculiga, 60 grams of cardamom seeds, 60 grams of noble dendrobium, 60 grams of wonderful doges, 30 grams of zest. Everything is ground into powder, then the highest quality honey is taken and pills the size of a bullet are prepared, which are covered with a wax shell. Each time apply 1 - 2 pills (twice a day, wash down with cold boiled water). Can be used for many years. Strengthens the liver and kidneys, restores natural hair color, improves complexion, improves vision and hearing, and strengthens teeth. When using, do not eat pork, butter and lard, raw meat and fish, spicy foods.

Take 30 grams of Japanese dioscorea, 30 grams of Sunshan ginseng, 120 grams of soybeans, 30 grams of Huang Chi Astragalus, 120 grams of fresh foxglove root, 10 pieces of Chinese dates. Everything with the exception of dates is placed in an earthen pot and boiled for 1-2 hours until one cup remains. Drink the remaining liquid in two steps, eating dates. Apply 10 times a month. It is a very good remedy for practicing martial arts, it increases energy strength and promotes rapid recovery of the body during intense training.

Hand positions, stances and basic techniques

Today, as you become familiar with the first kung fu combinations, including some basic techniques, basic hand positions and major stances, you will take the first step into the field of fundamental knowledge of centuries, gathered together and preserved by the power of human experience and wisdom.

For centuries, kung fu masters have painstakingly figured out exactly how to best use certain methods of attack and defense in various specific situations. For example, they discovered that a strike at waist level is much more effective and more powerful than a strike at shoulder level. By keeping your torso in good balance at all times, you can kick more accurately and forcefully than from an unstable position. By making circular swings with your hands, you can minimize all the actions of the opponent, completely blocking his punches. By tilting back the body and adopting a certain stance, you can avoid kicking without moving from place. All movements of this kind, helping a person to win in hand-to-hand combat, were properly verified and honed and collected into a system that we now call kung fu techniques.

The earliest kung fu techniques were created through repeated trial and error. Later, when the masters of hand-to-hand combat collected a sufficient number of various techniques to create on their basis the main theoretical rules and principles of their application, their purposeful study and research began to play the main role in the development of the art of hand-to-hand combat. For example, our ancestors managed to establish that the enemy can be inflicted not only with direct blows with fists, but also hit him with blows of the wrists and elbows. They also realized that such wrist strikes are effective only when the hands have sufficient physical strength and the opponent is at a distance. If you lack the strength of your hands, and the enemy is close enough, then you should use the elbow. So, little by little, the theories of modern hand-to-hand combat were created, on the basis of which the art of kung fu could further develop independently, that is, drawing new knowledge and creating new rules not on the basis of "spying" on real fights, but through purposeful experimentation in the classroom in a friendly atmosphere, involving a mutual exchange of experience.

The old masters of kung fu also guessed to borrow a lot of valuable material for studying from the nature around them, that is, observing the behavior and movements of animals, birds, insects and reptiles. Do not underestimate the capabilities of our smaller brothers: with the exception of the ability to think abstractly, we, that is, people, are in many ways very inferior to animals and
birds, especially when it comes to things like physiology and anatomy, the development of the senses and the instinct for survival and self-preservation. The power of the tiger, the endurance of the ox or the swiftness of the eagle have long become common nouns. Even very small and harmless creatures can teach a person very important things for hand-to-hand combat. A rabbit or a squirrel, for example, have phenomenal abilities to predict the approach of danger and instantly disappear from the enemy's field of view, while showing wonders of resourcefulness and dexterity. Therefore, the old masters of kung fu not only created their techniques on the basis of observing the movements of animals, but also tried to notice the basic qualities of "character" inherent in these creatures. On the basis of these "animal" traits of behavior, in the future, new ways of training certain human abilities, for example, "tiger" power or "rabbit" agility, were based.

All these techniques and skills have been accumulated and improved for many centuries in a row, passed down from generation to generation. The Shaolin Monastery became the first socio-cultural institution in which these ancient arts and individual skills in the field of external form, internal content or theoretical information began to improve and develop on a purposeful systematic basis. The heirs of the monastery's traditions have managed to keep this palm to this day.
For example, while most of the martial arts in the world use only a clenched fist to deliver punches, there are over 20 different forms of attacking hand in kung fu. In other martial arts, little importance is attached to how a fighter stands and in what position he is, while in kung fu there are more than a dozen different special stances, which are given special attention in the training process. Therefore, today you will not only get acquainted with the first combinations of kung fu, including some basic techniques, basic positions of the hand and main stances, but you will take the first step into the field of fundamental centuries-old knowledge, collected together and preserved by the power of human experience and wisdom.


For a beginner, kung fu techniques, with their different hand positions and unusual stances, may seem "unnatural" at first. Of course, in the event of a real combat situation, any person who is not even familiar with the basics of kung fu is unlikely to be able to stand up in a bow-and-arrow stance and carry out a direct right punch with the Black Tiger pulls out the heart. For a beginner, especially a European, it seems much more natural to assume the position of a sambo or judo wrestler and hit “boxing”. However, all these "unnatural" techniques have many technical advantages over the usual voluntary movements. For example, using the same Black Tiger Rip Out Heart move, your punch is much more powerful and your body position is more stable. Therefore, in order to learn how to use all these advantages, the novice student must conscientiously study all the movements and stances that seem to him at first "unnatural" so well that over time they become his "second nature".

On early stages training, the student must repeat all the movements and techniques of the instructor as clearly and carefully as possible, paying the greatest attention to the external form of the exercise. This stage of learning is usually called "from formlessness to form."
In more advanced stages, when you have already gained some experience with the external forms of kung fu, you can begin to independently modify them depending on the requirements of a particular combat situation. For example, instead of standing strictly straight in a bow-and-arrow stance during the black tiger strike, you can lean forward slightly if the situation requires it to increase the range of your strike. This stage is called "from form to formlessness", that is, it means that, having mastered the standard forms of kung fu, the student can already give free rein to fantasy; without going beyond the general boundaries of the standard form, it is possible to vary and modify the ways of using the arms, legs and all other parts of the body when carrying out certain kung fu techniques. Many experienced masters sooner or later abandon the standard form of kung fu altogether, completely not caring about its observance in battle, since their skill is already so great that, no matter how they experiment with the enemy, victory will certainly remain with them. This is the same as the fight of a grown man with a three-year-old child. An adult has such a colossal superiority in strength and experience that a child does not have a single chance, even if the man fell asleep for a while in the middle of a fight!

However, each student needs to thoroughly know all forms of kung fu, which is achieved only through daily "persistent training. But before you begin to learn techniques and combinations, you need to master the art of correctly holding your hands in certain basic" positions of the kung-fu hand. fu ", as well as maintain balance in the main" kung fu stances ".


They say that it is better to see once than hear a hundred times. In fig. 6.1 and 6.2 depict several basic hand positions.

Rice. 6.1
Shaolin Monastery Kung Fu Brush Positions 1-9

Rice. 6.2
Shaolin Monastery Kung Fu Style 10-18 Hand Position

1. "Smooth fist".
2. "Sun-shaped" or "vertical" fist.
3. Strike "leopard".
4. Impact of the "eyes of the phoenix".
5. "Elephant" fist.
6. Swallow's wing palm.
7. The palm of the "dragon".
8. "Dragon's paw".
9. "Tiger's paw".
10. "Eagle Claw".
11. "Head of a snake".
12. "One Zen Finger".
13. "Finger-sword".
14. Crab claw ".
15. "Crane beak".
16. "Monkey paw".
17. "Praying mantis's foot".
18. "Hand-hook".

Some of these brush positions are fundamental to the corresponding kung fu styles. That is, for example, in the style of "monkey" or in the style of "praying mantis", respectively, either "monkey's paw" or "mantis's paw" are mainly used. The "crane beak" and the "hook-hand" outwardly seem to be the same, but they act completely differently. As the name implies, the "crane beak", used mainly among the kung fu styles of the Southern Shaolin, is precisely the "peck", for example, at the vital points of the enemy, while the "hook hand", used more in northern styles, "cling", for example, by the legs or arms.

The richness and variety of kung fu techniques are clearly expressed in more than a dozen different percussion techniques, developed only for the use of the "even fist". These techniques are depicted in Fig. 6.3-6.5.

1. Direct blow.
2. Cannon strike.
3. Blow with the "horn".
4. Diagonal strike.
5. Sweeping blow.
6. A whip blow.
7. Wavelike impact ...

8. Chopping blow.
9. Hanging blow.
10. Diving blow.
11. Axillary blow.
12. Throwing blow.

Other brush positions are used less frequently, and the technique of these strokes is not so varied.

Technique of strikes "even fist"


In fig. 6.6-6.9 shows the main stances adopted in the kung fu of the Shaolin monastery.

1. Rider pose.
2. "Bow and arrow".
3. "Deceiving leg".
4. "Step of the unicorn".
5. "Step in a circle".
6. Stance of one foot.
7. Side stand ...

8. Inclined stand.

9. J-shaped pillar.

Shaolin Monastery stances (1-3)

Shaolin Monastery stances (4-8)

The rider pose also shifts your center of gravity from shoulder level to stomach level, making you “fresh above, firm below,” that is, empathetic and balanced, physically and mentally alike. These two qualities, and much more than the special techniques you will learn later, are the main hallmarks of a kung fu master. Finally, the rider pose creates a bundle of energy in your abdominal tian tian, or energy field. Only when enough energy is accumulated in your tribute tian, you will be able to engage in the development of inner strength in yourself, since this strength emanates precisely from our energy fields and depends entirely on their state.

In general, the "rider" pose is a rather complicated form of zan zuan ("the art of stable positions") of the ki-kung of the Shaolin monastery, and therefore doubly deserves the time and effort that is devoted to practicing it. One of the main reasons why many students, despite the seemingly long years of study, do not achieve success in kung fu, is the poverty of the sources of their internal energy in the dan tian fields. As a rule, this lack of energy is usually caused by initially small and incorrect training in those areas and varieties of zan zuan, which are prescribed by the characteristics of their chosen style of kung fu.

I would like to give you a few useful tips about working out the "rider" stance. Your torso should be perfectly straight with your shoulders flat and your thighs almost parallel to the ground. Remember not to straighten your legs a little and stretch.
up when you get tired - most novice students automatically sin this, without even realizing themselves. Despite the possible tension and even mild pain resulting from the unusual uncomfortable posture, try to completely relax your muscles and mind. Concentrate only on your abdominal tian tian, that is, the abdominal area. You can close or open your eyes, at your discretion, but the main thing is not to think about anything. Most people at first cannot stand in this position for a minute, however, if you want to achieve something, find the strength to hold out in the "rider" position sooner or later, without changing position and without indulging yourself, for at least five minutes. In order to achieve at least this minimum, you need to practice the "rider" pose every day for at least three months.

If you feel like it, when you get too tired of being in the rider stance, you can smoothly transition from this stance to other stances, for example, the bow-and-arrow stance (in which body weight is evenly distributed on both legs) or in a "fake leg" stance (where the hind leg accounts for more than 95 percent of the body weight). Just twist your torso and reposition your legs without relaxing or assuming a natural position. When you are resting and ready to endure another "working off", also return back to the "rider" pose. In addition, spend some time practicing single leg stances and unicorn stride (in which 60 percent of the weight is distributed to the front leg and forty percent to the back). These five stances above are basic in the art of kung fu, and therefore they are called "basic".

After working out the stances, you should do leg exercises that develop not only their strength and stability, but also their flexibility and mobility. In fig. 6.10 and 6.11 show six exercises, in our Shaolin Monastery Wanam Kung Fu School, collectively referred to as the “flexible leg art”. (This is just our own name; other schools may use very different exercises for stretching and working out the legs.) Each exercise should be done at least 10-20 times.


After you become familiar with the positions of the hand and kung fu positions of the Shaolin direction, you can move on to learning the following eight simple techniques. In the kung fu of Shaolin monastery, each technique has its own deep meaning and very poetic name. I give the names of all the techniques in direct translation, despite the fact that most of the lyrics are lost in this case. You can practice these techniques by looking at fig. 6.12-6.15.

1. "Black tiger rips out the heart"
2. "A lone tiger emerges from the cave"
3. "Poisonous snake throws out poison"
4. "Beauty looks in the mirror"
5. "A precious duck swims through the lotus"
6. "Swing the arm from the" fake leg "stand"
7. "Gold star in the corner"
8. "The immortal appears from the cave"

Memorize one technique each time and practice it day after day until you are completely proficient in the technique before moving on to the next. Remember that the meaning of studying kung fu lies in the equal development of strength and skill, which in this case means the ability to skillfully and skillfully carry out already familiar techniques, and not the ability to somehow learn them as much as possible, focusing only on the number, and not for quality.
The figures show only either "left" or "right" forms of carrying out the techniques, however, you should practice each technique in both its variants equally many times in a row. At first, start each technique with the "ready pose", that is, stand up straight and relax, keeping both fists clenched at the waist. Do the technique, then return to the "ready position". Later, you can start and stop practicing techniques in any arbitrary position.
First, you should practice all the techniques in the sequence shown in the picture, but then you can practice them in any order. As a rule, it takes a beginner about three months of daily training to accurately memorize all the techniques shown, provided that each “practice” (not counting the time of other kung fu lessons!) Lasts about an hour and a half.
As I explained to you in the previous chapter, if you want to achieve the best results in the shortest possible time, you need to set all your goals correctly and outline the immediate tasks.
For example, it would be nice to devote the first three months of the class to daily practice of all the stances and techniques and call this course "The Basics of Shaolin Kung Fu." In this case, the term "basics" means that all your future success depends entirely on how successfully you master these basic stances and techniques. And even if you already have some experience in other martial arts, but not in kung fu, you should still spend three months on its "basics".
The main goal of this course, of course, will be to create a solid foundation for the further development of your "own" kung fu Shaolin monastery, including all theoretical information, and about the importance of the "rider" pose, and about the principles of differences in the basic positions of the hand, and about the reasons for which you need long time first practice all the techniques alone, and not with a partner. (If you still haven't found the answer to all of these questions, read this chapter again.)
In number coursework problems this stage includes acquaintance with specific postures and positions of the hand, adopted in the kung fu of the Shaolin monastery, the ability to correctly and skillfully take certain postures and carry out the studied techniques, lowering the center of gravity of the body to gain greater stability, as well as the ability to accumulate vital energy in abdominal tian tian - to prepare for the development of inner strength in oneself in the future.
You should outline a range of priority personal tasks for yourself, coordinating them with your personal capabilities and requests. As an example, I can only give you very rough guidelines here:
... 1. Sit in the rider position for at least 5 minutes.
... 2. Be able to walk fifteen kilometers without feeling tired.
... 3. Perform all eight basic kung fu techniques in a row without a single flaw.
... 4. Perform three series of all eight basic kung fu techniques in a row without feeling tired.
At the end of this stage of training, you will be able to compare all the results achieved with the set coursework and personal tasks and correctly assess all the efforts expended.

There are many secrets and mysteries in all the martial arts of the world. There are hundreds of times more of them in Chinese Kung Fu. This is one of the most ancient directions of oriental martial arts, which undoubtedly was born at the dawn of civilizations ...

Kung Fu is a Chinese word used to refer to a whole family of martial arts. This word originates from the original meaning of "gong fu" - the achievement of perfection by a person in any business through hard work and great effort, it can be both calligraphy and cooking.

In the sense of “Chinese martial arts,” the term kung fu was not used until the early 1970s, when the West learned of Bruce Lee, the greatest martial artist.

The generally available definition of kungfu as a martial art, and wushu only as a complex of acrobatic exercises, is not entirely accurate and objective. Kung Fu and Wushu in the past were a single whole. Kung Fu and Wushu are considered a branch of Qigong.

Kung Fu is a classic Chinese martial art that can be studied and practiced by people of all races, cultures and faiths. These are martial arts techniques, diet systems and proper nutrition, various areas of yoga, psychotechnics and Chinese medicine.

Chinese Kung Fu - Philosophy

Ten Commandments of Kung Fu.

  • Do not drink wine
  • Don't eat meat
  • Suppress sex drive
  • Do not be distracted by third-party objects
  • Honor the mentor and elders
  • Do not allow deception in relations with them
  • Don't brag about your knowledge
  • Do not demonstrate, do not use your art (only for self-defense)
  • Dodge the fight
  • Do not teach unworthy people

On the basis of Jiao Yuan's 10 commandments, the concept of the "Five Qualities of a Warrior" was developed.

Warrior Qualities

  • Tenderness is the ability to feel the enemy, to anticipate his behavior in order to work out the optimal pattern of his actions.
  • Directness a - consistent and unswerving implementation of the chosen scheme of actions necessary for victory, without regard to possible own defeat.
  • Impassivity - maintaining mental balance, gaining the ability to react not to a separate action of the enemy, but to see him as a whole, assessing his combat capabilities as a whole.
  • Gracefulness is the ability to move and act in a combat situation with the least expenditure of forces.
  • Combinatorial thinking- the ability to choose the optimal complexes of movements, it is easy to rebuild from one system to another, which is especially important when conducting a duel with several opponents.

Kung Fu Styles

There are over 400 styles of Kung Fu with and without weapons... Most of them were inherited, and some of them still have names derived from the names of the “inventors”.

All kung fu styles can be classified into two directions- southern style and northern style. Southern style - Hop Gar and Hung Gar, are similar to what Jackie Chan does in his films. Hung Gar is also called the "five animals" because the movements in Hung Gar are similar to those of a tiger, snake, leopard, stork and dragon.

The most popular cartoon Kung Fu Panda was shot in this direction. People with an interest in kung fu tend to turn to the southern style because the movements are faster and more powerful than the northern style.

Let's consider the main styles of Kung Fu. Kung Fu video will open up an understanding of what is at stake much better. than most detailed description... We recommend watching the video excerpts and leaving your comments.

Kung Fu style White Crane

About 370 years ago, female martial artist Ti Nian Fang, understood the essence of the movements of the crane and applied these principles to my art of Shaolin Kung Fu, creating new style kung Fu... White Crane Style. Later, she and her husband moved to a place called Yunchun, where they began to teach the White Crane style.

WHAT STUDENTS SHOULD KNOW - Styles - Kung Fu (Wushu)

Time. It is best to practice Xingyiquan at dawn and limit yourself to one hour (do not practice too long). If time is short, you can limit yourself to 30-40 minutes and not take a break. If you don't have time to practice in the morning, you can do it in the afternoon or evening. You just need to remember that you can do it only one to two hours after eating.
A place. It is permissible to practice in the room if there is sufficient space in it.
Breaks in classes. Class time and rest time are usually divided into five-minute intervals. In general, the duration of the periods of study and rest depends on the condition of the student.
Prohibitions. When you study in the room, you can open the windows to let in fresh air, make sure that the wind does not rush into the room. During exercise, the body heats up so much that sweat appears on it, all its pores open, and if you stand in the wind in this state, you can catch a cold. You can leave the room only after you have cooled down.
During the five-minute rest in the lesson, you cannot sit down. You need to walk around the room a little, and then the spirit will calm down by itself, and strength will be restored. In the classroom, you cannot speak and laugh loudly, eat and even drink tea.
When starting to exercise, you must first remove the polluted energy and absorb clean energy, warm up well, develop muscles and tendons, and achieve unhindered circulation of blood in the body.
You should start your studies after meeting your natural needs. You can not practice, eating heavily or drinking wine. You need to moderate your desires. If these requirements are not followed, the spirit and physical strength will weaken.
Having done the preparatory exercises for several minutes, you need to practice for a long time without rest, then take a break, completely calm down and then sit down to eat and drink. You need to do it every day, and if you do it rarely and in large quantities, then you will only harm yourself.
During the lesson, you need to keep your mouth closed and breathe through your nose. You can not hold your breath, because this can damage your health.
Arms and legs on impact should be like an arrow fired from a bow; look for straightness in curvature. The center of gravity should go down as low as possible. It is necessary to clearly observe the distinction between hits on the upper, middle and lower levels, straight and side strikes.
It is necessary that the hands are in harmony with the eyes, the eyes are in harmony with the heart, the shoulders are in harmony with the lower back, the position of the torso with the step, and the step with the arms. The arms, legs, torso and lower back should move in harmony, following the dictates of the heart.
Hands are weightless, eyes are fast, consciousness is fast, steps are also fast, but confident. The opponent doesn't move - I don't move either. When the opponent starts to move, I move before him. Sometimes, before he makes a move, we scream loudly to embarrass him and prevent him from attacking. This also means getting ahead of the opponent.
Hands should be either empty or full, moreover, an empty hand can become full, and a filled one - empty. If I can hit an opponent with an empty hand, that hand can instantly become full, and if the opponent avoids the hit or moves his hand to the side, then the filled hand should become empty. Therefore, in confrontation, one should not use force oneself, but one must act in accordance with the actions of the opponent. Power must be alive, not dead, and it must not go into emptiness. Then the strength in us will constantly increase and change according to our will. If you just hit with all your might, then the arms and legs will be shackled, and the opponent will subdue you to his will.
You should know: if the opponent is stronger than you, then it is better to attack from the side, and if you are stronger than the opponent, then you can attack in the center.
You should know: if the opponent creates a void and lures into it, then you need to quickly fill it and strike. And if the opponent himself attacks boldly, it is better to lure him or bypass him from the side, so that he falls into the void.
Legs should not be raised high, kicks should be applied without effort, postures should change with lightning speed, eyes see everything, ears hear everything.
Without making a firm grip, do not extend both arms forward at once. Anyone who lifts both legs off the ground at once will be easily overcome by the opponent.
A student of fist art should practice "quiet sitting" for ten minutes every day in a well-ventilated room. First, you need to breathe through your nose, removing all old, polluted energy and absorbing new and clean energy. Then sit, holding your breath, looking at the tip of your leg and detaching yourself from all thoughts. One should voluntarily direct the movement of energy throughout the body. After ten minutes, you need to click your jaws ten times, swallow the saliva that has accumulated in your mouth, and then get up and walk slowly for ten minutes.

On the eve of the twentieth century that passed away from us, the greatest minds of the West turned to the cultural and philosophical heritage of the East. Suddenly, under the colorful tinsel of oriental exoticism (art, everyday life, costume, rituals, poetry, etc.), the thinkers of Russia, Germany and other European countries saw a different worldview, a different assessment of philosophical categories, a different understanding of man in the Universe and the Universe in man. Leo Tolstoy, K.G. Jung, E. Blavatsky, Roerichs, R. Steiner and many others began to seriously study the philosophical heritage of India, China, and Japan. Then the result of this brainstorming was the emergence of new philosophical, natural science and mystical teachings. The stormy twentieth century has passed ... Can we say that we have come closer to understanding the mysterious, like the paradoxes of Ch'an Buddhism, and clear, like sunlight, the truths of Eastern wisdom?

The unconditional achievement of Western thought over the past century was the realization of a different relationship between Teaching and Practice in the Eastern cultural tradition. The philosophical postulates of the East are not tested by practice, and philosophy is practice itself. Wisdom is understood not as the ability to analyze objective reality, but as an intuitive-integral, conscious-bodily comprehension of life in this moment time. Thus, one cannot comprehend the cultural and philosophical tradition of China only by reading scientific treatises, without one's own practice in the field of wushu, painting, calligraphy or poetry. For such a practical comprehension of philosophy, there are not enough books, you need a live transmission of information and an assessment of the results achieved.

The cultural and philosophical tradition of China is based on three religions: Confucianism, Taoism and Ch'an Buddhism. All of them were conceived by their founders not as religions, but as a complex of philosophical ideas about man and the world, as well as a set of behavioral norms. Despite even later ritual and ritual layers on the part of the followers of these teachings (and all three "religions" arose around the 5th century BC), we cannot, in the strict Western sense, attribute them to beliefs. Rather, it is a complex of unshakable ideas about the world and man, which has permeated all spheres of life in China for many generations.

For a person born outside the Chinese cultural tradition, special daily practice is needed to comprehend the foundations of the philosophy and culture of China, which are obvious to any inhabitant of this country. The most accessible for all those interested is the practice of kung fu (wushu) - the real embodiment of Taoism, Ch'an Buddhism and Confucianism. The biggest problem with verbal description of Chinese cultural traditions is the absence in European languages ​​of the corresponding concepts, the impossibility of direct translation. However, this vagueness of terminology indicates that we are dealing with a practice that is holistic in nature, but unknown to modern civilization, where a single spiritual and bodily improvement does not fall into categories known to us.

Tao and Te, the key concepts of Taoism and the key concepts of martial arts, do not have a direct translation into Russian. They are conventionally defined as "the way" and "virtue (perfection)". The practice of kung fu is the hourly awareness of one's own path, following that path and cultivating virtue. This definition reveals the fundamental difference between kung fu and a similar Western tradition, where the main content of the martial art is the desire to defeat the enemy at any cost. For a kung fu master (a term close to the concept of wushu, literally means "skill, spiritual improvement, selfless devotion, highest achievements"), a duel is not an end in itself. A true master wins without acting, but enters into battle only to restore harmony in the world when the balance is disturbed. It is not the frozen entities that matter, but the transformations of entities, events. Possession of your own inner state, deep awareness of the real continuously changing momentary situation and the ability to influence this situation if necessary - this is the true mastery of kung fu, this is the true wisdom of a philosopher.

Wushu practice has different directions. Anyone from six years old to a ripe old age can practice single formal exercises of the "internal" styles of wushu: Xinyi Quan, Taiji Quan, Baguazhang. During daily practice of dynamic meditation, the student comprehends with all his body and mind the deep truths recorded in the great "Book of Changes" ("I Ching") and other ancient Chinese treatises. Each of the formal movements, in addition to the philosophical meaning, has an effective combat application. And there are styles that offer their students pair work, a duel, as the main means of self-improvement, comprehending oneself and following one's own path. Such styles include Wing Chun, Shaolin styles, etc. A great advantage of martial arts is the reality and objectivity of assessing the achievements of students. In a battle with an opponent, the correctness of the disciple's adherence to his Tao and Te is revealed.

A practitioner of martial arts should in no case perceive real combat, where there is no place for the concepts of humanism and pity, as a model of all life. This is a deep misunderstanding of the essence of wushu (kung fu). Fight, as the need to bring balance back to the world, is a reflection of an extreme life situation. One who knows how to maintain composure in battle will always be able to accept and correctly evaluate any life situation and respond appropriately to it.

Chinese traditions are passed on from teacher to student. Without understanding the deep Confucian roots of discipleship, one cannot fully comprehend Chinese philosophy. Filial duty, as the main content of life and great joy, filial duty, extended to all spheres of the country's social life - this is the core concept of the teachings of Confucius. People are not equal in nature, but they should experience it without regret. This does not fit well with the concepts of human rights we are used to, it is just a different model of the world.

How are philosophical postulates connected with direct practice? martial arts?

In the process of studying kung fu, four components can be conditionally distinguished. At the first stage, the student is immersed in the construction of his body, mastering the ability to use it. The second component includes the study of complexes of formal exercises. The third part of the learning process is to develop the ability to interact with a partner, feel his movements and intentions, and also use the opponent's movements for their own purposes. The fourth component is mastering the art of combat.

The first part, the first stage, without which no further advancement in kung fu is impossible, is the construction of one's own body. Why is it necessary for a person who has embarked on the path of Tao and Te? This is how the great Chuang Tzu says about it: “You don’t own your own body, how can you own the Tao? (... Your body is one of the forms of the Universe. Your life is the union of Heaven and Earth ...) ".

Learning sets of formal exercises is the second part of the process of mastering the art of kung fu.

How to approach the comprehension of the formless Tao? Kung Fu offers us its own approach, being a "form of the formless." Behind the specific and regulated movements is a single whole, which contains Everything and which is the Emptiness. Each wushu style represents Tao. Only by comprehending the essence behind the external form, by achieving, while performing formal exercises, "vibration" in the same rhythm with the Master-Founder, can one comprehend the true nature of form and move on to the formless and boundless Tao.

Having cognized your body and mastered formal exercises, you can move on to comprehending your partner. As Lao Tzu said: "Know yourself, you get to know others." How to comprehend and preserve the harmony of the world, interacting with other people? As you know, "Two opposite principles and many elements form harmony." It is by mastering the third component of kung fu that a student can check whether he follows his Tao, whether he knows how to control himself and control the situation in interaction with a partner. At this stage, the skill is developed to show both Weakness and Strength, to be Empty and Filled, to concentrate in the impulse of Action and to become the embodiment of Compliance and Softness. Lao Tzu says: “Water is the softest and weakest thing in the world. But in overcoming the hard and strong is invincible, and there is no equal to her. The weak beat the strong. The soft overpowers the hard. Everyone knows this, but they don’t dare to live like that ”.

The principles developed in paired exercises are implemented at the highest level of kung fu learning - in a duel. Students learn the art of maintaining a calm mind in extreme conditions, seeing the enemy's weaknesses and directing his strength into emptiness. The inner state of the fighter becomes extremely important.

“They say who managed to take over life,

Walks on the ground, not afraid of the tiger and rhinoceros.

Entering the battle without fear of an armed enemy.

The rhinoceros will not find where to thrust the horn,

The tiger will not find where to lay its paw.

The enemy will not find where to strike with the sword.

There is no death for that. "

("Tao Te Ching")

You can win with one blow, if this blow is perfect, if it is an expression of the Unity, the Great Limit, if it is full of sincerity. The blow, perfected, is the expression of the Tao.

The true path of martial art does not lie in copying the Master, the true path lies in your soul and it is open only for you. A mentor can only show the beginning of this Path, and everyone must follow it himself.

In conclusion, a few aphorisms of Ch'an Buddhist wisdom:

“We do not exist for a purpose ahead. We exist for the sake of being itself. "

“Life and death are one and the same. If you realize this deeply, then death is no longer afraid, and life does not seem so difficult. "

“Correct posture maintenance and correct movement formation are the goals of wushu practice. In this case, the consciousness is already in the correct state, there is no need to achieve any special state of consciousness. "

No books are worth a personal focused experience.

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