How to grow seedlings without soil. Seedling without land: growing technology

Pest control 02.07.2019
                  Pest control

In peat tablets you can grow seedlings of all known flower and vegetable crops. ... Plant roots are not damaged when planted in the ground.

In the assortment of garden shops there are coconut tablets for seedlings made without peat and humus, based on coconut fiber and coconut flakes, writes Yulia Belopukhova, agronomist .

Before use, coconut products must be washed many times with warm water, and then “water” the seedlings not with plain water, but with a solution of fertilizers for hydroponics.

Cucumbers, zucchini, watermelons and pumpkins feel good on a hard bed of sawdust, hay, straw and even husks of sunflower and buckwheat. However, such a “bed” must be made up correctly.

For this, the selected substance is poured with boiling water, kept to cool, mixed with washed river sand in a ratio of 2: 1. Be sure to add fertilizer.

For every 10-15 kg of straw or sawdust, 45 g of calcium nitrate, 16 g of ammonium nitrate and double superphosphate, 21 g of potassium chloride, 12 g of magnesium sulfate, 0.9 g of boric acid and zinc sulfate and 0.6 g of manganese sulfate are added.

So decide for yourself which is easier - with or without land.

  growing seedlings without soilThere are many ways to grow seedlings. Some of them are quite unusual. Knowing the intricacies of their application, you can successfully grow seedlings.

Resourceful gardeners figured out how to grow seedlings without land.

How to grow seedlings in a landless way

Landless seedling cultivation is becoming increasingly popular among gardeners. And not surprisingly - this technology saves a lot of time and space on the windowsill, and also minimizes all the hassle.

But the main advantage of the landless method is the protection of seedlings from defeat by the "black leg". The causative agents of this disease are in the soil and, after waiting for favorable conditions, affect weak sprouts. And only already grown and stronger seedlings can resist this scourge.

The essence of growing seedlings without land is simple. The seeds already have a certain supply of nutrients, which are enough for them to germinate. However, it is important to know that after the appearance of cotyledonous leaves, seedlings have an urgent need for soil. At this time, it is necessary to immediately transplant the seedlings into an earthen mixture.

Growing seedlings in a plastic bottle

This landless technology requires a minimum of materials and time. You will need a five-liter plastic bottle, a plastic bag and a roll of toilet paper or thin tissue paper. The bottle must be transparent.

This method is convenient for seeds that are difficult to germinate (for example, strawberries or petunia). Moreover, as soon as the sprouts grow cotyledonous leaves, the root system immediately starts growing, and this increases the “vitality” of the plants. Seedlings quickly take root in the ground and develop very well.

Seedlings in a bottle are grown as follows:

  1. Cut the plastic bottle in half and put in one of the halves 7 - 8 layers of toilet paper or paper napkins.
  2. Wet the paper well and let the water drain so that it does not remain in the bottle.
  3. Sow the seeds superficially, slightly pressing them to the paper. You can use a spoon or other improvised item for this.
  4. We place the bottle with the seeds in a plastic bag and tie it tight, creating an impromptu “greenhouse”.
  5. Within 3 weeks, the package does not open and do not water. Moisture from condensation will be enough for the seeds. After the seedlings have developed quite well roots, you can transplant them into the ground.

Sowing seeds in paper rolls

This original way  very popular, takes up surprisingly little space and is most often called "Moscow seedlings" or "self-rolled". You will need toilet paper, plastic wrap, plastic cups, plastic bottles cut into a third, or other transparent containers.

You can sow any crop into paper rolls, be it tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, onions, cucumbers or flower seedlings. The most important thing is the timely transplantation of seedlings into the prepared soil.

When sowing seeds in paper rolls, we adhere to the following algorithm of actions:

   Young seedlings grown by the Moscow method

Tea Bag Seedlings

This unusual way of growing seedlings is preferred by thrifty housewives. Tea bags after use are not thrown away, but gain a second life as a breeding ground for seed germination. To use this method, the preparation of tea bags should begin in advance.

It is very simple to grow seedlings in tea bags:

  1. We cut off the tops of the bags with scissors, pour a little dry soil on the tea left there and put the bags in a container suitable for height.
  2. The space between the bags is filled with paper or cotton wool for greater stability and protection from rapid evaporation of moisture.
  3. We sow one or two seeds in sachets and moisten the substrate. After a while, you can wait for seedlings. As the contents dry, sachets need to be regularly moistened.
  4. After the appearance of these leaves, seedlings are planted in the ground along with bags. Such a transplant does not damage the roots, which, having gained strength, will break through the tissue of the sachet on their own.

Shoots on sawdust

Growing seeds on sawdust is a great way to get seedlings of those plants that do not tolerate picking in the usual way. For example, the root system of cucumbers grows very quickly and can be damaged during transplantation.

Loose sawdust has a light and loose structure. This allows you to painlessly dive yet not mature seedlings. Sawdust is easily showered, the roots do not break, the transplanted plant develops well and does not get sick.

However, not seedlings are grown in sawdust, but only seedlings, which are transplanted into the ground with the appearance of cotyledons. In addition to cucumbers in sawdust, you can grow seedlings of zucchini, pumpkin, watermelon and melon. It is recommended to plant seeds in sawdust in the middle lane in mid-April, and in the southern regions at the end of March.

We grow seedlings in sawdust as follows:

  1. A plastic film is laid at the bottom of the container and fresh sawdust is prepared. Before filling the container, scald the sawdust with boiling water to wash off the remaining resinous substances. The processed sawdust is poured into the container with a layer of 6 - 7 cm thick.
  2. On the surface of the sawdust we make grooves with a wooden stick with an interval of 5 cm. We spread the seeds into the grooves at a distance of 2 or 3 cm from each other, sprinkle them with moist sawdust in a 1 cm layer and cover the container with a film.
  3. As the sawdust dries, we pour it with warm water, and after emergence, remove the film and put the container in a lighter place, not forgetting to continue to water. Throughout the whole time we feed the seedlings with mullein diluted in water in the ratio of 1 kg of substance per 10 liters of water.
  4. We hold seedlings in sawdust for no more than two weeks, then with the appearance of cotyledons we plant them in the ground and continue to grow as ordinary seedlings.

   The first shoots make their way through the sawdust

Peat Seedling Pills

Peat tablets are a real find for the gardener. In miracle pills, you can grow almost any seedlings. They take up little space and are very convenient to use.

The basis of the tablet is fertile peat and excipients - growth stimulants and mineral fertilizers, which provide good seed germination and rapid development of seedlings.The advantage of peat tablets is also that the seedlings grown in them do not need picking and are planted in the soil with the tablets. Plants are not damaged during transplantation; they grow strong and healthy.

We grow seedlings in peat tablets according to the following scheme:

  1. We place the required number of tablets on a high pallet with the recess up and fill them with a small amount of warm water. After a few minutes, the tablets will swell and increase in size. If necessary, you can still add water.
  2. Next, drain the excess water, and slightly squeeze the tablets so that they are not too wet.
  3. In each tablet, we sow one or two seeds and sprinkle them with the same peat substrate. We leave open only seeds germinating in the light.
  4. We cover the container with tablets with a film or other transparent material, thus creating a “greenhouse” for plants.
  5. Do not forget to periodically ventilate seedlings and add water. Peat tablets quickly lose moisture, so it is important to prevent them from drying out completely - dry peat shrinks and damages young roots of seedlings. You can take it as a rule every morning to check the tablets for humidity, so as not to miss watering.
  6. After the emergence of the shoots, open the “greenhouse” and continue to care for the sprouts.
  7. Seedlings that have grown true leaves are transplanted into the ground with the tablet, not forgetting to remove the mesh. Over time, the tablet will dissolve in the soil.

Seedlings in peat tablets

Gardeners are inventive and every year come up with more and more unusual methods of growing seedlings. However, for the first time trying new planting technologies, it is advisable to play it safe and grow the second part of seedlings in the traditional way.

Seedling from a roll of plastic film

This method has been used for a long time and is called "seedlings in diapers." It is used for growing seedlings after a dive. The technology of the method is simple and economical. You will need only three tablespoons of soil for each plant and a piece of dense plastic film. Old film from greenhouses will do well. The main advantage of such seedlings - seedling roots are not damaged when transplanted into open ground.

We grow seedlings "in diapers" as follows:

  1. Cut into pieces the size of a notebook sheet.
  2. At the end of the film, pour 1 tablespoon of moist earth, and on top of it we put a seedling so that the cotyledons are above the edge of the film.
  3. Top with another same spoon of earth, slightly bend the bottom edge of the film and wrap it with a roll. The rolled-up roll is fixed with an elastic band or in another way.
  4. We place all rolls as densely as possible vertically in a container in a bright place.
  5. Do not forget to moderately water the young plants.
  6. After the appearance of 3 or 4 real leaves in the seedlings, we unfold the rolls and pour another spoonful of earth. We wrap the roll back, no longer bending the lower edge, and continue to care for the seedlings until planting in open ground.

Seedlings in plastic bags

Seedlings can be successfully grown in plastic bags. it improvised tool  can be found in any home and can help out in cases where all containers are already filled with planting material and additional containers are required.

It is easy and convenient to grow seedlings in a plastic bag:

  1. Pour moistened soil into a dense plastic bag and place it on a pallet. We glue on top with tape. At the bottom of the package we pierce a lot of holes.
  2. At the top of the bag we make several cruciform incisions with a knife and plant the seeds in the slots, watering the soil twice a month.
  3. Growing seedlings with real leaves are planted in open ground.

Eggshell Seedlings

It's hard to believe, but seedlings can be grown even in shells. For this method, you should use a whole shell with an open top, prepared in advance.

We grow seedlings in the shell as follows:

  1. Thoroughly wash the shells, pierce with a sharp object holes for the drainage of water in the bottom, place on a pallet. An egg tray is perfect for this.
  2. We fill the shells with nutritious soil and sow the seeds.
  3. When the seedlings grow, we plant a young plant in the ground along with the shell, slightly breaking it. The shell will provide the seedling with additional nutrition in the form of lime, which is very useful for plants.

   Eggshell seedlings

Mar 28, 2016 Galinka

In a city apartment - the event is not easy. It is necessary to prepare the soil, landing boxes. But there is an alternative -, eggplant, or without soil, in closed containers. Today you see growing seedlings without land before a dive.

Rules for planting seeds without land

  • A transparent box equipped with a lid is suitable for this method. Its height should be at least five centimeters. Several layers of toilet paper or napkins are laid out at its bottom.
  • The main condition is that moistened paper should be easily torn during the development of seed roots. Do not use gauze or cotton wool.
  • Pre-treatment of seeds is carried out without changes. They are pickled, heated, soaked, hardened.
  • But there is one condition - to prevent the onset of germination. They have to go through this stage, forming the first leaves, already in the box.
  • The paper laid out on the bottom should be very moist, but it is recommended to drain the puddles of water.
  • Seeds are placed on the surface with tweezers, one at a time.
  • It is not recommended to seal the paper.
  • Another feature - the seeds should not be in contact with each other so that their roots would not be able to interlace in the future.

  • The box is covered with a tight lid or transparent polyethylene, fastened with an elastic band, the container is placed in a place where the air temperature is from twenty-five to twenty-seven degrees. Under such conditions, it is aged until seedlings form.
  • The lid should be opened for several minutes every day to allow airing and spraying.

Conditions for growing seedlings without land before a dive

As soon as the seedlings began to appear, the capacity is allowed to be moved, organizing additional lighting with a fluorescent lamp. Temperature mode can be lowered, bringing to twenty degrees of heat during the day and at least seventeen - at night. Such conditions allow seedlings not to stretch into growth, directing the main efforts to the development of the root system. To create comfortable growth conditions, you should periodically open the window frame.

To support the sprouts, when spraying with water, it is advised to add the New Ideal gum fertilizer to it. And do not forget to drain the excess water. Under such conditions, seedlings grow strong, stocky, with dense stems.

Sprout transplant

It is performed at the moment when the cotyledon leaves unfold and the real ones begin to form. Sprouts are removed, their roots are shortened, which are already beginning to branch. The plant is allowed to move in a pot with soil. Pick-up is carried out in the evening.

Growing in a roll

We take a strip of cellophane film, on it in a couple of layers we place toilet paper, wetting with water.

At regular intervals, spread the seeds, twist the tape, but not very tightly so that the roll looks free.

After this, the package is placed in a glass of water. This method can be used not only for breeding seedlings, but also for preliminary. The required amount of moisture in any of the options will be supplied to the seeds using moistened toilet paper.

Landless growing in rolls has many advantages over traditional methods. Read more about planting technology, care and what plants the Moscow method is suitable for.

Why choose the Moscow method

  Forcing seedlings without land, called “self-rolling”, allows you to save money on peat tablets. And if you plan to apply this method for cold-resistant crops, then you will not need planting soil and cups for seedlings. Seedlings will dive directly to a permanent place in the beds.

  The lack of contact with the ground, at the initial stage of growth, eliminates the onset of the disease, such seedlings do not have a black leg. Significantly saves space on tables and window sills, which allows you to place more glasses with thermophilic plants. Growing seedlings without land gives quick germination and helps to form a stronger stalk. Seedlings according to the Moscow method are perfectly transported, as they are compact and light in weight.

The method of rolling cigarettes can be used for heat-loving crops with long vegetation, but then you still have to transplant into glasses. There are disadvantages to this method. With overexposure, the stems become excessively elongated, and the root system weakens.

Landless Landing Technology

  For work, prepare 3-ply toilet paper, styling containers (small food containers, cut milk bags or sour cream glasses, etc.). Also ordinary plastic bags for food or cling film, scissors and seeds.

Cut polyethylene into strips in accordance with the width of toilet paper (10 cm). The length is made arbitrary, but better 40-50 cm. On a flat surface, lay out the film, line a layer of paper on top. Now you need to moisten with water, so as not to wash it is better to use a spray bottle. The basis for sowing is ready. Having retreated a couple of centimeters from the edge, we lay out the seeds with an interval of 4-5 cm along the entire line. If the seeds are small, it will be more convenient to work with tweezers.

After “sowing” we cover with a second layer of paper, moisten with water and then cover with a strip of film. We wrap the resulting “sandwich” into a roll, trying not to shift the layers and create a smooth edge. Fasten the finished roll with an elastic band, you can thread, wire.

Usually several species or varieties are sown, so it is important not to confuse them. Be sure to attach a label with the name of the variety immediately after making the roll. If you prefer a separate container for each roll, then write a name on it with a marker.

  Seedling Care

  Put the finished rolls in the prepared containers, pour a little 2-4 cm of water in them and put on a plastic bag on top. For ventilation, make small holes in each, after the appearance of sprouts, the package is removed. It is important not to confuse the location of the seeds during installation - they must be at the top.

Nutrition will be carried out in the form of introduced trace elements. You need to feed twice: during the period of seed opening and when a pair of real leaves begins to form. This is done simply: diluted fertilizers are poured into the tank with water. It is advisable to use humic variants produced on the basis of humus (Ideal, Gumistar, Gumi-20 and others). In order not to burn seedlings, when making food, the concentrate is diluted more than stated in the instructions, that is, the dose is halved.

Picking seedlings

The grown seedlings dive in glasses or into the ground. To do this, roll out the roll and remove the first layer of polyethylene. Now with scissors we cut the ribbon into fragments (one seedling each). It is necessary to divide carefully so as not to damage the plants.

As a result of development, the root system grows through the layers of paper and when transplanting it does not need to be separated, since it does not interfere with further growth, we plant it in the ground with paper. If some plants are still small, underdeveloped, put them back in a container with water for growing.

What can be grown in the Moscow way

  This technology is not suitable for plants with a fragile root system. Such plants are germinated in peat / coconut tablets or sown in the ground, followed by picking. Large seeds (beans, peas, nasturtium, lupine, beets, etc.) cannot be used.

For the landless method, leek, cabbage, pumpkin, cucumbers, parsnips are suitable. In the southern regions - tomatoes, peppers, eggplant. You can grow some types of spicy herbs and flowers (basil, viola, marigold, aster, zinnia, petunia, delphinium, etc.). The roll method is best used for those plants that are immediately planted in the ground.

Independent production of seedlings from seeds is a very responsible and important process, the importance of which cannot be minimized. In this regard, the question arises: how to grow tomatoes healthy and strong? Modern and proven methods come to the rescue, allowing you to achieve the desired result. A lot of material was collected about this, a video was shot and various experiments were conducted.

The landless method of sowing seeds is becoming increasingly popular. Its essence is simple - some improvised materials are used instead of land, and in the seeds there is already a certain supply of nutrients necessary for germination.

Growing seedlings by the landless method has a number of significant advantages, thanks to which this method is spreading more and more:

  • can be used for all cultures;
  • the root system remains intact, which ensures quick restoration and adaptation of the plant after a dive;
  • affordable tools and inexpensive devices;
  • convenience, especially when growing seedlings in apartment conditions;
  • space saving on window sills;
  • seedlings will germinate healthy, because the causative agents of some diseases are in the ground;
  • easy care, which boils down to providing a certain level of humidity and heat;
  • tomatoes can be planted in stages as they grow.

A small drawback is the short deadlines:

  1. Sow the seeds as soon as possible. Premature sowing will result in seedlings that will outgrow and will be elongated, and the leaves will turn yellow and faded.
  2. At the first appearance of leaflets, plants need soil, so they need to be transplanted immediately.

Among a wide variety of options, several of the most common and available can be distinguished.

Seedlings in paper rolls

This method has earned its popularity mainly due to the fact that it takes up little space. As a landing base, ordinary toilet paper acts. Thus, they plant any crop, including tomatoes. The only condition is to comply with the deadlines.

The whole procedure can be divided into the following steps:

  1. In advance, we prepare strips of new polyethylene with a width of about 10 and a length of about 50 centimeters.
  2. We lay them out on a flat surface and lay on top of 1 layer of toilet paper.
  3. Spray it with water.
  4. At a distance of about 5 centimeters from each other, we spread the seeds, be sure to step back from the edge.
  5. We cover them with the same polyethylene as the first layer. We roll it all into a roll and fix it.
  6. It does not need to be rolled up firmly; free space is needed for seed germination.
  7. We place the rolls in a plastic container with water about 4 centimeters high; for this, plastic cups are well suited.
  8. Glasses with rolls are covered with polyethylene with holes, water must be constantly added to the required level.
  9. When sprouts appear in the grown seedlings, a little mineral fertilizer can be added to the water.
  10. After the appearance of leaves, seedlings need to be transplanted. To do this, carefully roll the roll and remove the top layer of polyethylene. The seedling can be taken along with a piece of paper to save the root.

The procedure is very simple and does not require any special tools.

Peat pills

In addition to the immediately available means, there are also special ones, for example, peat tablets.  There are several of their advantages:

  • convenience and environmental friendliness;
  • they can grow almost everything;
  • additional substances are included in the peat base - these are fertilizers and stimulants that help seedlings grow well;
  • no picking is required, and the plants are transplanted immediately with peat, which ensures the integrity of the root system.

Landing is simple and is as follows.

  1. In a tray with high sides, tablets are laid out so that the recess in them is at the top. A small amount of warm water is added there, in which they swell. If necessary, add more water.
  2. After that, the excess liquid must be drained from the pan and the tablets squeezed out slightly.
  3. One / two seeds are placed in each tablet and covered with the same peat.
  4. Create greenhouse conditions for seedlings by covering the container with foil.
  5. With the necessary frequency, seedlings are watered and aired. It is worth noting that peat dries quickly, which should not be allowed.
  6. As soon as the shoots appear, the film is removed.
  7. As soon as real plants appear on the planted leaves, they are planted in the ground, removing the grid. Peat will soon dissolve in it.

These peat tablets have long won the love of many gardeners.

Sawdust Seeds

Most of all, this method is suitable if you need to grow seedlings that are difficult to tolerate picking. Due to the structure of sawdust, which simply crumble, the root system of seedlings is not damaged.

Stages of sowing seeds for seedlings in sawdust:

  1. We prepare a container with a depth of about 10 centimeters, the bottom of which is lined with polyethylene. Sawdust must first be scalded with boiling water to get rid of dirt and tar. Then we fill them into a pallet about 6-7 centimeters thick.
  2. On the sawdust we create furrows with a distance of about 5 centimeters between them. In the furrow every 2-3 centimeters we place the seeds. They are sprinkled with a small layer of wet sawdust and cover the container with a film.
  3. Be sure to regularly water and ventilate the pan.
  4. As soon as the first sprouts appear, the polyethylene is removed and the pallet is placed in the light.
  5. After about 2 weeks with the advent of leaflets, seedlings need to be planted in the ground.

The emergence of new methods of growing tomato seedlings without land is explained by the desire of gardeners to further simplify this process. Given the many modern methods, everyone can choose the one that will be most convenient.

Growing seedlings without land every year is becoming increasingly important for several reasons, the most important of which is getting rid of infection with a dangerous disease - a black leg. The causative agents of a pathogenic infection for the time being do no harm, and when greenhouse conditions are created, they are activated, severely damaging fragile seedlings. An excellent method of growing seedlings without land eliminates the appearance of diseases at the stage of seed germination. This article is all about how to grow vegetable seedlings without land on toilet paper or in plastic bottles, innovative technology and the advantages of the method. Seedlings without land are three ways to grow.

Filter paper or napkins are very suitable for seed germination.

The classic way of growing seedlings in containers with ground requires a significant free area for placing boxes and containers with plants. If the farm does not have a greenhouse, this method is very inconvenient - containers for growing vegetables occupy all window sills in the house or apartment, clutter loggias and balconies. Given that growing seedlings lasts several months, this is a fairly long period of inconvenience. In addition, the earth wakes up on the floor, carried by the wind, increasing the time for cleaning the premises.

Several interesting ways to grow seedlings without land allow you to germinate seeds in compact containers that do not take up much space. These methods have some advantages, which are worth discussing separately.

The advantages of landless seedling cultivation methods

With landless seedling growing technology, the following benefits can be achieved:

  • Saving space on the windowsill - growing seedlings without land does not require vast areas, because tomato seedlings in the amount of 100 pieces are perfectly developed in the planting capacity of up to 15 cm in diameter.
  • Simple care - you only need to put the container in warm time, and do not forget about the uniform periodic moistening of crops.
  • Lack of diseases - with landless seedlings growing, dangerous diseases that destroy young seedlings can be avoided. Seedlings grow strong and healthy.
  • Phased picking of seedlings - seedlings can be planted as needed.

Seed germination methods

There are interesting ways to grow seedlings of vegetable plants, which do not require land. Without soil, you can grow flowers and vegetables, including sowing tomato seeds. In any seed, the energy potential is initially laid, which helps to germinate the seed. By the time the cotyledon leaves are fully developed, the supply of nutrients is running out, so the sprouted seedlings require a land mixture. But before transplanting tomato seedlings, or other vegetables, into the ground, it is necessary to grow seedlings using one of the possible methods.

On toilet paper

Large seeds are conveniently laid out by hand.

Land is not required if seedlings of tomatoes or other vegetables are grown on toilet paper. With this method of seed germination, you will need to prepare a roll of toilet paper, plastic wrap and transparent containers. Any vegetables can be sown on toilet paper, but it is more convenient to grow seedlings from large seeds, for example, tomato seedlings.

The secret to success is the timely transplantation into the soil substrate, until the seedlings have lost turgor and began to stretch.

To begin with, it is worth preparing strips of plastic film measuring 10x50 cm. Each strip is covered with toilet paper, which is moistened with water. Using tweezers, it is necessary to spread the seeds on wet paper, departing from the edge from 1 to 1.5 cm, after which the seeds should be covered with another layer of polyethylene. Stripes with planted seeds are carefully rolled up into a roll, which is fastened with a rubber band.

Ready-made rolls are vertically installed in a plastic container, bringing the water level to 4 cm in height.

A container with rolled up tubes should be placed in a bag with holes for ventilation of landings. Hatching seeds can be fed with mineral fertilizer in a weak concentration. In the phase of the appearance of the first leaf, top dressing is repeated, and the Senti dive selectively into a sterile nutrient substrate. The earth should be light, nutritious and permeable.

In plastic bottles

A signal for a transplant is fully developed cotyledon leaves.

Used plastic bottles can also be used to grow seedlings for the garden. First, the bottles must be cut in half in length. In each half put several layers of filter or toilet paper, napkins, which are thoroughly moistened with a spray bottle.

The seeds of tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, peppers, eggplant are laid out by hand. Small seeds are scattered on a wet towel in an even layer, after which they are covered with the second half of the bottle.

It is very important to use only clean and transparent plastic containers.

The container with crops is placed in a sealed plastic bag, not forgetting to leave a ventilation hole. Periodically check the humidity of the wipes, if necessary, carry out additional moisturizing.

Young plants can be planted in the ground when cotyledonous leaves appear, while the earth should be decontaminated.

In sawdust

Among sawdust strong seedlings of vegetables and flowers grow.

Vegetables or flowers without land can be grown in sawdust, land seedlings will be needed only during planting at the first pick.

Sawdust must be laid down before it can be used for this growing method. Before use, the substrate from sawdust is shed with boiling water and disinfected.

The containers are filled with a swollen substrate, the layer height is up to 15 cm. The seeds are placed in sawdust, the seeding depth is up to 2 cm.

The box is covered with film and exposed in a bright place. Drying of sawdust should not be allowed. Earth is used for transplanting seedlings in the cotyledonous leaf phase.

Landless cultivation methods help to get healthy plants for the garden, avoiding infection with pathogenic infections.

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