Are there any rules of a hair dryer about piggy banks? Money piggy bank on Feng Shui: how to choose which side should the piggy bank

Fighting pests 13.12.2020
Fighting pests

IN financial issues makes sense to attract good luck different ways, even if it looks somewhat extravagant. If only it worked! One of best ways Make yourself a solution to money problems - live by ..

Feng Shui Zones

  • Dusting bucket or any other garbage collection points should be as far as possible from working area And from the zone of wealth. In general, garbage in the room should not be - it extremely negatively affects the circulation of the energy of qi.
  • Feng Shui Money Tree is an effective magnet for wealth. But it should be located strictly in the south-east of the living room or the main room, if you live in a one-room apartment.
  • More often ventilate the apartment. This will help get rid of energy stagnation and improve its circulation. Specifies in all spheres of life.
  • If you pay a loan, then make yourself a folder in which you will add payment receipts. One nuance - it should be red.
  • Piggy banks, if you use them, should be located in the southeastern part of the apartment, be red, and also have an inscription on what exactly you collect money.
  • In the northern corner of the apartment, put the turtle statuette. If there is no angle, then place this talisman in the northern part, separately from all other elements.
  • In the apartment, in no case should not be leaking pipes and cranes, and the toilet should always be kept closed.

According to the Feng Shui system, money deserve respect and should not clarify on pockets, to be crumpled or have different inscriptions on bills.

The following tips will help achieve success in financial affairs:

  • In the house can not: whistling, leave on the table empty bottles and keys, throwing out something in the window, even if there is such an opportunity.
  • You can not keep an empty container in the house. If it is necessary - put a coin there or several beans. The value of the coin value does not have.
  • Recalling money better in the morning And in front of the mirror, but strictly behind closed doors.
  • As piggyback Everything can be used. The main thing is that it is beautiful, neat and integer. The perfect option is a decorated box.
  • Never smack the crumbs to the floor. Also undesirable to collect them in hand - only on a rag or on a sponge.
  • In order for money easily come to the house, Put in every corner in a small coin. And under the threshold - the coin is more.
  • Do not throw anything closer in the evening - Only in the morning or day.
  • It is not recommended to spend money Immediately on the day of receipt of the salary. It is better to start from the next day.
  • If you started cleaning,you need to do it before sunset. The broom must be one, and the whole and relatively new one. And he should be stored with a handle down.

Team and journalist Artyom Kostin remind you that you can and not follow the signs. But, as they say, they help even those who do not believe in them. BUT

In the article pro animal piggy banks, we will look at what will help you quickly accumulate, and which are not. It is known that each of the piggy banks in the form of animals is something. Not all animal images are able to attract monetary success, and some of their energy can even interfere with the accumulation of money. The piggy bank has long been manufactured in the form of a pig, but over time there appeared accumulative containers and in the form of other animals. So let's look at the examples what kind of piggy bank can you use so that in it the money was going and quickly copied? This will help Feng Shui, astrology and other rules.

Piggy-animals and their properties

The largest accumulative properties have piggy-pigs, piggy-cocks and piggy banks.

Piggy bank - A symbol of constantly growing wealth. Such a piggy bank will help increase your savings, but gradually. The patron of a pig is Planet Jupiter, the royal star-expander and the owner of the Sagittarius, gives a huge accumulative force. People who were born in the year of Kaban, she will bring big profits.

In ancient Germany, a fancy box appeared - piggy bank. German officials gathered tribute to the clay pot. It was made from cheap red clay with the consonant name "PIG". Translated by S. english word Means "Pig." Hence, the tradition went to make piggy banks from clay in the form of a pig, and later than other animals. And in ancient China, the country of signs and symbols, the piggy-pig has not been so material. It was solely symbolic. After all, the pig is the sacred animal of this republic. And already in ancient times, put a piggy bank in the house a pig meant to attract wealth and good luck.

On the piggy bank to hang beads or bracelet from turquoise. Throwing preferably five-core coins (pyataks). Under the base of the piggy bank, put the map of Taro "Emperor" or "Bubnovy Ace". The first coin is lowered on Thursday on the growing moon with the words: "As Jupiter giant strengthens and expands everything in nature, my personal wealth and my personal wealth arrive!"

Cock in the form of a rooster - Piggy bank, which also has a powerful accumulative force. In fairy tales, this character appears in the image of a goldencoat-scallop, every morning awakening the sun. Therefore, it is necessary to fill and decorate "gold." The first coin must be omitted on a growing moon on Sunday after 4 am.

Piggy-Cockerel is worth decorating a gold chain or a gold bracelet, and under the base to put the map of Taro "Sun" or "Bubn Ace", uttering: "As the sun comes and gives the light and warmth of the universe, and my income is growing up every hour!".

Bullit has a greater increase in force. For such piggy banks, green money is particularly suitable, but you can throw both pyataks, and Chervonians (Golden Taurus). And to put them inside below, through a plug-cap. Under the foundation, the map of Taro "Empress" or "Bubnov Ace" is placed. And even better - hundred dollar bills. Accumulation Start on Friday according to: "As a young greens bloom in the spring, so reproduce my wealth from once again!".

Doggy - Stores money and protects from monetary damage and thieves. In such a piggy bank, it is useful to keep money with Transgeram - the dog will save and from rampant spending. But it is for multiplying money that it is not too intended.

Owls - Gives wisdom at the disposal of the budget. This piggy bank is recommended to use those who constantly lose money in imperotely.

Piggy bank in the form of a protein - Such a piggy bank will help attract urgent money. This is a symbol of rapid enrichment. But in return may require complete dedication of work and income

Horses - Suitable for those in a hurry with the collection of funds, the piggy bank in the form of a horse will also be an excellent option.

Cat or cat piggy bank In the form of a cat, you need women who accumulate finances to maintain their health and beauty. The vessel has a bedside table In the headboard bed or among women's accessories. Since the cat is distinguished by cunning, there is a belief that this version of the piggy bank will help attract other people's money. The product contributes to the emergence of influential people who will increase your income.

What animals are not suitable for piggy bank

The strength of wealth does not have products presented in the image mice, tiger, rabbit or hare, sheep, monkeys . There is a danger that you will have only to put in the piggy bank, and the rest of life will not increase in life. Remember the sayings: "Poor as a church mouse", "stupid as a sheep", "shriveled as a monkey."

Mice Manages Saturn, the planet limiter, so there can be no less than speech growth.

A monkey - This is a quick-legged Mercury, that is, the money is driving and dried with sound speed.

Tigrome Heads Mars, planet rage and impatience. The winner of such a piggy bank will never have enough will to fill it up to the limit, the money will be removed from it from it, and the piggy bank is crashed.

What to buy a piggy bank for money on Feng Shui and choose as a mascot

If you can't decide what to buy a piggy bank for money on Feng Shui and choose it as a talisman, let's consider the recommendations below.

Dog, dragon and snake - It is rather protective symbols than cumulative. In relation to them, it is enough to remember the fairy tale of Andersen "Flooring", where three watchdogs are guarded with gold and silver chests, as well as numerous fairy tales and legends about dragons and snake-Gorynychi, guarding in caves indecent wealth. For things with such images of animals, like a snake, a dog, a dragon, the security function is more suitable, rather than attracting money. Lailed in the piggy bank will remain unchanged, will not multiply and amplify. Not about any profit and speak.

The more vessel, the faster it will be achieved financial welfare. A large piggy bank in the form of an animal should not be empty, it is recommended to put bills in it every day.

In addition to the foregoing, you need to know 3 Rules of conscientious work Piggy Bank As part of the increase in the money: throw money into a piggy bank needed to something specific, and not just so, "to be", and even more so, not for a black day you can not take money, without filling the piggy bank to the end, otherwise she will lose their magic and Losts the purpose of starting to smoke recommended on the growing moon - the moon grows, both your savings grow.

Remember that simple storage containers and money accumulation were used long different countries. For example, Kubashki was used in Russia for these purposes - the puzzled clay vessels jugs with a narrow neck, which after filling injected into the ground, like treasure.

Thus, how to decide on the purchase of piggy bank?

The selection of the design of the piggy banks is divided into those that can be opened using a special cap-cork on the bottom, and on those extract from which money can only be broken by a cute heart.

The first option is suitable for those who have enough will, so as not to run money signs ahead of time, as well as for those who bought a piggy bank seriously and for a long time and is going periodically from there to accumulated and recalculate.

The piggy bank with a one-piece bottom is not so practical, but will delight people emotional, which will be in joy to split it about the floor by tradition, and then fun to collect money throughout the room.

  • In the form of the piggy bank should not have many bends so that money is free to fall on the bottom, not a shot and not forming voids.
  • The piggy bank must be puzzled, wide and roomy so that the money content in it can be laid as much as possible.
  • The hole itself should be wide so that the money gets into it freely, because to push them there with fear, which is stuck, will not like anyone.
  • Of course, keep large amounts in the piggy bank in the most prominent place is not worth it, because the beautiful container for money immediately attracts a stranger look.

But as an option for collecting the little things, which pulls the wallet, or as a way to accumulate money for a child, the piggy bank is simply necessary in the house.

Meaning of money magic piggy banks on Feng Shui

For those who understand the money magic magic in the feng shui, you can choose the strength of the attraction of money to which this money talisman is really capable of. Therefore, consider the purchase Piggy in the form of animals by Feng Shui : Pig, cock, dog, horse, bull, etc ..

Special attention deserves piggy chest. The chest personifies the reliability and material well-being.

If you make money on the apartment, then the choice of piggy banks should stop on it. Inside the capacity you need to put the visualization of your future housing - a photo or a picture of the house and put only paper bills there.

It is also important to know that colors of piggyback for money - golden, Green and Purple, but buy Your "Money House" follows on the growing moon, especially suitable for this purpose friday.

A symbol that attracts luck connected with the secrets of the universe, the cat is considered the eastern philosophical concept. Its image in the form of figurines with a raised paw put at home and in the office to attract happiness and wealth, and placing the sculpture is in the southeast (zone of wealth) of the room. Such a figurine and attracts well-being, and protects the house and all of its inhabitants from the house.

The basis of the Philosophy of Feng Shui is the concept of circulating in its laws of the life of Qi, which is inherent in any subjects, living beings and space. The whole material world is represented as a manifestation of this invisible energy, as a combination of five of its forms:

  • fire;
  • water;
  • land;
  • tree;
  • metal.

Doctrine Hairdryer Shui helps to make the habitat harmonious, having a property to attract positive energy into a dwelling and reflect a negative, live according to the rules of nature.

The energy of Qi fills all the living and non-living, moving according to the given laws. The flow of energy, according to the hairdryer Shui, must flow in a certain rhythm, not to be worn, have the power to overcome obstacles. With the right and continuous circulation of energy in the Universe, mechanisms governing good luck and happiness are triggered.

The cat moving around the house, leads to movement and levels energy streams.

Stagnation she neutralizes the games, sitting in them and licking themselves. Cats move streams, jumping from above, open closed doors, eliminating barriers to the flow of universal energy.

The apartment may have problem areas of different origin, due to:

  • features of the relief;
  • natural anomaly;
  • communications passing underground;
  • start the energy of qi.

In such places where colors and people feel bad, there is a stagnation of energy, and the cats become a neutralizer of these zones. Of course, it is not necessary to hope only on the animal, because it can get sick, a lot bad energy. It is better to follow the advice of Feng Shui, eliminate houses of rods of objects, throw away broken things that cracked the dishes to give a life-giving place to move in every corner of the dwelling.

A domestic cat will help her hostess harmonize her aspirations, because according to Feng Shui, it can determine the energy levels needing adjustment. Since the room on Feng Shui is divided into zones, the animal can prefer those of them that are a symbol of the activity that is not enough His hostess. For example, the animal stubbornly occupies a career zone, refusing to be located in the love zone. Her behavior suggests that there is an excessive concentration on romantic aspirations, damage to official affairs. Paying attention to cat deeds, it is possible to bring in harmony, which is the goal of the teachings of Feng Shui, all the components of their lives.

What kind of pet will suit

If the cat nailed to the house, it means that nature brings a gift, which will give the dwelling energous Yang, will be a healer. If the animal has to be chosen, then do it, observing certain rules:

  • black Cat should be able to make people successful, it will add good luck, and you can not add bad luck, because the black animals attract the energies that are already next to them;
  • red Cat will help a lone owner (and a cat - hostess) to find his "half." But you should not take home red cat, if there is already black. It is believed that fiery and black are in the phase of confrontation;
  • gray pet will protect the owner from, the presence of such a cat is useful for a person whose profession is associated with hazards and risk;
  • for any house, a tricolor cat is suitable, animals of such a color harmonize energy at their habitat.

According to the existing ones in the philosophy, Shui Numerology, the nicknames of cats and cats are selected in the consonance (at least one letter) with the names of the owners. Then between people and animals, except friendly, energy communications and support are formed.

Who exactly to start in the apartment is a cat or cat - just as prompted by the practice of Feng Shui. Qi is an energy that exists in a double form: as a female, calm (yin) or men's, active (yang). In people born during the years, whose symbols, boar, goat, bull, snake, rooster or cat, the prevailing energy of Yin, and for equilibrium they can settle at their cat. Born in the years of the horse, dogs, monkeys, tiger, rats or dragon prevails Jan-Energia, and starting the cat at home better.

Figures for success and wealth

If there are obstacles in order to start an animal in the house, it is enough to purchase a small statuette with the image of a cat and hieroglyphs meaning good luck and wealth. Talisman with a raised paw (Maeki-Naco) is capable of increasing existing successes and open ways to new opportunities, it serves as a symbol of financial prosperity. Such a figurine is very popular in China and Japan.

Porcelain or ceramic hairdryer Shui Cat with a raised left paw attracts money, visitors to shops, and in the guest house. When the statuette raised the right paw, the mascot guard the wealth already existing in the house. According to Feng Shui, the money cat must be placed in a certain place, then its properties will be shown as much as possible:

  • having placed Maeki-Naco in the southeast corner of the apartment, activate the zone responsible for wealth;
  • the figure occupying the northeastern part (zone of knowledge) will allow you to make investments by successful, and the disposal of cash flows competent;
  • the cat supplied in the office will become, attracting customers and customers, devil buyers;
  • thanks to the ability of cats to see in the dark, the figure distinguishes the spirits invisible to people, not allowing harm;
  • if you put two figurines at once, raising different paws, they will attract money and prosperity, and loneliness, being a symbol of the fusion of the start of male with female, will be distilled off;
  • the image of a cat with a kitten serves as a double symbol of respect for the elderly and motherhood, helping them especially.

Cats and feline sculptures are characterized in the space so organically that they seem inseparable with him with a symbol of comfort and harmony.

From nature mysterious strength, the ability to be conductor vital energy The universe, the cat uses for the benefit of people, in the house of which she lives. Protect the house, bring peace and harmony into it, and the symbol of Maeki-Naco, giving both good luck and wealth, disturbing troubles and troubles. Giving a native or acquaintance such a statuette with good wishes, help people fill their dwelling with positive energy, make life successful and harmonious.

In practice, Feng Shui there are quite a lot of methods for attracting money to the family and to the house. Among them, one, a very strong mascot, which has a huge energy, which will help to attract wealth to the family, will work absolutely in any apartment. Even if people who are not familiar with the Ancient Chinese Practice Feng Shui live in this apartment. This talisman is a piggy bank.

How to choose a piggy bank?

In order for this simple thing to become a strong family talisman, which will lure money to the house, it is necessary to use it correctly. In the guise of piggyback, everything is important: what form it has what size it is and color. In accordance with the practice of Feng Shui, it is desirable that the piggy-talisman is made in the form of a ball, or had rounded corners. In square and rectangular caskets, money will accumulate for a very long time.

What are the types of piggy bank?

The most common mascot option with which this subject is associated almost every person is a piggy-pig piggy bank. Such a kind of "money storage" can approach absolutely any family. The effect on the talisman increases many times if the owner of the house was born in the year of the pig. Since the pig is a voracious animal, you can throw not only large bills, but also minor coins in piggy bank. In order for the action of the talisman to be stronger, it is furnished with small figures piglets.

Another option amulet-piggy bank is a dog. That the product will suit For the man who wants to upset his savings from foreign people. The amulet will protect your finance, like a chain ps, from any trouble. Thieves and other extortionists endowed with power authority will not be able to eat at your money.

Piggy-owl is necessary for a person who loves "scatter" money, she will help him save savings. Owl - Wise Bird, dispelled the owner from useless spending and impulsive purchases of unnecessary things.

The product in the form of a small house will help if the households wish to accumulate the amount to buy any real estate. Again, you need to choose a talisman with rounded edges. An excellent example can serve as a hobbit house from the "Lord of the Rings".

Where to put a piggy bank?

Talismans that attract money must be in the zone of wealth - on the southeast side of your dwelling. The piggy bank must be in a secluded place. In order for the mascot to work, the South Eastern side of the apartment or house should be well covered. In the hole it is necessary to throw three ancient Chinese coins tied with a red ribbon.

Where can I put a talisman?

In families, usually, it is customary to put a piggy bank in the bedrooms, since this room does not have access for guests and outsiders. But in fact, the piggy bank should not be in the room where people sleep. , emanating from the talisman, "falls asleep" along with households, and money does not accumulate.

Also, you can not put the mascot in the bathroom or in the toilet, as the flow streams are flushed with cash. The owners of the house where the piggy bank is in the bathroom, risk being in permanent debt.

There are many ways to how you can attract money with magic and astrology. Vasilisa Volodina told about one powerful way, which can help increase profits. This is a strong cash talisman, which is available from almost anyone in the house - piggy bank. But so that she worked for attracting profit, it is necessary to properly use it and know some aspects of its action.

According to the astrologer, Vasilisa Volodina, piggy banks in the form of animals differ in their magic properties and orientation. For example, in order for profits to constantly grow, you need to choose a piggy bank. For those who fear the theft of money or property, the piggy bank is suitable in the form of a dog. Those who do not know how to properly distribute their capital, you need to start a piggy bank in the form of owls. Such a piggy bank will end its owner with practicality and rationality in respect of money. Those who want to rapidly get rich, the piggy bank is suitable in the form of a protein. The piggy bank will attract influential people to a person who will help him achieve financial success.

The color of the piggy bank is also of great importance. Vasilisa Volodina advises choosing piggy banks of gold, yellow, green or purple flowers.

The piggy bank is best to buy on the increasing moon. It should also be filled during the growing moon. According to the lunar calendar, the time when the moon strives for the full moon is best used for various cash rituals and conspiracies.

To put money in the piggy bank must necessarily with positive thoughts. Usually people lay a trifle or small bills "for a black day." Thus, they themselves love their lack of money. Leaving money in the piggy bank, it is necessary to wash positively and rely on the fact that deferred money will be suitable for buying a specific thing. In other words, the piggy bank must keep in itself the money that originally have any goal. For example, if a person postpones the money to buy a gift, then this money must be subsequently used on this purpose.

If the piggy bank is made of glass, then it is best to store there, where the rays of sunlight will not fall. A piggy bank who crashed or crashed is a bad sign. It should not store money, even if it is stuck. It is better to get rid of it, since the spoiled repository of money will not be able to actively work for incurred profits. Moreover, the broken piggy bank will negatively affect the financial position of its owner.

To enhance the action of the piggy bank, it is possible to put items that activate cash energy. Before throwing the first coin to the piggy bank, you can put a nut first in it, red pepper, cinnamon, mint or rice. Strengthen the energy of money will also help a small rite. Every time the money is put in the piggy bank, you need to take it in your hands and shake, so that the coins be called in it. Cash ringing activates a cash flow of energy.

Vasilisa Volodina recommends breaking the piggy bank only after it is completely filled with money. According to the astrologer, in the miraculous power of the piggy bank, it is also necessary to believe, only then she will attract good luck to its owner.

By the way, the origin of the piggy bank has a long history. According to one of the versions, the piggy bank appeared in ancient China and was originally manufactured in the form of a pig. According to Feng Shui, this animal was considered a symbol of wealth. According to another version, the piggyback appeared in Germany in the Middle Ages and was made of clay in a mug. Before the appearance of piggy banks in the form of animals, the money was kept in clay pots. However, at all times, a special magic value was attributed to the piggym. They should have protected money from theft and multiply income.

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