Crimea to which operator to connect the beeline. Cellular communication in the Crimea. Beeline, Megafon and Tele2 in Crimea

Fence and gate 06.09.2020
Fence and gate

The next tourist season in Crimea is not far off and soon the peninsula will again receive millions of tourists. In addition to the traditional search for housing, Crimean guests will also be interested in the issue of mobile communications: the choice of a mobile operator and a suitable, most convenient tariff. The portal "" understood which operators work in Crimea and what services they offer.

At the moment, five mobile operators operate on the territory of the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol: MTS (Krasnodar branch), Win Mobile, KrymTelecom, VolnaMobile and SevMobile. The overwhelming majority of Crimeans use the services of MTS, which at first was the only operator on the peninsula and, of course, gathered an impressive client base. Nevertheless, SIM cards from other companies will also be of interest to vacationers, providing the most diverse tariff plans and promotions.

MTS (Crimea \\ Krasnodar Territory)

As we mentioned above, the most popular and the only all-Russian mobile operator in Crimea is MTS. Due to sanctions, the Crimean peninsula is served by the company's Krasnodar branch. Sims of this operator can be purchased almost anywhere - from train stations to bus stops.

The cost of an MTS SIM card in Crimea is from 150 rubles. The basic tariff includes a package of 15 minutes of free outgoing calls over the home network. Calls to Ukrainian numbers in Crimea are charged at 2.5 rubles. per minute, and calls to numbers of other mobile operators, landline and Ukrainian phones are charged at 10 rubles. in a minute. The cost of sending SMS to all phone numbers of the MTS operator is 1.5 rubles, and to the phones of other operators - 1.95 rubles. To send a multimedia message (MMS) you will have to spend 6.5 rubles. Note also that there is no monthly subscription fee and mandatory top-ups in MTS SIM cards.

For those for whom 20 minutes a day is not enough, the operator offers to connect an additional rate of 100 minutes for outgoing calls to all Russian MTS numbers. The daily subscription fee for use is 1.5 rubles.

As for mobile communications with other Russian operators, in this regard, the owner of the Crimean SIM card will have to fork out a little more. In particular, in order for the number "Beeline" or "Tele2" you have to pay 3.5 rubles. per minute of outgoing call. The monthly subscription fee for this tariff will be 50 rubles.

We cannot leave aside also SMS and mobile Internet. In this regard, MTS offers its customers a Smart SMS package (includes 10 SMS messages per day for 2.5 rubles), as well as Bit Smart packages (includes 75 MB of mobile Internet per day for 7.5 rubles) and "Super Bit Smart" (includes 150 MB of mobile Internet per day for 9.5 rubles).

Also, new MTS subscribers, after selecting the desired tariff, must immediately turn off additional services (connected by default), since an additional fee is charged for them. To do this, you need to go to your personal account on the company's website and deactivate unnecessary services.

Win Mobile

The Win Mobile operator was also one of the first to provide all residents and guests of Crimea with mobile communications in the GSM standard, and in May 2015 the subscribers of this operator were able to evaluate the capabilities of the 3G network. The company offers its subscribers three tariff plans - "Freedom of Communication", "Fast and the Furious" and "At Sea". Starter package cost - 50 rubles

"Freedom of communication":

Like colleagues from MTS, there is also no monthly subscription fee. Calls in the Win Mobile network (the first 60 minutes per day) are provided to the subscriber free of charge. Starting from 61 minutes, you will be charged 0.50 rubles. in a minute. Calls to numbers of other operators of the Republic of Crimea will cost 1.00 rubles. per minute, and calls to mainland numbers - 9.50 rubles. in a minute. A call to the CIS countries will cost 50 rubles. in a minute.

To make communication with other operators more convenient, Win Mobile offers to activate two additional services - "Free Calls" (free communication with Crimean operators) and "My Russia" (2.00 rubles per minute for calls to operators from mainland Russia).

An SMS message in the "Freedom of Communication" tariff will cost you 1.50 rubles for Crimean operators, and 1.95 rubles for mainland operators. You will have to pay 5.25 rubles for an outgoing SMS message to the numbers of international mobile operators. Also, subscribers are invited to connect the most convenient additional SMS packages for 30, 60 and 100 messages.

The cost of 1 megabyte of mobile Internet in this tariff is 10 rubles. Additionally, Win Mobile provides packages "Online Day", "Online Freedom", "Online Month" and "Online Maxi".

"Fast and the Furious"

The "Fast and Furious" tariff is aimed more at Internet lovers. For a monthly fee of 400 rubles, you are offered 15 gigabytes of traffic. Intranet and all-Crimean communications will cost 3 rubles. per minute, but for calls to other operators in the Russian Federation you will have to pay 9, 50 rubles. in a minute. A call to the CIS countries will cost 50 rubles. per minute, and to numbers of international mobile operators - 70.00 rubles. in a minute.

The cost of SMS in Crimea is 2.00 rubles, for operators of the Russian Federation - 2.50 rubles, and for international numbers - 6.00 rubles.

Tariff "At sea"

This tariff includes maximum comfort in communication with all subscribers. So, a minute of conversation in the home network, with subscribers of the Crimea and the Russian Federation costs 3.00 rubles. The tariff for calls to the CIS countries and to the numbers of international mobile operators remained unchanged - 50.00 rubles. per minute and 70.00 rubles. in a minute.

An SMS message to home, Crimean and Russian numbers will cost you 1.95 rubles, and to international numbers - 5.25 rubles.

It is worth noting also the mobile Internet in the "At Sea" tariff. Every 100 MB with the option "Internet at Sea tariff", subject to the fact of using mobile Internet, will cost you 10.00 rubles.

The first 90 days the subscription fee is not charged, but from the 91st day this tariff will cost 1 RUB. in a day.


Krymtelecom operates on the basis of the nationalized equipment of the Ukrainian companies Ukrtelecom and Kyivstar, which was restored with the help of Chinese electronics manufacturers.

Krymtelecom offers its customers as many as five tariff plans, but the most attractive are “My Crimea”, “Contact” and “Super Contact”.

In the tariff plan "My Crimea" the subscriber is provided with 30 free outgoing minutes per day to numbers within the network. At the same time, no money is charged for incoming calls. For the sixth minute of an outgoing call, you will have to pay 0.20 rubles. The cost of a call to other Crimean operators is 1.50 rubles, and to Russian numbers - 5.00 rubles. in a minute. For one SMS sent, you will pay 1 ruble in Crimea, 2 rubles in Russia and 5 rubles to the numbers of foreign operators. Note that there is no subscription fee here.

Rate "Contact" more focused on unlimited communication on the home network and mobile Internet. So, for a monthly subscription fee of 150.00 rubles. you are offered unlimited outgoing calls to home numbers, 5 GB of mobile Internet without speed limit, as well as 100 SMS to numbers of Crimean operators.

Note that calls and sms to other Russian operators remained the same as in the My Crimea tariff plan.

The slightly improved tariff plan is "Super Contact" ... Here, the monthly subscription fee is higher, but minutes and Internet traffic are doubled. In particular, for 300 rubles. per month you get 100 free outgoing minutes in Crimea, unlimited on your home network, 12 GB of Internet traffic without speed limit and 300 SMS to Crimean numbers.

Calls and SMS to other Russian operators here also remain at the level of the My Crimea tariff plan.

To make a call to the CIS, Crimetelecom subscribers will pay 25.42 rubles. per minute (30 rubles including VAT), to Europe - 42.37 rubles. per minute (50 rubles including VAT), and to other countries - 59.32 rubles. per minute (70 rubles including VAT).

Also, Crimetelecom subscribers will be able to connect additional tariff plans for the Internet: Internet S, Internet M, Internet L, Internet XL and Unlimited Internet.

Wave Mobile

Volna mobile provides voice and mobile data services in 2G, 3G, 4G standards in Simferopol, Yalta and Sevastopol. The company started operating in Crimea in 2016. Residents of Crimea and Sevastopol "Volna" offers three convenient tariff plans - "Sun", "Sea", "Wind". Starter package cost - 50 rubles

So, in the tariff "The sun" you will be able to call numbers of operators in Crimea, Sevastopol and Krasnodar Territory for 60 kopecks. per minute. A conversation with a subscriber of a Russian operator will cost you 5 rubles. in a minute. Much more expensive are the services of communication with the numbers of the CIS countries and Europe. To call relatives in Ukraine or Belarus, you will pay 30 rubles. per minute, and for a call to Italy or Belgium - 50 rubles. in a minute. An SMS to mobile numbers of Russian operators costs 1 RUB, and to numbers of CIS subscribers - 5 RUB. The cost of the mobile Internet is 5 rubles. for 1 MB.

Tariff plan "Sea" assumes a monthly fee of 150 rubles. per month. For this fee, you are given 300 minutes to the numbers of operators in Crimea, Sevastopol and Krasnodar Territory, 300 SMS to mobile numbers in Russia, 3 GB of data traffic, as well as calls to numbers of operators in other regions of Russia - 3 rubles each. in a minute. After using up the package, one minute of conversation in Crimea will cost you 1 RUB.

The final and most expensive plan is "Wind" ... The monthly subscription fee here is 300 rubles. per month. This tariff is ideal for those for whom it is important to always be on the Internet. In particular, the package of services here includes monthly Internet traffic of 10 GB. Calls within Crimea will cost the client 3 rubles. per minute, to the numbers of other Russian operators - 10 rubles. in a minute. SMS to mobile numbers of Russian operators costs 1 RUB.

In addition to the aforementioned tariff plans, subscribers are also offered to activate additional tariff options - "Zero within the network" (home unlimited), "Travel within Russia" (incoming and outgoing calls within Russia - 3 rubles per minute), "Calls within Russia" (2 RUB per minute to Russian numbers), Internet in the phone (2 gigabytes of traffic per month) and Extend speed (1 gigabyte of traffic).


Sevastopol mobile operator SevMobile has also recently been operating. The company opened its representative offices in a federal city in February 2016. Sevmobile offers its customers a choice of six tariff plans - Radio Nanny, My City, My Choice, My Internet 5, My Internet 15 and My Internet Unlimited. Starter package cost - 30 rubles

In the tariff "Radio Nanny" the monthly subscription fee is 30 rubles. For this, the subscriber receives 300 minutes for three favorite SevMobile numbers, 300 minutes for one favorite city number of Sevtelecom, 100 SMS within the SevMobile network, as well as unlimited mobile 3G Internet at a speed of 64 Kb / s. Calls to mobile phones of other operators of the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol will cost you 1.5 rubles. per minute, and to landline numbers - 1 rub. in a minute. The cost of an SMS message to Russian numbers is 1.5 rubles.

Tariff plan "My choice" provides a monthly fee of 100 rubles. Here you are provided with 50 Mb of 3G Internet per day, 300 minutes and 100 SMS within the network, 300 minutes to Sevtelecom city numbers. Calls to numbers of other Crimean operators will cost 1.5 rubles. per minute, and to the numbers of Russian mobile companies - 6 rubles. in a minute.

The most free is the tariff plan "My city" ... For 180 rubles. per month you get unlimited within the network and to city numbers of Sevtelecom, 90 minutes per month to numbers of Crimean operators, unlimited SMS within the network, and unlimited mobile 3G Internet at a speed of 64 Kb / s For a call to a Russian operator, you will pay 3 rubles. in a minute.

"My Internet 5", "My Internet 15" and "My Internet Unlimited" - these tariff plans are focused exclusively on active Internet users. So, in the tariff plan "My Internet 5" for 200 rubles. you are charged 5 gigabytes of traffic per month. "My Internet 15" - offers you 15 gigabytes of traffic for 400 rubles. For no limit, you will have to pay 900 rubles.

Note that the cost of calls to the home network and to the numbers of Crimean operators in these tariff plans is 3 rubles. per minute, and calls to Russia - 10 rubles. in a minute.

What should you choose?

Summing up our review, we can conclude that the most convenient operator for calls within Crimea is MTS (“Additional 100 minutes” service for 1.5 rubles per day). Firstly, this operator covers the entire territory of the peninsula, and secondly, it provides very favorable conditions for communication within the network.

The priority operator for using the Internet will be Win Mobile (Forsage tariff - 400 rubles per month for 15 gigabytes of traffic) - if you need a lot of traffic, Crimetelecom (tariff "Contact" - 150 rubles per month for 5 gigabytes of traffic) the best traffic-price ratio, as well as "Sevmobile" ("RadioNyanya" tariff - unlimited with a speed limit for 30 rubles per month). The main disadvantage of the latter is the fact that the operator operates only in Sevastopol.

To make profitable calls to mainland Russia numbers, Win Mobile will suit you, where by activating the “My Russia” service (3 rubles per day), you will pay only 2 rubles. per minute of outgoing call.

The most economical is the Sun. The subscription fee is 0 rubles, for the numbers of the Crimea and Krasnodar Territory, the payment for calls is 1 kopeck per 1 second.

Tariff Sea for smartphones. There is a monthly fee - 150 rubles per month. To the numbers of the Crimea and Krasnodar Territory 350 free minutes. The fee includes 3 GB of Internet traffic, calls and SMS are free on the internal network.

For those who wish to connect the Internet via a SIM card - there is tariff Wind. The subscription fee is 300 rubles per month. The amount of allowed traffic per month is up to 10 GB.

You can connect additional services:

  • Internet speed extension by 1-5-10 GB. Accordingly, the price for their connection is 50-200-300 rubles.
  • Internet in the phone - monthly fee 90 rubles.
  • Zero within the network - a monthly fee of 30 rubles, all calls within the network are free.
  • Calls all over Russia - a monthly fee of 60 rubles per month, 1 minute at a reduced price - 2 rubles.


The MTS operator provides in Crimea for 2020 the "Super MTS" tariff. Buying a card costs 50 rubles, these funds are immediately credited to the client's account, and then he spends them at his own discretion.

There is no subscription fee, incoming calls are free. Outgoing calls within Russia from Crimea 75 kopecks per minute. To numbers in Ukraine - 2 p 50 kopecks. A call to the number of another Russian operator from Crimea costs 1p 30 kopecks.

Outgoing calls to landline telephones in Russia are expensive. Ukraine - 9 p. 50 kopecks, Russia - 10 rubles. In one minute. SMS messages within Russia 1p. 50 kopecks, for other operators 1p. 95 kopecks, MMS - 6 rubles. 50 kopecks

Also, this tariff has free use of mobile Internet for 15 days from the moment the number is connected.

Tariffs for the Internet in Crimea from the MTS operator:

  • Mini Bit. Available immediately after purchasing the package, the client receives 10 MB per day for 10 rubles. Payment is debited from the account on a daily basis upon use.
  • Bit Smart. For 8 rubles per day, the user will receive 75 MB of traffic.
  • SuperBit Smart. For 3 GB of traffic, they suggest paying 12 rubles every day.

Beeline in Crimea

There is no Beeline operator in Crimea. This connection does not work even if the card is purchased in Russia. Communication does not work on the territory of Crimea. In order to have access to Beeline services from a Russian number, in Crimea, you should connect to other cellular operators that act as intermediaries: K-telecom, Sevtelecom, Krymtelecom.

Megaphone in Crimea

The main office in Crimea is located in Sevastopol, for all complex issues you need to contact there.

The operator of the Megafon network offers the Crimea service, it is connected in order to use the connection from the operator of interest in the territory of Crimea. Connection is free, subscriber. fee 15 rubles. per day.

You can connect the service via SMS, personal account, USSD request. You can disable the service through your personal account.

Megafon has one more service "Unlimited incoming calls to Crimea". The rate of incoming calls is free. Abon. payment per day - 30 rubles.

"Internet in Crimea" from Megafon. Connection is free, payment for 60 MB of traffic is 99 rubles. It is connected through a personal account or by a call to the contact center. Payment is made periodically. Every time a user uses the amount of traffic that he paid for, he will need to replenish the fee in order to continue using the Internet.

VinMobile in Crimea

Operator VinMobile Crimean. It does not work in Russia. Coverage from VinMobile across Crimea, Krasnodar Territory.

Arriving in Crimea, every tourist can purchase a VinMobile operator card. The starter package price is 50 rubles. They will be credited to your account immediately. On-net calls are free. To a Russian landline number - 10 rubles per minute. To the number of another operator in the territory of Crimea - 1 ruble. Message - 1p. 50 kopecks.

How to top up an account on a mobile phone in Crimea

On the territory of Crimea, you can replenish the accounts of any existing operator through terminals located in supermarkets, via WebMoney (instant replenishment). Also online through RNKB Internet banking, or through the terminal for replenishment and payment for services at the terminal in the RNKB bank.

Money is credited to the account quickly. There are no delays.

The best SIM card for Crimea is a SIM card from MTS. We have seen this from our own experience. MTS subscribers arriving in Crimea are served in the network of the local operator Win mobile without any roaming. All service packages included in your tariff will work in full - a proven fact.

More than four years have passed since the return of Crimea to Russia, and Russian mobile operators still do not work on the peninsula - they mean MegaFon, MTS, Beeline and Tele2. This creates difficulties for travelers and those who are in the region on business issues. But MTS does not have such difficulties - we enter Crimea and communicate as if we had never left.

A phone with an MTS SIM card in Crimea will work the same as in the home region. But there are some subtleties (they also allow you to save on calls):

  • On tariffs without a monthly fee, you must activate the option "Russia is at home everywhere". It will cost 7 rubles / day, all included within its framework will be free, outgoing - 3 rubles / min;
  • On package tariffs where those included in trips across Russia are paid ("My Unlimited", "Smart Unlimited" and "Smart", "Smart Mini", "Smart Nonstop" and "Hype"), you should use the option "Home package Russia" for 15 rubles / day (there is a version for 100 rubles / month). Inbox becomes free, all packages are still valid. The Internet package works regardless of whether you have connected the option or not;
  • The tariffs "Our Smart", "Smart TOP", "Smart Zabugorishche" and "ULTRA" do not need to be connected - these tariff plans keep the home tariffication in Crimea completely, without additional options.

Thus, it is best to take a SIM card from MTS to Crimea - both for the Internet and for calls.

The version of the option "Home package Russia +" is valid for a whole month for 100 rubles - the best option for long trips and business trips.

We go to Crimea with Beeline

Russian cellular operators do not work in Crimea, therefore Beeline subscribers are served here on the basis of national roaming rights. All incoming and outgoing calls to any Russian numbers cost 2 rubles per minute - the tariffication is the same, even if you call Vladivostok. Sending an SMS will cost 2 rubles / piece, regardless of the destination region. Internet tariffication:

  • The first 3 MB for the current day - 2 rubles / MB;
  • Next 110 MB - 200 rubles one time;
  • Subsequent traffic - 2 rubles / Mb until the end of the current day.

Not the most favorable conditions, but you can go to the Internet in a hotel or in a cafe - via Wi-Fi.

Roaming in Crimea from Tele2

For some reason, the connection from Tele2 was not the cheapest. The cost of the Internet is 3 rubles / MB, all incoming calls are charged at 1 rubles / min. But an outgoing call within the Russian Federation is more expensive than on Beeline - 3 rubles / min. The cost of an SMS within Russia is 3 rubles / pc.

To reduce costs, Tele2 offered the deceptive option "At home in Crimea". It makes incoming calls free - that's all. All other terms of service remain in full. Why deceiving? Because the houses and the prices are lower, and the packages are valid.

If you need unlimited Internet, use the predatory option “Unlimited Internet in Crimea”. The subscription fee is as much as 300 rubles a day (only 50 rubles cheaper than abroad somewhere in Australia, on the other side of the world). The first 200 MB are consumed at the maximum speed, then it is reduced to 128 kbps. Okay, there is a speed limit - God bless him. But 300 rubles for the fact that you use the Internet in your country is sheer greed.

Travel to Crimea with MegaFon

MegaFon has little profitable - a SIM card in Crimea will work, but only in conditions of national roaming. It has not yet been canceled, so we have to endure. Basic tariffication of communication services at all tariffs:

  • Incoming calls from Russian numbers (coming from outside the Crimea) - 2 rubles / min;
  • Incoming calls from numbers of the peninsula (including Sevastopol) are not charged (and rightly so);
  • Any outgoing calls within Russia, regardless of the region - 2 rubles / min;
  • Sending domestic SMS - 2 rubles / piece (including across Crimea);
  • Internet traffic - 2.2 rubles / Mb round the clock, without packages.

The option "Unlimited incoming calls to Crimea" will help to reduce the cost of incoming calls to zero - it costs 30 rubles daily.

Two options are automatically connected to each subscriber today - look right now in the LC, most likely, they are already there. The first one is called "Crimea", it costs 15 rubles / day, incoming calls become free, any outgoing calls within the Russian Federation - 4 rubles / min. For some reason, Internet and SMS are becoming more expensive - up to 5 rubles / MB and up to 3 rubles / unit. The second option is called "Internet in Crimea" - it includes 60 MB for 99 rubles.

With what to go to Crimea

This is the situation as of the summer of 2018. The situation can change at any time - the Federal Antimonopoly Service is pressing on mobile operators, forcing them to cancel roaming. Also, a bill is being developed, according to which there should be no roaming on the territory of the Russian Federation.

What to do today? There are no Russian mobile operators in Crimea, therefore we offer to go with MTS, his SIM cards work here just fine - the Internet is fast, it is consumed from the included package (the SIM card is registered in the Win Mobile network, but works without roaming). And no 300 rubles / day, as Tele2 does. If you don't want to change your number, we can offer the following options:

  • Switch from your operator to MTS while keeping the number;
  • Set up call forwarding from MegaFon to a new MTS number;
  • You can purchase an MTS SIM card as a temporary second SIM card - you can put it in the second slot or plug it into a 3G router with subsequent distribution via Wi-Fi.

You can also use free Wi-Fi in the nearest cafe or in your hotel - this is a quite common service in Crimean establishments.

Traveling to Crimea makes cell phone subscribers nervous. The thing is that there are no Russian mobile operators there, they (hopefully - not yet) do not work there. A SIM card for Crimea should provide inexpensive communication services while on the territory of the peninsula. And our experts decided to find the best option.

The summer of 2018 is just getting hotter, the temperature of air and sea water in Crimea is constantly growing. It's time to jump in the car and go to rest. But will the SIM card installed in the phone work in Crimea? There will be, but not on the most favorable terms - they are described in our review.

Apparently, MTS does not consider Crimea to be a legal part of Russia - and this is sad. Because attempts to find out the cost of calls and mobile Internet while staying in the territory of the republic have led nowhere. The "Roaming" section on the official website is silent, the search for information on other pages did not give any information.

Having already written this article, we learned from user comments that MTS provides fairly good communication conditions in Crimea. The comments themselves say this:

Arkady,14 June 2018 About MTS is complete nonsense. 100 rubles all Russia + and you can use your package at home. Verified personally. So Mts is the cheapest in Crimea.

Nikolay,18 June 2018 MTS has additional services Home package Russia and Home package Russia +. Communication conditions are the same as in the home region. The first package is 15 rubles. per day when making calls and using the mobile Internet, for the second package - 100 rubles. per month. I think it is clear that the Home Package Russia service is beneficial to use for a short stay in Crimea, and the Home Package Russia + service - for a long, well, at least 2-3 weeks

For the sake of experiment, we went to the MTS salon and bought a SIM card with a smart tariff and the option "Home package Russia +". The manager assured us that communication in Crimea will work the same as in the home region and no additional expenses will be required. One of these days, one of our employees will go to the peninsula on vacation and test the MTS connection.

Offer from Beeline

The most favorable prices are from local mobile operators in Crimea. But many subscribers do not want to change their number. Beeline has prepared uniform prices for them. Incoming calls are charged at 2 rubles / min, outgoing calls within Russia - 2 rubles / min, SMS - 2 rubles / pc. The Internet is more expensive than that of MTS - the first three megabytes per day are 3 rubles each, then a package of 110 MB is activated for 200 rubles. After its exhaustion, the cost of traffic is 2 rubles / Mb. There are no modifier options on Beeline.

What MegaFon will offer

Among all Russian mobile operators, MegaFon was the most generous. If you go to Crimea, then only with him. MegaFon SIM cards are suitable for both the Internet and calls. Valid rates:

  • Incoming calls from Crimean numbers are free, any others - 2 rubles / min.
  • Calls to mobile and landline Russian numbers - 2 rubles / min.
  • Outgoing SMS within the Russian Federation - 2 rubles / pc.
  • Internet - 2.2 rubles / Mb.

The Internet is not the most profitable, but its cost is easily reduced by the "Internet in Crimea" option. For only 99 rubles you get a 60 MB package. This is enough for communication on social networks and even for calls through instant messengers.

The "Crimea" option opens up alternative tariffication for subscribers. The subscription fee for it is 15 rubles / day, all incoming calls are free. But the cost of other services soars - calls within Russia will cost 4 rubles / min, mobile Internet - 5 rubles / MB, sending SMS - 3 rubles / pc. MegaFon will offer its subscribers one more option - "Unlimited incoming calls to Crimea", the subscription fee for it is 30 rubles / day. Incoming calls are free, but the base cost of other services does not change.

Offer from Tele2

Oddly enough, this operator turned out to be the most expensive. Although everything should have been exactly the opposite. The cost of 1 MB of traffic in Crimea will be 3 rubles, outgoing calls are charged at 3 rubles / min. Inbox costs only RUB 1 / min, which is less than that of competitors. Sending a text message to any phones in the Russian Federation costs 3 rubles.

For the Internet, we recommend the useful option "Unlimited Internet in Crimea". It costs as much as 300 rubles per day and provides an unlimited amount of traffic. True, only the first 200 MB are available at maximum speed. Further, the access speed is limited to 128 kbps. On days when the connection was inactive, the subscription fee is not charged.

A trip to Crimea with Tinkoff Mobile SIM card

Traveling to Crimea with a Tinkoff Mobile SIM card is not very expensive, but minutes and traffic packages do not work here. There is an alternative tariffication in this region. All incoming calls, including those from international numbers, are free. Outgoing calls within Crimea, Sevastopol and Russia are charged at 2.9 rubles / min, outgoing SMS - 2.9 rubles / pc. Worldwide calls cost RUB 49 / min, international SMS - RUB 5.9 / pc. While on the peninsula, the phone is registered in the networks of one of the local cellular operators.

What is the result

Our mobile operators make travel to Crimea expensive. Even the Federal Antimonopoly Service does not help. On the one hand, prices have dropped slightly. But on the other hand, the cancellation of roaming should be a complete preservation of household rates. In the near future it will become a reality - you just need to wait for the actions of our government. So far, we recommend going to the sea with MTS SIM cards.

MTS pleased me with the fact that it has its own towers in Crimea and all communications on the peninsula operate according to the laws of domestic roaming, which means that you can get off either with an expensive tariff, in which, when traveling in Russia, services are provided on the terms of your home region. Or activate the "Russia + Home Package".

MegaFon is more expensive, and the most expensive are Beeline and Tele2 (here's a discounter for you). There is also an alternative option - we come on vacation, buy a local SIM card and install it as a second one, using an inexpensive connection and cheap Internet.

And the best thing is to arrange a real rest for yourself and tear yourself away from your smartphone - you can post fresh photos on social networks in the evening by connecting to one of the public (and free) Wi-Fi points. In addition, in the near future Russian operators will have a new competitor - they will have to adapt to it.

UPD:Our employee traveled to Crimea with an MTS SIM card, as we described above, by activating the "Russia + Home Package" option. As practice has shown, in fact, MTS does not consider the presence of a subscriber in Crimea for roaming and the Internet, and minutes are deducted from the package, while the money is not spent.

The cheapest 3 4 Profitable terms 5

Most modern people use smartphones every day. This technique differs from conventional phones in that it has a large touch screen and many extras. opportunities. Among them are access to any Internet resource, installation of various applications of interest. Now, using a smartphone, you can pay for various services, manage your finances, order goods in stores, etc. But all this would be impossible without mobile internet. Telecom operators offer many different tariff plans for connection, including Internet traffic. There are several large companies in Crimea that provide subscribers with access to the network from a mobile device. Their SIM cards can be purchased at any communication salon or company store. Most mobile Internet tariffs include a package of minutes, SMS, gigabytes of traffic and have a fixed monthly cost. The rating includes the best rates for mobile Internet in Crimea.

Top 5 best tariffs for mobile Internet in Crimea


MTS "Tarifische 500"

Wave Mobile Sea

Crimetelecom "Super Contact"

Wave Mobile Wind

Win-mobile Fast and Furious

Internet traffic, GB



SMS package per month, pcs

Subscription fee per month, rub.

5 Win-mobile Fast and Furious

Large amount of internet traffic at a bargain price
Average price: 400 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.5

A local operator worthy of the ranking of the best, Win-mobile presents several interesting tariff plans. Among them there is one ideal for mobile internet. The Fast and Furious tariff offers 15 GB of Internet for only 400 rubles. per month. To find out information about the remaining traffic, you must enter the following combination: * 815 #. The conditions for calls and SMS are not very favorable here: 1 minute of conversation for Crimean subscribers costs 3 rubles, and SMS - 2 rubles. Win-mobile users in 2015 were able to use 3G mobile Internet. Now a 4G connection is partially supported in the territory of the Republic of Crimea.

15 GB of traffic is enough for watching movies and TV series online, listening to music and unlimited communication in social networks. networks. Additionally, the operator offers to choose a beautiful number, transfer the number, purchase option packages (SMS, minutes, traffic). Main advantages: high traffic volume, excellent cost, availability of SIM cards, good reviews. Disadvantages: unfavorable conditions for calls and SMS compared to other tariffs, lack of a personal account on the website or application.

4 Wave Mobile Wind

Profitable terms
Average price: 300 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

The local operator of the Republic of Crimea "Volna Mobile" has developed unique offers for its subscribers. Among them is the tariff plan "Wind" with a monthly payment of 300 rubles. For this cost, you get 10 GB of Internet traffic at maximum speeds and SMS messages for only 1 ruble. When traveling in Russia, there is the possibility of connecting an additional option, which reduces the payment for the Internet to 1.5 rubles per 1 MB. After the packet is consumed, the speed drops to 32 Kbps, but the operator does not charge an additional fee for this. In addition, you can activate a special option "Extend the speed" and continue using fast Internet.

Volna Mobile provides access to the network using a 4G connection. The network coverage area is the entire peninsula and Sevastopol. The operator has recently released its own mobile application. It is convenient to monitor the status of the account, connect new services, control the balance of the package. There are several options for replenishing an account: through payment terminals, using e-wallets, bank cards, etc. Advantages: convenient application, fast Internet, favorable conditions, excellent customer reviews.

3 Crimetelecom "Super Contact"

A lot of traffic for a small fee
Average price: 300 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The popular local operator Krymtelecom offers the residents of the Republic of Crimea very favorable conditions for using the Internet. For just 300 rubles a month, users get 12 GB of Internet, 100 minutes of conversation and the ability to send 300 SMS. When you are in your home region, all calls to the numbers of the same operator are free, calling subscribers of other operators will cost 1.5 rubles per minute.

In this tariff, many subscribers who use the Internet in a limited amount are satisfied with everything. But active users do not like the fact that after the traffic expires, access to the network is suspended, there is no way to deposit additional funds to buy a few more GB, which was not enough until the end of the month. Among the reviews there are also complaints about the poor quality of communication, but in the near future it is planned to install more than 1000 towers, which should completely solve the problem.

2 Wave Mobile Sea

The cheapest
Average price: 150 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Volna Mobile is one of the most popular local cellular operators in Crimea. It offers the cheapest mobile internet rate. The subscription fee for it is only 150 rubles. per month. The package includes 3 GB of traffic at the maximum speed. This offer is ideal for surfing the internet. In addition, this includes 300 minutes for all calls (within the home network) and 300 SMS. And the number of minutes for calls to Volna Mobile subscribers is not limited. After the traffic expires, the Internet remains at a speed of 32 Kbps. If the subscriber wants to continue using it at the maximum speed, he can activate a special "Extend speed" option. It includes 1 GB for 50 rubles.

All holders of Volna Mobile SIM cards can contact those. support both by calling the hotline and by writing in one of the instant messengers. For convenience, there is a smartphone application. Outside Crimea, 1 minute of conversation costs 10 rubles. to any operator. With the option "Travel in Russia" 1 MB of Internet costs 1.50 rubles. Main advantages: cheap subscription fee, the best tariff for Internet surfing, good reviews about the operator, additional options, applications for a smartphone.

What to look for when choosing a tariff?

We found out what to look for when choosing a tariff:

  • Service package included in the price. Of course, the main criterion when choosing a mobile Internet tariff is the amount of traffic itself. Up to 5 GB per month will be enough for browsing the web and communicating on the social network, 10 GB will be enough to visit entertainment resources with video and music, and at least 15 GB is optimal for watching movies online.
  • Subscription fee. This criterion can be called one of the most important. The tariff is charged monthly and averages 300 rubles. For this price, the subscriber usually receives Internet traffic, minutes of conversation and SMS messages.
  • Connection speed. It determines how quickly web pages and files download.
  • Operators create a mobile application for the convenience of their subscribers. In it, you can monitor the status of the account, the balance of the package and manage options.

1 MTS "Tarifische 500"

The best tariff for unlimited internet use
Average price: 500 rubles.
Rating (2019): 5.0

The best tariff in the Republic of Crimea for those who like to spend time on the Internet is “Tarifische 500”. For a relatively small fee of 500 rubles, the user receives 500 free minutes and SMS, as well as unlimited Internet access. Tariffication in excess of the spent call time included in the package will be 1.5 rubles per minute, and SMS - 2 rubles.

For those who not only actively use the Internet, but also talk a lot, we can recommend other similar tariffs of the same operator - tariff 800, 1500 or 3000. They are all united by unlimited Internet and the number of free minutes and sms corresponding to the name. As with all other MST tariffs, users are invited to use their personal account to check the account status and set the settings.

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