Drawing on the topic of health in the senior group. Abstract of the OOD on valeology and drawing in the senior group “To the Country of Healthy Teeth. Abstract of a drawing lesson "Colors of Summer"

Wood boards and products 27.07.2020
Wood boards and products

Abstract of GCD "Vitamins strengthen the body" (senior preschool age)

Software content:
1. Continue to consolidate the knowledge of children about the benefits of vitamins for our body.
2. To acquaint with the concepts of "vitamins A, B, C, D, E" and the products in which they are contained.
3. To consolidate the knowledge of children about the need for vitamins for the human body, about the benefits of foods that contain vitamins.
4. Develop speech, attention, memory, exercise in guessing riddles.
5. Foster a desire to be healthy.

Integration areas: cognition, communication, music, fiction, physical development.

Preliminary work: talking about vegetables and fruits, looking at pictures, describing them; games "4th extra", "Know the taste, smell", "Wonderful bag".
Material: doll "Vitaminka", pictures of vegetables and fruits and products that contain vitamins, multi-colored petals with groups of vitamins (magic chamomile), "Ladybug", a basket with vegetables and fruits (you can use dummies).
GCD move:
Educator: Guys, today we will find out about the most useful products. Do you know what are the most useful products? (vegetables, fruits, berries).
- Guys, why are vegetables, fruits and berries so useful? (they have a lot of vitamins)
Mysterious music sounds, a guest of "Vitaminka" appears.
Vitamin: Hello guys! My name is Vitaminka.
Do not get carried away with chocolate food,
Very sweet, salty
Oh, beware.
Only vegetables and fruits -
Delicious products!
Yes! Yes! Yes!
Educator: Yes, guys, vitamins are necessary, like the sun, air, and water - you can't argue with that ...
Vitamin: I really love riddles. What about you guys? (Yes) If you guess the riddle, you will see the answer.
Tall children lay down in the garden,
All the guys are great and are called ... (cucumbers)
Ivan ordered a purple caftan for himself,
There was no better caftan than a caftan in ... (eggplant)
Walked along the garden bed along the fence
An army of brave patrol.
Holds the peaks of a hundred hands
Bitter grows up ... (onion)
The red maiden was born in a dungeon
Deftly threw the scythe out the window.
Autumn is coming, pulled out ... (carrots)
Chubby brothers in the house languish,
They are not at all bad in the green house.
They boil them in broth and call them ... (peas)
The teacher: How to call all these pictures - answers in one word? (vegetables) This fruit is oblong,
Rich in vitamins.
It is boiled, it is dried.
It is called ... (pear)
He's with orange skin
That looks like the sun.
And under the skin - lobules,
Have you counted how much?
We will give a share to everyone,
We'll eat everything one by one. (Orange)
Red, ruddy,
I grow on a branch.
Adults love me
And, of course, kids. (Apple)
Among the leaves of emerald
Many wonderful bunches are ripening.
They consist of berries,
They have a wonderful scent
And we call them ... (grape)
Although he is very sour
We will put in tea ... (lemon)
Educator: What is one word to call all these pictures - answers? (fruits)
Vitamin: All vegetables and fruits contain a lot of nutrients. When we eat them, our body receives a large supply of vitamins so that we are healthy and not sick.
Educator: in autumn, a large harvest of vegetables and fruits ripens. It is not possible to keep everything fresh. They can deteriorate from long storage. What do adults do to keep harvested crop for the whole winter? (canning vegetables, fruits, making jam, making compotes ...)
Vitamin: Fruit can also be dried. Dried fruits are called dried fruits. Even when dried, they retain a lot of vitamins. You have probably seen and tasted raisins - these are dried grapes, dried apricots - dry apricots. A very tasty and healthy compote is prepared from dried fruits, which you get for lunch.
Educator: Guys, what time of year do you think we get the most vitamins? (summer, autumn)
Physical education:
We are standing in a vegetable garden (stretching - arms to the sides)
We are surprised by nature.
Here is the salad, and here is the dill (right hand touch the left foot and vice versa)
Let's work with you
We will declare battle to the weeds -
We will rip out by the roots,
Yes, squat lower (forward bends, squats)
We go to the orchard (walking in place)
We inhale the apple aroma (deep breaths)
We want to pluck them from the tree (alternately raise the right, then the left hand up)
But we can't get them from the branches (shrug their shoulders, spread their arms to the sides)
We'll take the stairs with you (imitate climbing stairs)
We will collect all the apples (imitate picking apples)
Educator: Guys, look at our magic chamomile, on its petals are written the main vitamins, which are indicated by large Latin letters. On the back of the chamomile are painted foods that contain these vitamins.
Vitamin A is a vitamin for growth and vision; it is abundant in butter, liver, vegetables and red fruits such as carrots and apricots.
B vitamins are very important for the functioning of the brain and the whole organism; they are contained in oil, meat, bread, cereals.
Vitamin C protects the body from various diseases, strengthens blood vessels. This vitamin is found in all fruits and vegetables, most of all in black currants, rose hips, lemons, oranges, sauerkraut, garlic and onions.
Vitamin D is essential for our bones, it is very abundant in liver, meat, animal fats.
Vitamin E is very important for the development of the body; it is found in animal and vegetable fats, cereals and other foods.
Vitamin: Guys, who's that buzzing over there? Yes, this is the ladybug that flew to the magic chamomile. Let's play with her and our magic chamomile. You will need to guess what vitamins are contained in the offered fruits, vegetables and foods. (Pictures with pictures are used. For correct answers, children receive chips from colored paper. Whoever gets more chips wins the game).
Vitamin: You guys played so well, now guess another riddle.
It comes in all colors
It contains a bunch of vitamins
I'm always ready to drink it,
There is no better drink!
He's carrot and tomato
And the taste and color is pleasant.
So that you can become healthy,
Drink more fruit ... (juice)
V-l: Well done, you correctly guessed the riddle of our Vitaminka. Did you know that the juice is not only very tasty, but also healthy drink and it can still be a wonderful medicine. For example, onion juice - for a cold, for sore throat, and if with honey, then for coughing. Cabbage juice can help relieve pain. Radish juice is used for coughing.
Vitamin: You guys are so great! You rightly said that there are more vitamins in summer and autumn. Lack of vitamins in the body is called vitamin deficiency, so in winter and spring vitamins must be bought at the pharmacy. They need to be consumed in certain doses, how many knows how? (1-2 tablets per day), and when using vitamins purchased at a pharmacy, you must carefully study the instructions.
Educator: Guys, vitamins are substances that our body needs to correct work and assimilation of food, they increase efficiency, resistance to disease, promote growth. If there are not enough vitamins in food, a person starts to get sick, becomes lethargic, weak, sad.
Vitamin: Guys, I didn’t come to you empty-handed and brought you a gift, and you’ll guess what it’s for, because today you have learned so much interesting about vitamins. (Vitaminka distributes apples to children. Children discuss with their teacher what vitamins are contained in apples, how they are useful).

Purpose: To form in children the concept of "health" of a person. Develop a desire to take care of your health, support with different types of activities.
Material: a chest, a crossword puzzle, riddles, a list of questions for a word game in pictures, schemes for a m / n game "Little Men", an apple - a puzzle with proverbs, a bag in groceries, cards with vitamins and poems, a mirror cut from a sheet of "mirror" , markers, pencils, music.
Educator: A chest appeared in our group today!
It reads: "A wonderful box of wise things for older guys!"
Let's see! There are so many interesting items here! What are they for us?
Do you know what a crossword puzzle is? These are dummy tasks.
You need to find words for the given conditions. And the conditions here are riddles! We listen carefully and guess the words in the cells.

1. I saw my portrait.
Moved away - no portrait.
And shines and shines,
It does not flatter anyone, -
And he will tell anyone the truth -
He will show him everything as it is. (Mirror)

2. The rain is warm and thick,
This rain is not easy:
He is without clouds, without clouds
Ready to go all day (shower).

3. Slips away like a living
But I will not release it.
Foaming with white foam
Do not be lazy to wash your hands!

4. I walk, I do not wander through the forests,
And through the mustache, through the hair,
And my teeth are longer
Than wolves and mice.

5. Elastic band - Akulinka
I went for a walk on the back.
And while she was walking
The back has become pink.

6. I am not a sea or a river,
I am not a lake, not a pond
But like morning or evening -
People all run to me.

7. Silver trumpet,
From the pipe - water
The water runs and flows
Into the whiteness of the well
There are two brothers on the trumpet,
They sit and have fun.
One in a red caftan,
The second one is in blue
Both brother friends
They are in charge of water.
(Wash basin)

8. Bone back,
Stiff bristles
Friends with mint paste
Serves us diligently.
Educator: Let's summarize, let's read the word in the red strip, vertically! This word is "health". And the crossword puzzle told us what the objects in the chest want to tell (about health), what to teach (to be healthy)!

2. Educator: What kind of strange book is this, there are pictures, but not all of the text!
VERBAL GAME “I will start, and you continue! "
Purpose: To develop the ability to start, come up with the end of the sentence. Clarify and expand the understanding of the concept of "healthy person".
1. Healthy person- this is…
2. My health ...
3. Sometimes I get sick because ...
4. When I am sick, they help me ...
5. When a person has something in pain, he ...
6. When I think about my health, I want to ...
Educator: Do exercises!
Wish from the chest:
Cheerful movements
Useful movements
Who deals with them,
Worth respect
Who deals with them,
Health picks up
And who is not engaged-
With diseases, he will reap.

3. Educator: What is in the magic chest for charging? Look, amazing little people.
M / P GAME "Little Men" (schemes)
Purpose: To develop the ability to understand a schematic representation of a person, his movements, accurately perform a given exercise. Give an opportunity to relax the muscles of the body, get + emotions.
Stroke: Children show movements from the pictures on the cards.
On the box with the game:
Every day in the morning
Doing exercises
We like it very much
Do it in order.
Educator: Let's get together!
Wish from the chest:
So that you do not get sick
And don't catch a cold
You are always charging
Should be engaged.

4. Educator: There is a magic apple for health in the magic chest. Whoever collects its parts, understands all his wisdom, will gain health.
Developing GAME: "APPLE - puzzle for health!"
Purpose: To give knowledge about health through folk wisdom in proverbs.
Move: It is necessary to collect the apple from the pieces, explaining the proverbs.
- "Health is more valuable than wealth." Wasted health will not be returned by any doctors, no matter how much you pay.
- "Health can not be bought." Health is given to us by nature, if a person loses it, then it will be very difficult to return it, you will have to take a lot of treatment.
- "Disease does not paint a person." A sick person always looks bad, becomes irritable, capricious.
- "You will be healthy - you will get everything" A healthy person will achieve everything, he will cope with all matters.
- “Everything is healthy for a healthy person” A healthy person is happy about everything, sees only good around him.

Wish from the chest: “Here is a ripe apple for health with useful advice. Follow the advice, keep your health! "

5. Educator: And what else is healthy for a person to eat? Guess, name and tell. (We expose cards with vitamins for products)
Purpose: To give knowledge about vitamins, their usefulness and danger to the human body. Develop cognitive activity, tactile perception.
Stroke: Put fruits and vegetables in the bag. The child senses the object by touch, names it, takes it out and, together with the teacher, talks about the vitamins in this fruit or vegetable.

On the bag:
To be always healthy
There is a lot to learn
And how to eat right
Get vitamins!
Bananas, cereal grains, liver
You are advised to eat everything.
And in coarse bread
There is a valuable vitamin ... (B6).

All kinds of oils are so good
And I advise you:
Eat more often
Products with vitamin ... (E)

Parsley with sorrel are useful
You know how two and two.
In rowan, onion, sea buckthorn
There are vitamins of the group ... (A).

Fish, eggs, pig meat
They contain a lot ... (zinc).

In black currant, rosehip, lemon-
Full of ... (C) vitamin,
He is useful to everyone, guys,
From ARI and FLU!

If you want to be healthy
And do not lie in bed-
Eat beef and cottage cheese:
They contain ... (B12).

Wish for a chest:
I wish you guys
Drink only juices and nectars,
There are watermelons and bananas
Apples, raisins and kiwi
Sweet mango and melon.
Don't get sick, smile!
Try to be healthy!

5. Educator: And what is this handle and leg in the chest? Yes, this is for the "stomp - clap!" Game. We listen to some action. Your task is, if this action is good for a person's health, then clap, if not, then stomp.
M / n game Purpose: To give knowledge about healthy lifestyles.
Move: children perform movements on a verbal signal, observing the rules.
You need to work
Move a little
Keep clean
To be lazy
Do exercises
There are many sweet things
To enjoy life
Get sick
Do physical education
To be sad
To walk alot
To obey the parents
Rarely wash your face
Dress warmly
Be friends

Abstract of GCD in senior group on the topic: Healthy lifestyle

Author: Bykova Natalya Ivanovna, educator.
Place of work: MDOU "Child Development Center-Kindergarten No. 110", Petrozavodsk, Republic of Karelia

Summary of classes in the senior group. Topic: "If you want to be healthy."

Educational areas: Cognitive development, speech development, social and communicative development, artistic and aesthetic development.
Target: to bring to the consciousness of children the need to respect themselves and others.
1. Cognitive development: To give an idea to children about the structure and functioning human body; continue to teach to independently monitor their health, to know the simplest methods of self-healing (gymnastics for the eyes), to consolidate knowledge about the rules of caring for your body, about useful and unhealthy products.
2. Social and communicative development: Develop the speech of children; activate the words in the children's dictionary: health, organ, organism, dentist, ENT, ophthalmologist. Teach children to be friendly, attentive to each other, reinforce the ability to make assumptions and draw the simplest conclusions.
3. Artistic and aesthetic development: To consolidate the ability to draw a person's face with a pencil.
Materials and equipment: slices of tangerine and garlic in jars, audio recordings: "Sounds of nature", song "Smile", lyrics. M. Plyatskovsky. muses. V. Shainsky; pictures of useful and unhelpful products for didactic games, a package from the Wise Owl with personal hygiene items (toilet and household soap, toothpaste, washcloth, handkerchief, towel, toothbrush, clothes brush, hairbrush, mirror, packing with cotton swabs, packaging wet wipes, wrapping paper handkerchiefs; paper-cut mirror stencils, colored pencils.
Preliminary work: conversations about cultural and hygienic skills, didactic games "Guess the mood", "Name the objects", "What does the doctor need?" ...
Move: I. Organizational moment: The first verse of B. Okudzhava's song “Let's say compliments to each other” sounds.
Educator: Guys, what is a compliment? What are compliments for when communicating with people? Say compliments to each other so that a small radiant sun settles in everyone's heart and warms the soul with its warmth.
Children pass a toy-sun to each other and say a compliment.
Educator: And to you, my dear children, I also want to say compliments. You have such beautiful faces and smiles. There is so much warmth and light in your eyes that when I meet you, I forget about sad things, I rejoice and smile. I have good mood, and a good mood is a guarantee of health. What do you think we are going to talk about today? (about health).
II. Main part.
1). Educator: We have already talked about the fact that we are all different in character, appearance. And what is the same for us? Tell me, what do all people have in common? (all people are the same in physical structure: everyone has a head, torso, arms, legs, etc.) Let's play.
Movement game: "Body parts".
We name the words: (3 claps)
Forehead, back of the head, head, (children show parts of the body).
Neck, shoulders, fingers, nails,
Fists, palms, elbows,
Nose, belly, knees, heels,
Lips, hips and shoulder blades.
We study parts of the body,
We call the parts of the body.
Educator: Guys, what do you think is the most important part of the body?
In the course of the conversation, children come to the conclusion that all parts of a person's body are important.
2). Educator: Tell me, why does a person need eyes? (to see) The eyes are a very important and delicate organ, so the body itself protects it. What kind of helpers do the eyes have? (eyebrows, eyelids, eyelashes).
Educator: Yes, sweat will flow from the forehead - the eyebrows will stop it. And eyelashes will protect you from dust. The eyes work all day: we read, draw, watch TV. Our eyes get tired! Therefore, we must remember what is harmful and what is good for our eyes. What do you think is bad for the eyes? (read lying down, in transport; watch TV for a long time; sit at the computer for a long time; rub your eyes with dirty hands).
Educator: It is very useful to do gymnastics for the eyes.
Gymnastics for the eyes.
One to the left, two to the right,
Three up, four down.
And now we look in a circle,
To see the world better.
Educator: Guys, when you need an eye test, which doctor will you go to? (to the optometrist) How can a doctor help a person if he sees poorly? (will write out points).
Draw the attention of the children to the child in the group who is wearing glasses, invite the children to tell them why they need to be careful with this child.
3). Educator: Here is the mountain, and by the mountain
Two deep burrows.
The air wanders in these holes,
It comes in and out. What is it? (Nose).
Educator: What is a man's nose for? (A person breathes through his nose).
Educator: Of course, you can breathe through your mouth too! But this is inconvenient and not useful. But the nose is remarkably adapted for breathing. The air we inhale before entering our body travels along long corridors in the nose. All the walls of these corridors are covered with small cilia that sway all the time. Dust particles that have fallen along with the air adhere to them. And when you exhale, the dust particles fly out. If something heavier gets in the nose, we sneeze. Show me what to do when you sneeze? (children cover their nose and mouth with their hands) Why? (children's answers).
Educator: Guys, what else is a nose for? (to smell).
The teacher invites the children to stand around the table, close their eyes, smell and guess what it is. The teacher first brings a tangerine, then garlic. Children guess.
4). Put on an audio recording of the sounds of nature.
Educator: What have you heard? And how do we hear sounds? (ears) What we call "ears" are the auricles. They themselves do not hear, but only pick up the sound. And the most sensitive and delicate part of our ear is at the end of the ear canal. Why can't you pick your ears with sharp objects? (you can damage the ear, the person begins to hear poorly or becomes completely deaf) What else is harmful to the ears? (very loud music, screams). From this, a person ceases to hear quiet sounds.
Educator: And which doctor treats ears and nose? (ear-nose-throat, ENT)
5). Educator: Guys, Arina recently told me that she had a tooth. And our Veronica lost two teeth. What is this going on? Why did our children start losing teeth? (milk teeth fall out, and molars begin to grow in their place) It is true, our children are growing new, white, beautiful teeth! Teeth are the strongest parts of our body. They are covered with a layer of white enamel, as hard as the ivory from which billiard balls are made. But they do not split at very strong blows! And so that our teeth always remain the same strong, healthy and beautiful, let's remember what we need to do?
(Brush your teeth twice a day: in the morning after breakfast, in the evening before bedtime. After each dose, rinse your mouth warm water... Never eat hot and cold food at the same time. Do not eat sweets before bed and in large quantities. Go to the dentist's office).
Educator: Which doctor treats teeth? (dentist)
Educator: Guys, what is bad for your teeth? (gnaw bones, gnaw nuts, bite a thread, pick in teeth with iron objects). Why? (can be damaged tooth enamel). Please help me figure out which foods are good for teeth and which are not.
6). Didactic game "Choose healthy foods». On the table are pictures depicting various products. Children divide pictures into two groups: healthy and non-healthy products for teeth. (Useful: milk, cottage cheese, eggs, cheese, raw and boiled vegetables, fresh fruits; not useful: sweets, cake, chocolate in large quantities). Difficulty: to which group to include Walnut, hard drying and crackers. Children independently come to the conclusion: what is inside a nut shell is useful, but you cannot gnaw nuts with your teeth, you need to split with special tongs, dryers and crackers are useful, but breaking them better hands, or soak in warm tea.
7). The teacher draws the attention of the children to the box.
Educator: Guys, a wise owl flew in this morning and left you a box and a letter. “Dear children! This wonderful box contains various essential items for health. Guess them by touch and tell us what they are for. " Let's see what's in it?
Didactic game "Wonderful box".
Children alternately identify objects by touch, name them, take them out of the package and explain what they are intended for and how to use them, pay attention that these objects are for personal use.
III. Final part. Educator: Guys, why do you think there is a mirror here and how can it help our health? (children's answers).
There is an inscription on the mirror, the teacher reads:
He is your portrait, like you in everything.
If you laugh, he will laugh too.
You jump - he jumps towards you.
Cry - he cries with you.
Educator: But the truth is, guys, when you look in the mirror and are sad, your mood worsens, and when you smile, it improves. And a good mood and a smile are like protection from diseases. Let's draw our wonderful mood in these "mirrors", share a smile with the people around us, so that everyone is healthy.
While the children are doing the work, put on an audio recording of the song "Smile". Consider work with children, offer to decorate a mood corner with them.

Sections: Working with preschoolers


  • To acquaint children with non-traditional drawing techniques;
  • To form an idea of ​​children about the vitamins contained in fruits.



  • To acquaint with the drawing technique - impression with a foam rubber sponge;
  • Strengthen the skills of working with plasticine, using the smear technique;
  • Improve general and fine motor skills.


  • Develop auditory and visual attention;
  • Contribute to the development of aesthetic perception;
  • Develop the ability to listen carefully to the teacher and their peers;
  • Develop a sense of texture, volume.


  • To form educational skills (perseverance, accuracy in work);
  • To cultivate artistic taste;
  • Foster sympathy for someone else's misfortune and a desire to help.

Preliminary work:

  • Reading of K. Chukovsky "Doctor Aibolit";
  • Talking to children about the health benefits of fruits.

Material for the lesson:

  • paper blank - lemon;
  • paper dove;
  • letter;
  • cards with riddles;
  • gouache yellow and green flowers;
  • plasticine yellow color;
  • palette;
  • two foam sponges of different sizes;
  • lemon pits;
  • large envelope with an inscription;
  • treats for children (lemon wedges);
  • fresh fruits or dummies of lemon, tangerine, orange, grapefruit.

Course of the lesson

The teacher enters the group with the children and draws their attention to the guests present.

Educator: Guys, guests have come to us today and want to see what we have learned and what we can do. Shall we share our experience and knowledge?

Children: Yes.

Educator: Then go to the rug. Sit next to each other, like a month in a semicircle.

Children sit on the carpet in front of the teacher. The teacher draws the attention of children to an object hanging over their heads.

Educator: Look what kind of bird flew to us ?

Children: This is a dove.

Educator: Right. He has a letter in his beak. I wonder who is it from?

The teacher unties the letter and shows it to the children

Children: This is from Dr. Aibolit.

Educator: Quite right. Listen, and I'll read it to you.

The teacher reads out the text of the letter:

« Hello guys! There is trouble in Africa!
Crocodiles, monkeys, parrots and gazelles fell ill.
They need vitamins!
Help find them.
I need to send fruit,
To cure animals from colds as soon as possible! "

Educator: Let's help Aibolit?

Children: Of course, we will help.

Educator: And to find out in which fruits there are vitamins, you need to guess riddles.

The teacher, when the children guess the riddle, shows the guessed fruit.

So like an orange,
It differs all the same.
And bitterness, and size,
Yes, and it is sour in moderation.
This fruit is so huge.
The whole family will eat at home. (grapefruit)

He came to us from China,
And since then they don't forget
V new Year gifts
Put and the ball is bright.
It has orange slices
Look how many of them are here! (mandarin)

It is both juicy and fragrant,
And outside is golden
There are many slices in it, friends,
For you and for me. (Orange)

Yellow like a canary
Manage to bite it off!
After all, without sugar, friends,
You can't eat it! (lemon)

Educator: Well done! The riddles have been guessed. We need to send yellow lemons to sick animals. Let's get to work.

Children sit down at the tables.

Educator: Remember, guys, what is the core of a lemon?

Children: Juicy, soft, yellow.

Educator: In order to make it soft and juicy, we take plasticine, pinch off small pieces and spread them on our lemon blank.

Children doing work

Educator: How many knows what can be found in a lemon if you cut it?

Children: Juice, bones.

Educator: Right. So we will decorate our fruit with a lemon stone so that it looks like a real one.

Children attach lemon seeds to plasticine .

Educator: Now close your eyes and remember what lemon feels like.

Children: It is rough, bumpy.

Educator: Now we are going to make the lemon peel. For this we need yellow paint and a foam sponge. Press the sponge against the paint palette and apply an impression on our workpiece. But one barrel of fruit might not have ripened and remained green. For green paint, use a smaller sponge.

The caregiver walks between the tables and helps the children if help is needed.

Educator: Something we have sat too long with you. Want to play a game?

Children: Of course we do.

An outdoor game "Fly, ride, float."

Children stand in a circle one after another. Listen carefully to the teacher's command. When the teacher says: "The letter is going," the children walk in a circle and use their hands and sounds to depict a train. To the command: "The letter flies", children, depicting the wings of an airplane with their hands, switch to light running. When it sounds: "The letter is floating," children walk in a circle, depicting waves with their hands.

Educator: We played and rested. Our lemons are dry, let's admire them.

The teacher shows the work of children, discusses the work done

Educator: Here healthy fruits and ready. Who can tell us how we made lemons?

Children's answers.

Educator: We can put our fruit in a large envelope and mail it to Africa for sick animals.

All the guys are great!
Coped with the task.
And they helped the animals,
And they did not let me down.
And so now
Let's eat marmalade.
And to strengthen health,
We'll go for a walk later.

The teacher treats the children and goes for a walk with them (you can take an excursion to the post office and send a letter).

Olga Pilipenko
Abstract of the OOD on valeology and drawing in the senior group "To the Country of Healthy Teeth"


Consolidate children's knowledge of foods that are good for teeth and those that contribute to the development of their diseases;

Provide basic information about vitamins and their benefits for human health;

Foster a desire to take care of your own health

Continue introducing children to non-traditional techniques drawing(via stencil attachment: apply paint with a foam sponge);

To develop in the child a sense of beauty, creative imagination, fantasy, observation, attention, aesthetic taste, a sense of color;

To cultivate accuracy in work.

Dictionary: caries, flux, toothache, vitamins.


Ribbed board, rope, cardboard footprints; pictures of butterflies, flowers; dummies of vegetables, fruits, confectionery; toothbrush, baskets, teddy bear and bunny toys.

1. Intellectual warm-up.

Why does a person need food?

What are vitamins?

What juice do you like?

- Name it in one word: orange, apple, banana, pear.

- Find the extra: carrots, onions, tangerines, chips.

2. Surprise moment:

Guys who are crying? This is a bear

Ah ah ah. The bear has a flux.

Doesn't go to the doctor: he is a coward.

The bear's cheek was smashed, everything was swollen, swollen.

The whole day he walked and groaned, The bear became completely bad.

He quickly runs to the doctor: "I want to treat a tooth".

The doctor turned on the drill, he quickly treated the bear.

What happened to the bear?

Why do you think his tooth ached?

And what do we do to prevent our teeth from hurting?

3. - And now I invite you to « The country of healthy teeth» .

To get there you need to go without turning off "Magic" tracks ".

(walking on a ribbed board, on a tightrope, on footprints).

And here is the gate that leads to « The country of healthy teeth» ... Let's look at the map on the wall.

Oculomotor gymnastics: glance behind the laser beam, over butterflies, flowers.

And here is someone's house. Let's knock, ...

So this is the home of the Toothbrush Queen « Countries of Healthy Teeth» ... She, a little surprised at our visit, but very happy that we are taking care of our health... And she also asks us to work in her vegetable garden and garden, into which those harmful to teeth products, products are enemies.

Didactic game "What's superfluous?".

(the summoned children put dummies of confectionery in the baskets).

Do you like to eat all these foods?

Do moms give you a lot of sweets at once?

Do you know why they do not give it?

Let's show the Queen Toothbrush that we can always determine which foods are healthy and which are not.

Didactic game "Useful and harmful products"

(children clap on the named healthy products, and stomp on harmful ones).

Harmful products are the enemies of your teeth... Those who eat a lot of sweets have black spots on their teeth, this is a terrible enemy of teeth - caries... At the place where caries appeared, a hole will gradually appear and the tooth will begin to hurt a lot. Eat less if you don't want your teeth to hurt sweets: sweets, cakes, pastries, preserves and drink less sweet water.

Here's a look at the hare love: brushing teeth against carrots.

And all his teeth are intact - sharp-sharp, white-white.

And remember the simple truth -

Only the one who chews raw carrots sees better

Or drinks carrot juice.

Well, in the garden of the Toothbrush there are only products left - friends.

4. - And now the Queen Toothbrush invites us to "Magic workshop" where you can grow a magical countries vegetables and fruits. (children sit at tables)

Finger gymnastics.

As soon as we start to get up, we will immediately unclench our fingers,

We will push them wider, we will strain them harder.

(children stretch their arms forward, spread their fingers, strain them as much as possible, and then relax, lower their arms and shake them slightly)

Painting with paints"Whether in the garden, in the garden"(each child has a stencil of a vegetable or fruit, they are luring with a foam sponge)

Remember the Toothbrush rule weaves:

Children need to eat more foods that contain vitamins. If there are not enough vitamins, the child cannot grow and develop well, he will often get sick.

Well, it's time for us to say goodbye to the Queen Toothbrush and return home from « Countries of Healthy Teeth» ... Goodbye.

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