Tea Chinese philosophy how to lose weight. Is it worth drinking kudin tea for weight loss? Useful properties of Kudin tea

Wood panels and products 27.09.2020
Wood panels and products

For the Chinese, tea is much more than an ordinary drink. The soul and power of tea are deeply imprinted in the Chinese national character. If we take a careful review of Chinese history, we will see that since the time of Shen Nung, every historical phase gives a new impetus to tea, every ideological trend renews the relationship with tea, every local ethnic group has its own specific understanding of tea, every detail of life is imbued with the subtle aroma of tea . From collection, production, preparation and consumption, every step embodies deep cultural meaning. The Chinese discovered tea, and it gradually changed life in China.

Growing in remote mountains, tea absorbs the very essence of nature. Passing through manual processing, tea absorbs human intelligence and talent. Tea, in whose nature harmony and simplicity coexist, wisdom is combined with perfection, best symbolizes Chinese culture as “the unity of naturalness and education.”

Confucius - the founder of Confucianism, who lived more than 2000 years ago - said, “the past is a series of days and nights, succeeding each other without stopping,” regretting the flow of time, like water, running unceasingly forward. A Chinese folk proverb says that “an hour is like a bar of gold, but a bar of gold is not enough to buy an hour.” The ancients recognized the value of time and advised to take every chance and never look back. This is perfectly reflected in tea picking. Time is the most essential factor in harvesting tea leaves. When picked a few days early, the tea leaves are truly priceless. However, stay a few days and you will get quite ordinary tea. Like nothing else, tea picking requires luck.

The famous tea mainly grows in the famous mountains. Since “water and soil breed a certain kind of people,” the development of humanity is closely related to a certain natural environment. Northern people are generous and straightforward, while southerners are reserved and soft. Tea leaves produced in different regions also have a distinct local character, in keeping with the character of the local people.

Huangshan Mountains - the birthplace of the famous tea

Lu Yu said that good tea does not depend on the place of production and manufacturing technique, the key to the quality of tea is the quality of the raw materials. Tea leaves should be “stripped” of their “greenness,” just as natural jade is polished. This is how people’s character softens after life’s trials, they become peaceful and wise. The ancients believed that “near by nature, distant by culture,” meaning that the force that shapes our personality is the quality of our experiences and efforts made after birth.

For high-quality tea roasting, the correct boiler temperature is necessary. Brewing tea requires the correct water temperature. The right temperature, the Chinese emphasize, is everything. “For someone who intends to walk 100 li (a Chinese measure of length, approximately 500 meters), 90 li is only half the distance.” If the water is not hot enough or the dishes are not fully heated, the aroma of the tea will not fully develop. “It’s better not to have anything at all than to have something cheap,” “Excess is worse than lack.” If the tea is overheated during roasting or the water is too hot, the natural taste of the tea will be spoiled and the taste of the drink will be affected.

When brewing tea, the water must be absolutely clean, as well as the tea utensils must be washed. This is consistent with the teaching of Confucius “look in the mirror three times a day” - about the tireless pursuit of moral purity.

The tea ceremony, having absorbed the very essence of Chinese culture, is not a complex ritual, but pure joy for body and soul.

The Chinese, men and women, young and old, have a special affinity for tea. Different types of tea correspond to different phases of human life.

In adolescence, like green tea, ladies are immature and simple. Their knowledge is small and their understanding is just emerging. They are very natural and this naturalness spills out constantly. Although the aroma of green tea is not strong, it is clean and pleasant if you pay attention to it.

In their youth, people are like flower tea, in their blooming years, with a flowery aroma and blossoming dreams. Countless possibilities are open to them. Whatever we add to the tea - jasmine, sweet flowering osmatus or rose - this cup of tea will always be intoxicating. delightful and attractive.

In middle age, people are like black tea, bright and fragrant. They no longer have the freshness and purity of green tea, but they have their own mature charm and charm.

In old age, people are like puer, the older the better. Full of all kinds of stories, the elderly bear the constant imprint of the years they have lived. Despite the dried out, thin, old appearance, the thick and dense taste never ceases to amaze.

Those who revere teas and are knowledgeable in this matter are aware of the miraculous properties that Chinese teas have. In general, this is one of those miracles that can be explained from a logical point of view. Let's try to do this.

In order to find out what substances and microelements are contained in Chinese tea, it is not at all necessary to torment the search engine with queries like “Chinese tea” and others like it. Just read this article and everything will immediately fall into place. So, what is so good, healthy and miraculous contained in tea of ​​Chinese origin? Let's start with polyphenols. This term denotes a variety of phenol derivatives, that is, the simplest representatives of organic aromatics. Polyphenols are powerful antioxidants. It is they, provided that tea is consumed correctly, that can significantly slow down the aging process. Chinese tea contains fifteen to twenty percent polyphenols.

For those who have never drank Chinese tea, experts advise buying pu-erh and starting your acquaintance with it. This type of tea contains a large amount of flavonoids. These natural phenolic compounds, like polyphenols, reduce cholesterol levels in a person’s blood, which has a beneficial effect on overall health. If a person suffers overweight, then flavonoids will help him get rid of extra pounds.

Those who are at risk of cancer should try the Oolong variety: you can purchase oolong with delivery in a specialized online store. why this particular variety? Because it contains a large amount of liposaccharides. These substances, or rather these types of molecules, protect against cancer diseases, and also contribute to the formation of so-called nonspecific immunity. This tea variety contains more than three percent liposaccharides.

Another useful substance, which is part of Chinese tea, is caffeine. Typically, Chinese varieties contain between two and four percent caffeine. This organic compound can have many benefits when used correctly. firstly, it has a tonic effect, and in addition, it qualitatively stimulates the stomach, as well as the associated intestinal tract, and the nervous system.

In addition to the various molecules and organic compounds in Chinese teas contains quite a lot of vitamins and fortified complexes. The most numerous are vitamins of group B and vitamins of group C. These vitamins are necessary to ensure the body’s high-quality metabolic processes, as well as to maintain the nervous system in proper condition.

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In fact, the wording in the title of the article is not correct. Never healthy man will not set such a goal for himself. It would be more accurate to say - not to “lose weight”, but to return to your normal, natural weight.

Therefore, this short article is about how to regain your natural body weight without medications, dietary supplements and without forcing your body, with the help of wise advice from traditional Chinese medicine.

Rules about which we'll talk Below, doctors of traditional Chinese medicine often advise their patients - they pursue precisely this goal. At the same time, those who are supposed to lose weight will lose weight, and those who are supposed to gain weight will get better.

All rules are designed to require patient participation. That's why they are so effective.

They are very simple. You know them, to one degree or another.

Also in this article I will not consider medical aspects related to weight normalization, since the topic of practical application of this knowledge is the topic of theory in in this case is distantly related.

1. For some this is the simplest thing, and for others the most difficult.
Do not eat after 19:00. At all.
The exception is people of the Wind constitution. They can eat after 19.00 if they go to bed late (after 21.00). Then you can drink compote or eat something made from wheat (it calms the Wind well) an hour before bedtime. But, if you have problems with digestion, then only water or compote.
2. Eat less. The volume of food taken at one meal should be no more than your two palms folded together.

3. Eat at the same time.
4. Do not eat incompatible foods. You can see the list of incompatible products.
5. Do not eat unhealthy foods. The list is not healthy products You can view .
6. If you want to lose weight, then you need to drink water before meals. If you want to maintain body weight, then you need to drink water during meals. If you want to gain weight, then you need to drink water after eating.
So, if you want to lose weight, then after eating you should not drink water or other liquids (tea, coffee, compote, soda, etc.) for about two hours.
7. Don't eat without feeling hungry.
8. Don’t eat if: you are irritated, depressed, angry - in general, you are in the grip of strong emotions.
9. Do not sleep after eating for two hours. That is, if you have the opportunity to sleep after lunch, then it is better to sleep until lunch and then eat.
10. Be sure to take at least a short walk after eating. According to Chinese tradition, "at least one hundred steps."
11. Walk at least 7 kilometers a day.

Those who carefully read this site may have noticed that I have already mentioned some of these rules in other articles. Here I wanted to collect only those that are most relevant to normalizing your weight.

So, the ENTIRE diet consists of these relatively simple 11 rules.

Regarding efficiency. From time to time, patients share their successes with me. So, for example, many of those who were overweight managed to lose up to 10 kilograms only by applying one of these rules - “do not eat after 7 pm.”

AND last tip. Don't try to apply all the rules at the same time. If you do not have an unbending will, then it is better to add one rule or two per month - no more. Take one rule and start applying it, and when you are sure that you have definitely started to follow it, add another one. There is no need to rush and then you will definitely reach your goal. How much time it takes is not important, what is important is that in the end you will get a reliable and stable result!

Do not forget that by showing will, you always strengthen the Kidneys. The Kidneys contain the innate energy of Jing Qi, which is responsible for the quality and duration of your life. Therefore, by finding the strength to apply these simple practices, you not only return to your normal natural weight, but also extend your life and improve its quality.

Wu Xing Circle: tea from the perspective of the five elements

Chinese philosophy of Wuxing is based on the interaction of: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water. The energy of each element smoothly flows into the other. Water enriches Wood, which is the basis for Fire. The ash from the flame goes into the Earth, which in turn forms Metal.

Now let's look at Tea from this position:

  • Water is the mother of tea, the most important component of tea drinking. Good water is able to reveal and transform the taste of the drink into better side, bad - spoil the best raw materials.
  • Fire is the father of tea. The taste, properties and aroma of the drink depend on the intensity of water heating. An electric kettle is one thing, and a burner or samovar is quite another.
  • The earth is both the soil that gives birth to bushes and the clay for making dishes. The world of teaware is almost as multifaceted as tea itself. The quality of the dishes largely determines how the notes of a particular variety will be revealed.
  • The tree is the tea leaf itself.
  • Metal is strange at first glance, but its role is played by man. A metal is a product resulting from the interaction of the previous four elements. It absorbs all the properties put into its creation by water, fire, earth and wood. While drinking tea, we pass through ourselves a particle of each element, and it inevitably becomes a part of us. By studying each sip, we learn about tea and its true nature. This is the manifestation of life through 5 main components.

Trinity Theory and Tea

Heaven-Man-Earth are the three components of each phenomenon. From the perspective of tea, they interact as follows:

  • The earth gives birth to a tea bush. The quality and volume of the harvest depends on the structure, humidity, and acidity of the soil.
  • The sky is atmospheric manifestations, temperature, precipitation, humidity. Everything that Heaven gives us, under which the bushes grow.
  • Man binds the elements of Heaven and Earth together, translating them into a finished product. He collects and processes the leaves, tastes the drink, passing it through himself.

When the Trinity is properly observed, with each element in balance with the others, the finished product is perfect in every way.

Tea from a Yin Yang perspective

What are Yin and Yang? This is the fundamental model of everything that exists, where every phenomenon consists of two opposite principles: Masculine (Yin) and Feminine (Yang). It is this division that gives rise to the 5 elements that we talked about above. They are in constant interaction with each other, one generates or suppresses the other, bringing the entire universe into balance.

Yang is the energy of heat, active, predominant, giving away.

Yin energy is a reflection of Yang, it is cold, it represents the Earth, it is a receiving force.

Yang is personified by hot varieties: red, pu-erh, dark oolong. Yin - varieties with cool, refreshing energy: white, yellow, green.

So, tea is not just a drink. This is a philosophy, a reflection of all elements of Life in a single product. The tea state is unity with Nature, the revelation of one's true essence, enjoying reality, and not leaving it.

Women have tried everything in their quest to get rid of excess fat ballast on the body: all kinds of diets, fasting, physical activity, massage, and even hypnosis. However, why look for difficult ways where you can get by? simple methods, closest to nature and corresponding to the capabilities of our body?! These rightfully include the Chinese diet - a technology that allows you to improve your figure without compromising your health and mood.

Video introduction to Chinese nutrition philosophy

What is the secret of the Chinese weight loss method?

The abundance of weight loss methods offered by the Network is captivating. The Internet is literally replete with all sorts of newfangled diets, the range of which is replenished every day. You can’t try everything! Tempted by the abundance of choice, people suffering from excess weight sometimes forget that the most effective and safest thing is the most natural, natural one. Of course, it is interesting to alternate methods all the time, to look for something new, jumping from kefir diet to chocolate, or from moon to orange. But in the process of losing weight, the end result is important, not colorful scenery and exciting adventures, isn’t it?!

Why experiment when you can use a storehouse of ancient knowledge, for example, that comes from China, a state that has bypassed obesity. You've heard that medicine has recognized obesity as a disease of civilization, which has taken virtually the entire globe captive, with the exception, perhaps, of the countries of Asia. Tell me, have you ever seen a fat Chinese man? Do you need any more evidence that the Chinese diet for weight loss is the best method for combating hated fat?!

Do you want to be as touchingly beautiful and slim? Read the secrets below carefully

Chinese food philosophy

Why aren't the Chinese at risk of obesity? Maybe they have some kind of innate magic gene or receive secret vaccinations in childhood? Not at all, they simply eat according to the laws of their ancestors, and are not carried away by fast food and other tasty, but empty and harmful products.

Firstly, the Chinese consume a lot of raw vegetables and fruits. Ancient knowledge suggests that raw food reduces stress on the digestive tract.

Secondly, the Chinese perceive the same vegetables or salad as an independent dish, and not as a bonus to fried potatoes or pilaf, which is often found in our diet. Remember: meat with vegetables is a complete meal that will keep your figure slim.

Third, Chinese medicine pays great attention to the drinking regime. The most beneficial liquid for the body is mineral water, which cleanse the digestive tract of toxins and green tea, which neutralizes the harmful effects of toxins and reduces the feeling of hunger.

And the most important slogan of Chinese beauty: “Food is “fuel” for life, and not a way to get pleasure.”

As you can see, there is no magic, just the wisdom of the ancestors and the absence of a cult of food.

Do you want to eat little and lose weight quickly? Eat with chopsticks and your dream will come true sooner

Menu for weight loss in Chinese

Day #1:

  • day – cabbage salad, one tomato (you can cut it into a salad), a couple of hard-boiled eggs, tomato juice(cup);
  • evening - a piece of fish, cabbage salad.

Day #2:

  • morning – coffee (black, without additives and sugar), crackers;
  • day – a piece of fish, cabbage salad;
  • evening – portion (200 g) of beef, kefir (glass).

Day #3:

  • morning – coffee (black, without additives and sugar);
  • day – carrot salad (cook 3 pieces), a raw egg;
  • evening - apples.

Green tea is your best assistant in the fight against extra pounds

Day #4:

  • morning – coffee (black, without additives and sugar);
  • day – fried parsley or parsnip root, apples;
  • evening – cabbage salad, beef (200 g), a couple of hard-boiled eggs;

Day #5:

  • morning - raw carrot salad with a drop of lemon juice;
  • day – fish (500 g), tomato juice (glass);
  • evening – cabbage salad, a portion of fish.

Day #6:

  • morning – coffee (black, without additives and sugar);
  • day – carrot or cabbage salad, boiled chicken (500 g);
  • evening - raw carrot salad, a couple of hard-boiled eggs.

Day #7:

  • morning – green tea;
  • day – a portion (200 g) of boiled beef, fruit;
  • evening - any menu from the previous options (except for the 3rd day).

See how the wonderful Chinese technique changes women (BEFORE and AFTER photos)

Starting from the 8th day, the diet is repeated, but strictly in order, that is, on the 8th day you should eat according to the menu of the 1st day, on the 9th - according to the menu of the 2nd, and so on.

The Chinese diet is a safe and healthy way to lose weight, cleanse your body of harmful accumulations and get a boost of energy, which, complementing the beauty of your body, will make you perfect.

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