Schizoid personality disorder. Test for schizoid personality disorder Schizoid personality type test

Waterproofing 18.07.2020

Leonhard test result:

Accentuation of character for each type is diagnosed if the 12-point level is exceeded.

Accented personalities are not psychopathological; they are simply characterized by the highlighting of striking character traits.

1. Hyperthymas: 0 points.

2. Excitable: 0 points.

3. Emotive: 0 points.

4. Pedantic: 0 points.

5. Alarming: 0 points.

6. Cyclothymic: 0 points.

7. Demonstrative: 0 points.

8. Unbalanced: 0 points.

9. Dysthymic: 0 points.

10. Exalted: 0 points.

Hyperthymic type. He is almost always distinguished by a good, even slightly elevated, mood, high vitality, energy, and uncontrollable activity. Constantly strives for leadership, and informal leadership at that. A good sense of new things is combined with instability of interests, and greater sociability is combined with promiscuity in choosing acquaintances. Easily adapts to unfamiliar surroundings. Does not tolerate loneliness, a measured regime, a monotonous environment, monotonous work that requires minute accuracy, and forced idleness. Overestimation of possibilities, optimism. Short bursts of irritation are a consequence of the desire to suppress the activity and leadership of others. Self-esteem is usually quite good.

Excitable type. Increased irritability, lack of restraint, aggressiveness, sullenness, “boringness,” but flattery and helpfulness are possible (as a disguise). Tendency to be rude and use obscene language or remain silent and slow in conversation. Actively and often conflicts.

Emotive type (emotional). Excessive sensitivity, vulnerability, worries deeply about the slightest troubles, is overly sensitive to remarks and failures, so he is often in a sad mood.

Pedantic type. High scores indicate rigidity, inertia of mental processes, and long experience of traumatic events. Pronounced tediousness in the form of “experiencing” details, in the service is capable of tormenting visitors with formal requirements, exhausting the family with excessive neatness.

Anxious type (psychasthenic). Low background mood, fears for oneself, loved ones, timidity, self-doubt, extreme indecisiveness, experiences failure for a long time, doubts one’s actions.

Cyclothymic type. Change of hyperthymic and dysthymic phases of behavior. Sociability changes cyclically (high during periods of elevated mood and low during periods of depression).

Demonstrative type. There is an expressed desire to be in the center of attention and achieve one’s goals at any cost: tears, fainting, scandals, illnesses, boasting, outfits, unusual hobbies, lies. Easily forgets about his unseemly actions.

Unbalanced type. The main feature of this type is excessive persistence of emotions, combined with a tendency to form extremely valuable ideas.

Exalted type (labile). Persons of this type are characterized by a wide range of emotional states; they are easily delighted by joyful events and completely despaired by sad ones. Very changeable mood, clearly expressed emotions, increased distractibility to external events, talkativeness, falling in love.

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Online consultation with the author of the “Psychoalgorithm” method:


Galina Ilya Yurievich! Thank you very much for your sessions, which I was lucky enough to take part in. Thanks to them, I have become more confident in many issues and situations that previously caused anxiety and concern. You taught me how to deal with this in a short period of time. It's a pleasure to deal with a high-level professional!

Anna Ilya Yuryevich, it is difficult to find words to express my gratitude to you for your help. I remembered in what state and with what thoughts I met last year, 2017. I remember those feelings of bitterness and anxiety that did not leave me under any circumstances. Finally, I left this desire for self-destruction and now I can breathe differently. Thank you!

Tatiana Thank you, Ilya Yurievich, for the consultation. Indeed, she allowed me to look at my life situation from a different angle. Thanks again!

Vladimir Thank you very much for the consultation! Indeed, I noticed that memories pop up at times when I was in a bad mood or irritable, but I could not understand that this was a defense mechanism. The next time he appears, I’ll try to talk about what exactly causes irritation, instead of plunging into memories.

Daria Many thanks for the help! I am very glad, you helped me understand myself and showed me new way to improve your life!

This schizoid personality disorder test shows whether you show any symptoms of a schizoid disorder or if someone close to you may suffer from such a mental condition.

A person suffering from schizoid personality disorder is considered abnormal by society because he prefers to remain alone. He faces many problems in coping with stressful situations and managing relationships with family and friends. Scientists have found that adverse childhood experiences and environmental factors are the main reasons for the development of schizoid personality disorder.

It is said that 3% of the population suffers from schizoid personality disorder, and only a few of them seek professional treatment. If you think you have this disorder, see a mental health professional for diagnosis and treatment. The schizoid personality disorder test is designed to check the odds and if you get a high score from this test then you should seek professional help.

After completing the Schizoid Personality Disorder test, you will receive the result with an answer sheet. Print out the answer sheet to show to your psychiatrist.

The test is not intended to be used as a diagnostic tool, but rather as a tool to give you insight into a potential schizoid disorder that may have a negative impact on your life.


A schizoid poorly reads the messages he receives from the outside world and does not clearly detect impulses coming from the depths of his inner world. He is poorly aware of his inner life. Therefore, tests based on self-examination are not suitable for him. But this test can be successfully applied by another person, an observer.

1. He has high intelligence.

2. He is aware of his intellectual superiority over others.

3. He constantly conducts an intellectual search.

4. He is often brilliantly, encyclopedically educated.

5. He has a keen sense of poetry, music, painting, and intellectual cinema.

6. He has an extremely inaccurate understanding of the life around him.

7. It is difficult for us to understand what he is thinking about.

8. He does not understand the feelings of others well.

9. He does not notice important changes in the lives of those around him, in the environment around him.

10. He doesn’t care much about how other people live.

11. He is cold and not inclined to show warm feelings.

12. He becomes talkative only with a select few and can be sociable among them.

13. He loves solitude.

14. It is difficult and uninteresting for him to maintain small talk.

15. He doesn't like to visit.

16. When visiting, he is usually silent.

17. His ideas about people are often naive and out of touch with life.

18. He is helpless in the face of intrigue.

19. Despite his powerful intellect, he can be a toy in the hands of a manipulator.

20. He can easily agree with the interlocutor, as long as he is left alone.

21. He has difficulty setting boundaries in relationships with others and easily breaks them.

22. He responds to intrusion into his inner world with protest and anger.

23. He cannot stand criticism of his ideas and hates his opponents.

24. He doesn’t say hello to his neighbors.

25. He doesn't like to be the center of attention or doesn't notice the situation.

26. He calmly and calmly accepts criticism on everyday issues, raising children, relationships with his wife, often without even hearing what they say to him.

27. He forgets about holidays, birthdays, and forgets to give gifts on their occasion.

28. He does not have a developed need to belong to any group of people.

29. He has no need to take care of anyone.

30. He does not favor others with his attention.

31. His tactless or rude statements to others are dictated by his inability to understand the feelings of others.

32. As a child, his parents noted that he could play alone for a long time.

33. It was always difficult for him to communicate with his peers; he kept to himself and kindergarten, and at school.

34. At school he studied well and surpassed his peers in intelligence.

35. At school, his peers did not like him, making him an object of ridicule and even bullying.

36. He denies the need for symmetrical relationships and any contribution to the relationship.

37. He tries not to take responsibility for the destinies of other people.

38. If one of his family members is sick, he may not notice it.

39. He can choose a partner who is outwardly uninteresting, but intelligent.

40. He is not adapted to everyday life.

41. His inadequacy at home forces his wife to play the role of mother and housekeeper.

42. Because of his everyday helplessness, he needs a support system.

43. He needs his family first of all to protect him from solving everyday problems.

44. He is a poor support for his wife and children and does not spoil them with his attention.

45. He does not like to discuss family problems, but suddenly he can show interest in them in the most unpredictable form.

46. ​​He does not notice the life of the family.

47. He doesn't like small children.

48. He is a bad parent, poorly informed about the problems of children.

49. He shows interest in children when they grow up and he can talk to them about smart things.

50. He is a man of extremes.

51. He pays little attention to clothes or, conversely, is hyperaesthetic.

52. He eats anything, or, conversely, he is a sophisticated gourmet.

53. It is difficult for him to express his feelings and put them into words.

54. He often has excellent mechanical memory.

55. He has had excellent sleep since childhood.

56. He is a light sleeper and may need 4–5 hours of sleep.

57. He has a bizarre hobby to which he devotes himself with all passion.

58. There is chaos around him, and he doesn’t notice it.

59. He is absent-minded, loses his glasses and documents.

60. He always has difficulties with financial documentation.

61. He forgets to pay bills on time. Keeping financial records makes him feel irritated and angry.

62. He files his tax return later than everyone else, does it poorly and loses money.

63. He prefers solitary species sports

64. If he commits a crime, then only alone.

65. He has a powerful sexuality.

66. He does not understand his wife’s feelings well, and they are not particularly interesting to him.

67. He willingly discusses his extramarital affairs with his wife.

68. He has frequent conflicts at work, the reasons for which he does not understand.

69. He has poor relationships at work, except in situations where his intelligence is valued.

70. He is unsuitable for leading people, with the exception of the position of a scientific supervisor.

71. He can work long and hard.

72. He does not notice the passage of time well and is often late.

73. He is not vindictive and easily forgets an insult if it concerns everyday life.

74. He loses easily, unless it concerns losing in an intellectual area that is significant to him.

75. He easily initiates projects in the field of intelligence, but refuses to do so in everyday matters.

76. He likes to travel alone.

77. He often prefers the company of a dog to the company of people.

78. He is in excellent health.

79. He almost never experiences anxiety or fear.

80. He often likes exotic diets and non-standard methods of promoting health.

81. He doesn't like going to doctors.

82. He gets sick a little and remains in excellent health until old age.

83. He has a strong nervous system.

84. He copes well with any overload.

85. He tries not to change his environment.

86. It is difficult for him to settle into a new environment.

87. He has good stress tolerance in relation to the stresses of the surrounding world, since he does not notice them.

88. He is extremely sensitive to intrusion into his internal schemes.

89. He can simultaneously solve several problems in the intellectual, but not in the everyday area.

90. He carefully analyzes mistakes in the intellectual field, but does not learn from mistakes in everyday life.

91. He is not inclined to admit his mistakes regarding relationships with others.

92. Under the influence of stress, his unsociability and taciturnity increases, and his ability to notice others and understand their lives decreases.

93. It is difficult for him to plan a budget, spend money wisely, or save it.

94. He understands that money legalizes his right to oddities, eccentricities, non-standardism.

95. He is an abstract humanist, but is not able to direct the flow of warmth and care to a specific person.

96. He cannot behave correctly in the simplest social games.

97. Schizoid women are almost always bad housewives.

98. Schizoid women often make brilliant professional careers.

99. As a rule, they are cold mothers who do not understand the child’s problems.

100. Schizoids are suitable for activities that realize their bright intellectual potential and involve limited communication.

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Schizoid character People who are unsociable and afraid of emotional connections are considered schizoid in nature. This is not a threshold of schizophrenia, but a personality structure; This is a person who wants to live without responsibilities, and therefore gives the impression of a cold and

The test for schizoid personality disorder is aimed at assessing a person's personality characteristics. The survey determines the presence of a mental disorder, which occurs in only 3% of people. At the same time, according to statistics, signs in women appear almost 2 times less often than in men.

The schizoid personality type is mainly characterized by:

  • Emotional coldness;
  • Being locked into one’s own thoughts and experiences;
  • Lack of desire for social communication;
  • Indifference to sexual contacts;
  • Increased concern and anxiety.
Schizotypal behavior is caused by severe sociopathy and a desire to be alone. The reasons for the development of such a mental disorder are a hereditary factor, less often the child’s dysfunctional childhood or poor ecological situation environment.

In adolescents, the schizoid personality type is diagnosed much more often than in adults. It is during this period that the first signs of deviations make themselves felt. An online survey will help you determine how susceptible you are to mental illness, but you must remember that only a doctor can provide an accurate diagnosis.

Schizotypal disorder refers to a group of schizophrenia-like diseases, including schizophrenia itself, schizotypal and other delusional disorders. Schizotypal disorder is somewhat similar in its manifestations to schizophrenia. Its symptoms include behavioral abnormalities, emotional inadequacy, and eccentricity. Obsessive ideas, avoidance of communication, and paranoid disorders are common. Delusional and hallucinatory episodes are possible. However obvious signs There are no schizophrenias.

The main difference between schizotypal disorder and schizophrenia is the predominance of positive symptoms. It is characterized by delusions, hallucinations, and obsessions without the development of a personality defect. There are no symptoms characteristic of schizophrenia, such as emotional flattening, decreased intelligence, and sociopathy.

Diagnosis of schizotypal disorder

To establish this diagnosis, a long-term (more than two years) presence of characteristic symptoms in the absence of personality deficit is necessary. The diagnosis of schizophrenia should also be excluded. Information about illnesses of close relatives can help in establishing a diagnosis - the presence of schizophrenia in them serves as confirmation of schizotypal disorder.

It is important to avoid both over- and under-diagnosis. An erroneous diagnosis of schizophrenia is especially dangerous. In this case, the patient will receive unreasonably intensive treatment, and, when information is disseminated among friends, social isolation, which contributes to the aggravation of symptoms.

There are a number of methods that help clarify the diagnosis of schizotypal personality disorder. The SPQ (Schizotypal Personality Questionnaire) test is one of the most simple ways do it.

Test Description

The test for schizotypal personality disorder includes 74 questions that cover 9 main signs of this disease according to ICD-10. A score of more than 41 points is considered a sign of schizotypal disorder. More than half of respondents who exceeded the diagnostic level on the test were subsequently diagnosed with schizotypal disorder.

There are also separate tests for diagnosing the level of psychoticism authored by Eysenck, scales for assessing general and social anhedonia, possible disturbances of perception and a tendency to schizophrenia. However, only in the SPQ are all the signs of schizotypal disorder collected together and presented in an easy-to-use form.

The questions in the test for schizotypal traits are divided into the following scales:

  • impact ideas,
  • excessive social anxiety,
  • strange ideas or magical thinking,
  • experience of unusual perception,
  • strange or eccentric behavior
  • lack of close friends,
  • unusual sayings,
  • reduction in emotions
  • suspicion.

This test demonstrated good reproducibility and reliability of results in different groups of subjects.

The SPQ test can be used both to confirm the diagnosis of schizotypal disorder and for screening examination healthy people from the risk group. This is a fairly reliable and psychologically comfortable way to identify the presence of a disorder at its first symptoms.

The test is also convenient for dynamic monitoring in order to identify worsening or alleviating symptoms. The test questions can be used by patients for self-control - patients do not always perceive their condition as pathological and make corresponding complaints, but with the help of the test they can be easily identified.

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