Educational practice of schoolchildren for and against. Free child labor. Is it legal for schoolchildren to work on vacation? What threatens for refusal to undergo summer practice at school

Choosing an apartment 12.09.2020
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The practice, familiar to all parents of today's schoolchildren from their childhood, still exists.

In one of the schools in Chelyabinsk, working off in the summer is a compulsory official lesson. When we turned to the class teacher with the question of where its "obligation" is spelled out, we heard in response: "In the school charter."

“I went up to our teacher and explained that we were leaving the country for the whole summer,” says Polina, mother of a 14-year-old student of Natalia... - To which she replied: “Everyone works out in June, and your daughter, as an exception, in the last days of August. She will fly into town and go to school? Then it will work. " There was no question of any opportunity not to work for the good of the school. Only an allergy to flowering is considered a contraindication for working off, and no other medication is accepted. "

Children in the schoolyard are cutting bushes. Photo: / Kuzmina Nadezhda

Children themselves are not delighted with this practice.

“I consider this practice nonsense and our exploitation,” says Karina, a student of now grade 8 one of the Chelyabinsk schools. - I did not work out last year, and no one said a word to me. Classmates went to school for two weeks and swept the territory. Everyone was angry, because it was summer, and you have to work. Our teacher said that this also helps us all to make friends. I wonder how? We love to be on duty, even to sweep the school, if we are removed from lessons for this. But in summer, on vacation, I don't see any advantages. We are not cleaners. "

But in one of the schools in Yekaterinburg there is an official loophole for avoiding forced labor.

“We have a city camp at the school in June,” says Olga, mother of 13-year-old Kirill... - In it, the shift lasts two weeks, it is paid, and those children who go to the school camp are exempted from working off. In elementary school, I once sent my son to this camp. The cost of the ticket is small. It includes meals, and I decided to be supervised at least at the beginning of the holidays. On the second day of the shift, the child asked me for 500 rubles. They were told to take the money because they were going to the amusement park. The next day - 300 rubles. They told them to ask their parents for a movie ticket, popcorn and a drink. And so every day. When campaigning for a school camp, there was no question of any additional spending. They promised that there would be an eventful shift that the children would like. But not a word about money. So my husband and I are counting pennies - I'm on maternity leave with the youngest, half of his salary goes to pay the mortgage. We cannot afford such a waste. Apparently, not only I was disappointed. They stopped enrolling in the camp and donating money, and the school management decided to lure in this way: you go to the camp - you don't work out. We have worked since the 6th grade, so if you don't want to wave a rake, you have to pay. "

In schools, June is a busy time: both exams and working off. Photo: / Nadezhda Uvarova

If you don't want to work, pay!

An even more radical method of replacing working off was invented in one of the gymnasiums in Novosibirsk. The students were offered, according to the teachers, an official opportunity to "pay off" from working off. How? With parents' money, of course! “None of the teachers now, during the struggle against extortions, will not take money in their hands,” says Diana, mother of 15-year-old Irina. - But at the meeting they announced to us that it was possible to officially pay off from working off, as well as from numerous shifts. The cost is about 400-600 rubles. Nobody will tell you the exact amount, so God forbid someone would pay less. You deposit banknotes through a terminal in a bank with which the school has a service agreement. You need to select the line "Voluntary donations" or "For school renovations". We handed over the receipt of payment to the teacher. At first it seemed wild to us. After all, this is a legalized bribe! And then I personally realized that it’s even more convenient. There is no need to ask permission, to excuse the child - all this is humiliating and disgusting. I gave the money - and no one owes anyone. Now my daughter is already graduating from school, passing exams for the 9th grade, and this year we were told that graduates have no working hours. We paid ours, it means. "

Only those in the school camp do not work. Photo: / Kuzmina Nadezhda

The amounts paid to the cashier vary from several hundred to several thousand rubles. One of the social networks even has group (, which describes examples of how teachers demand detention, and parents and children resist it. There are also stories about cases of threats from teachers, and about the fears of schoolchildren that those who have not worked will be given two marks, they will be "spread rot" or will not be given textbooks.

“And our parents work for their children,” says Veronica, mother of 15-year-old Natalia... - The school is small, we have no rich, we live in a small town. At the meeting, the teacher outlined the problem: the school needs help. Money, hands, paint, seedlings, paper, and so on. We split into groups: someone washes the desks, the other pays for the cleaning of the corridor, the third brings the seedlings, the fourth plants them. Children can rest easy, the teacher confirmed. I chose the library. Believe it or not, there were two days off from work. At home, there are plenty of things to do, and I sat with glue and tape and pasted the covers on textbooks, and erased the bad words on the pages with an eraser. But the child can rest easy. "

Headache of teachers

"Working out is another mine headache, - confesses Nadezhda Gennadievna, a teacher at one of the grammar schools in Chelyabinsk.- We have a section of the school territory assigned to each class. The director demands that he be clean and well-groomed. It is this area that we sweep and free from leaves, plant flowers there, field them, chase the dog owners. Summer is the time to take care of the seedlings. Now you write - and no one will come to work. They will say I don't want to and I won't. What will I do? Never mind! Every meeting I appeal to the conscience of my parents, and every class hour I appeal to my students. I am talking about the obligations to help the school, and about labor education, many of their children do not teach to work at all, they are afraid that they will overwork. The director will see that our site is not well maintained. Should I go weeding myself? In Soviet times, they worked out everything. We went to the collective farm, plowed like slaves. If only someone was outraged! "

Children still weed and remove weeds. Photo: / Kuzmina Nadezhda

Parents of one of the schools in the city of Troitsk, two years ago, turned to the prosecutor's office with a demand to declare illegal working off during vacation time. The supervisory authority sided with the applicants. Heads of schools, in which detention was organized without the consent of parents and students, were introduced to the elimination of violations and issued warnings. All educational institutions of the city took note of the information about the inadmissibility of the formation of the so-called summer labor brigades. The prosecutor's office referred to the inadmissibility of forced labor in Russia.

"School can't force"

"Clause 4 of Article 34 of the Federal Law" On Education in the Russian Federation "prohibits attracting students without the consent of their parents (legal representatives) to work not provided for by the educational program, - says candidate of Law, Associate Professor of the Department of Constitutional and Municipal Law of VolSU Oksana Sharno... - Accordingly, if the labor of children is not provided curriculum, the school cannot force the child to come to the so-called "summer detention".

At the same time, despite the legislatively established prohibition of attracting students to work without their consent, in schools, local acts (statutes, regulations) often include rules for compulsory summer labor practices for students in grades 3-4, 5-9, 10 ). They are organized in order to effectively maintain the school territory, flower garden or vegetable garden, improve the quality of labor education, training, vocational guidance of schoolchildren and the organization of socially useful work.

Legal are such local acts in which the organization of labor of children is carried out with their consent. Accordingly, the normative documents of the school, in which there are no such references, are illegal and violate the rights of students. "

Sometimes these are pleasant duties. Like this one - to paint a dull school fence. Photo: / Kuzmina Nadezhda

Oksana Sharno says that she has come across examples of local acts in which work practice was included in curricula. For example, as a workshop in biology. However, the lawyer notes, according to such curricula, to involve students, for example, in cleaning classrooms, corridors, school grounds, i.e. those works that are not connected with the study of biology are prohibited.

“In any case, the school must approve the schedule of classes and the curriculum, and everything that is not provided by them cannot be obligatory,” says Oksana Sharno. - It is also worth noting that federal legislation guarantees students the right to vacations in accordance with the academic calendar. This right is enshrined in Art. 34 FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation". At the same time, as a rule, "work off" is assigned to students mainly during their period. summer holidays... And this is already a violation of the student's right to rest ”.

Oksana Sharno emphasizes that no sanctions can be applied to students for refusing to work in the summer for the benefit of the school. This is directly at odds with federal law.

“According to paragraph 3 of Art. 43 of the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" the discipline in an organization carrying out educational activities is supported on the basis of respect for the human dignity of students. The use of physical or mental violence against them is not allowed. Refusal to participate in work organized during the summer practice does not apply to violations and misconduct. Accordingly, a student who has not agreed to perform work as part of the summer practice cannot be held liable, says Oksana Sharno. - The school can offer to take part in summer work, but it has no right to threaten and punish. This is a direct violation of the law and the rights of the child. "

What to do?

Art. 45 of the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" regulates the right to protection of students, their parents, who can independently or through their representatives:

1) send an appeal to the school regarding the application of disciplinary sanctions against teachers who violate or infringe on the rights of students. Such appeals are subject to mandatory consideration with the involvement of students, their parents;

2) apply to the commission for the settlement of disputes between participants in educational relations;

3) use other methods of protection. For example, you can file a complaint with the prosecutor's office, the education committee, or the children's ombudsman.

“It is advisable to submit appeals to the school principal on the fact of compulsion to work off in writing. It is necessary to indicate the refusal of labor work, shifts due to the fact that such requirements contradict the norms of Article 34 of the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation", advises Oksana Sharno.

Is summer practice at school legal? Are students obliged to take it? The practice lasts 10 days, 3 hours each. and got the best answer

Answer from Ekaterina Ekaterina [guru]
We tried to do something like that, but we didn't go)))
here's another:
Today the situation has changed. At present, summer work practice is excluded from the curricula of general education schools. According to the current federal law "On Education", Article 50 - Rights and social protection of students, pupils - says:
14. Attracting students, pupils of civil educational institutions without the consent of students, pupils and their parents (legal representatives) to work not provided for by the educational program is prohibited.
16. Students, pupils of civil educational institutions have the right to freely attend events not provided for in the curriculum.
Consequently, voluntariness should become a fundamental principle when deciding on attracting students to work. At the same time, the consent of students alone is not enough: the consent of their parents (legal representatives) is required. Engaging children in work without their consent and the consent of their parents is forced labor, and by virtue of Ch. 2 tbsp. 37 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, forced labor in Russian Federation is under the strictest prohibition... The specified norm of the Constitution of the Russian Federation is based on international law: Art. 8 - forced and compulsory labor is prohibited by the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
Source: don't go anywhere: R

Answer from Ўla[guru]
legal. It has always been and will be.

Answer from Vladimir Sakhnenko[guru]
ten days is not so much. And then in the summer it's boring, and that's all you do

Answer from Denis denis[newbie]
This is all bullshit. We have practice in Germany for 3 weeks, 7 hours a day, instead of school. You work wherever you want. I did an internship at the hospital. It was in grades 9 and 11

Answer from Yergey Moiseich[active]
Ex-Minister of Education of the Russian Federation Vladimir Filippov also stated that school summer practice is illegal. He said that any school work without the consent of students and their parents can be positioned as pure arbitrariness of the administration of the educational institution. Moreover, if you contact any qualified lawyer, he will confirm the above words that such obligations simply contradict the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Therefore, absolutely any student can not worry and refuse such a work off. Thus, summer school practice cannot be compulsory (if it is not provided for in the educational program) and is a voluntary matter of parents and their children.

Answer from AisiyaKonovalova[guru]
Is it difficult for a 12-year-old child to sweep the path or water the flowers in the flowerbed? Didn't you sign up early as old people?

Answer from Kostya Sapado[active]
3 hours is not a lot. There is practice at school, college, technical school, institute. It is legal.

Answer from OLga Solomon[guru]
At one time, in our school in the 9th grade, we had auto business lessons - as much as 5 hours a week on Tuesdays. We girls were not interested and we often ran away. Then, in June, there was a month-long practice in auto business: you had to go to school every day and tinker with all sorts of pieces of iron in the garage. There were guys who did it with pleasure, but I declared a boycott, said: I won't go! I got a job at a leather processing plant, worked for a month, earned money. I was given a two for practice, and I studied well - no three. Mom comes from the congregation and says: - you are a poor student! BUT nothing, in the 10th was transferred

Answer from Alexander[guru]
to force to work is not legal, only with your consent, but then do not be offended if they underestimate the marks, it is also legal

Answer from elvira Ilyushina[active]
In our school, the practice also lasts 1.5 or sometimes 2 hours in the summer, 11 days it infuriates, but it’s not that much to walk, oh, I always go from grade 5 from June 1 to get off right away
and then 3 months so that there is no place to go

Answer from Nastya tolkacheva[newbie]
The head teacher of the school told me: You have to go to practice, because by the summer you did not go. I replied: how much will you pay for my work, 21st century. people what practice? They have workers and let them clean up, that is, they do their direct work. I go to school to gain knowledge and not clean the school grounds!

Almost all modern schools are quite active in attracting schoolchildren to work in the form of summer school practice. Everything would be fine, but many educational institutions threaten not to transfer a student to the next grade if he does not work a certain number of hours. How legal and useful is summer practice for a child? We will talk about this in today's article.

What is the essence of school summer practice?

Many educational institutions treat summer practice at school as a kind of training sessions... However, we are well aware that this is not the case. In fact, it all boils down to the fact that the kids wash windows and desks for several hours in a row, and then clean the schoolyard, doing the work of the technical staff. In most cases, this practice is an initiative of the school administration and does not even appear in the curriculum. What can she give? And nothing but the invaluable skill of waving a broom. Of course, we are now talking only about general education schools, since this is not practiced in specialized lyceums.

There is no doubt that this work should be done by the school's technical staff.

You can hardly find such a student who would proudly declare: "And I like summer practice!" And all because students just lose two, and sometimes even three weeks of vacation, which they could have spent on the seashore, in a sports, health camp or somewhere else, in order to have time to relax and miss school.

What is spelled out in the law?

Do not rush to arm yourself with a broom, a mop and run to work out the necessary hours. It turns out that summer practice at school is not an obligatory event at all. This is stated in the federal law "On Education", where, back in 1992, forced labor at school was abolished. It is enough to look at article 50, paragraphs 14 and 16. To summarize the essence of this article, it boils down to the following: schoolchildren studying in general education institutions have no right to be involved in work (if it is not provided for by the educational program) without the consent of the students themselves and their parents. Clause 16 of the article of the Law states that all schoolchildren of the institution can attend events (which are not provided for in the curriculum) in free form.

As you can see, the school cannot just take and force the child to work out the school summer practice. It is also worth noting that the hours of school practice themselves have not figured in curricula for a long time. It turns out that working off should be a purely voluntary matter, and the school administration has no constitutional right to force the children to work without their consent.

Therefore, when the headmaster starts talking about not transferring the student to the next class, if he does not attend practice, then you can safely bring the administration of the educational institution to responsibility for forced labor. And this can threaten with a large fine or even dismissal.

Vladimir Filippov confirmed the words that summer practice is an illegal event

Ex-Minister of Education of the Russian Federation Vladimir Filippov also stated that school summer practice is illegal. He said that any school work without the consent of students and their parents can be positioned as pure arbitrariness of the administration of the educational institution. Moreover, if you contact any qualified lawyer, he will confirm the above words that such obligations simply contradict the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Therefore, absolutely any student can not worry and refuse such a work off.

Thus, summer school practice cannot be compulsory (if it is not provided for in the educational program) and is a voluntary matter of parents and their children.

"Practice practice." How familiar is this phrase for those who studied under the USSR and in the early years of the post-Soviet collapse! The use of free child labor was called labor education. The schoolchildren cut grass and bushes with office scissors, whitewashed curbs with caustic lime, worked with dangerous chemicals, and dragged weights. What is happening now?

"A can of paint or 120 hryvnia if you don't want your child to work." School practice - greetings from the past socialist era - is again on the lips and discussed at parent meetings in the city's schools. In one of these schools, parents have already faced the fact: "Decide whether the child will work in the first or second month." Buyback price - building materials or money.

The words that such actions are unacceptable, and generally illegal, are not heeded at school. “These are traditions, it has always been like this,” the teachers and the school administration retort.

Surprisingly, the “tradition” of using free child labor for the leadership of some schools seems to go beyond government decisions and official explanations from the Ministry of Education.

“The regulatory and legal framework of the Ministry of Education does not provide for summer labor practice in general educational institutions,” says Pavel Khobzei, Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine:

“According to Part 2 of Art. 51 of the Law of Ukraine "On Education", the distraction of pupils, students, cadets, listeners, trainees, clinical residents, graduate students, doctoral students at the expense of study time to work and the implementation of activities not related to the learning process is prohibited, except for cases provided for by the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers Ukraine. At present, one-year work practice has been excluded from the Model Curricula for General Education Schools approved by the Ministry. When deciding on the involvement of students in work, the main principle is voluntariness. At the same time, the consent of the students themselves is not enough: the consent of their parents (legal representatives) is necessary. Engaging children in work without their consent and the consent of their parents is forced labor, which is prohibited by law. "

The Department of Education and Science of the Kamensk City Council does not encourage, but does not prohibit the use of free child labor in schools. This becomes clear from the comment of Tatiana Onishchenko, director of the department:

“We need to comply with the law. Whether it will be summer practice or not, we do not decide. According to the law, all educational institutions are autonomous and decide such issues independently. We have never and will not write orders for the summer practice. At the same time, who should maintain summer flower beds? Schools are finding a way out: they are discussing the possibility of creating an "ecological landing" so that children can also help in maintaining flower beds. Parents have not yet approached us about the summer practice. The law does not provide for summer practice today. "

« Labor practice is absolutely illegal, ”attorney Denis Monatko told us about this:

"The use of forced labor is prohibited" - this is the provision of the Constitution of Ukraine (Art. 43). The norms of the Constitution are norms of direct action, that is, for their application it is not necessary to refer to other laws. But let's look at the issue in more detail. According to §2 Art. 4 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, no one should be involved in forced or compulsory labor. As you can see, this article is a little wider in meaning than the article of the Constitution, but the norms of the Convention are also part of the legislation of Ukraine, therefore, they are also mandatory for everyone.

The term “forced or compulsory labor” means “any work or service demanded of a person under threat of any punishment, for the performance of which that person has not voluntarily offered his services (Van der Messele v. Belgium, ECtHR, case No. 08919 / 80).

It should be noted that the student's consent does not mean anything yet, since he (as a minor or minor) is limited in legal capacity (the person's ability to acquire and exercise rights and obligations by his actions), which means that in addition to his consent, one also needs the consent of his legal representatives - parents or persons replacing them.

Based on this, the student has every right to refuse any work that they are trying to impose on him or, even unobtrusively, offer to do it. These are not his duties. An exception is practical training (for example, in physics lessons, since this is part educational process). Also, every student has the right to protection during the educational process, in particular, from any forms of exploitation (Article 53 of the Law of Ukraine "On Education").

In addition to the fact that the student may refuse, the teacher and the school as a whole have no right to use the student's labor - this is the main thing. You can talk for a long time about the usefulness of work in school, but you need to respect the rights of children. I don't think the adults themselves would agree to free and forced labor. Therefore, the so-called labor practice is absolutely illegal. The facts of the use of forced or compulsory labor must be notified to law enforcement agencies or complaints to the school principal, as well as higher (up the hierarchical ladder). As a last resort, everyone has the right to legal protection.

Today, it is customary to talk about reforms, the destruction of "schemes" and "systems", however, using such a simple example as labor practice at school, the foundations for a global system of corruption in Ukraine are being created. From the school bench, the younger generation absorbs that they can bring a can of paint or money to get preferences.

At the university, the grown-up generation will be "taught to live" more rigidly and more expensively, but according to a similar principle. And then, having entered adulthood, a citizen of Ukraine will already know how to feed an official, a policeman, a doctor. A can of paint is just an image, and in this matter Ukraine differs little from the country of the 2014 sample. Perhaps it's time to change something?

Legal advice:

1. Concerning summer work practice at school. Is it mandatory or not?

1.1. summer work practice at school is compulsory if included in the Curriculum. But most likely not, since given form training is not provided for by the Federal State Educational Standard and is a rudiment of the Soviet era.

Did the answer help you? Well no

2. From which class to pass the summer work practice at school.

2.1. from the 9th grade passed

Did the answer help you? Well no

3. In 1979 he graduated from high school and entered the state farm. The farm sent me to study at a technical school. He was a scholar from the farm. He did practical work on the farm, received wages... In 1980-1982 he served in the SA, after service he returned to study at the same technical school. In 1984 he returned to the state farm and continued to work. My seniority is taken into account.

3.1. Yes, your seniority is taken into account.

Did the answer help you? Well no

4. I graduated from the pedagogical institute in 1994 and started working at the school in August of the same year. I am a mathematics and computer science teacher. After the third year, I did an internship in a pioneer camp. She worked two shifts, but did not start a work book then. How to win the next two years of study in favor of teaching experience?

4.1. When you did your practice you were given a referral. You need to contact the pedagogical institute and get this direction. Then submit it to the pension fund. If the pension fund decides to refuse the appointment of an early pension, then you can appeal against it in court. Call, I will consult.

Did the answer help you? Well no

5. I worked for 1 month in the summer in 1970 and 2 months in 1971 on vacation at school, about which there is a certificate, I received a work book in 1975 during my internship. Since when is work experience considered ... From SW., N.A.

5.1. the seniority for the appointment of a pension will be counted from the time of the internship since 1975, if the enrollment was by order and payment was made.

Did the answer help you? Well no

6. Children in school do not undergo labor practice, ie parents are against. Although the parents signed an agreement on the passage of labor practice. The labor practice is carried out on the school grounds, where their children play every day.

6.1. Good day to you, this practice is not a compulsory subject at school, which means that it is not necessary to pass it according to the law and they have no right to apply any sanctions to the student in this regard, otherwise complain to the prosecutor's office of the same area regarding the agreement from the parents, these parents need to write a statement of withdrawal their agreement.

Did the answer help you? Well no

6.2. Specify what your question is, if the parents signed such consent, then it must be fulfilled by their children

Did the answer help you? Well no

6.3. dear Saidat
Forced labor is also prohibited for children, if parents do not succeed

Good luck to you and your loved ones!

Did the answer help you? Well no

6.4. The question is slightly incomprehensible. Either you are outraged that children do not work, or that, on the contrary, they are forced.
Please clarify.
My suggestion is this. If you want to work yourself where THE SAME is playing, gather your parents, talk to them, let them come into your position. I studied back in the USSR, I worked, I didn't break down, everything is in order.
Good luck!

Did the answer help you? Well no

7. I have a question. The headmaster of the school forbade giving out textbooks to my granddaughter, for the reason that she had not fully completed the summer practice, which is spelled out in the school charter. Is it labor legislation does not prohibit the exploitation of child labor? The granddaughter is 13 years old. The principal refers to article 28 (clauses 3.6) Are the actions of the school principal legal? We contacted the district education department, but as always, we are wrong.
Thanks for the answer!

7.1. In this case, the director is violating the legislation on education, so you have the right to appeal his actions to the prosecutor's office or to the education department.

Did the answer help you? Well no

7.2. In this case, you can file a complaint with the Department of Education. The complaint must be substantiated in this circumstance.

Did the answer help you? Well no

8. I am interested in the question of the passage of the so-called summer labor practice by schoolchildren at school. I read that if practice is not included in the school curriculum, then it should not be. That parents must give written consent during this practice. But in our school everything is like in Soviet times, whether you like it or not, you can come and work.

8.1. You do not have to attend school practice; they do not have the right to force you to attend this event.

Did the answer help you? Well no

8.2. In this case, it is on a voluntary basis. You cannot force it. You can contact the Department of Education or the prosecutor's office

Did the answer help you? Well no

9. My son, a student of grade 10, worked in a construction team for overhaul the building of the school in which he studies. Should the school administration credit him for completing the summer internship?

9.1. --- Hello, NO MUST NOT, this is a paid job. And the practice is free.
Good luck and all the best, respectfully lawyer A.V. Ligostaeva : sm_ax:

Did the answer help you? Well no

10. At my school it is "compulsory" to undergo summer work practice for 10 days 2 hours a day. Or you can pay 500 rubles ... Can I not go and pay? Is this practice legal?

10.1. You have the right not to pay and not go to practice, and about forced labor and extortion of money, your parents can write a complaint to the prosecutor's office.

Did the answer help you? Well no

10.2. You have the right not to walk or pay. And for extortion of money, you can write a statement to the police.
Thank you for contacting our website.

Did the answer help you? Well no

11. The school charter stipulates a summer work practice of 14 days for two hours. Is it legal to use child labor without the child's consent and how to write a refusal to undergo an internship.


If it is written in the charter of the SCHOOL - THEN THE PRACTICE is legal. Work hard for the good of the school - HOW MUCH do teachers work EXTREMELY?


Did the answer help you? Well no

12. Question about summer work practice at school. A 14-year-old teenager is obliged by the school to work out on the school site, two weeks for 3 hours. How to approach this issue correctly and ask the school to conclude an employment contract with the student so that the seniority goes, etc.? Or is it done through some other competent authority? What are the rules of law to refer to? Thanks.

12.1. no one will conclude an employment contract with you for this circumstance. You will be able to talk. This circumstance is also attributed to the local acts of the institution.

Did the answer help you? Well no

12.2. Zlata, good afternoon!
Check out SanPiN It describes in detail the activities of students and administration.
All the best to you!

Did the answer help you? Well no

12.3. You can contact the employment center most often they are engaged in the employment of teenagers during the summer holidays. Thank you for visiting our site.

Did the answer help you? Well no

13. I entered the VVUZ immediately after school, the first entries in the work record were obtained in the third and fourth years of the course during industrial practice, study at the university was recorded in the work record, then service in the SA, then work directly, from 1983 to the present .. Question-whether my studies at the university are included in the total length of service for calculating the pension?

13.1. Yes, the length of service includes full-time studies at a university. You will be asked to the FIU to provide a copy of the diploma of higher education when registering a pension.

Did the answer help you? Well no

Consultation on your question

calls from landlines and mobiles are free throughout Russia

14. How to restore seniority in case of a lost work book? Work in a construction brigade in the summer of 1983, work as a nurse in the Vologda city hospital in the fall of 1983 and work at a school in practice in the fall of 1986 in the Ust-Kubinsky district of the Vologda region?

14.1. You need to go to court with an appropriate statement and prove the fact of work during the specified period of time. Evidence may be requested documents and testimony.

Did the answer help you? Well no

15. Is it possible to sue the years of full-time study after completing pedagogical practice at school (I worked as a primary school teacher for 3 months, a work book was entered, where then the remaining 1.5 years of study at the institute were entered) after which she began to work in her specialty - a primary school teacher for accrual of preferential teaching experience?

15.1. To begin with, at least contact the Russian Federation and provide documents that during the period of teaching practice you worked a certain number of hours. Ie, before talking about the prospects of the court, it is necessary to receive an official refusal of the Russian Federation PF in the meaning of an early pension. W.

Did the answer help you? Well no

16. Should students clean the floors in the classroom one by one. In our school, this is mandatory, from the point of view of the law it is legal. Thank you And if the child has not completed work practice, then it is necessary to wash the floor for 3 days in 1 day of the pass,

16.1. There is nothing wrong with that.

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17. Can a school principal establish summer duty (summer work practice) for students from grades 5-8 for 12 days with 3 hours of work per day, for grades 1-4 6 days with the same duration, as well as force students to work debts for the last school year? How should the summer practice of students be done according to the law?

17.1. by law, the director does not have the right to establish any summer practices at all. You can contact the prosecutor's office on this fact, but helping your own school is a noble cause, budgets are small, but it must be cleaned up)

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18. Is it compulsory for a child to work "Labor Practice" at school? I know that it is not, but I need a link to the article of the Law "On Education".

18.1. According to paragraph 16 of Art. 50 of the Law on Education states: "Students, pupils of civil educational institutions have the right to freely attend activities not provided for in the curriculum": the school cannot force you to work in the summer if the practice is not spelled out in the educational program in some subject as practice

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18.2. there is no such article that is not required. if there is no such article, then there are no responsibilities. this can be established by the charter of the school, but in this case the school is subject to the labor code, which prohibits minors from working without parental consent

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18.3. There is no such article

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19. Education.
Hello! Is it compulsory for a child to have a "work practice" in school? I know that it is not, but I need a link to the article of the Law "On Education" Thank you!

19.1. Constitution of the Russian Federation
Article 37.

2. Forced labor is prohibited.

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20. My daughter is 15 years old, she undergoes labor practice at school for money (they remove school beds, water trees, etc.) From August 1 to 31, 2 hours a day. How much should we be paid?

20.1. The amount of payment is indicated in the employment contract, or it is negotiated without a contract on an oral basis with the school. Contact the school staff.

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21. After finishing the third grade in our school, you need to work out 10 days of work practice. What does the law say?

21.1. It's illegal, of course. The educational organization has no right to involve you. Helping the native school is actually voluntary.

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22. Our school was renamed into a lyceum and they say that we have to go through labor practice. Do I have to pass it?

22.1. Dmitry, renaming and passing practice are in no way connected with each other.

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23. I am the class teacher of the 10th grade, all students were transferred to the 11th grade by order No. 9 of 05/30/2016. Now we are called for summer work practice in the amount of 80 hours, 6 working hours a day from 9.00 to 15.00, without lunch for repairs whitewashing schools, cleaning, painting. The school order has not been written. How should we be?

23.1. --- Hello, this is usually the case everywhere. but require order and payment. Good luck.

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24. My child today from school brought a contract of this type that I must give consent to my son to work out labor practice in the amount of 15 hours and hand over food: 2 buckets of potatoes, 2 kg of onions, 2 kg of carrots, 2 kg of beets, 2 kg cabbage. We have a rural school and they motivate this by the fact that they allegedly don’t allocate money for school meals. Tell me how legitimate are their actions?

24.1. Legal, but you have the right not to sign it

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24.2. The actions are illegal .. you can write a complaint to the Department of Education ..

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24.3. This is completely wrong, Elena.

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