How envy affects a person who is envied. How black envy affects a person who is envied. Envy as a social problem

Water supply 14.07.2020
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When it comes to jealousy, most people experience negative emotions such as fear, anxiety, hatred, irritation, etc. It is believed thatto envy this is bad, and that envious people need to be afraid, because they can jinx orharm ... Most people think that if they are jinxed, then a black streak will come in life and luck will turn away from them. Socan someone else's envy hurt and should you be afraid of envy? How do you protect yourself? I propose to consider this issue from the perspective of not only psychology, but also esotericism.

Absolutely any fear, including envy, is based on the fear of the unknown. This means that if you are afraid of the evil eye, then you do not have enough knowledge in this area. You do not have an understanding of how everything actually works, and according to what laws of the universe it works. There is only the belief that envy can harm, do badly. In order to stop being afraid, you need to expand your worldview, study information on this topic.

It is important to understand the following: no matter what lifestyle you lead, and whatever you do, there will always be people who will envy and condemn you. You personally cannot influence this in any way! This is their choice! Remember the parable "Father, Son and Donkey", where the father and son concluded that there would definitely be someone who would not agree with their actions. Therefore, they decided not to listen to anyone and make their own decisions about how to travel. It's the same in life. It is important to realize that we are living our lives, and not outside advisers and envious people. And if we all the time live our lives with an eye on the opinions of other people, even relatives, as a result, it may turn out that we have lived someone else's life, achieving other people's goals and satisfying other people's needs, but not our own.

So can jealousy and condemnation still harm? First of all, these feelings harm those who experience them! Therefore, if you condemn someone or catch yourself thinking that you are jealous of someone, moreover destructively, wanting the person to sink to your level, know that you are doing badly only to yourself. To stop judging and jealous of other people, you need to expand your worldview, study psychology and learn to see cause and effect relationships.

But if all the same envy is directed at you? You can become "smoothed" only in one case, if your energy is weaker than that of the person who thought or wished you bad.

What does human energy depend on? And it depends on what kind of life a person leads. Does he look after the health of his body - the temple of the soul. What emotions does he experience every day. What thoughts are swarming in his head. What books and films he watches. What kind of people he surrounds himself with. Does he take time for his intellectual and spiritual development.

If a person does not strengthen his way of life, but on the contrary weakens his energy, his biofield, this will not lead to anything good. The more he is afraid, offended, angry, blames himself for something, the weaker his energy. And then it is easy to influence other people.

Therefore, first of all, we must stop being afraid of envy and condemnation! After all, fear destroys your biofield and protection. Secondly, stop being jealous and judgmental of anyone. Well, and of course, work on yourself on all other points, litter your soul from negativity, on your own or with a psychologist, become a mature personality with high energy. And thenjealousy will never harm you and will not be an obstacle for you to a happy, successful life!

In all religions of the world, envy is not accidentally considered one of the deadly sins. But envy also hurts those who are jealous and this greatly affects the health of a person with envious eyes. So how does envy affect our body?

Back in the 19th century, German doctors came to the conclusion that the cause of all bodily diseases of a person is associated with the psyche. There is no illness of the body that is not associated with illness of the soul. Therefore, there is no point in treating the body separately from the soul. Recently, more and more scientists have begun to argue that any infection in the human body occurs because too much resentment and anger has accumulated in his soul. Such a person is more likely to get sick, his immunity is greatly reduced. Under the influence of negative emotions, a person is very much at risk of getting sick not only with a common cold, but also with cancer.

Of all negative emotions, envy is the most dangerous. It does not have such a vivid manifestation as fear, anger, rage. It does not spill out, but remains inside a person, in his soul. Gradually accumulating, jealousy undermines your health very quietly and imperceptibly. It can be compared to the action of rust.

Very often envy takes on a benevolent character. An envious person never admits not only to those around him, but also to himself that he is jealous of someone. It seems to him that he is no worse than others, that he works no less, but for some reason the neighbor has an imported car, and he has a Russian one, the neighbor has a couple of centimeters more cucumbers in the garden, and his daughter went to university, and his child will not finish school in any way. Such a person constantly experiences emotional powerlessness in front of circumstances, and this leads not only to a loss of mental strength, but also physical strength.

The loss of strength, not only physical, but also mental, often causes blues, bad mood, and sometimes depression. Most acutely, the stomach reacts to envy in the human body. Even without food intake, he actively throws out hydrochloric acid, hence heartburn and pain begin, and over time it gradually turns into gastritis, and sometimes into a stomach ulcer.

Well, the thirst to get what the neighbor has, and if possible, then better, does not allow the body to relax at all, keeps it in constant tension. And such a person does everything possible and impossible in order to catch up with a neighbor, and sometimes overtake. And then he begins to wonder where he got at thirty years old high blood pressure or a stomach ulcer.

There is also quiet envy, a person is simply jealous, but in order to catch up or overtake his competitor, he does not even have a thought. Such a person simply suffers in silence, he can lose weight, he has bouts of apathy, he constantly feels tired and overwhelmed, he is not interested in anything.

So is there a cure for envy? How to get rid of this quiet, but such a terrible disease? Firstly, you need to realize your envy and understand that all diseases in the body began precisely because of this defect. And secondly, just stop comparing yourself to other people. You have your own life, your own destiny, you are the person you are. Just take it for granted and live your life.

Envy eats a person, and it does not depend on whether he radiates it or receives it. This feeling turns friends into enemies, breaks up relationships, and spoils psychological health. There is no need to be envious, and envious people should be avoided. We will talk further about what envy is and what you should be afraid of.

Envy, like jealousy, is the worst property of the human soul. Even in the Bible, envy is mentioned as one of the deadly sins. And this is no coincidence: it can lead to tragic consequences.

Envy condemns a person to loneliness!

Envious people, realizing that everyone around them is richer and happier, fenced off from society in order to get rid of an inferiority complex. Sometimes they show their feelings to others and they, in turn, do not want to communicate with such people. Envy does not attract, it repels.

How envy affects a person psychologically

What effect does envy have on a person?

First of all, it interferes with life. The time you spend worrying about other people's achievements could be used wisely for your own benefit. Due to envy, a person stops developing, gushing with ideas that could lead him to success.

Jealousy is the cause of many bad deeds and even crimes. Hatred, meanness, aggression - all these feelings go hand in hand with envy, and may well turn into a terrible act - theft or murder.

Envy condemns a person to loneliness. Envious people, realizing that everyone around is richer and happier, fenced themselves off from society in order to get rid of an inferiority complex. Sometimes they show their feelings to others and they, in turn, do not want to communicate with such people. Envy does not attract, it repels.

How to get rid of envy of people

What if you are constantly jealous of other people? You can get rid of this harmful feeling quite successfully. First of all, you need to understand that we are all different - outwardly, in terms of social status, mental abilities. This will be the key to success in getting rid of the problem. To avoid serious consequences, you need to try to avoid envious thoughts and switch to achieving any results. And one more thing: learn to be happy for other people. Before you envy someone, it is better to take an example from this person and try to achieve your goals - no less important and significant.

How envy manifests itself in people

It is necessary to avoid envious people in your environment, as they will attract negativity to you. But for this you need to learn to recognize such personalities. How to determine if a person has envy? There are several important points to note.

  1. If a person is in a bad mood in your presence, most likely they are jealous. You need to pay attention to his reaction during the conversation. If he reacts irritably to your remarks, evil makes fun of it - this is envy.
  2. If your friend has stopped complimenting you (applies more to girls), this is also a sign of envy.
  3. If the person does not give a reaction while you talk about your successes, and puts on a mask of indifference, perhaps he also has a negative attitude towards you.
  4. Another sign of envy is copying your gestures, style, habits.

Some people say directly that they are jealous. Even if you think you’re not joking, take a closer look. Perhaps this is not a joke at all, this person really shows envy towards you. Be careful!

Is one thing, but when you are jealous, you need to be careful with emotions. The point is, jealousy can be a very negative feeling. It blinds and interferes with a person's normal life.

What is envy

This is a pretty broad concept, because you can be jealous in many ways. When we see someone else's success, it can cause two kinds of feelings: positive or negative. You should not believe those who say that they do not care what happens there among enemies, ill-wishers or friends. In any case, a person experiences either joy for another person, or the opposite feeling.

What happens in our head when we envy? We cannot envy those who are less fortunate than us. If someone has something that we do not have, then this causes a wave of negativity. A person who is jealous in a black way wants the other to lose what he has. If envy is sound, then the person admits that the other could deserve it. Sometimes we see another person working hard to buy a new apartment or car. He does it, but we don't have cats scratching our hearts because of it. This is called white envy. In general, you can diagnose normal envy as follows: imagine that you are an omnipotent person and can deprive other people of anything. Your neighbor has made a renovation - ask yourself the question, would you deprive him of this if you could? If so, your envy is excessive and rude. If not, then everything is in order. This feeling is not always destructive, because we can envy our best friend if he found a girlfriend, but we do not want to deprive him of happiness.

Research shows that the level of black envy is significantly higher in women. Much more often they experience this harmful feeling, but they cool down faster, the man's weeks, so no one has gender advantages in this regard.

Other people get jealous of us only when we behave wrongly. As for envy on our part, everything is much more definite here - we all envy, but to varying degrees.

How envy hurts a person

Negative emotions generally have a bad effect on the human body as a whole. This is characteristic of both the envious and the one who is envied. Psychologists believe that a person should not be jealous in such a way that it encourages him to take some negative action. In a flood of negative emotions, a person can do stupid things, like when he is in anger or anger mode.

Cons for the envy:

Jealousy can lead to self-doubtwhich is also very dangerous. With jealousy, we focus on our flaws, which we square. This forces us to abstract from what really matters.

You become embittered. “Everyone is lucky, but I'm not,” many people think. You get angry with people for no reason, losing your health and good mood.

You lose the taste of victory... When you constantly feel envy, then in the event that something appears or works in your life, you begin to think that it also appeared to you undeservedly. The success of other people or random luck must be appreciated and understood so that there is no prejudice towards yourself too. At first you think - that's when I will also appear new job, I'll be cooler, better, richer too. When we achieve something, we forget that this is our achievement. This is perceived more as revenge than victory. It is aggravated by the fact that the person whom we envied may not pay attention to us at all.

You have health problems. Constant stress is the cause of prolonged depression, headaches, sleep problems, and decreased immunity.

Danger to those who are jealous:

Sometimes it happens that the danger lies in wait for those who are envied. This is true when we feel and see envy directed in our direction. It is unpleasant for us to realize that someone hates us or dislikes us. Of course, there are people who, on the contrary, motivate them, but in most cases it is just unpleasant.

One way or another, but when they envy you, it means that you have done something wrong in the past. This theory is held by more superstitious people.

How to get rid of envy

It is very simple and difficult at the same time. It can be incredibly difficult to deal with base feelings of this kind. You need to change your howl lifestyle dramatically.

First, you need to communicate more with people and learn diplomacy. The more people you know, the more likely you are to meet someone super lucky or successful. You can learn a lot from this person. Feel free to ask something that will help you realize your mistakes and understand the strengths of the person's personality. As your level of communication increases, you can dramatically reduce your envy, because communication removes barriers.

Secondly, you need to increase your self-confidence.Not ambition, but self-confidence. To do this, you need to read more, work more on yourself and develop the right habits. Objectivity of judgments and thoughts will help. Envy appears because of that. that we judge everything, sitting on the mountain of our complexes, negativity. Get rid of them, of all this rubbish. In Western countries, there are almost no problems with envy, because people are emotionally self-sufficient. Our mentality is such that we are permanently jealous of everyone and everyone, for and without reason.

Third, you only need to do what you yourself want to do.... Anger and hatred appear only when we work at a hated job, live with an unloved person, and do unloved things.

It is much easier to get away from envious people:

  • avoid contact with those who envy you. Do not provoke such people in any way;
  • do not tell those who may envy you about your successes and achievements. Completely abstract from his or her company;
  • be smiling to envious people and do not be afraid to ask them for help.

We are all human and we all understand that it is impossible to become an ideal person. You can get closer to the ideal if you let yourself know that the main thing is how you feel in this world, and not who you are. Ultimately, our sensations become reality. Do not envy, do not be jealous and do not worry about or without. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

The feeling of envy has not yet brought happiness to anyone. Some consider it a blessing, but in fact it is a curse. Everyone knows that all negative feelings destroy life. If you sit in one place and constantly envy everyone, it will not end well. You have such thoughts: “ what a house he has, a car "," what an amazing figure she has, how does she manage to look so beautiful "or frequent “She’s lucky, she has everything, but life doesn’t like me so much”... These are misconceptions! Everyone in life is given exactly the same chance. Some just use it, try to do everything to achieve an amazing result, while others sit still, do nothing, but manage to envy others.

Envy as a social problem

Many psychotherapists are sure that the feeling of envy interferes with living fully and achieving success. Envious people do not pay attention to what they have done, they sit and analyze someone else's life. Someone has an amazing career, but there are no "flowers of life" - children. Someone is "interrupted by bread and water," but happy, because he has a child in his house. And others have both, but this has nothing to do with luck, but, most likely, with great difficulty.

Envy covers many different feelings, behavioral forms that appear towards a particular person. Unfortunately, everything ends in a serious undermining not only mental, but also physical health. When a person constantly does not like his life, he suffers from, arrives in a state of stress. Failure in the nervous system - leads to various diseases. Instead of achieving something, you constantly heal, and then again blame and envy everyone.

Effects of envy on health

When activated nervous system begins to rise sharply, the pulse becomes more frequent, a clamp in the muscles can be observed, the digestive process is completely disrupted.

Interesting! The latest study proves that in envious people, the anterior gyrus begins to activate in the brain, it is responsible for pain. Thus, pain is closely related to envy.

Other scientists have found that envy weakens with age. After 60 years, a person is not so jealous. This is explained by the fact that young people want everything at once, and do not even think that everything is getting very hard. There is no such thing that a career, success appeared just like that. An elderly person is wise, experienced, he knows what's what.

Types of envy

Black envy

A dangerous species that destroys everything around begins to eat away at the person inside. Such jealousy can be a threat because an angry person is capable of anything, even murder.

When a person begins to compare himself with others, he has "". Remember the Bible legend about Cain and Abel. How did it end? By fratricide, since then envy is a terrible sin leading to the "death of the soul." A person gradually becomes angry, irritated, makes rash acts, harms others and gets pleasure from it.

White envy

Psychotherapists consider it creative - it is a kind of stimulus for development, self-perfection. In this case, the success of others does not irritate at all, but, on the contrary, motivates. White envy helps to become better, because a person looks up to his idol. Some even surpass the one they envied.

Such envy is the good of a person, so there is no point in fighting it specifically. On the contrary, you need to grow even more, develop and achieve amazing results. Just try to look for worthy examples; you should not imitate immoral people.

White envy:

  • Gives you the opportunity to believe in yourself and your strength.
  • She instills confidence, helps to understand your own "I".

To achieve your goal, you need to be patient, develop your own plan. Unfortunately, there is little white envy, most often a person does nothing, but he loves to envy everyone, "put a spoke in the wheel."

How to deal with envious people?

Do not be upset if you are constantly envied, because of this they are doing meanness. Remember, only a good, successful person is jealous. So you have chosen your path correctly, continue to move in it. Someone else's envy always increases yours.

You are a beautiful, successful woman, mom, do men pay attention to you? Do not be surprised if behind your back they discuss some minor flaws, find fault with external defects. Or they will start to invent stories about what a bad mom you are, a walking woman. Every person is imperfect, but envious people will definitely find a way to make you mean. The main thing is not to get upset, to be even stronger in order to be able to overcome them.

Envy and meanness

People with black envy want to harm the one who is doing better than they are. As a rule, life is a boomerang. Having done something bad to someone, it will definitely come back to you. Have done a meanness, be ready to pay for it. For example, girls often envy their girlfriends and take their boys away. Of course, at first it is very insulting, sad, you have to suffer, but then time puts everything in its place. You are happy with a completely different person, and your girlfriend for a long time can't find his mate, and your boyfriend left her long ago.

It's a shame when envy destroys family relationships... It would seem that husband and wife are one whole, we need to achieve everything together, go forward. But there are situations when one of the spouses begins to oppress the other, because he is more successful, more beautiful. At the same time, the other half tries to do everything to strengthen the family, to help their partner feel happy. Unfortunately, envy is stronger than all positive feelings, so anger and aggression win.

Are you used to being jealous of everyone? Do you like to discuss, criticize others? And they themselves tried to do something to become like that. There is nothing to envy of beauty, career, money, personal life and more. The happiness of every person is in his hands. If you want to be successful, work constantly, develop. Don't like family relationships? What is the problem, do not tolerate it, change your life, but you do not need to envy!

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