How much flour is needed for 2 kg of dough. Dough recipes. How to make pancakes from choux pastry with kefir

Types of doors 23.06.2024
Types of doors

There are a huge number of dough recipes in world cooking. Yeast, fresh, sweet, salty, for pizza and pies, for noodles and dumplings - in addition to generally accepted recipes, each housewife has her own dough recipes, tricks and secrets. “Culinary Eden” has collected the basic rules for preparing different types of dough and shares them with you.

Yeast dough. Dough for pies and pies can be prepared using sponge or straight method. There are several general rules for preparing yeast dough:

All products should be at room temperature;
. Flour must be sifted before kneading - this will saturate it with oxygen and allow you to use less flour for the dough;
. When proofing the dough, avoid drafts.

Several ways to prepare yeast dough:

3 stacks milk,
50-60 g pressed yeast,
10-11 stacks. flour,
salt to taste.

Brew one glass of flour with two glasses of boiling milk, stir until smooth. Cool, add yeast diluted in 1/3 cup. warm water. Stir, sprinkle flour on top and place in a warm place. When the dough rises, pour the remaining milk into it, add salt and flour. Knead well so that the dough does not stick to your hands, and let it rise well. This dough is well suited for pies with savory fillings.

Yeast dough “Drowned”

1 kg flour,
150 g butter,
2 eggs,
30 g pressed yeast,
500 ml milk,
2 tbsp. Sahara,
1 tsp salt.

Warm the cold oil to room temperature, but do not heat it. Also remove the eggs from the refrigerator in advance. Dissolve yeast and sugar in lukewarm milk and leave to rise. Salt the eggs and beat them a little. Pour flour into a bowl, leaving 1 cup “for later”, pour in milk with yeast, eggs, add butter and knead the dough. Pour cold water into a large saucepan and place the resulting ball of dough into it. After 10 minutes the dough will begin to float, and after another 10 minutes it will appear on the surface of the water. Remove the surfaced dough from the water, blot it with a napkin and knead it with the remaining glass of flour, adding it little by little. Then cover the dough with a napkin and let it rest for 10-15 minutes. Products made from this dough are very fluffy.

although yeasted, it is slightly different from regular pie dough. The ratio of flour and water in this dough is 3:1 by volume. An approximate basic recipe for pizza dough is:

3 stacks flour,
1 stack water,
40 g olive oil,
2 tsp dry yeast,
1-2 tsp. salt.

Knead the dough as usual, put it in a warm place for 1.5 hours, knead it and let it rise again. Roll out into a flat cake, and it should be 5-6 mm thick at the edges, and 3 mm in the middle.

Ah, pancakes, thick, fluffy, rosy! They eat pancakes with sour cream, jam, jam, honey - in general, goodbye figure! When preparing dough for pancakes, you do not put a lot of baked goods in it, so it is prepared using a straight method.

1 kg flour,
750 ml water,
1-2 tbsp. Sahara,
1-2 pcs. eggs,
2 tsp salt,
30 g yeast.

The ratio of flour and water in this dough is approximately 2: 1. In the dough for pancakes, it is important to maintain a special balance of sugar and salt, so add at least 1.5 tsp of salt to this dough, mix all the ingredients and leave to ferment for an hour and a half .

It differs from pancake dough in the ratio of flour and water: they need to be taken in equal volumes. That is, 1 kg of flour produces 1.7 liters of water (or other liquid). The amount of baking is approximately the same as for pancakes, with the only difference being that melted butter is added to the pancake dough at the rate of 50-100 g per 1 kg of flour. Accordingly, there is also more yeast - 45-50 g per 1 kg of flour. Pancake dough is suitable longer than pancake dough - the dough that has risen for 1.5 hours is kneaded again and left for another 45 minutes.

A separate conversation about buckwheat pancakes. Buckwheat flour is pre-brewed with boiling water, mixed with wheat flour in a 1:1 ratio and the dough is kneaded as usual. If the buckwheat flour is not brewed, the pancakes will not rise and will be rubbery. You can prepare buckwheat pancakes in another way:

500 ml buckwheat porridge (from buckwheat),
500 ml milk,
4 eggs,
½ cup Sahara,
20 g dry yeast,
Wheat flour.

Mix buckwheat porridge with milk, add all the ingredients and add enough wheat flour to make a dough with the consistency of thick sour cream.

This dough is prepared without yeast and soda. Main ingredients: flour, butter, sour cream, eggs, sugar and salt. The ratio of flour and butter is 4:1. Before using, cut the butter and knead it with a wet rolling pin, but do not melt it, otherwise the dough will be greasy.

1 kg flour,
4-5 eggs,
½ cup Sahara,
125 g sour cream,
250 g butter,
250 g water,
1 tsp salt.

The dough cannot be kneaded for a long time, otherwise the products from it will turn out dense and not crumbly. In a mixer, quickly mix the flour and butter, then add the remaining ingredients. It is advisable to put the kneaded dough in the refrigerator for an hour, so it will stick less to the table when rolling out.

must be plastic. Approximate ratio of flour and liquid: for 1 kg of flour - 400 ml of liquid (including eggs!). That is, we take 4-5 eggs per 1 kg of flour, mix them with liquid to a volume of 400 ml. and prepare the dough. Some of the water can be replaced with onion juice, this will add piquancy to your dumplings. Don't forget about salt - 2 tsp. for 1 kg of flour. Before rolling out, the dough must rest for at least half an hour.

Homemade noodle dough differs from dumpling dough in that it is prepared without water, that is, flour is mixed with eggs or yolks and a very tough but plastic dough is kneaded.

There are a variety of different ones, simple and complex. But don't be afraid of difficulties. Follow the recipe and everything will work out.

1 kg flour,
600 g butter,
2 eggs,
¼ tsp. citric acid,
1 tsp salt,
450 ml water.

To prepare puff pastry, it is good to use durum flour, but if there is none, then adding salt and citric acid to the dough will correct the situation. The butter for layering must be mixed with flour - the butter will become more plastic and sticky. Mix 100 g of flour (from the indicated kilogram) with 600 g of butter, giving it the shape of a rectangle. Dissolve salt and citric acid in cold water, add eggs and knead the dough, gradually adding flour. Leave the resulting dough on the table for the gluten to swell. Then the finished dough is rolled out into a rectangle, larger than a piece of butter, and its edges should be thinner than the middle. Place butter in the middle of the layer, wrap the dough in the form of an envelope, and pinch the edges. Gently roll out the dough, being careful not to break it, in all directions, giving shape rectangle. The thickness of the dough should be 1 cm, and the edges should be thinner. Then sweep away the flour that was used to dust the dough when rolling, and fold it into an envelope, but so that the edges do not meet in the center, but are slightly offset. Place in the refrigerator for a while. Roll out the dough, fold into quarters, cool, roll out again, fold into thirds, cool, roll out and fold into thirds again. Puff pastry is ready!

If you follow all the rules for preparing shortcrust pastry, your cakes will turn out crumbly. There are several options for shortcrust pastry. For cakes, pies and small pastries, use flour and butter in a 1:1 ratio, sugar - 4 times less than butter, and do not add eggs. Another option: flour and butter in a ratio of 3: 2, the same amount of sugar as butter, and for every 250 g of flour take 1 egg. And the dough for small products: flour and butter in a ratio of 2: 1, for every 250 g of flour - 1 egg, sugar - the same as butter. Be sure to add a little salt to the shortbread dough! You can add a little baking powder and grated lemon or orange zest.

But with all the variety of options, the technique for preparing shortcrust pastry is the same: quickly mix pieces of not very cold butter with sugar and salt, add eggs and flour with baking powder. Shortbread dough cannot be kneaded for a long time, otherwise the baked goods will be dense and unbaked. By the way, under no circumstances should you grind eggs with sugar, because it is the unground sugar crystals that give that “sandiness” to the dough. In the same way, you cannot extinguish soda before use - this is illogical, because soda should raise and loosen the dough, but how is this possible if it has already been extinguished? It is recommended to cool the dough before using.

Choux pastry

1 stack flour,
1 stack water,
125 g butter,
4 eggs,
½ tsp. salt.

Making this type of dough requires some skill and courage. But the result of the work is amazing: you can prepare eclairs and fill them with your favorite cream, or profiteroles with cheese, pate and other fillings. Put butter and salt in a saucepan with water, bring to a boil, add flour and, without removing from heat, stir quickly until the dough no longer lags behind the walls of the dish and turns into a lump. After this, cool the dough a little and add the eggs one at a time. You can stir with a mixer, but be careful - the dough should not be too liquid. Sometimes three eggs are enough. In a word, the dough should have the consistency of thick sour cream. If you put a little dough on a plate, it should not spread, but it should not be too dense either. Place the finished dough onto a lightly greased baking sheet in the form of sticks (for eclairs) or balls (for profiteroles).

Few housewives can boast of successful biscuits (we don’t take multicooker owners into account!) - this dough is very capricious. But if you know your oven well, then you can take a chance and try making biscuit dough. As with shortcrust pastry, there are several recipe options. First: for every 30 g of flour - 30 g of sugar and 1 egg. Second: for every 40 g of flour - 40 g of sugar and 1 egg. Third: add 1 more tbsp to the second option. water. It is very important to follow the rules for preparing biscuit dough:

The eggs must be fresh - they retain air better when beaten.
. Carefully separate the whites from the yolks.
. The container in which the egg whites are beaten must be clean and grease-free.
. The whites are whipped with citric acid or a pinch of salt - with them the whites whip better and don’t settle as much.
. When beating the whites, the mixer is first turned on at low speed, the whites are beaten for 2 minutes, then the speed is increased to medium (beat for 1 minute) and then the speed is increased to maximum and the whites are beaten to the desired condition. Well-beaten whites do not fall off the whisk.
. Be careful not to overbeat the egg whites - the dough may settle.

To prepare the dough according to options 1 and 2, first beat the yolks with sugar, and their volume should increase significantly. Then beat the whites. Now you need to mix everything, and you need to work only with your hands, and preferably with a wooden spoon. This is done like this: place the whites on the yolks, sprinkle with flour through a sieve and mix from bottom to top. The finished dough should be immediately placed in a preheated oven. The third version of the biscuit dough differs only in that the yolks are beaten with sugar and warm water (this biscuit will be “wet”).

Airy dough(meringue). The simplest dough in composition and the most difficult to prepare. The airy dough is made from proteins and sugar. You can add a variety of fillings to it: ground peanuts, almond petals, coconut flakes, roasted ground hazelnuts. The main thing is to beat the whites correctly and slowly. The ratio of proteins and sugar can be calculated as follows: for every 4 proteins - 1 cup. with a pile of sugar or for each protein - 60 g of sugar. First, beat the whites until large bubbles form. Then, without ceasing to beat, slowly add sugar 1 tablespoon at a time. Gradually you will get a lush, thick, shiny mass. All! The finished mass can be deposited in the form of small cakes or cake layers.

The main thing to remember when preparing this type of dough is that it is better to use egg yolks rather than whole eggs. If you plan to sandwich or stuff your waffles with very sweet fillings, your waffle batter should be unsweetened. Remembering the amount of ingredients is very simple: 2 cups. flour, 2 cups. water, 2 yolks, ½ tsp. salt, ½ tsp. soda If you want to make sweet waffles, then the ratio of ingredients should be as follows: for 2 cups. flour - 1 cup. water, 2 yolks, 100 powdered sugar, 50 g melted butter, ½ tsp. soda

Dough for “brushwood”

100 g milk,
2 eggs,
2 tbsp. sour cream,
4 tbsp. Sahara,
1 tbsp. cognac or vodka,
400 g flour (or as much as the dough will take).

Mix all the ingredients and knead a fairly stiff dough. Roll it into a layer 3-5 mm thick, cut into strips or diamonds, make a cut inside, turn it inside out once or twice and deep-fry. Sprinkle the finished brushwood with powdered sugar.

You can fry almost anything in batter - vegetables, meat, fish. The dough for the batter is prepared simply: for 100 g of flour take 100 g of water, 1 egg, ¼ tsp. salt and ½ tsp. Sahara. The yolks are separated from the whites, the whites are beaten, then everything is mixed. Water can be replaced with beer or soda water, and part of the flour with starch.

And that's not all the dough recipes. There is no dough for the thinnest pancakes, lacy brushwood, dumplings and dumplings, for exotic dishes. But it’s okay, there’s still more to come!

Larisa Shuftaykina

All ingredients must be correlated with the amount of flour that will be used to prepare the dough.

Yeast. Usually take from 2 to 5% of the weight of flour. In this case, fresh yeast. It's better to take 3%. This means that dough made from 1 kg of flour will take 30 g of yeast. If there is a lot of baking in the dough, the amount of yeast should be increased by 1.5 times. If you use dry yeast, then usually take from 1 to 1.5%. There are recommendations on dry yeast packages. Manufacturers of dry yeast most often pack it for household use in bags weighing 10 or 11 g, which is exactly for 1 kg of flour.

Liquid (water, milk). Liquids are taken approximately 2.5 times less than flour. This means that for 1 kg of flour there is 400 ml of liquid. This is, of course, approximately. Much depends on the quality of flour. This ratio of flour to liquid is correct when using a few eggs (eggs contain a lot of moisture) and butter.

SO: ( ingredient weight part) flour 1 kg water 2/5 by weight of flour fresh or dry yeast 3% (1% dry) by weight of flour butter 50 g per 1 kg flour eggs approximately 2 pcs sugar 3 tbsp salt 1 tsp

REMEMBER: 1 tablespoon of sugar contains approximately 25 g and 1 teaspoon of salt contains approximately 10 g.

The consistency of the freshly kneaded straight dough resembles the density of an earlobe.

What is the mixing “technique”? Let us turn for a moment to the advice of cookbooks: “Put the flour in a mound, make a depression on the top and gradually pour into it: yeast diluted in warm water, warm milk, eggs...” This rule has been passed down from book to book for centuries. The bottom line is that it is recommended to pour liquid into the dry part, and not the other way around. What is the difference? Let’s imagine that “they laid out a mound...”, etc. And we started kneading the dough and we feel that the dough turned out to be very dense. What should I do? Let's add water, but now the dough will not “take up” water so easily; it will become sticky on the surface and will stick to the walls of the bowl or to the table.. Then you need to add flour! But we need to make the dough more moist, we pour water, but are forced to add flour! It turns out that with this method of kneading, the dough often turns out more dense and is almost impossible to correct (remember that the amount of water “accepted” by the dough depends on the quality of the flour, in particular on the amount of gluten in it, in general. Proteins - the more gluten, the “stronger” the flour and the more water it will “take.” In this case, isn’t it better to deliberately make the dough initially more liquid and gradually (!!!) add flour to it until we get the desired consistency? It’s more logical to prepare the entire liquid part (water with yeast, sugar, salt, eggs dissolved in it) and gradually add flour while stirring, look at the result and add flour little by little, if necessary. Do you feel the difference? Forget about the “heap” recommendations! It was an average yeast dough.

Culinary advice from Ilya Lazerson!

Great selection! There are almost all varieties of pies.

Take it and keep it for yourself!

Attention! In all recipes, the pies can be either fried in oil or baked in the oven! The choice is yours.

1. The pies are soft

The dough is wonderful - soft, tender, airy. Simply very tasty.

This dough goes with any filling.


1. Flour - 600 gr.

2. Sugar - 4 tbsp. spoons

3. Eggs - 2 pcs.

4. Margarine - 50 gr. (can be replaced with butter)

5. Milk - 250 ml (can be replaced with water + milk powder 2 tablespoons)

6. Salt - 1 teaspoon

7. Dry yeast - 2 teaspoons

8. Vanillin - 1 teaspoon

Filling - whatever your heart desires!

2.Pies without hassle in 15 minutes

An excellent recipe for pies that a novice cook can easily make.

Very tasty, soft, soft, easy to prepare, quick and using the simplest ingredients.


1. Boiled water - 0.5 liters

2. Fresh yeast - 50 gr.

3. Vegetable oil - 0.5 cups for dough and 300-350 gr. for frying

4. Sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon

5. Salt to taste

6. Flour - 3-4 cups

Any filling.

3.Cottage cheese pies with apples and raisins

Soft, fragrant, juicy pies with apples and raisins - very tasty and easy to make.


1. Paste-like low-fat cottage cheese - 150 gr.

2. Flour - 300 gr.

3. Baking powder - 15 gr. (bag)

4. Egg liqueur (can be replaced with milk, cream, Baileys, Amaretto) - 6 tbsp. spoons

5. Unscented vegetable oil - 6 tbsp. spoons

6. Vanilla sugar - 1 sachet

7. Sugar - 60-70 gr.

1. Apples - 700 gr.

2. Sugar - 75 gr.

3. Raisins - 50 gr.

4. Lemon juice -2 tbsp. spoons

Frozen berries + sugar also work very well as a filling.

There is no need to defrost the berries first!

4.Quick pies “Favorite mother-in-law’s recipe”

For housewives who have something to do, but also want to feed their family with baked goods.


1. Sour cream (or kefir, or fermented baked milk, or yogurt) - 2 cups

2. Eggs - 2 pcs.

3. Salt to taste

4. Sugar - 0.5 tbsp. spoon

5. Slaked soda - 1 teaspoon in 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vinegar (if you use kefir or yogurt, do not quench it)

6. Flour - how much the dough will take (do not beat the dough).

It turns out to be an impressive pile of pies.

They can be heated in the microwave or in a frying pan, sprayed with oil, covered over low heat.


Minced meat (any meat) fried with onions and mixed with mashed potatoes.

The proportions are arbitrary.

For this dough, puree with meat is the best filling.

5.Small pies made with yeast dough

Today the child demanded pies.

I baked it, but only made the dough thin.

With this recipe, it still turns out fluffy and tender.


1. Kefir - 1 glass

2. Sunflower oil - 0.5 cups

3. Sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon

4. Salt - 1 teaspoon

6. Flour - 3 cups


1. Potatoes - 3 pcs.

2. Onion - 1 pc.

3. Salt and pepper to taste

4. Vegetable oil for frying onions

5. Yolks – 2 pcs. for greasing pies


Delicate dough, juicy filling.

This amount of dough makes 14 pies.


1. Cottage cheese - 200 gr.

2. Egg - 2 pcs.

3. Sour milk or kefir - 500 ml.

4. Potato flakes - 2.5 tbsp. spoons (can be replaced with mashed potatoes)

5. Sugar - 2 teaspoons

6. Salt - 0.5 teaspoons

7. Soda - 1 teaspoon

8. Flour - 300 gr.

9. Vegetable oil for frying


1. Chicken fillet - 300 gr.

2. Mushrooms - 100 gr.

3. Onions - 2 pcs.

4. Sour cream - 1 tbsp. spoon

8. Vegetable oil 1-2 tbsp. spoons

7.Pies with meat filling

The highlight of these pies is the filling of fried minced meat with onions.

It turns out juicy, with a rich meaty taste.


1. Milk - 400 gr.

2. Butter - 150 gr.

3. Sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons

4. Salt - 0.5 teaspoon

5. Dry yeast - 2 teaspoons

6. Flour - 700-750 gr.


1. Minced meat - 700 gr.

2. Onions 2-3 pcs.

4. Peeled tomatoes 2-3 pcs.

8.Pies with eggs and green onions


1. Flour - 500 gr.

2. Butter - 200 gr.

3. Kefir - 250 ml.

4. Eggs - 2 pcs.

5. Baking powder - 2 teaspoons

6. Salt - 1 teaspoon


1. Green onions - 3 bunches

2. Boiled eggs - 6 pcs.

3. Salt and ground black pepper to taste

9. Pies “Like fluff”


(for 20 pies)

1. Kefir - 1 glass

2. Refined oil - 0.5 cup

3. Sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon

4. Salt - 1 teaspoon

5. Dry instant yeast - 1 sachet

6. Flour - 3 cups

Any filling.

10.Kattamy - pies for first courses (Kyrgyz cuisine)

These pies are mainly for frying, because... The dough is almost sugar-free, but you can also bake it.


1. Dry yeast - 1.5 teaspoons

2. Flour - 500 gr.

3. Milk - 250 ml.

4. Sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon

5. Salt - 1 tbsp. spoon

Filling: whatever you want (meat, onion, mushroom is especially good).

By the way, these pies filled with fried cracklings and onions are very tasty with sour cabbage soup or borscht; Ukrainian busybodies will understand me.

11. Pogaca - Turkish breakfast pies


1. Margarine - 125 gr.

2. Yogurt - 200 gr.

3. Sunflower oil - 50 ml.

4. Flour - 400 gr.

5. Baking powder - 1 sachet

6. Salt - 1 teaspoon


1. White cheese - 125 gr.

2. Bunch of parsley

3. Egg white - 1 pc.

12. Yeast dough for pies in the oven

Pies made from this dough are soft and crispy, the dough is tender and fluffy.


1. Warm milk - 200 ml.

2. Warm water - 100 ml.

3. Dry yeast - 1 tbsp. box

4. Sugar - 1-2 teaspoons

5. Salt - 1 teaspoon

6. Sour cream - 2-3 tbsp. spoons

7. Soda - 1 teaspoon

8. Sunflower (or other vegetable) odorless oil - 3-4 tbsp. spoons

Butter - 70-80 g

Flour - how much dough will take

Bon appetit!

Let's bake pies!

When kneading the dough, you need to focus on the amount of milk.
For example, for 0.5 liters of milk, calculate the amount of other products: eggs, sugar, salt, fat, flour and yeast.

It is not advisable to change the dough recipe arbitrarily, since a violation of the composition and quantity of products may affect the quality of the dough.

If you add too much sugar or salt to the dough, it will rise slowly, and when frying, the products will quickly brown, but will remain raw inside.

If there is not enough sugar, the pies turn out pale and tasteless.

Excess salt not only worsens the taste of the pies, but also their appearance: the crust does not brown.

If the dough is too steep (with a lack of liquid), it does not ferment well, the baked goods turn out hard, and if there is too much liquid, the dough does not form well, spreads, and the pies turn out flat and blurry.

If you increase the amount of yeast, fermentation speeds up, but the dough may acquire an unpleasant yeasty smell.

1. Dough

For 0.5 liters of milk you need to take:

  • 4 eggs,
  • 100 grams of granulated sugar,
  • 1 teaspoon salt,
  • 1 pack of creamy margarine,
  • 50 g yeast,
  • 900 grams of premium or first grade wheat flour.

Break the eggs into a bowl with a capacity of about 5 liters, add salt, granulated sugar, and add melted margarine.
Divide the slightly warmed milk into two parts: pour half into a bowl, and dilute the yeast in the other part and also pour into the bowl.
Sift the flour, also pour it into a bowl, stir well and knead the dough until it comes away from your hands.

Knead the dough for at least 15 minutes.

Then cover the bowl with a clean towel and place in a warm place until the dough rises.

When it comes up, knead the dough and put it back into the bowl.
Let it rise a second time, knead it again and put it in a warm place again.
When the dough rises for the third time, you need to put it on a clean table sprinkled with flour.
Then, cutting off small pieces, divide the entire dough into small balls of equal size. While you are rolling the last balls, the first ones will already fit, and you can make pies from them.

Now sprinkle your hands with flour, take a ball and make a round cake 1 cm thick out of it. You can roll out the dough for the dough with a rolling pin, or you can stretch or knead the dough with your fingers. Place the filling on the flatbread, press together tightly and seal the edges. 2. Filling

Pies can be made with different fillings:

  • with meat;
  • with meat, green onions and egg;
  • with cabbage, onion and egg;
  • with apples,
  • with mushrooms,
  • with cottage cheese.

To prepare the filling from rice with eggs, you need to first wash the rice, boil it, and place it in a colander to drain. Then mix the rice in a bowl with chopped hard-boiled eggs, butter, and salt.

Tasty and filling of cottage cheese with herbs.
You need to mash the cottage cheese, add salt to taste, add finely chopped dill and onion leaves and one raw egg per 0.5 kg of cottage cheese, mix.

If you want to make a filling from fresh cabbage, you need to cut the cabbage, pour it over first with boiling water and then with cold water, drain it in a colander, squeeze it out, fry it for a few minutes in vegetable oil, add salt and ground pepper and use it for the filling.

The filling of buckwheat porridge with liver is quite tasty.
Soak the liver a little in milk and fry in butter along with chopped onions, then pass through a meat grinder, add salt and pepper, mix with chopped eggs and, if desired, with crumbly buckwheat porridge.

It should be borne in mind that salted meat, mushroom and fish fillings are not suitable for sweet dough, just as salty dough cannot be prepared for sweet fillings.

3. Baking

Place the finished pies on a greased baking sheet, seam side down, leaving three-finger gaps between them so that the dough fits freely. At the same time, you need to keep in mind that the baking sheet is greased evenly, otherwise the pies will spread in a large accumulation of fat or burn on insufficiently greased areas of the baking sheet.

Then the baking sheet with the pies should be placed in a warm place for 20-30 minutes for proofing, that is, for them to rise.
During this time, the products increase in volume and become lush. It is necessary to protect baking sheets with pies from drafts, which can be caused by an open door or window, so that the crust does not dry out on the surface of the dough, which will make the taste of the pies worse.

The oven must be preheated to a temperature of 230-250 degrees.
In order for the pies to turn out beautiful, rosy and appetizing, after proofing they need to be greased with a raw egg. To do this, pour the egg into a cup and beat with a fork so that the yolk mixes with the white. Better yet, just brush with beaten yolk.

You need to grease the pies carefully so as not to crush them, and so that the egg does not get on the baking sheet, otherwise the pies will stick to it during baking. Try to place the baking sheet in the oven carefully, without jostling, otherwise the pies may settle.

Bake the pies over medium heat for 10-15 minutes.
The baked pies should be immediately placed on a large plate covered with paper napkins.
To make the pies tastier, you can grease them with butter while hot.
Then cover them on top with a clean towel and leave for 10-15 minutes.

Russian dough pies in French style

For the French test you need:
milk – 1 glass
margarine – 1 pack
eggs – 2 pcs.
fresh yeast – 1 pack (100 g)
sugar – 5 tbsp. l.
flour – 3 cups +1 cup or a little more for mixing

You can boil the milk, turn it off and put the margarine in it whole, but to speed up the process it is better to cut it into pieces. The margarine has melted, add sugar. While we stir it, the milk cools down so that you can add lightly beaten eggs - they will no longer curdle. We don't stop stirring. By this time the milk becomes lukewarm, and we are not afraid of dissolving the yeast. Crumble with your left hand and stir with your right.

When the yeast has dissolved, we begin to add flour - in small portions, and again without ceasing to stir. I warn you that the result will not be pie dough at all - it is too liquid for this, and if you also used a food processor, then not at all. But don't let this bother you!

Place the dough in the refrigerator for 25-30 minutes.
Three or four times during this time we look into the refrigerator and knead the dough with a spoon or spatula.
After half an hour we continue work. Pour a lot of flour onto a cutting board and lay out the dough. Gradually adding flour, bring the dough to the desired consistency.

There is no salt in the recipe. Its absence in the test is not felt in any way. But the filling should be moderately salted or a little more. It also doesn’t hurt to add sugar if you use even a bitter filling, for example, with onions. Sugar helps the dough “work.”

Does it seem like there is too much yeast? But, apparently, thanks to them, the pies do not go stale for a long time.

Filling: mashed potatoes with onions and mushrooms.
They eat pies with milk or tea.

The dough can be prepared in advance, it is good even after defrosting.

Yeast dough from the refrigerator

Yeast dough that is refrigerated.
Convenient for any baking, it always turns out great.


* Milk - 0.5 l
* Yeast (fresh) - 100 g
* Vegetable oil - 200 ml
* Egg - 3 pcs
* Sugar - 4-5 tbsp. l.
* Salt (to taste)
* Flour - 7-8 cups.


Dissolve yeast in warm milk, add beaten eggs with sugar, vegetable oil, salt and flour.
Knead the dough.
Place the dough in a plastic bag, tie it to leave room, and put it in the refrigerator for an hour and a half (or overnight).
When the dough has risen, mold whatever you want!

Shortbread dough

  • Flour with a small amount of gluten is more suitable for shortcrust pastry. But since under normal conditions there is no way to check the quality of flour, you can add a small amount of starch to the dough. It will turn out more crumbly.
  • It is very important to use high-quality fat, as it significantly affects the taste of the dough. Natural butter with a fat content of 82% is best. Depending on the recipe, the butter is used cooled or softened, but never too cold or melted. Friability and plasticity also depend on the oil. If there is less oil than needed, the dough will turn out dense and hard.
  • To make the dough more crumbly, you can use only egg yolks (in this case, it is not necessary to add baking powder).
  • When baking, the layer of dough must have the same thickness, otherwise it will bake unevenly.
  • The finished dough should be placed in the refrigerator for at least half an hour to make it easier to roll out and to prevent it from cracking during baking. If you suddenly change your mind about baking a pie, don’t worry, shortcrust pastry can be stored in the refrigerator for up to three days, or you can even freeze it.
  • Shortbread dough does not need to be kneaded for a long time: it will lose its plasticity and the baked goods will turn out tough.
  • Before baking, the shortbread dough can also be placed in a mold and placed in the freezer, then there is less chance that it will “slip.” To prevent the sides of the dough from moving, you can place baking paper and beans on the bottom of the mold directly on the dough.
  • The dough sets best in the oven at convection and a high temperature of 200-220 degrees.

Shortbread dough (basic recipe for sweet pie)

Ingredients: 2 cups flour, 200 g butter, 0.5 cup sugar, 1 egg (you will get 800 g dough). Preparation. Mix flour with sugar. Add the pieces of butter and rub the butter into the flour mixture. Add the egg and quickly mash with your hands until smooth.

Puff pastry

Puff pastry is made from flour, salt, water, butter (or margarine). When baking it should spread into many layers. “Layeriness” is achieved by a special mixing method:
The butter is “rolled” in layers into a base of flour and water, then rolled out, folded, frozen and the operation is repeated 4-5 times.

Puff pastry without yeast

3 cups flour (more may be needed), 1 egg, approximately 200 - 220 ml water, 200 g butter, 1/4 tsp. salt, 2 tsp. vinegar 9%. Preparation.
Mix the egg and water in a bowl, add salt and vinegar, stir. Add flour gradually, knead into a thick but plastic dough. Wrap the finished dough in film and leave it for 30 minutes or 1 – 2 hours at room temperature.
Remove the butter from the refrigerator, cut into cubes, add flour (50 g flour per 200 g butter, 75 g flour per 300 g butter), mix everything, preferably using a food processor.
Transfer the mixture onto film or parchment paper. Cover with a second sheet of film and roll out a thin pancake. Place in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.
The next step is to combine the dough and butter. To do this, roll out the dough to a thickness of 5 – 7 mm. Place the butter pancake on it so that it occupies 2/3 of the area closer to one edge. The edge of the butter pancake should not be at the same level as the edge of the dough layer, the indentation is 1 - 1.5 cm. Place the free 1/3 of the dough on the butter pancake and pinch the side edges. Now close the “envelope”: cover the top of the dough with the butter part and pinch the edges, put it in the refrigerator for 15 - 20 minutes.
Next, you should “roll out” the dough. When rolling out, place the puff pastry with the short side facing you. You need to roll out with quick movements and in one direction. Before each rolling out, fold the dough three times. Triple fold: Turn the dough with the wide side facing you, fold the left third of the dough up, and cover the dough with the right third. Afterwards the dough is rolled out into a layer of 8 - 10 mm and folded again in a triple fold. The maximum number of possible rolls is 4. If after rolling the dough gets hot, it should be put in the refrigerator for 15 - 20 minutes.
Since classic puff pastry requires a lot of time and considerable physical strength, it is often used at home simplified recipe.
In this case, chopped cold butter is mixed directly into the dough.
For quick puff pastry, you need to sift the flour (6 cups), saturating it with oxygen. Then add 1 teaspoon of salt and grate 600 g of cold, hard butter on a coarse grater (margarine is cheaper, but worse). Mix everything thoroughly and rub the mixture again until a homogeneous fatty mass is obtained.
Then separately beat 1.5 cups of cold water (or milk) with 4 yolks, pour in 1/2 teaspoon of diluted citric acid, mix well and carefully begin pouring this liquid into the butter and flour.
You should get a homogeneous plastic dough. The finished dough should be wrapped in film and placed in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.
  • You need to prepare puff pastry in a cool room (17-20? C).
  • Butter or margarine must be cooled to a temperature of 15-17? C, but not lower. Oil that is too cold will crumble when rolling out products, and will leak out when baking. The dough itself should also be chilled.
  • Baking trays for puff pastry should be greased with cold water, not grease.
  • You only need to cut the dough with a well-sharpened knife so as not to disturb the layers.
  • The edges of a puff pastry product should not be greased with yolk before baking - this may prevent the dough from rising.
  • Before baking, the dough can be pricked in several places with a knife to avoid swelling.
  • It is not recommended to store puff pastry as its taste deteriorates.

Dry yeast dough

  • 1 packet of dry yeast
  • 2 cups warm water
  • 2 tsp Sahara
  • 1 tsp alcohol
  • 4 cups flour
  • 3 - 4 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil
  • sugar - to taste
Dilute 1 packet of dry yeast in 2 glasses of warm water, with the addition of 2 tsp. sugar and 1 tsp. any alcohol.
When the yeast has risen, add 4 cups of flour, 3-4 palms of vegetable oil, salt, sugar to taste (1 tablespoon of sugar and 2 pinches of salt, if the filling is sweet, add more sugar) and knead the dough. The dough should be elastic and not stick to your hands.
Place the dough in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

Pies in five minutes

(recipe for sloths)
  • - 4 tbsp. flour (sometimes you need a little more, because flour varies)
  • - 2 tbsp. l sugar
  • - 1\2 tsp. salt
  • - 2 tbsp. l. sunflower oil
  • - 500 ml. milk (you can warm it, you can straight from the refrigerator, I tried it both ways, the result is the same)
  • - package of dry yeast 11 gr. (for example, a small bag of SafMoment)
Stage 1.
Mix all ingredients until smooth. Place the resulting mixture in a bag and place in the refrigerator for 2 hours.
ALL! Stage 2.
After two hours, you take the dough out of the refrigerator, lightly knead it in flour and make pies with any filling. The dough is soft, does not stick to your hands, molds well and the pies do not fall apart. Can also be used for all types of pies and pizza.

1 Heat the milk until warm, approximately 35-36 C, if you cannot measure the temperature, then dip your finger in the milk, it should be quite warm and your finger should be bearable. The temperature of the milk is very important so that the yeast does not die and is activated. Pour sugar into the milk and stir, watch the temperature so that the milk does not cool down! Yeast loves sweet, warm environments. Next, stir the yeast in the milk and leave it alone for 15 minutes, in a warm place, without covering it with anything.

2 Milk with yeast will produce foam, which may then begin to fall off, do not be alarmed - this is a normal, natural process.

3 Beat the eggs with salt until smooth. Eggs should be at room temperature! If you did not have time to remove the eggs from the refrigerator in advance, dip them in warm water for a couple of minutes.

4 Melt the butter, I use the microwave and pour it into the eggs. The oil should not be hot to prevent the eggs from curdling.

5 Add the appropriate yeast with milk to the egg-butter mixture.

6 Add the sifted flour. I highly recommend sifting the flour through a fine sieve in advance, this will saturate it with oxygen and make the baked goods very airy. You can sift the flour directly into the liquid, a few tablespoons at a time. stirring first with a whisk while the dough is liquid, then, when it becomes impossible to stir, start kneading with your hands.

7 I always add flour to see how much the dough will take. We knead the dough so that it does not stick to your hands, but is not too steep, that is, if 300 grams of flour is enough for you, do not try to put more into the dough, referring to the recipe, since the flour is different and its quantity may vary and depend on very many factors: oil fat content, flour quality, egg size, etc. I usually knead the dough not in a bowl, but on a table lightly powdered with flour. When kneading the dough, keep in mind that the dough loves hands! Especially men's and children's. So feel free to invite your family and let them have fun. Knead it, throw it on the table, spank it, in general, the dough needs a very good massage! I usually knead this dough for about 5-8 minutes; I have to knead some types of baked goods for 15 minutes. I don’t have a bread machine, but if you have one, I advise you to use its services))

8 When you and I have kneaded the dough, grease it with vegetable oil so that a crust does not form and put it in a clean bowl, also greased with oil. Cover the dough with a towel or cling film and leave to rise in a warm place. I usually use the oven, there is no draft and it’s warm)) I preheat the oven to 50C and put a bowl of dough in there for two batches. After 45-50 minutes, check with you to see if the dough has increased, knead it slightly and wait again for 45-60 minutes. Two approaches will be enough.

9 The dough has doubled in size, do not knead it.

You can begin to form the products.

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