State Duma of the Russian Federation. Chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation: duties and powers. Appointment of the Chairman of the State Duma

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The elections of the seventh convocation of the State Duma were held in the fall of 2016. Traditionally, with the convening of a new Duma, its new head is immediately elected. Chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation in 2017: who holds this position, what the chairman is known for in previous positions, what are the functions of the chairman of the lower house of the Russian parliament.

Chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation: what does this position mean?

From a formal point of view, according to the Russian Constitution, the Chairman of the State Duma (or Speaker, as journalists call him in English) is the fourth person in the state after the President, Prime Minister and Chairman of the Federation Council. Heading the lower house of parliament, its chairman is formally responsible mainly for the conduct of meetings and internal regulations, but in fact, having in his hands the levers of control of the Duma, the chairman often sets the agenda for its work and the style of the State Duma as a whole.

Formally, Duma deputies themselves choose their chairman. Each of the factions, which is formed by the political parties that have entered the Duma, can propose its candidacy for the role of speaker, and as a result of a secret (by decision of the deputies, it can be open) voting, the speaker of the State Duma is elected.

The Chairmen of the Duma of the previous six convocations were four people:

  1. Ivan Petrovich Rybkin (Agrarian Party of Russia) - was speaker in 1994-1996, in the first convocation of parliament.
  2. Gennady Nikolaevich Seleznev (Communist Party of the Russian Federation) headed the Duma of the second and third convocations (from 1996 to 2003), was a figure of compromise with the then strong communists.
  3. Boris Vyacheslavovich Gryzlov (United Russia) - was the speaker of the fourth and fifth convocations (2003-2011), remembered for the phrase “Parliament is not a place for discussion,” which is both paradoxical and tragic for the development of democracy in the country. Under him, the Duma turned from an independent body of power into a formally necessary, but actually not decisive, branch.
  4. Sergei Evgenievich Naryshkin (United Russia) is the chairman of the most scandalous, sixth convocation of the Duma (2011-2016). Under him, obvious signs of political decay appeared in the Duma, respect for the lower house in society dropped to a minimum, and the new chairman, who took office in 2016, needed to do something about it.

Chairman of the State Duma in 2017

The Chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation in 2017 is Vyacheslav Viktorovich Volodin. In the 1990s, he was a Saratov politician, and in 1999 he became a member of the Duma of the 3rd convocation. There Volodin was noticed by the head of his faction - “Fatherland - All Russia” Yevgeny Primakov, who in 2001 introduced Volodin to the president of the country. In the future, Volodin had a great bureaucratic career, the peak of which was overseeing domestic policy as First Deputy Head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation in 2011-2016.

In 2016, Volodin was actually appointed Chairman of the Duma by the president of the country, although the formal procedure was followed, and the deputies themselves voted for Volodin.

Both supporters of the government and its opponents give Volodin credit for the fact that he is a very capable, deep person, who knows well the mechanisms of functioning of power and personally knows almost the entire bureaucratic apparatus of the country down to the regional level. Unlike many of his other colleagues in the Duma, Volodin is considered a relatively decent person who adheres to certain principles in relation to other people. He is purposeful and in any of his intrigues he remembers that, first of all, he is personally loyal to the president.

Whether a person like Volodin will make a good chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation in 2017 and later - time will tell. Obviously, he is too complex a person, accustomed to keeping a low profile, so it is very difficult to evaluate him based on his public statements and actions. Probably only historians will be able to truly understand his role. However, it has already become clear that the State Duma of the seventh convocation has become a calmer and less scandalous place than the previous one, and the merit in this of Volodin, who immediately imposed strict discipline in parliament, cannot be denied.

The State Duma of the Russian Federation consists of 450 deputies (Article 95 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation), of which 225 receive deputy mandates based on the number of votes cast for the party list that includes the candidate, in proportion to the number of votes cast for the party.

Parties for which at least 5% of voters who took part in the elections voted are allowed to distribute deputy mandates. The remaining 225 seats are filled directly by those candidates who received a majority of votes in a single-mandate electoral district. Deputies of the State Duma work on a professional basis and cannot hold government positions or engage in other paid activities, except for teaching, scientific and other creative activities.

Structure of the State Duma of the Russian Federation:

  1. Chairman of the State Duma, his first deputies and deputies (elected from among the deputies of the State Duma at its first meeting);
  2. Council of the State Duma (carries out the main current work);
  3. parliamentary associations (factions and parliamentary groups);
  4. committees and commissions (created to solve individual problems).

Chairman of the State Duma:

  1. conducts chamber meetings;
  2. is in charge of internal regulations of the chamber;
  3. organizes the work of the State Duma;
  4. represents the chamber in relations with the Russian Federation, foreign states, government bodies and officials;
  5. exercises other organizational powers.

The Chairman of the State Duma and his deputies are members of the Council of the State Duma and have the right to a decisive vote when making decisions by the Council.

The Council of the State Duma carries out preliminary preparation and consideration of organizational issues of the chamber's activities, and also prepares bills for discussion at a meeting of the chamber.

All deputy associations have equal rights. They are created to defend the interests of the party and, as a rule, are represented by its members. Deputy associations have the right to make decisions on the issues discussed at their meetings; deputies report these decisions to the Chairman and Council of the State Duma. Such decisions are advisory in nature. Deputy associations (each of them includes 50 people) are subject to state registration in the manner prescribed by federal laws.

The main function of the State Duma of the Russian Federation– discussion and adoption of federal constitutional and federal laws.

Other powers of the State Duma include (Article 103 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation):

  1. introduction of bills by the Duma or its deputies for discussion in the chamber;
  2. consideration of the candidacy of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation proposed by the President of the Russian Federation;
  3. resolving the issue of trust in the Government of the Russian Federation;
  4. appointment and dismissal of the Chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the Chairman of the Accounts Chamber and half of its auditors, the Commissioner for Human Rights;
  5. amnesty announcement;
  6. bringing charges against the President of the Russian Federation for his removal from office.

The procedure for the activities of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation is determined by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional and federal laws and the Rules of Procedure of the Chamber.

Basic principles for organizing the activities of the State Duma:

  • political diversity of parliamentary groups and multi-party system;
  • free discussion and collective resolution of assigned tasks.

The State Duma works during the sessions:

  1. spring (from January 12 to June 20);
  2. autumn (from September 1 to December 25).

Session of the State Duma- this is the period during which the work of the lower house of the Federal Assembly is carried out, meetings of the chamber, committees of the State Duma, its Council are convened, parliamentary hearings are held, parliamentary factions, committees, and working groups work. The State Duma of the new convocation meets for the first meeting on the 30th day after the elections. The President of the Russian Federation may convene deputies for the first meeting earlier than this date. The first meeting is always opened by the oldest deputies in age. According to the Rules of Procedure of the State Duma, subsequent sessions of the chamber are opened by the Chairman of the State Duma. At their first meeting, deputies elect the bodies of the chamber:

  1. Chairman of the State Duma;
  2. Counting commission;
  3. Temporary Commission on the Rules and Organization of Work of the State Duma;
  4. Interim Secretariat.

These decisions of the State Duma are formalized by resolutions.

Meetings of the lower chamber of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation are held openly and covered in the media, except for cases established by the Rules of Procedure of the State Duma, or in the event of a decision to hold a closed meeting by a majority vote of the number of deputies present at the meeting. The following persons have the right to attend closed meetings: the President of the Russian Federation, the Chairman and members of the Federation Council, the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation and its members, as well as other persons listed in the Rules of Procedure of the State Duma. Meetings of the State Duma are held separately from meetings of the upper house of the Federal Assembly, however, members of the Federation Council may be present at meetings of the State Duma.

Decisions at meetings of the State Duma are made by voting (open or secret) on the basis of one vote per deputy. Voting can be secret or open (by direct voting). Each deputy votes independently; the governing bodies of political parties cannot force their members to vote for a particular decision. A meeting of the lower house of the Federal Assembly is valid if a majority of the total number of deputies (226 deputies or more) is present. At meetings of the State Duma the following are held:

  1. minutes (signed by the chairman of the meeting);
  2. transcripts (subject to official publication, with the exception of transcripts of closed meetings).

The rules of the State Duma establish periods for deputies to work with voters, namely: every last week of the month.

The activities of the State Duma end from the moment the work of the State Duma of the new convocation begins (its first meeting).

The Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation includes two representatives from each subject of the Russian Federation, therefore the total number of members of the Federation Council should be 178, but this number is not fixed by law. The Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation is formed on the principle of parity representation of the subjects of the Russian Federation, according to which representation in the Federation Council is the right of each subject of the Russian Federation, none of them can be deprived of this right. The Federation Council includes one representative each from the legislative (representative) and executive bodies of state power of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation. A representative of the legislative (representative) body of state power of a subject of the Russian Federation may be elected by the corresponding body of state power of the subject of the Russian Federation for the term of office of this body, and if the legislative (representative) body of state power of the subject of the Russian Federation is bicameral, then elected alternately from each chamber for half the term powers of the relevant chamber.

The decision of the legislative (representative) body of state power of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation to elect a representative to the Federation Council is made by secret ballot and formalized by a resolution of the relevant body. It takes effect immediately.

A representative of the executive body of state power of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation is a person appointed by the highest official of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation (the head of the highest executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation) for the term of his powers. The decision of the highest official of a subject of the Russian Federation to appoint a representative from the executive body of state power of the subject of the Russian Federation is formalized by a decree (resolution) of the highest official of the subject of the Russian Federation, which must be sent within three days to the legislative (representative) body of state power of the subject of the Russian Federation. A decree of the highest official of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation on the appointment of a representative in the Federation Council from the executive body of state power of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation comes into force after approval by the legislative (representative) body of state power of the corresponding constituent entity of the Russian Federation, unless at its meeting on the issue of consideration of this decree there was no vote against its approval 2 /3 or more of the total number of deputies.

In accordance with Federal Law No. 113-FZ of August 5, 2000 “On the procedure for forming the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation,” a citizen of the Russian Federation at least 30 years old, who, in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, has the right to elect, may be elected (appointed) as a member of the Federation Council and be elected to government bodies, i.e. persons recognized as incompetent cannot be members of the Federation Council; engaged in any activity other than serving in a government agency; serving a criminal sentence in the form of imprisonment.

The resolution of the legislative (representative) body of state power of the subject of the Russian Federation on the election and the decree of the highest official of the subject of the Russian Federation (the head of the highest executive body of power of the subject of the Russian Federation) on the appointment of representatives of the subject of the Russian Federation in the Federation Council are sent to the Federation Council by the bodies that adopted them no later than five days after joining the force of the said decisions.

The term of office of representatives of constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the Federal Assembly is not established by law; they are constantly reappointed by the highest officials of the relevant constituent entities of the Russian Federation, therefore this term, as a rule, is equal to the term of office of the head of the represented constituent entity of the Russian Federation. Since the Federation Council does not have a clearly established number of members, the composition of the Federation Council is flexible, and new representatives of the authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are constantly appointed.

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The State Duma of the Russian Federation is the legislative body where laws are developed and adopted. It is important not to miss the latest news. Interesting and useful information for citizens is constantly appearing on the site.

Chapter 5. Federal Assembly

Article 94

The Federal Assembly - the parliament of the Russian Federation - is the representative and legislative body of the Russian Federation.

Article 95

1. The Federal Assembly consists of two chambers - the Federation Council and the State Duma.

2. The Federation Council includes two representatives from each constituent entity of the Russian Federation: one each from the representative and executive bodies of state power.

3. The State Duma consists of 450 deputies.

Article 96

1. The State Duma is elected for a term of five years.

2. The procedure for forming the Federation Council and the procedure for electing deputies to the State Duma are established by federal laws.

Article 97

1. A citizen of the Russian Federation who has reached the age of 21 and has the right to participate in elections may be elected as a deputy of the State Duma.

2. The same person cannot simultaneously be a member of the Federation Council and a deputy of the State Duma. A deputy of the State Duma cannot be a deputy of other representative bodies of state power and local government bodies.

3. Deputies of the State Duma work on a professional permanent basis. Deputies of the State Duma cannot be in public service or engage in other paid activities, except for teaching, scientific and other creative activities.

Article 98

1. Members of the Federation Council and deputies of the State Duma enjoy immunity during the entire term of their powers. They cannot be detained, arrested, searched, except in cases of detention at the scene of a crime, and also subjected to personal search, except in cases where this is provided for by federal law to ensure the safety of other people.

2. The issue of deprivation of immunity is decided upon the proposal of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation by the relevant chamber of the Federal Assembly.

Article 99

1. The Federal Assembly is a permanent body.

2. The State Duma meets for the first meeting on the thirtieth day after the election. The President of the Russian Federation may convene a meeting of the State Duma earlier than this date.

3. The first meeting of the State Duma is opened by the oldest deputy in age.

4. From the moment the State Duma of the new convocation begins its work, the powers of the State Duma of the previous convocation are terminated.

Article 100

1. The Federation Council and the State Duma meet separately.

2. Meetings of the Federation Council and State Duma are open. In cases provided for by the rules of the chamber, it has the right to hold closed meetings.

3. The chambers may meet jointly to hear messages from the President of the Russian Federation, messages from the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, and speeches by leaders of foreign states.

Article 101

1. The Federation Council elects from among its members the Chairman of the Federation Council and his deputies. The State Duma elects from among its members the Chairman of the State Duma and his deputies.

2. The Chairman of the Federation Council and his deputies, the Chairman of the State Duma and his deputies conduct meetings and are in charge of the internal regulations of the chamber.

3. The Federation Council and the State Duma form committees and commissions and hold parliamentary hearings on issues within their jurisdiction.

4. Each chamber adopts its own regulations and decides on the internal regulations of its activities.

5. To exercise control over the execution of the federal budget, the Federation Council and the State Duma form the Accounts Chamber, the composition and procedure of which are determined by federal law.

Article 102

1. The jurisdiction of the Federation Council includes:

a) approval of changes in borders between the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

b) approval of the decree of the President of the Russian Federation on the introduction of martial law;

c) approval of the decree of the President of the Russian Federation on the introduction of a state of emergency;

d) resolving the issue of the possibility of using the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation outside the territory of the Russian Federation;

e) calling elections for the President of the Russian Federation;

f) removal of the President of the Russian Federation from office;

g) appointment to the position of judges of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation;

h) appointment and dismissal of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation;

i) appointment and dismissal of the Deputy Chairman of the Accounts Chamber and half of its auditors.

2. The Federation Council adopts resolutions on issues within its jurisdiction by the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

3. Resolutions of the Federation Council are adopted by a majority vote of the total number of members of the Federation Council, unless a different procedure for making decisions is provided for by the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Article 103

1. The jurisdiction of the State Duma includes:

a) giving consent to the President of the Russian Federation for the appointment of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation;

b) resolving the issue of confidence in the Government of the Russian Federation;

c) hearing annual reports of the Government of the Russian Federation on the results of its activities, including on issues raised by the State Duma;

d) appointment and dismissal of the Chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation;

e) appointment and dismissal of the Chairman of the Accounts Chamber and half of its auditors;

f) appointment and dismissal of the Commissioner for Human Rights, acting in accordance with federal constitutional law;

g) announcement of amnesty;

h) bringing charges against the President of the Russian Federation for his removal from office.

2. The State Duma adopts resolutions on issues within its jurisdiction by the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

3. Resolutions of the State Duma are adopted by a majority vote of the total number of deputies of the State Duma, unless a different procedure for making decisions is provided for by the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Article 104

1. The right of legislative initiative belongs to the President of the Russian Federation, the Federation Council, members of the Federation Council, deputies of the State Duma, the Government of the Russian Federation, and legislative (representative) bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The right of legislative initiative also belongs to the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation on issues within their jurisdiction.

2. Bills are submitted to the State Duma.

3. Bills on the introduction or abolition of taxes, exemption from their payment, on the issuance of government loans, on changing the financial obligations of the state, and other bills providing for expenses covered by the federal budget can only be introduced if there is a conclusion from the Government of the Russian Federation.

Article 105

1. Federal laws are adopted by the State Duma.

2. Federal laws are adopted by a majority vote of the total number of deputies of the State Duma, unless otherwise provided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

3. Federal laws adopted by the State Duma are submitted to the Federation Council for consideration within five days.

4. A federal law is considered approved by the Federation Council if more than half of the total number of members of this chamber voted for it or if it was not considered by the Federation Council within fourteen days. If a federal law is rejected by the Federation Council, the chambers may create a conciliation commission to overcome the disagreements that have arisen, after which the federal law is subject to re-examination by the State Duma.

5. If the State Duma disagrees with the decision of the Federation Council, the federal law is considered adopted if, during the repeated voting, at least two-thirds of the total number of deputies of the State Duma voted for it.

Article 106

Federal laws adopted by the State Duma on the following issues are subject to mandatory consideration in the Federation Council:

a) the federal budget;

b) federal taxes and fees;

c) financial, currency, credit, customs regulation, money issue;

d) ratification and denunciation of international treaties of the Russian Federation;

e) status and protection of the state border of the Russian Federation;

e) war and peace.

Article 107

1. The adopted federal law is sent to the President of the Russian Federation for signing and promulgation within five days.

2. The President of the Russian Federation, within fourteen days, signs the federal law and promulgates it.

3. If the President of the Russian Federation rejects it within fourteen days from the date of receipt of the federal law, then the State Duma and the Federation Council, in the manner established by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, will again consider this law. If, upon re-examination, the federal law is approved in the previously adopted wording by a majority of at least two-thirds of the total number of members of the Federation Council and deputies of the State Duma, it is subject to signing by the President of the Russian Federation within seven days and promulgation.

Article 108

1. Federal constitutional laws are adopted on issues provided for by the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

2. A federal constitutional law is considered adopted if it is approved by a majority of at least three-quarters of the votes of the total number of members of the Federation Council and of at least two-thirds of the votes of the total number of deputies of the State Duma. The adopted federal constitutional law must be signed by the President of the Russian Federation and promulgated within fourteen days.

Article 109

1. The State Duma may be dissolved by the President of the Russian Federation in cases provided for in Articles 111 and 117 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

2. In the event of the dissolution of the State Duma, the President of the Russian Federation sets a date for elections so that the newly elected State Duma meets no later than four months from the date of dissolution.

3. The State Duma cannot be dissolved on the grounds provided for in Article 117 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation within a year after its election.

4. The State Duma cannot be dissolved from the moment it brings charges against the President of the Russian Federation until the corresponding decision is made by the Federation Council.

5. The State Duma cannot be dissolved during a period of martial law or a state of emergency throughout the entire territory of the Russian Federation, as well as within six months before the end of the term of office of the President of the Russian Federation.

It was recommended by Vladimir Putin and supported by the overwhelming majority of deputies. Vyacheslav Volodin became the chairman of the chamber.


Vyacheslav Volodin became the chairman of the chamber. 8 deputies and 26 heads of committees were elected. According to the decision of United Russia, the latter are distributed equally with the opposition. The structure is clear, the schedule of meetings has been determined. Legislative work ahead in the autumn session. And the budget process occupies the main place in it.

Vyacheslav Viktorovich Volodin

Born on February 4, 1964 in the working village of Alekseevka, Khvalynsky district, Saratov region. In 1986 he graduated from the Saratov Institute of Agricultural Mechanization named after M.I. Kalinin, specialty: mechanical engineer. In 1995, he graduated from the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, receiving a degree in law. Professor, Doctor of Sciences. He was elected as a deputy of the Saratov City and Saratov Regional Councils of People's Deputies. In 1991 - deputy, deputy chairman of the Saratov Regional Duma. Since 1992 - business manager, deputy head of the Saratov city administration. Since 1996, he held the position of vice-governor, first deputy chairman of the government of the Saratov region. In December 1999, he was elected to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the third convocation. Since September 2001 - head of the Fatherland - All Russia faction. In December 2003, he was elected to the State Duma of the fourth convocation. Since January 2003 - Deputy Chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, First Deputy Head of the United Russia faction. In 2007, he was elected to the State Duma of the fifth convocation, from February 2, 2007 to October 21, 2010 - Deputy Chairman of the State Duma. On October 21, 2010, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, he was appointed Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation - Head of the Staff of the Government of the Russian Federation. Since December 27, 2011 - First Deputy Head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. On October 5, 2016, he was elected Chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the seventh convocation.

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