Heroes of Russia: list. Their exploits and photos. Heroes of our time. Five stories about people who stepped into immortality. The exploits of the Russian military today

Carpet 02.07.2024

EXECUTIONS OF RUSSIAN SOLDIERS AND OFFICERS IN OUR DAYS Prepared by 7th A class student Maria Dyachenko

IGITOV YURI SERGEEVICH 1973 -1994 Very often, the exploits of Russian soldiers and officers of our days become generally known only after the death of the heroes. This is exactly what happened in the case of private Yuri Igitov, who was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation posthumously for performing his official duty and a special task. Yuri Sergeevich took part in the first Chechen war. He was 21 years old, but despite his young age, he turned out to be a courageous and valiant warrior. Yuri's platoon was surrounded by Dudayev's militants. Most of Yuri's comrades died from numerous enemy shots. The brave private Igitov, at the cost of his own life, covered the retreat of his comrades until the last bullet. And when the enemy advanced, Yuri blew up a grenade without surrendering to the enemy.

SOLNECHNIKOV SERGEY ALEXANDROVICH 1980 -2012 In everyday military service there is always a place for feat. Sergei Solnechnikov, or battalion commander Sun, as his friends and subordinates called him, accomplished a real military feat during military exercises in 2012. Saving his soldiers from death, the battalion commander covered with his own body an activated grenade, which flew off the edge of the parapet and could explode at any minute. Thanks to Sergei’s dedication, a major tragedy was avoided and the lives of the soldiers were saved. The battalion commander was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation. And our memory of the actions of such simple heroes is a reward for bravery and courage, which cost them their lives.

YANINA IRINA YUREVNA 1966 -1999 Nowadays, heroic deeds are performed not only by men, but also by valiant Russian women. A sweet, fragile girl, Irina was a nurse and participant in combat operations during the First Chechen War. August 31, 1999 became fatal in her life. Threatening her own life, nurse Yanina saved more than 40 people on the line of fire, making three trips in an armored personnel carrier. Irina's fourth trip ended tragically. During the enemy counter-offensive, she not only organized the lightning-fast loading of wounded soldiers, but also covered the withdrawal of her colleagues with a machine-gun burst. Unfortunately, two grenades hit the armored personnel carrier. The nurse rushed to the aid of the wounded commander and privates. Irina saved the young fighters from certain death, but did not have time to get out of the burning car herself. The armored personnel carrier's ammunition detonated. For her valor and courage, Irina Yanina was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation posthumously. Irina is the only woman who was awarded this title for combat operations in the North Caucasus.

Almost every day in our lives there is a place for heroism. Most often they are committed by military personnel, rescuers, and police officers. To whom it is due due to duty. But they are not the only ones who risk their lives to save others.

You often hear grumbling about the topic: the people have become smaller, the people have become completely different, there are no men left at all. Well, then everything, as the classic wrote: “yes, there were people in our time...” Since the time of Lermontov, little has changed: “You are not heroes...”, other accusations against these modern handsome young men in tapered trousers and young men in stylish jackets on shiny cars. Looking fashionable and even glamorous. And looking at them, one can really doubt: why should they become heroes? They have more perfumes and cosmetics than any beauty. And, unfortunately, we will be wrong in our doubts.

Why "Unfortunately? Yes, because we really want there to be no room for heroic deeds in our lives. Because heroic deeds often have to be performed by one, because of the negligence and carelessness of others.

This, however, does not make the surprise and admiration for modern heroes any less. Just as there are no fewer heroes themselves who are ready to sacrifice themselves for the sake of others. Here are the most striking examples of this.

1. A real colonel

This is the biggest story right now. In the Urals, the colonel covered with himself a grenade that a soldier accidentally dropped. This happened in military unit 3275 in the city of Lesnoy, Sverdlovsk region, during an exercise on September 25. The sergeant, apparently, was confused or lost in thought; there are even rumors that the night before he played computer games all night and did not get enough sleep, so he did not hold the grenade with the pin pulled out. She rolled on the ground. The soldiers froze in horror. In general, you can imagine these terrible moments. Only the unit commander, 41-year-old Colonel Serik Sultangabiev, was not at a loss. Without hesitation for a second, he rushed to RGD-5. And the next moment there was an explosion.

Fortunately, none of the soldiers were injured. The colonel was urgently taken to the hospital, where medical teams operated on Serik Sultangabiev for 8 hours straight. As a result, the officer lost his left eye and two fingers on his right hand. The bulletproof vest saved his life.

Now Colonel Serik Sultangabiev has been presented with the Order of Courage. The documents necessary for this have already been sent to Moscow by the Ural command of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

2. Solnechnikov’s feat

Of course, when talking today about Sultangabiev’s feat, he is immediately compared with the feat of another officer - Sergei Solnechnikov. Major from the city of Belogorsk, Amur Region. Became a Hero of Russia posthumously. He also covered a grenade that one of his soldiers dropped during a training exercise. An explosion occurred and the officer received numerous injuries. An hour and a half later, he died on the operating table of a military hospital. The wounds turned out to be incompatible with life. So the major, at the cost of his own life, saved hundreds of his subordinates. I did it without hesitation. Last August he would have turned only 34 years old. In honor of Major Sergei Solnechnikov, both in his hometown of Volzhsk and in Belogorsk, where he served, monuments are erected and streets are named in his honor.

3. Saved 300 people

Another hero, who was remembered at the end of September in his native Buryatia and talked about raising funds for the construction of a monument in his honor, has not yet received such an honor. Aldar Tsydenzhapov, a sailor of the Russian Pacific Fleet, died in the fall of 2010 while serving on the destroyer Bystry. Aldar, at the cost of his life, prevented a major accident on a warship, saving the ship itself and 300 crew members from death. The 19-year-old guy received the title of Hero posthumously...

4. A ship in honor of a hero

And in the Irkutsk region, at the end of September, a ship named after the hero-rescuer: “Vitaly Tikhonov” was launched. The completely restored ship was named in honor of the tragically deceased deputy head of the Baikal search and rescue team. Vitaly Vladimirovich died during training camps. He spent 25 years rescuing people, participated in more than 500 search operations, and saved more than 200 people. It was not possible to save him...

These feats can hardly be forgotten. Although people, it would seem, died while serving, which in general itself is associated with all sorts of risks. But in everyday life we ​​are lucky to have heroes.

5. Hollywood is taking a break

The other day, the head of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Kaluga Region, Sergei Bachurin, presented traffic police inspector Evgeniy Vorobyov with a valuable gift and thanked his mother Valentina Semyonovna.

Evgenia Vorobyov will also be awarded by the Minister of Internal Affairs Vladimir Kolokoltsev. A corresponding submission to the minister has already been prepared. How did Vorobyov distinguish himself? On the birthday of his hometown of Kaluga, Evgeny Vorobyov managed to stop a car that was rushing at high speed straight towards a column of carnival procession participants walking along the central street. The policeman managed to jump into the car at full speed and press the brake. The car dragged the policeman along the asphalt for several meters and stopped literally a few centimeters from the people. After that, the policeman pulled the drunk driver out of the car and tied him up. Agree, such scenes can only be seen in Hollywood action films, and all the stunts are performed by well-trained stuntmen. Meanwhile, this was done by a simple traffic police officer.

6. In honor of a fellow countryman and a real Cossack

These days, people in the Volgograd region are remembering their heroic fellow countryman. At the end of September, a monument to the Cossack Ruslan Kazakov was erected on the Nagolny farm, Kotelnikovsky district, Volgograd region. He himself voluntarily went to Simferopol to ensure order during the referendum on the status of Crimea, to ensure order there.

Kazakov served as part of a local Cossack self-defense unit. On March 18, he was patrolling the territory of a military unit. At that moment, his young colleague, an 18-year-old guy, was shot in the leg by a sniper. Seeing that the younger comrade had fallen, Ruslan Kazakov rushed to him and covered him with his body. And he was immediately killed by the next shot. Posthumously Ruslan Kazakov was awarded the Order of Courage. A monument was erected in his honor in his homeland.

7. Hero-traffic cop

A traffic police officer from Saratov, risking his life, blocked the path of an out-of-control truck.

Police lieutenant, traffic police regiment inspector for Saratov Daniil Sultanov stood at the intersection. The prohibitory traffic light came on. And suddenly Daniil saw an out-of-control truck rushing down the road, hitting cars and unable to stop on its own. Then Daniel blocked his way with his car and thus stopped the speeding truck, which was sweeping away everything in its path. Daniel was able to save a dozen lives. The traffic police inspector himself escaped with a concussion.

In total, 12 cars and 4 people were injured in the accident. The incident could have ended in a terrible tragedy if not for the heroism of Daniil Sultanov.

No one in the country keeps special statistics, but if there were, it would probably become clear how many people, thanks to heroes, continue to live. Someone was rescued from a fire, someone was pulled out of a pond. These people always come to help themselves, they are not called, they are not asked for it. And not only in our country. Recently in Saratov, father and son Osherov, both named Sergei, and Alexander Dubrovin were awarded. While on vacation in Israel, three residents of Saratov saved a drowning mother and child and a woman. For which they were awarded medals. If not for them, mother and son would have died.

These are our contemporaries. And no matter how much psychologists tell us that sacrificing ourselves for the sake of others is not right. That you need to live solely for your own sake, there are those for whom this rule is simply unacceptable. And they, without hesitation, cover the other...

Photo at the opening of the article: Residents of the city of Volzhsky before the farewell ceremony for Major Sergei Solnechnikov - Hero of Russia / Photo RIA Novosti / Kirill Braga.

Modernity, with its measure of success in the form of monetary units, gives birth to far more heroes of scandalous gossip columns than true heroes, whose actions evoke pride and admiration.

Sometimes it seems that real heroes remain only on the pages of books about the Great Patriotic War.

But at any time, there remain those who are ready to sacrifice the most precious things in the name of loved ones, in the name of the Motherland.

On Defender of the Fatherland Day, we will remember five of our contemporaries who accomplished feats. They did not seek fame and honor, but simply fulfilled their duty to the end.

Sergey Burnaev

Sergey Burnaev was born in Mordovia, in the village of Dubenki on January 15, 1982. When Seryozha was five years old, his parents moved to the Tula region.

The boy grew and matured, and the era changed around him. His peers were eager to go into business, some into crime, and Sergei dreamed of a military career, wanted to serve in the Airborne Forces. After graduating from school, he managed to work at a rubber shoe factory, and then was drafted into the army. However, he ended up not in the landing force, but in the special forces detachment of the Vityaz Airborne Forces.

Serious physical activity and training did not frighten the guy. The commanders immediately paid attention to Sergei - stubborn, with character, a real special forces soldier!

During two business trips to Chechnya in 2000-2002, Sergei established himself as a true professional, skillful and persistent.

On March 28, 2002, the detachment in which Sergei Burnaev served conducted a special operation in the city of Argun. The militants turned a local school into their fortification, placing an ammunition depot in it, as well as breaking through an entire system of underground passages under it. The special forces began to examine the tunnels in search of the militants who had taken refuge in them.

Sergei walked first and came across bandits. A battle ensued in the narrow and dark space of the dungeon. During the flash from the machine gun fire, Sergei saw a grenade rolling on the floor, thrown by a militant towards the special forces. The explosion could have injured several soldiers who did not see this danger.

The decision came in a split second. Sergei covered the grenade with his body, saving the rest of the soldiers. He died on the spot, but diverted the threat from his comrades.

A bandit group of 8 people was completely eliminated in this battle. All of Sergei’s comrades survived this battle.

For the courage and heroism shown during the performance of a special task in conditions involving risk to life, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 16, 2002 No. 992, Sergeant Burnaev Sergei Aleksandrovich was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation (posthumously).

Sergei Burnaev is forever included in the lists of his military unit of the Internal Troops. In the city of Reutov, Moscow region, on the Alley of Heroes of the military memorial complex “To all Reutov residents who died for the Fatherland,” a bronze bust of the hero was installed.

Denis Vetchinov

Denis Vetchinov was born on June 28, 1976 in the village of Shantobe, Tselinograd region of Kazakhstan. I spent an ordinary childhood as a schoolboy of the last Soviet generation.

How is a hero raised? Probably no one knows this. But at the turn of the era, Denis chose a career as an officer, after military service he entered a military school. Maybe it was also due to the fact that the school from which he graduated was named after Vladimir Komarov, a cosmonaut who died during a flight on the Soyuz-1 spacecraft.

After graduating from college in Kazan in 2000, the newly minted officer did not run from difficulties - he immediately ended up in Chechnya. Everyone who knew him repeats one thing - the officer did not bow to bullets, took care of the soldiers and was a real “father to the soldiers” not in words, but in essence.

In 2003, the Chechen war ended for Captain Vetchinov. Until 2008, he served as deputy battalion commander for educational work in the 70th Guards Motorized Rifle Regiment, and in 2005 he became a major.

Life as an officer is not easy, but Denis did not complain about anything. His wife Katya and daughter Masha were waiting for him at home.

Major Vetchinov was predicted to have a great future and general's shoulder straps. In 2008, he became deputy commander of the 135th motorized rifle regiment of the 19th motorized rifle division of the 58th army for educational work. The war in South Ossetia found him in this position.

On August 9, 2008, the marching column of the 58th Army on the approach to Tskhinvali was ambushed by Georgian special forces. Cars were shot from 10 points. The commander of the 58th Army, General Khrulev, was wounded.

Major Vetchinov, who was in the column, jumped from an armored personnel carrier and entered the battle. Having managed to prevent chaos, he organized a defense, suppressing Georgian firing points with return fire.

During the retreat, Denis Vetchinov was seriously wounded in the legs, however, overcoming the pain, he continued the battle, covering with fire his comrades and the journalists who were with the column. Only a new serious wound to the head could stop the major.

In this battle, Major Vetchinov destroyed up to a dozen enemy special forces and saved the lives of Komsomolskaya Pravda war correspondent Alexander Kots, VGTRK special correspondent Alexander Sladkov and Moskovsky Komsomolets correspondent Viktor Sokirko.

The wounded major was sent to the hospital, but died on the way.

On August 15, 2008, for the courage and heroism shown in the performance of military duty in the North Caucasus region, Major Denis Vetchinov was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation (posthumously).

Aldar Tsydenzhapov

Aldar Tsydenzhapov was born on August 4, 1991 in the village of Aginskoye, in Buryatia. The family had four children, including Aldara's twin sister Aryuna.

The father worked in the police, the mother was a nurse in a kindergarten - a simple family leading the ordinary life of residents of the Russian outback. Aldar graduated from school in his native village and was drafted into the army, ending up in the Pacific Fleet.

Sailor Tsydenzhapov served on the destroyer “Bystry”, was trusted by the command, and was friends with his colleagues. There was only a month left before demobilization, when on September 24, 2010, Aldar took up duty as a boiler room crew operator.

The destroyer was preparing for a combat voyage from the base in Fokino in Primorye to Kamchatka. Suddenly, a fire broke out in the ship's engine room due to a short circuit in the wiring when the fuel pipeline broke. Aldar rushed to plug the fuel leak. A monstrous flame raged around, in which the sailor spent 9 seconds, managing to eliminate the leak. Despite the terrible burns, he got out of the compartment on his own. As the commission subsequently established, the prompt actions of sailor Tsydenzhapov led to the timely shutdown of the ship’s power plant, which otherwise could have exploded. In this case, both the destroyer itself and all 300 crew members would have died.

Aldar, in critical condition, was taken to the Pacific Fleet hospital in Vladivostok, where doctors fought for the hero’s life for four days. Alas, he died on September 28.

By Decree of the President of Russia No. 1431 of November 16, 2010, sailor Aldar Tsydenzhapov was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation.

Sergei Solnechnikov

Born on August 19, 1980 in Germany, in Potsdam, in a military family. Seryozha decided to continue the dynasty as a child, without looking back at all the difficulties of this path. After the 8th grade, he entered a cadet boarding school in the Astrakhan region, then without exams he was admitted to the Kachin Military School. Here he was caught by another reform, after which the school was disbanded.

However, this did not turn Sergei away from a military career - he entered the Kemerovo Higher Military Command School of Communications, from which he graduated in 2003.

A young officer served in Belogorsk, in the Far East. “A good officer, real, honest,” friends and subordinates said about Sergei. They also gave him the nickname “battalion commander Sun”.

I didn’t have time to start a family - too much time was spent in the service. The bride waited patiently - after all, it seemed that there was still a whole life ahead.

On March 28, 2012, routine exercises on throwing the RGD-5 grenade, which are part of the training course for conscript soldiers, took place at the unit’s training ground.

19-year-old private Zhuravlev, getting excited, threw a grenade unsuccessfully - it hit the parapet and flew back where his colleagues were standing.

The confused boys looked in horror at the death lying on the ground. Battalion commander Sun reacted instantly - throwing the soldier aside, he covered the grenade with his body.

The wounded Sergei was taken to the hospital, but from numerous injuries he died on the operating table.

On April 3, 2012, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, Major Sergei Solnechnikov was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation (posthumously) for heroism, courage and dedication shown in the performance of military duty.

Irina Yanina

“War does not have a woman’s face” is a wise phrase. But it just so happened that in all the wars that Russia waged, women found themselves next to men, enduring all the hardships and hardships equally with them.

Born in Taldy-Kurgan, Kazakh SSR on November 27, 1966, the girl Ira did not think that war would enter her life from the pages of books. School, medical school, a position as a nurse in a tuberculosis clinic, then in a maternity hospital - a purely peaceful biography.

Everything was turned upside down by the collapse of the Soviet Union. Russians in Kazakhstan suddenly became strangers and unnecessary. Like many, Irina and her family left for Russia, which had its own problems.

The husband of the beautiful Irina could not stand the difficulties and left the family in search of an easier life. Ira was left alone with two children in her arms, without normal housing and a corner. And then there was another misfortune - my daughter was diagnosed with leukemia, from which she quickly faded away.

Even men break down from all these troubles and go on a drinking binge. Irina did not break down - after all, she still had her son Zhenya, the light in the window, for whom she was ready to move mountains. In 1995, she entered service in the Internal Troops. Not for the sake of heroic deeds - they paid money there and gave rations. The paradox of modern history is that in order to survive and raise her son, a woman was forced to go to Chechnya, into the thick of it. Two business trips in 1996, three and a half months as a nurse under daily shelling, in blood and dirt.

A nurse of a medical company of an operational brigade of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia from the city of Kalach-on-Don - in this position Sergeant Yanina found herself in her second war. Basayev's gangs were rushing to Dagestan, where local Islamists were already waiting for them.

And again, battles, wounded, killed - the daily routine of medical service in war.

“Hello, my little, beloved, most beautiful son in the world!

I really miss you. Write to me how you are doing, how is school, who are your friends? Aren't you sick? Don't go out late in the evenings - there are a lot of bandits now. Stay near the house. Don't go anywhere alone. Listen to everyone at home and know that I love you very much. Read more. You are already a big and independent boy, so do everything right so that you don’t get scolded.

Waiting for your letter. Listen to everyone.

Kiss. Mother. 08/21/99"

Irina sent this letter to her son 10 days before her last fight.

On August 31, 1999, a brigade of internal troops, in which Irina Yanina served, stormed the village of Karamakhi, which terrorists had turned into an impregnable fortress.

That day, Sergeant Yanina, under enemy fire, assisted 15 wounded soldiers. Then she drove into the line of fire three times in an armored personnel carrier, taking another 28 seriously wounded from the battlefield. The fourth flight was fatal.

The armored personnel carrier came under heavy enemy fire. Irina began to cover the loading of the wounded with return fire from a machine gun. Finally, the car managed to move back, but the militants set the armored personnel carrier on fire with grenade launchers.

Sergeant Yanina, while she had enough strength, pulled the wounded out of the burning car. She did not have time to get out herself - the ammunition in the armored personnel carrier began to explode.

On October 14, 1999, medical service sergeant Irina Yanina was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation (posthumously); she was forever included in the lists of personnel of her military unit. Irina Yanina became the first woman awarded the title of Hero of Russia for her military actions in the Caucasian Wars.

Ilya Kramnik, military observer for RIA Novosti.

Ten years ago, February 28 - March 2, 2000, one of the most famous episodes of the 2nd Chechen War took place - the battle at Height 776. During this battle, the 6th company of the 2nd battalion of the 104th parachute airborne almost completely died regiment from the famous 76th (Pskov) Guards Airborne Division.

The battle with superior forces of militants, during which 84 soldiers and officers of the Airborne Forces were killed, has become a symbol of the courage and heroism of the Russian soldier of our days, however, there is still no consensus on the circumstances of the battle and the prerequisites that determined its outcome, and, by and large, , the battle is still waiting for its explorer. What exactly was happening these days at height 776 and in the surrounding area?

The 6th parachute company under the command of Major Sergei Molodov, which had to take the main blow of the militants, was supposed to take a position between the villages of Ulus-Kert and Selmentauzen to prevent the militants of Basayev and Khattab from breaking through towards Vedeno. Since the company commander had only recently taken office, the battalion commander, Lieutenant Colonel Mark Evtyukhin, went out with the company for the operation.

During the mission, on the afternoon of February 29, the reconnaissance patrol of the 6th company encountered militants, and Mark Evtyukhin decided to retreat to Hill 776 and organize a defense there. During the retreat, the paratroopers suffered their first losses, including the death of Sergei Molodov.

Soon the militants began fierce attacks on Hill 776, where the paratroopers were defending. The balance of power was clearly not in favor of the 6th company: 90 paratroopers against a large gang, the number of which, obviously, exceeded a thousand people, and according to some sources reached 2500.

By the end of the day, the company had already lost 31 soldiers and officers killed, but continued to fight. At three o'clock in the morning, 15 soldiers from the 4th company, which occupied positions nearby, came to the aid of the 6th company, under the command of the deputy battalion commander, Major Alexander Dostavalov. This assistance, however, did not help turn the situation around. More significant support - the 1st company of the 104th regiment - was sent to the battlefield too late and in a roundabout way, and as a result was late. Its units were ambushed and were able to break through to height 776 only on the morning of March 2.

Despite their overwhelming numerical superiority, the militants for a long time could not break through the positions of the company, which skillfully defended itself with the support of artillery. Having suffered significant losses, they offered the paratroopers to let them through for a ransom, but this offer, naturally, was rejected.

The battle of the 6th company ended at seven o'clock in the morning on March 1, when the bandits launched another decisive attack. 26 paratroopers, many of whom were already wounded, could not withstand it. In total, only seven people from the company broke through to their own people, among whom there was not a single officer. The losses of the bandits, according to various sources, amounted to 400-600 people, including several field commanders.

The bandits managed to occupy height 776, after which they scattered in the surrounding area - a further breakthrough was no longer possible for them. By decree of the President of the Russian Federation, 21 paratroopers were nominated for the title of Hero of Russia (posthumously), 69 soldiers and officers of the 6th company were awarded the Order of Courage (63 of them posthumously).

The feat of the paratroopers who fulfilled their duty is beyond doubt, but when studying the battle of the 6th company, one should understand that this medal has two sides. One of them shows the courage of soldiers and officers, the other shows the miscalculations of the command that made such a battle possible.

When examining these miscalculations, the following questions arise:

1. What were the reconnaissance activities, and how was the number of militants estimated before the start of the battle? If it was underestimated, then this is an intelligence miscalculation; if it was assessed correctly, then the actions of the command, which placed only three companies in positions remote from each other in the most likely direction of the gang’s breakthrough, look inadequate, despite the presence of sufficiently large forces nearby.

2. Why was help so late? The meeting of the 6th company with large forces of militants, who forced it to retreat, became known by one o'clock in the afternoon on February 29. Nevertheless, the 1st company received the order to advance to Hill 776, to help the defenders, only towards the end of the day, when the militants managed to organize ambushes along the path of a possible approach of reserves.

3. Why was the 6th Company virtually deprived of heavy weapons that could have been delivered to Hill 776 by helicopters before heavy fog covered the area?

4. Why didn’t long-range artillery fire on the areas where militants were concentrated, before they got close to a dangerous distance, and there were no sorties of Su-24 front-line bombers, the characteristics of which allow them to operate at night and in difficult weather conditions? De facto, the company's artillery support was limited only to the fire of the 120-mm Nona self-propelled guns, which were part of the regimental tactical group.

5. Finally, why, when it became clear that the 6th company was faced with a much superior enemy, did it not receive an order to withdraw? Given the presence of large forces nearby, a breakthrough by the militants after the retreating company would only lead to luring the bandits into a trap and their destruction.

To a large extent, according to many researchers, the tragedy of the 6th company was predetermined by the position of the high command, which by that time announced the destruction of the “main forces” of the militants. “Today we will put an end to the destruction of gangs. This does not mean that they are completely defeated, but as gangs from today they no longer exist. There were bits left that fled to save their skins,” he said on February 29, 2000, i.e. on the very day when the battle of the 6th company began, General Troshev (the author’s vocabulary has been preserved).

On the same day, Defense Minister Igor Sergeev reported to Acting President Vladimir Putin on the successful completion of the “third stage of the counter-terrorism operation.”

After such a statement, the use of heavy artillery and front-line bombers could have been perceived as inadequate by the leadership of the Armed Forces and the country - is that so?

As a result, even when information about the battle began to leak to the press, the command of the joint group of troops in the North Caucasus continued to deny the fact of the battle and the losses suffered by the paratroopers. However, it was not possible to hide what happened - 30 of the 84 dead were natives of the Pskov region, and local newspapers very soon reported both the number of dead and the main circumstances of the battle.

No official conclusions from the incident were published, and the military prosecutor’s office considered that in the circumstances of the battle there were no grounds for initiating a criminal case. Only partly the guilt of the command was recognized in the summer of 2000 - on the day of the 70th anniversary of the Airborne Forces, Vladimir Putin, who was in Pskov, admitted the guilt of the leadership “for gross miscalculations that have to be paid with the lives of Russian soldiers.”

Outside the window is the 21st century. But, despite this, military conflicts do not subside, including with the participation of the Russian army. Courage and valor, bravery and bravery are qualities characteristic of Russian soldiers. Therefore, the exploits of Russian soldiers and officers require separate and detailed coverage.

How our people fought in Chechnya

The exploits of Russian soldiers these days do not leave anyone indifferent. The first example of boundless courage is the tank crew led by Yuri Sulimenko.

The exploits of Russian soldiers of the tank battalion began in 1994. During the First Chechen War, Sulimenko acted as a crew commander. The team showed good results and in 1995 took an active part in the assault on Grozny. The tank battalion lost 2/3 of its personnel. However, the brave fighters led by Yuri did not flee from the battlefield, but went to the presidential palace.

Sulimenko's tank was surrounded by Dudayev's men. The team of fighters did not surrender; on the contrary, they began to conduct targeted fire at strategic targets. Despite the numerical superiority of the opponents, Yuri Sulimenko and his crew were able to inflict colossal losses on the militants.

The commander received dangerous wounds to his legs, burns to his body and face. Viktor Velichko, with the rank of sergeant major, was able to provide first aid to him in a burning tank, after which he carried him to a safe place. These exploits of Russian soldiers in Chechnya did not go unnoticed. The fighters were awarded the titles of Heroes of the Russian Federation.

Yuri Sergeevich Igitov - hero posthumously

Very often, the exploits of Russian soldiers and officers these days become publicly known after the death of their heroes. This is exactly what happened in the case of Yuri Igitov. The private was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation posthumously for performing a duty and a special task.

Yuri Sergeevich took part in the Chechen War. The private was 21 years old, but despite his youth, he showed courage and valor in the last seconds of his life. Igitov’s platoon was surrounded by Dudayev’s fighters. Most of the comrades died under numerous enemy shots. The brave private, at the cost of his life, covered the retreat of the surviving soldiers until the last bullet. When the enemy advanced, Yuri blew up a grenade without surrendering to the enemy.

Evgeny Rodionov - faith in God until his last breath

The exploits of Russian soldiers these days cause boundless pride among fellow citizens, especially when it comes to young boys who gave their lives for the peaceful sky above their heads. Yevgeny Rodionov showed boundless heroism and unshakable faith in God, who, under threat of death, refused to remove his pectoral cross.

Young Evgeniy was called to serve in 1995. He served permanently in the North Caucasus, at the border point between Ingushetia and Chechnya. Together with his comrades, he joined the guard on February 13. Carrying out their direct task, the soldiers stopped an ambulance in which weapons were transported. After this, the privates were captured.

For about 100 days, the soldiers were subjected to torture, severe beatings and humiliation. Despite the unbearable pain and the threat of death, the soldiers did not remove their pectoral crosses. For this, Evgeniy’s head was cut off, and the rest of his colleagues were shot on the spot. For his martyrdom, Evgeniy Rodionov was awarded posthumously.

Yanina Irina is an example of heroism and courage

The exploits of Russian soldiers today are not only the heroic deeds of men, but also the incredible valor of Russian women. The sweet, fragile girl took part in two combat operations as a nurse during the First Chechen War. 1999 became the third test in Irina’s life.

August 31st became fatal. At risk for her own life, nurse Yanina saved more than 40 people by making three trips in an armored personnel carrier to the line of fire. Irina's fourth trip ended tragically. During the enemy counter-offensive, Yanina not only organized the lightning-fast loading of wounded soldiers, but also covered the retreat of her colleagues with machine gun fire.

Unfortunately for the girl, two grenades hit the armored personnel carrier. The nurse rushed to the aid of the wounded commander and 3rd private. Irina saved the young fighters from certain death, but did not have time to get out of the burning car herself. The armored personnel carrier's ammunition detonated.

For his valor and courage he was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation. Irina is the only woman who was awarded this title for operations in the North Caucasus.

Maroon beret posthumously

The exploits of Russian soldiers these days are known not only in Russia. The story about Sergei Burnaev leaves no one indifferent. Brown - that’s what his comrades called the commander - was in the “Vityaz”, a special division of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In 2002, the detachment was sent to the city of Argun, where an underground weapons warehouse with numerous tunnels was discovered.

It was possible to reach the opponents only by going through an underground hole. Sergei Burnaev went first. The opponents opened fire on the fighter, who was able to answer the call of the militants in the darkness. The comrades were rushing to help, it was at that moment that Bury saw a grenade that was rolling towards the soldiers. Without hesitation, Sergei Burnaev covered the grenade with his body, thereby saving his colleagues from certain death.

For his accomplished feat, Sergei Burnaev was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation. The school where he studied was open so that young people could remember the exploits of Russian soldiers and officers in our days. The parents were given a maroon beret in honor of the memory of the brave soldier.

Beslan: no one is forgotten

The exploits of Russian soldiers and officers today become the best confirmation of the boundless courage of men in uniform. September 1, 2004 became a dark day in the history of North Ossetia and all of Russia. The seizure of the school in Beslan did not leave a single person indifferent. Andrei Turkin was no exception. The lieutenant took an active part in the operation to free the hostages.

At the very beginning of the rescue operation, he was wounded, but did not leave the school. Thanks to his professional skills, the lieutenant took an advantageous position in the dining room, where about 250 hostages were housed. The militants were eliminated, which increased the chances of a successful outcome of the operation.

However, a militant came to the aid of the terrorists with a detonated grenade. Turkin, without hesitation, rushed towards the bandit, holding the device between himself and the enemy. This action saved the lives of innocent children. The lieutenant posthumously became a Hero of the Russian Federation.

Combat Sun

During ordinary everyday life of military service, exploits of Russian soldiers are also often performed. or battalion commander Solntse, in 2012, during an exercise, he became hostage to a situation, the way out of which was a real feat. Saving his soldiers from death, the battalion commander covered with his own body the activated grenade, which flew off the edge of the parapet. Thanks to Sergei’s dedication, tragedy was avoided. The battalion commander was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation.

Whatever the exploits of Russian soldiers these days, every person should remember the valor and courage of the army. Only the memory of the actions of each of these heroes is a reward for the courage that cost them their lives.

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