Exception verbs 1 and 2 conjugations are the rule. "Verb conjugations. What is verb conjugation

Chercher 08.06.2024
Jigsaws and circular saws

How to determine conjugation? The conjugation rule is studied at school for several hours. However, not every student is able to remember it without good practice. In this regard, we decided to remind you of what verb conjugation is. The conjugation rule will also be presented to your attention along with relevant examples.

general information

The definition of one or another verb conjugation confuses quite a large number of people. This problem especially often arises during the creation of any written text. And in order not to be branded as an illiterate person, the endings of verbs must be written correctly. But for this you need to know all the rules about conjugations.

What is conjugation?

Conjugation is a grammatical conjugation that determines its change in numbers and persons, and also dictates which letter should be written in the dubious ending.

In modern Russian there are 2 known, which are named accordingly: the first and the second. Depending on which of the named a word belongs to, the letter at the end is selected. By the way, do not forget that past tense verbs do not have a conjugation. The conjugation rule states that such words have no endings that can be doubted.

How to determine conjugation

To write a verb correctly, you should constantly remember the rules for conjugations.

So let's look at them in more detail. In order to find out what conjugation a particular verb has, and to determine which vowel letter should be written at the end of it, you need to look at where the stress falls in the word being tested. In the event that the ending itself is under the stressed position, then everything immediately becomes clear with its spelling. This is due to the fact that the vowel letter is in a strong position, and therefore no doubts should arise.

But what to do if you still need to find out what the conjugation of a particular word is? The conjugation rule states that it is determined by the vowel itself. Thus, if the letters “e”, “yu” or “y” are stressed, then we can safely indicate that the verb being tested belongs to the first conjugation. If “I” or “a” occupy a strong position, then this is the second conjugation.

Examples of determining conjugations using stressed endings

Here are specific examples to help you remember the rules for conjugations:

  • SpYat is an imperfective verb. The emphasis in it falls on the ending -yat. Accordingly, this word refers to the second conjugation.
  • NesUt is an imperfective verb. The emphasis in it falls on the ending -ut. Accordingly, this word refers to the first conjugation.

Verbs with the prefix you-

The rule for determining the conjugation described above applies to almost all verbs. However, students often have difficulties with those words that begin with the prefix you-. This is due to the fact that in most cases the emphasis falls on it. Let's give an example: it will burn out. If you are faced with such a situation, then experts recommend simply discarding this morpheme and considering the word without using the prefix. For example, if it burns out - it burns. The resulting verb has an imperfect form and a second conjugation. Accordingly, the initial word from which it was formed also refers to it.

What if the stress does not fall on the verb ending?

Now you know that to write correctly, you must definitely apply the above rule. Verb conjugation is determined quite easily. But if this is problematic for you, then it is recommended to create a table on a separate sheet of paper that will contain all the features of the rule.

So, we have dealt with those cases when the accent falls on the ending, as well as with the prefix. But how can we determine the conjugation of a verb if its ending is in an unstressed position? In this case, it should be determined by the infinitive. What it is? For those who have forgotten, this term refers to an indefinite (or initial) one that answers questions such as “what to do?” and “what should I do?”

Examples of determining the 1st conjugation using unstressed endings

If you have a word in front of you whose accent does not fall on the ending, what rule should you apply? Verb conjugation involves many nuances. And in order to correctly write the necessary text, you should know them all.

Let's look at how the conjugation of verbs whose endings are in an unstressed position is determined:

  • Draws (what does it do?) is an imperfective verb. Quite a lot of students write it with a mistake, instead of ending -et with -it (draws). But this is not true. In order to write this word correctly, you should put it in an indefinite form: draws - (what to do?) draw.
  • Will say (what will he do?) - this is a perfective verb. When writing it, it is also easy to make a mistake by putting -it (say) instead of the ending -et. To determine which vowel should be used in the last syllable, the word must be similarly converted into an infinitive: say - (what to do?) say.

So, what does this rule of the Russian language give us? The conjugation of verbs in this case depends on their initial form. Thus, if the infinitive ends in -yat, -et, -ut, -at, -ot or -yt, then the word being checked belongs to the first conjugation. Accordingly, the personal endings for these words will be as follows: -et, -eat, -ete, -eat, -yut, -ut. -yu and -y are also possible.

Examples of determining the 2nd conjugation using unstressed endings

Rule 2 of conjugation is similar to 1. Let's start with a few examples:

  • Walk (what are you doing?) is an imperfective verb. Very often, instead of the unstressed ending -ite, students write -ete. In order to write this word correctly, it needs to be put into the initial form: walk - (what to do?) walk.
  • Spend (what are you doing?) - this is an imperfective verb. Instead of ending it -ite, students mistakenly put -ete. To write it correctly, the verb should also be put in an indefinite form: spend - (what to do?) spend.

Based on these examples, we can safely conclude that verbs of the 2nd conjugation are those verbs whose initial form ends in -it. In this case, the personal endings of such words will be as follows: -it, -ish, -ite, -im, -yat, -at. -yu and -y are also possible.

Exceptions to the rules

All rules have their exceptions. Thus, the words “swell”, “shave”, “build” and “lay” must be classified as the first conjugation, even though in the initial form they end in “-it”. Thus, their personal endings will be as follows: shave - shave, shave; to be built - to be built; lay - lay, lay, etc.

Among other things, this rule also includes such exception words as “offend”, “look”, “hate”, “endure”, “hold”, “see”, “hear”, “twist”, “depend” ", "breathe", "drive". All of the listed expressions belong to the second conjugation, even though their infinitive ends in -et and -at. Thus, their personal endings will be as follows: persecute - persecute, hate - hate, offend - offend, hold - hold, see - see, endure - endure, watch - look, breathe - breathe, depend - depend, etc.

Features of verb conjugation

In addition to verbs of the first and second conjugation, our language also contains words of different conjugations. These include the following: “run”, “want”, “disdain”, “give” and “honor”. Why are they called heteroconjugated? The fact is that in some forms of such verbs the endings of the first conjugation are used (usually in the singular), and in others - the endings of the second (usually in the plural). Here are some examples:

  • he wants;
  • You want;
  • I want;
  • they want;
  • You want;
  • we want.

As can be seen from the example, a differently conjugated word includes the endings of both the first conjugation and the second.

Ways to Remember Rules and Exceptions

In our native language there is an incredible number of rules that have no less number of possible exceptions. It should be noted that verb conjugation is one of the most difficult topics to memorize in secondary school. It is not in vain that a large number of theoretical and practical hours are devoted to it. Moreover, to greatly facilitate the study of this rule, teachers of literature and the Russian language annually come up with more and more new ways to remember the rules of verb conjugation. For this purpose, various songs, comic rhymes, algorithms, tables and diagrams are created. However, the essence is the same: it is extremely important to understand the dependence of a particular letter in a verb, which is in an unstressed position, on a letter in an indefinite form. You should also leave room in your memory for 15 exception words.

If you remember these dependencies once and for all, you will be able to determine the conjugation of verbs even before you start writing it down.

So, let's look at several algorithms for memorizing:

  • 1st conjugation. It includes all those verbs whose initial form does not end in -it (of course, with the following exceptions: “to swell”, “to shave”, “to build” and “to lay”).
  • 2nd conjugation. It includes all those verbs whose initial form ends in -it (of course, with the following exceptions: “offend”, “look”, “hate”, “endure”, “hold”, “see”, “hear”, “ twirl", "depend", "breathe", "drive").

To facilitate the process of memorizing such exception words, the following rhyme was specially invented, containing all the necessary information:

To the 2nd conjugation

We will take it without a doubt

All verbs that start with -IT,


And also to watch, to offend,


Drive, hold, breathe, endure,

And hang and twirl.

    Verbs of the 1st conjugation in the Russian language end in -yat, -et, -yt, -ot, -at, -ut, -t, with the exception of the following 11, which for memorization were put into a kind of counting rhyme: drive, hold, twirl, offend , see, hear, hate, and depend, and endure, and even breathe, watch. She was voiced by the hero of the film Plumbum or Dangerous Game:

    Verbs ending in -at, -yat, -ish, -im, -it, -ite - belong to the second conjugation.

    Run. In the third person plural, this verb has the ending of the 1st conjugation (run). All other forms of it belong to the second conjugation.

    Want. The plural forms of this verb belong to the 2nd conjugation, the singular forms to the first.

    Glimpse. This verb has only two forms. The first conjugation refers to the plural (brezhut), the second - the third person singular (brezhit).

    Honor. The third person singular of this verb is the 1st conjugation. All others are second.

    Conjugation is a modification of the form (ending) of the verb according to persons and numbers: I sing, you sing, he sings, we sing, you sing, they sing.

    Knowing the conjugations, you will correctly write unstressed endings of verbs with the letters E or I. For example, you see or you write.

    You need to remember that in Russian verbs have two conjugations: I and II. But besides this, there are differently conjugated verbs.

    There are two ways to determine the conjugation of a verb:

    • Conjugate the verb in the present or future tense. If the emphasis during conjugation falls on the personal ending, we determine the conjugation by the ending. A personal ending is the ending of a verb when it is changed by persons.

    When modified by persons and numbers, verbs have personal endings:

    First conjugation-u (s), -eat, -et, -eat, -e, -ut(s). At the endings we write the letters E, U, Yu

    Second conjugation-u(-yu), -ish, -it, -im, -ite, -at(-yat). At the endings we write the letters I, A, Z.

    For example

    To pour: I pour, you pour, he pours, we pour, you pour, they pour - I conjugation;

    Sit: I am sitting, you are sitting, he is sitting, you are sitting, they are sitting - II conjugation.

    When conjugating verbs with the prefix you, difficulties arise, since the prefix pulls the emphasis on itself. For example: cut your hair, speak out. In these cases, you need to discard the prefix and conjugate the verb without it. For example: cut - cut, I cut, you cut, he cuts, we cut - I conjugation.

    Or: pronounce - speak, I say, you speak, they speak - II conjugation.

    • If the verb has an unstressed personal ending, we put the verb in the indefinite form (we answer the question what to do?) and at the end it will be clear what conjugation it is.

    Second conjugation these are verbs with an unstressed personal and the ending in it (-ity) in an indefinite form (ride, build, spin, foam, etc.), except for the exception verbs: lay and shave, ripple and zizietsya (these four verbs belong to the 1st conjugation ).

    Second conjugation These are 7 verbs with the ending -et: to offend, endure, see, depend, hate, twirl, watch.

    Second conjugation These are 4 verbs ending in -at: breathe, hear, hold, drive.

    First conjugation these are all verbs with an unstressed personal ending and ending in -et, -at, -yat, -ot, -ut, -ity, -ti, -t, etc. in an indefinite form.

    First conjugation These are exception verbs: lay and shave, ripple and build.

    • Variably conjugated verbs These are verbs that in the singular have the personal ending of the I conjugation, and in the plural the II conjugation. For example, to dream, to run, to want: I want, you want, he wants, we want, you want, they want.
  • Conjugation determines the change of the verb in numbers and persons. Verb conjugation is one of the most difficult topics in learning Russian. But it is absolutely necessary to understand this topic, otherwise it will be impossible to write correctly.

    The first step in determining the conjugation of a verb is to understand whether it has a stressed ending. If the stress is on the ending of the verb, the conjugation is determined by the vowel in the e strong position. Verbs in the first conjugation have the endings -em, et, -ete, -ut(-yut), -u (-yu) or eat, for example, in the words lead, call. Verbs of the second conjugation have the endings -im, -ish, -it, -ite, -at, -yat, for example, in the words sleep, burn.

    If a verb does not have an accent in the personal ending, then its conjugation is determined by the infinitive, that is, by the initial, impersonal form. If the infinitive ends in it, then you have a verb of the second conjugation. The following verbs are exceptions: lay, shave, build and ripple.

    The 2nd conjugation also includes the following verbs with endings in et and -at: drive, look, see, endure, depend, offend, hate, twirl, hear, hold, breathe. You just need to remember this list so that you don’t make mistakes when writing. The remaining verbs that do not have an accent in the personal ending are verbs of the first conjugation.

    In addition to verbs of the first and second conjugation, there are also differently conjugated verbs. Some of their forms are formed in accordance with the first conjugation, while others - in accordance with the second. Among the variously conjugated verbs there are such verbs as honor, want, disdain, run. For example, the singular verb to want is formed according to the rules of the first conjugation, and in the plural according to the rules of the second conjugation.

    The conjugation of a verb is one of its grammatical categories, with the help of which its change in numbers and persons is determined. Depending on the conjugation, certain rules of writing in Russian apply, so the correct definition of the conjugation is very important.

    Here are simple instructions for determining the conjugation of verbs in Russian:

    Verb conjugation is determined at school. In life, this knowledge is not really needed if you are not a philologist or a teacher of the Russian language. Rule: Verb conjugation is determined by the indefinite form.

    There is a clear algorithm thanks to which you can correctly determine the conjugation of a verb. It is also important to remember a number of exceptions, to memorize all verbs that are declined in different ways. If the ending of the verb is stressed, you need to put the verb in the third person plural form. Vowels at the end of a word signal that the verb belongs to the 1st or 2nd conjugation. Verbs of the 1st conjugation have the endings ut (-yut), 2nd conjugations -at (-yat). For example, the 1st conjugation includes the verbs read, sing, bloom, and 2 hang, burn, lie. It is very important to remember: it is possible to determine the conjugation at the end of a third-person plural verb only if the stress falls on the ending. If the stress does not fall on the ending of the verb, the word must be translated into an indefinite form. For example: breathe breathe. The initial form answers the question of what to do; it has no main categories. It preserves only the aspect sign, and it is also used to determine whether the verb is reflexive, whether it is transitive or intransitive. The initial (indefinite) form is usually called the infinitive. Verbs that have an unstressed ending in the initial form it belong to the 2nd conjugation. The remaining verbs belong to the 1st conjugation. You also need to remember a number of verbs that are exceptions to the rules. Verbs of the 1st conjugation include the following exception words: beat, shave, twist, rot, live, build, sway, pour, drink, rest, lay, sew, - knock (hurt, make a mistake), as well as all the verbs that are formed from them. Even at school, everyone became acquainted with an easy counting rhyme that allows you to quickly memorize 11 verbs, which are the most common exception words to the rule. They do not end in it, but also belong to the 2nd conjugation. In this case, they are listed alphabetically: twirl, see, drive, hold, breathe, depend, hate, offend, hear, watch, endure. These words need to be remembered

    This rule always slipped my mind at school. But determining the conjugation of a verb is actually not that difficult. We bring the verb into its initial form, i.e. infinitive and define. (the infinitive answers the question what to do?. If the ending of the word is in it and it is unstressed, then the word belongs to the second conjugation. The second conjugation includes 11 verbs - exceptions. They must be remembered.

    Our rhyme was a little different and it’s not so difficult to remember them:

    Hear, see and offend, drive, keep and hate. And breathe, look, twirl. And depend and endure.

    🙂 The rest is all 1 conjugation.

    In order to correctly write the personal endings of verbs, you need to correctly determine the conjugation of the verb; for many schoolchildren this topic is difficult and confusing, but you still have to learn, remember the rules and exceptions. There are two conjugations of the verb - first and second.

    In modern Russian language exists two verb conjugations: I and II.

    Let me remind you that under the term verb in this context it is understood Part of speech answering questions what to do?, what to do? (and derivatives, like, what are we going to do?, etc.). Verbs denote action, state, attitude. A verb may have the following features:

    • voice (active or active, passive or passive. *Modern linguists also distinguish the average voice*),
    • type (perfect, imperfect),
    • person (first, second and third),
    • number (singular, plural),
    • time (present, past, future),
    • mood (indicative, conditional or subjunctive, imperative) and
    • gender (masculine, feminine, neuter).

    A verb can also have such morphological features as transitivity/intransitivity (I am writing an answer - transitive, I am going - intransitive), reflexivity/non-reflexivity (he apologized for a long time - reflexive, we read - irreversible).

    Under verb conjugation- understand changing verbs by person(me, you, him, etc.) and numbers(singular and plural). Linguists also have the concept of verb conjugation in the broad sense of the word, by which they mean changing the verb according to moods, tenses, persons and numbers.

    To determine the conjugation of a verb, you need:

    • convert it to initial form(otherwise called the indefinite form, infinitive). The initial form of the verb retains only the characteristics of aspect, transitivity/intransitivity, reflexivity/nonreflexivity. For example, from the verb listen the initial form is listen, inhale - inhale, shl - go, wrap up - wrap up, etc.
    • see if the stress falls on the ending of the verb?
    • all verbs with an unstressed ending in -it belong to the 2nd conjugation.
    • also the 2nd conjugation includes - 11 exception verbs that need to be remembered.

    At one time at school they forced me to memorize the following rhyme:

    drive, hold, breathe, depend,

    see, hear and offend,

    and also endure, twirl,

    hate and watch.

    It should be noted that all verbs derived from these will also belong to the 2nd conjugation.

    • all other verbs belong to the 1st conjugation(with a few exceptions).

    Special mention should be made of some verbs in -it, in which the emphasis falls on the end of the word: shave, lay, rest, beat, twist, pour, drink, sew, rot, live, as well as verbs in -shibit (hurt, make a mistake). They belong to the 1st conjugation.

    The 1st conjugation usually includes such rare verbs as zizhditsya, zybytsya.

    Knowing which conjugation a verb belongs to allows you to correctly write endings when conjugating a verb (*in the first person singular, verbs of both I and II conjugations have the ending -у (-у)*):

    P.S. *In the Russian language there are several differently conjugated verbs (with stressed endings), which have part of the 1st conjugation forms, part of the 2nd, for example: run, want*.

    There are two conjugations in Russian, which differ in endings. Verbs that have the endings -eesh, -em, -et, -ete, -ut, -yut, belong to the first conjugation, and verbs that have the endings -ish, -im, -it, -ite, -at, - yat - to the second conjugation.

    There are also exceptions, for which I remember the rhyme from my school days:

    Hear, see and offend,

    Drive to breathe and hate,

    Look, hold, twirl

    And depend and endure.

    These are verbs of the second conjugation

    You asked a very interesting question, because there are many controversial and confusing issues regarding the definition of verb conjugation in Russian. language.

    As practice shows, many find it difficult to determine the conjugation of a verb.

    The foundations for studying verbal categories are usually laid in the early grades. And it is here, when developing the ability to determine the conjugation of a verb, that the teacher encounters the first mistake.

    You probably noticed that in Russian textbooks. language for the beginning schools, when studying the topic Verb conjugation, exercises are first offered that include the verb. with stressed personal endings in one of the personal forms.

    It is interesting to note that at first glance, determining the conjugation of this form of the verb is quite simple:

    highlighted the shock personally. ending and called the conjugation.

    Unfortunately, the textbooks do not note one important feature of differently conjugated verbs (run, want) and verbs with archaic conjugation (give, eat), namely:

    in some of their personal forms they also have stressed endings (run, want, give, eat).

    You will be surprised when you find out that another problem is that already in the 4th grade, when morphologically analyzing a verb, not only personal ones are encountered. forms, but also forms in the past. time or in the imperative mood. In this case, it is customary to use a verb. in 3rd person plural. h., but it should be taken into account that impersonal verbs from personal. forms there is only the form of the 3rd person unit. hours (dawn, evening, sleep).

    1) conjugation as a language task during morphological analysis of a verb as a part of speech;

    2) conjugation as a spelling necessity.

    The ease of determining conjugation based on stressed personal endings, unfortunately, leads to the fact that the teacher focuses on working out the conjugation only for verbs with unstressed endings. personal endings (work on spelling needs), thereby, voluntarily or involuntarily, developing in children the skill of putting any chapter. at the beginning form without checking whether this verb has stressed forms. personal ending

    This simplification, as a rule, continues in the middle management. Imagine how you would feel if your Russian teacher language I would give your child a 2 only because he began to determine the conjugation by searching for the stressed verb. personal ending?

    So, what do most school graduates answer to the question:

    Many will answer:

    This answer indicates that in their minds Stage I, which requires identifying the shock, has not been formed. personal ending.

    In addition, there is another difficulty in determining the conjugation of prefix formations from exception verbs. Of course, in school textbooks there is information that the prefix does not affect the conjugation. verb, however, there is no systematic approach to developing the skill of determining the conjugation of this kind of verbs due to the lack of a universal algorithm and specially selected exercises.

    Traditionally, determining the conjugation of a verb includes 2 stages:

    1) Personal endings of verbs The 1st and 2nd conjugations are clearly defined only by stress. To do this, you need to establish whether the person is present. ending verb percussive or not.

    2) If the emphasis is on personal. the ending does not fall, then we determine the conjugation by the infinitive, having previously separated the exception verbs.

    Would you like to know what some researchers have to offer on this topic? They believe that when determining the conjugation, it is necessary to pay attention not only to:

    • exception verbs;
    • multi-conjugated verbs;
    • verbs with archaic conjugation.

    But it is also necessary to pay attention to their prefix and postfix variants.

    When determining the conjugation, you also need to be attentive to verbs with the stressed prefix you-, because, most often, in the forms of such verbs. the stress remains on the prefix, while in the non-prefixed analogue it can move to the ending:

    They will sit out; Wed sitting

    They will run out; Wed are running

    They will issue; Wed they will give

    Thus, the algorithm for determining conjugations. verb should look like this:

    Determine what form the verb is in.

    • If verb. has a kick. personal ending (except for the 1st person), separate (if possible) the prefix and postfix and make sure that the non-prefixed form is not included in the group of heteroconjugated verbs. with percussion personal. endings (run, want) and verbs with archaic conjugation (eat, give).

    Determine the conjugation.

    • Verb in the past time, lord or conditional mood, as well as in the beginning. put the form in 3 liters. pl. h., because, for example, the infinitive shout, sit (cf. shout, sit) many immediately, without thinking, mistakenly classify it as the 1st conjugation..

    If verb. has a shock personal ending, see point 1.

    • At Ch. with no impact. with a personal ending, discard the prefix you-, if there is one, and check the ending. If the ending is stressed, see paragraph 1.

    The rest are verbs. with unstressed personal put the ending at the beginning. form.

    • Separate (if possible) the prefix and postfix (-s) and determine whether this is a verb. excl. or not.
    • Determine the conjugation of the verb, which is no exception, depending on which vowel the stem of the infinitive ends with.

    I would like to draw your attention to the last thing. stage of determining the conjugation. verb The following example also applies:

    • find what the verb ends with.

    But this example is less successful, because it can lead to confusion of two concepts:

    • infinitive affix(-t);
    • what the infinitive ends with (-at, -et, -it, etc.). The result of this is the inability to correctly identify the infinitive affix.


    From the damp aspen forest, smelling of melting snow, the village children formed a cheerful flock of ran across to a clearing warmed by the spring sun.

    We determine the conjugation. gl..

    1. We ran across Ch. in the form of a pass. time, plural h..
    2. They will run across 3rd l. pl. h. Personal ending is stressed. Form without prefix: run.

    They're running mixed verb form run.

    Conclusion: ran across form of a differently conjugated verb.

    Brother stayed late At work.

    Definition conjugation gl..

    1. Stayed late Ch. in the form of a pass. vr. units h., male kind.
    2. Will be delayed 3rd l. plural Personal the ending is unstressed.
    3. We put ch. at the beginning form stay late.
    4. Separating prefix and postfix hold.

    Verb hold exception verb 2nd reference..

    Conclusion: stayed late form ch. 2nd Ref. (exception).

    Memorize this passage by heart.

    We determine the reference. gl..

    1. Memorize verb in the form of command. plural moods h..
    2. They will memorize 3rd l. plural The personal ending is unstressed.
    3. Began. form memorize.
    4. Separating the attachment learn. Ch. teaching is no exception.
    5. The stem of the infinitive ends in -i. Ch. 2nd ref..

    Conclusion: memorize form ch. 2nd conjugation.

    So, as you noticed, it is proposed:

    1) involve language exercises not only with prefixless verbs. in the form of present or simple future. time, but also with other forms of verbs, complicated by prefixes and postfixes;

    2) practice the skill of highlighting the stem of the infinitive so that the verb. with unstressed personal endings determine conjugation using the final vowel of the stem.

    The topic of verb conjugation in the Russian language is one of the most difficult and confusing, even for avid excellent students. The correct determination of the conjugation of a verb is facilitated by a clear algorithm for identifying it, shown in the diagram:

    To master a complex topic in the Russian language, it is enough to learn the words that make up the exceptions and the rule that is simple for visual and mental perception. Correctly determining the conjugation of a verb allows you to write all verb endings correctly in the future, without errors.

    The simplest way to identify verb conjugations is to differentiate words by endings:

    • I conjugation: ending -у/-ут
    • II conjugation: ending -at/yat

    A more detailed definition of conjugation in Russian is to remember the following rules, which tell you which type of conjugation is used, I or II:

    1. The emphasis in words of the first conjugation falls on the ending, most often on -ut/-ut (they are nervous, they are dying, they are running, they will say),

    and the stress in words of the second conjugation falls on -at/yat (beckon, give, lie)

    1. If the stress does not fall on the ending: find the form of the infinitive (in the impersonal form - it, II conjugation of the verb: to carry, sew). The exceptions are: shave, tselit, build, sway (I conjugation)
    2. The ending is not stressed; in the infinitive form, the verb ends in -et/-at (I conjugation of the verb).

    Exception verbs: look, depend, hate, twirl, offend, breathe, drive (II conjugation)

    The native Russian language amazes with the complexity of its rules. Here verb conjugations belongs to these.

    Verbs have only two conjugations - first and second. As a rule, the verb is associated with some kind of pronoun and person - I, you, he, she, they, we, you. And as we see, the verb, or more precisely, its ending, will change if it is used with different pronouns: I left, she left, you left.

    Thus, we can conclude that conjugating a verb is changing it in persons and numbers. And then we look at the ending of the verb. In this case, the verb must be in an indefinite form, that is, in one in which it is not clear which person it belongs to:

    I see - see, hear - hear, sing - sing.

    The second words in these examples are the infinitive form of the verb. Now let's look at the stress in the endings. If the ending -it (to love, tease) is stressed, then this verb belongs to the first conjugation, and if without stress, then it is a verb of the second conjugation. In general, the second conjugation includes verbs with an unstressed personal ending (glue, ride, etc.) and eleven more verbs - exceptions to the rules (they are given in the authors’ answers to the question).

    The first conjugation includes verbs with the endings: -у, -yu, -eat, -et, -eat, -ete, -ut, -yut.

    The second conjugation includes verbs with the endings: -у, -yu, -ish, -it, -im, -ite, -at, -yat.

    Confusion can be caused by differently conjugated verbs, which can have endings of both the first and second conjugation when the form of the verb changes: sit - first conjugation, sit - second conjugation.

    If the ending of the verb is unstressed, then it must be put in an indefinite form (what to do? what to do?). If it ends in -it (except shave, lay, lay), then 2 conjugations, if not -it (except endure, twirl, offend, depend, hate watch, see, hear, breathe, hold, drive), then 1 conjugation. If the ending is stressed, then at the end: if the ending has the letter E in the singular, then 1 conjugation, and if -I , then 2. (for example, letIt-2 spr., poEt-1 spr.)

    Conjugation is a grammatical category of a verb, with the help of which, by determining its change in persons and numbers, it can tell a person which letter to write in words with the ending of which he is in doubt. In Russian there are 2 two verb conjugations: first and second. We know this from school. Depending on which of them the verb refers to, the selection of the letter that must be written at the end of it occurs. It's a little easier with past tense verbs; they don't have a conjugation. and how to figure out the conjugation of verbs in the Russian language, this not very complicated diagram and rhyme, which is given to children in the Russian language lessons in the fifth grade, can help with this

    Determining the conjugation of a verb is easy. To do this, you need to put the verb in the indefinite form and see what they end with. So, all verbs ending in -it belong to the 2nd conjugation, the exceptions are shave, lay (they respectively belong to the 1st conjugation). All other verbs that end in -et, -ut, -at, -ity, -yat and so on belong to 1 conjugation. But there are 11 exception verbs (tolerate, twist, offend, hate, depend, look, see, hold, drive, hear, breathe, which respectively belong to 1 conjugation).

    It is also necessary to remember that in the Russian language there are differently conjugated verbs. Such verbs can have both first and second conjugation endings.

    1) First you need to determine whether the ending of the verb is stressed.

    If there is a stressed vowel at the end of the verb:

    • verbs of the 1st conjugation will have the following endings: -et, -eat, -ete, -ut(-yut), -u(-yu), eat.
    • verbs of the 2nd conjugation will have the following endings: -ish, -im, -it, -ite, -at, -yat.

    2) If at the end of the verb the vowel is not stressed, then the conjugation should be determined by the infinitive. If a verb in the infinitive form ends in it, then it is a verb of the 2nd conjugation. Exceptions: lay, shave, sway and build.

    It is also worth remembering 11 verbs of the 2nd conjugation with the endings eat and at: depend, see, hate, endure, hear, twirl, offend, breathe, drive, hold, watch.

    All other verbs in which the ending vowel is unstressed are of the 1st conjugation.

The question of how to determine the conjugation of a verb is quite problematic even for the Russian-speaking population. To finally understand this, you need to understand the strict algorithm for calculating the conjugation and choosing the correct vowel letter for the ending of the verb.

If the stress falls on the ending of the verb.

For example, let’s take the verbs “you get up”, “you do” (the endings are -eat and -ish). We put them in the third person plural - we get “stand up” (ending –yut) and “vertshat” (ending –at).

We check with the endings of the first and second conjugations: –ut, -yut and –at, -yat, respectively. It turns out that the verb “you get up” (“stand up”) belongs to the first conjugation, and “you accomplish” (“versat”) – to the second.

How to determine the conjugation of a verb in an unstressed ending position.

There is a grammatical concept in Russian - an indefinite or impersonal form of a verb. To put any of them in this form, you need to ask the question - what to do? (what to do?).

For example, the verbs “pricks”, “mumbles”. We put them in an indefinite form, and it turns out to be stabbing and muttering. Now pay attention to the letters before –т: in this case they are “o” and “a”. Endings that correspond in the indefinite form to conjugations 1 and 2 must be remembered.

The algorithm is as follows: we remember what questions the verb in the infinitive answers, we remember the endings for the first conjugation:

The previously discussed verbs “stab” and “mutter” both belong to the first conjugation.

The second will include infinitive forms ending in -it (except shave, lay, lay) and a number of exceptions that need to be remembered.

Let's decide directly on the endings that will correspond to verbs 1 and 2 conjugations in different persons and numbers. To do this, we need a verb that we will conjugate - it will be “sow” (1st conjugation) and “throw” (2nd conjugation).

In the infinitive, the verb “to sow” obviously refers to the first conjugation, we can determine this by the ending. As a result, we get - I eat, you eat, he eats, we eat, you eat and they eat.

The endings of the 1st conjugation are indicated in brackets, in the 1st person singular. and 3rd person plural it can also be –у and –ут respectively. For example, in the verb “to say” (infinitive), these forms will be “skazh(u)” and “skazh(ut)”.

Let us now turn to the verb of the second conjugation “throw” and conjugate it, see the table.

At the end it is easy to understand that this is a verb of the second conjugation. We change by persons and numbers - I throw, you throw, he throws, we throw, you throw, they throw.

The correct determination of endings in writing affects not only verbs, the spelling of which can sometimes be simply guessed. This is necessary for correct placement of suffixes in present participles. Therefore, this question touches on several topics in the grammar of the Russian language.

Now let's try to determine the correct spelling of verb endings in the proposed text:

“Why are you asking(eating) this?” - he was surprised. - “I don’t know, soon the pigeons will arrive, and I will have the letter.”

We have two highlighted verbs - their infinitives are “ask” and “fly”. It would seem that in the first case this is a verb belonging to the first conjugation and, accordingly, its ending is -eat. What about the second, since the ending -yat refers to the second conjugation, and the infinitive indicates the first?

The fact is that the ending –аt in the infinitive is stressed. In this case, we cannot determine the case by it; we need to mentally figure out which endings will correspond to different persons and numbers for a given verb and understand that we have the first conjugation:

It becomes clear that it is important not only what questions the verb answers in the infinitive form. You need to understand that an infinitive with a stressed position at the end is not a conjugation determiner.

An important issue remains for discussion - exceptions that always refer to the second conjugation, although they do not end in -it. You just need to remember them and keep them in your head like a multiplication table, applying them when necessary.

P There are eleven such exceptions; the question of how to learn irregular verbs worries many. The best option is to memorize it as a nursery rhyme, and it looks like this:

“Chase, breathe, hold, depend, see, hear and offend, and then endure, twist, hate and watch.”

You can learn the little counting rhyme in a couple of minutes and really stick it in your memory. How to use knowledge about these verbs?

Let's conjugate one for clarity:

infinitive Offend (2nd conjugation)
I'm offended We offend (them)
You will offend You will offend
He is offended They will offend

Exception verbs of the first conjugation

Let us remember that the first conjugation also has exceptions - these are verbs that end with the endings in the infinitive form characteristic of the second conjugation - shave, lay, ziszitsya, zybiziatsya. The latter, of course, are rarely seen in writing, but one is worth conjugating as an example.

Indeed, some forms were questionable; it would have been possible to write, for example, “he is laying” or “we are laying.” To avoid misunderstandings, exceptions have been created that are easy to remember.

Variably conjugated verbs

In addition to all the previously mentioned exceptions, it is worth noting the existence of differently conjugated verbs. That is, you will not be able to change them according to the rules of only 1 and 2 conjugations; such verbs must also be remembered.

So, verbs that do not change in persons and numbers according to the usual algorithm are to run, to want, and also to give and eat. Example:

The singular forms correspond to the 1st conjugation, the plural endings correspond to the second. It is important to remember this so as not to write “wants” instead of “wants” out of habit. At first, exception verbs are learned, then the forms are automatically remembered, and you will be surprised how easy it is to determine the conjugation.

Finally, let’s summarize to identify the conjugation of the verb:

  1. Look where the emphasis falls. If it is an ending, put the verb into the form that matches the pronoun “they” and determine the conjugation.
  2. Otherwise, we put the verb in the infinitive form. At the end, we determine the conjugation, having previously remembered whether the verb is an exception.

Determining the conjugation of a verb is not such a difficult topic, you just need to remember the procedure and keep at the ready a number of exceptions.

Video about how to determine verb conjugation

Russian is considered the most difficult language due to the large number of exceptions. These are letter combinations and features of writing individual parts of speech. The greatest difficulty for students, and even for adults, is writing the endings of nouns and verbs.

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Conjugation of verbs

Not only children, but also adults find it difficult to write the letters e/i at the end of verbs in the present and future tense. Students in the fourth grade are introduced to the personal endings of this part of speech. During this time, children learn about how verbs are conjugated.

Conjugation is the change of a verb in the present and future tense according to numbers and persons. At the same time, the endings change. In many cases, problems with spelling do not arise if this part of the word is stressed. What should you do if the ending is not stressed?

In order not to make a mistake in choosing the desired letter at the end, you need to know some rules:

  • Put the words in their initial form and determine which letter combinations they end with. In the indefinite form (infinitive), the vowels “and”, “s”, “o”, “e”, “u”, “a”, “ya” are in front of -t. These are the ones you need to focus on.
  • Then the rule is applied: if in a word there is a letter “and” before -t, then this is II conjugation, the other vowel is I.

Important! This definition of conjugation applies only to verbs with unstressed endings.

But from this moment the difficulties begin. The fact is that in any language there are many exceptions that do not obey the established laws of the language. Such curiosities also apply to verbs of the present and future tense. Knowledge of the specific endings of the I and II conjugations does not always lead to the correct result. It's all about words that do not obey certain rules that are found in both conjugations.

I conjugation contradictions

According to the rules of the Russian language, action words ending in the infinitive with -et, -at, -yat, -ot, -ut, -yt are verbs of the first conjugation. For example, melt, weed, dive, play, and so on. But some of them, ending in -et, -at, do not want to obey and go into the second conjugation. While shaving and laying are also exceptions to the rule, they are written with the vowel “e” in personal endings and are representatives of the first conjugation.

II conjugation contradictions

Schoolchildren have no less difficulty writing the vowels “e” or “i” in the endings of exceptions related to the 2nd conjugation. There are several words that do not want to obey the accepted rules of the language.

Exception verbs:

  • look, offend, see, hate, twist, depend, endure;
  • hear, drive, hold, breathe.

Let's give examples of changes:

  • drive, drive, drive, drive;
  • look, look, look, look;
  • see, sees, see, see and so on.

In addition, it does not matter whether the word has a prefix or not (drive - overtake, hold - withstand, wind - turn), such exception verbs still belong to the II conjugation.

Learning exception words

All exception words need to be learned and used when writing texts. Of course, adults can find their own ways of learning. And schoolchildren remember better if rhyming is used.

There are a large number of rhymes related to memorizing exception words. Everyone can choose their own option.

Methods of learning

As we have already said, remembering the rule is not easy if you learn exception verbs separately as they are given in the rules of the Russian language.

Teachers always try to make learning any rules easier in various ways. This also applies to verbs . Here are some handy tricks:

  1. Draw a picture showing the movement of, for example, little men.
  2. Come up with an interesting poem by inserting exception verbs into it.
  3. Choose words in such a way that they can be shown.

In practice, it has been proven that rhyming lines combined with movement are remembered faster and for a long time. You just need to start reading the poem, and children remember the sequence of words and use them when writing.

I would like to offer this option.

The second conjugation includes, without a doubt, all verbs that are in -it (we exclude shave, lay).

And also these:

We drive, we hold, we look, we see.

We breathe, we hear, we hate.

And we are dependent, and we twist, and we offend, and we endure.

Words are rhymed in each sentence. While reading, children reinforce the words with movement:

  • drive - they wave their hand as if there is a twig in it;
  • hold - clench their fists, as if they were hiding something;
  • look - apply the edge of the palm to the head;
  • see - look into the distance in surprise.

And in this way every verb is put into action. Of course, the movements may be different, but the essence remains the same - the rhyme is learned quickly and firmly.

The ability to write correctly must be instilled from birth. Every Russian person should be proud of his origin. And it’s a shame to write with errors in your native language.

Conjugation - this is a change in the verb by persons and numbers. (Term conjugated forms the verb is used in a broader sense than the term conjugation . The conjugated forms of the verb include all forms except the infinitive, participles and gerunds, i.e. forms of all moods.)

Depending on the personal endings in the Russian language, it is customary to distinguish two conjugations - I and II, which differ from each other by vowel sounds in the endings: carry, sing, speak, remain silent, carry, sing, speak, remain silent, carry, sing, speak, remain silent, carry, sing, speak, remain silent, carry, sing, speak, remain silent

If the ending is stressed, conjugation determined by the end: you call, you lead - I conjugation, you're burning, you're sleeping- II conjugation.

But most verbs conjugation has no emphasis on personal endings. In such cases conjugation is determined by the infinitive (by the vowel that comes before the infinitive suffix).

Ko II conjugation These include those verbs with an unstressed personal ending in which 1) the infinitive ends in -i-t (carry, saw, spend etc.), except for verbs shave, lay, rare verbs rest on(“to be founded, to be built”) and be ruffled(“to waver, to sway, to swell”). (Verbs rest on And sway are used only in the 3rd person unit form. and plural numbers, other forms are not used.); 2) exception verbs whose infinitive ends in -e-t (look, see, hate, offend, depend, endure, twirl) and on -a-th (drive, hold, hear, breathe).

All other verbs with unstressed personal endings belong to I conjugation.

It should be remembered that prefixed verbs formed from unprefixed verbs belong to the same type conjugations, as without prefixes (drive- catch up- overtake- kick out etc. - II conjugation). Verbs with -sya (s) belong to the same type of conjugation as without -sya (-s) (drive- chase- II conjugation).

In the Russian language there are also differently conjugated verbs, in which some forms are formed according to I conjugation, and others - according to II. These include: 1) want- in singular modifies by I conjugation (Want- Want- wants), and in the plural - according to II (we want- want to- want); 2)run, which has all forms like verbs of II conjugation (running- you're running- runs- let's run- run), except 3rd person plural. numbers - are running(according to I conjugation); 3) honor- varies according to II conjugation (honor- honors- we honor- honor), except 3rd person plural. numbers (honor) although there is a form honor which is now used less frequently than honor; 4) disdain(“dawn, glow a little”) - used only in the 3rd person singular form (it's dawning- II conjugation) and plural (they are dawning- I conjugation): Dawn is just breaking; The stars are faintly shining in the sky.

Uncharacteristic for verbs I and II conjugations verbs have an ending system (archaic) eat, bother, give, create(and their prefix derivatives: overeat, overeat, hand over, give away, betray, recreate and etc.).

Verb be also unique. From him, rarely used forms of the 3rd person singular have been preserved in modern Russian. and plural numbers of the present tense - There is And essence: A straight line is the shortest distance between two points; The most common general abstractions accepted by almost all historians are: freedom, equality, enlightenment, progress, civilization, culture (L. Tolstoy), and the future tense is formed from another root: will- you will- will- we will- you will- there will be.

It should be remembered that verbs are conjugated (changed according to persons and numbers) only in the present and simple future tense. If the form of the future is complex (in imperfective verbs), then only the auxiliary verb is conjugated be, and the main verb is taken in the infinitive. Verbs in the past tense are not conjugated (they do not change according to persons).

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