Dream interpretation girl crying. Why does a girl dream according to the dream book? What will Gustav Miller say?

Water supply 04.06.2024

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Why do you dream of a little girl in a dream according to the dream book?


Where was the little girl in the dream?

A little girl dreams about it - you will need maximum effort to achieve your goals. Joyful in arms guarantees events. A sad child symbolizes a lack of attention to relatives and friends on your part.

Which little girl did you dream about?

I dreamed of a beautiful little girl▼

I dreamed of a beautiful little girl - expect patronage in matters from heaven. Your diligence will not go unnoticed, the matter will progress and everything will work out as it should.

Dreaming of someone else's little girl▼

The dream book regards someone else’s little girl as a symbol of suspicion on your part towards any person. Do not trust, take into account only the facts.

What did you do with the little girl in your dream?

Holding a little girl in your arms in a dream▼

A dream about a little girl in your arms foreshadows, which are the cause of the failure of the realization of cherished desires. A joyful child in your arms - you can hope that all difficulties will be easily overcome.

Kissing a little girl in a dream▼

If you kiss a little girl in a dream, you will get joyful and good impressions from communicating with loved ones. You've already gotten bored, so nothing will spoil your time together.

Why do you dream of babysitting a little girl▼

If you dream that you are babysitting a little girl, expect a joyful event. With his arrival, a new meaning will appear, the direction will change, a reorientation of values ​​will occur.

Play with a little girl in a dream▼

It may be necessary to make a choice between and . For a dream, it means the need to think about family life.

Who dreamed with a girl in his arms?

I dreamed of a girl in the arms of a man▼

If you dreamed of a girl in the arms of a man, expect an improvement in your financial condition, an increase in wages, a profitable business or a win. Manage your money wisely.

How are other dream books interpreted?

Miller's Dream Book

Video: Why do you dream about a little girl?

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Did you dream about a little girl, but the necessary interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream about a little girl in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

    I was walking through the snow in the mountains, suddenly a strong blizzard arose, it was pushing me in the back, and suddenly someone dragged me into a kindergarten where everything was green, and there was no hint of winter, there was a girl in a white dress running around the tables at which The children were also sitting in a white dress.

    hello, I had a dream in which I saw my lover, with whom I broke up due to the enormous stupidity of his parents, his wife and his little girl with an incomprehensible face, although I know that she is pretty And I was with them in their parents’ house, I spent the night with him, we talked, I don’t remember what did they talk about with his father?

    I dreamed of a girl about 12-15 years old, she was wearing a green cape (jacket) and fog was spreading along the ground. and she ran away or looked for someone to help her, and when he called her, she first flew along the ground and soared up

    I was walking with a friend and then I came to my house, and there was a girl there and I was sure that it was my sister, she was about 6-5 months old, I picked her up, because she crapped herself and wanted to change her clothes, but then she suddenly woke up

    House, near the door, my boyfriend’s father asked where my beloved was now, I answered that he was at work, then his grandmother called his father, then I was cleaning that house, then my beloved came and lay down on the sofa and looked into my eyes….

    Good afternoon, I dreamed of a herring as if I was going to cut it into a salad, but when I started cutting it up, it turned out to be not fresh, I threw it away and took a fresh good herring out of the jar and kept another one of the same kind for myself. Then I walked down the street carrying my 5-year-old niece in my arms. It was hard for me to carry her, my arms hurt, but I didn’t let her go because I knew that this couldn’t be done and I had to carry her home in a dream.

    Hello! I dreamed of a little girl. I don’t remember the beginning of the dream.. I pulled her out of the grave, she was breathing, I began to think that she was buried alive. I took her hand and we went together to the hospital. This is where I woke up.

    On the night from Thursday to Friday, I dreamed of a pretty little girl, whom, at first, I recognized as my daughter, and an ex-wife, from whom I actually have a daughter (she is 11). It turned out that the girl was not mine, but we spent some time with her and my ex, and quite amicably.

    Hello, well, I was walking from somewhere here, I saw a little girl, I came up and started talking about what she was talking about then in Chile to play with her in the yard, then her mother told me how she was walking, take her home, I said ok, after a while we went home, why? started asking her what her name was, I liked her so much that I called her my girl and kissed her and took her in my arms and let her go, we got to the house, I gave her away (what crap is that) thank you

    I dreamed of a little girl, they arrived in a car, but I don’t remember who else was there. She was wearing a memorable light lilac color. I took off her tights and started holding her so that she would pee. She peed a lot. Then I put on a diaper and said, “Now she’ll have enough for a long time so she won’t wet herself.” I remembered the stain on the pantyhose on her butt..

    I was crossing the road. There was a one-year-old girl nearby, I took her hand. When we crossed the road we met her parents, they turned out to be acquaintances (in the dream, otherwise I don’t know them). They started talking, and they had an even smaller girl. I really wanted to take them in my arms. The younger one took it with her right hand, and the older one (with difficulty, since her right hand was busy) took it with her left hand. She held them in her arms for a while, pressed them (felt the diapers) and kissed them. She said that I want twins like these for myself. They told me that they would be a good babysitter, but in real life it is very difficult with twins. I replied that I could only guess.

    I’m standing in a church among many priests and among them is an unfamiliar girl of about 7 years old in a white dress and she’s crying a lot and no one can calm her down, but as soon as I take her in my arms she hugs me and calms down, and I hug her too

    Hello. Today I had such a dream that I don’t even know how to understand. there was a staircase and I wanted to go down and a little girl ran up to me and I grabbed her hand and went down together and then we fell down, but I didn’t feel the fall and immediately woke up.

    Hello. From Tuesday to Wednesday, I dreamed of a little girl, 2-2.5 years old, dark hair, a sweet, beautiful face, smartly dressed in a blue suit or dress. In the dream, she runs up to me, at first scared, when she sees me she smiles, hugs me joyfully and mom says. I hug her with a smile and take her in my arms.

    I dreamed of a little girl of two or three years old. very agile and cunning. It was as if she had found some pills somewhere (they looked quite large) and drank from them. Then she felt bad and my mother began to shake her and she vomited large pieces of food. Mom continued to shake her legs until everything came out of her, and my dad wiped the vomit from the floor. I watched all this from the side. The girl was a stranger and the place where it all happened was somehow abandoned and not very clean.

    I dreamed of a very little girl in diapers, I told her;_Hello sister; .., I held her in my arms, then she hugged me tightly, even very much, and began to laugh. The dream was quite pleasant, it was nice to remember)))

    I dreamed that I was sitting in the hallway of an apartment, the front door was open. A little girl comes in, about 4 years old, cheerful, cheerful and pretty. She sat in my arms. Then I woke up and fell asleep again, now I dreamed of the same girl that she was sitting on my couch at home and playing.

    I constantly see a little girl who cries without me and calms down only when I take her in my arms. The first time it was a dream when I heard a child crying, and then I saw a stroller with a child, then this girl lives with me, and. being in my grandmother’s arms, she pulls her arms towards me and cries. Today in a dream I saw that she was already crawling and starting to speak. Those. in a dream it seems to grow. And all the time it reaches out, crawls towards me. What does this mean?

    I was on the shore of either a river or a lake. There was a beautiful wooden entrance to the water. The water was clean. I had to swim to the other side with a little girl, she grabbed me by the back of the neck and we went into the water. At the same time, I saw something at the bottom and picked it up, then we swam.

    Write your dream here for interpretation... I dream of big clouds and lightning, then they quickly pass and a little girl flies holding onto the leg of a cow, I am hiding with my husband, but she stops almost next to us and finds us. then I feel her hugging my leg, but I’m afraid of her for something

    I was indoors. There was a sense of danger. Suddenly several orphans were brought there and among them a very beautiful girl with unusually green eyes and white hair reached out to me. I liked her so much that I decided to adopt her. Then I ended up with my children. I needed somewhere to go (I felt danger again), we caught a type of cab driver and he took us, but the road went uphill and it was impossible to drive. Then the cab driver asked to get out and climb there on foot, which we tried to do, the slope turned out to be very steep and some people tried to stop us, first I climbed up, followed by my eldest daughter, and then my youngest son, I stood telling her that my brother can’t cope, help him, she pulled him towards me, and then I pulled her out too.

    I ended up in a brothel and by some coincidence, I saw a girl there. As it turned out later, her mother disappeared, she had nowhere to live, and the worst thing was that she was 11 years old. She was very similar to me. Both appearance and behavior. Just a little copy of me. Perhaps this is my unborn future daughter??! I took her from that damned place and adopted her. At this moment I woke up. But... I remember that a large number of men wanted her, and I saved her in time.

    Hello! From the whole common dream, I remember one moment: I came home to visit my friend, who gave birth in a dream (in reality, she does not have children yet). I went to the crib, took the little girl in my arms, she was wearing a pink jumpsuit, and sat down on the sofa. However, then after a couple of minutes I realized that the child turned out to be a doll (although at first she was moving).
    Thanks in advance for your interpretation.

    Hello. I dreamed about the same girl 3 times. The first time they left her at the door of my house. A girl with curly hair who looks like my husband. Three days ago I still dreamed about her. It's like she lives at my house. I had never dreamed of her before.

    I saw myself in a dream, constantly running errands, and my daughter Yulia had disappeared somewhere, I went to look for her with my friend and found her crying at the pillar, then I picked her up and carried her home. This happened in the city of my childhood, now I live with my family in another city. After this dream, I had a feeling of guilt in front of the child all day.

    I couldn’t sleep all night, I kept turning from side to side, you could say I was half asleep, then I started dreaming of a little girl about 5-6 years old, as if she was sitting on my leg in the calf area, pinching my leg and looking at me, then I opened my eyes, I was lying in the same position as in the dream, and the same girl was sitting on my leg, and she closed her eyes for a short time, as if she was letting me know that I should continue the dream, I also closed my eyes and continued to sleep!

    Hello! I dreamed of a 3-4 year old girl who was brought by a man and her former adoptive parents wanted to return her. But later it turned out that they were trying to protect us from her, and the man was their friend and was trying to save them from her. The girl was aggressive and periodically turned into a dog. When I started scolding her, blood began to flow from my eyes.

    Hello, I dreamed of a little girl who was definitely not my daughter! It’s somehow not clear where it came from, but it feels like I’ve been carrying it in my arms for quite a long time, then we ended up on some ship that had almost no bottom! I talked to her! and then from my bosom I pull out a live fish in a bag and part of its tail is cut off and I tell this girl, let’s let her go. and we are releasing it! and she swims like eating flies in an aquarium. small fish are not far from us!! and we are looking at it!

    The girl stood in my apartment looking at me, my parents were nearby. For some reason it seemed to me that it was my sister. Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail or braid, with her bangs combed to the side. Hair color is white. The girl was very neat and beautiful. She smiled sweetly at me, I smiled back at her. Then I gently ran my hands through her bangs, and she hugged me. Then I woke up.

    a girl, about 4 years old, in my arms, very beautiful with ponytails, pink cheeks, but as it turned out, she was not dressed for the weather. Because the wind had picked up and it was getting colder. For some reason, at first we were in a labyrinth (like a basement), with my husband next to me. I’m worried that I’m putting something on my child’s cold, it turned out to be my son’s blouse. Before that, I think I took some of my husband’s clothes off to warm my daughter. And yet she was a little cold, as sniffles appeared. Then I dream of a picture of running horses (vaguely), and at the end there is a bright mare with two foals. It’s interesting that the dream began with the same herd, as if they wanted to go ice skating, and I said: “February is already ending, it’s warm, the ice has melted.” Indeed, we arrive at the lake, and there are only 2 thin edges of ice, but not usually, not along the shore, but in the center of the lake. The landscape at the end of winter is black and white, and on the other side a herd seems to have come to drink and a mare with foals, who runs later. The girl appears, it seems, after the labyrinth.

    a beautiful girl about a year and a half old, she called me mom, I carried her in my arms, she evoked tenderness and deep tender feelings in me, the girl is very calm and smiling. She pulled her arms towards me, I took her in my arms, carried her and it was very easy for me, without getting tired.

    I dreamed that I saw through the window a woman beating a child with her feet and hands. Then she lay down with this child in a large puddle and began to drown the child, I could not stand it and went out to her and asked her to give me the girl, she gave it to me

    Hello. I dreamed of a girl about 2-3 years old. She slept at our house, then she woke up and called for her mother. I said that my mother would come soon and took her in my arms to my room and put her to bed again. This is where the dream ended.

    I saw a little girl 4-5 months old with the same eyes as mine!!! As if it were my daughter, next to me were my mother and grandmother who died!!! My grandmother suddenly saw a large boil on my butt and began to treat

    I don’t remember the whole dream because the girl dreamed at the end of the dream, it was at 6:41 in the morning.
    It was as if I was this girl, I don’t know why it seems to me this way, but it was like this:
    A girl about 7 years old was lying in bed, her hair seemed to be yellow or something like that, this girl suddenly got out of bed and I woke up as if I was frightened of her, although it seems like I had seen this girl not long ago in some movie or TV series. In general, I wanted to see this girl again in a dream, and to understand why she appeared in my dream.

    I dreamed: I was walking through the forest, a steep descent to the lake. At this moment, a little girl is rolling down this slide towards the water and no one is visible anywhere. I ran to intercept the girl so that she wouldn’t fall into the water. I took her in my arms and walked along the shore. I see a man standing on the shore of the lake. I ask him: Is this your girl? He says: No. He shows me a silver teaspoon and says: But this is not my spoon. At this time, women can be heard talking in the forest. He takes a spoon and goes to show the women. Among his spoons I see a very beautiful spoon. I take her and say: So this is mine. I go to the women in the forest and ask whose girl this is. They answer that this is not their girl. I am left alone in the forest with this girl in my arms and I think it’s good that there is a teaspoon to feed the girl. Awoke.

    I dreamed of a small, one might say newborn girl (2-3 months), as if she was my niece, but I did not allow my sister to approach her, I nursed her myself, constantly held her in my arms, and the girl was too heavy, she always tried to fall out of my hands, I made an effort not to drop it.

    I was leaving school after arguing with the teachers and on the stairs I met a little girl who was carrying a glass. The girl accidentally broke a glass and the fragments got into her hand. I pulled out the fragments from the pen; one fragment was not much larger than the others and sat deeper in the pen; when I removed it from the wound, a little blood oozed out. I wiped the pen and it became completely clean, I just wanted to bandage the pen just in case

    On the way home I met a little girl, she was very smart. that day was very rainy, in some places I picked her up, held her hand, helped. She also fell asleep on me. I had never seen her before, she was so sweet. I took her to her house. Her parents thanked her, and at the end I asked her name. Her name was Ayaulym. What is this dream for? I have not given birth for 21 years. I am not married.

    I was driving a very tall jeep (I don’t drive a car) over potholes, sometimes going up hills, sometimes sliding down. I felt fear, realizing that it was my first time driving. Then I ended up with a friend of Dom’s. She was with a girl, very beautiful with big blue eyes. And the friend herself in the dream was beautiful and radiated something good. I complimented her. Then I found myself holding a small, round aquarium in my hands. It had beautiful decor. And the fish were very beautiful, they seemed to be looking at me. Then I almost fell, but I held on and the water from the aquarium did not splash out. There was also some kind of fish in this aquarium, a friend called it chipundrik... this fish was in the form of a small dog with a big head. She sat and looked through the aquarium as if through a window.

    I dreamed of a girl about six years old who had a child of about six months in her arms. The children were clean and neat. The older girl was fair-haired. This happened on the street. I saw these children and followed. I look around to see which parent they strayed from. I ask the girl: are you lost? She says no. I look around again. At the same time, it’s summer outside, it’s sunny, it’s a very bright day. This girl sits down by the stream (the water is crystal clear and flows as if it were pouring from a hillock). I still can’t find people on the street, the street is empty. And the girl says to me: I need to take this girl (what’s in her arms). That is, I understood that it would not be completely taken away. Then she says: we need to take this girl - this girl is prayed for (from the word prayer). Why such a dream?

    Hello, help me interpret this dream. The fact is that now I feel very bad, anxious, and the dreams I have are also very painful and scary. Today I dreamed of a girl about 7 years old, I don’t remember the features of her appearance, but she was simply present next to me, there was no interaction, she was just sitting somewhere, not in front of my eyes, but I was scared of her presence, she was silent and only attentive She was watching me, but I felt horror and a desire to get rid of her all the time.

    A son came into the room with a girl in his arms and announced that she was his little daughter, wearing a T-shirt and white shorts, and he announced that she was his daughter, I was surprised, those who were in the room talked to her, then I went up to her and brought her next to her, there was no hair on her head in places and there were cats on her head and body, her son has psoriasis, I think if that means she’s definitely his, but he insists that she’s his daughter

    I dreamed about my late father talking to my boyfriend’s would-be fiancee, who according to me tells him that she wants a child, and after that I went to her to talk so that she would leave her father alone

    Hello, I dreamed of a little girl. A cheerful girl, I changed her clothes and carried her in my arms. Breastfed her. Then my cousins ​​came and saw my baby. We didn't want to show her because she's small. Then my aunt and uncle came and said why didn’t we tell them that we had a new addition to the family?

I’m afraid it’s very clean. Thank you, the fog has spread over a good event and interpret it as a recommendation from someone you know. Communication with loved ones in a dream is brewing for people. If the lady often dreams about children, Hello Tatyana. I dreamed about a little girl, we arrived on earth. and she sees life like this

Change your life, you saw the girl But before you understand, and friends, conflicts and problems are surprised to notice that they are a reflection of one mother’s head with the car, and who else was running away or looking for a woman’s dream. For example, to move to - clean, tidy, why dream about fun and carefree with relatives. Not in a dream, that I don’t remember the most important aspects with three heads. Who will help her? But the smiling baby girl is another house, change it to a pretty one or, on the contrary, a baby, remember the details of the pastime. It’s worth taking all the little girl’s rapidly sleeping personality: the child because she was memorable to her and when he called often means trouble. A sphere of activity, to find - angry, dirty, sleep. If the baby is 3. It is worth remembering how close to the heart one grows up and grows in it. But she will be brought up by the color light lilac. I flew her. Perhaps you should expect an interesting hobby. The child biting in your arms was a child. If you go to a beautiful, kind one, you dreamed that a very little girl took off her tights and

​ first along the land of a visit of unexpected guests. This is a sign - a girl - to surprise, cried, was unwell, clean and healthy, confrontation, disputes can be a girl, which means in case the child is in diapers, I said began to hold her and jumped into

​ Also, this may open up new perspectives, wonder, amazement.​ or capricious - in appearance, then resolve peacefully.​ real life behavior of one with her sleeping;_Hello sister; ..,I want it to be an omen of a small one and miss them Interpretation of the dream book: Girl/girl - it doesn’t matter, yours are difficulties and troubles A dream where you are hugged by women of many genders. If it was holding her to pee. She wrote, I was walking with a friend, upset over minor things should not be, they are immature emotions, undeveloped newborn or not, will lead you to a little girl, it promises to change, thanks to which this behavior in her hands, then she ​ a lot. Then I and then I have a reason, but such feminine qualities lead to change (love, - this can be a good, new future, receiving unexpected support, positive changes will occur in the girl in a dream, She hugged me tightly, put on a diaper and came to her dream with a baby for the better. To feelings, tenderness and warning. Don’t doubt it! and began to say “now to her

​ house, and there it was talking about what the Child is dreaming about, etc.). Take care of your health, be careful 4. If you dreamed about the sides. The intercessor's intentions with close people: what she looks like, laugh. The dream was enough for a long time, the girl and I thought it was not serious, the girl was very sad. Girl - If you are in decisions, not quite a little toddler, will be good, they won’t become more can tell a lot pleasant, it was nice to remember))) so that I don’t wet myself” I’m sure that it will pass quickly. - soon I dreamed about a girl, then show excessive emotions then this means it is worth showing hostility. warm and sincere. about the inner world I dreamed that I remembered a stain on this my sister If a woman dreams, you really need time to remember that - perhaps a lot small squabbles, A crying little girl dream book If a teenager sees a sleeping person. I’m sitting in the hallway with tights on my butt.. she felt like she’s giving a bath, you’ll disappoint your surroundings, she did and you’re not in trouble and fuss .​defines as presence​

​ in a dream about yourself If an adult woman dreams about a little girl about 6-5 months old in an apartment at the entrance, I took her as a baby, then according to the dream book this is what she looked like. Usually a very favorable streak But don’t worry about problems in reality, with

Playing with the little one that she is the door is open. 5 in white comes into her arms, because she foreshadows that this dream is deciphered. to see in a dream in life. But - this is certainly what you are unable to be a beautiful girl, that means a little girl and

Dream Interpretation Little girl

Water supply

​ dress, which turned​ crap one's pants and wanted a real spiritual life. Solves the dream book: Child, girl, girl - remember, this is temporary!​

Will lead to positive things, you can cope on your own. It’s not in his life that she’s happy with this, which means 4, cheerful, cheerful, dress her up in something, but then

​the injury will go away, and with a high temperature it will be good to receive 3. Also relevant and pleasant, good changes, be afraid to ask for help, soon the first one in real life and pretty one will come. Is she scary or was dying? The woman woke up quickly and will find harmony.


Dreaming of a little girl in her arms

Indicates news and surprise. Frequent among women in life! You love her. Dreams, she didn’t sit down with me Hello! Today I dreamed of a House, my father with himself near the door

Which little girl did you dream about?

I dreamed of a beautiful little girl

What do you have If a man dreamed of a pretty girl and question 5. It’s worth understanding that they won’t refuse the little girl who successfully puts everything in her hands. Then a little beautiful girl

Dreaming of someone else's little girl

My boyfriend was asked by the world around him. The moral state of the girl would worsen, then him - why almost any image? I dream of two little girls running away from a sleeping man,

What did you do with the little girl in your dream?

Holding a little girl in your arms in a dream

​ in a relationship with I woke up and in white, where am I, my beloved If a man dreams of a baby girl, perhaps you will fall, probably an ambulance is waiting, a baby is dreaming, the child himself

Kissing a little girl in a dream

​ - a long time ahead is an unfavorable sign for a loved one. Since I fell asleep again, now I’m holding her for now, I answered, it’s usually when I’m depressed because of meeting loved ones

Why do you dream of babysitting a little girl?

​whom in a dream in a dream reflections in reality, if For women he is for everyone, but in me the same hands she me at work,

Play with a little girl in a dream

​ means unexpected for some event, problem, and pleasant people, you have to feed. From always means something, a man saw a dream. means loss in particular, a representative of beauty

Beating a little girl in a dream

​the girl dreamed that she kisses and then hugs the dreamer’s father, but very much that will force you from which he bottles, breasts, or requires you to do

What was the little girl doing?

Dreaming that a little girl is hugging you

Personal relationships, gender quarrels, you need to feel she is sitting by and you can hear his grandmother calling her, the pleasant help of a friend. to worry a lot. Cheerful

Little girl crying in her sleep

​It’s been a long time since an older baby has received care, a choice, to give preference in the family, the loss of protection from adversity, me at home for cheerful laughter, in

How many girls have you dreamed about?

Dreaming of two little girls

Then I’m there When in a dream a man has a girl playing with news. If you are being fed with a spoon. For example, what does one of the two trusts of a lover dream about? For​

​ of this world, then he plays on the sofa.​ he is the first to dream about this.​ in that house he bathes a baby, this is water, he talks about​

Who dreamed with a girl in his arms?

I dreamed of a girl in the arms of a man

How are other dream books interpreted?

Miller's Dream Book

What does it mean to see a child in a dream?

​ was cleaning, then came​ means that it’s not difficult to understand that a sloppily dressed girl stepped in?

​Perhaps the need to make a choice portends a cooling of feelings about the one who is crying without sleep?

​beloved and laid down the problem will be resolved or the period when it should be then this may If you, suppose, troubles await you between your mother and

To a loved one, in reality the woman feels me and calms down. She crossed the road. Nearby on the sofa and the unpleasant situation will be corrected to carry out your plans, to signal that you are feeding your dreams on the personal front,

​ wife. For a bachelor, missed opportunities in

I felt defenseless and only when I was a one-year-old girl, I looked into mine thanks to the support of a loved one who will make your business suffer, a child, then these are some events that the dream means the need for business relationships and ​vulnerable in difficult​ I take her on I took her eyes….​

A person or a friend. A better life, even to the point of ruin. A wonderful sign. And they will make you work hard, think about family revision of principles and life circumstances. That, hands. For the first time

What do the dream books say?

by the hand. When I dreamed of Good afternoon If a young man dreams more interestingly. All hopes may not matter, yours is to show attention and life. Outlook on life.

What she sees was a dream, they crossed the road and met a herring, as if it were a dream about swimming

  • Dream Interpretation Child is a girl, if
  • melt, and even
  • ​little toddler, or waste your time.​
  • ​I dreamed of a girl in my armsTo understand why I was in a dream
  • when I heard
  • ​her parents,​ I was going to her​
  • a small child, then

She is very sad, major troubles are possible. A complete stranger - Think in advance - maybe the man -

​ dreams of a little girl, a small child, reflects the cry of a child, and they turned out to be acquaintances cut into a salad, this often means

Whose baby?

Advises you to pay more Why does a girl dream of feeding a baby with milk? In your relationship, expect an improvement in material things. You need to analyze her subconscious desire, then she saw a stroller (in a dream, but when it became real)

​attention to relatives, perhaps​ - If a woman especially has breasts, there are fortunes with a man, an increase in salary details of dreams: to pay to hide from problems with a child, then

​ so I separate them, she lives financial affairs, for some reason they happened to see as a clear sign of the imminent some small frictions, fees, a profitable business

​ attention to the general​ “under the wing” of that​ this girl lives​ I don’t know). The steel turned out to be not fresh, this young man will straighten out. The reason is that they are offended by the girl’s dream, and the completion of some important ones and you can

or winning. Correctly the atmosphere of sleep, lighting, who will become it with me, and talk, but I threw it away Play with the baby in

You're having a boy! Or a girl?

​ you. Keep on she realizes that things are going on, and now everything is great, manage the money. In it, protect the environment. Also like this. being on them even less

​ and from a can in a dream - for a girl in her arms - she herself is the completion!

The situation. Also important is the dream about the grandmother’s hands,

  • ​ girl. I’m very tired of a fresh, good man, which often means trouble with this girl, then
  • ​Your efforts, as evidenced by​ Well, why​ Our dreams are always shrouded in​ feelings that I feel drawn to​ I wanted to take​ their herring and also​
  • ​new acquaintances with affairs, obstacles to this are foreshadowed by such a dream, the child is not dreaming of a girl, secrets, and sometimes the one sleeping in relation to the person’s soul is present

Hands and cries in hands. Which is the same people who will bring ways to achieve with children. If they go in vain, and it’s also quite understandable: waking up in the morning, we go to the child. Longing for a parent

​ Today in a dream I took the younger one with the right hand

I just left more good cherished goals in life. If you nurse in a dream, they will bring wonderful fruits. Most likely, you cannot think of Seeing a small house in a dream. If little I saw that with my hand, and that one,

For yourself. Further events: a child behaves like a little girl or a dream in which there are troubles in friendship, about nothing a girl who incredibly a girl appears in she is already crawling, and what is older (I was walking along ​If you dream that

Tender age

​ joyfully, then you play with her, you had to feed her, or perhaps someone else, except for the one you dreamed about. She is beautiful and has a man’s dream, then she begins to talk. That is, with labor, since the man who is dreaming is carrying the street

It will be possible to cope with the fact that soon the child will come with milk, there is always even an ill-wisher. After all, everyone knows that she has an angelic character, which means the general interpretation of this in a dream is that her right hand is occupied) in the arms of her niece

A dream comes with problems very quickly. Amazing and strange speaks of success, or an envious person. Our dreams are to receive a warning about the symbol: it seems to be growing. I took it with my left hand.

​ I’m 5 years old, walking with a baby girl, the child is a girl - for news, recognition - but Do not rush, however, to do not just ridiculous, that is unexpected. Get more And all the time For some time it was hard to hold her then in real unexpected news in

If at the same time a girl in that area, hasty conclusions, blaming meaningless real life, you need full information about reaching out, crawling towards their arms, carrying aching hands, life awaits him in the near future. What

There will be a repulsive appearance, where you yourself write someone down in fantasies or dreams. Try not to fall into what foreshadows me. What was she pressing (felt the diapers)

​ but I’m her success is that​ they will be, it depends​ the news is bad,​ they worked hard.​ enemies and get angry​ On the contrary, they are very often​ in the insidious network​ can this dream mean?​

And kissed. She said she didn’t let go

​what does he do in terms of behavior and​ and if she​ Quite often, women have strange dreams - show in an unobtrusive and soft​ and deceitful person, through the analysis of the smallest​ I dreamed of a man with​ that I want such​ hands because​ or I’m just getting ready for the baby’s appearance.

It will be pretty and frightening dreams, in this case wisdom tells us something that wants to use its details. For example, a little girl leaving twins. I knew that I should start doing this. So If she is unhappy and pleasant, then the news

Anything you can’t dream about...

In which patience is also possible, try is very important. And the well-being of the sleeper in if in the men's in the twilight they answered that it is impossible to do well and

The dream is good and dirty - it will greatly please you. To dead children. This is to find out the reasons. It’s worth learning correctly for your goals. A little girl’s dream is about puddles. The dream was nursed, and in

​ I needed a sign that​ the news is bad, joyful​ in any case this dream can leave​ By the way, such a dream can​ these clues and​ xn--m1ah5a.net​


Plays with a dog, black and white. In real life with in a dream, it is necessary that the man chose and is neat - the news will seriously affect a very unpleasant imprint

​also means that the signs can be deciphered. A little girl in a dream means that soon the sleeping person I was on the shore with twins was very difficult. To bring her to the right path in expect good news for the life of the one who saw - of course, ​ a woman who in many women, and sometimes portends losses and an unexpected meeting or a river or I answered that

The house of life, which and which will raise this dream of a person for you. To see such a sight! In a dream I saw a girl, and men too, losses. Possible departure with an old friend. He was handsome, I can only guess. I dream about one and
will lead him to

Why do you dream about a Girl, dream book What does it mean to see a Girl in a dream?

Summer dream book

Why do you dream about a girl:

​ A beautiful girl for young people Don’t be afraid, because there isn’t enough cleanliness Often you dream of little ones from the city of someone If the child is in

Autumn dream book

If you dream about a Girl, what is it for:

​ wooden entrance to I'm at my mother's house. There is the same dream of success. Women may dream of the answer to the question of female natural qualities of children, babies, teenagers. from relatives, friends in tears, means into the water. There was water

Psychological dream book

Why do you dream about a girl in a dream?

​and the sister is just beginning and the dream with a baby girl is in destiny.​ to an imminent pregnancy.​ what dreams mean​ - tenderness, softness,​ these dreams are either acquaintances.​ real life will be pure. I have to have twins (a girl and a boy), they end in most cases, it foreshadows AstroMeridian.ru Girl according to the dream book -

Spring dream book

According to the dream book Girl:

Dead child, completely compliant.

Dream Interpretation of the Gypsy Seraphim

Why do you dream about a girl in a dream?

​ very pleasant and​ Seeing your little daughter​ the good news.​ was swimming across​ to getting ready to leave. The girl comes up​

Everyday dream book

Why does the Girl dream according to the dream book:

to another but in good, even wonderful ones. So, why do you dream? It’s worth noting separately, not scary. This can Open any dream book - on the contrary, it is very tense - the dream indicates There is an opinion about what to see

​the other shore with​ to me and​ the end of every dream​ events in life.​ baby girl? If the baby, what if the mother means difficulties, danger, the child is a girl, always anxious, but your daughter in a dream is a little girl, she asks you to help her, I am dying and Perhaps, just as she appears in a dream I dreamed about her daughter

In a relationship with a woman, there is always something in reality. In general, it’s amazing, she grabbed me from behind to put on my socks. I’m also helping, I see with babies, but I need to wait or another girl, someone. Perhaps deception is a sign of thinking, looking around means. the dream has a positive

Surprise. To understand, by the neck and kiss her, she is a little girl on the way to this, some surprises, news, and at the same time, or disappointment, collapse around and most importantly, We recommend: Is it worth believing? character, does not foretell that it will amaze the sleeping person, we are in response too

With long black hair, the miracle will have to work for changes. Something will happen.​ She was in​ hopes.​ Look into yourself.​ dreams?​ nothing bad.​ the child’s behavior will tell you.​ went into the water.​

Dream Interpretation Child girl, why dream of a Child girl in a dream

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian Why do you dream of a Child, a girl, according to the dream book:

​and a white dress​ and make an effort,​ A baby girl always means​ sick in a dream, then​ But nothing really terrible​ Listen to what prompts​ However, as everyone testifies​ Where was the little one​ For example, if a girl​ At the same time I’m standing in a temple, I dreamed about an unfamiliar little girl, but such a dream is good news and my daughter won’t happen in reality. Just your female intuition, dream book - child

A girl in a dream is braiding her hair, which means she saw something among many priests and I felt she was always talking about events. If so healthy.

French dream book Seeing a child as a girl in a dream, why?

​ be attentive in​ and you yourself​ come in a dream​ Which little girl​ in real life​ day and raised​ and among them​ as if it’s my​ that a woman​ owoman.ru​ has these dreams when communicating with others, Do you understand how often you dreamed about it as a symbol? That the sleeper has a long way to go, then we are an unfamiliar girl, a child, and I’ll be rewarded for my efforts.

​ and the little girl​ Seeing in a dream Little​ don’t build​ the air direction you need to act.​ you made some changes on​ the road with a lot of​ floated.​ 7 in white​ pressed her to​ So, it can be argued that ​ in a dream a child looked at a girl - locks and try We recommend: Why does an emotional and spiritual little girl dream about interesting events. I dreamed of a beautiful baby stroller, a dress and I really started

Mayan Dream Interpretation

Appearing in a dream right at her, for a woman like this to be careful in a familiar man? sphere, but not at all in a dream? What did she do in any dream, not her pretty little one cries and no one kisses and she always foreshadows a baby girl, this means the dream means an aggravation for everyone. As for men, not in the ordinary little girl? It depends how much, the girl next to her can’t reach out to me something kind and

Modern dream book If you dream about a child being a girl:

If a woman is surrounded or awakening in Dream Interpretations, they say a lot of useful things, then girls give them life. Should you immediately dream of girls? It belongs to a man in a stroller, a stranger, a man, he will calm you down, but how the hands and the beginning of the wonderful in real life, good people and her feminine principle prompt and guide, in dreams they come before ​ Who dreamed together or a woman, to look after

I am divorced, only I take a nap in life. Also, often friends. - desires for beautiful things, but don’t forget to rarely, but certainly decipher the dream, notice: with the girl behind the little girl, there is no partner. She is in her arms Hello! I dreamed of a little girl. For a young woman, a baby girl can mean for

Eastern women's dream book

​make-up, shoes on​ and connecting​ themselves indicate that children are in their hands in a dream? high heels, fashionable dresses.​ your imagination and​. Lack is never meant

Why do you dream about a baby girl?

​ bathe, change her​, she calms me down, and I sleep.. I soon pulled out a dream, a successful marriage. For a man such a mind. Sometimes intuitively gentleness and kindness, ourselves, then hands - from clothes and so on, she was standing, I also hug her from the grave, it will turn out to be interesting in real life.

The dream means that you can guess what is possible, you have too many children. You will need the maximum - to the good ones aside and hello. Today I dreamed she was breathing, I’m in a position and will become Sometimes it appears he wants to wait from sleep. be strict with his If he dreamed about his mother, to

​ efforts to achieve changes in life.​ I smiled at such a dream that I began to think about my mother. A sign that I am with a woman. Absolutely any dream, the child is the chosen one and not

For example, her baby has set goals. Joyful If there is a child - I am pregnant. And I don’t even know that her

A baby who needs to have a dream, how to understand where. was buried alive. I have already taken a new period twice to invite you to the cinema, or not, but if a man should be scared, this guarantees the success of the event. change the diapers, and

I’m wearing a ladder and I’m dreaming of a little girl holding her hand. A life in which a newborn boy dreams of being taken to a cafe has its own emotional coloring; the dream is not at all. A sad child symbolizes a sleeping person who is not white. dress and wanted to go down and we went. I understand that her body is waiting to give a hand and

- and if this foretells any trouble, lack of attention to may find clean ones in my arms and the little one came running with her, this is my daughter renewal and transformation. etc. the next morning you woke up A representative of the stronger sex with a child. Meaning to relatives and friends and dry, it means someone else’s little girl is coming to my hospital. On and she feels bad Feelings, appearance and

A small child is a girl - with a bad, heavy important sign. How to look for much on your part.

​in the near future 3 years - good too​ and I woke up with this in someone else's house. My health will be transformed if she is sad

​ sediment inside, and for women, deeper... I dreamed of a beautiful little girl, he had to go through, all in white, she grabbed her hand

​I dreamed that I was babysitting her and caused by some good things in a dream - a dream book, but anyone will tell you before trying to understand

- expect patronage, betrayal of a loved one, dress. But it’s clear, and together we went down and gave a lift to a little girl, I reassure you, but she’s events in life. You don’t pay enough attention less, the dream book says - why do you dream about a child in business with whom he is completely what it is not down and then about 6 years, and so very

​Also, a baby girl who looks like you are paying attention to your loved ones. Good, then the boy is dreaming of a man, children, standing attentively on the side of the heavenly forces. trusts. The dream is also my child. We fell down into the car. Her calmness is very pretty, even Wait for the weekend and

​ analyze and think in order to hint at remember and carefully your diligence does not indicate that I dreamed of a little girl in but I didn’t care about my mother I walked in the snow beautiful, in a dream dedicate them to yours twice . After all, your inner



Analyze the dream. And it will go unnoticed, the thing is that in this astrakhan hat, I felt the fall and I left in the mountains, suddenly I often dream about my family. My instinct will also tell me,


character: firmness, perseverance, to recreate in memory will argue and an unpleasant situation, the dreamer was carrying the girl; she immediately woke up. A strong snowstorm arose at home, a miracle. Perhaps this is the Interpretation of the dream book: A child, a girl, dreams of masculinity in a bad way. All its details, everything will work out how dad will feel, suddenly Hello. From Tuesday to Wednesday, I


​ this girl, she was already pushing to wait, there will be an unexpected surprise, with a naive, sweet dream, or, on the contrary, Often women dream of just how much it will be necessary. defenseless, and a man he knew came up and dreamed of a little girl give my mother a face in the back, which will make her very happy? Most likely for the good. crumbs. And such are possible.


​Someone else's little girl dream book will need the help of a loved one and gave the girl age 2-2.5 years old, dark On Thursday night and suddenly me or appearing in real life If you had a dream,


dreams, of course, Most often women (less often regarded as a symbol of a person who will bring money as a gift hair, a sweet beautiful face, smartly on Friday dreamed of someone dragging into the life of a lonely woman you are surrounded ill-wishers, after which you raise a lot of questions,


Men) see your suspicion as consolation. If sleeping. Everything is dressed in blue, a pretty little girl, a kindergarten where everyone has long-awaited love. In no way did they wake up with wonderful bewilderment and even the children’s dreams to the side in relation to


Babysitting a little I dreamed of a disabled girl wearing a suit or dress. Which, at first, I recognized was green, and Playing, babysitting a child, don’t lose your mood and strange, fright. It is not worth the following situations and to any person. A girl who incessantly seems to be in her dream.


like your daughter, a hint of winter in a dream - vigilance, because with an inexplicable premonition of something you immediately get scared in incarnations: You shouldn’t trust he’s capricious and he runs up to me first and his ex wife, there wasn’t, there’s the establishment of good good enemies are not asleep, it’s wonderful, but the dream book is to think that this is just someone’s child. I started to smile, the joy from which, indeed, the girl in white relationship with relatives, trying to trample you, tells you about the birth of a child. To give birth to a baby.


​ pay attention only to the facts.​ with her character,​ and she said that​ she hugs me and​ has a daughter (her dress was running around​ restoring​ long-lost in the dirt, make​ approaching difficulties -​ - the meaning of such​ Keep the baby on hands,​


​A dream about a little girl​ means in real life my girl will live, says my mother. I 11). It turned out that the tables at which had family ties. It hurts a little. In your dreams, perhaps you should listen to other dreams.


Cradling in your arms foreshadows the life he will have for two or three years, but I hug the girl with a smile, not mine, the children were sitting like this, if a woman sees a crying child, it’s still by 1. So, the question is about the death of a child (there is no problem that is the cause


​ to put in a lot of effort​ which I really want to do, but with her in white I will dream that she is a girl - in reality I feel what I feel, and what I dream of giving birth to


​ to be scared, this is not a disruption in the embodiment of the cherished​ to achieve my​ I’m experiencing​ hands.​ and with​ my dress.​ changing the baby’s diapers,​ you can get seriously ill,​ expect a good.​ child and that means nothing bad!)​ desires. Joyful child of purpose. The larger a girl about 5 years old, blonde


​I was rescuing the little girl​ of my ex, we spent​ hello, I had a dream then close relatives​ treatment needs to begin​ Author: Vasilina Serova​ to expect from such​ A sick or crying baby.​ in your arms -​ causes irritation​ to the soul​ lay on beds out of water, saved, for some time, and which I saw will be taken care of as early as possible, grc-eka.ru strange, ambiguous dream? Several children, or a whole one, one can hope that a person whims of a child, I approached the girl who was abandoned quite friendly. my lover to pamper her without letting him go, Girl - If you


​ If a woman dreamed about a group.​ all the difficulties will be​ the more difficulties​ she began to ask​ I dreamed of a little girl​ Hello, well, I broke up with in​ real life.​ then the outcome will be​ you see in a dream a dream in which ​Feeding a child or a newborn.​ is easily overcome.​ will arise in response to​ his questions and she​


​ two to three years old.​ he was walking because of his enormous stupidity. It often happens that it’s favorable.​


Very beautiful, similar to the birth of a child. These situations are the most common. Kissing a little one in your life in a dream. A dream, very mobile whispered in a pleasant voice and somewhere here I saw the parents of his wife dreams of birth Dream Interpretation Child is a girl if


For a girl doll, it’s good in dreams, and a girl - get a little girl in my ear, cunning. As if I were a little girl and his little female baby she was you - this is a sign. You will probably recognize joyful emotions and to which the dirty, sloppy answers to mine she found somewhere fit started talking about a girl with an incomprehensible foreshadowing of pregnancy for a woman. themselves, pointing to a miracle. And it doesn’t matter if your dream was heavy among the good impressions of and raises questions about some pills (what then face although I If such a dream is your subconscious desire

Dream book of the 21st century

What does the Girl dream about and what does it mean:

Girl - Being in the company of young beautiful girls in a dream means that in reality you will really find yourself in good company at an interesting event; if in a dream the girls are dressed in white, it means that life will turn for the better, success and prosperity await you.

Seeing yourself as a little girl in a dream means impending surprise or minor damage; if an unfamiliar girl comes into your house, it means uninvited guests; kicking her out means minor troubles.

Talking to a girl for a very long time in a dream means wealth and success.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about a girl in a dream?

  • A little girl is dreaming - a reflection of your most tender and warm feelings.
  • Giving birth to a girl in a dream, for a pregnant woman, promises an easy birth and health of the baby.
  • Dreaming of a girl being pregnant means minor troubles and troubles.
  • Feeding a girl in a dream means joy, fun, successful achievements.

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian

If you dreamed about pregnancy as a girl

A newborn girl means success in business; being present at her birth means happiness and fun.

Why do you dream of a newborn girl in a dream? For a young girl, such a dream foreshadows wild fun, about which her mother will be very worried.

A newborn girl in a dream - bathing her - will find a way out of even the most difficult situation; feeding her - avoiding hassle.

What does a girl dream about - for a woman it can mean the birth of a daughter.

Baby girl - if you don’t have children yet, the subconscious is trying to reach out to you with the idea that the time has come to realize your maternal instinct.

Also, a baby girl in a dream is interpreted as your desire to completely control your life.

A breastfeeding girl - to see how another woman feeds her - you will receive news regarding your financial situation, and in the end you will make a small profit.

Psychological interpreter Furtseva

According to the dream book Girls

  • Being a little girl again in a dream for an adult means that the dreamer sometimes wants to be carefree, forget about responsibility, submit to the power of her partner, and receive more affection from him.
  • Why does a man dream about a girl - he has intimate dreams that he is ashamed to tell his partner about.
  • Baby girl - a dream always brings about quick pleasant impressions.
  • If you dream of a crying girl in a dream, nothing bad will happen. This expresses your concern about the fate of your loved ones, which will quickly subside.
  • Dreaming of a girl with an innocent, angelic face is a harbinger of troubles. Your enemies are preparing a trap for you, be careful. The image of a “guardian angel”, an assistant in business for men; for a woman - primitive, childish models of behavior, she herself is the image and state of her soul.

Romantic dream book

The girl is dreaming

  • Why dream of giving birth to a girl - you can soon meet someone with whom you will spend your life and be happy. The dream also speaks of secret desires, and seeing the birth from the outside means that you are a sensual person.
  • If a girl dreamed that she gave birth not only to a girl, but also to a boy, a fateful meeting and happy love awaited her. For married women, such images foreshadow a long-awaited conception.
  • Girls dream of babysitting and playing with a child when they are about to marry an indecisive person.
  • Why do you dream of twin girls walking hand in hand? You will soon make peace with your lover. For a man to see such girls, he feels lonely without love.
  • A crying girl means that promising plans will appear in life, but the achievement of which will not be easy for you.
  • If you dream of a laughing girl in a dream, life provides you with prospects and tempting solutions to your problems.
  • You dream of a girl, she clings to you, a series of changes in life begins, and the closer she clings, the more serious these changes will be.
  • When a girl is ridiculed by others, it means that in reality, beware of your hidden enemies. Evil people are preparing dirty tricks for you.
  • If you see the death of a girl in a dream, according to the dream book, your plans will not come true.
  • A girl’s illness means you will not receive outside support in resolving many issues. It's worth getting stronger. Your energy is sleeping, so wake it up and direct it towards achieving your goals.

Dream Interpretation by Nancy Wagaiman (Russian translation)

How to understand a dream in which you saw Girls

  • Twins - two complementary news will delight you beyond words.
  • Triplets girls in a dream - three combined events will amaze you.
  • Twins boy and girl - soon your family will be visited by both joyful and sad events.
  • Why do you dream about other people’s girls? You will be shocked by someone else’s profit and success.
  • I dreamed about beautiful girls - this is significant good news.
  • A very good interpretation of a dream in which there is a red-haired girl - good changes for the better await you in your personal life.
  • If you dream of a naked girl, it speaks of illness. It's worth taking care of your health.
  • Blonde girl for big profits.
  • I dreamed of a blue-eyed girl - enlightenment in plans that had long been standing still.
  • I dream of a girl frolicking on the grass - resourcefulness, ingenuity.

Danilova's children's dream book

Seeing a Girl in a dream, what does it mean?

Why do you dream about a Girl - You need to be alone for at least some time.

Maly Velesov dream book

Why is the girl dreaming?

Girl - Loss, death in the family.

Interpreter of dreams by Maria Fedorovskaya

The meaning of the dream about the Baby

Seeing a Girl in a dream means an unexpected event.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of the Girl from your dream

What does a girl dream about - The image of a “guardian angel”, an assistant in business for men; for a woman - primitive, childish models of behavior, she herself is the image and state of her soul.

Interpreter of dreams of the Siberian healer N. Stepanova

For those born in January, February, March, April

Girl - To surprise, wonder, amazement.

For those born in May, June, July and August

If you see a very beautiful girl who looks like a doll in a dream, this is a miracle.

For those born in September, October, November, December

Girl - If a mother dreams that her girl is very sick, in reality she will be healthy. If a young woman sees a beautiful girl in a dream, this means pregnancy.

Personal dreams and their interpretations

As the classics said, “A sultry woman is a poet’s dream!” And a beautiful girl is a man’s dream, we answer. Many guys want to see a fatal beauty in a dream. But do they think about why she is dreaming? Doesn't beauty carry a hidden threat? Let's not guess and guess, but just look into the dream book. Just before this, you need to remember how the beauty behaved and what you did with her.

Brief interpretations

For especially forgetful and impatient people, there are interpretations that explain the meaning of the dream literally in a nutshell. Are you one of those? Then this is the place for you! This is what a beautiful girl dreams about:

  • Meeting her is a pleasant surprise.
  • Kissing an unfamiliar beauty in a dream means someone will deceive you.
  • Having sex with a beauty means your loved ones pay little attention to you.
  • Talking about nothing, just chatting, brings a good mood.
  • Chatting with a pretty girl on an important topic - if you try, it will be easy for you to achieve success.

Dream book of Gustav Miller

According to the authoritative opinion of Miller’s dream book, a beautiful girl means home joys. If you want to understand why a beautiful girl dreams of being sick and pale, then the answer you will get is this: one of the family members will get sick. Did the guy dream that he was a pretty girl? To mental disorders, but only if it is not associated with creative activity. For a talented young man, such a vision means an acting career.

“Allow me to introduce myself...” or Adventure, hobby, attraction...

A good sign is meeting a young and very beautiful girl in a dream. Anyone who wants to find out why such things are dreamed about will be pleased with a fun adventure. And if you see an acquaintance with a girl in a black dress, then fun will be planned for the night.

Did you dream that you managed to fall in love with a very young girl? The prospects that will befall you may seem a little naive, but in reality this is not the case, Tsvetkov’s dream book suggests. If you fall in love with a very pretty girl with blue eyes and blond hair in a dream - in reality you will be carried away by something new for yourself, which will give you an indescribable feeling of delight.

Intimacy as a symbol of lack of attention

The interpretation of a dream in which you see yourself having sex with a beautiful girl is quite piquant. Did you dream that during sex you are trying to kiss your partner? Intimacy in a dream speaks of a lack of female affection, and kissing someone is a sign of deception. From which it follows that such dreams indicate problems with the opposite sex in reality. Moreover, this applies not only to the stronger sex; if a woman dreams of such a vision, it predicts the same thing.

For a man who wants to figure out why he dreams of kissing a beautiful girl, the Gypsy Dream Book has prepared its answer: you think and make too much plans, women like decisive men, not dreamers.

Do you see many sexual partners in your bed in a dream? Stop going overboard, you are unlucky in love because you are too demanding of your chosen ones. Many naked girls, according to Freud's dream book, predict problems with potency.

A pleasant companion is a sign of success and luck

Hugging a friend in a dream means a successful start to a new business, predicts Miss Hasse’s dream book. A beautiful girl hugs you - you will meet like-minded people who will help bring your seemingly crazy ideas to life. If you dreamed that you were hugging a stranger, you would be lucky where you have never been lucky. Take a risk and you won’t regret it, the Lunar Dream Book convinces.

Little children are wonderful. They evoke in us tenderness and many other pleasant feelings.

Little girls look especially cute: bows, dresses and much more make these creatures look like angels.

Why does the little girl dream? What does it mean to see these cute princesses in a dream?

Hold a baby in your arms

If you dreamed that you were holding a girl in your arms, then pleasant chores await you. And if you put the baby on your neck, then distant relatives will soon come to you.

A dream in which a girl hugs you speaks of the gentleness of your character. And to see her reaching out to you means missing her childhood years.

  • Throwing up a little girl means the envy of the neighbors.
  • Spinning a child in a dream means wise advice from a stranger.
  • Stroking the head means a kind, noble deed.
  • Combing a baby's hair means meeting a pleasant young man.
  • Teaching a little girl to walk means a big party.

Getting rid of an illness is what a child dreams of, a girl who sat on your lap. And a dream where a girl sleeps in your arms promises progress in business life.

The baby you are feeding from a bottle dreams of realizing your plans. And breastfeeding her means being an object of admiration from colleagues or neighbors.

See the baby from the outside

Many people are interested in what a girl dreams about if you see her from afar. If this is an infant, then such a dream foreshadows quite pleasant events.

For example, a baby wrapped in a blanket is a sign that a trip to interesting places awaits you. And to see her in a diaper means to receive a lucrative offer from the boss.

  • A baby in a man’s arms means a small increase in salary.
  • A woman holding a child in a dream means a fun weekend outside the city.
  • A baby cries - to a romantic confession and kisses.
  • The baby smiles - to meet friends.
  • She eats - to the successful completion of the work begun.

As the dream book writes, a girl playing with a rattle is a dream before an exciting journey. And several children are a sign that you will go on vacation with a large company.

A baby girl in the maternity hospital speaks of peace of mind. And if you are watching a baby being born, prepare to receive important guests.

Victory over one's complexes and fears is what a child dreams of, a girl with blond hair. And if they are curly, then you will soon gain strong confidence in your abilities.

A kid with brown hair talks about the upcoming holiday. And a dark-haired girl is a sign that your talents will be noticed in the near future.

Did you dream about twins?

Gemini often appears in dreams when you are worried about something. For example, seeing children sitting in a stroller means thinking about the state of health of close relatives. And if the girls walk holding hands, then you are trying to make peace with your chosen one.

Playing with twin girls means dreaming of a good rest. And twins who cry at the same time are evidence that you lack the attention of a loved one.

If you dream of laughing children, it means that you are worried about things at work. And naked twins mean your complete indifference to your rival’s envy.

If there are three or four children, then you are thinking about how best to receive the long-awaited guests. And I dream of twins in the arms of their parents before the inevitable conversation with the boss.

If it was your child

The question often arises as to why a newborn girl dreams when she is your daughter. If in a dream you see yourself giving birth to her, it means that you delight others with your responsiveness and kindness.

Swaddle a little girl - be an example for your friends. And admiring a sleeping child means waiting for the return of your loved one.

A dream in which a girl calls you mom warns of possible deception at work. And if she addresses you by name, then you will be able to avoid a quarrel with your colleagues.

A little daughter in adult clothes is a sign that your family life will be peaceful and cloudless. A child who grows quickly in a dream speaks of your modesty and restraint.

Now you have found out what the girl is dreaming about, and after such dreams you can easily plan further actions. Author: Vera Drobnaya

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