Origin, characteristics and meaning of the name Makar. Meaning of the name Makar Animal - symbol

Improvement 23.05.2024

Meaning of the name Makar: The name for a boy means “blessed”, “happy”, “carefree”. This affects the character and fate of Makar.

Origin of the name Makar: Ancient Greek.

Diminutive form of name: Makarka, Makasha, Maka, Makasha, Mara.

What does the name Makar mean? the name Makar comes from the ancient Greek word Makarios, which comes from “makar”. Makar is translated as “happy.” Another meaning is “blessed.” Makar cannot live without a feeling of freedom, but circumstances often put pressure on him, which is why he is forced to constantly sacrifice his interests. The only thing for which Makar is really happy to make concessions relates to the family sphere - his wife and children.

Patronymic name Makar: Makarovich, Makarovna; decomposition Makarych.

Angel Day and patron saints named: Makar celebrates his name day twice a year:

  • February 1 (January 19) - The Monk Macarius of Vilensky predicted the future and performed miracles with prayers. He composed a prayer to the guardian angel and many others.
  • August 7 (July 25) - St. Makar of Zheltovodsky founded two monasteries: Zheltovodsky in Nizhny Novgorod and Unzhensky in the Kostroma provinces; performed miracles with prayers (XV century).

Signs: February 1 - Macarius Day. If it is clear and sunny, it will be early spring. If there is a snowstorm on Macarius, then there will be a snowstorm throughout Maslenitsa. August 7, on Makaria, Nizhny Novgorod Fair - birthday girl (in the old days it was held in the Makaryevsky Monastery).


  • Zodiac - Leo
  • Planet - Sun
  • Color - red
  • Auspicious tree - chestnut
  • Treasured plant - scarlet poppy
  • Makar's patron is the Mandarin duck
  • Talisman stone - moccam

Characteristics of the name Makar

Positive features: The name Makar gives solidity, calmness, energy and slowness, reliability, self-confidence, and inner strength. Makar will not allow himself to be offended, but he is forgiving and can forgive the offender if he sincerely repents. Discreet Makar is easy to talk to, a guy with this name easily gets along with people he likes, and is always ready to help his neighbor.

Negative features: The name Makar brings vanity, significant pride. A man is not susceptible to external influence. Sentimentality and subtle feelings are alien to his soul. Makar can be closed. Not flexible enough in relationships with people on whom he depends.

Character of the name Makar: What character traits does the meaning of the name Makar determine? This is one of the most mysterious names. His main property is an all-consuming passion for freedom. However, due to his weakness, depending on everyday circumstances, Makar often bends, subordinating his inner essence to them. He very keenly feels the dependence of other people on him and often sacrifices his love of freedom for the good of his family, especially since he absolutely pathologically cannot stand scandals. However, you should not be deluded by anyone who believes that they turned Makar into a rag or twisted him into a rope!

Makar and his personal life

Compatibility with female names: An alliance with Galina, Inna, Maya, Maria, Marina, Marta is favorable. The name Makar also goes with Polina. Difficult relationships can develop with Zhanna, Karina, Karolina, Lilia, Faina.

Love and marriage: Does the meaning of the name Makar promise happiness in love? He can become an excellent family man, although he is restrained in expressing his feelings. Trust and equality are of particular importance to him.

Makar will masterfully cheat on his powerful wife, this is certain; and one fine day he is able to give up everything and run away, truly, where Makar never drove his calves... then return, start all over again... so that one day, when his freedom-loving nature takes over, he will disappear again - or die, if the oppression of circumstances turns out to be unbearable.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: Makar is not inclined to engage in abstract sciences, dubious matters, or philosophy. He is a man of action who cannot be distracted by aimless conversations and unrealistic projects. Makar is a successful entrepreneur, he easily inspires confidence in others, and he is promoted to high, responsible positions.

Business and career: He uses his knowledge and energy to specifically solve problems. He has every chance of achieving significant success in some career and thereby satisfying his ambitious needs. Makarka succeeds in reputable enterprises, has good money, but at the same time cares about his name and attaches great importance to his reputation.

Health and energy

Health and talents named after Makar: He is Makar - active, agile, easy to communicate, interferes in everything, tries to give advice to everyone. A child with this name feels unhappy if he feels useless. Egocentric. Makar does not have permanent friends, because he does not like to see the same faces in his surroundings. Has a developed intellect. The ability to analyze is combined with an equally developed ability to synthesize. He has remarkable intuition.

Makar’s production activity depends on his chosen profession; he will change jobs until he finds something he likes. Prefers to work independently, without assistants. Makar achieves professional success in music, architecture, clothing design, and on the theater stage. A guy named Makar strives to experience all the blessings and joys of life, lives for his own pleasure, and does not take into account moral standards. Makar is selfish.

Parents should instill masculine character traits in him from childhood - with the help of sports and a healthy lifestyle. A man named Makar is biased and often unfair, since he only considers his own point of view. His words often disagree with his deeds, but he always plays smart. In the area of ​​health, health causes minor troubles. Makar is prone to obesity, nervous and mental stress, and gets tired very often. The body's weak points are the eyes and the cardiovascular system.

About Makar in different languages ​​of the world

The translation of the name in different languages ​​has a similar sound. In English Makar is translated as Makar, in French: the name Macar.

How a name is declined by case

  • Nominative case: Makar
  • Genitive case: Makara
  • Dative case: Makaru
  • Accusative case: Makara
  • Instrumental case: Makarom
  • Prepositional case: Makare

The fate of the name Makar in history:

  1. The Monk Macarius of Zheltovodsk, Unzhensky was born in Nizhny Novgorod into a family of pious parents; At the age of twelve he secretly left home and took monastic vows. Macarius spoke to his father through the wall and said that he would see him in a future life. He died at the age of 95.
  2. Makar Goncharenko - (1912 – 1997) Soviet football player, forward.
  3. Makar Bartashov (Bartashev) - (1909 – 1948) Soviet officer, participant in the Soviet-Japanese War, commander of the 12th assault aviation division of the Pacific Fleet Air Force. Hero of the Soviet Union (09/14/1945), colonel.
  4. Makar Alpatov - (born 1940) singer, director, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.
  5. Makar Lukin - (1905 - 1961) organizer of aviation engine building, business leader, major general of the aviation engineering service, Hero of Socialist Labor.
  6. Makar Ratmanov - (1772 - 1833) Russian navigator. The western island of the Diomede Islands (the easternmost point of Russia) and the cape on Novaya Zemlya are named after him. The easternmost point of Kerguelen Island is also named after Ratmanov.
  7. Makar Vasiliev - Soviet military leader during the Civil War.
  8. Makar Obukhov - (1902 - 1952) Soviet statesman and party leader, participant in the Civil War, first chairman of the executive committee of the Koryak District Council of Workers' Deputies.
  9. Makar Mazai - (1910 - 1941) steelmaker at the Mariupol Metallurgical Plant named after Ilyich, innovative worker, initiator of the competition for high volumes of steel production. In 1936, Makar Mazai proposed: deepening the open-hearth furnace bath and at the same time raising the height of the open-hearth furnace roof. After this, it was possible to pour much more charge into the furnace than before.
  10. Makar Evseviev (Kobaev) - (1864 - 1931) scientist, educator, teacher. Professor (1921), collegiate adviser. Erzya by nationality.
  11. Makar Babikov - (1921 - 2009) participant in the Great Patriotic War (reconnaissance officer of the 181st special reconnaissance detachment of the Northern Fleet) and the Soviet-Japanese War (chief petty officer, platoon commander of the 140th separate special reconnaissance detachment of the Pacific Fleet). Hero of the Soviet Union (1945), retired colonel.

This Russian name comes from the abbreviated Greek word Makarios. It means blissful, happy. In different eras this name was popular, but now it is a little forgotten.


The child Makar has a changeable and persistent character. He has many abilities and a mysterious inner world. He understands perfectly well what is required of him and is fully responsible for his actions. Develops beyond his years. He is secretive in everything that concerns his personality. Even his parents don’t fully understand what he has in mind.

School years

He is not good with precision objects, despite his perseverance and diligence. Lacks focus and goal to complete a certain task. Due to the lack of interest, it is rare to see Makar among the best students, but complaints from teachers about him are also rare. Gradually his sanity comes first, and he begins to think about his future.

Mature age

At this age, he is characterized by balance, responsibility and the ability to solve pressing problems in an extraordinary way. He has a strong will, which manifests itself in a difficult situation, he is not prone to outside influence, and does not give in to momentary feelings. His actions are always reasonable and he sincerely believes in their correctness. He is not very frank among family and close friends. He can only develop gullibility in extreme situations.

Professional activity

Makar has a serious attitude towards work. Prefers to choose a profession where he can achieve good results. Perseveres to achieve his goals using his abilities and confidence. He has a good memory by nature, which helps him in his work.

Can successfully work in a variety of fields, mainly in technical specialties.

Thanks to his persistence, he can become a production manager.

Relationships, marriage and family

In relationships with the female sex, he feels free and easily starts affairs. Women like him because of his innate masculine qualities. Makar has been hesitant to get married for a long time. He distinguishes youthful hobbies well from real feelings. The future spouse must understand that housekeeping will be entirely her responsibility. In family life, Makar is a wonderful husband and father. He is an economical and zealous homeowner.

Compatibility with female names

  • The marriage will be successful with Alla, Valentina, Zinaida, Marina, Yulia, Tatyana, Nadezhda and Olga.
  • Strong family relationships will develop with Vera, Evdokia, Lydia, Tamara, Nina, Rosa and Faina.
  • Failures promise marital relationships with Taisiya, Varvara, Antonina, Stella, Maria and Elena.

Friendly connections

He is demanding when choosing friends. He has few such people. Makar is a loyal friend, always ready to lend a helping hand in difficult times.

Mentality and health

By character type he is sanguine. He is a reserved person and it is difficult to anger him. He tries to solve all current problems peacefully. A stable state of life is his element.

Average health status. At an early age there is a tendency to catch colds. Weakness and fatigue may appear in his mature years. Particular attention should be paid to the heart, vision and diet. Emotional stress can negatively affect your overall health. It is also necessary to monitor your weight.

Name horoscope

  1. Aries is a dynamic, joyful and friendly nature. He cannot stand solitude; he needs constant communication with people. There are always a lot of friends around him. A joyful and active woman will suit him for family life.
  2. Taurus is a serious and authoritative person. He is characterized by kindness and sincerity, and will always come to the aid of a friend. Makar himself will not ask for help. He believes that strong people should solve current problems themselves. A similar strong woman would be a wonderful wife for him.
  3. Gemini - he has a complex character. It’s difficult to get along with people; people around him don’t always understand him correctly. Even among friends you may experience a feeling of loneliness. He gets married late. He needs a calm and self-possessed woman who will sincerely love him. In return, she will receive a thrifty and faithful husband.
  4. Cancer is a timid and sensitive nature. He lacks confidence, so big companies don't attract him. To compensate for these negative character traits, Makar devotes a lot of time to work. For family life, a woman with a strong character will suit him, who can help him realize himself in life.
  5. Leo is an attractive and tactful man. Vanity and self-confidence in character do not benefit him. With this, Makar can easily offend a person without even realizing it. His ambitions know no bounds. In family life he will only get along with a woman who will constantly admire him.
  6. Virgo is a rational, meticulous and calm nature. A self-confident man practically does not make mistakes in life. The character is vulnerable, despite its outward calm. Any failures are hard to bear. As a wife, a woman with a mischievous character will suit him, who will show him that in life he must be able to relax.
  7. Libra is a delicate and intellectual person. Knows how to find a common language with people around him. Finds friends easily and quickly. He has many prospects in life. The main thing for him is to successfully choose a woman for family life, who, first of all, should become a supporter of his views on life, and then a wonderful wife.
  8. Scorpio is a stern and domineering nature. Sets difficult to achieve goals and does not look for easy ways in life. He wants to prove his ability to achieve his plans only to himself, nothing more. Tries to live alone without any obligations. For marriage, he needs an intelligent and self-possessed woman.
  9. Sagittarius is a sociable and active person. I can’t imagine my life without constant communication with people. He has a slightly carefree attitude towards life, so he rarely achieves great success in the professional sphere. He needs a practical and prudent wife who will help him achieve a stable position in the house.
  10. Capricorn is an enterprising nature. His actions are based on the real state of affairs. He devotes a lot of time to work to achieve his well-being. He has no time or desire for empty pastime and entertainment. For family life, a woman with a similar character, as sensible and serious as Makar himself, will suit him.
  11. Aquarius is a sociable and open nature. Thanks to his sociability and ability to listen to people, he has many comrades and friends. He is respected among the people around him. Freedom-loving character. A happy married life will develop with an intelligent woman who knows how to compromise.
  12. Pisces are a romantic nature, capable of creativity. He is a man of mood and a great inventor. To realize his creative potential, he needs inspiration and solitude. He can get inspiration if there is a woman nearby who can understand and accept his inner world. Spiritual intimacy is the basis for a happy family life for him. Then Makar will be a caring and gentle spouse.

Astrological symbolism of the name

  1. Zodiac sign - Leo.
  2. Planet - Sun.
  3. White color.
  4. Flora - poppy.
  5. Animals - falcon.
  6. Talisman stone - Opal, Jasper, .

Famous personalities

  • The first President of the Republic of Cyprus is Archbishop Makarios (Makarios) III.
  • Makar Babikov - hero of the Soviet Union, intelligence officer.

Recently, in our country, many parents have begun to call boys Makarami. After all, it sounds extremely impressive and bright. And now we will try to find out everything about the meaning and origin of the name Makar, because his character and fate depend on how a person was named.


There are several versions of where the name Makar came from, however, most experts agree that it originates from Ancient Greece. There, the word “Makarios” meant the almighty god Zeus, who ruled all the gods and goddesses living on Olympus. This version makes it possible to say that the meaning of the name Makar is “blessed, blessed, happy.” This means that by naming a child this way, the parent ensures a happy fate for him. Actually, the meaning and origin of the name Makar in Orthodoxy is practically identical to its meaning according to the ancient Greek version. It is very popular among believers. A huge number of church figures from different eras and several saints were called by the name Macarius, the most prominent of which are Macarius the Great and Macarius of Alexandria.

Meaning of the name Makar for a boy

Everyone knows that a person’s fate in one way or another depends on a person’s name. It also affects his character. The name Makar endows the child with prudence, seriousness, a calm disposition and a sharp mind. He quickly grasps new information and learns easily, but he will not have too many friends, which, in fact, will not sadden Makar too much, since he will enjoy communicating with adults more. But at the same time, his peers will never offend him, but on the contrary, they will respect him for his openness, sincerity and curiosity. And when Makar becomes a teenager, he will devote most of his time to study and books, but not in order to somehow stand out in front of the teacher, but for himself, in order to achieve his goal in life. And just as he takes his studies very seriously, he will also seriously choose friends for himself who will never betray him and to whom he himself will always be faithful.

The meaning of the name Makar for a man

Now that we have learned about the origin and meaning of the name Makar for a child, let's try to find out how it will affect an adult. So, having matured, Makar will become a purposeful, strong man with a rich inner world. He will always be guided by reason, without giving free rein to his feelings, without taking risks and without getting into trouble. Makar will easily solve any, even the most difficult, tasks that life throws at him, and he will be able to emerge victorious from any troubles. At the same time, the owner of such a name will be a very kind and sensitive person, attentive to others and always ready to help, which, however, he will not stick out, but, on the contrary, will try to hide, since he will understand that many people consider sensitivity to be his weakness. The most important thing for Makar is his freedom, both in his career and in his personal life, and if someone tries to limit him in it, the man will not tolerate this and will immediately erase the restraining factor from his life.

Season and character

Knowing the meaning and origin of the name Makar, it is important to remember that the character of its owner depends not only on him, but also on what time of year the boy was born.

  1. Makar, born in winter, will be a true enthusiast and leader who will be able to captivate people and become the soul of any company. He will make an excellent politician, diplomat and even military leader.
  2. Makar, born in spring, will be a slightly carefree person, but very kind and sensitive, so he will be called an altruist. He will make a wonderful artist, actor, writer or musician.
  3. Born in the summer, Makar will be a true erudite with brilliant manners and excellent intellect. He will be able to support any conversation and become a true professional in any field of activity.
  4. Makar, born in the fall, will be a very smart person who will love exact sciences from childhood. In the future he will definitely become an outstanding teacher or engineer.

Personal life

But does the name influence fate? We have already found out the meaning of the name Makar; it remains to figure out how it will affect its owner in the future. Many parents try to find out what awaits their boy in the future in his personal life. And here they shouldn’t worry about their son at all, because the dignity of the owner of this name simply attracts women who find the owner of this name attractive for creating romantic relationships. Women are drawn to him like a magnet, and without hesitation they give him their love. However, casual relationships and flirting are not at all interesting to Makar - his innate morality forces him to always be in search of a real life partner, with whom he will not only meet, but will create a strong family. Of course, this does not stop him from periodically flirting with the young ladies he likes, but when he finds his chosen one, all previous passions will be forgotten, and Makar will always be faithful to his one and only. He will marry her and will try to build a strong family, where all relationships are built on trust, equality and honesty.


But it is not enough to know the origin and meaning of the name Makar; it is also very important to know about its compatibility with various female names, because if a man chooses a representative of the fair sex as his companion, with whom he is not suitable, this will be a guarantee that there will be no nothing good. So, Makar will have a good union with young ladies named Anna, Galina, Ksenia, Evgenia, Olga, Violetta, Natalya, Maria, Polina, Marta, Zinaida and Elena. With these women he will have an excellent, strong marriage for many years. But Makar is incompatible with ladies named Lyudmila, Olesya, Diana, Irina and Inga. It is better for a man not to start any relationship with them, because one way or another they will end in failure. It is also important to look at the zodiac sign of Makar’s chosen one, because he is completely incompatible with Libra, Scorpio and Capricorn, which means it is better for him to start a relationship with a lady born under a different sign.


Now that we know well what the name Makar means, we can try to find out how it will affect the guy’s career in the future. In fact, there is certainly no need to worry about him here, because any business he takes on will be done as well as possible, so Makar will easily make a career doing responsible work and receiving a good salary for it. He will choose his field of activity, focusing solely on the degree of his interest in it, so parents should not tell the guy what he should be; it is better to trust the boy completely and completely. He will definitely choose work related to practical actions, and ultimately achieve tremendous success, as a journalist, engineer, musician, politician, entrepreneur or athlete. And if Makar decides to devote his life to the working profession and become a mason, painter, mechanic or factory worker, then he will definitely become a highly qualified specialist and will deserve universal respect and honor.


Thanks to the divine origin of the name Makar, boys and men who become its owners have almost no health problems. This is especially true for serious pathologies that will bypass him, and he can avoid those diseases that every person suffers from, of course, if he takes care of himself. Indeed, despite the good health inherent in the name, leading an incorrect lifestyle can undermine it. In addition, due to his special impressionability, Makar can suffer from nervous or psychological stress, and his love for tasty food can lead to excessive obesity. Also knowing the meaning of the name Makar for a boy and the fate that it can promise him, his parents should monitor his heart and lungs from childhood, since he is prone to diseases of the cardiovascular system. And it would be a good idea to have Makar’s eyesight checked from childhood, since his love of reading may lead to the fact that he may need glasses already from school.

Interpretation of letters in the name

When figuring out what kind of character a boy named Makar will have, special attention should be paid to the interpretation of each letter that is included in this word, since each of them will play a certain role in shaping the guy’s inner world.

  1. The letter "M" in the name makes its owner somewhat absent-minded, but this is only at first glance, since he will never forget the most important things, and all the work will be done with the highest quality.
  2. The letter “A” in a name gives a person a desire for spiritual and physical balance, and also makes him extremely hardworking. People with it in their names are also proactive and hate routine.
  3. The letter "K" in the name makes its owner an extremely insightful, hardy, but at the same time extremely nervous person. Such people will have a strong character and remarkable stubbornness, which is why they will often become the instigators of a number of conflicts, both at home and at work.
  4. The letter “R” in the name gives a person extraordinary thinking and responsibility, thanks to which Makar will be able to find a way out of any situation and can become the leader of any company, although at home the owners of this letter tend to shift all responsibility to their partner.

Now that we know the meaning and origin of the name Makar, let's turn our attention to the astrological aspect of the issue. After all, just as a name influences a person’s character and destiny, certain factors also influence him, so if you take them into account, you can make Makar’s life much happier and easier.

  1. Makar's lucky day is Wednesday.
  2. The owner of the name has three talisman stones - carnelian, diamond and jasper.
  3. Makar's lucky plants are aster, chestnut and poppy.
  4. A man with this name must have moss agate, which is otherwise called the Mocha stone, which will protect him from failures and bad people.
  5. The patron planet of Makar is the Sun.
  6. Favorable colors for the owner of the name are red, emerald, bronze and steel.
  7. The happiest and luckiest guy will be the guy who was born under the zodiac sign of Scorpio or Leo.
  8. Makar's totem animal is the elephant, and his bird is the mandarin duck.

Prominent people

Also, knowing the meaning of the name Makar for a boy, before deciding to choose it for your child, it is important to remember the outstanding people who were called that way in order to know approximately what awaits the boy in the future.

  1. Ratmanov Makar (1772-1833) was a famous Russian navigator, whose name is given to the cape on Novaya Zemlya and the western island, which is the easternmost point of Russia.
  2. Evseviev Makar (1864-1931) was an outstanding scientist, educator and teacher, who received the title of professor in 1921.
  3. Goncharenko Makar (1902-1997) was a famous Soviet football player who played as a striker.
  4. Lukin Makar (1905-1961) received the title of Hero of Socialist Labor for his work in the field of organizing aviation motor industry.
  5. Bartashev Makar (1909-1948) received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union in September 1945 for his exploits during the Soviet-Japanese War, where he was commander of the 12th Assault Aviation Division.
  6. Alpatov Makar was born in 1940 and established himself as an excellent singer and director, for which he was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.
  • Meaning and origin of the name Makar: The name originates in Greece, translated it means “Blessed, Happy.”
  • Energy of the name Makar: Confidence, practicality, self-esteem

Character of the name Makar

The energy of the name Makar, and therefore, in many ways, the character of Makar himself, is primarily determined by such a quality as restraint. This name has sufficient strength, and the lack of plasticity is compensated by Makar’s weak reaction to external influences. Sometimes a person with that name looks a little cold, he is often reserved, at least it’s hard to call him too sociable, but Makar is also not distinguished by his lack of emotions. On the contrary, he is characterized by significant inner strength, which, fortunately, is rarely wasted on empty talk and useless daydreaming. Makar is a man of action, which, in fact, he is proud of.

In general, most Makars are characterized by significant pride and independence. However, he knows how to forgive and restrain his grievances, while his negative emotions, although they do not have an easy way out, still do not accumulate in his soul, as is noted for many other closed names. Instead, his energy receives a different direction - Makar uses it to specifically solve the problem that caused the conflict, while revenge is very rarely included in his plans. In addition, he does not have to hide his grievances also because he usually knows how to immediately stand up for himself, preferring to “wave his fists” not after a “fight,” but in the midst of it. Nevertheless, he will also not experience emotional feelings for the offender after the conflict is resolved.

Restrained and energetic, Makar has every chance of achieving significant success in some career and thereby satisfying his ambitious needs. He fits into the team quite easily, and behind his reticence you can often see his readiness to help. Just don’t try to use his ability to sympathize for selfish interests. The character is also favorable for normal family life, if, of course, the principles of justice apply in the family. Otherwise, you can wish Makar a little more openness in his relationships with loved ones and a sense of humor. This will help avoid some misunderstandings and life mistakes.

Astrology of the name Makar

  • Makara zodiac sign: Scorpio
  • Patron planet of Makara: ♇ Pluto, ♂ Mars
  • Patron saints of Makar: Macarius the Great (name day February 1), Macarius Zheltovodsky (name day August 7)
  • Name color: Yellowish red, steel
  • Makar's lucky colors: White, warm shades of brown
  • Makara talisman stone: Diamond, opal, jasper

"The Secret of the Name Makar", Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Makar is an old, beautiful, but rare name. It was quite popular in Rus', but then ceased to be used. Now this male name is again gaining momentum and is included in the ranking of the most popular, being in 43rd place.

How was the name Makar formed?

The name Makar has roots in the ancient Greek language. In the culture of Ancient Greece, there was a word “macarius”, which meant “happy” or “blessed”.

The name Makar has the same meaning. The mythology of Ancient Greece contains references to the name Makarios, which was the name of the god Zeus.

The name Makar was often used by Russian writers in their works. So you can recall the stories “Makar Chudra” by Maxim Gorky and “Doubting Makar” by Andrei Platonov. This name was borne by one of the main characters of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky’s novel “Poor People” - Makar Devushkin, as well as a bright revolutionary - Makar Nagulny - from the work of Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov “Virgin Soil Upturned”.

The main slogan in the life of Makar Chudra is to walk around the world and look, and once you’ve seen enough, you can lie down and die

Nominal forms

Short versions of the name Makar: Maka, Mara.

Maka - possible short version for the name Makar

Affectionate address to Makar: Makasha, Makarushka, Makarchik, Makarik, Makusha.

Makar, like any man, loved fishing more than plowing, and cared not about bread, but about shows, because, according to Comrade Chumovoy’s conclusion, he had an empty head.

A. P. Platonov “Doubting Makar”


Related names: Makarios, Makario, Macareus, Maker, Makari, Menkazh, Makariou, Makare, Makareos, Makarios, Makaris, Makaras, Makary. There is also a female analogue of the name: Macaria.

Church version of the name Makar: Macarius.

What middle names will Makar’s children bear: Makarovna, Makarovich.

Spelling of the name Makar according to the latest transliteration rules established for Russian government agencies: MAKAR.

Patronymics that go well with the name Makar: Andreevich, Borisovich, Vladimirovich, Gennadievich, Egorovich, Ivanovich, Kirillovich, Lvovich, Petrovich, Sergeevich, Savelievich, Stepanovich, Timurovich, Filipovich, Yuryevich, Yanovich.

When writing a poem dedicated to Makar, you can use the following rhymes: samovar, lobster, hangar, repertoire, tan, orderly, hussar, sidewalk, doorman, boulevard, hero of the day.

Makar Devushkin is the main character of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky’s novel “Poor People”

Makar Devushkin, the main character of Poor People, is a petty elderly official who has no chance of making a career. Nothing remarkable happens in his life. He lives unnoticed, avoiding human eyes, in a cheap rented apartment on the outskirts of St. Petersburg. But as the image unfolds, Devushkin begins to seem like a man with a subtle and unique character.

Nakamura K.


Table: name Makar in foreign languages

Belarusian, UkrainianMakarMakar
GreekΜακάριος Makarios
Georgianმაკარი makari
Gujaratiમકર Makara
Spanish, ItalianMakarioMakario
Chinese馬卡爾 Mǎ kǎ’ěr
Korean마카르 Makar
PortugueseMacario Macfario
SerbianMakarie Makarije
Hindiमकर Makara
Japaneseマクカ makar

Name day dates and patron saints

The Orthodox calendar contains an analogue of the name Makar - Macarius, which will become the baptismal name. There are about twenty-five saints with this name. The most famous:

  1. Macarius of Moscow. The saint was born in Moscow in the 80s of the 15th century. From his youth the saint was interested in Christianity and took monastic vows. He then received the rank of archimandrite, then archbishop. In 1542, Macarius became Metropolitan of All Rus'.

    Macarius of Moscow decided from his youth that he would devote his life to serving the Lord

  2. Macarius the Great, Egyptian. Born in Egypt around 300. After the death of his loved ones, the saint went to live in the desert, becoming a novice to an old hermit. Then he lived in complete solitude for several years. Having received the priesthood, Macarius decided to found a monastery in the desert, which was later named after him.

    Macarius the Great, Egyptian, presbyter died in 391 in the monastery he founded

  3. Macarius Kanevsky. The saint was born at the beginning of the 17th century in the city of Ovruch. He was a student at the monastery, and later became a monk there. A little later, Macarius first received the rank of hierodeacon, and then hieromonk. In 1638, the saint moved to the Kamenets Resurrection Monastery, where he served as abbot. Then he returns to his hometown and becomes the leader of the Christian brethren. While being the abbot of the Kanevsky Monastery, Saint Macarius was tortured by Turkish raiders, and then killed by them.

    Macarius of Kanevsky is a hieromartyr who accepted death by beheading

  4. Macarius Zhabynsky. He was born in 1539 and took monastic vows at a young age. At the end of the 16th century, the saint became the founder of the Zhabynskaya Vvedenskaya hermitage. Having waited until the monastery was filled with life, Macarius left it, beginning a solitary life on the banks of the Oka River. After the death of the saint, his relics acquired miraculous power.

    Macarius Zhabynsky became the founder of the monastery, located near the city of Belev

There are other saints with the name Macarius:

  • Macarius (Glukharev) of Altai, archimandrite, venerable;
  • Macarius (Kvitkin), archpriest, schmich.;
  • Macarius (Mironov), hieromonk, smch.;
  • Macarius (Morzhov), hieromonk, smch.;
  • Macarius (Smirnov), hieromonk, smch.;
  • Macarius (Soloviev), priest, schmich.;
  • Macarius (Telegin), hieromonk, smch.;
  • Macarius of Anazarvsky, martyr;
  • Macarius of Antioch, Mauritanian, presbyter, smch.;
  • Macarius of Melitinsky, martyr;
  • Macarius of Optina, St.;
  • Macarius the Roman, Novgorod, St.;
  • Macarius of Sinai, martyr;
  • Venerable Macarius of Alexandria;
  • Venerable Macarius of Zheltovodsk, Unzhensky;
  • Venerable Macarius of Kalyazinsky;
  • Venerable Macarius of Pechersk, deacon and faster;
  • Venerable Macarius of Pisemsky;
  • Venerable Macarius, abbot of the Pelicite monastery;
  • Saint Macarius (Gnevushev), Bishop of Oryol, smch.;
  • Saint Macarius (Nevsky, Parvitsky), Metropolitan of Moscow and Kolomna;
  • Saint Macarius of Serbia, Patriarch;
  • Hieromartyr Macarius, Metropolitan of Kyiv.

Name days are celebrated on the date closest to Makar’s birthday

Makar celebrates his name day on one of the following days:

  • in January: 5, 12, 23, 25, 27;
  • in February: 1, 4, 18, 21;
  • in March: 1, 4, 12, 30;
  • in April: 5, 9, 14;
  • in May: 14, 26, 27, 31;
  • in June: 4, 8, 10, 23;
  • in August: 7, 22, 24, 31;
  • in September: 4, 12, 19, 20, 28;
  • in October: 2, 5, 11, 18, 19, 24, 25;
  • in November: 12, 29;
  • in December: 3, 29.

How does the name Makar affect a person?

Makar can safely be called a real man. He is calm, confident in himself and his own abilities. This person is capable of achieving outstanding achievements, earning a huge fortune, but he will never brag about his status or wealth. The guy is wise, has a unique outlook on life, is generous with loved ones, and calmly reacts to the shortcomings of others. The young man will always stand up for the weak and is not capable of offending anyone. In the company of women, he behaves like a true gentleman, which wins many ladies’ hearts. This man is respected even by those who dislike him.

Makar is the person who values ​​what is done, not what is said. He tries not to make promises, is not prone to talkativeness, but will definitely do everything in his power to successfully complete the task. A man is not used to complicating life, he puts everything in order, does not get sad over trifles and does not put his life on display.

The guy always has a chance to get what he wants, but he never goes overboard to get it, does not resort to low actions and does not ruin the destinies of other people. He is ready to compromise, knows how to listen to outside opinions, and takes into account the feelings of others.

This person will become a good friend who will be able to come to the rescue in a difficult situation, but will never ask for anything in return and will not boast about his actions. Makar is free from narcissism, he sensibly assesses his capabilities, and tries to become better every day. It is always comfortable to be around this guy; he is not afraid to take responsibility either for himself or for his loved ones, but he will not allow anyone to sit on his neck.

But there are still negative aspects to this man’s character. He can be harsh towards people, he is used to dividing everything into black and white, and is not capable of half measures.

This approach often prevents Makar from objectively assessing difficult situations. In addition, he is not the most cheerful friend; he does not like noisy parties, preferring to do more useful things or devote time to his family.

Makar is used to dividing everything into black and white; in his value system there is either good or bad

Mysterious passion for freedom,

“Blessed” - people say.

I just can't stand scandals

Life in nature is exalting.

Mobile, easy to handle,

Nosy to the point of disgust,
Stooped in posture,

And as an owner, he is stingy.

It happens that he will give up everything in the world,

He will ask his wife for forgiveness

And will disappear at the beginning of May,

Where... he doesn’t drive the calves.

Lira Eroshevskaya


Table: characteristics of Makar according to various theoriesTheorist
CharacteristicBoris Khigir
In the works of Boris Khigir, Makar is presented as a person who knows how to take advantage of people’s weaknesses. He tries to benefit from everything, loves to show off in front of others, especially in front of girls. A man has intelligence and resourcefulness, but can pretend to be a narrow-minded person in order to get what he wants. Makar loves to communicate, is a good worker, but has little initiative. The guy spends his free time in the company of friends or watching TV. He chooses girls carefully and often marries several times. This man is prone to cunning, knows how to win over a woman, which he skillfully uses. It is impossible to deceive a young man; he always senses a trick and notices the slightest change in the character of his partner. But he pauses until the last moment and does not create scandals until he is definitely convinced of betrayal. Betrayal never forgives.The personality description of Makar from Pierre Rouget says that the man has a mysterious character. He is balanced, knows how to solve any problems, is tactful and is not subject to outside influence. The guy is sure that he has a special mission, so he never loses self-confidence. Makar relies only on reason and does not make decisions under the influence of emotions. I am used to hiding my feelings from strangers. This is a very highly moral person who never gives up his beliefs and has a rich inner world.

Characteristics of Makar in childhood

As a child, Makar is an almost ideal child who knows how to get along with other children and adults. However, he is much more interested in older people; his developed intelligence does not allow him to communicate with his peers on equal terms. This boy is fascinated by completely different topics than ordinary children. He loves to learn something new and unusual. The kid approaches everything with serious intentions, is prone to prudence, responsibility and the absence of unnecessary emotions.

Makar behaves calmly, without causing any trouble to mom and dad. The boy has his own opinion on any issue, which is almost impossible to change. Only weighty arguments can convince him. Makar has a deep inner world, but will show it only to a close and trusted person.

Makar is precocious: he is attracted to serious topics, something new and unusual In his youth, the boy is not characterized by youthful maximalism. This guy looks at things realistically and is used to analyzing any actions of those around him. He approaches his studies with full responsibility.

Even if he is not interested in any discipline, he still studies with diligence, because he understands that anything can be useful in the future.

This teenager is loved by his classmates, they consider him an interesting person and want to be in the same company. But Makar is very serious in choosing his comrades. He greatly values ​​friendly relationships, devotes a lot of time to his friends, and will never communicate with two-faced and secretive individuals. Usually this young man has several close people whom he never offends and shares all his experiences with them.

Makar’s life cannot exist without sports. He loves any kind of manifestation. On a day off, you can go to the mountain slope to ski or snowboard. On a weekday evening, after work, he will definitely go to the gym. The guy is also interested in literature. He loves to read, he can be interested in almost any book, the main thing is that it gives food for thought. Throughout his life, a man tries to improve and find new sources of knowledge.

Profession and career

Makar is very scrupulous in choosing his future profession. He will take on a task only if he understands it perfectly. This is a diligent and diligent worker who enjoys work where he can make decisions independently. Such a person does not need helpers. The most suitable are journalistic, sports and military fields of activity. He will also achieve success in creative work, realizing himself as a musician, actor, architect or artist. He will also have good luck in politics and diplomacy. A man is inclined to manual work, so he can choose the profession of a tiler, craftsman or mason.

Makar will be suited for professions where he will have to make his own decisions

Makar is a born businessman. This guy definitely needs to take the place of the head of his own enterprise, because he knows how to make decisions and bear responsibility for what he has done. Consistent and methodical work allows a man to earn excellent financial status; he rarely has problems with money. Usually this young man knows how to earn the necessary funds.


Makar has naturally good health. Diseases will not bother this person until old age. The guy's only problem is his tendency to catch colds and viral diseases. During periods of epidemics, he should reduce communication with others and reduce the time he spends in crowded places.

Love and sexuality

Makar is a charming and attractive person. He adores the fair sex and their attention, but does not follow his instincts. A man knows how to look after beautifully, treats ladies attentively, and knows how to distinguish sincere feelings from slight infatuation. The young man prefers not only beautiful, but also intelligent and well-rounded women.

Makar's companion will have to get used to the fact that he is not too ardent a romantic and expresses his love as simply as he is used to doing everything else

In relationships, he is prone to calmness, restraint, lack of emotion and balance. He tries to become a friend to the girl first of all; his companion needs to get used to this position of a young man.

Often his chosen ones cannot understand exactly what feelings Makar has for them. But the one who can see a reliable and faithful partner in a guy will find happiness in love. This person will never betray, will be extremely honest and affectionate, but you still shouldn’t expect ardent manifestations of feelings. Intimacy for Makar is an important part of a romantic relationship. He enters into a relationship only with a permanent partner for whom he has any feelings.

The guy does not waste time on one-day affairs, preferring to wait for sincere emotions.

Table: name compatibility

Family and marriage

Makar gets married late, but not because he dreams of having fun, but because of an overly responsible approach to choosing a bride. His chosen one will be a calm, balanced, intelligent, persistent, obligatory and economic woman who does not try to suppress the freedom of her lover.

It is important for a man that his relationship with his wife is not only loving, but also friendly. He also values ​​trust and honesty between partners, does not provoke quarrels, and tries to maintain a harmonious and cheerful atmosphere. Makar is a good family man, a caring husband and a wonderful father Makar is very demanding in everyday life, but only in relation to himself.

He is ready to forgive his chosen one any weakness.

With the advent of children, a man also becomes a caring and loving father. He will not spare any money or time for his child. He will definitely give him a good upbringing and everything he needs. The Makar family will never suffer from lack of money.

Table: matches for the name Makar

  1. What is the meaning of the letters in the name Makar
  2. Interpretation of the meaning of each letter in the name Makar:
  3. Letter K. A person is endowed with a strong character, persistent and purposeful, knows how to keep other people's secrets. This is a charming, mysterious and sophisticated man who shows tact and compliance in communicating with others.
  4. Letter R. The guy is brave, impetuous, responsible. Such a person is always confident in himself and his actions, endowed with an optimistic attitude, and never becomes discouraged or gives up in the face of difficulties. His chosen one must have a strong spirit, loyalty and the ability to support in difficult situations.

Makar is a purposeful, strong and independent person

The influence of the time of year in which Makar was born on his character

The winter months reward Makar with energy and curiosity. However, the guy is also prone to isolation and detachment, but not because of his great love of loneliness, but because those around him often cannot accept the extravagant and unusual nature of the winter Makar. Among other things, this guy has his own life principles, which are also alien to other people. But such behavior of strangers does not at all prevent a man from leading a bright and multifaceted life, in which love and friendship, successes and failures are harmoniously combined.

Makar, born under the auspices of the spring season, is a sociable and open young man. He is prone to altruism and is completely devoid of selfish and selfish qualities. The person is kind and sympathetic, which helps him make a large number of friends and acquaintances. However, disappointments and disappointments await him along the path of life, since there are many selfish and evil people in the world who want to take advantage of the good nature of the spring Makar. The guy needs to learn to say “no” to others, to behave more toughly and pragmatically.

Courtesy and gallantry are iconic character traits of the summer Makar. He sees right through people, so it is almost impossible to deceive this guy. In addition, the man himself perfectly manipulates others when they don’t even notice it. Such a person always gets what he wants, achieves great career heights, and successfully arranges his personal life.

He chooses a life partner relying on reason, not feelings. Autumn Makar is prone to prudence and enterprise. He is smart, incapable of passionate and emotional experiences. The guy strives for stability and tranquility, tries to get the appropriate profession. For family life, he chooses wise, economical and non-conflict girls who can become not only his lover, but also his friend.

Macarius Day is celebrated on the first of February every year. On this date the memory of St. Macarius the Great is venerated. There are some signs associated with this day: if the weather is warm and sunny on the first day of February, then spring will be early; if a snowstorm occurs, then the whole February will be snowy until Maslenitsa. The starry sky on the night of February 1st promises a long winter.

Table: personality characteristics of Makar depending on the zodiac sign

Zodiac signCharacteristics of a person
AriesMakar-Aries has goodwill, cheerfulness, a positive attitude and sociability. The guy easily takes the place of leader in companies, easily makes new acquaintances, and knows how to get anyone talking.
TaurusMakar-Taurus is endowed with a devoted, faithful, friendly and patient character. This person is attentive to his loved ones and becomes a wonderful head of the family. A man’s wife can always rely on him and know that he will never leave her in trouble. But in return he expects complete reciprocity and trust.
TwinsMakar-Gemini is a complex and ambiguous nature. A man loves to have fun in the company of friends and dreams of receiving confidential and honorable treatment. But sometimes a guy feels like a stranger and unnecessary among other people. A loyal and sincere girl will help raise self-esteem.
CancerMakar-Cancer has a weak, shy, shy and indecisive character. The young man dreams of praise and is very dependent on his mood. This guy cannot exist without support, guidance and moralizing, but he cannot stand criticism. He tries not to get involved with people who are unhappy with him.
a lionMakar-Lev is awarded with unique charm, attractiveness of soul and body, generosity and determination. However, he is a big egoist, loving only himself, not appreciating anyone around him, trying to show everyone his superiority. The guy is prone to arrogance and ingratitude, and can be rude and harsh. All this pushes those around him away.
VirgoMakar-Virgo is poorly compatible with any woman, especially he does not tolerate strong and powerful women. The guy does not know how to take criticism and teachings, does not like straightforward people, although he himself does not meet his requirements at all. His life consists of problems and hardships. This guy needs a positive girl who is ready to make concessions in a relationship.
ScalesMakar-Libra is the owner of a rich inner world. He is endowed with the talents of a psychologist and philosopher, knows how to adapt to situations, loves increased attention to his person and knows perfectly well how to get it. He prefers women who are bright and decisive, who do not have any complexes.
ScorpionMakar-Scorpio is a lover of solitude. He does not know how to contact people, he experiences great problems in communication, as he is very demanding of others. This guy will find a weak spot and a flaw in any person. He also does not ignore his imperfections - he tries to get rid of them, but in vain. He does not strive for popularity and respect in society.
SagittariusMakar-Sagittarius is endowed with a superficial, frivolous, but kind and scrupulous disposition. The man is attentive and caring with others, never refuses help, is ready to listen and suggest the right decision. He is pleased with new acquaintances and newly acquired friends. Life like this is like eternal fun, accompanied by risky adventures.
CapricornMakar-Capricorn is a practical and creatively gifted person. The guy is reasonable, ready to devote himself entirely to work, relying only on reason and sanity. Career becomes the meaning of his life. A man values ​​financial well-being, a luxurious and beautiful life. He prefers girls who are caring and smart.
AquariusMakar-Aquarius is prone to talkativeness, goodwill and sociability. It’s always a pleasure to talk with this guy, he knows how to win over those around him, and easily adapts to the rhythm of life of a new acquaintance. This person does not need approval, although he always supports his loved ones.
FishMakar-Pisces is a creatively gifted person. The young man is reasonable and calculating, loves to be alone, does not strive for fun and entertainment. His life follows a strict schedule. A man loves calm women, in marriage he will be an exemplary husband and a caring father.

Photo gallery: famous Makars who left their mark on history

Makar Bartashov - Soviet officer, participant in the Soviet-Japanese War, commander of the 12th Assault Aviation Division of the Pacific Fleet Air Force Makar Alpatov - singer, director, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Makar Lukin - organizer of aviation engine building, economic activist, major general of the aviation engineering service, Hero of Socialist Labor Makar Ratmanov - Russian navigator Makar Evseviev - scientist, educator, teacher Makar Babikov - participant in the Great Patriotic War, intelligence officer Makar Zaporozhsky - Russian theater and film actor Makar Yekmalyan - Armenian composer, conductor , teacher, folklorist, student of N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov, classic of Armenian music, who played a significant role in the development of Armenian musical art of the 19th-20th centuries Makar Kilivnik - dancer and choreographer Makar Tikhomirov - Ukrainian actor

Makar has a simple but thorough approach to life. Fortune responds to him in kind, without throwing difficulties and troubles at the man. His existence flows steadily and calmly. Even if this guy faces difficult moments, he will quickly cope with them, as he is endowed with a strong and strong-willed character. In old age, this person will be able to confidently call his life happy and successful.

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