Update 1s 8.2 new invoice. Accounting info. Do we complete the sale quickly and without errors? Easily

Where to begin? 18.05.2024


To enter an invoice into the 1C database, select “Documents” in the main menu. If you need to record the purchase of inventory items or services, select “Purchasing Management” from the submenu. Next, “Receipt of goods and services.”

In the upper left corner of the document that opens, select “operation.” The list “purchase - for processing - equipment - construction objects” will open. Select the desired value. Remember that each value corresponds to typical wiring.

Select a counterparty from the directory. All counterparty data must be entered into the directory at the preparatory stage of program implementation. If it’s new, you can go from the invoice to the directory of counterparties and fill out all the necessary fields in the directory. After this, return to the original document and continue working on entering the invoice.

Select an agreement from the list of counterparty agreements. If one agreement has been concluded with this counterparty, the field will be filled in when selecting the counterparty value. Fill out the required tabs - “products” or “services”. Place the required marks in the fields “used” - accounting, “used” - tax accounting and “managed” - management accounting.

Click “fill” in the lower right corner. If you have not filled in all the required fields in the document, an error message will appear. Next to the “fill” icon, look for the “ok” icon. Click "ok" to post the document. Check the correctness of the accounting entries after posting the invoice.

If you need to record the sale of inventory items or services in accounting, select “Sales Management” in the submenu. Next, fill out the fields of the document that opens in steps 2-6. If an organization sells goods or services on a regular basis, the program provides for the automatic creation of invoices when shipping goods (services).


  • how to enter documents in 1c

The capabilities of the 1C program allow you to eliminate errors associated with manually filling out forms. High-quality setup ensures compliance with all regulatory requirements when entering documents into the database.


Launch the 1C program. Find the “Documents” item in the main menu of the application. The submenu contains sections “Purchasing Management” and “Sales Management”. In the “Purchasing Management” section there is a subsection “Invoice received”, in the “Sales Management” section there is, respectively, “Invoice”. But there is no need to fill out forms in these registries manually.

An invoice is a unified document; incorrect completion of any field may result in a violation and subsequent penalties. Therefore, the 1C program provides for automatic completion of the form when entering related documents for a business transaction into the database.

The operator writes out an invoice for the goods being sold in the 1C program and, after filling out all the fields, clicks “Fill in the invoice” at the bottom of the window. As a result, two documents are generated in the database - an invoice for the release of goods and an issued invoice.

An accountant or warehouse operator enters an invoice for material assets received by the enterprise and by clicking on the “Fill in invoice” button ensures that the invoice is entered into the “Receipt of goods and services” subsection, and the document for goods and materials received into the “Invoice received” subsection.

When a work completion certificate is entered into the program, two documents are simultaneously generated for a business transaction describing the receipt of this service. The certificate of completion of work is entered in the subsection “Receipt of goods and services”, and the invoice is automatically filled in in the subsection “Invoice received”.

If, when entering documents, there is not enough data to fill out the invoice, the 1C program will display an error message. When carrying out high-quality setup at the preparatory stage, the program generates an invoice in accordance with regulatory requirements.


  • invoice invoice in 1s

The invoice is intended to account for paid and refundable VAT. In 1C Accounting, invoices are stored in a separate tab.

In addition, in the same tab there are documents intended for generating VAT transactions and entries in the book of purchases and sales based on received and issued invoices. These documents are located in the menu item “Documents” – “Invoices”.

The document “Invoice issued” is intended for preparing invoices issued to the buyer. The corresponding menu contains three tabs. On the first of them you need to indicate the document on the basis of which the invoice is created. Next, you should indicate the consignor, buyer, consignee. All items provided in the header of the document must be completed.

Using the details that control the formation of transactions, we check the boxes in the corresponding fields of the document; you also need to enter the number and date of the payment document.

On the “Table” tab, the internal part of the invoice is filled in. The name and price are indicated. The tax amount and the amount payable are automatically calculated in accordance with the selected parameters.

In the last tab “No. Correspondent account and TTD” information is entered about the debit of the VAT posting account, as well as about the country of origin of the goods and the date of the cargo customs declaration

Video on the topic

    The printed form of the invoice document is brought into compliance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 25, 2017. No. 625. From July 1, 2017, the “Government Contract Identifier” field in the document is available for filling out. To indicate the government contract identifier in the issued invoices, select the "Invoices for government orders" checkbox (the "Calculations" tab in the Main - Settings - Functionality section).

    For foreign organizations providing electronic services in accordance with clause 9 of Art. 174.2 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, in an agreement with the checkbox “The organization acts as a tax agent for VAT” checked, the value “Electronic services” is provided in the field “Type of agency agreement” (clause 9 of Article 174.2 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

    These contract settings are used to fill in the transaction code in section 2 of the VAT return.
    Also, under an agreement with a supplier acting as a tax agent for VAT, with whom settlements are carried out in foreign currency, it is possible to make payments in rubles.

    The "Registration of tax agent invoices" assistant allows you to issue an invoice for the "Advance report" document, which reflects the payment (the "Payment" tab) to a foreign company under an agreement with the performance of the duty of a tax agent.

    When filling out section 2, the accrual of VAT under a tax agent agreement with the type of agency agreement “Electronic services (clause 9 of Article 174.2 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation)” is reflected with the indication in line 070 of the transaction code “1011713”.

    When paying VAT accrued to the budget on several tax agent invoices, in the documents “Write-off from current account” and “Cash withdrawal”, you can decipher the amount of VAT by counterparties, indicating the agreement, the amount of VAT and the payment document.

    The tabular part of the documents “Write-off from the current account”, “Cash withdrawal” is filled out on the basis of data on the debt to the budget within the payment amount. The debt is displayed indicating the timing of payments to the budget.

    The "Unit of Measurement" field indicates the unit provided for this product code by the Unified Customs Tariff of the Eurasian Economic Union. The field is filled in automatically when creating a directory item by selecting it from the classifier.

    The columns “Unit” and “Quantity” indicate the quantity in the unit of measurement in accordance with the primary document, as well as the quantity in the unit of measurement provided for by the Unified Customs Tariff of the Eurasian Economic Union in relation to the goods being transported.
    To generate a Statistical Form for accounting for the movement of goods, you must click on the hyperlink “Statform in the Federal Customs Service”.

    Column 18 “Additional units” of the statistical form is filled in if, in accordance with the Unified Customs Tariff of the Eurasian Economic Union
    an additional unit of measurement is applied to the goods being moved. Thus, column 18 will be filled in for those lines of the document in which the unit of measurement provided for by the Unified Customs Tariff of the Eurasian Economic Union is different from a kilogram.

    In accordance with the procedure for filling out a value added tax return, transactions that are not subject to taxation (exempt from taxation), transactions that are not recognized as an object of taxation, as well as transactions for the sale of goods (work, services), the place of sale of which is not recognized as the territory of the Russian Federation, reflected in section 7 of the VAT return.
    The program for organizations that maintain separate VAT accounting by accounting methods provides for automatic completion of section 7 of the VAT return.

    In accordance with the letter of the Federal Tax Service dated January 26, 2017 N ED-4-15/1281@, taxpayers applying for VAT benefits reflected in section 7 of the VAT Declaration have the right, along with the declaration, to submit a register of supporting documents in the form recommended in the letter.
    In the program for operations from the 2nd quarter of 2017, for organizations that maintain separate VAT accounting by accounting methods, automatic completion of the register of documents confirming the VAT benefit is provided.

    The directory is intended to store transaction codes used to fill out section 7 of the VAT return, as well as to fill out the register of documents confirming the VAT benefit. A new directory element can be selected from the classifier.
    To include transactions in the register of documents confirming the VAT benefit, you must check the “Included in the register of supporting documents” checkbox.
    To fill out column 2 “Type (group, direction) of non-taxable transaction” of the register of supporting documents, use the value of the attribute “Type of non-taxable transaction”

    If, under an agreement with the buyer, only transactions that are not subject to taxation (exempt from taxation) are reflected; not recognized as an object of taxation; transactions the place of implementation of which is not recognized as the territory of the Russian Federation, then to automatically fill out section 7 of the VAT return, as well as to fill out the register of supporting documents for section 7, you must indicate the transaction code.

    Starting from the reporting for the 2nd quarter of 2017, section 7 of the declaration is filled out automatically according to the data of the regulatory document "Creating records of section 7 of the VAT declaration"

    To automatically fill out section 7 of the VAT return, as well as to fill out the register of supporting documents for section 7, for positions sold at the rate "Without VAT", you must specify the transaction code.

    The document “Creating records in section 7 of the VAT return” is intended to reflect transactions in section 7 of the VAT return. The document is filled out automatically for non-VAT-taxable transactions reflected in the accounting for the tax period for organizations that maintain separate VAT accounting by accounting methods (section Operations - Regular VAT operations - Formation of records in section 7 of the VAT return)

    The report "Register for Section 7 of the Declaration" is intended to generate a register of documents confirming the VAT tax benefit in accordance with the letter of the Federal Tax Service dated January 26, 2017 N ED-4-15/1281@ (section Reports - VAT - Register for Section 7 of the Declaration )

    When filling out information about an employee, all the data necessary to fill out reporting for individuals is entered in one form without clicking on links.
    To automatically generate salary payment statements, you must indicate the method of payment in the appropriate field.

    The list of tasks on the home page displays the task of paying the salary advance. The advance payment date is set in the salary accounting settings. The procedure for paying advance payments is also configured there - it can be set both for the entire organization and individually for each employee (in this case, it is indicated in the employee form or personnel documents). When selecting an advance payment task, the user is prompted to automatically create all documents for the advance payment (statements, cash issuance, payment orders)

    When creating a payment order based on a statement to the bank for a salary project, the program will remember the recipient of the payment and will fill it out automatically in the future

    The salary accounting assistant opens from the list of tasks on the home page by clicking on the tasks “Salary” and “Insurance premiums, payment”. All documents are generated using one button:
    - pay slips;
    - cash withdrawal;
    - payment orders for salary transfers;
    - payment orders for personal income tax and insurance premiums.

    The electronic formats of the following statistical reporting forms have been updated:
    - No. 1-enterprise “Basic information about the activities of the organization” as amended by Rosstat order No. 320 dated July 15, 2015 in accordance with the XML template dated May 29, 2017, published on May 31, 2017;
    - No. C-1 "Information on the commissioning of buildings and structures" as amended by Rosstat order No. 427 dated 08/15/2016 in accordance with the XML template dated 05/30/2017

For 1C Accounting programs version 8 PROF, a subscription to ITS is required


Implementation of changes in the form of invoices and the rules for filling them out in 1C: Enterprise programs from July 1, 2017 in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 25, 2017 N 625.

Please note that for users of online versions of 1C programs in the 1C:Fresh cloud service, all updates to document forms are made automatically by employees of the 1C company itself. Users are not required to perform any additional actions or install updates. The cost of access to the cloud (from 495 rubles per month) already includes all updates to configurations and forms.

From October 1, 2017, the New form of invoices in the programs of the 1C:Enterprise system comes into force in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 19, 2017 N 981 c
the ability to reflect the code of the type of product in accordance with the unified Commodity Nomenclature for Foreign Economic Activity of the Eurasian Economic Union (TN FEA of the EAEU).

From July 1, 2017, changes in the form of the invoice and the rules for filling it out, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 25, 2017 N 625, which amended Art. 169 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with this resolution, a new detail “Identifier of the state contract, agreement (agreement)” is added to the invoice, which is indicated in a new line (8) of the document header after the Currency line (7), before the tabular part of the document (see sample).

This requirement must also be observed when drawing up invoices for advance payments and adjustment invoices (Clause 1, Article 1, Part 1, 2, Article 2 of Law No. 56-FZ).

"Identifier of government contract, agreement (agreement)" assigns the state customer for the state defense order to each state contract before including information about it in the register of contracts in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on public procurement (Article 6.1 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 275-FZ, Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 475, Treasury of Russia No. 13n dated 08/11/2015). For more information on the structure of the Government Contract Identifier, see here.

If the corresponding identifier is assigned, in line (8) of the invoice you must indicate:

  • identifier of the government contract for the supply of goods (performance of work, provision of services);
  • identifier of the contract (agreement) on the provision of subsidies, budget investments, and contributions to the authorized capital from the federal budget to a legal entity.

The new invoice form is implemented in the following standard 1C configurations:

  • 1C: Enterprise Accounting, edition 3.0 (starting from release
  • 1C: Enterprise Accounting, edition 2.0 (starting from release
  • 1C: Enterprise Accounting KORP, edition 3.0
  • 1C: Integrated automation, edition 2.2
  • 1C: Integrated automation, edition 1.1
  • 1C:ERP Enterprise Management, edition 2.2
  • 1C:Manufacturing Enterprise Management, edition 1.3
  • 1C: Holding Management, edition 1.3 (starting with release
  • 1C: Public Institution Accounting", edition 2.0 (starting with release
  • 1C: Public Institution Accounting", edition 1.0 (starting from release
  • 1C: Managing our company, edition 1.6 (starting with release
  • 1C: Trade Management, edition 11 (starting with release
  • 1C: Trade Management, edition 10.3 (starting from release
  • 1C: Payment documents 8 (starting from release
  • 1C: Accounting 7.7 Prof. Typical configuration (starting from release 7.70.636)
  • 1C: Accounting 7.7 Simplified tax system (starting with release 7.70.278)
  • 1C:Entrepreneur 7.7 (starting from release 7.70.280)
  • 1C: Trade and Warehouse 7.7 (starting with release 7.70.990)
  • 1C:Enterprise 7.7. Production+Services+Accounting (starting with release 7.70.381)
  • 1C:Enterprise 7.7 Accounting + Trade + Warehouse + Salary + Personnel, edition 4.5 (starting from release 7.70.565)

A new invoice form that meets the new requirements will be generated automatically in standard 1C configurations if the document date of 07/01/2017 or later is specified. Documents with a date earlier than 07/01/2017 will be printed using the old form.

If only a new invoice form with an empty identifier line is needed without taking into account and displaying the government contract identifiers themselves, then the user is not required to take any additional actions.

If you need to keep track of government contract identifiers and print them, then this feature must be enabled in the program settings. To do this (using the example of a typical configuration of 1C: Enterprise Accounting rev. 3.0 release in the “Main” section, select “Functionality”.

On the "Calculations" tab, set the "Invoice for government contracts" flag, which will allow you to indicate the identifier of the government contract in the invoice.

After this, the government contract identifier fields will appear in the invoice interface.

The ID provided will be displayed on the printed form.

We remind you that you only need to fill in this information if you have been assigned the appropriate identifier. If this detail is not included in the contract (agreement) with the government customer, the government contract identifier is not required to be indicated in the invoice.

How to receive updates

Users of basic versions of 1C:Accounting 8:

Users of PROF version 1C:Accounting 8 can receive updates only if they have a valid information technology support agreement (ITS Agreement).

Cost of the ITS Agreement

  • ITS agreement for 3 months - 9636 rub.
  • ITS agreement for 6 months - 18,600 rubles
  • ITS agreement for 12 months - RUB 35,592.
Discount for continuous renewal

If no more than 1 month has passed since the end of the ITS agreement, then a 16.66% discount is provided on the renewal of the ITS agreement:

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Online Company, 2017

"1C: Accounting", developed by a Russian company,- the most popular program in our country for automating accounting, management and tax accounting. At the moment, one of the latest versions on the market is 1C: Accounting 8.3. The program has a fairly simple intuitive interface, but accountants switching to a new version often have a question: how to create an invoice in 1C, the most important document that the tax office is one of the first to require when checking VAT?

Do we complete the sale quickly and without errors? Easily!

In 1C: Accounting, we create invoices based on the document “Sales of goods and services”, this is where all the data is entered, which then ends up in invoices. It can be done in two ways:

  • Create a new one (section “Purchases and sales”, hyperlink “Sales of goods and services”);
  • Create based on an existing account.

Let's go the second way. We find the section “Purchases and Sales”, hyperlink “Invoices for payment to customers”. In the journal we see a list of invoices issued to counterparties. Select the desired line and on the panel just above the log, click on the “Create based on” button. Then, from the list of proposed documents, select “Sales of goods and services.”

The document form will fill out on its own, but you still need to check it and edit it if necessary. Let's look: in the "Type of operation" field there should be "Sales, commission", the "Number" field will be filled in automatically after recording the document, the "Date" field by default is current, but it is available for editing, the organization is entered automatically, in the "Warehouse" field » we set the warehouse from which the goods being sold are written off. The fields “Counterparty” and “Agreement” are also pulled from the invoice for payment, but if we created a new document for sale, then we need to select them from the corresponding directories. Naturally, before this they need to be properly started there.

The “Advance offset” field allows you to choose from three options:

  • “Do not offset” (offset entries will not be generated);
  • “Automatically” (set by default, 1C: Accounting itself determines the presence of an advance and the need for postings);
  • “According to the document” (for credit, you must directly indicate the document for the advance).

We leave “Automatic”; as a rule, this option is the most convenient.

If the consignee of the goods and the buyer are different organizations, select the consignee in the “Advanced” tab.

The tabular part of the document created on the basis of the invoice is filled in automatically. If we create a new document, we pull the goods sold from the “Nomenclature” directory. Accounting accounts are filled in by themselves; they depend on how the “Item Accounting Accounts” directory is filled out.

If there is no product in the specified warehouse or not enough, you will be able to record the document, but you will not be able to post it.

Now you can print the delivery note (the external printed form is displayed using the “Print” button at the top of the form), post (the “Post” button in the same place) and create an invoice. We can issue invoices to the buyer immediately, or you can wait for the sales invoice with the buyer’s signature to be returned to the accounting department. Invoices can be created:

  • Through the “Purchases and Sales” section, hyperlink “Invoices issued”;
  • Document “Sales of goods and services”, link “Write an invoice”.

After the implementation, check the generated 1C: Accounting transactions (Button “Dt-Kt”):

Let's use the second method. Click the link, the document will be generated automatically with the data filled in based on the implementation document. It can be printed. On the top panel of the form, click the button with the printer, an external printed form will be generated, and the “Post and Close” button to finalize the document. The printed form of the invoice in the program fully complies with Russian legislation.

Be careful. Cancel the entered invoice if the buyer does not accept it, the accounting department only by reversing (current year) or adjusting sales (transactions for past periods).

Shall we provide and arrange the service? No problem!

Registration of an invoice in 1C: Accounting for the sale of services is almost the same as for the sale of goods. There are also several possible design options here:

  • Form “Sales of goods and services” in the “Purchases and Sales” section. When creating a new form, use the button on the toolbar to indicate the type of implementation - services. In the new document we indicate the counterparty, the agreement (if necessary, enter it in the appropriate directories), invoices for payment (if any), and check the name of our organization. In the “Calculations” field there are two links: to set up accounting accounts and to select the VAT accounting procedure. We check and change if necessary. Fill out the table part. We issue invoices;

  • Document “Provision of services” (link of the same name in the section “Purchases and sales”). This form brings together all contractors who are provided with a specific service from the directory (the “Nomenclature” field). We record clients in a tabular section indicating the contract and unit price. for the client - a separate line. Invoices are generated automatically in a special tab also for counterparties. To print them, click the “Print” button, an external printed form is generated.

Hooray! Prepayment!

If our organization has received an advance, we must issue an invoice for the advance.

The advance payment itself is reflected in the document “Receipt to the current account”.

There are two ways to create such invoices:

  • Manual mode. Go to the advance payment document and click the “Create based on” button. We check the invoice form that appears and use the “Post” button. This method is suitable if an organization rarely practices advances as a form of payment;

  • Auto mode. Section “Accounting, taxes, reporting”, link “Invoices for advance payments”. In the processing window “Registration of advance invoices”, indicate the period, organization, and click the “Fill” button. We get a table with all invoices for advance payments; rows can be added or canceled. We check the list and click “Run”. To see the generated documents, go to the link at the bottom of the “Open a list of advance invoices” form.

Are we buying? Let's arrange it!

We issue an incoming invoice from the seller in 1C: Accounting after we enter the document “Receipt of goods and services” from the “Purchases and Sales” section. Any purchases can be made using this form.

  • “Type of transaction” (for example, for the purchase of inventory items – “Purchase, commission”);
  • “Warehouse” (if accounting is carried out by warehouses, as recorded in the settings);
  • “Counterparty” (the seller must be entered in the directory);
  • "Agreement".

It is better to create an agreement directly from a document; if you first add it to the directory, you can make a mistake with the “Type of agreement” parameter, then the document will not find it.

The “Organization” field is filled in by itself. The “Advance offset” field, as in the case of sales, is easiest to leave with the “Automatic” parameter.

Purchased inventory items can be added using the “Add” or “Selection” buttons. Using the latter is easier, since it opens a form for selecting items from the directory. Click “Move to Document” at the top of the screen and you will receive a completed form.

We enter the date and number of the invoice from the seller in the appropriate fields, and do not replace the number or date on our form.

We enter the details of the received invoice under the tabular part, where there are fields for the number and date of the document. Click “Register invoice” and write it into the program. A link to the invoice appears, open it, look at it, check it. The document provides the ability to print an invoice for the supplier (if necessary).

This document is issued by the seller after the buyer actually receives any goods or services from him. In the Russian Federation, an invoice is required only for, it is issued by those sellers who are obliged to pay it.

Based on received invoices, the VAT taxpayer creates a “Purchase Book”, and based on issued invoices, a “Sales Book”.

In 1C 8.3 Accounting 3.0, there are received and issued invoices. They are adjustable, for an advance and for an advance of the principal. Invoices issued are also for sales and the tax agent. Those received, in turn, in addition to those listed above, may be eligible for admission.

All these documents are most often created from sales and receipt documents. In this article we will look at how to create all possible invoices in 1C 8.3 Accounting.

Creating a document for implementation

As an example, let's open any implementation document from the demo database. At the very bottom of the form you will see the “Write an invoice” button.

After clicking on this button, the program will automatically create a fully completed “Invoice” document. You can open it using the hyperlink that appears in place of this button.

You can print an invoice directly from the sales document by clicking the “Print” button.

In the resulting invoice, you can indicate the delivery method: on paper or electronically. The second method is usually applicable in cases where your organization and counterparty are connected to an electronic document management system. In such a situation, sending and receiving documents can be carried out directly in 1C.

How to create a new sales document and an invoice for it, watch the video:

For advance

Before you begin, you need to make some preliminary settings.

Go to setting up taxes and reports. In the “VAT” section, we will need to change the “Procedure for registering advance invoices”.

For our example, we will select from the drop-down list the item “Do not register invoices for advances offset until the end of the tax period.”

In such a situation, invoices will be issued only at the end of the reporting period. Setting this setting will allow us to significantly reduce the number of documents because only those advances will be taken into account for which there was no shipment of goods or the fact of provision of services at the end of the quarter.

In addition to setting this setting for the organization as a whole, you can also specify it for a specific agreement with a counterparty. To do this, open the card of the corresponding agreement and go to the “VAT” section. This is where a similar setting is located.

The process of issuing invoices for advance payments is carried out using the VAT accounting assistant. It is located in the Operations menu.

This processing includes a routine operation for registering advance invoices. The line below allows you to register tax agent invoices. This functionality is only available under contracts with the appropriate feature.

Video on generating advance invoices:

Invoices received

For admission

Let's consider the reflection of received invoices from the document “Receipts (acts, invoices)”. Here everything is even simpler than in creating issued invoices for sales.

At the bottom of the form you just need to enter the number and date of the document received. After that, click “Register”.

After clicking on this button, the program will automatically create a fully completed invoice and insert a link to it into the receipt document.

For advance

This type of invoice can be created upon receipt of DS, both to the company’s bank account and to the cash register. In this case, we create based on cash receipts.

Invoices for the principal's advance are created for those contracts that have this attribute.

Adjustment invoices

These types of invoices can be either for receipt or for sale. They are taken into account accordingly.

We will not consider an example of creating both types of invoices, since the actions in both cases are almost identical.

Let’s open any implementation document from the demo database and create an “Implementation Adjustment” document based on it.

Let's say we agreed with the buyer that he will buy more anniversary cookies and classic mini-croissants. For this we will give him a discount on Tyrolean blueberry pie.

In the newly created implementation adjustment document, each line item has two lines: with the values ​​​​before the change and after. After we have made all the necessary changes, click on the “Write an adjustment invoice” button, which is located in the usual place at the bottom of the form.

The invoice will be created and filled out automatically and will be available via the appropriate hyperlink.

Video on creating an adjustment invoice from a seller:

Verification of documents

To analyze and find documents for which there are no invoices, you can use a special processing in the program called “Express check”. It is located under the “Reports” menu.

The figure below shows an example of displaying errors for a problem of interest to us, as well as recommendations proposed by the program.

Invoice journal

Movements of the document “Invoice”

If you open the postings of any invoice, you can see that no entries are created in the accounting registers. The document is reflected in the information register “Invoice Log”.

Journal of received and issued invoices

This report is located in the Reports menu.

In the header, indicate the period (usually a quarter) and organization. If the program detects any errors, a corresponding message will be displayed.

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