Detailed horoscope for February Aquarius woman. Women - Aquarius

Chercher 06.06.2024
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The coming February, representatives of Aquarius can safely devote time to their favorite pastime, while the latter’s view of some important aspects of life will change significantly. The time is ideal for cultural and creative leisure. Of course, not all Aquarians will like this, but such events will significantly change the current course of life of the representatives of the zodiac.

The horoscope for Aquarius for February indicates that representatives of the star world will have to experience situations that are incomprehensible to them. To avoid getting into trouble, Aquarius is not recommended to trust everyone, and also not to talk about their plans for the very near future. In addition, the stars do not recommend Aquarius to help strangers, especially if the support depends on material wealth. The winter month is conducive to deceptive and deceitful circumstances, and unscrupulous acquaintances can safely take advantage of Aquarius’s decency, and then brazenly betray or deceive him. You can’t take someone else’s responsibility onto your shoulders; it’s important to let your opponents solve the problems that arise on their own. Representatives of the zodiac sign should remember that if they are in a hopeless situation, there will be very few faithful helpers to solve these problems.

You can devote a month to communicating with your family and most beloved people. If representatives of the zodiac are in a quarrel with relatives, then February is a wonderful period for reconciliation. Decent attention must be paid to the children of Aquarius. The latter gradually move away from their parents due to the constant employment of adults.

It is good to devote February to searching for additional material resources, especially since Aquarians are distinguished by their ability to squander and not accumulate money for a rainy day. If representatives of the zodiac do not want to suffer from lack of money, then they should seriously look for a new job or simply try to move to a new position at their previous place of employment. Being active in action will help you achieve a lot. The only surprise that can arise in Aquarius in February is the latter’s reluctance to actively and purposefully move towards solving previously set goals.

Representatives of the star world will have to face some difficulties this winter. They will invent many of the troubles for themselves, but during the month, adversities will also appear that can sharply turn the calm course of Aquarius’ life into a restless direction. If Aquarians feel any “sins” behind them, then the period is well suited to sincerely apologize to someone or sincerely forgive someone. People who are very confused in their personal emotional feelings will have to carefully analyze the current situation and find the surest way out of their problems.

Good luck and great success are foreshadowed by those representatives of the star world who have a clear goal in their present life and persistently move towards its rapid implementation. Activity and hard work will help Aquarius not to lose heart in difficult moments of fate, and cheerful enthusiasm often forces representatives of this sign to turn problems into trivial confusion. Throughout February, Aquarians are advised to set aside time that can be devoted only to relaxation. If the opportunity arises to go on vacation to some city distant from the main place of residence of Aquarius, then on such a trip you need to take either a loved one or true friends. Solitude is undesirable in February for representatives of the star world; the only time they can be in peace and quiet is when they come home tired after a busy day at work.

Representatives of the fairest half of humanity are experiencing rapid spiritual changes. The ladies will be very passionate about their current situation, and if something does not inspire them, they will want to change it all dramatically. For single Aquarius women, a good moment is foreshadowed to find their lover. But it is undesirable to rush in this matter, since the month risks becoming changeable and deceitful.

At work, the desire to fulfill all the main job responsibilities will subside a little. Women now absolutely do not want to indulge in intense work, even for the sake of good material wealth. If there is no desire in your soul, then the Aquarius lady cannot force herself to do anything. It is recommended to devote all the accumulated energy and strength to family values ​​or the search for them.

Horoscope for February 2018 for the Aquarius man

There comes a moment in the soul of an Aquarius man when he once again wishes to return to the days of his stormy youth. Due to these current circumstances, men will be drawn to flirting, as well as frequent romantic dates. Such behavior of the latter will have the most negative impact on the well-being of the family. If the contradictory passion in the soul is not extinguished in a timely manner, then Aquarius risks being left without his family in the near future.

But at work, things go uphill, and representatives of the zodiac do not need to overexert themselves or force themselves to work. Ahead of them is a promotion up the career ladder or a change in professional activity.

Love horoscope for February 2018 for Aquarius

Difficult days are predicted for family representatives of the star constellation in winter. The latter are already quite fed up with family and balanced life, so they want a surge of emotions and changeability of feelings. Office romances are not excluded during this period. The love horoscope for Aquarius for February 2018 strongly recommends that the latter think about their behavior, otherwise such behavior and inconsistency in feelings may worsen by the destruction of the marriage.

For lonely representatives of the star constellation, fate is more prosperous. Throughout the month, they are predicted to make various acquaintances, and among new acquaintances they may meet their life partner. Those Aquarians who are concerned about the state of their material wealth may not rush to start a serious relationship, since a new hobby threatens to turn into a fictitious marriage.

Health horoscope for February 2018 for Aquarius

Bright representatives of the star constellation value their health, so they try to monitor their well-being. But such attention to health is not paid constantly, but only from time to time. February is dangerous with the manifestation of respiratory diseases, and Aquarians run the risk of catching an infectious virus.

The health horoscope for Aquarius advises paying special attention to the general condition of the entire skeletal system. Perhaps representatives of the zodiac need to take a course of fortified products with the addition of the mineral Calcium.

A balanced and proper daily diet will definitely help Aquarius get rid of possible problems with extra pounds.

Financial horoscope for February 2018 for Aquarius

In general, representatives of the zodiac constellation have successful careers in February. If you don’t take risky steps and don’t enter into dangerous transactions, you can not only improve your professional skills, but also get decent material enrichment. Some Aquarians have to make a difficult choice: stay in their current job or accept an offer from an unknown employer.

The financial horoscope for February 2018 for Aquarius indicates that it is impossible to engage in large expenses during this period. The time is especially bad for purchasing real estate, land, and vehicles. It is best to save up your finances now rather than try to spend it all.

In February, Aquarius will have to give up some of their principles. They perceive such changes very nervously, because the principles for this sign are almost unshakable.

Relations with friends during this period will not develop entirely smoothly; there is a high probability that many will no longer be considered friends in the eyes of the proud Aquarius. The beginning of February is especially dangerous in terms of conflicts. During the first two weeks, Aquarians will begin to sort things out with everyone who disagrees with them in some way. Disagreements can arise over the most insignificant issues, but in the end they will lead to great discord. You just need to accept such strangeness in the behavior of this sign and not enter into long and tedious disputes with it, because most often Aquarius has its own truth.

Strangers and business partners, on the contrary, will be fascinated by the gallant and accommodating behavior of this zodiac sign. Such duality quite often characterizes the image of Aquarius. He gets angry and shows his dissatisfaction only towards close people.

In professional matters, stagnation is expected in February, when long-planned affairs and projects will be postponed until an unknown time. This slowdown in business greatly irritates the hot-tempered Aquarius. And he is not satisfied that his colleagues, especially those with whom he works in conjunction, take this very calmly. Aquarius has long planned all the profits from transactions, and such stagnation does not suit him at all. He will try to sort things out with his superiors, but the stars recommend avoiding such initiatives, because it will not lead to anything good.

Many representatives of this sign will discover a new hobby, which, in the absence of their main type of work, they will take up with all the ardor. They will try to involve their loved ones in this matter. For many, it will seem that such a hobby could well become a source of additional income.

Finances will be a stumbling block in February. Aquarius is facing large and important expenses, which will not be possible to postpone, and the period of paying off debts is also coming. You will be tempted to take out a loan, which you shouldn’t do.

In relationships with the opposite sex, you should show gentleness and moderate your demands, especially at the initial stage of the relationship. Such assertiveness can spoil the impression or even upset the union.

Favorable days: 2, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12, 15, 18, 21.

Unfavorable days: 1, 13, 14, 17, 19, 22, 25, 28.

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Inga Polonskaya.

For Aquarius, February 2017 will not seem like the last month of an icy winter, but a period when everything around comes to life. First of all, your passionate feelings will come to life, and then your everyday reality will radically change. You will stop paying attention to the fact that your life is far from perfect, that the people with whom you come into close contact every day have many shortcomings, and that you yourself, whatever one may say, are far from Apollo or Cleopatra. In general, you will evaluate the world around you through the prism of idealism, and this idealism will become a fundamental feature of February 2017 for you.

Have you ever noticed people who communicate with others, work, or go shopping with a childishly naive smile on their faces? They are often mistaken for eccentrics, believing that only an eccentric is capable of smiling without any reason, finding positivity even in the negativity surrounding him. So here it is. In February 2017, you will join the ranks of these eccentrics who are absurdly happy with everything that happens around them! Moreover, you suddenly begin to idealize this world for some personal reasons. What can I say... Aquarius is Aquarius, and your loved ones are probably already accustomed to the oddities in your behavior. By the way, your loved ones will only be glad that at the end of this winter you will suddenly become childishly naive about your harsh realities. They will think so - it’s better for you to smile for no particular reason than to cry bitterly over every slightest problem. In general, your regular partner, and other members of your family, will begin to treat you with parental warmth, trying to prolong your stay in the power of this period of total idealization for as long as possible.

Alas, it is precisely because of this new character trait that lonely Aquarians will suffer! Well, you will not be able to competently separate the wheat from the chaff, and therefore you will not be able to see that your new partner, with whom you will begin a romance completely spontaneously, is far from being as ideal as you thought. As soon as he allows himself another cynical deception, betrayal or other unworthy act, the pink veil will fall from your eyes. You will understand that you need to run away from this love captivity as quickly as possible. But whether you will find the strength to escape is not yet known (it depends only on the characteristics of your character and on how strongly you are attached to your soulmate).

And a little about what awaits your career and finances at the very moment when you look at the world too idealistically. Of course, many of your colleagues will not immediately believe that you, a well-established person, have suddenly ceased to be a professional, ready to fight day and night for the success of your enterprise. Yes Yes exactly! In February, not a trace will remain of your diligence! But you will turn into the best friend for your co-workers, you will sincerely worry about problems in the personal life of your superior management, and you will even take upon yourself to take care of the well-being of one of the relatives of one of your co-workers. In general, you will be doing anything but your immediate official duty, and this will have a disastrous effect on your career! No, you are not in danger of being fired, but you will not receive a bonus for the title of “best employee of this month.”

Aquarians who are busy with business will be much more efficient in business in February 2017. True, you also shouldn’t dream of large-scale success. You will find yourself just two steps away from it, but your February idealism will prevent you from grabbing success with both hands. You will not be able to consider that the person with whom you decide to cooperate has insufficient professionalism. As a result, this partnership, having barely begun, will end up in a dead end, and it’s good if you don’t suffer big losses as a result!

Attention, the Aquarius horoscope for the month of February 2017 has been published in an abbreviated form. In order to have a complete picture of the coming Red Rooster 2017, you should make a personal forecast for 2017 with an individual astrological chart, unique for each person.

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Throughout life, Jupiter is the traditional exaltant of Aquarius, and all the efforts of the star house in February will be aimed at maximizing the vitality of representatives of this zodiac sign. In February, Aquarius will be able to solve all the goals and tasks that life throws at him generously, and finding himself in such a favorable climate, he will be able to do this without attracting additional material and mental resources, and sometimes with little or no difficulty. All the representatives of the sign need now is to be at the right time and in the right place. Just keep your nose to the wind, and everything will be at the highest level!


The financial situation of Aquarius in February 2019 will tend towards stability, but this will not erase a huge number of not entirely pleasant surprises from your life. However, Aquarians are now so full of vital energy and desire for productive work that they will survive the consequences of these minor troubles without much worry.

When achieving a result, Aquarians need to concentrate their forces and clearly limit priority matters from problems of secondary importance, and only after that begin to act in a given direction. The efforts of Aquarius in February will bring to completion all previously started projects, especially if the responsibility for the implementation of these projects was personal at all stages of their implementation.

But even despite the fact that Aquarius is now quite successful in business or in the creative process, the horoscope advises representatives of the sign to take a short break; Jupiter will make sure that this situation continues in your absence.

A break from work and everyday life, spent with friends or loved ones, will be simply beneficial for Aquarius. During these hours, representatives of the sign will be able not only to improve their health and mental balance, but to find out something important about some ambiguities that have long troubled their souls. This could be a frank heart-to-heart conversation with one of your old friends or clarification of some long-standing ambiguous situation between husband and wife.

In February, your buddies or friends may need your help, most likely financial or material, go to the rescue! But in your emotional impulse, do not forget that there are the interests of your own family, which are a priority for you. It is likely that in an effort to help, you may get carried away by the situation and immerse yourself in experiences, and after all these events you will feel empty and disappointed.

But if representatives of the sign themselves need the help of friends, you can safely count on it. Accept support with gratitude. And let your gratitude be voiced out loud more than once. This will help you forever win over the friend who came to your aid, and this friend will do this with great pleasure more than once in the future.

The horoscope categorically does not recommend that Aquarius engage in improving living conditions or repairing large equipment in February 2019. It is better to postpone apartment renovation until a more favorable time, and it is better to entrust the repair of faults in a car or TV to specialized workshops.


In the personal life of Aquarius at the end of winter, everything goes well. The time you spend with your loved ones will be enjoyable and exciting. Married Aquarians will have the opportunity to refresh their feelings and breathe into them a new stream of fresh air, which will be greatly facilitated by the children of Aquarius.

At this time, in the worldview of many Aquarius, there will be a reappraisal of some values; many representatives of the sign will weigh all their achievements in the family field, and there are a lot of them. Aquarians are wonderful guardians of the hearth; the children growing up in their family are superbly brought up and educated. Appreciation of the exciting moments experienced together, both pleasant and not so pleasant, good memories of the past will allow Aquarius family members to appreciate even more what they have at the moment.

Lonely Aquarius in February will have a lucky chance to find their happiness in a love relationship. You just have to make at least minimal effort - be in society more often, change your image, don’t be afraid to diversify your circle of acquaintances and attract the attention of representatives of the opposite sex. This fully applies to Aquarius women. Behind your deliberately emphasized ascetic appearance, it is very difficult for potential lovers to discern your passionate and ardent nature. Be a little bolder and more risky in your choice of clothes and makeup, don’t be shy to stand out from the crowd, express your emotions more boldly.

Aquarius Child

In February, too, everything goes without a hitch for little Aquarius. Now parents of little representatives of this sign should give them more independence and the opportunity to take initiative. And even if it’s just an independent trip to the nearest store, doing simple household chores, or a bus ride, this is exactly what will allow your child to become a little more mature and prepare him for conscious life. Now this will happen quite safely - you can profitably accept the favorable influence of the horoscope on the fate of your little Aquarius!


In February, many representatives of the sign will be enlightened by the idea of ​​​​fighting excess weight. And, even despite the severity of the problem, this initiative should not be implemented, especially in the last ten days of the month. The kilograms lost with great difficulty in February will instantly return to their place, and problems with the stomach and pancreas cannot be avoided!

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For Aquarius, the last month of winter will be the period when spring awakens in the depths of their souls, and the most beautiful feelings in their hearts begin to bloom. After this, changes for the better will occur in your consciousness, as you will begin to pay attention to all the good in people, in yourself and the world around you. So don’t be afraid to wear rose-colored glasses for a while, they will do you good.

Throughout February you will smile and be happy for no reason, laugh for no reason and lift the spirits of those around you. Relatives will not be surprised by such changeability, since they are well aware of this zodiac feature of Aquarius. Your significant other and loved ones will show their care and attention in every possible way, trying to please their adult Aquarius child.

Such naivety will seem very sweet to everyone, but those Aquarians who are now actively searching should not let their guard down. Horoscopes advise you to beware of those possible lovers whose intentions are not entirely sincere. Although your excessive loyalty at this time will not allow you to take your hands in your feet and run away from such pseudo-love.

Family relationships and personal life of Aquarius in February 2017

If you have not been lucky enough to find your soulmate so far, then in 2017 you may feel a little panic. It is she who will chase you after the bird of happiness.

February will bring many new acquaintances for Aquarius, frequent changes of partners, but it will not yet be possible to find a soul mate.

Do not forget that love is not prey. Having played enough of love adventures, your object may no longer be interesting after the conquest. There is a great risk that you will mistake pity for love. Don't despair.

February is not the only month in 2017. And even if true love has not yet awakened, know that everything is ahead of you, you just need to wait for it.

For family Aquarius, the last month of winter will bring completely different experiences.

Despite the fact that the first half of February will go very well, a storm of feelings will break out in the second half.

There is no need to remind you what small, frequent quarrels, or suspicions with jealousy often lead to. All this can destroy your marriage, and to prevent the development of such events, the stars advise giving as much attention, warmth and care to your loved ones as possible.

This will be a great incentive:

  • Take your family to an amusement park;
  • Take a short vacation;
  • Gather the whole family for dinner.

Don’t forget about the smallest members of the family - children, they also want attention and support from you. Find out about their experiences, concerns and concerns. Talk to them, spend time together, and you will learn a lot about your children. They will really need your parental care.

Astrologers suggest that the beginning of the month will be very active for Aquarius entrepreneurs. You will promote your business to success, and the results will not be long in coming. Of course, such success will not happen without your efforts and investments. But in the near future, the amount spent on a business project will return to you with good compensation. In February, you will be able to successfully introduce new, creative ideas and innovations into your own business, and in return you will receive a result that will exceed all your wildest expectations.

February for Aquarius-subordinates will not be as lucky as for Aquarius-entrepreneurs.

Difficulties with the piled-up work are expected. Many signs and work colleagues will want rest or time off, which Aquarius will have to compensate for.

Work done for another person will certainly be paid in full, but such an additional burden will make many people think about changing jobs. Don't rush to change your life so radically. Make all decisions carefully. Remember that you should never give up, even if there are many obstacles.

In February 2017, Aquarians will have an excellent chance to travel due to a business trip. One of these trips will help you find not only new good companions, but also, by changing your usual environment, take a break from work.

Aquarius health in February 2017

February always has a very bad effect on health. And Aquarius is not an exception to the rule, but rather a confirmation of it. During this month, those who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys need to especially monitor their health. Problems with the reproductive organs may also arise.

Monitor your health carefully and beware of factors that contribute to the exacerbation of chronic diseases and the emergence of new ones. Proper nutrition and consuming enough vitamins will help protect yourself from all illnesses.

The stars advise you to dress warmly, have a positive mood and thoughts, and not fall into melancholy.

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