Spelling dir der. Correctly determine the spelling of the vowel in the root? II. Roots with alternation a, i - im, in

Chercher 08.06.2024
Types of doors

Types of doors

Topic: Alternating vowels in the root (Spelling of roots -bir-ber-, -dir---der-, -mir-mer-, -per-pir-, -tir---ter-, -stil---stel- )

Class-5.Russian language 5th grade Panov M.V., Moscow, LLC “Russian Word-Textbook”

Exercise 1. Read the words given below. Underline those words whose meaning you do not know or find difficult to spell.




tear out

I'm burning out



I'm bullying



you remember








sort through






We made our way

tear through




spread out


going to


take away




pulled out

wipe off


I'll pull it up


lock up



I'll choose

to measure

I'll kick you

die off





spread out

let's collect

get yourself together



I'll clean it up


Warm-up :

Orthoepic : It started today, it started quickly, it started outside the window, it started in the sky, it started suddenly; understand the meaning, understand a friend, understand the task, understand the task; freeze with fear, froze in place, froze in an instant, froze, froze.

Derivational :

1. Collect a word-formation chain by arranging the words in the required sequence :

Arson, burn, set fire.

2. Restore the word-formation chain:

calculation ←_________

3. Form a noun, adjective, adverb from a given verb



Die - meaning associated with death

Freeze - meaning associated with the cessation of movement

measure- value is associated with dimension

Repetition : word formation, vocabulary


Task 1. Work in groups. Consider the list of words below. Determine why in the first case the root is writtenAnd- , and in the second – -e- . Write down the conclusion.



frombir A Yu

behinddir A Yu

behindfeast A t

Youshooting gallery A t

atworld A t

racesstyle A t

fromber at

behindder at

behindlane eat

Youter eat

atmeasures eat

racessteles it

RULE (my version). ___________


(Note) Alternation a(i) - im, a(i) - in

In the roots with the indicated alternation they writethem Andin , if followed by the suffix-A ( shake - shake, understand - understand, start - begin, crush - crush ). We writeremind, attentive . Retained in derivative formsthem , even if the suffix does not follow-A , For example:I'll lift, I'll take off, I'll lift, I'll take off .


1. Come up with and write sentences with words :

Not atdira come on, don't comeder eat, abouterased is growing, growingstyle Yes.

2. Read the text.Insert words that make sense. Check yourself on the list c fishing for reference.

1) I should hang a light bulb, that’s all I have… . (B. Okudzhava.) 2) ... your door, let the door be open. (B. Okudzhava.) 3) There will be ... a mansion with a bolt and a lock. (S. Marshak.) 4) ... with thoughts and answer. 5) I’ll lock you up, ... don’t ... - there’s no way you can ... . 6) You ..., ..., ..., my flax. 7) The wind... the grass. 8) ... the decision is deliberate. 9) Hold the kitten tightly, not... with your hands. 10) Are you easy... rules?

Words for reference : we won’t collect, don’t lock, locked, gather, unlock, unlock, unlock, spread, spread, spread out, squashed, accept, unclench, remember.

3. Transform the words according to the indicated condition so that a suffix appears behind the root -A-

I will kindle -___________________________ (verb, unsov.v., present time, 1 l., singular);

I’ll collect - _________________________(verb, non-sov.v., past.v., m.r.);

Zapr- ____________________________ (verb, nsov.v., present.v., 1st person, plural);

Razor-___________________________ (verb, non-sov.v., past.v., f.r.).

4 .Distribute these phrases into groups in accordance with the studied spelling :

Wipe the floor, clean the apartment, lock the door, wipe the dishes, froze in horror, wipe your eyes, put away the dishes, wipe the windows, pick mushrooms, lock the lock.

5. Restore the proverbs using verbs in the correct form (die, disassemble, choose, spread, wipe, lose, fight, bully):

    Brave... once, but a coward every day.

    The death of officials is not... .

    The service soldier is not... .

    If only I knew where to fall, the straws would... .

    Whoever indulges children brings tears...

    You don’t know where you will find, where….

    Not by force... - by skill.

    Don’t... nose high, you’ll trip.


Indulge, -ay, -ay; nesov., kamu-what (colloquial). Same as indulgence. P. to a child in pranks (child's pranks). || noun indulgence, -I, cf. and poachka, -i, f. Don't give the Kamun any favors.

From the dictionary of S.I. Ozhegov

6. Replace the following words with phraseological units. Using a dictionary of phraseological units, explain their meaning :

A) To be conceited, to be self-important_____________________

B) To deal cruelly with someone ______________________



correctly determine the spelling of the vowel in the root?

-And- : ____________________________________________

-e- : ___________________________________________

1) Gather for a holiday; 2) reconcile friends; 3) freeze in surprise; 4) I will pick berries; 5) tear through the grass; 6) pulled out a bad tooth; 7) wipe the tables; 8) grind carrots; 9) unlock the door; 10) lock; 11) cover the road with flowers 12) make the bed.

Can: _______________


I can not: ____________


I doubt: ________





    Restore sentences:

    In verbs with rootswritten –I-__________________________________________. Example: ________________________________________________.

    In verbs with rootsbir-ber-, -dir---der-, -mir-mer-, -per-pir-, -tyr---ter-, -steel---steel- at the rootwritten -E-.

For example: _____________________________________________.

I know: _______________



Don't know: ____________


I doubt: ________




Correctly write verbs with alternating vowels –E-I-

in the roots?

    Insert the missing letters. Write down the word numbers from

-And-: ______________________________________________

- e-: _____________________________________________

1. They support the sky. 2. The carpet was laid out. 3. I’m cleaning the room. 4.Sob..ru harvest. 5. Continue through the bushes. 6. Lay down straw. 7. Lock it with a key. 8. Clean up the stain. 9. Fight with a classmate. 10. Support the door. 11. Above...ru flax. 12. Pull it out by the roots. 13. Wipe your knees. 14. Wipes the floors. 15. Erase from the board. 16. Measure the volume. 17. Shut up in fear.

I can: _______________


I do not know how: ____________


I doubt: ________




the baby was angry, impatiently fingered his paws and, untangling himself from the blades of grass, stubbornly climbed onto the wing; finally, the gosling climbed onto his father’s back and froze; he had never climbed so high; an amazing world full of sparkling grass and sun opened up in front of him.

E. Nosov “White Goose”



The letter I is written if there is a suffix -A- after the root. If there is no suffix -A-, then E is written.





- BIR-+-A-

-DIR- +-A-

-MIR-+ -A-

-TYR- + -A-

-PIR- + -A-

-STEEL-+ -A-































Read the spelling rules-AND- And -E- V roots with alternation . note to the suffix -A-. Review the table. Enter the rule paragraph and examples for it in the appropriate column.

Exercise 1. Read the text. Give it a title. Write down words with vowels in the root, indicate the conditions for choice.


A long strip of bluish smoke spreads across the garden. On holidays there is a whole fair near the hut. There is a crowd of lively girls in sundresses, “lords” in their savage costumes, a young elder woman with a wide, sleepy face. On her head, her braids are placed on the sides of the crown and covered with several scarves. Boys in white shirts and short pants are also suitable. They walk in twos and threes, shuffling their bare feet.

(According to I. Bunin)

Task 2. Choose the task you like and complete it

    1) Read the sentences expressively. Who do you think is the author of these lines?

    Write down the words with missing letters. Explain graphically their choice.

    Everyone knows that wolves are greedy:

Wolf, eating, never

No bonessorts it out .

    Come on, buddy,get lost ,

Yeswatch out : forward

you are not for mepop...give me .

    How long does it take to be like this?f...struggling little voice?

And pure, and gentle, and tall!...

(I. Krylov)

2) Read the sentences expressively. Guess the riddles .

    Write down the words with missing letters. Indicate the root in words with an alternating unstressed vowel.

    1. Walks on water with wingsis struggling , washes with water.(Boat, ship)

    2.In springcolor...tu , in summer I give fruit, in autumn I do not wither, in winter I do notmind...heaven . (Fur tree, pine tree)

    3. Peas scattered on a thousand roads, no one took themcollects : neither the king, nor the queen, nor the red maiden.(hail) .

In case of difficulty:

1. A boat with oars resembles a bird: an elongated body, the oars rise and fall like wings. He washes himself with water - the waves splash into the bow of the boat.

Task 3. Your mother asked you to teach your younger brother (sister) table manners. Using verbs with alternating E//I in the root, create a memo with tips.

A set of verbs with alternating roots:

collect (gather), put away (will remove), wipe (wipe), spread (spread), lift (tear), rub (grind).

Before completing the task, read the information about the rules for drawing up a memo:

1) Use short, simple sentences;
2) Verbs must be in the 2nd person singular form. hours and convey advice, request.

For example: 1. After washing your hands before eating, wipe it off them carefully.

DICTION (original)

The baby got angry, impatiently moved his paws and, untangling himself from the blades of grass, stubbornly climbed onto the wing. Finally, the gosling climbed onto his father's back and froze. He had never climbed this high. A wonderful world opened before him, full of sparkling grass and sun.

E. Nosov “White Goose”

Sample answers to task 3 (home page)

1. After washing your hands before eating, dry them thoroughly.

2. Place a napkin on your lap.

3. Don't lift your legs or dangle them.

4. Keep your elbows off the table.

5. Wipe your mouth not with your sleeve, but with a napkin.

6. Don’t wipe your hands on the tablecloth, use a napkin.

7. After eating, put away your dishes.

8. Take the time to collect crumbs and other garbage.

Turn up one's nose

turn up one's noseturn up/turn up one's nose Razg. Disapproved To be conceited, to put on airs. With noun with value faces: classmate, athlete... lifts his nose; turn up one's nose in front of whom? in front of comrades, in front of classmates...; there is no need, there is no need to... turn up your nose.

He took first place at the Olympics and turned his nose up.

He, brother, apparently is a great guy and doesn’t turn his nose up at all. (A. Pleshcheev.)

Foma Fomich... somehow became even more stupid when he was successful and lifted his nose higher and higher. (F. Dostoevsky.)

He managed to gain universal respect in the city by not turning up his nose and not being proud. (M. Saltykov-Shchedrin.)

Wipe out

wipe off the face of the earth Usually owls. More often inf. or bud. vr. 1. To brutally deal with someone, to destroy someone.Wipe out whom? enemy, adversary, him, everyone...

He could not understand anything and knew only one thing - that for some unknown reason everyone wanted to destroy him, crush him, wipe him off the face of the earth. (G. Uspensky.)

I will persecute you like the man who lost three hundred thousand dollars on you... Or, to put it more accurately, I will simply wipe you off the face of the earth. (K. Simonov.)

2. Completely destroy, destroy something to the ground.Wipe out What? village, city, fortress, factory...

William Ziff in his book “Two Worlds” gives figures of industrial enterprises, cities and villages destroyed during the war in our country, wiped off the face of the earth... (M. Sholokhov.)

Educational phraseological dictionary. - M.: AST E. A. Bystrova, A. P. Okuneva, N. M. Shansky 1997

Lesson objectives:

  • to facilitate the discovery by students during the lesson of a special spelling rule for the roots stele - / stil -; transfer the acquired knowledge to the spelling of the roots ber-/ bir-, per-/ pir-, ter-/ tyr;
  • continue to develop in students the ability to set goals, plan and organize their activities over time according to the chosen topic; continue to promote the development of phonemic hearing, attention, logic;
  • contribute to the education of hard work, accuracy, mutual assistance, and a culture of speech.

During the classes

1.Success situation

Is it class now? Let's get down to business. Today is January 31st - the last day of January. Damp. Wet. And we really wanted it to be like this: winter, cold, we feel good. Snow sweeps and covers the ground with a fluffy carpet.

(I open the board with the written text.)

Z_ma. Cold_d. We feel bad. The snow is blowing and covering the ground with a fluffy blanket.

What will you do?

(Children's answers.)

Right. Let's insert the missing letters and highlight the part of the word where the spelling is located. Do you understand the task?

Execution and verification of the task. Children explain spelling.

2. Gap situation

What is the root in the word “covers”? How did you check this word? (Spreads, creeps)

I chose other words: “flooring”, “bedding”. Can they be used to test the word “covers”?

(Students say that they do not know the meaning of these words.)

Let's find out the meaning of these words.

Working with an explanatory dictionary.

(FLOORING is a surface made of boards or other material placed on top of something. LITTERING is what is laid.)

Are these words the same root?

(Children's answers)

Is it possible to check our word “covers” with these words? (Can)

It turns out that the word “covers” can be checked with the words “lays” and “flooring”?

3. Setting a learning task

Which of the same root words will you use? Can you answer? What will you do?

(I listen to the opinions of children who come to the conclusion that this word cannot be verified by a strong position and a special rule needs to be derived.)

4. Solving a learning problem

Let's do some research. I offer you language material.

Given two columns of words written on the board.

Where will you start? What will help you? (Dictionary)

Work in pairs with a dictionary.

What did you notice? (The first column contains words with the root stel -, and the second - with the root stil-.)

What do you think this depends on? Brainstorm in groups.

Work in groups.

(I listen to the children's reasoning)

Conclusion of the rule: if there is an A behind the root, there will always be an I in the root.

5. Simulation

Record your conclusion on the model. What should you show on your models?

(I listen to the students’ explanations.)

Presentation of models on the board.

6. Physical education minute

7. Additions to the rule

Work in pairs

Have you forgotten what conclusion we came to?

(Repeat the rule)

The writing of other roots also follows this rule. You must find these roots yourself in the sentences written on the cards.

The children are picking berries and will pick a lot of them today.
You can lean on a stick, or you can lean on your hand.
Don't forget to wipe your shoes and rub them constantly.

(Analysis of language material in pairs.)

What roots have you found that obey this rule?

(We listen to the answers and complete the table.)


9. Homework

Make sentences using the given words.

10. Reflection

Our lesson has come to an end. Summarize your work by completing one of the sentences.

In class I learned...
During the lesson I realized...
During the lesson I was interested...
It was difficult for me in class...

It is impossible to remember all the rules of the great Russian language, just as it will be difficult to learn all the grammatical rules of any other language, although, of course, one cannot write off gifted people who have a particularly developed sense of literacy - absolute grammatical sensitivity and do not make mistakes in words that do not allow punctuation shortcomings. From this article you will learn the law of alternating vowels in the roots of words, which is so useful for every Russian-speaking person, and get acquainted with the group of roots -ber-/-bir-. This rule includes a dozen other roots, but this grammatical rule also applies to them, so it will not be difficult for you to remember the entire group.

Alternation of vowels in the root of a word

To begin with, it will be useful for each of us to understand what the root of a word is? A root is a morpheme - a part of a word that combines words with the same root into one group. That is, if you change a word, inflect it, add prefixes, suffixes, then the root will not change and will have the same spelling in all words of the same type. For example, the word “genus” - this entire word is a root, and if you try to select words with the same root, you will get a whole group of words with similar meanings: childbirth, native, relatives, ancestral, kinship, parents, relatives, nature, embryo- all words have one root - “genus”. However, roots in words with the same root are not always written the same way; in some of them you will find alternating consonants, for example: hand(root -ruk-) and the same root word manual (root -ruk-). Alternation of vowels is also found in the Russian language, for example, the root -ber-/-bir-, already known to you. The rule for alternating vowels in these roots is not at all complicated, you will see this in the examples.

The rule of alternation in the roots -ber-/-bir-

9+1 roots obey one rule:

It can be noted that all these nine vowels are “i” and “e”, but, in addition to the roots -ber-/-bir-, the rule includes one more root, the tenth with alternating vowels “o” and “a” - -kos -/-kas-.

-Ber-/-Bir-: rule, examples

To determine which letter should appear in these roots, you need to pay attention to the suffix. If after the root there is a suffix “a”, then you need to write the letter “i” in the root, for the root -kos-/-kas - the letter “a”, if there is no suffix “a”, you need to write the letter “e” or “ in the root o" (for the root -kos-/-kas-). Examples:

touch - touch

The table shows the root -bir-/-ber. The rule that explains the spelling in this root and in a group of similar roots is not so difficult to learn. It is enough to remember the combination -ber-/-bir-, and the rest of the roots will change according to the pattern. However, -ber-/-bir- is a rule that has its exceptions. The words “marriage”, “phrase”, “combination” and “couple” are always written with the letter “E”. It is much easier to remember the exception to the rule if you link several of these words into a short story. For example: “The phrase “combination of a couple” will tell you about their marriage.”

Based on the rules of the Russian language known that the roots are ber - bir, with alternating vowels e, and are written as follows. If a word with such an alternation of vowels contains the suffix “a”, then the letter “i” should be written at the root. If there is no suffix, you need to write “e”.

Examples of words are to collect, will collect, remove, will remove, will choose.

The roots -bir- and -ber- are roots in which vowel alternation occurs. The spelling of a vowel fundamentally depends on the presence/absence of the subsequent suffix A.

Examples of words: I’ll select, I’ll collect, I’ll tidy up, I’ll pick up, I’ll sort through, but I’ll select, I’ll sort through, I’ll tidy up, I’ll pick up, etc.

The roots -ber- and -bir- are roots with an alternating vowel. It is impossible to check the vowel in such roots by selecting words with the same root with an emphasis on a given letter. Here you can only act according to the rule.

Rule: when spelling the roots -ber- and -bir-, you need to look to see if there is a suffix “a” after the root. If there is a suffix “A” after the root, then the letter “I” is written in the root. If there is no suffix “a”, then the root is written -ber-.

And now examples of words with the roots -ber- and -bir-: tidy up, pick up, select, choose, pick up, pick up, pick up, under pick up, pick up, clean up, take, taker, clean up, pick up, pick up, pick up, pick up, pick up. **

The roots -ber- and -bir- belong to second grade tasks. Accordingly, the words in the examples are also needed for the age of second grade children.


All words with the root -ber- or -bir- have a semantic load from one word take; when prefixes are added and endings are changed, the word changes, but not in meaning, but in its declension relative to the plural or singular.

It is not always possible to check the unstressed vowel at the root of a word with stress. This is impossible when there is alternation in the roots of words, as, for example, in the words with root ber-/bir-.

If the root is followed by the suffix -a-, then the letter -i- is written in it, that is, the root takes the form - bir-. In other cases, the root ber- is written in words with the same root.

Examples of words with the root bir-:

voter, electoral, elect, get elected, electability, selectivity, electoral, go through, go through, choose, choosing, select, be selected, pick mushrooms, go on a hike, collective image, gathering, gathering, collector, gatherer, put things away, take with you , getting into the pantry, cleaning the house, tidying up the kitchen, begging.

Examples of words with the root ber-:


Words with root ber bir

Hello, dear site experts!
Your team always helps me understand the intricacies of the Russian language. Help me figure out in which words the root BIR can be observed, and where is BER?

Hello, dear reader of our site!
We will be glad provide We will help you in solving all your questions. Are you concerned about a question? connected with the fact that in which widows we can see the spirit of BIR, and where is BER? And is there a difference in the spelling or not? Explain the spelling on visual examples.
Our team will be happy to help you resolve any questions you may have. To begin, you will need to pick up orthographic or an explanatory dictionary.
First, you need to remember the fact that the roots -ber- and -bir- are roots with an alternating vowel. Vowel in such roots it is impossible to check by selecting words with the same root with an emphasis on a given letter.
In this exactly In this case, it is necessary to act only strictly according to the rules. Consider the following rule:
" At spelling For the roots -ber- and -bir-, you need to look to see if there is a suffix “a” after the root. If there is a suffix “A” after the root, then the letter “I” is written in the root. If suffix“a” is not present, then the root is written - ber- ". Now, to reinforce this, it’s worth considering a few illustrative examples.
Tidy up - root: BIR.
Take away - root: BIR.
Choose - root: BIR.
I'll remove the root: BER.
I'll tidy up - root: BER.
Gets - root: BER.
I hope you learned today's lesson and did certain conclusions, namely how to correctly parse and determine the correct spelling of words, as well as determine in which cases we write the root BIR, and in which BER. It costs remember and put it into practice! I believe you have understood the topic, and our team was able to answer all your questions!
We wish you success and good luck!

I'm everything I'll clean it up and only after that I can go to the cinema with my friend.

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Spelling alternating vowels in the root of a word

Alternating a and o

1. At the root gar- - gor- under stress it is written a, without stress - o; zag A r, y A r – tan e ly, eel e t.

Exceptions: V y garki, And tan, etc. And gar (special and dialect words).

2. In the root zar- – zor- under the stress a vowel is written in accordance with the pronunciation, without stress – a: z a revo, z O ryka – zarn And tsa, ozar I t.

Exception: zorev A t.

3. At the root kas- - kos(n) - it is written o, if followed by a consonant n, in other cases - a: touch, tangent - touch, touch.

4. In the root clan- - clone - a vowel is written under stress in accordance with pronunciation, without stress - o: kl A bow, bow O n – bow And bow, bow e tion.

5. In the unstressed root lag- – lie- a is written before g, before w – o: preposition A yes, add A adjective - prepositional And yeah, cover e tion.

Exception: P O log (semantically no longer associated with the root lag- – false-).

6. The root poppy is contained in verbs that mean “immerse in liquid”: dip a cracker in tea, dip a pen in ink. The root mok- is contained in verbs meaning “to let liquid through”: get wet in the rain, get wet y be written. The rule applies to derivative words: dipping, blotting paper, raincoat.

7. At the root, a vowel sound can be stressed or unstressed: pl A swim, swim y honor, float O j. The root pilaf is contained in the words swimmer and swimmer; the root is floating - in the word quicksand.

8. The root equal is found in words with the meaning “equal, identical, on a par”: equation, compare, equal (become equal). The root is even- – in words with the meaning “even, straight, smooth”; equalize, peer, equalize, level. Wed: trim (make equal) - trim (make even); leveled (made equal) – leveled (made equal).

9. In the root grow- - it is written a before the subsequent combination st (also before sh), in other cases it is written about: grow, growth - grown, thicket, shoot.

Exceptions: industry (although there is no cm); sprout, outgrowth, moneylender, Rostov, etc. (although there is cm).

10. In the unstressed root skak- - skoch- before k is written a, before h - o: podskak A t - jump And t.

Exceptions: jump o k, jump y .

11. In the root tvar- - tvor- a vowel is written under stress in accordance with pronunciation, without stress - o: tver, tv O creativity - creativity And yeah, creative e c.

Exception: y creature (semantically no longer associated with the root creature- – creation-). In the roots of some verbs, when forming aspect pairs, there is an alternation of both unstressed and stressed o: persuasion And t-ugh A rip, waste O nut – zatr A earn money O to earn money A poke.

Alternating e and i

12. In the roots ber- – bir-, der- – dir-, mer- – mir-, per- – pir-, ter- – tyr-, shine- – blist-, zheg- – zhig-, stel- – stil -, even- – chit- is written and, if followed by the suffix -a-: collect, lift, freeze, lock, erase, shine, burn, subtract, spread; otherwise it is written e: take, tear, die, lock, erase, shine, burnt, deduct, spread.

Exceptions: combine, combination.

Alternation of a(i) and im, a(i) and in

13. In roots with alternation a(ya) - im, a(ya) - in are written by them and in, if followed by the suffix -a-: compress - compress, understand - understand, begin - begin. Compare: attentive, conjure, remind, accept, etc. In derivative forms it is preserved by it, even if the suffix -a- is not followed, for example: I will remove, remove, raise, raise, etc.

Roots with alternation. All rules

Alternation depending on the letters in the suffix or root

Rule I. Roots with alternating I//E

If the root is followed by a suffix A, then at the root we write the letter AND, but if the suffix A E.

  • -bir-a // -ber- (with bir at - for bEr eat)
  • -pir-a // -per- (for feast aet - under per yes)
  • -dir-a //-der- (with dir at - der yeah)
  • -tir-a // -ter- (with shooting gallery at - you ter yes)
  • -zhig-a //-zhech- (with JIG at - with zhEch b)
  • -blist-a // -brilliant- ( blIst at - shines yes)
  • -stil-a // -stel- (re STYLE at - for STEL eat)
  • -cheat //-honest- (by cheat at - by hrs you)
  • -world-a //-mer- (for world al - for MEASURE yes)
  • Rule II. Roots with alternating A//O

    • -kas-a //-kos- (kAc get away - KOS nostalgia)
    • -lag-a // -false- (by lAg at - by lie it)
    • Rule III. Roots with alternating A//O

    • -rast-//-rasch- // -rOs- (you grows and you rasch married - you pOs Lee).
    • Exceptions: height ok, from races l, Height islav , height sheepman, Height ov.

      Rule IV. Roots with alternating A//O

    • -skak // -skoch- (sk Akat – Sun Clear ).
    • Stress-dependent alternation

      Rule V. Roots with alternating A//O

      If on the roots - gAr - And – clan - the emphasis falls, then we write the letter in them A ABOUT.

    • -gAr -//- hor- (for gAr - behind mountains at)
    • -clan-//-clone- ( clan to be - by clone happen)
    • Rule VI. Roots with alternating A//O

      If to the root - zar - If the accent does NOT fall, then we write the letter in it A, but if this root is stressed, then we write in it ABOUT.

      Exceptions: star Yankee, star eat.

    • -zOR-//-zar- ( zar I - dawn ka)
    • Alternation depending on the meaning (meaning) of the word

      Rule VII. Roots with alternating A//O

    • -poppy -//- mok- ( m ak melt bread into honeyabout mOK in the rain)

    Rule VIII. Roots with alternating A//O

    If the meaning of the word "identical, similar" then we write A, but if the word means "flat, smooth, straight" then we write ABOUT.

  • -equal -//- equal- ( With equals itcharactersunder exactly make a garden bed).
  • Roots beer ber rule

    Roots with alternation

    If the root ends in TO, then we write the letter A, but if the root ends in H, then the root letter is written ABOUT.

    Thank you for writing all the rules, it helped me a lot. I used to have 3 on this topic, but now I have 5.

    Certificate of registration of mass media El No. FS 77 - 47488 dated November 25, 2011. Issued by the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technologies and Mass Communications.

    If the root is followed by a suffix A, then at the root we write the letter A, but if the suffix A no, then the letter is written at the root ABOUT.

    Founder address: 603111, Nizhny Novgorod, st. Raevsky, 15-45

    If the meaning of the word "immerse in liquid" then we write A, but if the word means "to pass liquid" then we write ABOUT.

    If on the roots - gAr - And – clan - the emphasis falls, then we write the letter in them A, but if these roots are unstressed, then we write in them ABOUT.

    If the root has letters T or SCH, then we write the letter A, but if these letters are not present, then the letter is written in the root ABOUT.

    Editorial address: 603111, Nizhny Novgorod, st. Raevsky, 15-45

    Founder, editor-in-chief: Pashkova Ekaterina Ivanovna

    The same thing with lightning - but what about lightning? The emphasis is on A, but we don’t write O

    Example of words with the root BIR: Recruit-Collect-Voter-Disassemble-Collect.

    I’ll pick berries, I’ll gather my strength, I’ll collect the dishes from the table, I’ll take away a toy, I’ll choose a deputy, I’ll take it with me, I’ll elect a chairman, I’ll sort out the potatoes, I’ll clean up the yard, I’ll tidy up the room.

    Examples of words are to collect, will collect, remove, will remove, will choose.

    I pick up the sled, clean the room, collect papers in the classroom, choose the root of the word, take the bag from the dog, take care of nature.

    The roots -ber- and -bir- are roots with an alternating vowel. It is impossible to check the vowel in such roots by selecting words with the same root with an emphasis on a given letter. Here you can only act according to the rule.

    Examples of words with the root -ber-, -bir-? Describe the principle of selecting words with the same root for this root.

    Examples of words with the root -ber, bir

    To explain the principle of selecting words with the indicated roots, it should be clarified that in fact, this root takes not only the form BIR-BER, but also BOR and BR. After all, this is the historical root of the verb Take, which turns out to be the ancestor of a huge number of related words.

    In the unstressed root -lag- - -lozh- a is written before g, before w - o: to offer, adjective - to offer, taxation. Exception: canopy.

    Tell us the rule for spelling alternating vowels in the root

    In the root, -rast- - -ros- is written a before the subsequent combination st (also before w), in other cases it is written about: grow, growth - grown, thicket, shoot. Exceptions: industry; sprout, sprout, moneylender, Rostov.

    In the root -zar- - zor-, a vowel is written under the stress in accordance with the pronunciation, without stress - a: glow, dawn - lightning, illuminate. Exception: dawn.

    In the unstressed root -skak- - -skoch- before k is written a, before h - o: jump - jump. Exceptions: jump, gallop.

    In the root -tvar- - -tvor- under the stress a vowel is written in accordance with the pronunciation, without stress - o: creature, creativity - to create, creator. Exception: utensils.

    The root -mac- is found in verbs that mean “to immerse in liquid”: dip a cracker in tea, dip a pen in ink. The root -mok- is contained in verbs with the meaning “to let liquid through”: get wet in the rain, get wet what is written. The rule applies to derivative words: dipping, blotting paper, raincoat.

    if the suffix is ​​different, then the root is -e- eg. choose

    The root -equal- is present in words with the meaning “equal, identical, on a par”: equation, compare. The root -rovn- - in words with the meaning “even, straight, smooth”: level, coeval, level, level. Compare: trim (make equal) - trim (make even); leveled (made equal) - leveled (made equal).

    At the root -kas- -kos (n) - it is written o, if followed by a consonant n, in other cases - a: touch, tangent-touch, touch.

    In the roots -ber- - -bir-, -der- - -dir-, -mer- - -world-, -per- - -pir-, -ter- - -tyr-, -brilliant- - -blist-, -zheg- - -zhig-, -steel- - -steel-, -even- - -cheat- is written and, if followed by the suffix -a-: collect, lift up, freeze, lock, erase, shine, burn, subtract, spread out; otherwise it is written e: take, tear, die, lock, erase, shine, burnt, deduct, spread. Exceptions: combine, combination.

    In the root -klan- -clone-, a vowel is written under stress in accordance with the pronunciation, without stress - o: bow, bow - bow, worship.

    At the root -float- the vowel sound can be stressed or unstressed: float, buoyancy, float. The root -plov- is contained in the words swimmer and swimmer, the root -plav- is in the word quicksand.

  • align the edges of the fabric, trim the hem of the dress (make it even);
  • equalize rights (make equal), align with the cart (walk at an equal distance with the cart).
  • Difficulties are caused by the spelling -skak-, -skoch-, in which “ A" used before " To", and the consonant " h" requires writing "O". When applying this rule, it is important to determine which letter ( To or h) stands in the infinitive from which the word in question is derived.

  • Sometimes, instead of a word with alternating vowels, another is written, for example, the adjective “luxurious”, not taking into account that - in this case, the syllable grew, and the root - luxurious - does not have the meaning “to grow”.
  • Often they don’t see the combination “ st", they only notice the consonant “ With", therefore they can write the participle “growing up” with “ O".

    Let's consider cases of spelling words where there is alternation of vowels in the root: gor-gar, clone-clan, tvor-tvar, zor-zar. Without stress in the indicated morphemes it is necessary to write “o”, except for -zar-, in which the unstressed alternating vowel “a” is written. Under the accent, of course, we write the letter that we hear. Exceptions are considered: to ripen, utensils, scorch, dross.

    When different word forms are formed, the sound of a word may change. This phenomenon is usually explained by the historical alternation of consonants and vowels. This feature should be taken into account in the process of identifying main morphemes or selecting test words of the same root.

    Most often, incorrect spellings occur due to the lack of ability to distinguish homonymous roots with the unstressed and alternating vowel being tested. The following are erroneous reasoning:

    What are alternating vowels in the root of a word: rule and examples

    Based on the fact that in the indefinite form “jump” at the root of the word before the consonant “ To" the letter "is written" A", in verbs from the phrases “I’ll ride” on one leg or on a horse, you should choose “ A".

    They often make mistakes when using words in a figurative meaning: water level (flat surface), level of education. It must be remembered that the spelling of vowels remains unchanged.

    Errors in the spelling under consideration are due to the fact that the verification method is determined incorrectly, since alternating vowels are not checked using stress. An example of a typical mistake: in the verb bend over they write the letter “ A", choosing the same root word “bow”.

    1. The path has leveled out. (Became smooth).
    2. Tenth graders were equal in quality of academic performance. (Students became equal in their studies).
    3. The hairdresser trimmed the hair with hot scissors.
    4. The recruits lined up at the command of the platoon leader.

    In other words, if something needs to be made straight, even, we choose the verbs: level. When we are talking about objects that are similar, identical in age, weight, and other characteristics, we write the root -equal-: equation, comparison, alignment with the middle, equivalence, balance.

    There is no alternation in the adjective “mountainous”, as indicated by its semantic meaning. Here the unstressed vowel is checked thanks to the stressed position: hillock, hillock. Nouns: fire victim, spontaneous combustion - are similar in meaning to the verb “burn”, therefore, there is alternation here.

    6.Lag/lozh - At the root of lag - the vowel a is written

    8.Ros/rast/rasch - At the root grew - the vowel o is written

    Tell me the rules of ber ber mer mir kos kas brilliant blist

    Exception: Rostov, industry, rostok, moneylender, Rostislav, teenage

    Mok - meaning "to pass liquid" or "to contain liquid"

    Exceptions: dawn, dawn, utensils, dross (something burnt out), scorch (burning taste)

    Floating - spelled in all other words (to float wood)

    1. In the following roots it is written and, if there is a suffix a

    3.Mak/mok-Mak - written in words meaning “immerse in liquid”

    9. Equal/equal - Equal - written in words with the meaning “equal, identical”

    4. Swim/plov-Plov is written in the words swimmer, swimmer, swimmers and derivatives from them

    7. In the following roots it is written without stress o, under stress a

    5.Skak/skoch - In the root skak - the vowel a is written

    Also, the vowel “a” in the roots -kas-/-kos- depends on the subsequent suffix -a-: touch - touch; tangent - touch.

    Roots with alternation: spelling, examples

    Roots with alternation are the topic that causes the greatest difficulties in learning Russian orthography. Historically, they go back to various sources of replenishment of the Russian language, to the etymology of words. It is no secret that our language is a descendant of Old Church Slavonic; accordingly, the variability is due to the fact that some of the lexical units were transferred from it, and the other part was formed directly in the Old Russian language. That's why confusion occurs.

    “O” is written in an unstressed position in the roots -clone-/-clan-: worship - bow down; bent over, evasion. The accent should use the letter that is clearly audible: slope, slope.

    Second alternation: -equal-/-equal. It is necessary to pay attention to the result of the action. In words that talk about leveling, making the same, you should write -equal-: quadratic equation; compare by height, keep balance. If we mean the process of forming a flat surface, the letter “o” is written at the root: level the hole; level the asphalt; level the beds. There are exceptions to this rule: plain, level, level and all its derivatives, equally.

    First, let's look at the unstressed positions when you should write the letter “o”. First of all, these are the roots -gor-/-gar-: tan – tanned; fumes - burn; to flare up - in full swing. It should be noted that under the accent you should write the letter that is clearly heard. There are exceptions to the rule, these are words soot, scorch, fumes. The etymology of these roots is interesting. Historically words grief And burn- single-rooted. Grief was something that burns and torments from the inside. Here's an adjective hot begins its existence with “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign.”

    3. Alternation -skak-/-skoch-: “a” is used before “k”, before “h” it is necessary to write “o”: jump - upstart; to skip - to skip. There are exceptions to the rule: jump, jump.

    The letter “a” should be written in an unstressed position in two roots. Firstly, -zar-/-zor-: lightning - dawn; dawn - dawn. Exceptions – dawn, dawn.

    The rule is quite simple: in roots with alternating “e - and” you should write “and” if there is a suffix “a” after the root. It is much more difficult to remember these roots, and there are many of them:

    There are four alternating roots, the correct spelling of which depends on the stress.

    2. Alternation -rast-/-rasch-/-ros-: “a” is used before the combination with “t” or “sch”; “o” is written before “s”: grow – grow – grew up; age – fusion – overgrowth. There are quite a few exceptions here: moneylender, Rostok, industry, Rostov, Rostislav.

    Let us analyze the spelling of roots with alternation, taking into account the requirements of the spelling norm.

    Also, the choice of the letter “o” in the unstressed position is observed in the roots -tvar-/-tvor-: the creator is a creature; create, creation. Exception is a word utensil.

    26. And if someone sniffs tobacco, with what courtesy he treats it to him and with what cordiality he offers it to the right and left! (Jean-Baptiste Moliere. Don Juan, or the Stone Guest.)

    45. Here you should have looked at him, how he, with two pistols in his hands, ran up to the carriage! (Friedrich Schiller. The Robbers.)

    Basic truths

    44. Sitting down at the table, I pulled a stack of papers towards me, dipped the pen into the inkwell and wrote in large letters at the top of the sheet: “Caution, the doors are closing! Next station "Dynamo"! (V. Pelevin. Omon Ra.)

    27. Then the close circle of merchant women parted; but when the young man jumped out of it, the old woman screamed after him... (E. T. A. Hoffman. The Golden Pot: A Tale from Modern Times.)

    22. At dawn, two new batteries, set up in the night, on the river occupied by the Prince of Eckmuhl, will open fire on two opposing enemy batteries. (Leo Tolstoy. War and Peace.)

    39. ...I understand perfectly well that this world that we see could not have grown like a mushroom overnight. (Jean-Baptiste Moliere. Don Juan, or the Stone Guest.)

    10. Grabbing her left hand with her right hand, on which there was a ring, she looked around in amazement, looking at the sea and the green dawns; but no one moved, no one hid in the bushes, and in the blue, far-lit sea there was no sign, and a blush covered Assol, and the voices of the heart said a prophetic “yes.” (Alexander Green. Scarlet Sails.)

    43. Her trust in old Lisa is growing stronger every day... (E. T. A. Hoffman. The Golden Pot: a fairy tale from modern times.)

    48. Black kid gloves touched the wiped Cheviot, and the eyes of the one being pushed were completely glassy. (Mikhail Bulgakov. The White Guard.)

    12. Dead, Longren bent down and saw an eight-month-old creature intently looking at his long beard, then he sat down, looked down and began to twirl his mustache. (Alexander Green. Scarlet Sails.)

    34. They shot at him for two hours, but they couldn’t hit him. For two hours he pretended to be dead. (Arkady and Boris Strugatsky. Picnic on the side of the road.)

    3. Ernest slammed the empty mug onto the counter, grabbed a bottle from the refrigerator, uncorked it and placed it over the mug. (Arkady and Boris Strugatsky. Picnic on the side of the road.)

    And now, guys, we will begin to implement the “HOUSEHOLDING” project. We'll go to a housewarming party with roots with alternating vowels.

    roots–ber- (– bir -), -mer – (-mir-), -der- (dir-), -kos- (-kas-)

    teach students to master the method of choosing vowels i-e, o-a when spelling

    So, let's look carefully at the words and try to find a pattern according to which one or another letter is written at the root.

    Spelling of vowels in roots with alternation – kas, kos, ber, bir- (lesson development)


    Dip a cracker in tea, level the road, equation, waterproof raincoat, uniform vibrations, level the beds, comparison, level the rows, dip the pen, blotting paper, level the hair, level the rights, level the ranks, plain, equivalent values.

    Let's, guys, write down the words from the sentence, select the roots and place them in our tower, observing the rules of “settlement”. In the left window we write roots with the letter “a”, i.e. next to it is the suffix A, in the right window we will put the roots with the letter “o”. since there is no suffix A.

    Now let’s check that the task was completed correctly.

    Equipment: computer, projector, presentation

    Assignment: if the root is “a,” we clap our hands, if the root is “o,” we raise our hands.

    Introduce students to the rule of spelling alternating vowels in roots,

    Today we will dream about the topic “My Home”. The oral story must relate to a given topic. Thoughts must be expressed consistently and clearly. Although sentences should be common, they should not be too long.

    Examples of words with the root -ber-, -bir-?

      It is not always possible to check the unstressed vowel at the root of a word with stress. This is impossible when there is alternation in the roots of words, as, for example, in the words with root ber-/bir-.

      If the root is followed by the suffix -a-, then the letter -i- is written in it, that is, the root takes the form - bir-. In other cases, the root ber- is written in words with the same root.

      Examples of words with the root bir-:

      voter, electoral, elect, get elected, electability, selectivity, electoral, go through, go through, choose, choosing, select, be selected, pick mushrooms, go on a hike, collective image, gathering, gathering, collector, gatherer, put things away, take with you , getting into the pantry, cleaning the house, tidying up the kitchen, begging.

      Examples of words with the root ber-:

      I’ll pick berries, I’ll gather my strength, I’ll collect the dishes from the table, I’ll take away a toy, I’ll elect a deputy, I’ll take it with me, I’ll elect a chairman, I’ll sort out the potatoes, I’ll clean up the yard, I’ll tidy up the room.

      To explain the principle of selecting words with the indicated roots, it should be clarified that in fact, this root takes not only the form BIR-BER, but also BOR and BR. After all, this is the historical root of the verb Take, which turns out to be the ancestor of a huge number of related words.

      In the verb Take we see the root BR, in the noun Choice we see the root BOR, and these are not isolated cases, it’s just that the question was not asked about these variants of spelling the root.

      As for the writing of the roots BIR-BER, a simple rule is used here - if after the root the verbal suffix A is preserved or followed, then the vowel I is written in the word, and if this suffix is ​​not used, then the vowel E is written. As a rule, the vowel E comes with personal verb conjugation forms.

      Example of words with the root BIR: Recruit-Collect-Voter-Disassemble-Collect.

      Example of words with the root BER: Beru-Choose-Select-Confusion.

      The roots -ber- and -bir- are roots with an alternating vowel. It is impossible to check the vowel in such roots by selecting words with the same root with an emphasis on a given letter. Here you can only act according to the rule.

      Rule: when spelling the roots -ber- and -bir-, you need to look to see if there is a suffix after the root. If there is a suffix A after the root, then the letter I is written in the root. If there is no suffix a, then the root is written -ber-.

      And now examples of words with the roots -ber- and -bir-: tidy up, pick up, select, choose, pick up, pick up, pick up, under pick up, pick up, clean up, take, taker, remove, pick up, tidy up, choose, dobert, choose. **

      Based on the rules of the Russian language known that the roots are ber-bir, with alternating vowels e, and are written as follows. If a word with such an alternation of vowels contains the suffix a, then the letter i should be written at the root. If there is no suffix, you need to write e.

      Examples of words are to collect, will collect, remove, will remove, will choose.

      The roots -ber- and -bir- belong to second grade tasks. Accordingly, the words in the examples are also needed for the age of second grade children.

      Root -ber-, -bir-


      All words with the root -ber- or -bir- have a semantic load from one word take; when prefixes are added and endings are changed, the word changes, but not in meaning, but in its declension relative to the plural or singular.

      Examples of phrases:

      I pick up the sled, clean the room, collect papers in the classroom, choose the root of the word, take the bag from the dog, take care of nature.

      According to the rules of the Russian language, the root of the word is ber-/bir- a vowel is written And, if there is a letter after the root A, in other cases a vowel is written e.

      Examples: to elect - I will elect, to select - I will select, to tidy - I will tidy, to collect - I will collect, to sort - I will sort, to clean - I will remove, to choose - I will choose, to collect - I will collect.

      There is such a category of words in the Russian language, the roots of which alternate with a vowel. Moreover, it alternates in accordance with the rules. These also include the roots -ber-/-bir-. If the vowel a comes after the root, we write i at the root, in other cases e.

      Examples with the root -bir-: collector, sort through, select, remove, electoral (right), collective (image), tidy up and others.

      Examples with the root -ber-: I will gather (harvest), you will sort through, you will choose.

      But the word beggar is probably an exception.

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