Types of deferred tax assets. Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities. Deferred tax asset = Deductible temporary differences X Income tax rate

Chercher 09.06.2024

Accounting is a complex system in which everything is interconnected, some calculations follow from others, and the whole process is strictly regulated at the state level. It contains a lot of terms and concepts that are not always clear to people without specialized education, but it is necessary to understand them in certain situations. This article examines such a phenomenon as the reflection of deferred tax liabilities in the balance sheet, what kind of phenomenon it is, which requires other nuances of the issue.

Balance sheet

The concept of the balance sheet is necessary in order to proceed to the main issue of the article - deferred tax liabilities in the balance sheet. This is one of the main elements of financial statements, containing information about the property and funds of the organization, as well as its obligations to other counterparties and institutions.

Balance sheet, also known as the first form of accounting. reporting, presented in the form of a table that reflects the property and debts of the organization. Each individual element is reflected in its own cell with an assigned code. The assignment of codes is carried out through a special document called the “Chart of Accounts”. It is officially approved by the Ministry of Finance and is used by all organizations operating in the Russian Federation. The users of the information contained in Form No. 1 are both the organization itself and third-party interested parties, including the tax service, counterparties, banking structures and others.

Assets and liabilities

The balance sheet is divided into two columns: assets and liabilities. Each contains lines with a specific property or its source of formation. How do you know whether deferred tax liabilities on the balance sheet are an asset or a liability?

There are two groups in the balance sheet assets: current and non-current assets, that is, those that are used in production for less than one year or more, respectively. All this - buildings, equipment, intangible materials, materials, long-term and short-term

The liability reflects the sources of formation of funds listed in the asset: capital, reserves, accounts payable.

Deferred tax liabilities on the balance sheet - what is it?

In accounting, there are two concepts that are similar in name, and therefore can mislead an uninformed person. The first is a deferred tax asset (in the abbreviation OTA), the second is a deferred tax liability (in the abbreviation ONO). At the same time, the goals and results of applying these accounting phenomena are opposite. The first phenomenon reduces the amount of taxes that the organization must pay in subsequent reporting periods. In this case, the amount of final profit in the reporting period will be reduced, since the tax payment will be higher.

Deferred tax liabilities on the balance sheet are a phenomenon that causes an increase in net profit in a given reporting period. This happens due to the fact that in the next periods the amount of taxes paid will be greater than in the current one. From this we conclude that deferred tax liabilities on the balance sheet are a liability, since the company uses these funds at a given time as profit, obliging to pay them in the reporting periods that follow this one.

How are phenomena such as IT and SHE formed?

The organization simultaneously maintains several types of accounting, namely accounting, tax and management. The emergence of deferred tax assets and liabilities is associated with temporary differences in the maintenance of these areas of accounting. That is, if in the accounting type of accounting expenses are recognized later than in the tax form, and income earlier, temporary differences appear in the calculations. It turns out that the deferred tax asset is the result of the difference between the amount of tax paid at the moment and calculated with a positive result. The liability, accordingly, is the difference with the negative result. That is, the company must pay additional taxes.

Reasons for temporary differences in calculations

There are several situations in which a time gap occurs in accounting and tax calculations. They can be represented by the following list:

  • Obtaining the opportunity for an organization to defer payment of taxes or installment payments.
  • The company charged penalties to the counterparty, but the money did not arrive on time. The same option is possible with proceeds from the sale.
  • The financial statements indicate a lower amount of expenses than the tax statements.
  • In the bay. accounting and tax use different methods for calculating depreciation, as a result of which a difference in calculations has arisen.

Reflection in Form No. 1

Since liabilities relate to the sources of formation of funds and property of the organization, they are classified as liabilities on the balance sheet. On the balance sheet, deferred tax liabilities are working capital. Accordingly, in the table they are reflected in the right column. This indicator relates to the fourth section - “Long-term liabilities”. This section contains several amounts related to different sources. Each of them is assigned its own individual code, also called a line number. Deferred tax liabilities in the balance sheet are line 515.

Calculation and adjustments

IT is taken into account strictly in the period in which it was identified. In order to calculate the amount of liabilities, it is necessary to multiply the tax rate by the temporary taxable difference.

IT is gradually repaid with a decrease in temporary differences. Information about the amount of the liability is adjusted in the analytical accounts of the corresponding item. If the object for which the obligation arose is removed from circulation, in the future these amounts will not affect income tax. Then they need to be written off. Deferred tax liabilities in the balance sheet are account 77. That is, the entry by which liabilities for retired taxable items are written off will look like this: DT 99 CT 77. Liabilities are written off to the profit and loss account.

Calculation of net profit and current tax

Current income tax is the amount of actual payment paid to the state budget. The tax amount is determined based on the difference between income and expenses, adjustments to this amount, deferred liabilities and assets, as well as permanent tax liabilities (PNO) and assets (PNA). All these components add up to the following calculation formula:

TN = UD(UR) + PNO - PNA + SHE - IT, where:

  • TN - current income tax.
  • UD(UR) - specific income (specific expense).

This formula uses not only deferred, but also permanent tax assets and liabilities. The difference between them is that in the case of constants there are no temporary differences. These amounts are always present in accounting throughout the entire process of the organization’s economic activity.

Net profit is calculated using the formula:

PE = BP + SHE - IT - TN, where:

  • BP - profit recorded in accounting.

Stages of calculation and recording

To reflect all the above-described phenomena and procedures in accounting, certain entries are used based on the approved accounting chart of accounts. At the first stage of generating transactions and making calculations, it is necessary to reflect the following operations:

  • DT 99.02.3 CT 68.04.2 - the posting reflects the product of the turnover on the debit of the account by the tax rate - these are permanent tax obligations.
  • DT 68.04.2 CT 99.02.3 - the product of loan turnover and the tax rate is reflected - these are permanent tax assets.

Permanent tax assets are formed in the balance sheet if profit according to accounting data is higher than according to tax data. And accordingly, on the contrary, if the profit is less, tax obligations are formed.

At the second stage of calculations, losses of the current period are reflected. It is calculated by the difference between the product of the final debit balance by the tax rate in tax accounting and the final debit balance of account 09 of accounting. Based on the above, we form the postings:

  • DT 68.04.2 CT 09 - if the amount is negative.
  • DT 09 CT 68.04.2 - if the amount is positive.

At the third stage of calculations, the amounts of deferred tax liabilities and assets are derived, taking into account temporary differences. To do this, it is necessary to determine the balance of taxable differences as a whole, calculate the balance at the end of the month, which should be reflected in accounts 09 and 77, determine the total amounts for the accounts, and then adjust them according to the calculations.

The procedure for recording income and expenses for accounting and for calculating income tax differs. This leads to the fact that the amount calculated from accounting profit does not coincide with the income tax reflected in the tax return.

To reflect differences in the amount of tax, PBU 18/02 “Accounting for income tax calculations” was introduced, which:

Divides differences in the tax base into permanent (if any income/expense is reflected in accounting and is never accepted when calculating the tax base, or vice versa, is accepted when calculating the tax base and is not subject to reflection in accounting) and temporary (when income/ expenses are reflected in accounting in one reporting period, and accepted for taxation in another reporting period). Permanent differences lead to the emergence of permanent tax liabilities (assets), lead to the emergence of deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities;

Provides for the reflection of income tax in the following order:

Conditional income/income tax expense (equal to the product of accounting profit and the income tax rate) is adjusted by the amount of deferred tax assets, deferred tax liabilities, and permanent tax liabilities (assets). The result is the amount of income tax reported on the tax return.

Definition of the term "deferred tax asset"

Under deferred tax asset refers to that part of deferred income tax that should lead to a reduction in income tax in subsequent reporting periods.

In other words, a deferred tax asset arises if the profit before tax in accounting is less than in tax accounting, and this difference is temporary.

Deferred tax asset = temporary difference * income tax rate.

In accounting, deferred tax assets are reflected in the account of the same name. In the financial statements, deferred tax assets are reflected on line 1180 of the balance sheet and line 2450 of the profit and loss statement.


Company B calculates depreciation in accounting using the reducing balance method and it amounted to 150 thousand rubles, and for calculating income tax - using the linear method, and it amounted to 50 thousand rubles. There are no other differences between accounting and tax accounting. Profit before tax according to accounting data is equal to 300 thousand rubles, according to income tax, accordingly, 400 thousand rubles. Income tax rate = 20%.

The difference between depreciation in accounting and tax accounting was 100 thousand rubles. (= 150 thousand rubles -50 thousand rubles).

This is a temporary difference, because - upon expiration of the useful life of the equipment, it will be fully depreciated both in accounting and tax accounting;

This difference gives rise to a deferred tax asset because the tax base is greater than pre-tax profit in accounting.

The amount of deferred tax asset = 20 thousand rubles. (temporary difference 100 thousand rubles * income tax rate 20%).

If the calculation is correct, the amount of income tax calculated according to the rules of PBU 18/02 will be equal to the amount of tax reflected in the tax return.

Current income tax (PBU 18/02) =
Conditional income tax expense is 60 thousand rubles. (profit before tax according to accounting data 300 thousand rubles * profit tax rate 20%)
Deferred tax asset 20 thousand rubles.
80 thousand rubles.

Current income tax (declaration) =
Tax base 400 thousand rubles.
Profit tax rate 20%
= 80 thousand rubles.

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Deferred tax asset: details for an accountant

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    Tax. The resulting amount is called a “deferred tax asset.” This will be the amount... rub. The accountant formed a deferred tax asset from it: DEBIT 09 CREDIT... 12 months). At the same time, it is necessary to reduce the deferred tax asset: DEBIT 68 subaccount “Calculations for... X 24%) - the deferred tax asset is partially repaid. Credit turnover on account 09... the difference for which a deferred tax asset needs to be created: DEBIT 09 CREDIT... a deferred tax asset was created for this loss, this year the accountant...


Indicator code

To the beginning
of the year



Intangible assets

Fixed assets

Construction in progress

Profitable investments in material assets

Long-term financial investments

Deferred tax assets

Other noncurrent assets


Indicator code

To the beginning
of the year



Loans and credits

Other long-term liabilities

TOTAL for section IV

The income statement in Form No. 2, which is approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 67n, also provides lines for reflecting permanent tax liabilities, deferred tax assets, deferred tax liabilities, and current income tax.


During the reporting period


Deferred tax assets

Deferred tax liabilities

Current income tax

For reference!

The indicator “net profit (loss) of the reporting period” of Form No. 2 according to Letter of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated September 15, 2003 No. 16-00-14/280 is calculated based on the fact that as an income tax expense deducted from the amount of profit up to taxation, there must be the amount of the contingent income tax expense adjusted to the amount of permanent tax liabilities (assets). The letter goes on to say the following:

« The specified amount of income tax expense is formed in the Profit and Loss Statement as a set of amounts reflected under the items “Deferred tax assets”, “Deferred tax liabilities” and “Current income tax”, the disclosure of which in this report is provided for in paragraph 24 of PBU 18 /02. It should be noted that the amount of “Fixed tax liabilities (assets)” is taken into account when determining the income tax expense when determining the net profit (loss) of the reporting period of the organization, since this amount was taken into account when determining the current income tax in accordance with with clause 21 of PBU 18/02.”

As a result of the procedure for accounting for income tax introduced by the Regulations, organizations determine the amount of profit to be distributed among shareholders differently.

When preparing annual financial statements, account 99 “Profits and losses” is closed as follows: with the final entries of December, the amount of accrued conditional income for income tax is written off to the credit of subaccount 99-1 from the debit of subaccount 99-3, and to the debit of subaccount 99-1 from the credit of subaccount 99 -2 the amount of permanent tax liability is written off. The final result of the organization’s activities identified at the end of the year in subaccount 99-1 is subject to credit to account 84 “Retained earnings (uncovered loss)”:

Below is a diagram of the formation of the final financial result:

Account correspondence



90-9 “Profit/loss from sales”

Profit from ordinary activities written off

91-9 “Balance of other income and expenses”

99-1 “Balance sheet profit (loss)”

The result from other income and expenses is written off

Contingent income tax expense accrued

68 -2 “Calculations for income tax”

A permanent tax liability is reflected

99-1 “Balance sheet profit (loss)”

99-2 “Permanent tax liability”

99-1 “Balance sheet profit (loss)”

99-3 “Conditional income (expense) for income tax”

99-1 “Balance sheet profit (loss)”

99-1 “Balance sheet profit (loss)”

Net profit identified at the end of the year was written off

Uncovered losses identified at the end of the year are written off

Thus, the amount of net profit (loss) obtained from the results of economic activities in the reporting period will be determined taking into account the income tax expense calculated from accounting profit and adjusted to the amount of the permanent tax liability. Let us turn to Letter of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated January 25, 2005 No. 03-03-01-04/1/28. The Letter states, in part:

“the indicator “net profit (loss) of the reporting period” for reflection in the profit and loss statement is calculated based on the fact that the amount of the conditional income tax expense, deducted from the amount of profit before tax, should be the amount of the conditional income tax expense, adjusted for the amount of permanent tax liabilities. The specified amount of income tax expense is formed in the income statement as a set of amounts reflected under the items “deferred tax assets”, “deferred tax liabilities” and “current income tax” (clause 24 of PBU 18/02).

Based on the above, “deferred tax liabilities (assets)” are taken into account when calculating net profit, which is the source of dividend payments.”

Example 1.

Let’s assume that in the first quarter, according to accounting data, the organization made a profit of 90,000 rubles. The conditional income tax expense - 21,600 rubles (90,000 x 24%) will be reflected in the accounting records by posting:

The permanent difference is 5,000 rubles, respectively, the permanent tax liability increasing the income tax is 1,200 rubles (5,000 x 24%). This should be reflected in the accounting records by posting:

The deductible temporary difference is 3,000 rubles. The deferred tax asset will be 720 rubles (3,000 x 24%). This amount in a given reporting period will increase the amount of profit tax payable to the budget, but in the next reporting period (following reporting periods) it will reduce the amount of current profit tax:

The taxable temporary difference amounted to 6,000 rubles, and - 1,440 rubles (6,000 x 24%), this amount in this reporting period will reduce the amount of income tax payable to the budget, and in the next reporting period (following reporting periods) will increase the amount current income tax:

To calculate the current income tax, we will use the formula given in paragraph 21 of PBU 18/02. In our example, the current income tax will be 22,080 rubles (21,600 + 1,200 + 720 – 1,440). This amount will be the credit balance of the sub-account “Calculations for income tax”. The calculated amounts will be reflected in the income statement as follows:


During the reporting period

For the same period of the previous year


Profit (loss) before tax

Deferred tax assets

Deferred tax liabilities

Current income tax


Net profit (loss) of the reporting period

For reference!

Permanent tax liabilities (assets)

In order to check whether the current income tax payable to the budget is calculated correctly, we will use the method of adjusting accounting data in order to determine the tax base for income tax.

Profit generated according to accounting rules and reflected in the income statement increases by the amount of permanent differences, deductible temporary differences and decreases by the amount of taxable temporary differences. Taxable profit will be 92,000 rubles, income tax - 22,080 rubles (92,000 x 24%).

The amount of net profit (loss) obtained from the results of business activities in the reporting period will be determined taking into account the income tax expense calculated from accounting profit and adjusted to the amount of the permanent tax liability. Then the amount of profit to be distributed among shareholders will be 67,200 rubles.

End of the example.

Example 2. From the consulting practice of JSC " BKR -Intercom-Audit".


The organization requests clarification on the following issues:

For the period January-June 2004, the company had a balance sheet profit of 177,644 rubles. Also, according to accounting data for this period, the following were determined:

- permanent tax liability in the amount of 17,332 rubles;

- deferred tax asset in the amount of 2,843 rubles;

- deferred tax liability in the amount of 25,587 rubles.

As a result, the following accounting entries were made in June 2004:

When summing up the organization's activities for 9 months, a profit was revealed. This profit, according to accounting and tax records, amounted to 1,800 rubles. First, the organization determined the basis for calculating the contingent income tax expense. The financial result only for the last quarter of the reporting period was taken as a basis. The organization's profit for the third quarter amounted to 3,800 rubles (1,800 + 2,000).

- 480 rubles (2,000 x 24%) - the amount of the deferred tax asset calculated from the loss for the first half of the year is written off.

As a result, the balance on the credit account of the subaccount “Calculations for income tax” amounted to 432 rubles. It is equal to the amount of income tax calculated according to the tax return: 1800 rubles x 24% = 432 rubles.

Let’s assume that the organization for the third quarter was unable to cover the entire amount of the loss received for the first half of the year. When preparing reports for 9 months, a loss of 500 rubles was revealed in accounting and tax accounting. Thus, the loss of the previous period of 2,000 rubles was repaid only partially - by 1,500 rubles (2,000 - 500). For the last (III) quarter of the reporting period, the organization made a profit of 1,500 rubles, despite the fact that a negative financial result was revealed for 9 months. The amount of profit for the third quarter served as the basis for calculating the conditional income tax expense. The deferred tax asset was partially written off based on the amount of the loss repaid.

The following entries were made in the accounting records:

- 360 rubles (1,500 x 24%) - the amount of conditional income tax expense for the third quarter was accrued

- 360 rubles (1,500 x 24%) - part of the deferred tax asset calculated from the loss for the first half of the year is written off.

- 120 rubles (500 x 24%) - accrued the amount of a deferred tax asset, calculated from the amount of tax loss received for the year and carried forward to the future.

As a result of reflecting in accounting a deferred tax asset, calculated from the amount of the deductible temporary difference in the form of a loss carried forward, a zero balance was formed in the account. This corresponds to the data of a “loss-making” income tax return.

However, if the organization received different results according to tax and accounting data, then when accounting for a tax loss, it is necessary to calculate and reflect in accounting the conditional income (expense) based on the financial results of accounting; make an accounting entry to account for a deferred tax asset formed from the amount of tax loss carried forward to the future. Then, if there is a discrepancy between accounting and tax data (as opposed to the case where the amount of tax and accounting loss coincides), one should also take into account the differences that caused this.


At the end of the year, the organization received a tax loss of 1,000 rubles. According to accounting data, a loss of 1,500 rubles was formed. The discrepancy was caused by the fact that excess travel expenses of 300 rubles were not recognized in tax accounting; for tax purposes, material assistance provided to an employee of the organization was not taken into account, 800 rubles; the amount of accrued depreciation on fixed assets according to accounting data was less than the amount of tax depreciation by 600 rubles. Total difference is 500 rubles (300 + 800 - 600).

Fulfilling the requirements of PBU 18/02, the organization reflected income tax calculations in its accounting records with the following entries:

- 72 rubles (300 x 24%) - reflects a permanent tax liability calculated from the amount of excess travel expenses not recognized for tax purposes,

- 144 rubles (600 x 24%) - deferred tax liability is taken into account, calculated from the amount of excess tax depreciation of fixed assets over the amount of their accounting depreciation,

- 240 rubles (1,000 x 24%) - accrued the amount of a deferred tax asset, calculated from the amount of tax loss received for the year and carried forward to the future.

As a result, the amount of debit turnover on the sub-account “Calculations for income tax” amounted to 504 rubles. (360 + 144). The credit turnover on this account is also equal to 504 rubles (72 + 192 + 240). As a result, the subaccount “Calculations for income tax” had a zero balance, which means there were no obligations to the budget for income tax. This result corresponds to a zero amount of income tax reported by the organization in its loss-making income tax return for the year.

Let's look at the procedure for recognizing losses from previous years.

According to the provisions of Article 283 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, an organization that has received a loss at the end of the year has the right to recognize it for tax purposes (that is, pay it off at the expense of profits) over the next 10 years (reduce the tax base of the current period by the loss or part of the loss received in previous years ). The amount of recognized loss should not exceed 30% of the taxable profit of the reporting (tax) period.

Recognition of a loss received in previous years is nothing more than a reduction or complete repayment of the deductible temporary difference that was taken into account in the accounting registers at the time of the formation of this tax loss. According to paragraph 17 of PBU 18/02, as deductible temporary differences decrease (or are completely repaid), deferred tax assets formed from these differences decrease (or are completely repaid). Consequently, at the moment of recognition of a loss from previous years, the deferred tax asset formed from the amount of this loss decreases. Moreover, the deferred asset will decrease in proportion to the share of the recognized loss of previous years.


An organization that received a loss for the year made a profit of 2,400 rubles in the first quarter of the next year. When calculating the taxable base for income tax, it was reduced by the amount of the loss for the previous year. To do this, the amount of recognized loss was calculated: 2,400 rubles x 30% = 720 rubles.

When the loss is repaid, the accounting records reflect a decrease in the amount of the deferred tax asset calculated from the loss of the previous year:

- 720 rubles - reflects partial repayment of the deferred tax asset formed from the amount of the loss for the previous year.

Thus, in the tax accounting of the organization, the tax base was reduced by part of the amount of the loss of previous years, which led to a decrease in tax liabilities to the budget. The accounting also reflected a decrease in the amount of income tax due to the amount of a previously generated tax asset.

Considering the above, consider the order reflecting the loss formed in the accounting records of your organization in accordance with the requirements of PBU 18/02.

According to the accounting data of your organization for 2004, the organization has a balance sheet loss in the amount of 4,636,245 rubles. Also, according to accounting data with cumulative totals for 2004, the following were determined:

permanent tax liability in the amount of 39,898 rubles,

deferred tax asset in the amount of 7,323 rubles,

deferred tax liability in the amount of RUB 41,381.

In accounting, income tax accrual in accordance with the requirements of PBU 18/02 will be carried out as follows:

Account correspondence

Amount, rubles



1 112 699

Accrued UD (conditional income) for income tax (4,636,245 rubles x 24% = 1,112,699 rubles)

PNO accrued (permanent tax liability)

OTA accrued (deferred tax asset)

ONO accrued (deferred tax liability)

1 103 859

OTA was accrued from the amount of tax loss received for 2004 and carried forward to the next year


Unfortunately, your letter does not contain information about the amount of loss your organization received in tax accounting. However, based on the accounting data you provided for 2004, we can say that the amount of loss according to tax accounting data for 2004 is 4,611,913 rubles. Consequently, the amount of the deferred tax asset accrued from the amount of the tax loss will be 1,106,859 rubles:

4,611,913 rubles x 24% = 1,106,859 rubles.

The accounting indicators of Form No. 2 of the “Profit and Loss Statement” for 2004 will be filled out as follows:


During the reporting period

For the same period of the previous year

· conditional expense (conditional income) for income tax;

· permanent and temporary differences that arose in the reporting period and resulted in adjustment of the conditional expense (conditional income) for income tax;

· permanent and temporary differences that arose in previous reporting periods, but resulted in an adjustment to the conditional expense (conditional income) for the income tax of the reporting period;

· the amount of permanent tax liability, deferred tax asset and deferred tax liability;

· reasons for changes in tax rates compared to the previous reporting period;

· the amounts of deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities written off to profit and loss accounts in connection with the disposal of an asset or type of liability.

Clause 19 of PBU 18/02, when preparing financial statements, organizations are given the right to reflect in the balance sheet the balanced (rolled up) amount of a deferred tax asset and a deferred tax liability. If an organization uses this right, it will be able to reflect the amount of deferred income tax only in an asset or only in the liabilities side of the balance sheet. But this will only be possible if there are both deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities, and these amounts take part in the calculation of income taxes.

Based on the conditions of example 32, which was discussed above, the balance sheet according to Form No. 1 shows the balanced amount of deferred income tax as part of deferred tax liabilities in the amount of 720 rubles (1,440 rubles - 720 rubles):


Indicator code

To the beginning
of the year


If the organization does not have overpayments or underpayments of income tax as of the reporting date, then the organization can use the following formula to fill out the balance sheet (subject to the roll-up of the amount and the absence of a deferred tax asset and deferred tax liability in previous reporting periods):

(collapsed amount of deferred tax asset and deferred tax liability) = (amount of income tax according to tax return) – (actually paid income tax) – (amount of accounting profit in Form No. 2 x 24%) – (amount of permanent differences x 24% ).

Please note that reporting is compiled on an accrual basis from the beginning of the year. When preparing annual reports for 2005, the income statement should have reflected the amounts of permanent tax liabilities, deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities remaining at the end of 2005. Starting from January 1, 2006, a new income tax will be calculated, a new one will be drawn up, which will reflect the changed account balance and (balance at the end of 2005, taking into account changes occurring in 2006).

Often, organizations, after approving the annual financial statements for the past year, identify additional income and expenses related to it. During the period when such income and expenses are identified, the organization must recognize and reflect in accounting and reporting the profit (loss) of previous years. In Form No. 2 “Profit and Loss Statement”, the amounts of additional income and expenses are reflected as non-operating income or non-operating expenses.

The reflection in the accounting records of the organization of additional income and expenses identified in the financial statements for the previous reporting year is devoted to the Letter of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated December 10, 2004 No. 07-05-14/328 “On the reflection in the accounting records of the organization of additional income and expenses identified after approval of the financial statements for the previous reporting year.” It states, in particular, the following:

“If, in accordance with Article 54 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, an organization recalculates tax liabilities during the period when an error was committed, then the identified amounts of non-operating income or non-operating expenses will not affect the tax base of the reporting period in which they were detected. Taking this into account, these amounts should be excluded from the calculation of the tax base for income tax for both the reporting and subsequent reporting periods.

In accordance with the Accounting Regulations “Accounting for income tax calculations” PBU 18/02, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated November 19, 2002 No. 114n, the specified amounts of non-operating expenses or non-operating income are considered as permanent differences, which are the source of the formation of constant tax liability (asset).

In the Profit and Loss Statement, the amount of additional payment of income tax due to the detection of errors (distortions) in previous tax (reporting) periods, which does not affect the current income tax of the reporting period, is shown after the current income tax indicator and forms net profit (loss ) reporting period".

Sometimes an organization makes mistakes when calculating income tax amounts. If errors made in previous years are caused by overstatement (understatement) of income or expenses, correction of errors in accounting is made in the month of identification, which entails the recognition of non-operating income or non-operating expenses.

In accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 54 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, if errors are detected in the calculation of the tax base relating to previous tax (reporting) periods, in the current (reporting) tax period, tax liabilities are recalculated in the period of the error. Amounts of recognized non-operating income or expenses as a result of correction of errors are excluded from the calculation of the tax base for income tax for both the current reporting period and subsequent reporting periods. In the Letter of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated August 23, 2004 No. 07-05-14/219 “On the reflection in the financial statements of errors made when calculating income taxes in previous tax periods,” these amounts of non-operating income and expenses are considered as permanent differences, which are a source of formation of a permanent tax liability (asset). The letter goes on to say:

“In accordance with the Regulations on accounting and financial reporting in the Russian Federation, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated July 29, 1998 No. 34n, accounting profit (loss) represents the final financial result (profit or loss) identified for the reporting period on the basis accounting of all business transactions of the organization. Based on this, in the profit and loss statement, the amount of additional payment of income tax due to the detection of errors (distortions) in previous tax (reporting) periods, which does not affect the current income tax of the reporting period, should be reflected on a separate line (after the indicator current income tax).

PBU 18/02 applies only to those types of business activities as a result of which the organization becomes a taxpayer of income tax. This provision is not applied by credit, insurance and budget institutions, as well as organizations that have switched to paying a single tax on imputed income, to a simplified taxation system. PBU 18/02 is not applied by organizations and individual entrepreneurs engaged in entrepreneurial activities in the field of gambling, since these persons, according to Chapter 29 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, are payers of the gambling tax. When calculating this tax, deferred tax assets, deferred tax liabilities, and permanent tax liabilities (assets) are not formed.

The Letter of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated August 18, 2004 No. 07-05-14/215 states that for the purpose of disclosing the financial result for the reporting year in the balance sheet, the final financial result minus income tax and other similar mandatory payments (for example , single tax on imputed income, tax on gambling business and others) and sanctions for non-compliance with tax rules. Thus, when disclosing information on the formation of net profit (loss) for the reporting period in the income statement, the amount of tax on the gambling business should be reflected in a separate line after the current income tax indicator.

On the issue of application of PBU 18/02 by non-profit organizations, we turn to Letter of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated January 14, 2004 No. 16-00-14/7 “On the application by non-state pension funds of the accounting provisions “Accounting for income tax calculations” PBU 18/02 ", which discusses the application of this accounting standard by non-state pension funds.

The financial result from the placement of pension reserves in accounting is formed on account 91 “Other income and expenses” with its further assignment to account 99 “Profits and losses” and distribution in accordance with the Federal Law of May 7, 1998 No. 75-FZ “On non-state pension funds." Thus, income and expenses from the placement of pension reserves, as well as income and expenses from the use of property intended for conducting statutory activities, form the financial result of the activities of the non-state pension fund as a whole.

The Letter notes that in accordance with Chapter 25 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, an organization must calculate the current income tax (current tax loss), including on the basis of income (expenses) associated with the placement of pension reserves. The fact that non-state pension funds, along with other non-profit organizations, do not have the right to freely use the profits received does not exempt them from the need to accrue and reflect in accounting income tax on the difference between income and expenses, including those received as a result of placement pension reserves. The Letter goes on to say the following:

“The difference between income from the placement of pension reserves, recognized in accounting, and the amount of income calculated for tax purposes (in the amount of income calculated based on the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and the amount of the placed reserve, taking into account the time of actual placement, subject to the placement of these funds according to pension accounts), in accordance with PBU 18/02 is considered as a constant difference between taxable and accounting profit. Based on this difference, the organization must recognize and disclose a permanent tax asset in its financial statements.

Regulatory documents on accounting do not provide for the mandatory reflection and calculation of temporary and permanent differences for each security.

The great labor intensity in implementing PBU 18/02, in our opinion, is caused by imperfect calculation of the tax base for the tax on profits received from the use of property in which pension reserves are placed.

Taking into account the above, we see no reason for non-state pension funds not to apply PBU 18/02 in terms of activities related to the placement of pension reserve funds.”

You can learn more about the specifics of accounting for income tax calculations and the application of PBU 18/02 in the book of JSC “BKR-Intercom-Audit” “Accounting Regulations “Accounting for Income Tax Calculations” PBU 18/02”.

Taxation and its system accompany any type of activity, regardless of its scope. Distinguishing between types of taxes and being able to properly manage reporting documents is the responsibility of every self-respecting citizen. Among a large amount of information about income tax and its additional components, we have collected in this article information that will allow you to understand even better how taxes are structured and learn how to manage them.

The term deferred tax liabilities and deferred tax assets - both definitions are similar and are quite closely related to each other. “Time difference” is commonly used with these terms; we will now try to explain what each of them means.

Short abbreviation SHE and IT, this is the abbreviation that will be mentioned below.

IT is a type of obligation to pay taxes on profits that will appear in the future, and arises by subtracting the difference in asset valuation. That is, there is a difference in the amount, and this is due to the fact that in accounting it is necessary to calculate different values ​​of the assets themselves, income and expenses. In order to make the difference in consequences clear, it was decided to use IT and assets (IT) in the balance sheet. It is also worth adding that the temporary difference is the amount of time for which the tax payment is postponed.

Deferred tax asset = Deductible temporary differences X Income tax rate

  1. The deferment method (previously used in the USA and Russia).
  2. Method using obligations on the profit and loss account (now used in Russia, Great Britain, Ireland. The USA abandoned this method in the 90s).
  3. Method using balance sheet liabilities (or the balance sheet method, which is used in the USA at the present time).

For a more visual understanding, let us give, for example, two formulas by which the calculation itself occurs:

  • SHE = VVR * income tax rate (VVR - deductible temporary difference);
  • IT = NVR * income tax rate (NVR - taxable temporary difference).

Deferred tax is subject to international standards IAS 12 “Income Tax”. The standard is applied in all countries where the enterprise is called a taxpayer.

Experience of foreign countries

The United States and Western European countries have repeatedly held economic five-year plans, during which the main policy was “the establishment of tax neutrality.” But it has never been possible to unite the interests of the state, the population and stock exchanges together. Because each side has diametrically opposed views on taxation. Agree, taxpayers are interested in minimum payments, the state is interested both in increasing the level of the budget and in creating benefits for citizens, and benefits in no way fit into the “neutral” position. After failed attempts, the US government has quite clearly separated financial reports from tax reports.

In Russian federation

The legislation of the Russian Federation has introduced amendments numerous times, which introduced both significant and non-significant changes. At the same time, I would like to note that until the end of 2002, there was no such thing as deferred tax in Russian accounting. Already in 2003, the deferred payment method came into effect. This model existed for about 9 years, and then was again subject to amendments. This was due to a significant change in interest rates. And the changes led to the income statement liability model.

Over the next 3 years, the law was amended two more times, and the latest came into force in 2011. But the important fact remains that so far none of the international standards have been recognized in the Russian Federation, including IAS 12.


Countries are interested in improving the tax system and are trying to introduce and test various methods in order to achieve a more convenient and fair payment of income taxes for all parties. It is not always possible to preserve the interests of all participants in the economic system. It takes years of experience to bring each point to a competent presentation and delivery of information. Even highly developed countries over many years of history have made a lot of mistakes when introducing new laws.

The income tax replenishes existing state budgets, and its interest rate depends on the level of economic development. Not all countries participating in IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards) agree to recognize the standards and the existence of deferred tax. At the same time, as you have already seen from what you have read, each state creates its own rules for itself and tries to adhere only to them. And enterprises have an obligation to comply with IFRS standards. Absurd, isn't it?

Deferred tax assets- this is due to time differences:

  • the amount of overpayment of income tax in the reporting period, which will be gradually compensated in subsequent periods by reducing the next payments for this tax or
  • the amount of compensation for a previously made overpayment. Temporary differences are understood as income and expenses that form accounting profit (loss) in one reporting period, and the tax base for income tax in another or other reporting periods.

Calculation and analysis of deferred tax assets produced in the FinEkAnalysis program in blocks:

  • Analysis of FCD to identify signs of deliberate bankruptcy,

Accounting for deferred tax assets

Deferred tax assets are accounted for in account 09 of the same name and are reflected in the balance sheet and income statement. Since the objects with which temporary differences are associated appear in accounting at different times (for some objects the deferred tax asset is increasing, for others it is already being repaid), account 09 simultaneously contains both debit and credit entries.

The debit balance of account 09 is reflected in the long-term assets of the balance sheet and shows the amount that should lead to a decrease in the outflow of funds for income tax payable to the budget in the next reporting period or in subsequent reporting periods, i.e. This is a kind of budget debt to the enterprise. The income statement under the item “Deferred tax assets” reflects the difference between debit and credit turnover on account 09 for the reporting period, and it is taken with a plus if it exceeds the debit turnover, and with a minus if the opposite is true.

An entity recognizes deferred tax assets in the reporting period in which deductible temporary differences arise to the extent that it is probable that it will generate taxable profit in subsequent reporting periods.

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More found about deferred tax assets

  1. The procedure for analyzing deferred tax assets, deferred tax liabilities and assessing their impact on the financial condition of the organization
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  2. Valuation of deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities
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  3. Analysis as a stage of audit of income tax calculations
    Reflection in the balance sheet of the balanced amount of a deferred tax asset and a deferred tax liability is possible if the following conditions are simultaneously met: the organization has deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities; deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities are taken into account when calculating income tax. One of the proposed methods
  4. Analysis of the relationship between net profit and net cash flow
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  5. Research of non-current assets of an enterprise for the purpose of financial analysis
    Carrying out research, development and technological work Deferred tax assets 09 Table 2. Formulas for the formation of balance sheet items for the Non-current assets section
  6. Analytical tools for assessing profit management of a regional joint stock company
    Change in deferred tax assets 0.1 0.06 0.15 0.03 0.003 0.03 -0.8 -0.9 17. Other 0 0
  7. Methodology for analyzing the property status of a commercial organization based on balance sheet data
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  8. Methodology for assessing the impact of depreciation policy on the financial position of an organization
    Change in deferred tax assets 3 0 0 48 24.52 10. Change in deferred tax liabilities 3 0
  9. Analysis of the balance sheet of a commercial organization using financial ratios
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  10. Analysis of the financial results of a commercial organization according to the profit and loss report
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  11. Use of explanatory information for financial analysis purposes in accordance with IFRS requirements
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  12. Approaches to the formation and distribution of profit of an economic entity: a modern aspect
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  13. Current income tax
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  14. Methodology for analyzing the financial stability of a commercial organization
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  16. "Crisis" reporting
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