Fifthly, the teacher must also be a strict senior friend. What is the difference between a teacher and a teacher - definition, features of professional activity An ideal university teacher

Floors 16.05.2024

On October 5, Russia celebrates Teacher's Day, one of the most noble professions in the world. What qualities should a teacher have today - read in the NU_online survey right before the holiday.

Valeria Likhanova

teacher of Russian language and literature at Gymnasium No. 1 of the city of Neryungri

A teacher is a calling. A modern teacher must keep up with the times, master information and communication technologies and work to develop his own teaching methods. As we know, existing methods are often not suitable when working with modern children; I think this is due to the transience of time and development in general. I would also like to note that stress resistance is an essential quality!

Maria Sokolnikova

teacher of Russian language and literature at MKOU Kobyakonskaya secondary school of Namsky ulus

Any teacher is not just a specialist, but also a person who can give advice, advise and guide a student, parent or colleague 24/7. With the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard and other standards, he must be able to present material for students with special needs, must use various technologies and methods in his lessons, and structure lessons so that this material can be connected with other disciplines. He must also keep up with modern trends and must be able to find a common language with young people.

Sargylana Machaeva

2nd year master's student at the Pedagogical Institute of ISU

A modern teacher must be inventive in his work - both in methods and in content; humane towards its students; have a sense of humor and have special restraint.

Elizaveta Kutukova

English teacher at the International Center I Speak English

A modern teacher is not just a teacher, but also a friend. He must understand each student and try to help him learn the subject so that it is interesting for everyone. In addition, a modern teacher cannot live without modern technologies - it is important for him to be able to use

Aurelia Mikhailova

English teacher at Berdigestyakh Secondary School

A modern teacher must know his subject very well - this is mandatory. He must also be flexible and loyal - in the modern world, we must take these qualities into account first of all. It seems to me that a modern teacher should also be interesting: be able to attract interest in the subject he teaches; tactful, have a broad outlook, a common language with students and children.

Anna Alekseeva

foreign language teacher at the Yakut City Lyceum

Modern teachers are supermen or prodigies who, despite the difficulties and paperwork and more, devote most of their lives to the younger generation. An interesting, multifaceted, knowledgeable person who, moreover, keeps up with the times, is ready to help and guide his students - this is the image of a teacher. It's always nice to deal with such people. But I hasten to add that you need to be mentally and physically prepared for the awaiting loads.

What should a teacher be like from the students' point of view?

It is no secret that mastering a subject largely depends on the teacher’s ability to correctly present the material. What qualities should a teacher have in order to interest students in the subject being studied? Which teachers can be confidently called ideal?

For most people, their first acquaintance with teachers begins at an early age, namely from the moment they enter kindergarten. Then comes the school, where teachers not only teach children, but also lay the moral foundations of the individual, teach norms of behavior and unspoken laws of life.

Upon entering the institute, each applicant is already a formed individual, with his own opinions and preferences. Naturally, the attitude towards teachers in adolescence changes radically. It is difficult for a student to unquestioningly obey the will of the teacher, especially if the teacher does not show the slightest interest in the student.

It should be noted that university teachers are not just teachers, whose main task is simply to competently present the discipline being studied. University teachers are a kind of mentors, helping students find a place in life, master their favorite business and become a true professional in their chosen profession. It is obvious that in this situation the requirements for teachers are much higher than in primary educational institutions.

From the point of view of students, a university teacher must have a certain set of qualities that will make the learning process as effective as possible. Conventionally, we can distinguish the following qualities that must be met: best teacher, and which should be missing:

Positive traits

Negative qualities

Politeness, respect

Familiarity, familiarity

Communication skills

Closedness, silence



Excellent subject knowledge



Nervousness, rudeness

Ability to admit mistakes


Tolerance, caring, punctuality


In addition to these qualities, there are other aspects that an ideal teacher must meet. It is worth considering in more detail the basic requirements that students have for the image of a good teacher.


Students can forgive the teacher for many negative qualities, but not poor knowledge of the subject being taught. The teacher must be a true professional who never stops developing and improving. Otherwise, the teacher should not expect the respect of the students.

Communication skills.

It is difficult to become interested in a subject if the teacher is closed, silent and reluctant to make contact. The teacher must be able to find a common language with the student. But, it should be noted that when communicating with students, the teacher should not allow familiarity and familiarity, as well as an arrogant attitude. It should be noted that a language teacher must first of all be able to find contact with students, since speaking practice plays a big role in learning the subject.

Subject submission form.

This quality plays a decisive role in the perception of knowledge. Boring, tedious lectures delivered in a monotonous quiet or excessively loud voice cannot be perceived properly. Most likely, the lecture material will be forgotten by students immediately after leaving the classroom. Lectures should not be a dry presentation of facts; the material should be able to interest listeners.

We should not forget about periodic pauses during which students could take a short break from constantly recording the lecture. An English teacher, however, like any other lecturer, must first of all have good diction so that listeners can correctly perceive and write down the material.

Good teachers, like ours, teach not only the subject, but also the correct application of knowledge in everyday life, the ability to analyze and obtain the necessary information. A good teacher always appreciates the initiative and curiosity of students, encourages the ability to think rationally and look for new ways to solve certain problems.

An ideal teacher can not only admit and correct his own mistake, but also analyze all the possible reasons that could lead to an erroneous conclusion. In this way, the teacher can prevent possible future mistakes by students.

In conclusion, it can be noted that the ideal teacher should first of all be of interest to students as a full-fledged, comprehensively developed personality who can become a subject to emulate.

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(The article was prepared based on materials from the teaching portal, author Tolstoba N.D.)

Most students do not dream of continuing their career at university and do not really like to study. Finding contact with such students is a difficult task, but it can be solved. As you know, there is no limit to perfection. Let's listen to what a teacher respected and loved by students should be like. Advice from the students themselves.

What do you need?

  • respect opinion student and communicate respectfully;
  • be able to admit your mistakes and be able to correctly (politely) explain to the student his mistake;
  • maintain interest student to study;
  • speak write clearly and in clear handwriting;
  • submit information in full and on time;
  • at the beginning of the semester explain the total scope of work and do not change your requirements for taking the exam.

What's not allowed?

  • can't go down for minor quibbles to those who are late;
  • you can't be late Lessons take more than 10-15 minutes, especially each lesson;
  • You cannot assign all assignments in a semester for the last lesson;
  • you can't take revenge those who rarely attend lectures, assigning them impossible “special conditions”.

Requirements for students:

  • must be the same for everyone;
  • cannot demand more semester programs;
  • consultations cannot be canceled before the exam.

It is advisable to provide contact email for questions on the discipline being taught, as well as lecture materials and exam questions electronically and via the Internet. It would be nice to be able to take a self-test in the discipline you are studying.

In lectures and practice:

  • be professional in your field;
  • know and report on the latest developments science in your field;
  • compose texts correctly lectures (taking into account the linear coherence of the material), thoughtfully construct structural diagrams;
  • give enough time to take notes lectures (lack of time tires and irritates the student, and it is difficult to prepare for a poorly written lecture);
  • Ideally, the course of lectures should be accessible electronic.

Practical classes should not turn into lectures, but should explain lecture material.

Before the exam:

  • in consultation you need to do the best you can explain what will happen in the tickets, analyze the most complex and a couple of simple examples;
  • consultations should not turn into lectures and/or delivery of work. It should be dialogue, not a monologue.

During an exam or test:

  • the teacher must be less demanding to students who have shown their interest in the subject and proven their knowledge of it even before the test;
  • require understanding of the subject, and not simple cramming.



Personality and abilities of a psychology teacher

The understanding that modern society and all its institutions are in the process of continuous transformation has been around for quite some time. In this regard, we must turn our institutions, including educational ones, into an organism capable of change, make them learning systems. At the same time, practice shows that the solution of problems facing society and its institutions always depends on people, their professional preparedness, abilities, and the higher their professionalism, the better and more reliably the problems of socio-economic development of society are solved.

Professional activity of a person represents historically emerged forms of activity necessary for society, for the performance of which a person must have a sum of knowledge, skills and abilities, have the appropriate abilities and professionally important qualities. Professional activity is of a public nature. There are at least two sides to it: society (as an employer) and a person (as an employee). Society in these relations acts as:

customer of socially significant activities;

organizer of the conditions for such activities;

the source of its material financing;

regulator of legal relations between participants in labor activities;

expert on the quality of professional activities carried out by the employee;

the source of the formation of social attitude towards the profession (its significance, prestige, etc.).

At the same time, it is necessary to take into account changes in the structure of the education system, which generally depended on supply and demand in the field of educational services. Experts associate these changes with such phenomena as:

changes in the ratio of supply and demand in the field of educational services - demand exceeds supply;

the fastest increase in demand for postgraduate education, then for higher education;

increasing supply of correspondence education and distance learning;

The “regionalization” that has occurred is mainly an increase in demand for educational services not at the expense of the central universities of Moscow and St. Petersburg;

decrease in territorial mobility in obtaining education (which is associated with “regionalization”);

opening of branches of “metropolitan” universities in the provinces (associated with a decrease in mobility).

There have been both positive and negative changes in the education system. On the one hand, the market for educational services has increased: there is an opportunity to choose between state and non-state educational institutions, the opportunity to choose training in a prestigious specialty, even if it is not of sufficient quality, and for a fee, even at a newly opened university. At the same time, a new field for applying the professional skills of teachers has emerged. Teachers teaching courses in disciplines, sometimes far from psychology, mastered new specialties when they began teaching psychology. Sometimes this was because the demand for teaching in some majors decreased with decreasing student enrollment and increased in psychology majors that were newly opened or expanded.

On the other hand, during the period of transformation of Russian society, there was a decrease in students’ interest in a scientific career, the reproduction of the scientific elite slowed down, and the teaching staff was aging and migrating. The departure of teachers of humanities subjects, including psychologists, from universities was associated not only with low wages, but also with the demand for psychologists in business.

Teachers who remained in departments or came to higher and secondary schools had to retrain themselves and teach psychological disciplines in a new way, despite the inadequacy of the existing educational literature or its complete absence. It was necessary to change not only the content of the curriculum, the list and composition of courses, but also the very way of thinking. The demands of students increased, especially those who received a second higher education, paid for their own education, and were already seriously faced with the profession of psychologist. Such students were no longer satisfied with learning from hastily translated foreign textbooks; they were in dire need of materials prepared on the basis of a new perspective, capable of assessing what was happening in the social life of society.

It should be noted that today there is still a problem of inconsistency between the demand for high-quality teaching in psychological departments of universities and the objective and subjective capabilities of the average teacher to meet this level and realize their teaching capabilities and abilities.

At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the rapid development of socio-economic relations of modern society, which widely uses the potential of information technology. In this regard, the education system today cannot fail to take into account the needs of society, which needs a special graduate of an educational institution who not only assimilates the required amount of knowledge, but also has developed abilities to solve non-standard problems, and is also adequate to the conditions of a rapidly changing environment and increasing flow of information. The modern labor market is waiting for a specialist who is capable of lifelong learning, mastering new technologies, who is ready to make independent decisions and be responsible for the results of their activities. A university graduate must be scientifically and methodologically prepared in his profession. This means that education must move to modern technologies and teaching methods that actively use modern scientific potential, which will, in turn, require a modernly trained teacher who is able to introduce modern requirements of society into the educational process.

The indicated functions can be performed by state institutions or partially transferred to private individuals. However, even when transferring functions to private individuals, government bodies exercise general supervision over their professional activities (for example, non-state schools and universities undergo state certification and accreditation, labor relations are regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, and their curricula strictly comply with the State Educational Standard (GOS) ).

From the point of view of society, a profession is a system of professional tasks, forms and types of professional activities of people that can ensure the satisfaction of the needs of society in achieving a significant result, product.

At the same time, from the point of view of a particular person, a profession appears to be an activity that is the source of his existence and a means of personal self-realization. To carry out professional activities, a person must have a sum of knowledge, skills and abilities, appropriate abilities, and professionally important personality qualities. The level of development of these components largely determines the pace of a person’s development as a professional and the degree of success of his professional activities.

When characterizing the object of labor, professions are divided into groups in accordance with the most specific grounds: by subject, goals, means, conditions, nature and composition of actions. Considering the subject of labor, professions are also divided into groups depending on the psychophysiological characteristics and the degree of required qualifications.

Any profession can be described in a comprehensive manner in this way, since it finds its place in each classification, receiving characteristics on one basis or another, i.e., a model of professional activity has been compiled.

The profession of a psychologist is multifaceted. Depending on the chosen specialization and the level of professional tasks being solved, its place in the system of professions changes, as do the requirements for a specialist. For example, in the classification of professions according to the goals of professional activity, the profession of a research psychologist is classified as exploratory, a psychodiagnostician is classified as diagnostic, and a psychologist-consultant is classified as transformative. According to working conditions, a theoretical psychologist can be classified as a profession that works in a microclimate close to that of everyday life, and an applied psychologist can be classified as a profession related to work in conditions of increased responsibility for the life and health of people.

In society, the profession of a psychologist is rightly considered one of the most difficult. Not everyone manages to comprehend its secrets and become a professional in the true sense of the word. But a special role is assigned to the teaching psychologist, who must not only master the profession of psychologist, but also be a scientist and methodologist, a teacher, in order to convey this knowledge to future psychologists and form them into true professionals.

The most advanced theories, original innovations, modern systems and technologies, well-written instructions and developments by themselves will not make the pedagogical process effective. The personality of the teacher plays a decisive role in this. It is through it that the impact of world national culture and the potential of the environment on a developing person is largely refracted. A talented, creative, enthusiastic, active personality can only be nurtured by a talented and enthusiastic teacher.

The effectiveness of a teacher’s activities presupposes his knowledge and understanding of how students understand and evaluate him, what requirements are placed on him and to what extent he himself satisfies these requirements. Only under this condition can you make adjustments to your behavior and activities. A number of studies have shown a high level of understanding by students of the personality traits of their teachers. It turned out that students well characterize the communicative traits of teachers, the features of their pedagogical skills, and the ability to connect theoretical concepts with the forms and methods of upcoming practical activities.

Yesterday's schoolchildren have developed certain ideas about “good” and “bad” teachers, about certain methods of pedagogical influence. Their “teaching experience” consists of many years of observations of the activities of various teachers. Moreover, practice and special research show that students, to one degree or another, possess certain stereotypes of teaching activity, sometimes negative, which were formed only under the influence of teachers’ perceptions in the process of joint educational work. These stereotypes help the student, but sometimes become a hindrance in professional pedagogical training. Practical experience shows that students and young teachers, having attended and passed a course on innovative technologies with excellent marks, do not use this methodology in practice, unless they have previously met a teacher who would work with them using this methodology, or they have not used previously themselves, that is, they basically repeat the pattern of activities of the teachers with whom they most often met during their studies.

The problem arises of correcting such stereotypes and forming new, most effective means of organizing the educational process. A large reserve lies in the methodology of organizing students’ work according to the model of their upcoming professional activity, as well as through the drawing of the activities of a teacher of an educational institution, whose personality is constantly perceived and assessed by students.

The position of A.A. is known. Bodalev that in the process of learning about other people and himself, each person develops generalizations that constantly record the connection between the characteristics of an individual’s behavior and his inner world. An individual may not be aware of them, but they also constantly work when he analyzes and evaluates the behavior of another person: standards are constantly enriched with new features, rethought, and become more generalized.

The identification of a person’s inherent characteristics occurs during his engagement in one or another type of activity: as soon as some feature in a person’s appearance acquires a signaling value in relation to the joint activity being perceived, sensitivity to them increases. This provision can be a starting point for understanding the process of students’ perception of teachers.

Research by N.A. Berezovina and G.Kh. Vasiliev showed that students criticize everything: the form of presentation of educational material (the teacher uses a descriptive, reasoning or polemical style), erudition, characterological features, and the actions of the teacher. Already in the first lessons, students perceive and identify in the appearance of their teachers what is relevant to their teaching activity and what ensures their success in it. It turned out that in 37.8% of cases, students perceive a teacher based on external appearance and demeanor. In 34% of cases - according to the first lecture (speech, emotionality, passion, conviction, ability to present material). In 16% of cases - by the nature of the relationship with students (whether he monitors their behavior in class, whether he pays attention to them, whether he is fair in assessing students’ behavior). In 8.5% of cases - by demonstrated erudition (intelligence), by whether he reads lectures using notes or without them. In 3% - according to the opinion conveyed about the teacher by senior students. And in 0.5% of cases - by gender (if a woman: her face, figure, voice; if a man - mobility, age, apparent indifference) [cit. from: 109, p. 164–165].

Moreover, it turned out that academically successful students focus on the didactic abilities of the teacher, while academically weak students value his personal, communicative and organizational traits more.

Working with students, the teacher, when selecting and interpreting educational material, organizing educational influences, involuntarily reveals himself as a subject of activity. Students learn the academic discipline, the content and methodology of pedagogical work, and standards of professional behavior as if through a given teacher; the concepts and ideas they form, and especially the connections and relationships (evaluations) are a subjective model of what is being studied.

A person’s interaction with other people is an indispensable condition for his life; Sometimes this interaction gives the desired result, sometimes it causes difficulties. Most often, the main form of interaction is communication between people. And interpersonal cognition always becomes a necessary element of communication. And what people represent as objects and as subjects of cognition for each other depends to a very large extent on what actions they perform in relation to their communication partners and what decisions they make. In this regard, the high level of social responsibility of the teacher, the uniqueness of the object of influence, which is the developing personality, the originality of situations and the variety of factors influencing them determine serious requirements for the erudition, general culture, creative capabilities, professional ethics of workers in the pedagogical sphere, and, consequently, for system of their professional training.

A distinctive feature of Russian higher education is its focus on professional training, and not on the general development of the individual. At the same time, the focus is on a profession based on knowledge of fundamental sciences, of which only some are studied in high school, and the rest in university. With the help of this systemic fundamentality, the completeness of general education is ensured. In other words, Russian higher education represents not only the professional scientific and methodological training of a young specialist, but also a general ideological and cultural platform for the development of the person himself. Thus, through mastering a profession, through its improvement, a certain socio-economic experience is acquired, which is subsequently used by a person in various life situations, including when mastering other forms and methods of human activity, through the performance of various social roles, if required by changing circumstances. public relations. Apparently, the time has come when it is necessary to put the humanitarian, general cultural training of the individual and stimulate the formation of his creative abilities as the basis for the preparation of the future teacher. This will require changes in the curriculum and forms of work, the deployment of creative workshops of scientists, psychologists, and innovative teachers.

Moreover, pedagogical creativity presupposes the presence of a complex of general creative qualities that characterize any creative person, regardless of the type of his activity: erudition, a sense of the new, the ability to analyze and introspection, flexibility and breadth of thinking, activity, strong-willed qualities of character, developed imagination, the ability to predict and etc.

Specific pedagogical abilities and personality qualities require pedagogical observation, distribution of attention, the ability to transfer accumulated knowledge to others, the ability to understand and accept the student, pedagogical empathy, the ability to design the development of a teenager’s personality, pedagogical tact, etc.

In the personality of a teacher, general and specific features are inextricably fused. Moreover, the entire set of traits that characterize a creative personality can be conditionally reduced to four integral characteristics: orientation, erudition, abilities and skills, and character traits.

Let's briefly consider these characteristics: the orientation, focus, of the teacher on the development of the personality of another person, apparently, will always act as a certain factor.

It is important to note that any activity, including the activity of a psychology teacher, is determined by its purpose. In this case, this goal represents a very definite idea of ​​the possible result of the activity being performed, and for the teacher a whole series of problems and tasks arise that must be solved in order to obtain a specific result.

The direction of achieving the goal of the teacher’s personality is determined primarily by humanistic, moral ideals, driven by the desire to help the formation and development of another person, faith in this person, understanding of his role and place in the development of the world and his self-worth. This is achieved by qualities of a teacher that need to be developed, such as the ability to sensitively grasp the requirements of the time, understand it as far as possible, and anticipate social orders, seek and find effective ways and means of solving problems facing the educational institution and education as a whole, which is primarily is expressed in the desire for the comprehensive and harmonious development of the personality of students, for the highest social value.

The creative personality of a teacher is always characterized by pedagogical passion, a clear understanding of the task facing him - the formation of a person, a focus on optimal results of his free development, deep respect for the personality of a teenager and faith in his capabilities. Pedagogical passion, and sometimes even obsession, is the most important prerequisite for pedagogical creativity. The development of these qualities is facilitated by the living example of innovative teachers working nearby; passion and professionalism of mentors; showing variability in problem solving; reflections and real tests; encouraging success, even the smallest, etc. These and other techniques in the activities of managers and colleagues can create a microclimate in which the shoots of passion emerge and gain strength, and the orientation towards the search for the formation of creativity among students becomes stronger, without which not only practical there is no psychologist, but there is no teacher either.

The importance of a teacher’s deep and versatile erudition, his general culture, erudition, and breadth of worldview interests is well known. For people of a creative mind, material from areas seemingly far from their professional activities often serves as a source of original ideas and non-standard solutions.

The imaginative world of art, living impressions from observations and meetings with interesting people, the actual capabilities of modern television and video technology - all this is passed through by the teacher, and this becomes a source of development of his imagination, constructive thought, emotional sphere, turns into building material for organizing future classes with students, meetings, interviews, projects. That is why the development of the creative qualities of the personality of a teacher-psychologist is impossible only within a narrow subject-methodological framework; it requires a wide general cultural baggage, continuously replenished and deepened. Reading and thinking about what you read, watching movies and plays, visiting art galleries and museums, seeing memorable historical places with your own eyes, meeting different people - without which it is very difficult for a teacher to “find himself” in creative activity.

Very often, discussion of the issue of giftedness and talent of a teacher comes down to the problem of developing teaching abilities. This is an important component of the teacher’s personality, because he has to play a number of role positions in relationships with students, which gives rise to some uncertainty. Firstly, the teacher is a specialist in his field, and this position implies respect for the teacher and at the same time greater psychological distance and formal professional communication.

Secondly, the teacher is the student’s mentor (tutor), and this involves more informal communication. The student needs a friendly and “understanding” senior friend. This case suggests a reduction in the social distance between the student and the student when students cease to perceive the teacher as a “specialist.”

Thirdly, the teacher is also a psychotherapist, since students believe that if he is a psychologist, he can solve their problems. Sometimes a teacher, due to inexperience, agrees to take on this role, but then often regrets it. The task of a teacher is different, perhaps even more complex, than the task of a psychotherapist in the traditional sense.

Fourthly, the teacher must be a role model, and this is a difficult task because it is always difficult to be exemplary, especially considering that you are also being observed and evaluated.

Fifthly, the teacher must also be a strict senior friend.

Related information.

A teacher is a person who teaches and educates students. But, of course, such a definition cannot reveal everything that a teacher needs to do and what he is responsible for during the educational process. And not everyone can become one. It is necessary for a person to have a special type of personality. What qualities of a teacher help him in passing on knowledge to other generations?

Professional readiness

If we briefly list the qualities of a teacher, they will be as follows:

  • love for children;
  • humanism;
  • intelligence;
  • creative approach to work;
  • high civic responsibility and social activity;
  • physical and mental health.

Taken together, they constitute professional readiness for teaching activities. It distinguishes psychophysiological and theoretical-practical aspects. They describe the requirements for determining teacher competence. Pedagogical competence is a definition of the theoretical and practical preparedness of a teacher to carry out his professional activities. At the same time, the requirements for an elementary school teacher are somewhat different from other teachers.

Qualities of a first school teacher

In the modern education system, the concept of “primary school teacher” has begun to be used more widely than before. If once his functions were limited only to the fact that he gave basic knowledge to children, now his field of activity has expanded significantly.

Therefore, the requirements for the qualities of a primary school teacher are now as follows:

  • he is not only a teacher, but also an educator;
  • must know the psychophysiological characteristics of children;
  • he must be able to organize the activities of his charges;
  • the teacher actively interacts with children and their parents;
  • readiness for constant self-development;
  • the teacher must create optimal conditions for learning;
  • helps students interact with the environment;
  • owns modern teaching methods.

A primary school teacher is not comparable to teachers at the middle and senior levels. His functions are even broader, since he is always the class teacher and teaches several disciplines. Of course, the qualities of a teacher, both professional and personal, are important.

What skills and abilities does the teacher have?

What should a teacher be like? This is determined by the standards that are prescribed in the Federal State Educational Standard, as well as by the qualities listed by other famous personalities in pedagogy. For example, such an employee must constantly educate himself and improve his skills. The professional qualities of a teacher are the following:

  • broad outlook and ability to present material competently;
  • training taking into account the individual characteristics of students;
  • competent, delivered speech and clear diction;
  • ability to use facial expressions and gestures during performances;
  • focus on working with students;
  • ability to quickly respond to situations, resourcefulness;
  • the ability to correctly formulate goals;
  • must have organizational skills;
  • quality control of students' knowledge.

Important qualities of a teacher are his knowledge and skills acquired during his studies and during his professional activities. He must also be able to apply them in his work as a teacher.

Personal qualities of a teacher

It is very important that the teacher has a theoretical basis, which is the basis of the educational process. But even if a person knows everything about raising and teaching children, he may not become a good teacher. What should a teacher be like from a personal point of view? A qualified specialist is determined by the following qualities:

Leading abilities in teaching activities

  1. The activity of a teacher is of a continual and forward-looking nature. Having the knowledge of past generations, he must master modern techniques and follow new trends. Also, the teacher must see the personal potential of students.
  2. Interactions between teacher and student are subjective in nature. The “object” of a teacher’s activity is a group of students or a pupil, who at the same time are the subject of their own activity with their own needs and interests.
  3. In the educational process, it is difficult to assess the contribution made by everyone involved in the upbringing and education of a child. Therefore, pedagogical activity is collective in nature.
  4. The process of upbringing and education takes place in the natural and social environment, in which it is difficult to take into account all factors. Therefore, the teacher has to constantly create optimal conditions for learning.
  5. Pedagogical activity is creative in nature. The teacher has to constantly look for non-standard solutions to the assigned tasks, various ways to increase the motivation of students. Also, the mentor must be proactive, observant, and strive for excellence.
  6. All professional activities of a teacher are built on humanistic principles: respect for the individual, a trusting attitude, the ability to empathize with students, faith in the child’s abilities.
  7. The teacher cannot immediately see the result of his work.
  8. The teacher is constantly engaged in self-education and improves the level of his qualifications, i.e. continuous learning occurs.

The profession of a teacher involves constant interaction with a large number of people, namely children. He must be able to organize their activities and maintain attention in class. The teacher must know the psychophysiological characteristics of each age period of children and apply them in practice. Also, the teacher must be able to cope with large amounts of information.

Or maybe this is a calling?

It is difficult to determine what is more important: to receive a pedagogical education or to love children and have a sincere desire to teach and educate them. For many, a teacher is not a profession, it is a calling. Because if you want to build a trusting relationship with your child, you need to stay a little small yourself.

A teacher should be like a child who is always interested in everything, who is always in search of something new. And being a teacher is a great talent; you need to be able to discern the potential in each student and help realize it. Also, the teacher must be a highly spiritual and cultural person in order to instill the correct life guidelines in his students.

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