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From the editor

In the mid-90s, the idea was born to assign a special status to such cities - “science cities”. The idea is generally sound, right in the spirit of the latest trends - to help scientists focus on what they do best, to create conditions for the most fruitful activity not only on the scale of one institute, but also at the level of a compact geographical point on the map. Alas, as often happens, the implementation let us down, although certain progress in the right direction happened - the municipalities of the newly-minted science cities still received some preferences.

However, by and large, the mechanism for combining the efforts of cities and institutes and other scientific and technical institutions located on their territories has not worked. And not so much because of the lack of a clear goal, but... To put it politically correctly - due to the fact that the level of funding for these projects was so small on the scale of Russia that it was not possible to “make money” on them, which means there was no interest in lobbying science cities quickly faded.

But the science cities themselves, one way or another, with or without official status, remain! We were again left alone with our problems. Despite the fact that people living in these cities continue to do what they love. They continue, despite the “concern” of their native state, which, with the hands and minds of its representatives, is not developing the best that has still been preserved in Russian science, but is going, almost in accordance with the classics, to “destroy the old city and build a new one in another place.”

The scientific community itself is partly to blame for the fact that the country underestimates the quality and capabilities of its own science. Despite all the hardships, Russian science is quite competitive not only at the level of individual scientists, but also within the framework of serious projects and entire institutes. And in terms of return per invested ruble (as proven by TrV-Nauka), it occupies a leading position in the world. Very often, our scientists just lack competent PR. Those achievements that exist, no matter how obvious they may seem to the scientists themselves, must be presented in such a way that they are clear to any official (for reporting) and to the normal person in the street (for reasonable patriotic pride).

It is this global task that our newspaper is trying to solve - to show that science in Russia can be interesting, high-quality, and useful to society, that is, bring not only moral, but also quite material dividends. Correctly presented information will also help the scientists themselves - for example, it will give a new impetus to the development of the same science cities, preserve their essence and give a new impetus to development.

One of the largest science cities is Troitsk, which found itself in a particularly delicate situation after the expansion of Moscow. The capabilities of the capital are well known, including, alas, in terms of neutralizing any “foreign” entity. The transformation of Troitsk into another residential area will deprive the already weakened domestic science of a noticeable part of its potential. We will try to show in our publications that there is potential and, if used correctly, will help not only Troitsk, but also other Russian science cities. The first in this series is the presentation of the Institute of Spectroscopy of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ISAN) located in Troitsk.

Our correspondent's interlocutor Alexandra Gapotchenko- Deputy Director of ISAN, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics. sciences Oleg Kompanets.

- Oleg Nikolaevich, first, a little history - when and for what purposes was ISAN created?

In the 1960s, extra-atmospheric studies of the Sun, the first space explorations, and work on controlled thermonuclear fusion required interpretation of the resulting short-wave plasma spectra. The level of theoretical calculations at that time did not provide it due to the extreme complexity of such spectra. To carry out systematic spectral studies, the Institute of Spectroscopy of the USSR Academy of Sciences was created by government decision 45 years ago. The organizer, first director and ideologist of the ISAN research areas was Professor S. L. Mandelstam, later a corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences. The core of the Institute was formed by a group of employees from the laboratory of the Commission for Spectroscopy of the USSR Academy of Sciences, which was then joined by employees of the Lebedev Physical Institute, headed by Doctor of Physics and Mathematics. Sciences V. S. Letokhov, who became deputy director and headed research in the field of laser spectroscopy. ISAN's staff was replenished mainly by young MIPT graduates, who have now taken serious positions in the world ranking of scientists. Although the number of employees of the Institute is not so large (currently - 205 people, of which approximately half are research workers, of which 23 doctors and 42 candidates of science), the Institute is invariably included, according to foreign sources, among the thirty scientific organizations in Russia with the highest index citing the works of their scientists. And according to research conducted by the “Corps of Experts” in 2012, ISAN is one of the three. Since 1989, the Institute has been headed by Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences E. A. Vinogradov.

ISAN conducts research into atoms, ions with high ionization rates, plasma, molecules (both simple ones in the gas phase and complex ones in various matrices), liquids, crystals and films, multilayer thin-film structures, metamaterials, surfaces of solids, and biological objects. The region of the studied spectra of various objects extends from the X-ray to the centimeter wavelength range. To obtain spectra, the Institute has created a large set of spectral instruments and installations, many of which are unique and have no analogues in the world.

- What are the main achievements over 45 years and whose names are they associated with?

Over these years, we have obtained important world-class scientific results that have opened new areas of science and technology and laid their physical and technical foundations. We have many wonderful scientists, but I would like to especially highlight S. L. Mandelstam, V. S. Letokhov and R. I. Personov.

Systematic studies of the energy structure of atoms and ions made it possible to obtain the necessary data for astrophysics and spectral diagnostics of high-temperature plasma, as well as to develop principles and methods for creating one of the most important elements of the lithographic process for producing nanoelectronic chips - powerful sources of extreme ultraviolet radiation in the region of 6–17 nm.

This is a great merit of the first and current leaders of work on atomic spectroscopy S. L. Mandelstam, E. Ya. Kononov, A. N. Ryabtsev, K. N. Koshelev.

Pioneering research carried out on a wide front in the field of laser spectroscopy led to a number of fundamentally new results, which largely determined the modern appearance of laser physics, spectroscopy and nonlinear optics. Among them:

  • development of laser methods for separating isotopes and creation on this basis, together with a number of other organizations (including TRINITI), the world's first industrial installation for laser separation of carbon isotopes;
  • creation of scientific foundations of the physics of ultracold atoms and optics of atomic beams and their application in nanooptics, nanophotonics, atomic nanolithography and other modern nanotechnologies;
  • obtaining ultra-narrow resonances in atomic-molecular spectra and creating laser frequency and wavelength standards based on them;
  • development of laser methods for detecting single atoms and ions and on this basis the creation of installations for ultrasensitive monitoring of traces of elements and microimpurities in natural objects and high-purity substances;
  • initiation of chemical reactions by ultrashort pulses and laser femtochemistry, laser optical “nanoscope” for visualization of nanoobjects.

In these studies, marked by the talent of V. S. Letokhov, who left us early, teams led by his students and colleagues showed themselves (V. I. Balykin, E. A. Ryabov, S. V. Chekalin, R. V. Ambartsumyan , P. G. Kryukov, M. A. Bolshov).

Major scientific results were obtained in the department of molecular spectroscopy under the leadership of R.I. Personov. A method has been developed for selective laser excitation of narrow lines in the spectra of impurity molecular systems at low temperatures and a related method for obtaining (“burning out”) stable spectral dips after exposing impurity molecules to intense laser light. This made it possible to obtain a wide variety of information about the properties of impurity molecules and their environment. In the same department, a new approach to studying the microscopic nature of dynamic processes in disordered solid-state media was born, thanks to which unique information was obtained for the first time on the dynamics of the properties of glasses and polymers in a wide range of temperatures and observation times (Yu. G. Weiner).

A fundamental contribution to solid state spectroscopy was the pioneering studies by E. A. Vinogradov of infrared thermal radiation of crystals and films. He also developed the principles for constructing IR spectrometers with high photometric accuracy and created a series of such instruments for studying the optical properties of semiconductor compounds. The laboratories of the Department of Solid State Spectroscopy (G.N. Zhizhin, Kh.E. Sterin, B.N. Mavrin, N.N. Novikova) have studied at the Institute the largest number of spectra of various materials of optoelectronics and nanophysics in order to suggest ways that lead to creating or improving technology for producing new materials with specified useful properties.

Our theorists V. M. Agranovich, Yu. E. Lozovik, A. M. Kamchatnov, A. G. Malshukov, V. I. Yudson, who proposed many ideas and wrote a huge number of monographs, as well as articles and reviews in the most prestigious scientific journals.

It is impossible not to mention once again the large line of various scientific installations and instruments created over 45 years - from unique ones, such as a multi-purpose automated femtosecond laser diagnostic spectrometric complex, to various types of analyzers that have found wide application in practice (analyzers of metals and alloys, emission analyzers of powders , mineralogical objects, soils, biosensor analyzers of biological fluids) and mini-spectrometers. It would take a long time to list all their creators, they are in all the laboratories of the Institute, I’ll just say a kind word to them.

The main directions of current research, their goals and prospects, main results, leading researchers?

Currently, the scientific structure of the Institute includes departments of atomic spectroscopy, molecular spectroscopy, solid state spectroscopy, laser spectroscopy, laser spectral instrumentation, a theoretical department, laboratories for spectroscopy of nanostructures and experimental methods of spectroscopy.

Spectroscopy is a dynamically developing science. Every few years new directions emerge in it, and all of them are represented in ISAN. Every year, the Institute’s scientists publish 120–140 scientific articles in leading peer-reviewed journals, books and monographs, and make more than 50 reports at international scientific conferences. The achievements of the Institute are regularly included among the main scientific achievements of the Russian Academy of Sciences; reports by ISAN scientists are heard at scientific sessions of the Division of Physical Sciences and at meetings of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

It is impossible to talk about all the ongoing work; I will focus only on a few of the most important projects.

The problem of creating the elemental base of nano- and optoelectronics is also solved in another way - by the method of an atomic camera obscura (Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences V.I. Balykin), which allows using an atomic beam to directly obtain more than a million identical (>10 6) simultaneously. atomic, molecular structures and heterostructures of arbitrary shape with a size of up to 30 nm or less. The work is being carried out jointly with the Experimental Plant for Scientific Instrumentation of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Chernogolovka). A prototype of the “Atomic Nanolithograph” installation has already been created, which is located in an ISO5 class cleanroom at the Center “Nanooptics and Nanophotonics” of ISAN. With its help, samples of nanostructures from noble metals of various shapes have been obtained on the dielectric surface: nanowaveguides, a ring nanoresonator, an optical nanoantenna.

An important area of ​​work remains spectral diagnostics of new materials and nanostructures (E. A. Vinogradov). Optical Fourier and vibrational spectroscopy makes it possible to study oxides of rare earth elements in pores with a diameter of 40–150 nm, nanoparticles of rare earth elements and compounds in crystals and glasses, nanoparticles and their complexes with rare earths in polymer matrices; layered film structures, optical properties of quasicrystals, super-hard and super-strong coatings, nanotubes, nanocomposites and other materials that are promising for use. The work is carried out on a broad front in close cooperation with many Russian and foreign partners.

The diagnostics of local parameters of solid-state organic structures is closely related to this direction (Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences A.V. Naumov). The method is based on the use of single chromophore molecules, the optical spectra of which are extremely sensitive to the parameters of the nearest microenvironment and contain a variety of information about the parameters of this environment, as a spectral nanoprobe introduced into a solid-state medium. The new method has a number of unique advantages: no averaging over the volume of the sample, low distorting effect, high information content, diagnostics of nanoobjects of almost any nature.

Among the spectrometric problems that now have to be solved, it is appropriate to mention absorption spectrometry of flames (Doctor of Physics and Mathematics Sciences M.A. Bolshov) to search for optimal conditions for combustion processes in supersonic flows of combustible mixtures of aircraft and rockets (in collaboration with JIHT RAS and TsAGI named after N. E. Zhukovsky); development of equipment for emission spectral analysis of special alloys (candidate of technical sciences E. G. Silkis) to create simpler, inexpensive and mobile instruments for analyzing new materials, composites and special-purpose alloys during their production (together with MORS LLC), and also, jointly with the IMB RAS, the development of portable biosensor analytical test systems (Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences O. N. Kompanets) for express monitoring of the content of biologically active and toxic compounds in liquids, as well as nanoparticles - in their production and applications, primarily in medicine and pharmacology.

An important area of ​​current research is electron microscopy of promising materials and structures and their transformations (Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences E. A. Ryabov). Within the framework of this project, the development of a new method for studying ultrafast (10 -10 -10 -13 s) structural dynamics of condensed matter based on four-dimensional (time-resolved) electron microscopy and the creation of a unique experimental complex are being developed (together with Lomonosov MITHT and IPLIT RAS) to study dynamic processes in new promising materials, including during their structural and physical transformations and during interaction with radiation.

Closely related to this work is another project (Doctor of Physics and Mathematics S.V. Chekalin), aimed at implementing the possibility of spatially controlled modification of the surface properties of a material and obtaining a chemically modified nanorelief using laser radiation of femtosecond duration and narrowly targeted, time-compressed nanobeams of electrons.

I’ll probably mention a couple more works that are promising from the point of view of possible applications - the creation of new, low-cost methods for laser separation of isotopes, including the widely popular isotopes of carbon and silicon (Doctor of Physics and Mathematics E. A. Ryabov), and development of nanolocalized radiation sources for problems of nanophotonics and optoelectronics (Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences V. I. Balykin).

- ISAN has many projects related to new technologies. Do employees receive grants, funds under contracts, etc., what is the share of money earned in this way in the institute’s budget in comparison with funding from the Academy? If we want to be competitive in world science, then the salaries of scientists must also be competitive; this is one of the main conditions for attracting young people to science. Is it possible to provide data on how much a young specialist earns, how much a senior researcher earns? - PhD?

Of course. In addition to state assignments and work under RAS programs, many laboratories carry out additional applied work under government contracts with the Ministry of Education and Science and under agreements, they have RFBR grants, and Presidential grants for young scientists. The share of such work last year amounted to approximately a third of total funding. The average salary according to ISAN in 2012 was about 49 thousand rubles. The income of any specialist, naturally, depends on the amount of additional funding and, if any, fluctuates (roughly) between 20-30 thousand rubles. for a young researcher without a degree and 30–50 thousand rubles. for senior researcher. Of course, it’s difficult to save up for an apartment (to our shame, we can only rely on the help of our parents), although for young people at the Russian Academy of Sciences there is (at least was) a special program for purchasing apartments, and it played a very significant role for our guys.

Executive Editor Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences E.A. Vinogradov

Troitsk, Moscow region.

Publishing house "Trovant"

Printed by decision

Scientific Council of the Institute of Spectroscopy RAS

Responsible for the issue: Scientific Secretary E.B. Perminov Institute of Spectroscopy of the Russian Academy of Sciences - 40 years / executive editor E.A. Vinogradov;

Ross. Academician Sciences, Institute of Spectroscopy RAS.

I71 Troitsk Moscow region: Trovant Publishing House, 2008. 247 p.

ISBN The publication is dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the Institute of Spectroscopy - one of the first institutes built at the Trinity Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

The publication reflects the directions, current state, achievements and prospects of scientific research of the Institute, as well as its activities in the field of training scientific personnel.

Institute of Spectroscopy RAS Troitsk, Moscow region, st. Physical, [email protected] DIRECTOR OF THE INSTITUTE MANDELSHTAM VINOGRADOV Sergey Leonidovich Evgeniy Andreevich Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, founder and first director of the Institute (from 1989 to the present) of the Institute (1968-1988).

Major works in the field of spectroscopy Major works in the field of atomic solid state and its applications. He developed spectroscopy and its applications, including a thermally stimulated research method for extra-atmospheric astronomy. He also received polariton radiation. Using this detection method, he studied in laboratory conditions and in weapons and studied: radiation spectra of polaritons of crystals and films on top of the spectra of solar flares;

highly ionized atoms. He studied and discovered giant resonances of the electromagnetic conditions of ionization and excitation of atoms and filament modes of the film with dipole excitation of ions in the plasma, broadening and shifting of the film material, leading to spectral lines. For the first time he measured the enhancement of IR absorption up to 105 times, as well as the temperature of lightning and developed additional waves at interface polars, a hydrodynamic theory of spark tones in thin-film structures;

photoindus discharge. Performed extensive research on the measured change in optical properties in the theory and practice of spectral analysis and films, leading to its ultra-fast (50 fs) introduction into industry.

changes in the reflection of light at frequencies. Comprehensively studied the X-ray emission of interference modes of films. Developed the Sun, found that it has basically the principles of constructing IR spectrometers with a thermal nature and consists of high photometric accuracy and with their quasi-constant and slowly changing help, discovered and studied structural components. He discovered polarization phase transitions in crystals with layered and radiation, studied spectra, structures and layered-chain structure.

localization of X-ray flares.

INTRODUCTION The Institute of Spectroscopy of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ISAN) is the legal successor of the Institute of Spectroscopy of the USSR Academy of Sciences, organized in 1968 on the basis of the laboratory of the Commission for Spectroscopy of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Initially, the laboratory’s task was to support the scientific and organizational activities of the Spectroscopy Commission, solving a number of scientific and technical problems, teaching and training personnel, etc. Over time, the laboratory’s activities went far beyond the originally intended scope. It carried out extensive research work, focused on spectral instrumentation and the introduction of atomic and molecular spectroscopy into the national economy. The laboratory staff grew to 44 people, laboratory employees defended 2 doctoral and candidate dissertations, published 160 scientific papers and a number of monographs.

Serious scientific and practical results have emerged. The Laboratory of the Spectroscopy Commission has become an independent scientific institution with highly qualified personnel. On November 10, 1967, the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences adopted a resolution on the advisability of reorganizing the Commission's laboratory into the Institute of Spectroscopy of the USSR Academy of Sciences. The institute was to become the leading institution in the field of spectroscopy in the USSR.

The State Committee on Science and Technology soon agreed to create the institute, and on November 29, 1968, a resolution was issued by the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences on the reorganization of the Laboratory into an Institute.

At the suggestion of the Academician-Secretary of the OOFA, Academician L.A. Artsimovich, the construction of the Institute of Spectroscopy was planned in the Scientific Center being created at that time in Krasnaya Pakhra, where IZMIRAN and IFVD already existed.

The organizer, first director and ideologist of the direction of scientific research of the Institute was Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Sergei Leonidovich Mandelstam, later a corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

The core of the Institute was a group of employees from the laboratory of the Commission on Spectroscopy: S.A. Ukholin, H.E. Sterin, G.N. Zhizhin, V.B. Belyanin, Ya.M. Kimelfeld, E.Ya. Kononov, M.P. Aliev, S.N. Murzin. V.G. Koloshnikov, B.D. Osipov, V.S. Letokhov, R.V. Ambartsumyan, O.N. Kompanets, O.A. Tumanov moved from FIAN to ISAN, V.M. Agranovich from Obninsk, from Moscow State Pedagogical Institute named after.

V.I.Lenin - R.I.Personov. From 1971 to 1977, S.G. Rautian worked at the Institute.

The involvement of famous scientists made it possible to quickly create a highly qualified scientific team. At the same time, the Institute’s staff was replenished with young, capable graduates of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, who still work at the Institute and occupy key positions in the world ranking of scientists.

According to S.L. Mandelstam’s plan, the number of the Institute should not exceed three hundred to four hundred people. Small laboratories allowed managers to engage primarily in scientific rather than administrative work and to flexibly change research topics.

Currently, the Institute has a staff of 239 people, of which 113 are research workers, including 30 doctors and 45 candidates of science.

The permanent director of the Institute since 1989 is Professor (since 2008 Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences) Evgeniy Andreevich Vinogradov.

The scientific structure of the institute includes:

Department of Atomic Spectroscopy Head. Department of Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences A.N. Ryabtsev. The department includes: laboratory of atomic spectroscopy (head of the laboratory, Dr.

A.N. Ryabtsev) and the Laboratory of Plasma Spectroscopy (head of the laboratory Ph.D.

K.N. Koshelev);

Department of Molecular Spectroscopy Head. Department of Ph.D.

V.G. Koloshnikov. The department includes: laboratory of high-resolution molecular spectroscopy and analytical spectroscopy (head of the laboratory, Ph.D.

V.G. Koloshnikov) and two sectors: the microwave spectroscopy sector (head.

sector Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences B.S. Dumesh) and the sector of electronic spectra of molecules (head.

sector Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Yu.G. Weiner);

Department of Solid State Spectroscopy Head of Department Corresponding Member

RAS E.A. Vinogradov. The department includes: laboratory of spectroscopy of condensed matter (head of the laboratory, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics B.N. Mavrin), laboratory of spectroscopy of semiconductor structures (head of the laboratory, corresponding member of the RAS E.A. Vinogradov) and sector Fourier spectroscopy of the collective use center of the ISAN "Optical-spectral measurements" (headed by Professor M.N. Popova);

Department of Laser Spectroscopy Head. Department Professor V.S. Letokhov. The department includes: laboratory of laser spectroscopy (head of the laboratory, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences V.I. Balykin), laboratory of spectroscopy of excited states of molecules (head of the laboratory, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences E.A. Ryabov) , laboratory of spectroscopy of ultrafast processes (head of the laboratory, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences S.V. Chekalin) and the femtosecond spectroscopy sector of the collective use center of the ISAN "Optical-spectral measurements" (head of Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Yu .A.Matveets);

department of laser-spectral instrumentation, head. department d.f. m.s. O.N. Kompanets;

theoretical department head Department Professor V.M. Agranovich. The department includes: the sector of spectroscopy of phase transitions (head of the sector, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics.

A.G. Malshukov) and the nonlinear spectroscopy sector (head of the sector, Dr.

S.A. Darmanyan);

laboratory of spectroscopy of nanostructures head. laboratory of Ph.D.


Laboratory of Experimental Methods of Spectroscopy - Head.

laboratory of Ph.D. E.B.Perminov.

All major issues of the scientific and organizational activities of the Institute are resolved by the Scientific Council, which includes leading scientific employees of the Institute: E.A. Vinogradov (chairman), O.N. Kompanets (deputy chairman), E.B. Perminov (scientific secretary) , V.M.Agranovich, B.P.Antonyuk, V.I.Balykin, M.A.Bolshchov, L.A.Bureva, Yu.G.Vainer, B.S.Dumesh, A.M.Kamchatnov, V. O.G. Koloshnikov, K.N. Koshelev, V.S. Letokhov, Yu.E. Lozovik, B.N. Mavrin, G.N. Makarov, A.G. Malshukov, Yu.A. Matveets, A.V. .Naumov, M.N.Popova, E.A.Ryabov, A.N.Ryabtsev, S.V.Chekalin, E.P. Chukalina, V.A. Yakovlev.

The Institute has a specialized Academic Council for awarding scientific degrees of candidate and doctor of physical and mathematical sciences in the specialties “optics” and “theoretical physics” (chairman of the specialized Council E.A. Vinogradov, scientific secretary M.N. Popova).

The Institute has a license to conduct educational activities in the field of postgraduate education (i.e., full-time and part-time graduate school) in the following specialties: "Optics", "Theoretical Physics", "Condensed Matter Physics" and "Laser Physics".

At the Institute there is a basic department of quantum optics of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (head of the department is Professor E.A. Vinogradov, deputy.

head department associate professor V.G. Koloshnikov), which has ensured a constant influx of talented youth into ISAN all these years.

The Institute has a unique set of equipment that allows problem-oriented optical research to be carried out simultaneously in a wide spectral range, with ultra-high spectral, temporal and spatial resolution, which allows for complementary studies of materials and processes on a single scientific platform with obtaining reliable detailed information about the structure, optical and magnetic properties, spectroscopic, relaxation and other characteristics of various materials and structures while maintaining their properties and functional activity.

The unique instruments and installations of the Institute are part of the scientific equipment of the Center for Collective Use "Optical-Spectral Measurements" ISAN (CSK ISAN):

Laser wide-range femtonanoptical spectrometric complex, which has no analogues in Europe, created on the basis of the latest models of solid-state lasers from Newport/Spectra Physics, a laser projection spectromicroscope, parametric frequency converters and a registration system developed by ISAN.

Several modern Fourier transform spectrometers from BRUKER, including the vacuum wide-range Fourier transform spectrometer IFS-125HR with a spectral range of 0.2-2000 microns and a maximum resolution of 0.001 cm-1, which also has no equal in the world.

More detailed information about the devices and installations of the central control center is given in the relevant sections of this publication.

In recent years, the ISAN Center for Common Use has provided services to more than 40 scientific organizations on 52 topics. The portfolio of the Center for Shared Use of ISAN always contains letters of application with a request to plan new joint experiments on the scientific equipment of the Center for Shared Use to study nanostructures and new materials with the provision of samples under study. The geography of requests is very wide:

Institute of Philosophy SB RAS (Krasnoyarsk), ILP SB RAS (Novosibirsk), IOA SB RAS (Tomsk), St. Petersburg State University ITMO, All-Russian Scientific Center "GOI" (St. Petersburg), Kazan State University (Kazan) and institutes KazSC RAS, IPM Ural Branch RAS (Ekaterinburg), IPM (Nizhny Novgorod), BSTU (Bryansk), JINR (Dubna), ISSP RAS (Chernogolovka M. o.), TISNUM, IHVD RAS (Troitsk M. o. ), IOFAN, NTsVO RAS, FIAN, IRE RAS, IFChE RAS, STC UP RAS, Moscow State University and its faculties/institutes, MITHT, MGISIS (Moscow), as well as abroad: Paris VI University, NTsNI, Laboratory named after. Aimé Cotton and the Paris Observatory (France), the University of Groningen (Holland), the University of Nova Scotia (Canada), Technion (Israel), Cambridge and Nottingham Universities (England), CRC (Hungary), etc.

Naturally, the largest volume of services is provided to scientific organizations in the Central region of the country and mainly in Moscow and the Moscow region. The role of the Center for Shared Use ISAN in the scientific research of the region is also indicated by the fact that the government of the Moscow region plans to create in Troitsk on the basis of the Center for Shared Use TISNUM and the Center for Shared Use ISAN the first large regional distributed shared center in the Moscow region “Structural and Spectral Diagnostics of Materials” with the expansion of the services they provide.

Spectroscopy is a dynamically developing science. Every few years, new areas of research emerge. All of them are presented at the Institute:

Near-field optics (evanescent spectroscopy);

Femtosecond spectroscopy;

Quantum electrodynamics of a microcavity;

New radiation sources with noise levels below the quantum limit;

Spectroscopy of single atoms and molecules;

Atomic optics (laser control of the movement of atoms) and much more.

Along with new fundamental areas of research at ISAN, new technologies are also born:

Laser isotope separation;

Ultrasensitive methods for monitoring the composition of ultrapure materials and environmental pollution;

Creation of super-dense plasma;

Deep cooling of atoms with laser radiation;

New radiation sources;

New communication systems and a wide variety of sensors, much more.

Every year, scientists of the institute publish 120-140 scientific articles in leading peer-reviewed journals, books and monographs, and make more than reports at international scientific conferences.

Below are the most important world-class scientific results obtained at ISAN over the past five years, which have serious prospects for their use in high technologies.

1. A set of studies was carried out to create radiation sources in the extreme ultraviolet region of 1017 nm for nanolithography.

The result of the research was the creation of a laboratory source with an ingenious scheme for using liquid tin as a working element with a radiation output at a wavelength of 13.5 nm, sufficient for the industrial use of such a radiation source in the photonanolithographic production of ultra-large and ultra-high-speed integrated circuits.

2. The concept of atomic nanooptics based on “photon dots” and “photon holes” was proposed. Based on this concept, a new technology has been proposed for the production of a large number (107) of identical atomic nanodevices and nanoelements with characteristic sizes in the range of 20 nm by direct (bypassing the lithography stage) deposition of atoms onto the silicon surface using the pinhole camera principle and laser nanofields, and have already been obtained identical nanostructures smaller than 50 nm.

3. Obtained by irradiating any materials or an array of carbon-, silicon-containing nanotubes with pulsed laser radiation of femtosecond duration and subsequent transmission of photoproducts (fragments) through a nanocapillary (100 nm) compressed on a time scale, narrowly directed nanolocalized in space beams (for example, silicon- containing fragments), which can be used in a controlled process of modifying the relief and chemical composition of the surface of various materials and structures.

4. The possibility of detecting a single atom by a single photon with nanometer spatial and nanosecond time resolution (atomic nanoprobe with a single photon) was proposed and investigated. The results obtained are of great practical importance for detecting single atoms with high efficiency, including the creation of ultrasensitive detectors.

5. A scheme for the diffraction of atoms on a controlled diffraction grating formed by laser beams has been proposed and experimentally implemented, allowing for spatial and temporal control of the atomic beam similar to an electron beam in electron optics. The possibility of creating an “atomic ray tube” for the purposes of atomic and molecular nanolithography has been demonstrated. In an experiment using a magneto-optical trap, ultracold atoms with a temperature of T~10-4 K were obtained (together with the University of Electrical Communications, Tokyo, Japan).

6. A theory has been developed for the transport of spin polarization of electrons in semiconductor microstructures and the opto-electric properties of fundamentally new nanomaterials predicted in ISAN - hybrid heterostructures formed by layers of organic and semiconductor nanofilms. The results obtained are important both for the development of spintronics - a new direction in solid-state electronics, and for the creation of highly efficient optical radiation sources with electrical pumping.

7. A set of studies was carried out and portable biosensor devices were manufactured for the rapid determination of biologically active and toxic compounds (BAS) in liquids for the purposes of clinical medicine, pharmacology, food and biotechnological industries (together with the Institute of Biomedicine of the Russian Academy of Sciences). The novelty of the technology, protected by Russian and international patents, is the use of DNA-based nanostructures as biosensors capable of recognizing BAS (developed by the Institute of Biochemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences), and a portable dichrometer that measures the anomalous optical signal generated when the BAS from the analyzed liquid interacts with a DNA biosensor.

8. A micro-optoacoustic laser detector of traces of impurity molecules in air, based on the principles of laser optoacoustic spectroscopy using a high-Q quartz tuning fork, has been proposed and implemented. The device allows you to detect leaks of toxic and explosive substances in chemical production and storage areas, analyze gases in closed volumes with extreme sensitivity (ppb units) and a huge (10,000) dynamic range with an extremely small required volume of the gas mixture (~0.1 cubic mm) .

9. A new method for diagnosing the individual parameters of molecular nanoobjects has been developed, based on measuring the optical spectra of single chromophore molecules used as a nanoprobe.

The fundamental advantages of such a nanotool are obtaining a variety of microscopic information about the environment, including in the absence of averaging over an ensemble of impurity molecules and nanoobjects being studied.

10. It is proposed to begin from a new perspective the development of an optical nanotransistor and integrated circuits based on it, which have undeniable advantages in comparison with traditional electronic elements and circuits. The achieved level of manufacturing optical nanofibers and the results of research carried out at ISAN (together with scientists from Japan and Germany) make it possible to design an optical nanotransistor with the minimum possible amount of material (single atoms) and the minimum amount of energy controlling the transistor (single photons).

According to foreign sources, the Institute of Spectroscopy, along with the largest institutes and universities in Russia, is among the thirty scientific organizations in Russia with the highest citation index for the works of their scientists.

The Institute of Spectroscopy of the Russian Academy of Sciences has become in the country a kind of “crystallization center” for professionals in the field of optics, spectroscopy, spectral analysis and optical-spectral instrumentation, regardless of their place of work. ISAN was the organizer of the All-Russian School of Spectral Analysis, which united spectroscopist-analysts from research institutes, universities and factory laboratories. The Institute is a permanent organizer of congresses on spectroscopy with the participation of foreign scientists and specialists (the XXIII such congress was held in 2005), conferences and scientific schools in various areas of optical spectroscopy (the 18th conference on fundamental atomic spectroscopy was held on October 22-26, 2007). ISAN is the organizer of the first three Trinity conferences “Medical physics and innovations in medicine”

(2004, 2006 and 2008). Scientists of the Institute do not confine themselves within its walls and are widely involved by other organizations in opposing dissertations, conducting examinations related to the field of optics and spectroscopy, and participating in commissions on scientific and technical issues, scientific and dissertation councils.

The generally recognized scientific achievements of the Institute of Spectroscopy are the result of the professionalism and high dedication of its scientists, as well as the efforts of the directorate in organizing scientific work, maintaining infrastructure, and training personnel.

Thanks to the measures taken, it was possible to maintain an efficient, qualified staff of researchers and specialists, existing experimental experimental production, a scientific library (one of the best in the Russian Academy of Sciences), a canteen (the only one in the city), all the necessary infrastructure, practically update the entire fleet of laboratory equipment and computers, and even attract capable youth into the team. It should be especially noted that the Institute has never leased its premises to commercial structures - it needs them itself, especially now, during the period of renewed interest of government agencies in science and innovation.

Literature 1. A.N.Ryabtsev, S.S.Churilov, E.Ya.Kononov. Autoionization and highly excited states in the spectrum of triply ionized tin Sn IV.

Optics and spectroscopy, 2006, v. 100, pp. 713-720.

2. S.S.Churilov, A.N.Ryabtsev. Analysis of the 4p64d7 – (4p64d64f+4p54d8) transitions in the eighth spectrum of tin (Sn VIII). Optics and spectroscopy, 2006, v. 100, pp. 721-727.

3. S.S.Churilov, A.N.Ryabtsev. Analysis of the spectra of In XII--XIV and Sn XIII--XV in the far VUV region - Optics and Spectroscopy, 2006, v. 101, pp. 181-190.

4. S.S.Churilov, A.N.Ryabtsev. Analyzes of the Sn IX–Sn XII spectra in the EUV region. Physica Scripta, 2006, v.73, p.614-619.

5. I.Yu.Tolstikhina, S.S.Churilov, A.N.Ryabtsev, K.N.Koshelev. Atomic tin data.

In.EUV Sources for Lithography, Ed. V.Bakshi, SPIE Press, Washington, USA, 2006, p.113-148.

6. K.N.Koshelev, H.-J.Kunze, R.Gayazov Radiative collapse in Z pinches.

In.EUV Sources for Lithography, Ed. V.Bakshi, SPIE Press, Washington, USA, 2006, p.175-196.

7.V.V. Ivanov, P.S. Antsiferov, and K.N. Koshelev. Numerical simulation of the creation of a Hollow Neutral-Hydrogen Channel by an Electron Beam. Phys.Rev.Letters 2006, v.97, p.205007.

8. P.N.Melentyev, P.A. Borisov, S.N. Rudnev, A.E. Afanasyev, V.I. Balykin Focusing an atomic beam with a two-dimensional magneto-optical trap. JETP Letters, 83, 16 (2006).

9. V.I. Balykin, V.G. Minogin, S.N. Rudnev Focusing an atomic beam with a near-field atomic microlens. JETP, 130, 784 (2006) 10. V.I. Balykin, P.A. Borisov, V.S. Letokhov, P.N. Melentyev, S.N. Rudnev, A.P. Cherkun, A.P. Akimenko, P.Yu. Apel, V.A. Skuratov Atomic “camera obscura”

with nanometer resolution. JETP Letters, 84, 466–469, (2006) 11. V.I. Balykin, V.V. Klimov, V.S. Letokhov. Atom Nanooptics. In “Handbook of Theoretical and Computational Nanotechnology”, ed. by M. Reith and W. Schommers (Amer. Sci. Publ.), v.7, 1-78 (2006) 12. Aseyev S.A., Mironov B.N., Chekalin S.V., and Letokhov V.S. Femtosecond laser source of nanolocalized directed photoelectrons. Appl. Phys. Lett. 89 art. (2006).

13. Mironov B.N., Aseev S.A., Chekalin S.V., Letokhov V.S. Generation of a nanolocalized, highly targeted beam of photoelectrons using femtosecond laser pulses. JETP Letters 83:(9) pp. 435-438 (2006) 14. Mironov B.N., Aseev S.A., Chekalin S.V., Letokhov V.S. Laser femtosecond photoemission microscopy of capillary nanotips with ultra-high spatial resolution - JETP 128(4) pp. 732-739 (2005) 15. Aseev S.A., Mironov B.N., Chekalin S.V., Letokhov V.S. Photoelectron femtosecond laser projection microscopy of organic nanocomplexes. JETP Letters 80:(8) pp. 645-649 (2004) 16. V. I. Balykin, “Atomic Nanoprobe with a Single Photon”, JETP Lett., 78, 408, 2003.

17. H. Oberst, Sh. Kasashima, F. Shimizu and V. I. Balykin, “A controllable diffraction grating for matter waves”, Proc. of the XVI Intern. Conf. Laser Spectroscopy, p. 253-255, 2003.

18. H. Oberst, Sh. Kasashima, V. I. Balykin, and F. Shimizu, “Atomic-matter-wave scanner,” Phys. Rev. A68, 013606, 2003.

19. A.G. Mal'shukov, C.S. Chu, Spin cloud induced around an elastic scatterer by the Spin-Hall effect. Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 076601, (2006).

20. A.G. Mal'shukov, L.Y. Wang, C.S. Chu, Spin-Hall interface resistance in terms of Landauer type spin dipoles, cond-mat/0610423. Phys. Rev. B 75, 085315 (2007).

21. Skuridin S.G., Dubinskaya V.A., Lagutina M.A., Kompanets O.N., Golubev V.G., Rebrov L.B., Bykov V.A., Evdokimov Yu.M. Detection of genotoxicants of plant origin using film-type biosensors.

Biomedical technologies and radio electronics, No. 3, 2006, pp. 38-43.

22. Gusev V.M., Kolyakov S.F., Kompanets O.N., Pavlov M.A., Evdokimov Yu.M., Skuridin S.G.. Optical biosensor based on a portable dichrometer using liquid crystal biochips DNA. Almanac of Clinical Medicine - M.: MONIKI, vol. XII, p. 119 (2006).

23. S.G. Skuridin, V.A. Dubinskaya, O.N. Kompanets, Yu.M. Evdokimov. A new type of biosensors for biotechnology and medicine. Almanac of Clinical Medicine - M.: MONIKI, vol. XII, p. 131 (2006).

24. D.V. Serebryakov, A.P. Cherkun, B.A. Loginov, V.S. Letokhov. Tuning-fork based fast highly sensitive surface-contact sensor for atomic force microscopy/near field scanning optical microscopy. Rev. Sci. Instr., 73(4), 1795 (2002).

25. A.P. Cherkun D.V. Serebryakov, S.K. Sekatskii, I.V. Morozov, V.S. Letokhov.

Double-resonance probe for near-field scanning optical microscopy. Rev. Sci. Instr., 77(3): Art. No. 033703 Part 1 (2006).

26. Yu. G. Vainer, A. V. Naumov, M. Bauer, L. Kador. Dispersion of the local parameters of quasilocalized low-frequency vibrational modes in a low-temperature glass: Direct observation via single-molecule spectroscopy. J. Chem. Phys., v. 122, No. 24, pp. 244705 (6 pages) (2005).

27. A.V. Naumov, Yu. G. Vainer, M. Bauer, L. Kador. Applications of laser techniques for the study of dynamics of amorphous solids with high spatial resolution: single molecule spectroscopy. OSA Trends in Optics and Photonics Series, v. 98, p. WB11 (pages) (2005).

28. Yu.G. Vainer. Vibrational dynamics of glasses at low temperatures: Investigation by single-molecule spectroscopy. J. Lumin., v. 125, No. 1, pp. 279-286 (2007).

29. Yu.G. Vainer, A.V. Naumov, M. Bauer, L. Kador. Isotop effect in the linewidth distribution of single-molecule spectra in doped toluene at 2 K. J. Lumin., v. 127, No. 1, pp. 213-217 (2007).

30. Yu.G. Vainer, A.V. Naumov, M. Bauer, L. Kador, “Applications of laser techniques for the study of dynamics of amorphous solids with high spatial resolution:

single molecule spectroscopy”, OSA Trends in Optics and Photonics Series, v. 98, pp.WB11-WB13, (2006).

31. Fam Le Kien, V. I. Balykin, and K. Hakuta, “Light-induced force and torque on an atom outside a nanofiber,” Phys. Rev. A74, 033412, 2006.

32.V.I. Balykin, V.V. Klimov, V.S. Letokhov. “Atom Nanooptics.” In “Handbook of Theoretical and Computational Nanotechnology” 2006.

33. Fam Le Kien, V. I. Balykin, and K. Hakuta, “Angular momentum of light in an optical nanofiber,” Phys. Rev. A, 2006 (submitted).

34. Fam Le Kien, V. I. Balykin, and K. Hakuta, “Scattering of an evanescent light field by a single cesium atom near a nanofiber,” Phys. Rev. A73, 013819, 2006.

35. Fam Le Kien, S. Dutta Gupta, V. I. Balykin, and K. Hakuta, “Spontaneous emission of a cesium atom near a nanofiber: Efficient coupling of light to guided modes,” Phys. Rev. A72, 032509, 2005.

36. Fam Le Kien, V. I. Balykin and K. Hakuta, “State-insensitive trapping and guiding of cesium atoms using a two-color evanescent field around a subwavelength-diameter fiber,” J. Phys. Soc. Jpn, 74, 910, 2005.

37.V.I. Balykin, Fam Le Kien, J. Q. Liang, M. Morinaga, and K. Hakuta, CLEO/IQEC and PhAST Technical Digest on CD-ROM (Optical Society of America, Washington, D.C., 2004), presentation ITuA7.

38. Fam Le Kien, J.Q. Liang, K. Hakuta, and V.I. Balykin, “Field intensity distributions and polarization orientations in vacuum-clad subwavelength-diameter optical”, Opt, Commun., 242, 445, 2004.

39. V. I. Balykin, K. Hakuta, Fam Le Kien, J. Q. Liang, and M. Morinaga, “Atom trapping and guiding with a subwavelength-diameter optical fiber,” Phys. Rev. A70, 011401(R), 2004.

40. Fam Le Kien, V. I. Balykin, and K. Hakuta “Atom trap and waveguide using a two-color evanescent light field around a subwavelength-diameter optical fiber,” Phys.Rev. A70, 063403 (2004).

Prizes, medals and titles of employees of the Institute S.L. Mandelstam State Prize of the USSR for a series of works on X-ray radiation from the Sun.

S.L. Mandelstam Prize of the USSR Academy of Sciences named after Academician D.S. Rozhdestvensky for work on the spectroscopy of highly ionized atoms.

V.S. Letokhov Lenin Prize for work on nonlinear laser spectroscopy.

Yu.A. Gorokhov, A.A. Makarov, A.A. Puretsky, E.A. Ryabov, N.P. Furzikov Lenin Komsomol Prize for work on laser isotope separation.

M.R. Aliev Prize of the USSR Academy of Sciences and the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences for a series of works on the theory of vibrational-rotational spectra of non-rigid molecules.

V.G. Koloshnikov, Yu.A. Kuritsyn USSR State Prize for work on high-resolution diode laser spectroscopy.

E.I. Alshits, L.A. Bykovskaya, R.I. Personov, B.M. Kharlamov USSR State Prize for work on selective laser excitation of luminescence of frozen solutions.

V.S. Letokhov International Medal of Honor in honor of the 600th anniversary of the founding of the University of Heidelberg (Germany).

V.M.Agranovich Prize named after. Alexander von Humboldt (Germany).

V.M.Agranovich Prize named after. P. Kapitsa (England).

V.S. Letokhov Honorary Doctor of the University of Paris-Nord (France).

R.I.Personov Prize named after. Alexander von Humboldt (Germany).

V.M. Agranovich Prize named after Academician L.I. Mandelstam for theoretical research on surface spectroscopy.

V.S. Letokhov Prize of the European Physical Society for research on the interaction of laser radiation with matter, including atomic optics, laser cooling of atoms, laser-induced chemistry and laser analytical methods.

V.S. Letokhov, V.I. Balykin, V.G. Minogin Prize of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences named after Academician D.S. Rozhdestvensky for the series of works “Laser cooling and trapping of atoms.”

O.N. Kompanets Gold medal and diploma of the 50th International Salon (Exhibition) of Inventions and Innovations in Science and Industry “Brussels Eureka 2001” (Belgium).

V.S. Letokhov, E.A. Ryabov State Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology for the series of works “Physical and technical foundations of laser isotope separation by the method of selective multiphoton dissociation of molecules.”

Yu.E.Lozovik Award of the International Academic Publishing Company “Nauka-Interperiodika” “For the best publication” in the journals it publishes.

V.S. Letokhov Gratitude from the Governor of the Moscow Region B.V. Gromov.

G.N. Makarov Award of the International Academic Publishing Company “Nauka-Interperiodika” “For the best publication” in the journals it publishes.

O.N. Kompanets Grand Prix of the Russian Innovation Competition (domestic prize).

V.S. Letokhov Honorary Doctor of Lund University (Sweden).

V.I. Balykin Prize named after. Alexander von Humboldt (Germany).

Yu.G. Vainer Prize of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences named after Academician D.S. Rozhdestvensky for work on spectroscopy of single molecules.

A.V. Naumov Medal and prize of the European Academy (Academia Europaea) for young scientists of Russia.

ISAN team Gratitude from the Governor of the Moscow Region for high achievements in production activities and great contribution to the development of the scientific and industrial complex of the Moscow Region.

V.M. Agranovich Honorary Doctor of Blaise Pascal University (Clermont-Ferrand, France).

A.V. Naumov Medal and prize of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences for young scientists of Russia.

N.N. Novikova Medal “Mentor of Future Teachers” of the Dynasty Foundation.

E.A. Vinogradov Badge of Honor of the Governor of the Moscow Region.

Conference awards and competitions of scientific works A.V.Potapov First degree diploma of the winner of an open competition for the best scientific, technical and innovative work in the natural sciences;

A.V. Potapov Diploma of the winner of the All-Russian competition for the best scientific, technical and innovative works of students in the natural, technical and human sciences.

A.V. Naumov Young Researcher Award of Wiley-VCH and Physica Status Solidi for the best works presented at the international conference "Phonons-2004";

A.V. Naumov Prize of the International Society for Optical Engineers (SPIE) for the best report at the Higher Laser School named after. S.A. Akhmanova.

N.M. Korotkov Best report at the IV International Youth Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists “Optics 2005”;

E.A.Romanov The best report at the IV International Youth Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists “Optics 2005”.

P.N. Melentyev First prize in an open competition of works by young scientists of the Russian Federation in the field of “physics and astronomy” of the non-profit East–West Task Foundation;

P.N. Melentyev Second prize in the open competition of scientific works of young scientists in memory of Academician A.P. Aleksandrov at the State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation TRINIT;

Yu.G. Gladush First prize for the best report of a young scientist at the International Conference CEWQO-2007 (June, Palermo, Italy);

A.E.Afanasyev Diploma of the winner of the competition of scientific research works of students and graduate students at the conference "Modern problems of fundamental and applied sciences."

A.V.Potapov First prize in the open competition of scientific works of young scientists in memory of Academician A.P. Aleksandrov at the State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation TRINITY;

T.N. Stanislavchuk, K.N. Boldyrev Second prize in the open competition of scientific works of young scientists in memory of Academician A.P. Alexandrova at the State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation TRINITY;

Yu.G. Gladush Second prize in the open competition of scientific works in memory of Academician A.P. Alexandrov at the State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation TRINITY.

Personalized scholarships and grants

A.V.Naumov Competitive program to support young scientists of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research;

M.A. Kolchenko Competitive program to support young scientists of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research.

A.V.Naumov Competitive program to support young scientists of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research;

M.A. Kolchenko Competitive program to support young scientists of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research.

A.V. Naumov Competition program of the Foundation for the Promotion of Russian Science, nomination "Outstanding Scientists. Candidates and Doctors of Science of the Russian Academy of Sciences."

A.V. Naumov Grant from the INTAS Foundation (post-doctoral fellowship);

M.A. Kolchenko Grant from the INTAS Foundation (post-doctoral fellowship);

V.A. Sharapov Competition program of the Foundation for the Promotion of Russian Science, nomination "Best graduate students of the Russian Academy of Sciences";

A.V. Naumov Grant of the President of the Russian Federation for young scientists of the Russian Federation and their scientific supervisors.

M.A. Kolchenko Grant from the NWO Foundation (post-doctoral fellowship);

A.V. Naumov Competition program of the Foundation for the Promotion of Russian Science, nomination "Outstanding Scientists. Candidates and Doctors of Science of the Russian Academy of Sciences";

M.A. Kolchenko Competition program of the Foundation for the Promotion of Russian Science, nomination "Outstanding Scientists. Candidates and Doctors of Science of the Russian Academy of Sciences";

M.A. Kolchenko Grant of the President of the Russian Federation for young scientists of the Russian Federation and their scientific supervisors.

A.V. Naumov Grant from the CRDF Foundation and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Basic Research and High Education program);

P.N. Melentyev Grant of the President of the Russian Federation for young scientists of the Russian Federation and their scientific supervisors;

A.V. Naumov Grant of the President of the Russian Federation for young scientists of the Russian Federation and their scientific supervisors;

M.A. Kolchenko Grant of the President of the Russian Federation for young scientists of the Russian Federation and their scientific supervisors;

A.V. Naumov Competition program of the Foundation for the Promotion of Russian Science, nomination "Outstanding Scientists. Candidates and Doctors of Science of the Russian Academy of Sciences";

M.A. Kolchenko Competition program of the Foundation for the Promotion of Russian Science, nomination "Outstanding Scientists. Candidates and Doctors of Science of the Russian Academy of Sciences."

A.V.Potapov Competitive program of the DAAD Foundation (post-doctoral fellowship);

P.N.Melentyev Grant of the President of the Russian Federation for young scientists of the Russian Federation and their scientific supervisors;

A.V. Naumov Grant of the President of the Russian Federation for young scientists of the Russian Federation and their scientific supervisors;

Yu.G. Gladush Competitive program to support graduate students and young scientists without a degree from the Dynasty Foundation;

A.A. Sokolik Competitive program to support graduate students and young scientists without a degree from the Dynasty Foundation;

P.N. Melentyev Competition program of the Foundation for the Promotion of Russian Science, nomination "Outstanding Scientists. Candidates and Doctors of Science of the Russian Academy of Sciences";

A.V.Potapov Competition program of the Foundation for the Promotion of Russian Science, nomination "Outstanding Scientists. Candidates and Doctors of Science of the Russian Academy of Sciences";

A.A. Sokolik Competition program of the Foundation for the Promotion of Russian Science, nomination "Best graduate students of the Russian Academy of Sciences".

Employees of the Institute are members of international scientific societies E.A. Vinogradov.

European Academy of Sciences (EAS-TECH) Popova M.N.

American Physical Society (APS).

Chukalina E.P.

Optical Society of America (OSA).

Silver N.R.

International Center for Diffraction Data (ICDD).

Letokhov V.S.

Optical Society of America (OSA);

Society named after Max Planck, Germany;

European Academy of Arts and Sciences;

World Innovation Fund;

European Academy of Sciences.

Agranovich V.M.

American Physical Society (APS);

Physics Institute, England;

USA-Europe Academy DEPARTMENT OF ATOMIC SPECTROSCOPY The Department of Atomic Spectroscopy was created by the founder of the Institute, Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Professor S.L. Mandelstam, who was its permanent director until his retirement in 1989. The department consists of two laboratories of atomic spectroscopy (head.

laboratory of Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences A.N. Ryabtsev) and plasma spectroscopy (head of the laboratory, Ph.D. K.N. Koshelev). The scientific task of the department is to obtain experimental and theoretical data on the energy structures of atoms and ions necessary for astrophysics, for work on controlled thermonuclear fusion, for the creation of vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) and X-ray lasers, sources of powerful VUV radiation, as well as the development of spectral diagnostics of high-temperature plasma . The department employs 13 employees, including 4 doctors and 6 candidates of science.

Laboratory of Atomic Spectroscopy The foundations of the systematics of the spectra of light element ions were laid by the research of the Swedish scientist B. Edlen in the 30-40s in relation to astrophysics. In the 1960s, extra-atmospheric studies of the Sun and work on controlled thermonuclear fusion required the interpretation of short-wave spectra of plasma containing multiple ions. Neither tabular data nor the level of theoretical calculations provided this due to the fundamental features of such spectra of new satellite lines, as well as the large contribution to the energy levels of relativistic effects and the interaction of configurations in the electron shells of ions. The Laboratory of Atomic Spectroscopy under the leadership of E.Ya. Kononov was created at the founding of the Institute to conduct systematic research on the study of high-multiplicity ions and the development of calculation methods. The work of the laboratory made a major contribution to the creation of a new scientific direction in Russia.

In the early years, the main attention was paid to the creation and development of high-resolution spectral instruments in the vacuum ultraviolet and x-ray regions of the spectrum, sources for excitation of highly ionized atoms, and spectral processing systems. To work in the region of 30-250 nm, a vacuum spectrograph of normal radiation incidence with a diffraction grating of 1200 lines/mm with a radius of 6.65 m was created (E.Ya. Kononov, A.N. Ryabtsev, Fig. 1. VUV spectrograph of high V.I. Kovalev ). Modernized and equipped with a normal incidence resolution grating of 3600 lines/mm with a radiation radius of 3 m.

DFS-26 grazing incidence spectrograph (radiation incidence angle 85°) with a working range of 5-35 nm (A.N. Ryabtsev, E.Ya. Kononov). For the shorter wavelength region, spectrographs with curved crystals as dispersing elements, built according to various optical schemes, were developed (E.V. Aglitsky, Yu.V. Sidelnikov). In general, a constantly modernized unique complex of spectrographs was created, which allows recording spectra with almost the highest possible high resolution in the region of 250-0.1 nm, from the ultraviolet to the X-ray region of the spectrum.

A neodymium laser with a power of 1 GW (energy 10 J at a pulse duration of 10 ns) was built to produce high-temperature plasma that occurs when laser radiation is focused in a vacuum on the surface of a solid target (S.S. Churilov, E.Ya. Kononov). An original design has been created for a low-inductance vacuum spark, which has a temperature in the hot region of tens of millions of degrees, exceeding the temperature of solar flares (Yu.V. Sidelnikov, E.V. Aglitsky).

A semi-automatic comparator-microphotometer was developed and built, which made it possible to largely automate the process of measuring spectral lines on photospectrograms, increase the accuracy of measurements and transfer measurement processing to a computer (V.I. Kovalev, E.Ya. Kononov). In 1991

a system for automatic processing of photospectrograms based on a scanning microphotometer was put into operation (V.I. Azarov).

The results of systematic studies of ion spectra are summarized in the table. The table illustrates the knowledge of the spectra of atoms and ions as of the end of 2007. Each cell corresponds to a specific ion;

If the spectrum of the ion has been studied to some extent, the cell is gray.

Dark squares indicate ions to which the work of this laboratory contributed.

The objects of study, depending on the needs, were both relatively simple spectra, consisting of a dozen lines, and very complex spectra, containing thousands of spectral lines.

In the X-ray region of the spectrum, using laser plasma, ions in which a few electrons remain were studied: resonance series in hydrogen and helium-like ions of light elements (E.V. Aglitsky together with the Lebedev Physical Institute).

Further, these works were continued using a low-inductance vacuum spark, with which it was possible to advance in the sequence of hydrogen-like ions to Ga XXXI, helium-like ions to Y XXXVIII, neon-like Pr L (S.L. Mandelstam, E.V. Aglitsky, P.S. Antsiferov , A.M. Panin) . An important and sometimes dominant feature of the X-ray spectra of highly charged ions are the so-called satellites of spectral lines. Their detailed study laid the foundation for methods for determining electron temperature and density in hot plasma (K.N. Koshelev, Yu.V. Sidelnikov, etc.) and logically led to the organization of a plasma spectroscopy laboratory.

Another large class of objects studied are ions of elements from aluminum to arsenic, containing a filling shell n= (E.Ya. Kononov, A.N. Ryabtsev, etc.). In the registration of n=2-n"=2 transitions located in the vacuum ultraviolet region, as in the case of a number of the X-ray spectra mentioned above, record ionization multiplicities were achieved for their time. In combination with theoretical calculations, a complete understanding of the energy structure of the outer L-shell was achieved multiply ionized atoms with nuclear charges Z=10-100.

An analysis of a large number of spectra of ions of extended isoelectronic sequences of copper, nickel, cobalt and iron containing 3d electrons in the outer shells was performed. The patterns in the behavior of levels along isoelectronic sequences were studied, which made it possible to develop a reliable method for predicting and analyzing such spectra, including cases of intersection of interacting configurations (A.N. Ryabtsev, L.I. Podobedova). A way has been found to study autoionization states in ions of moderate ionization rates. For the first time, their energies and widths were measured for such ions in Ga III-Br VII (A.N. Ryabtsev). Later, autoinization states were found and measured in ions with low ionization rates of heavier elements: In, Sn, Sb, Te, I and Bi.

The experimental study of spectra is currently increasingly shifting towards ions of heavy elements. This is caused both by fundamental interest in the study of increasing correlation and relativistic effects in heavy elements, and by practical needs for the creation of powerful radiation sources for nanolithography, astrophysics in connection with the interpretation of the spectra of chemically special stars, obtained, in particular, using the Hubble Space Telescope, and also X-ray laser physicists.

Joint (University of Antigonish, Canada;

University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands;

Meudon Observatory and Laboratory. Aimé Cotton, France) project studied the spectra of ions from the second to the twelfth ionization power of platinum group elements (Re, Os, Ir, Pt, Au, Hg), which were completely unknown. This problem was successfully solved thanks to the method developed in the laboratory for automated identification of complex spectra, as well as a new method for calculating complex atomic spectra based on orthogonal operators, developed in parallel at the University of Amsterdam. As a result, not only new spectroscopic atomic data were obtained, but also, for the first time in heavy atoms, quantitative data on correlation effects and relativistic interactions of higher orders than ordinary spin-orbit interactions.

Also together with the Meudon Observatory and the Laboratory. Aime Cotton (France) studied ions from Sb VI to Nd XV of the isoelectronic sequence of palladium to support work on the creation of X-ray lasers. The success of this work is based on the combination of the high quality of high-resolution spectra obtained at ISAN on a spectrograph with a 6.65 m grating from a plasma created by a 1-GW neodymium laser, and French calculations by the generalized least squares method, in which, within the framework of general laws, spectra are simultaneously calculated over an extended isoelectronic sequence from Cd III to Nd XV. In all ions, spectral lines were found and accurately measured, at which it is possible to create laser generation in vacuum ultraviolet. The obtained atomic data (energy levels, wavelengths and transition probabilities) are the basis for achieving laser lasing on palladium-like ions up to ~24 nm.

The main direction of the laboratory's research over the past 5 years has been to provide fundamental atomic data for the creation of a radiation source in the short-wave UV region of the spectrum, as well as to study the spectra of ions containing 4f electrons in their electron shells, with application to the analysis of the spectra of chemically special stars.

The new generation of projection optical lithography, which is currently being actively developed, requires spectroscopic data on a substance that could be used to create powerful radiation sources in the vacuum UV region of the spectrum. One of the most promising types of lithographic VUV sources at a wavelength of 135 is high Fig. 2. Spectrum of tin in the region 120-170, excited in a vacuum spark with a current of 25 kA and its identification in the region 135±3.

temperature plasma containing tin ions. Such a plasma produces a very intense emission peak in a narrow spectral region 132-148, consisting of resonant transitions in the spectra of several ions with a filling 4d shell (from Sn VIII to Sn XIV), which determines the high efficiency of converting the supplied energy into useful radiation (Fig. 2 ). However, the spectra of tin ions in this region have so far remained virtually unstudied.

As a result of our research, for the first time, about lines in the spectra from Sn IV to Sn XIV were classified, including all intense lines in the spectra of tin ions excited in the region 130-150. It has been established that the overwhelming majority of lines in the 2% range near 135 actually used for optical lithography belong to resonant transitions in the spectra of Sn XII and Sn XIII. In the studied ions, the energies around the levels were determined.

The results of this identification were sufficient for the development of high-temperature tin plasma diagnostics and its first applications to optimize the operation of a source based on a vacuum spark to obtain a maximum radiation yield in the region of 13.5 nm. However, they do not fully meet the strict criteria for fundamental spectroscopic data. The identification of such complex transitions must be confirmed by comparison with the spectra of similar transitions in isoelectronic ions of neighboring lighter elements, which are still unknown. Spectra of elements from indium to palladium were obtained (Fig. 3) and analyzed. This is a longer work, the result of which will be not only a refinement of the spectra of tin, but also a large volume of fundamental atomic data for these ions, the analysis of which will clarify the influence of correlation and relativistic effects on the spectra of ions with a filling 4d shell.

Modern astronomical observations provide rich material on stellar spectra. The spectra of chemically special stars in the visible region are rich in lines of singly and doubly ionized atoms of rare earth elements. Rare earth elements contain a filling 4f shell, so their spectra contain thousands of spectral lines. However, the number of experimentally known transitions, in particular, in doubly ionized atoms, is on the order of hundreds. In the last 5 years, ISAN has begun to develop a program to study such spectra based on the experience gained from working with ions with filling d-shells. Contributed to laboratory data on the spectra of Pr III, Nd III and Eu III. In each spectrum, new line classifications were performed and transition probabilities were calculated. In particular, 93 new lines were identified in Eu III and 39 new levels were found. The list of calculated transitions between known levels of Eu III contains more than 1100 lines, and between all levels below ~11 eV - ~23000.

At the Institute of Astronomy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, these data are used to interpret the spectra of chemically special stars. An example of agreement between the calculated (with our data for Pr III and Nd III) and measured spectrum of the star Ap HD 144897 is shown in Fig. 4. The measured and calculated data make it possible to carry out reliable measurements of the abundance of rare earth elements in stars, as well as to study subtle effects in the formation of stellar spectra, such as deviations from thermodynamic equilibrium. In just 40 years, the spectra of about 290 ions have been experimentally studied, and more spectral lines have been identified.

A bibliography bank on atomic spectra has been created and is regularly updated. It is freely accessible via the Internet at (A.E.Kramida, G.V.Vedeneeva).

Fig.3. Spectra of In, Cd, Ag and Pd, isoelectronic with Sn VIII - Sn XV.

At the same time, methods for theoretical calculations of spectra were developed. When identifying transitions in hydrogen- and helium-like ions, satellite transitions to them, as well as transitions between configurations of the filling shell n=2, the creation and development of a method that allows one to represent the contribution of electron-electron interactions to expansions in 1/Z Fig. 1 was of decisive importance. 4. Part of the spectrum of the star Ap HD 144897.

(U.I. Safronova together with Lebedev Physical Institute). Points - experimental data, solid To analyze the contributions of various lines - calculated spectrum.

corrections obtained by the perturbation theory method, it turned out to be essential to use the field form of perturbation theory, which received noticeable development in these works. The development of these works in recent years has been influenced by studies of the fundamental properties of the 1/Z expansion: the region and rate of its convergence (I.A. Ivanov together with the Meudon Observatory, France). The obtained data on the structure of the perturbation theory series in 1/Z led to the development of an effective algorithm for approximating higher orders of perturbation theory, which makes it possible to obtain more accurate values ​​of spectroscopic quantities.

Since the beginning of the 80s, L.N. Ivanov and E.P. Ivanova developed an original method for precision calculation of atomic structures. The method is based on the energy approach of consistent quantum electrodynamic theory.

It became known as a relativistic method of perturbation theory with a model zero approximation. With its help, the energy levels of many isoelectronic sequences, Rydberg states and states of negative ions of some rare earth elements were calculated, cooperative electron-nuclear processes were studied, and quantum electrodynamic effects in multiply charged ions were studied. The method has established itself as one of the most reliable and accurate in calculating atomic constants.

In recent years, this method has been used to model the emission spectra of ions in plasma, to study the physical characteristics of radiation and to determine optimal conditions for observing the laser effect in the VUV and soft X-ray region in laser plasma and capillary discharge plasma, and to create powerful sources of VUV radiation.

In development of experimental work on studying the possibilities of creating VUV lasers on palladium-like ions, calculations of spectroscopic constants, level population kinetics and spontaneous emission amplification factors in Pd-like Er XXIII – Re XXX were carried out. The wavelengths of transitions at which amplification is possible are in the region of 10-15 nm.

Calculations were performed for conditions of an ultrashort pump pulse. For each ion, optimal conditions in the plasma were determined for observing narrowly directed, monochromatic, intense radiation (several percent of the pump pulse energy) at the laser transition wavelength.

Based on all the theoretical methods being developed, algorithms and universal computer programs have been created.

Literature 1. Spectroscopy of multiply charged ions in hot plasma. - ed. Safronova U.I., M.: Nauka, 1991.

2. Kononov E.Ya., Safronova U.I. Energy structure and systematics of electrons in the outer L shell of multiply ionized atoms for Z = 10 100. - Optics and Spectrum, 1977, v. 43, no. 1, pp. 3-9.

3. Ryabtsev A.N. Manifestations of interaction of configurations in atomic spectra. - Izv. Academy of Sciences of the USSR, ser. physics, 1986, v. 50, no. 7, p. 1434-1441.

4. Ryabtsev A.N. Autoionizing states in moderately charged ions. Nucl.Inst.Meth.Phys.Res.B, 1988, v.31, No.1&2, p.196-205.

5. Ryabtsev A.N., Churilov S.S., Joshi Y.N. Analysis of transitions from autoionization states of Bi III, Bi IV and Bi V ions. - Optics and Spectrum, 2000, v. 88, no. 3, pp. 360-365.

6. Ryabtsev A.N., Churilov S.S., Kononov E.Ya. Configuration 4d95p2 in the spectra of In III - Te VI. - Optics and Spectrum, 2007, v. 102, No. 3, p. 400-408.

7. Ryabtsev A.N.,. Azarov V.I., Churilov S.S., Kildiyarova R.R., Ryabtsev A.N., Raassen A.J.J., Uylings P.H.M., Joshi Y.N., Tchang-Brillet L., Wyart J.-F. The Platinum Group Ion Project. - NIST Special Publ.926, 1998, p.103-105.

8.Ryabtsev A.N. Spectroscopy of ions with 5d electrons in the ground state. UFN, 1999, vol. 169, no. 3, p. 350-351.

9.Azarov V.I. Formal approach to the solution of the complex-spectra identification problem. 2. Implementaton. Phys.Scripta, 1993, v.48, No.6, p.656-667.

10. Churilov S.S., Ryabtsev A.N., Brillet Wan-U.L., Wyart J.-F. Spectroscopy of Pd-like ions. - Phys.Scripta T, 2002, v.100, p.98-103.

11. I.Yu.Tolstikhina, S.S.Churilov, A.N.Ryabtsev, K.N.Koshelev. Atomic tin data. In.EUV Sources for Lithography, Ed. V.Bakshi, SPIE Press, Washington, USA, 2006, p.113-148.

12. S.S.Churilov, A.N.Ryabtsev. Analysis of the spectra of In XII--XIV and Sn XIII--XV in the far VUV region. - Optics and spectroscopy, 2006, v. 101, p. 181-190.

13. S.S.Churilov, A.N.Ryabtsev. Analyzes of the Sn IX–Sn XII spectra in the EUV region. - Physica Scripta, 2006, v.73, p.614-619.

14. T.Ryabchikova, A.Ryabtsev, O.Kochukhov, S.Bagnulo. Rare-earth elements in the atmosphere of the magnetic chemically peculiar star HD 144897. New classification of the Nd III spectrum. - A&A 2006, v.456, p.329-338.

15. Brown M.A., Gurchumelia A.D., Safronova U.I. Relativistic theory of atoms, M., Nauka, 1984.

16. E.P.Ivanova, A.L.Ivanov. Super-powerful source of monochromatic radiation in the far ultraviolet region. - JETP 2005, v. 127, no. 5, p. 957.

17. E.P.Ivanova, A.L.Ivanov, T.E.Pakhomova. X-Ray Laser at 10-15 nm in Pd like Ions Er XXIII - Re XXX. - in X-Ray Lasers 2006, Eds. P. V. Nickles and K. A. Janulewicz, Springer (2007), p.353-359.

Laboratory of Plasma Spectroscopy The main direction of research of the laboratory (head of the laboratory is K.N. Koshelev) is VUV and X-ray spectroscopy of high-temperature plasma of electrical discharges. Below we will provide a brief historical overview of the scientific directions developed in the laboratory, as well as a somewhat more detailed description of the current state of research.

Brief overview of the history of the laboratory. Physics of micropinches.

In the first years of the laboratory's existence, a series of theoretical and experimental studies of the so-called “plasma points” (PP) was carried out. A PT is an object in a column of axially symmetric discharges, which has a high temperature, high density and emits in the X-ray region of the spectrum. The first experiments were carried out with the “low-inductive vacuum spark” installation, created by Yu.V. Sidelnikov and E.Ya. Golts at the suggestion of S.L. Mandelstam and the head of the laboratory of atomic spectroscopy E.Ya. Kononov.

The use of experimental methods for recording X-ray spectra of multiply charged ions with the best spectral resolution at that time made it possible to study the parameters of the PT plasma (K.N. Koshelev, Yu.V. Sidelnikov, P.S. Antsiferov, A.E. Kramida, etc.). It was discovered that PTs are plasma objects with unique parameters, their temperature exceeds 10 million degrees, and their lifetime lies in the subnanosecond region. These studies made it possible to explain the properties of PT and led to the creation of a model of “radiative collapse” of axial discharge plasma containing ions of heavy elements (K. Koshelev, V. Vikhrev, V. Ivanov). The model describes the occurrence of PT as a result of the development of m= instability under conditions of strong radiation losses due to line emission of ions.

"Radiative collapse" has been shown to be a general phenomenon for many high-current discharges with axial symmetry. In 1988, a powerful Z-pinch type installation with pulsed gas injection “MP-100” was built, which was used to study DCs with a discharge current of over 1 MA (Yu.V. Sidelnikov, P.S. Antsiferov, A.A. Palkin ) . This setup made it possible to obtain a large number of important results on the dynamics of pinch compression and the development of micropinches - PT (L.A. Dorokhin, Yu.V. Sopkin). In particular, the emission of He-like Xe was detected in the range of 0.6 A, this was the ion with the maximum ionization potential recorded in laboratory plasma.

Experiments performed in collaboration with the Sukhumi Institute of Physics and Technology revealed a “radiation collapse” mode with the appearance of micropinches at the “plasma focus” installation (Yu.V. Sidelnikov, P.S. Antsiferov). This work was continued in collaboration with the University of Dusseldorf on a unique fast “plasma focus”

SPEED-2, as well as at discharge facilities at the University of Stuttgart. They formed an experimental basis for the creation of pulsed sources of X-ray and neutron radiation using plasma focus discharges in many laboratories.

Currently, research on the physics of “radiative compression”

found important practical application in creating a short-wave radiation source for a new generation of lithography - “extreme ultraviolet lithography” (see below in more detail).

X-ray lines of free atoms The laboratory studied the X-ray spectra (10A) of ions using an electron beam to obtain and excite them (P.S. Antsiferov). Studies of X-ray characteristic lines (XCLs) emitted by free atoms have led to the measurement of shifts of such XRLs relative to their position in the case of radiation from a solid body. Such data are of interest for metrological purposes; they are also interesting for calculating the band structure of a solid and the energy structure of X-ray terms of free atoms.

X-ray laser In 1976, ISAN first proposed a scheme for obtaining amplification in the VUV region using Ne-like ions (A.N. Zherikhin, K.N. Koshelev, V.S. Letokhov). It was first implemented at the Livermore National Laboratory and is now widely used to obtain short-wave amplification. The first demonstration of the possibility of inversion on transitions in Li-like ions in the recombination mode was also carried out at ISAN (E.Ya. Kononov, K.N. Koshelev, S.S. Churilov).

Several years ago, the laboratory returned to the problem of developing sources of coherent radiation in the short-wavelength range of the spectrum.

The laser effect on 3s–3p transitions in Ne-like argon ions at a wavelength of 46.8 nm was demonstrated in a capillary discharge (Antsiferov P., Dorokhin L., Nazarenko A. and Koshelev K. This was the first observation of a VUV laser effect made in Russia .

The possibility of population inversion in multiply charged ions and stimulated emission in the VUV region due to the recharging of ions of plasma beams generated by pinches on gas target atoms was predicted theoretically (K. Koshelev, G. Kunze), and demonstrated experimentally in high-current Z-pinches, as well as in discharges of the “plasma focus” type (L. Dorokhin, Yu. Sidelnikov together with the Fraunhofer Institute of Laser Technology in Aachen, Germany). The laboratory participated in the European Community Program “FACADIX” to study the possibilities of using capillary discharge plasma to produce stimulated emission in the VUV spectral range. Over the past few years, the laboratory has been exploring a new approach - the creation of “stimulated” instabilities in the plasma of a capillary discharge (Antsiferov, Dorokhin, Nazarenko).

Literature 1. Golts E.Ya., Zhitnik I.A., Kononov E.Ya., Mandelstam S.L., Sidelnikov Yu.V., Laboratory reproduction of the spectrum of an X-ray flare on the sun.

DAN USSR, ser.mat.fiz., 1975, v.220, no.3, pp.560-563.

2. Kononov E.Ya., Koshelev K.N., Sidelnikov Yu.V., X-ray spectroscopic study of micropinches in a low-inductance vacuum spark. - Sov. J. Plasma Phys., 1985, v.11, N8, p.538-543.

3. Vikhrev V.V., Ivanov V.V., Koshelev K.N., Formation and development of a micropinch region in a vacuum spark. - Plasma Physics, 1982, vol. 8, no. 6, pp. 1211-1219.

4. Golts E.Ya., Koloshnikov G.V., Koshelev K.N., Kramida A.E., Sidelnikov Yu. V., Vikhrev V.V., Ivanov V.V., Palkin A.A., Prut V.V., A high temperature micropinch in a discharge with a current of 1 MA. - Phys.Lett.A, 1986, v.115, N3, p.114-116.

5. Koshelev K.N., Krauz V.I., Reshetniak N.G., Salukvadze R.G., Ssidelnikov Yu.V., Khautiev E.Yu., Formation of micropinch structures in plasma-focus discharges with admixtures of heavy atoms, - Sov. J. Plasma Phys, 1989, v.15, N9, p.619 – 624.

6. Rosmej F.B., Schulz A., Koshelev K.N., Kunze H.-J., Asymmetric repumping of the Lyman-alpha components of hydrogenlike ions in a dense expanding plasma, JQSRT, 1990, v.44, N 5, p.559 -566.

7. Antsiferov P.S., The characteristic X-ray spectra of free atoms of metals, Central European Journal of Physics, 2003, v.2, p.268-288.

8. Zherikhin A.N., Koshelev K.N., Letokhov V.S., On amplification in the X-ray region on transitions in multiply charged ions - Kvant. elektr., 1976, vol. 3, no. 1, p.

9. Koshelev K.N., Antsiferov P.S., Dorokhin L.A., Nazarenko A.V., Sidelnikov Yu.

V., Glushklov D.A., Observation of ASE effect for Ne-like Ar in a capillary discharge driven by inductive storage with plasma erosion opening switch - J. Physique IV, 2001, v.64, p.292-294.

10. Koshelev K.N., Kuntse Kh.I., Inverse population in a discharge plasma with waist-type instabilities, - Kvant. Elektr., 1997, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 169-172.

LSP today. Work on the creation of short-wave radiation sources for a new generation of lithography.

(together with the Laboratory of High-Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy and Analytical Spectroscopy) Among the impressive list of scientific, technical and technological problems that must be solved when creating short-wave lithography, the radiation source occupies not the least place in terms of the complexity of the problems encountered. The wavelength for the new generation of lithography - EUV lithography 13.5 nm was chosen long before it became more or less clear how exactly the source could be designed to ensure commercially viable production - HVM (High Volume Manufacturing).

Plasma emitting in the far vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) has long been a well-studied object, but the technical requirements for the HVM source are so unusual that the seemingly simple task of heating the plasma to a temperature of several tens of electron volts turns into a whole complex of complex physical and engineering problems.

The effective size of the emitting area should not exceed 1 mm 3;

the operating frequency of the source is over 50 kHz and the radiation dose stability is 3 (per flashes) 0.3%. Estimates show that the industrial version of the source will have a total power (electrical or light) of at least 100 kW.

From the point of view of fundamental atomic spectroscopy, tin is the most optimal working substance for a radiation source at a wavelength of 13.5 nm. Resonant transitions in Sn+8 Sn+13 ions are 4dk - (4dk-14f + 4p54dk+1). The large magnitude of the 4d-4f exchange interaction in the 4dk-14f configuration and 4p - 4d in the 4p54dk+1 configuration leads to the division of the energy levels of these configurations into two zones, and the probabilities of transitions from the upper zone far exceed the probabilities of transitions from the lower zone. The strong interaction between the 4dk-14f and 4p54dk+ configurations results in an even greater narrowing of this emissive zone. As a result, despite the presence of many hundreds of levels in a wide energy range, the radiation is concentrated in a narrow spectral range. In addition, due to the small dependence of the excitation energy for n=4 - n"=4 transitions, intense transitions in several neighboring ions fall into this interval.

Two main types of radiation sources are considered - discharge plasma (DP) and plasma that appears when laser radiation is focused on a target - laser plasma (LP).

Discharge plasma As a discharge plasma source, we chose a classic vacuum spark - a discharge between two electrodes with the supply of a working substance into the interelectrode gap by ablation of the cathode material (tin) using a laser pulse. Studies of axially symmetric discharges, in particular in vacuum sparks, have shown that soft X-ray and VUV radiation occurs in plasma with currents above 10 kA at the moment of development of waist instabilities in the discharge column. It is known that these waists or “micropinches” develop as a result of plasma leakage under conditions of strong radiation losses, in this case due to the line radiation of multiply charged tin ions (see, for example, K. Koshelev and N. Pereira “Plasma points and radiative collapse in vacuum sparks”, J. Appl. Phys. 69, R21- (1991)). The flow of plasma from the waist is accompanied by compression and heating of the plasma and a transition to increasingly higher ionization rates. The waist radius is determined by the balance of Joule heating and energy losses, primarily radiation losses in an optically dense plasma.

The formation (often sequential in time) of several micropinches emitting in the EUV range is observed. This effect of “sliding” of the emitting region along the discharge axis determines the time-integrated axial size of the source.

Fig.1. Image of a plasma column obtained in its own short-wave radiation using a microchannel detector with adjustable opening time (from 3 to 50 nsec).

Top image – radiation in the entire sensitivity range of the MCP (100 nm);

lower – through a Zr/Si filter. The distance between anode A and cathode K is 3 mm.

For a discharge with dimensions of several millimeters, the average released power of 100 kW or more remains an unimaginably high value. A possible solution to the problem is the so-called “multiplication” of the source, that is, the creation of multiple sources with the distribution of electrical and thermal loads in them. However, the requirement for a constant position of the emitter in space and a high operating frequency (up to 50-100 kHz) practically exclude a “revolving” system with mechanical repetition of a large number of vacuum sparks with an axially symmetrical system of electrodes and insulators.

The use of tin in combination with laser initiation opens up special possibilities. The supply of a substance into the interelectrode gap by evaporating the electrode surface with a laser pulse directly ensures axial initial symmetry regardless of the shape of the electrodes - the initial plasma scatters in the form of a cone with an axis perpendicular to the electrode surface. A system with rotating electrodes, the lower of which is coated with liquid tin (to facilitate surface renewal), (Krivtsun V.M., Koloshnikov V.G., Yakushev O.) is shown schematically in Fig. 2.

Rice. 2. Schematic diagram of “wheel” animation When the electrodes rotate in each new shot, the laser, the position of the focus of which does not change, evaporates tin from a new section of the cathode ring. Thus, a sequence of elementary vacuum sparks arises, located in the same place in space, but resting on different parts of the flat cathode. It is only desirable that in the interval between pulses the previous position of the laser focus “moves away” from the new one by a distance of 1–2 mm - the size of the zone of the surface temporarily “damaged” by the discharge. At a repetition rate of 104 Hz, this corresponds to a minimum required linear rotation speed of about 10 m/s. The principle of this approach was tested on the “PROTO 1” and “PROTO 2” installations (Fig. 3).

Experiments and calculations show that such systems are capable of withstanding electrical powers of up to 50, possibly up to 100 kW.

Figure 3. Prototype EUV source with rotating electrodes. Operating parameters:

electrical power – 18 kW;

useful radiation power 360 W.

Figure 4. Schematic representation of a “jet” EUV radiation source.

The idea of ​​“continuous animation” was further developed in the inkjet version of the source. It is proposed to use two jets of liquid metal or alloy with a low melting point flowing at high speed from metal nozzles as electrodes. (Ivanov V.V., Krivtsun V.M., Yakushev O.F.) Voltage is applied to the jets, and a discharge between them occurs when laser radiation is focused on one of them (Fig. 4). The jets not only carry away the heat generated in the discharge, but also effectively cool the metal elements closest to the discharge - the nozzles. The jets enter the heat exchanger and, having cooled, are returned to the system using pumps.

The power resource of such a technical solution is 200 kW.

Laser plasma The required power density of EUV radiation can be provided not only in a plasma discharge source but also by focusing laser radiation onto the target surface (EUV LPP). And in this case, tin turned out to be the best target material. The main processes here are heating of the target (in the form of a drop with a size of ~ 30–100 μm) by laser radiation leading to its partial evaporation. The subsequent breakdown of tin vapor forms a plasma that effectively absorbs the energy of laser radiation. After the plasma temperature rises to ~50 eV and multiply ionized ions (Z ~10) appear, the plasma begins to emit near 13.5 nm. The duration of laser radiation is 10–100 ns, which means that plasma parameters quickly reach a quasi-stationary outflow mode with a drop in plasma density of ~ 1/r2. As a result, the size of the source is determined mainly by the size of the tin droplet, ~100-200 µm. The small size of the EUV laser plasma radiation source allows radiation to be collected from a large solid angle of ~2, thereby reducing the total required laser energy power compared to a discharge radiation source. However, the total required electrical power in the case of EUV LPP is significantly higher than in a discharge source due to the low laser efficiency. The optimal radiation wavelength is considered to be 10 microns, corresponding to a CO2 laser with an efficiency of ~ 5-10%. The radiation of such a laser is absorbed at a relatively low plasma density ~ 1.e19 cm-3, in which the optical thickness of the plasma according to EUV radiation is close to 1, i.e. this area is an effective emitter. The multiplication problem is solved through the formation of a series of rapidly flying droplets (~100 m/s) and the development of a laser with a high pulse repetition rate of ~5.e4–1.e5 Hz. The EUV LPP diagram is shown in Fig. 5.

Figure 5. Schematic representation of an EUV radiation source based on laser plasma.

EUV LPP has both its advantages: a large distance to any element of the camera design, a large solid angle of radiation collection, and its disadvantages: the first mirror, the collector providing a large solid angle of radiation collection, must be a multilayer mirror and it is under the influence of tin vapor and fast ions (neutrals) laser plasma.

The study of EUV LPP in the laboratory began relatively recently. To date, an installation has been prepared that allows experiments to be carried out with the measurement of the angular distribution of EUV radiation, the spectrum of EUV radiation, as well as the angular distribution of fast plasma ions and their charge composition, in order to develop methods for protecting the collector. A photograph of the installation is shown in Fig. 6.

Figure 6. Installation for carrying out work on an EUV LPP radiation source.

In parallel with the development of the experimental setup, a numerical two-dimensional RZLine model of the processes occurring in EUV LPP, including the droplet evaporation process and a detailed plasma emission spectrum, was developed jointly with the Institute of Applied Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences. EUV sources use a narrow spectral interval, so the position of the calculated spectrum lines must coincide with experimental data with great accuracy (Ivanov V.V. together with Novikov V.V. and Solomyanna F. (IPM).

To calculate radiation phenomena, the new THERMOS-BEELINE program was used, which allows for self-consistent calculations of level kinetics and radiation transport for various plasma configurations. It includes radiative transport of overlapping spectral lines of arbitrary optical density with realistic line profiles, a validated atomic database for low-Z materials (H, He, O) as well as for Xe, Sn and their mixtures. Details are described in the article in “High Energy Density Physics”, V.3, 2007, p. 198-203.

Capillary discharge for the creation of plasma optical waveguides The creation of laser systems capable of providing light radiation power densities of 1018-1019 W/cm2 has made it possible to pose a number of new problems that until recently were the subject of purely theoretical research. These include the acceleration of electrons in a field excited by a laser pulse in a hydrogen plasma, as well as the generation of harmonics with frequencies falling in the X-ray region. The specificity of these tasks is the need to maintain effective interaction of radiation with matter at lengths of several centimeters or more. Particular interest in the problem of laser acceleration of electrons is associated with the possibility of creating “table-top” accelerators with an energy of about 100 GeV, which, in turn, can form the basis for X-ray free electron lasers. The noted high radiation densities are achieved as a result of focusing, while the longitudinal scale of the focusing area is determined, ideally, by diffraction (see Fig. 8).

Its numerical value is given by the Rayleigh length ZR: ZR = w02/.

Rice. 7. Use of a plasma optical waveguide to overcome the Rayleigh limitation on the length of interaction of electrons with the laser field.

The most developed method to date to overcome this limitation of the interaction length is to create a plasma optical waveguide using a capillary discharge (see Fig. 5). A discharge with a current of 300-500A in a capillary with an internal diameter of 200-500 microns, filled with hydrogen under a pressure of about 0.1 atm, makes it possible to obtain a plasma structure with a radially hollow electron density profile.

For such plasma channels with a length of up to 5 cm, the transmission of radiation with a density of 1017 W/cm2 was experimentally demonstrated.

The Institute of Spectroscopy became involved in the creation of plasma optical waveguides in 2002 together with the FOM Institute of Plasma Physics, the Netherlands. The first idea developed in the laboratory of plasma spectroscopy was the use of a magnetic field to significantly improve the characteristics of plasma channels in capillary discharges (V.V. Ivanov, K.N.

Koshelev, E.S. Toma, F. Bijkerk, Influence of an axial magnetic field on the density profile of capillary plasma channels – J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 36, p.832-836, (2003)).

However, the method of creating a plasma waveguide described in this work has a number of disadvantages, such as the difficulty of creating channels with a length of more than 10 cm and the problem of controlling the density on the discharge axis due to desorption from the capillary wall.

A new technique has been developed in the Plasma Spectroscopy Laboratory to overcome these V.V. problems. Ivanov, P.S. Antsiferov, and K.N.

Location Russia Russia, Moscow region, Troitsk 55°27′53″ n. w.  37°17′51″ E d.HGIO

L Institute of Spectroscopy of the Russian Academy of Sciences

(ISAN) - RAS, which conducts research in the field of spectroscopy.

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The Institute of Spectroscopy of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ISAN) (until 1991 - the Institute of Spectroscopy of the USSR Academy of Sciences) was organized in 1968 on the basis of the laboratory of the Commission on Spectroscopy of the USSR Academy of Sciences. The initial task of the laboratory is to support the scientific and organizational activities of the Spectroscopy Commission, solve a number of scientific and technical problems, educate and train personnel, and others. Over time, the laboratory's activities expanded far beyond the initially planned scope. It carried out extensive research work, focused on spectral instrumentation and the introduction of atomic and molecular spectroscopy into the national economy. Serious scientific and practical results have emerged. The Laboratory of the Spectroscopy Commission has become an independent scientific institution with highly qualified personnel. On November 10, 1967, the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences adopted a resolution on the advisability of reorganizing the Commission's laboratory into the Institute of Spectroscopy of the USSR Academy of Sciences, the leading organization in the field of spectroscopy in the USSR.

The State Committee on Science and Technology soon agreed to create the institute, and on November 29, 1968, a resolution was issued by the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences on the reorganization of the Laboratory into an Institute. At the suggestion of Academician-Secretary of the Department of General Physics and Astronomy (OOFA) of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Academician L. A. Artsimovich, the construction of the Institute of Spectroscopy was planned in the Scientific Center being created at that time in Krasnaya Pakhra, where the Institute of High Pressure Physics (IPHP) already existed. The institute was tasked with studying the spectroscopic constants of atoms and molecules necessary for astrophysics, physics, laser technology, organic chemistry and chemical physics.

The organizer, first director and ideologist of the direction of scientific research of the Institute was Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Sergei Leonidovich Mandelstam, later a corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences. The core of the Institute was a group of employees from the laboratory of the Commission on Spectroscopy: S. A. Ukholin, H. E. Sterin, G. N. Zhizhin, V. B. Belyanin, Ya. M. Kimelfeld, E. Ya. Kononov, M. P. Aliev, S. N. Murzin. V. G. Koloshnikov, B. D. Osipov, V. S. Letokhov, R. V. Ambartsumyan, O. N. Kompanets, O. A. Tumanov moved from FIAN to ISAN, V. M. Agranovich from Obninsk, from Moscow State Pedagogical Institute named after. V. I. Lenina - R. I. Personov. From 1971 to 1977, S. G. Rautian worked at the Institute. The involvement of famous scientists made it possible to quickly create a highly qualified scientific team. At the same time, the Institute’s staff was replenished with young, capable graduates of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, who still work at the Institute and occupy key positions in the world ranking of scientists.

File:Isan reception.jpg

Opening of a memorial bust of S. L. Mandelstam at ISAN

According to S. L. Mandelstam’s plan, the number of the Institute should not exceed three hundred to four hundred people. Small laboratories allowed managers to engage primarily in scientific rather than administrative work and to flexibly change research topics.

Currently, the Institute employs ~200 people, approximately half of them are research workers, including 30 doctors and 45 candidates of science.

At ISAN there is a basic department of “Nanooptics and Spectroscopy” (formerly “Quantum Optics”) of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (Faculty of Physics and Energy Problems).

Structure of the Institute


  • Director (since 2015) - Prof., Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Viktor Nikolaevich Zadkov
  • Prof., Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Oleg Nikolaevich Kompanets
  • Deputy dir. for scientific work - Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Andrey Vitalievich Naumov
  • Scientific Secretary - Ph.D. Evgeny Borisovich Perminov
  • Deputy dir. in finance - Andrey Yurievich Plodukhin
  • Deputy dir. for general questions - Dmitry Yuryevich Pomykalov

Scientific departments

1. Department of Atomic Spectroscopy (head of department, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences A. N. Ryabtsev)

  • Laboratory of Atomic Spectroscopy (head of the laboratory - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences A. N. Ryabtsev)
  • high-temperature plasma spectroscopy sector (head of the sector, Ph.D. P. S. Antsiferov)
  • sector of plasma radiation sources (head of sector V. M. Krivtsun);

2. Department of Molecular Spectroscopy (head of the department - Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences A. V. Naumov)

  • Laboratory of Analytical Spectroscopy (head of laboratory - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences M. A. Bolshov)
  • Laboratory of Electronic Spectra of Molecules (head of the laboratory - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Yu. G. Weiner);

3. Department of Solid State Spectroscopy (head of the department - corresponding member of the RAS E. A. Vinogradov)

  • laboratory of spectroscopy of condensed matter (head of the laboratory - Ph.D. N. N. Novikova)
  • laboratory of high-resolution Fourier spectroscopy (head of the laboratory - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences M. N. Popova);

4. Department of Laser Spectroscopy (Head of Department - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences E. A. Ryabov)

  • laboratory of laser spectroscopy (head of laboratory - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences V. I. Balykin)
  • laboratory of spectroscopy of excited states of molecules (head of laboratory - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences E. A. Ryabov)
  • Laboratory of Spectroscopy of Ultrafast Processes (head of the laboratory - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences S. V. Chekalin)

5. Department of Laser Spectral Instrumentation (head of department - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences O. N. Kompanets)

  • sector of multi-channel registration systems (head of the sector - Ph.D. E. G. Silkis);

6. theoretical department (department head, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences A. M. Kamchatnov)

  • sector of nonlinear spectroscopy (head of the sector - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences A.M. Kamchatnov)
  • sector of spectroscopy of phase transitions (head of the sector - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences A. G. Malshukov)

7. laboratory of spectroscopy of nanostructures (head of the laboratory - professor Yu. E. Lozovik)

8. laboratory of experimental methods of spectroscopy (head of the laboratory - Ph.D. E. B. Perminov)

Centre of collective usage

The Center for Collective Use “Optical-Spectral Research” was created on March 1, 2001. Structurally, the Shared Use Center includes a laboratory for spectroscopy of ultrafast processes and a laboratory for Fourier transform spectroscopy. The purpose of the Center for Use is to provide scientific teams with the opportunity to conduct extensive optical-spectral research at a high scientific level and on modern equipment to solve scientific problems determined by the priority directions of the development of science, technology and technology of the Russian Federation and the list of critical technologies of the Russian Federation; increasing the efficiency of using the measuring, analytical, diagnostic, metrological and technological equipment available at the Shared Use Center; further development of the instrument base, experimental installations and methods of optical-spectral research and measurements.

Scientific and educational activities

The Council was created with the aim of uniting the scientific youth of the Institute, forming youth policy, coordinating the work of young scientists, protecting and representing the interests of young people in the professional and social spheres.

Institute of Spectroscopy RAS

International name Institute of Spectroscopy RAS (ISAN)
Director Prof., Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences V. N. Zadkov
Employees 230
Postgraduate studies Optics, Theoretical physics, Solid state physics, Laser physics
Location Russia Russia, Troitsk, Moscow 55°27′53″ n. w. 37°17′51″ E d. 37°17′51″ E d.HGI
Legal address 142190, Troitsk, Moscow, st. Physical, 5

L Institute of Spectroscopy of the Russian Academy of Sciences


The Institute of Spectroscopy of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ISAN) (until 1991 - the Institute of Spectroscopy of the USSR Academy of Sciences) was organized in 1968 on the basis of the laboratory of the Commission on Spectroscopy of the USSR Academy of Sciences. The initial task of the laboratory is to support the scientific and organizational activities of the Spectroscopy Commission, solve a number of scientific and technical problems, educate and train personnel, and others. Over time, the laboratory's activities expanded far beyond the initially planned scope. It carried out extensive research work, focused on spectral instrumentation and the introduction of atomic and molecular spectroscopy into the national economy. Serious scientific and practical results have emerged. The Laboratory of the Spectroscopy Commission has become an independent scientific institution with highly qualified personnel. On November 10, 1967, the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences adopted a resolution on the advisability of reorganizing the Commission's laboratory into the Institute of Spectroscopy of the USSR Academy of Sciences, the leading organization in the field of spectroscopy in the USSR.

The State Committee on Science and Technology soon agreed to create the institute, and on November 29, 1968, a resolution was issued by the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences on the reorganization of the Laboratory into an Institute. At the suggestion of Academician-Secretary of the Department of General Physics and Astronomy (OOFA) of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Academician L. A. Artsimovich, the construction of the Institute of Spectroscopy was planned in the Scientific Center being created at that time in Krasnaya Pakhra, where the Institute of High Pressure Physics (IPHP) already existed. The institute was tasked with studying the spectroscopic constants of atoms and molecules necessary for astrophysics, physics, laser technology, organic chemistry and chemical physics.

The organizer, first director and ideologist of the direction of scientific research of the Institute was Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Sergei Leonidovich Mandelstam, later a corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences. The core of the Institute was a group of employees from the laboratory of the Commission on Spectroscopy: S. A. Ukholin, H. E. Sterin, G. N. Zhizhin, V. B. Belyanin, Ya. M. Kimelfeld, E. Ya. Kononov, M. P. Aliev, S. N. Murzin. V. G. Koloshnikov, B. D. Osipov, V. S. Letokhov, R. V. Ambartsumyan, O. N. Kompanets, O. A. Tumanov moved from FIAN to ISAN, V. M. Agranovich from Obninsk, from Moscow State Pedagogical Institute named after. V. I. Lenina - R. I. Personov. From 1971 to 1977, S. G. Rautian worked at the Institute. The involvement of famous scientists made it possible to quickly create a highly qualified scientific team. At the same time, the Institute’s staff was replenished with young, capable graduates of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, who still work at the Institute and occupy key positions in the world ranking of scientists.

According to S. L. Mandelstam’s plan, the number of the Institute should not exceed three hundred to four hundred people. Small laboratories allowed managers to engage primarily in scientific rather than administrative work and to flexibly change research topics.

Currently, the Institute employs ~160 people, approximately half of them are research workers, including 30 doctors and 45 candidates of science.

At ISAN there are the basic departments of “Nanooptics and Spectroscopy” (formerly “Quantum Optics”) of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (Faculty of Physics and Energy Problems) and, since 2017, “Quantum Optics and Nanophotonics” of the National Research University Higher School of Economics (Faculty of Physics).

Structure of the Institute


  • Director (since 2015) - Prof., Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Viktor Nikolaevich Zadkov
  • Deputy dir. for scientific work - Prof., Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Leonid Arkadyevich Surin
  • Deputy dir. in finance - Andrey Yurievich Plodukhin
  • Deputy dir. on general issues - ‘’Alexey Sergeevich Stankevich
  • Scientific Secretary - Ph.D. Evgeniy Borisovich Perminov'"

Scientific departments

1. Theoretical department (head of department, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences A.M. Kamchatnov)

  • sector of nonlinear spectroscopy (head of the sector - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences A.M. Kamchatnov)
  • sector of spectroscopy of phase transitions (head of the sector - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences A.G. Malshukov);

2. Department of Atomic Spectroscopy (head of department, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences A.N. Ryabtsev)

  • Laboratory of Atomic Spectroscopy (head of the laboratory - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences A.N. Ryabtsev)
  • high-temperature plasma spectroscopy sector (head of the sector, Ph.D. P.S. Antsiferov)
  • sector of plasma radiation sources (head of sector V.M. Krivtsun);

3. Department of Laser Spectroscopy (head of department - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences E.A. Ryabov)

  • laboratory of spectroscopy of excited states of molecules (head of laboratory - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences E.A. Ryabov)
  • laboratory of laser spectroscopy (head of laboratory - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences V.I. Balykin)
  • Laboratory of Spectroscopy of Ultrafast Processes (head of the laboratory - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences S.V. Chekalin);

4. Department of Spectroscopy of Condensed Matter (head of the department - Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences A.V. Naumov)

  • laboratory of spectroscopy of condensed matter (head of laboratory - Ph.D. S.A. Klimin)
  • laboratory of high-resolution Fourier spectroscopy (head of laboratory - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences M.N. Popova)
  • Laboratory of Electronic Spectra of Molecules (head of the laboratory - Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences A.V. Naumov);

5. Department of Molecular Spectroscopy (head of department - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences L.A. Surin)

  • Laboratory of Analytical Spectroscopy (head of laboratory - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences M.A. Bolshov)
  • laboratory of optics and spectroscopy of nanoobjects (head of laboratory - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Yu.G. Weiner)
  • sector of spectroscopy of intermolecular interactions (head of the sector - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences L.A. Surin);

6. Department of laser-spectral instrumentation (head of department - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences O.N. Kompanets)

  • sector of multi-channel registration systems (head of the sector - Ph.D. E.G. Silkis);

7. Laboratory of Spectroscopy of Nanostructures (head of laboratory - Prof. Yu.E. Lozovik)

8. Laboratory of experimental methods of spectroscopy (head of laboratory - Ph.D. E.B. Perminov)

Centre of collective usage

The Center for Collective Use “Optical-Spectral Research” was created on March 1, 2001. Structurally, the Shared Use Center includes a laboratory for spectroscopy of ultrafast processes and a laboratory for Fourier transform spectroscopy. The purpose of the Center for Use is to provide scientific teams with the opportunity to conduct extensive optical-spectral research at a high scientific level and on modern equipment to solve scientific problems determined by the priority directions of the development of science, technology and technology of the Russian Federation and the list of critical technologies of the Russian Federation; increasing the efficiency of using the measuring, analytical, diagnostic, metrological and technological equipment available at the Shared Use Center; further development of the instrument base, experimental installations and methods of optical-spectral research and measurements.

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Institute of Spectroscopy RAS
International name Institute of Spectroscopy RAS (ISAN)
Director Prof., Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences V. N. Zadkov
Employees 230
Postgraduate studies Optics, Theoretical physics, Solid state physics, Laser physics
Location Russia, Troitsk, Moscow 55°27′53″ n. w. 37°17′51″ E d. 37°17′51″ E d.HGIO
Legal address 142190, Troitsk, Moscow, st. Physical, 5

L Institute of Spectroscopy of the Russian Academy of Sciences


The Institute of Spectroscopy of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ISAN) (until 1991 - the Institute of Spectroscopy of the USSR Academy of Sciences) was organized in 1968 on the basis of the laboratory of the Commission on Spectroscopy of the USSR Academy of Sciences. The initial task of the laboratory is to support the scientific and organizational activities of the Spectroscopy Commission, solve a number of scientific and technical problems, educate and train personnel, and others. Over time, the laboratory's activities expanded far beyond the initially planned scope. It carried out extensive research work, focused on spectral instrumentation and the introduction of atomic and molecular spectroscopy into the national economy. Serious scientific and practical results have emerged. The Laboratory of the Spectroscopy Commission has become an independent scientific institution with highly qualified personnel. On November 10, 1967, the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences adopted a resolution on the advisability of reorganizing the Commission's laboratory into the Institute of Spectroscopy of the USSR Academy of Sciences, the leading organization in the field of spectroscopy in the USSR.

The State Committee on Science and Technology soon agreed to create the institute, and on November 29, 1968, a resolution was issued by the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences on the reorganization of the Laboratory into an Institute. At the suggestion of Academician-Secretary of the Department of General Physics and Astronomy (OOFA) of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Academician L. A. Artsimovich, the construction of the Institute of Spectroscopy was planned in the Scientific Center being created at that time in Krasnaya Pakhra, where the Institute of High Pressure Physics (IPHP) already existed. The institute was tasked with studying the spectroscopic constants of atoms and molecules necessary for astrophysics, physics, laser technology, organic chemistry and chemical physics.

The organizer, first director and ideologist of the direction of scientific research of the Institute was Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Sergei Leonidovich Mandelstam, later a corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences. The core of the Institute was a group of employees from the laboratory of the Commission on Spectroscopy: S. A. Ukholin, H. E. Sterin, G. N. Zhizhin, V. B. Belyanin, Ya. M. Kimelfeld, E. Ya. Kononov, M. P. Aliev, S. N. Murzin. V. G. Koloshnikov, B. D. Osipov, V. S. Letokhov, R. V. Ambartsumyan, O. N. Kompanets, O. A. Tumanov moved from FIAN to ISAN, V. M. Agranovich from Obninsk, from Moscow State Pedagogical Institute named after. V. I. Lenina - R. I. Personov. From 1971 to 1977, S. G. Rautian worked at the Institute. The involvement of famous scientists made it possible to quickly create a highly qualified scientific team. At the same time, the Institute’s staff was replenished with young, capable graduates of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, who still work at the Institute and occupy key positions in the world ranking of scientists.

According to S. L. Mandelstam’s plan, the number of the Institute should not exceed three hundred to four hundred people. Small laboratories allowed managers to engage primarily in scientific rather than administrative work and to flexibly change research topics.

Currently, the Institute employs ~160 people, approximately half of them are research workers, including 30 doctors and 45 candidates of science.

At ISAN there are the basic departments of “Nanooptics and Spectroscopy” (formerly “Quantum Optics”) of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (Faculty of Physics and Energy Problems) and, since 2017, “Quantum Optics and Nanophotonics” of the National Research University Higher School of Economics (Faculty of Physics).

Structure of the Institute


  • Director (since 2015) - Prof., Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Viktor Nikolaevich Zadkov
  • Deputy dir. for scientific work - Prof., Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Leonid Arkadyevich Surin
  • Deputy dir. in finance - Andrey Yurievich Plodukhin
  • Deputy dir. on general issues - ‘’Alexey Sergeevich Stankevich
  • Scientific Secretary - Ph.D. Evgeniy Borisovich Perminov'"

Scientific departments

1. Theoretical department (head of department, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences A.M. Kamchatnov)

  • sector of nonlinear spectroscopy (head of the sector - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences A.M. Kamchatnov)
  • sector of spectroscopy of phase transitions (head of the sector - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences A.G. Malshukov);

2. Department of Atomic Spectroscopy (head of department, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences A.N. Ryabtsev)

  • Laboratory of Atomic Spectroscopy (head of the laboratory - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences A.N. Ryabtsev)
  • high-temperature plasma spectroscopy sector (head of the sector, Ph.D. P.S. Antsiferov)
  • sector of plasma radiation sources (head of sector V.M. Krivtsun);

3. Department of Laser Spectroscopy (head of department - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences E.A. Ryabov)

  • laboratory of spectroscopy of excited states of molecules (head of laboratory - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences E.A. Ryabov)
  • laboratory of laser spectroscopy (head of laboratory - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences V.I. Balykin)
  • Laboratory of Spectroscopy of Ultrafast Processes (head of the laboratory - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences S.V. Chekalin);

4. Department of Spectroscopy of Condensed Matter (head of the department - Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences A.V. Naumov)

  • laboratory of spectroscopy of condensed matter (head of laboratory - Ph.D. S.A. Klimin)
  • laboratory of high-resolution Fourier spectroscopy (head of laboratory - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences M.N. Popova)
  • Laboratory of Electronic Spectra of Molecules (head of the laboratory - Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences A.V. Naumov);

5. Department of Molecular Spectroscopy (head of department - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences L.A. Surin)

  • Laboratory of Analytical Spectroscopy (head of laboratory - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences M.A. Bolshov)
  • laboratory of optics and spectroscopy of nanoobjects (head of laboratory - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Yu.G. Weiner)
  • sector of spectroscopy of intermolecular interactions (head of the sector - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences L.A. Surin);

6. Department of laser-spectral instrumentation (head of department - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences O.N. Kompanets)

  • sector of multi-channel registration systems (head of the sector - Ph.D. E.G. Silkis);

7. Laboratory of Spectroscopy of Nanostructures (head of laboratory - Prof. Yu.E. Lozovik)

8. Laboratory of experimental methods of spectroscopy (head of laboratory - Ph.D. E.B. Perminov)

Centre of collective usage

The Center for Collective Use “Optical-Spectral Research” was created on March 1, 2001. Structurally, the Shared Use Center includes a laboratory for spectroscopy of ultrafast processes and a laboratory for Fourier transform spectroscopy. The purpose of the Center for Use is to provide scientific teams with the opportunity to conduct extensive optical-spectral research at a high scientific level and on modern equipment to solve scientific problems determined by the priority directions of the development of science, technology and technology of the Russian Federation and the list of critical technologies of the Russian Federation; increasing the efficiency of using the measuring, analytical, diagnostic, metrological and technological equipment available at the Shared Use Center; further development of the instrument base, experimental installations and methods of optical-spectral research and measurements.

Scientific and educational activities

Conferences, schools

The international cooperation

  • Co-founder of the International Virtual Institute of Nanofilms (

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