Spoken French for beginners from scratch. French self-instruction manual (ideal textbook). We start with the basics

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Decided to learn French ? French is spoken in over 43 countries around the world. Many consider this language the most beautiful. Lingoust will give you the opportunity to check if this is true.

For beginners placed in the form online lessons popular tutorial V. Panin and L. Leblanc. The first 12 lessons are devoted to the rules of reading and pronunciation. It is important to learn these lessons well, otherwise you will not be able to read normally, and listening to the text will be even more difficult, given the speed of voicing. Having mastered these lessons, one problem will become less. for example, in English, it is very difficult to read the text correctly without looking into a dictionary. Here you can learn this, although it will be more difficult than, for example, in German, where you don’t have to look into the dictionary for pronunciation at all, but in Chinese every now and then you need to carry a dictionary with you ... A little distracted ... :)

Then there will be 20 lessons on grammar and vocabulary, accompanied by tests to consolidate the material. Data lessons suitable for both children and adults. Having mastered them, you will be able to communicate in French on everyday topics, read intermediate French texts, and get rid of the awkward feeling of a stranger by going on vacation to Paris or any French-speaking country without knowing the norms of language behavior.

The exercises are accompanied by forms for entering text, the answers to the exercises are located below them on the right in the form of a key. To see the answer, you need to move the mouse over the key. Audio, if present, is usually placed immediately after the description of the exercise.

Go to → list of lessons ← (Click)

What other reasons to learn French?

  • For fans of good literature, France has the highest number of Nobel Prize winners in this field.
  • France is visited by more than 60 million tourists annually - you will not be bored.
  • France is renowned for the quality of its high technology, and French is an important technology and business language in the world. (Second language on the Internet.)
  • More than 50 thousand English words are of French origin. A large number of them are also in the Russian language.
  • France offers a huge number of generous scholarships for our graduates.
  • French is the second most popular language for learning after English.
  • French is one of the two official languages ​​of the Olympic Games.
  • French-speaking Africa is a larger area than the United States.
  • Montréal is the second largest French-speaking city in the world.
  • Do not forget about the masterpieces of music and cinema!
  • many other reasons.

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Learning French

Ever since I had my first lesson, I have dreamed of creating the perfect French textbook. And not just a textbook, but a real self-instruction manual, one by which anyone without the help of a teacher could learn the language easily, simply, and accessible. When I bought another book, I constantly ran into the same problem: this textbook lacks exercises, and that one lacks texts; and how wonderful it would be if you could also find funny songs or rhymes, maybe a few educational games or even information about how, for example, life in France differs from our life. So what should it be, a self-instruction manual of the French language?

Now on the shelves of bookstores there are tons of literature offering to learn a foreign language for a minimum short terms and by means of simple words-dialogues. Even for 10 years of teaching, I have already accumulated a decent library, and this is not counting a few gigabytes of literature downloaded from the Internet. In my opinion, most books that dazzle with their colorful covers are designed only to extort money from the consumer. It seems that you are counting on the fact that having bought a book, you will not have to go anywhere else, but in the end, you have to spend money again and again, on new textbooks, on lessons with a teacher and on dictionaries.

So, I offer you an overview of several textbooks - self-taught books:

one. " Starting course French"(Potushanskaya L.L., Kolesnikova N.I., Kotova G.M.) is one of my favorite textbooks. Maybe because I used to do it myself. The main section, in my opinion, is unfinished, but there are very interesting texts. But I really like the introductory course. Grammar rules, ways of pronouncing sounds are described in a form understandable to everyone and in great detail, and simple exercises will help you quickly consolidate the rules. The textbook is accompanied by audio materials in which all texts and phonetic exercises are read by a native speaker. I consider this a huge plus.

2. “French language. Tutorial for beginners»(L. Leblanc, V. Panin) is a good textbook. Not too overloaded with information, lots of voiced exercises. Ideal for those who want to replenish their vocabulary at the initial stage of learning, as in the introductory section there are many exercises with new words. But, as a full-fledged textbook is not suitable, you will have to buy something else.

3. "Hello French"(E.V. Musnitskaya, M.V. Ozerova) is one of the most popular tutorials among Internet users. And not in vain! Each lesson is built competently, with the development of sounds, rules. In each lesson you will find interesting dialogues, learn how to use verbs in all forms, remember useful phrases. This book has a minimum of theory and a maximum of practice, just for those who do not like to pay much attention to grammar, but immediately prefer to learn to speak. But, in my opinion, one cannot do without a teacher with such a textbook, since the exercises are given without translation into Russian, and they are voiced so quickly that you can’t immediately figure out what’s what. But you immediately get used to living French speech.

4." » (I.N. Popova, Zh.A. Kazakova, G.M. Kovalchuk) is another good tutorial for those who want to learn the language on their own. Detailed grammar explanations, lots of phonetic exercises, phrases and dialogues. Although the voiced material is good, I still prefer native speakers.

5 .I think it is worth paying attention to such tutorials as « French driving»/ « French in 3 months» . I do not name the author, because there are a lot of similar books - disks, and they all look alike. As a rule, the textbook has several topics, each topic has several dialogues, voiced by roles. In principle, you will not learn how to fully maintain a conversation with the help of such books, but it will do for travel. Be sure to learn a few standard phrases in different cases life.

6. A series of tutorials "Alter Ego", "Tout va bien", "Taxi"- I knowingly combined all these textbooks, despite the fact that they have different authors. You can take any of them, and you will never regret not choosing the other two. All textbooks have the same topics, the same new words - “vocabulaire”, and almost the same dialogues. The textbooks themselves are colorful, rather simple, saturated with modern phrases and vocabulary. Audio materials are practically not adapted, so you quickly get used to live conversational speech. An excellent textbook, but one cannot do without a teacher, since all books are completely in French.

Learning a foreign language is an incredibly important life skill. When you master a foreign language, superhuman strength seems to wake up in you. Learning a foreign language in today's global society is of paramount importance and the reasons are innumerable.

Learning a foreign language is not just learning grammar and vocabulary. These are new sounds, expressions and ways of seeing things. Federico Fellini said: "Another language - a different vision of life." Language and culture are closely related. Knowledge of a foreign language can teach respect for other cultures, contributes to the understanding of cultural diversity. Foreign languages ​​expand the view of the world, liberalize experience, make it more flexible and tolerant, broaden one's horizons and limit barriers between people.

Many spend their lives never questioning the universal "truths" they take for granted in their own culture. But getting out of this narrow area is like stepping out of the Matrix, seeing the world from a different perspective. Once you open up to this new perspective, you can never go back.

Learning a foreign language has a ripple effect. Each new session demonstrates the cognitive benefits of another language, no matter how old the student is. Improved memory, concentration, reduced risk of age-related cognitive decline are just some of the positive effects.

Learning a foreign language can cause a kind of reverse psychology - to increase the level of proficiency in the native language in all aspects, to give a better understanding of the native culture or, for example, French-Russian relations. This is one of the most unexpected benefits of learning a foreign language: a better understanding of not only cultural practices, but also the grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation patterns of the native language.

The ability to communicate in multiple languages ​​is becoming very important in an increasingly integrated global business community. Learning a second language opens up many career opportunities. The world is changing rapidly and more and more international companies are doing business in several, often dozens, countries of the world, and are interested in specialists who can speak at least one foreign language.

Learning to speak, read and write in a foreign language expands prospective employment opportunities and enriches work experience. Even in small local companies, chances are that the ability to speak a second language distinguishes candidates for prestigious positions from other applicants. Any hiring manager in any company in the world will tell you that the ability to speak a foreign language is a valuable commodity and a powerful argument in favor of a bilingual job seeker. Communication with foreign partners and clients in their native language is one of the main steps towards establishing strong, stable business relationships.

Literature, music, painting, cinema - the world is full of creative art. Isn't it great to evaluate all this in the original language, rather than relying on translations that lose nuance and much of the charm.

Knowledge of a foreign language is a key aspect of preparing children for future successful professional endeavors. Today, some pre-schools in major cities offer a bilingual approach. Psychologists who study the intelligence and intelligence of bilingual children claim that bilingual experiences improve the so-called executive function of the brain, the command system that directs the attentional processes we use to plan, solve problems, and complete mentally complex tasks.

A child whose parents instill respect for a foreign language is mentally superior to his future competitors in the future. It is very important to create a comfortable environment in which the baby can grow, overcoming language difficulties. Communication skills that a child learns at an early age will become the main communication skills in the future. Strong language skills are an asset that contributes to effective lifelong communication.

The importance of communication is often overlooked. Despite our great skill in communication, mistranslations are common. It is arrogant to think that you can travel the world and expect all of humanity to understand our mother tongue. Traveling the world, whether for business or pleasure, requires the desire and willingness to adapt to new cultures and practices. It is difficult and almost impossible to adapt and get along with new people if there is no opportunity to communicate with each other.

How to learn French?

Wu la la s'es super difisil! (“hou la la, c’est super difficile!”). In fact, learning French from scratch is no more difficult than learning English, German or any other language. Using the right tools can make learning French as enjoyable as possible. But in any case, in order to effectively learn a foreign language, you need to develop some habits.

What is most difficult is self-discipline, a habit that needs to be adhered to in the long run, it is this that can really help progress. Set a condition for yourself: “every day I need to study French for thirty minutes, memorize and memorize, and this is not negotiable!”. Self-discipline helps in other areas of life too! Some research shows that it takes the human brain 21 days to form a habit. So the beginning will be the hardest!

Set realistic goals for yourself and organize your learning consistently. For example, "In four months I will reach level A2". Regularity opens up the possibility of learning much more productively.

There are two main options for how to quickly learn French. France, of course, is an ideal choice for language improvement. Staying in the country will allow you to learn the language quickly by choosing a good language school (for example, French in Normandy, a school in Rouen). But, unfortunately, this option is not available to everyone. In our case, you can organize self-study using online courses or a software application.

Starting training from scratch

How to learn French on your own? Step one - learn the basics of the language (level A1-A2). Pronunciation of French letters is not always easy, it's true! Special sounds and spelling seem really difficult when you start learning a language.

French alphabet - it is recommended to start with it, repeating each letter several times. Having studied the alphabet, we begin to replenish the dictionary in order to correctly pronounce any word in the language of Moliere, after which we can continue to study grammar and conjugation.

Speaking and reading French seems to be very difficult when you start learning French. Written and spoken French are actually two different languages. Choose a method that focuses on more than just grammar, like the Assimil method, which was developed for self-study of languages ​​according to the principle of intuitive learning. It is based on listening, reading and daily repetition of simple sentences, eliminating the need to memorize them. After two months, the grammar is acquired intuitively, and the vocabulary has 1500-2000 words.

A daily lesson is a must, but don't forget about passive learning. Try to listen to music in French, watch movies or TV series to get used to French phonetics, get to know how to pronounce each sound. After learning the basics, you will see rapid progress, which is very encouraging and motivating for the future.

How to learn to pronounce French r? When a native speaker of French hears a person speaking fluently in perfect French but mispronouncing it [r], the result is bewilderment and often irritation. The R of French is described by many foreigners as a phonetic nightmare, like the noise of trying to remove a fishbone from your throat... and it can also be found in many words. Yes, the frequency of occurrence of [r] is the highest of all consonants. In fact, in French there are different types pronunciation of r, depending on the geographical region, the standard is currently considered to be Parisian or velar r.

Essentially, r is a uvular fricative; reproduced by slight friction in the soft palate. To form a fricative consonant, the back of the tongue comes very close to the uvula. The tongue comes into close enough contact to cause friction as air exhaled from the lungs passes between the tongue and tongue (causing a "rough", "irregular" throat-like sound), but not close enough to completely stop the sound. The tongue does not move during pronunciation (press it against the lower teeth!). In the same way, the lips remain motionless.

Realization depends on its position in the rhythmic structure of the word. For example, an "r" in final position is a very soft consonant (sometimes barely audible), it just lengthens the previous vowel without changing the timbre, like a small breath. In fast French r between two vowels, it resembles an approximant. This means that the back of the tongue comes close to the uvula, but not close enough to cause significant friction, and so the sound takes on a "vowel" character.

Learning while mastering the basics

We learn French from scratch and after two months you can be proud of yourself when you have mastered the pronunciation and replenished your vocabulary. It's time to do grammar and master the level B1-B2. In fact, don't wait until you finish 1000 or 1500 words before you start learning grammar. This is the hardest part in French. The same must be said about conjugation. Choose a good comprehensive practice textbook that contains vocabulary, grammar and conjugation like the Bescherelle collection, named after the 19th century French lexicographer and grammarian Louis-Nicolas Becherel, famous for his work on French verb conjugation.

In the lesson, combine by learning grammar rules and new words. Choose a thematic approach and try to learn 30 words a day, thus you will be able to cover 70% of the French vocabulary in three months.

How long can it take to become familiar with the structure of French sentences? Perhaps up to several weeks. Sign up for an educational website like Italki where you can find a teacher to help you learn.

Keep practicing your listening skills with French songs and start watching movies and series with subtitles. Most French shows contain idioms and live language, which is a useful way to pick up new expressions and understand colloquial accents. "Plus Belle la Vie" (Life is beautiful) is a great example of this; weekly series dedicated to Everyday life in the Marseille region. Or Braquo (Raid) - a crime drama about a team of police officers from the Hauts-de-Seine, often breaking the law and not shunning violence and intimidation in their work. But the life of the officers is drastically changed when a fellow officer is falsely accused of corruption and commits suicide.

How to start learning right?

Whatever method you use to help you, it should be adapted to your learning style. It is impossible to give a formula that would suit everyone. How to learn French from scratch - depends on each individual, regarding his ability to languages, the way adapted to him, regarding his motivation and goals. But one thing is sure - the lessons must be accompanied by audio material!

There are several methods that promise to improve French, and they are associated with the belief that different people prefer various ways obtaining and interpreting information.

Basic methods for learning French:

Time distribution

Each method offers its own advantages, but using different approaches at the same time guarantees better absorption, it is only necessary to draw up a weekly study plan that combines all the elements of training:

  1. Monday: 2 lessons of 30 minutes each including listening to audio exercises.
  2. Tuesday: 2 lessons of 30 minutes each, practicing conversational skills.
  3. Wednesday: 2 lessons of 30 minutes dedicated to dictations and presentations.
  4. Thursday: 2 lessons of 30 minutes for the visual method.
  5. Friday: 2 lessons of 30 minutes to devote to role-playing games.
  6. Weekends at discretion: if desired, you can increase the time and combine different methods, but most importantly - in total, you need to devote 7 hours a week to learning the language.

There are two optimal "windows" or specific hours for learning (when the brain is most active, all information is easily absorbed): from 10:00 to 14:00, from 16:00 to 22:00. The reason for the great disagreement in chronobiology is that all people have different rhythms of sleep and wakefulness, so it is not possible to give a definite answer.

How to learn a language at home on your own?

In addition to choosing the best time for learning when your brain is most active, just wanting to learn French is not enough for self-taught. You need to be motivated, determined and patient. This is important when self-study any foreign language. To mentally prepare for an exciting journey, absolute concentration is necessary.

Guide for people who want to become fluent in French through a self-study program of up to 12 months:

  • Choosing a grammar book In fact, there have been thousands of books on French grammar published, each claiming to be the “best,” “most concise,” “most complete,” and so on. Obviously, not all of them meet these requirements. Our top includes:
  • Podcasts are a great option for music lovers, entertaining and free way for beginners to get to know the language.
  • Apps like Clozemaster visualize French phrases in context.
  • YouTube channels:
  1. AlphabTV is a channel of one of the best French language schools in Nice, which specializes in teaching foreigners.
  2. Frenchpod101, mainly known as a podcast, but also a channel with short videos that teach common French words and phrases, help you understand spoken language through listening exercises.
  3. Learn French with Gaëlle, learning French online is easy here. Based near Nice, Gael introduces subscribers to the language and this beautiful region in the south of France in a fun way.
  4. Home Language, Patricia offers videos with grammar lessons, colloquial expressions, listening comprehension exercises.
  5. Français avec Pierre, Pierre is a French teacher who publishes videos with podcasts, tips, dictations and more.

How can a beginner avoid common mistakes?

Mistakes are inevitable, at least until you reach the intermediate level, when intuition already takes effect.

Proper spelling - distinguishing feature for any language. Spelling problems in French are exacerbated by the relatively high ratio of homophones (words that sound the same but are spelled differently: sein, saint, sain, seing, ceins, ceint). In addition, add the fact that French, like any other Romance language, uses diacritics to distinguish between open and closed syllables, to change pronunciation or distinguish homonyms, or to indicate a missing letter.

The French language loves unpronounceable letters. They occur at the beginning, in the middle, and at the end of words! There are even two consecutive silent letters!

  • e is silent at the end of most French words unless there is a diacritic;
  • h is always silent;
  • s is silent at the end of most words: vous, nous, temps, champs; in paresseuse s is pronounced;
  • d is not pronounced unless at the end is e, grande;
  • t is not pronounced except in petite;
  • x is silent at the end of most words: prix, deux and in irregular plural: choux, chateaux, bateaux, journaux.

Naturally, there are exceptions to every rule, like six and dix, where x sounds like s. French is an unusual language, but very logical. If you come across any exceptions in spelling, then you can be sure that there are reasons for this.

C, R, F, L are the only consonants that are pronounced at the end of a word!!!

The verb ending -ent (conjugated for ils/elles) is not pronounced. Verbs with many forms are the hardest part for foreigners. But this is the heart of French grammar and all forms need to be memorized.

How to minimize spelling errors? It is necessary to constantly memorize new French words, in all possible ways: listening, pronouncing, writing, using them in conversation, homophones in context. Each time words are written down, the nerve centers in the brain quickly and automatically provide recognition. Use electronic dictionaries that offer words with examples, automatically complete words with phrases.

  1. One of the most common mistakes is using beaucoup(lot)de+ noun. J'ai mange beaucoup des tomatoes- J'ai mange beaucoup De tomates. Beaucoup is already plural, so there is no need to use des, the noun must also be plural. Nous avons vu beaucoup de chevaux. If beaucoup is used with a verb, de is not required: Elle parle beaucoup.
  2. Using "Avoir" (to have): avoir chaud (to be hot), avoir froid (to be cold), avoir faim (to be hungry), avoir soif (to be thirsty), avoir peur (to be afraid), avoir … ans (to have… years) , avoir raison (to be right), avoir tort (to be wrong), avoir sommeil (to be sleepy), avoir de la chance to be lucky). If you want to say, for example, “I am hungry”, “I am afraid”, or I am 27 years old, you use a noun (hunger, fear, year) and therefore it is correct to say J’ai faim (literally: I have hunger). J'ai peur (I have fear). J'ai 27 ans (I am 27 years old). The form in which the adjective is used would be incorrect: Je suis faim. Je suis peur. Je suis 27 ans.
  3. Use of the verb "manquer" (to be bored). Je te manque. The verb manquer uses a different sentence structure in French, and "Je te manque" actually means "you miss me", not "I miss you". In French, someone (or something) you miss is used in the sentence in the first place. Tu me manques (I miss you). Paris me manqué (I miss Paris). Sa mère lui manqué (he misses his mother). Leurs enfants leur manquent (they miss their children).
  4. The French language classifies all nouns into two categories, masculine and feminine. By using the articles le (masculine) and la (feminine), we distinguish le père (father) from la mère (mother). This is important because other words in the sentence change form or ending to match the gender of the noun they refer to. For example: Mon Pere Est Musician(my father is a musician) and Ma Mere East Musicienne(my mother is a musician (sha)).
  5. As sentences get longer and more complex, there are more elements that need to be adjusted for the appropriate gender. There are some difficult situations where words can be spelled the same but have different genders and different meanings: le poste (position) and la poste (postal company), le manche (handle) and la manche (sleeve).
  6. French is the language of the smallest nuances. Both c'est and il/elle est can be used to say "it (is)" or "he/she (is)", but they apply in different circumstances. Typically, c'est is used in two situations: before masculine adjectives to describe general conditions, and before articles such as un or le. First of all, you can use c'est if you want to describe what something looks like. For example, “C’est beau ici” (it’s beautiful here). Because "beau" is the masculine form of "beautiful," c'est is used in a statement. Alternatively, c'est can be used before un/une or le/la/les. C'est un bon professeur de français (he is a good French teacher) or C'est une bonne amie à moi (she is a great friend of mine).

On the other hand, il and elle are used when there is no article in the sentence. Elle est belle.

With Forvo Français, you can practice correct pronunciation and pronounce tons of words. You just need to enter a word in the search bar and get access to all records.

Best Sites to Communicate in French: Italki, Speaky, Hello Talk, Conversation Exchange

Français Authentique is a popular site that offers a million resources for learning and improving the language (the first lessons are trial, free).

Bonjour de France is a cyber magazine that contains quizzes, games, lessons and exercises, even karaoke.

Louxor J'Adore: The song is perfect for vocabulary building. Philip Catherine repeats the names of different professions. The lyrics of the song are very easy to remember. In general, any Katrina song includes funny, surprising and satirical lyrics.

Mc Solaar (Claude M'Baraly) is one of the most famous rap artists in the 1990s and early 2000s. In each of his compositions, he uses many French expressions.

BFM TV: 24/7 information in French. The advantage is that clear speech can be heard covering a wide range of topics and using a wide vocabulary.

TV5 Monde has a dedicated section for non-French speakers with many resources for learning French: interactive exercises, videos, games, dictionaries... and many other tools.

rfi Savoirs is a site created by RFI that provides information about the French world. It has audio and video, exercises, magazine articles and more, all for free.

How long does it take to learn French from scratch? This is probably the most frequently asked question when we are talking about learning a new foreign language, not just French. But it is difficult to answer it, regarding the exact distribution of hours, weeks, months or years. The answer depends on many factors. It will take years to master this melodic language perfectly, and several months are enough to master the basics. A lot depends on your own approach. A person who reads in French, watches TV in French, listens to French for at least 30 minutes a day will take much less time to master the language than someone who learns a few words every two days.

In contact with

The online French course ProLingvo will allow beginners to:

  1. learn basic grammar concepts (reference materials course (lessons)) ;
  2. learn words and expressions(this will help boring exercises);
  3. learn to listen to the language(phrases in tasks are voiced);
  4. learn how to write in french(phrases under dictation).

The exercises will serve as a beginner's handy tutorial.:

  • check answers immediately (answers are checked after each task);
  • in case of an error, the program highlights an element of a phrase or word;
  • Many assignments are commented.
  1. The best result is given by performing exercises according to the following scheme:
    • first day - new material : acquaintance and "rough" execution of the exercise (do the exercise no more than 2 times in a row; do not attach importance to mistakes);
    • the next day: "refresh" the theory and perform the exercises 2-3 times in a row (there will be much fewer mistakes);
    • At the end of the week: repeat all the exercises done in the current week.
    Memorization is facilitated by repetition at some intervals (do not confuse with cramming).
  2. Set aside time to study: find 3-5 days a week when you can practice French for at least 15-20 minutes. Dedicate weekends to rest and / or family.
  3. Beginners make many mistakes by transferring (automatically) the rules of Russian grammar into French: gender, word order in a sentence are confused, etc. Remember that you are learning French., not Russian.
  4. Don't cram exceptions! When you have a solid grasp of the basics of French, the exceptions (irregularities of the language) will be conspicuous and easy to remember. Understand and learn how to use the words and constructions that make up 90% of the language.
  5. Don't memorize words from lists! This is inefficient, but many people spend their time memorizing words that are easy to forget.
  6. Everyone has their own speed of assimilation. Take your time and don't overload yourself:
    • it takes time to "learn" the material;
    • everyone remembers exactly as much as he can;
    • the first steps will be the most difficult;
    • further, new rules will be easier to remember, since the share of novelty will be less.
  7. For beginners, grammar is given in the amount that will allow you to quickly understand the structure of sentences, texts. To speak faster, do not limit yourself to exercises: You can't learn a language just from grammar books.
    • make sentences for yourself about what you do during the day;
    • read any texts (the goal is to meet familiar words and constructions);
    • listen to songs in french.

Lorenzo Garriga is a native speaker and connoisseur of the French language. He has many years of experience as a translator, author and editor. Composer, pianist and traveler who has been traveling the world for more than 30 years on a limited budget and a backpack.

Number of sources used in this article: . You will find a list of them at the bottom of the page.

French is one of the most beautiful languages in the world. It is spoken by more than 220 million people - join them too! Learning a language can be difficult, but this article provides a quick overview of the methods by which you will learn French in no time!


Start learning

    Find out your type of perception of information. Are you visual, auditory or kinesthetic? This means how you remember better: by seeing the words, by hearing them, or, respectively, by associating actions and feelings with words.

    • If you've studied languages ​​before, remember how you learned them and see what works for you and what doesn't.
    • In most training courses, you will write a lot and talk little. Speaking the language and immersing yourself in it is extremely important, it is effective way learn a language faster.
  1. Memorize 30 words and phrases every day. In 90 days you will know about 80% of the language. The most frequently used words make up the largest percentage of usage, so start by memorizing the most common words.

    Learn the structure of the language. Learn how verbs combine with nouns and with each other. What you learn at the beginning will make more sense as you become more proficient with the language. Always pay attention to the correct pronunciation.

    Immersion in the language environment

    1. Read and write in French. To become familiar with a language, you need to read and write in it. This will help you use the words you have already memorized and keep them in your memory.

      Listen to something in French. Play French music or your favorite film dubbed in French. Look for French movies, French TV shows and radio stations. Practice by repeating what you hear.


      Lorenzo Garriga is a native speaker and connoisseur of the French language. He has many years of experience as a translator, author and editor. Composer, pianist and traveler who has been traveling the world for more than 30 years on a limited budget and a backpack.

      French translator and native speaker

      Surround yourself with native French speakers. Lorenzo Garriga, French translator, says: The best way learn french fast Surround yourself with people who speak it. Surrounded by people who always speak french, it will be easier for you to capture the essence of words and sentences than if you pore over textbooks in your room. The best way to learn French go where it is spoken».

      Speak French. This is one of the most important aspects in learning French. You should speak the language, even if you feel uncomfortable because you don't know much. Everyone starts out like this, but over time you will improve.

      • Find a pen pal or skype a friend whose native language is French. There are many programs on the internet or at universities and language schools that can put you in touch with people who speak French.
      • Don't be discouraged by criticism of your pronunciation. Instead, thank the critic and work on improvement.
      • Speak out loud in French when you are alone. Tell what you are doing. If you wash dishes or drive a car, talk about it. Pay attention to your intonation and pronunciation.
    2. Practice, practice, practice. Without practicing what you have learned, you will not get very far. Even a quick language learning takes a certain amount of time. If you work hard and practice what you have learned, there is no doubt that you will learn French well!

    Learn useful phrases

    • Some people are naturally good at language, and some are not. Don't use this as an excuse.
    • After expanding your vocabulary, start translating things that you encounter in everyday life. For example, after listening to a song in your native language, try translating it into French. The same can be said for menus, road signs, and even casual conversations. You will probably find it tedious, but the language can only be learned with practice. Sometimes, speaking something in your native language, you will find yourself thinking that you do not know the translation of a particular word into French. In such cases, look into the dictionary so as not to lose skills and not forget the language.
    • Speak French to yourself. Don't forget to laugh at mistakes - it helps.
    • Try to speak French when no one can hear you. If you're not sure about a phrase, double-check it in a dictionary. There are many translation applications on the Internet - look for the right one for yourself. Don't be afraid to make mistakes; mistakes are part of the learning process.


    • If you misspelled a word, apologize and calmly try again.
    • Use French or you'll forget it!

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