The topic in German is the problem of youth. Topics in German: Jugendprobleme - Youth problems. Jugendprobleme - Youth Problems

Ladders and railings 18.07.2020
Ladders and railings

Jugendprobleme - Youth Problems

Wo Jugend ist, da gibt es Jugendprobleme. Die jungen Menschen sollen ihr Leben selbst gestalten lernen. Sie sollen ihren Platz in Beruf und in Gesellschaft finden und ihre Persönlichkeit entwickeln können. In diesem Sinne muss die Stadt jungen Menschen beistehen und sie unterstützen.

Es gibt hier aber viele Probleme. Es ist für jugendliche heute nicht leicht, ihren Weg in unserer Gesellschaft zu finden. Dazu gehört vor allem solches Problem, wie der Mangel an Ausbildungs ​​- und Arbeitsplätzen.

Die Reaktion der jungen Generation auf diese Probleme ist widersprüchlich. Einerseits wächst die Bereitschaft zur Arbeit und erhöht sich die Aktivität der jungen Menschen. Andererseits gibt es auch sehr viele Jugendliche, die gleichgültig sind. Oft gewinnen Resignation, Desinteresse an alles. Vom Jahr zu Jahr steigt die Zahl jener Jugendlichen, die im Alkohol, in Drogen und in kriminellen Taten einen Ausweg suchen.

Das sind so zu sagen Globalprobleme. Und wie viele gibt es Sonderfälle. Z. B. die erste Liebe, Oh, manchmal wird das zu einer Tragödie. Oder Konflikte zwischen Generationen. Einige haben Probleme mit dem Erwachsenwerden. Erwachsen werden, ist für sie nicht mehr abhängig zu sein, sich von Eltern zu lösen. Also, wieder das ewige Problem.

Die Jugendlichen haben sehr viele Probleme. Meiner Meinung nach, sind sie nicht immer so schlimm, wie es manchmal scheint. Wichtig ist, Ziele im Leben zu setzen lernen und sie anzustreben. Dabei lernt man auch verschiedene Alltagsprobleme lösen und sein Leben richtig gestalten.

Lesson form: Gathering of youth from Germany and Russia. Round table meeting.


"Probleme der Jugendlichen"

1. Die Vorstellung der Gruppen.

2. Die Besprechung der Probleme:

a) Wie ist die Jugendszene in Deutschland und in Russland?

b) Was ist fur die Jugendlichen in Deutschland und in Russland wichtig?

c) Wovor haben die Jugendlichen Angst?

d) Die Probleme der Jugendlichen in Deutschland und in Russland.

e) Die Charakteristik der Jugendlichen.

3. Pause. Videofilm.

4. Die Besprechung des Videofilmes.

5. Beim Schulpsychologen. Gesprache.

6. Die Schlusse der Arbeit. (Schriftliche Thesen)

Lesson topic: "Problems of modern youth in Russia and Germany"

Lesson form: Gathering of youth from Germany and Russia. Round table.

Lesson equipment: 1. Plates with the names of teenagers.

2. Flags of Russia and Germany.

3. Posters about youth problems on the walls.

4. Video recording of a plot about the problem of a young man when applying for a job on vacation.

5. Maps of Russia and Germany.

Educational and communication tasks, communication situations:

1. To repeat the previously studied material on sub-topics:

a) what young people in Germany and Russia consider important for themselves and explain why;

b) what are adolescents in Russia and Germany afraid of (to fix additional clauses);

c) discuss the problems of youth in Germany and Russia using the method of comparison;

d) be able to characterize a teenager in Russia and Germany.

2. To be able to communicate about their problems based on questions (for weaker students who still have a language barrier).

3. After watching a short video between sessions, discuss the problem of the teenager and be able to give him a description based on what he saw and heard.

4. To develop the skills of dialogical speech, consolidating the vocabulary presented in the previous lesson, using the role-play method “At the reception of a psychologist”.

Educational tasks: 1. To instill in students a negative attitude towards bad habits.

2. To teach adolescents to fearlessly address their problem not only to friends, but also to parents, teachers, and a school psychologist.

3. Give advice on how to behave in a given situation (at home, at school, on the street).

4. To foster a tolerant attitude towards each other among students.

1. Beginning of the lesson.

Registration of the participants of the meeting. Students are divided in advance into two groups. One group represents Germany, the other Russia.

Teacher: Bitte, Gruppenleiter, kommt her! Erzahlt, woher ihr kommt, wo ihre Heimatstadt liegt, wie Sie heissen.

1st manager from Germany: Ich heisse Andreas Schulz. Wir sind aus Munster gekommen. Munster liegt in Niedersachsen. (shows on a map). Wir sind 4 Jugendliche.

Teacher: Freut mich! Mein Name ist……, Deutschlehrerin.

Teacher: Jeder erzahlt kurz uber sich selbst.

1st participant: Ich heisse Uwe Bormann, bin 15 Jahre alt, lerne im Gymnasium komme aus Koln, liegt in Nordrhein-Westfalen (showing on map).

Teacher: Sehr angenehm. G.T., Deutschlehrerin.

2nd participant: Freut mich Ich heisse Rudi Schmidt, bin 16, komme aus Munchen, lerne in der Hauptschule. Munchen liegt in Bayern (showing on map).

3rd participant: Alex Muller, 15, Gymnasiast, komme aus Frankfurt an der Oder, liegt in Brandenburg (showing on map).

4th participant: Helga Braun, 15, Gymnasiastin, komme aus Frankfurt am Main, liegt in Hessen (map).

Teacher: Danke schon. Herr Bormann, hier sind Program fur jeden Teilnehmer. Teilen Sie sie bitte aus! Nehmt dort Ihre Platze.

Bitte die zweite Gruppe. Gruppenleiter, stellen Sie sich vor!

2nd group leader (student) Unsere Gruppe ist aus Moskau gekommen, die Schuler sind aus verschiedenen Stadten. Ich komme aus Troitzk bei Moskau (map).

1st yuch-k: Ich heisse ... ..., komme aus Susdal, liegt im Goldenen Ring (map).

2nd-k:……, bin 15, komme aus Sankt-Petersburg.

3rd:……, bin 15, Schulerin, komme aus Belgorod.

4th yuch-k:……, 15, lerne in der 9. Klasse, komme aus Vladivostok.

Teacher: Danke schon. Hier sind Program fur heutige Tagesordnung. Macht euch bekannt! Nehmt eure Platze!

2. Repetition. Repetition forms: group discussion, frontal statements, monologue statement.

Teacher: Willkommen in Vatutinki. Wir sprechen heute zum Thema: "Probleme der Jugendlichen". Jeder hat ein Programm bekommen. Bitte, wer will unseren Gasten das Programm vorlesen. (One student reads out the meeting plan). Ja, so ist der Plan unserer Arbeit.

3. Discussion of problems.

Teacher: Zuerst sprechen wir daruber, wie die Jugendszene in Deutschland und in Russland ist.

Wer will beginnen?

Pupil: Die Jugendszene in Deutschland ist zersplittert in Kulturen und Subkulturen, Cliquen und Einzelganger: Punks, Techno-Freaks, junge Christen, Sportbesessene, Bodybuilder, Neonazis, Autonome, Hippies, Computerkids, Umweltschutzer usw. Und sie zersplittern immer schneller. Einige Jugendgruppen eint nichts, andere teilen miteinander einzelne Ansichten oder Interessen. Sie sind in fast allen westlichen Gesellschaften ahnlich.

A slide with a diagram of some youth subcultures in Germany.

Teacher: Danke, gut. Und wie steht es mit diesem Problem in Russland?

Disciple: In Russland sind diese Probleme auch ahnlich. Die Jugendlichen sind zersplittert auch in Kulturen und Subkulturen. Es gibt auch Punks, Techno-Freaks, Computerkids …… .. usw.

Slide with a diagram of some youth subcultures in Russia.

Teacher: Es gibt also ahnliche Jugendszene in Deutschland und in Russland.

Das zweite Problem steht auf dem Tagesplan ... Wie ist es?

Disciple: Was ist fur die Jugendlichen in Russland und in Deutschland wichtig?

Teacher: Wollen wir dieses Problem besprechen. Was gelten die deutschen Jugendlichen fur sich wichtig?

Pupil: Schule und Noten sind fur uns wichtig. In meiner Freizeit mache ich aber gerne Sport.

2nd disciple: Das wichtigste ist die Suche nach dem Sinn des Lebens, der Stellenwert in der Gesellschaft. Wichtig ist auch Musik, Kunst und Sport.

3rd disciple: Es ist wichtig beruflich etwas zu erreichen, etwas zu unternehmen.

4th disciple: Freundschaft, mein Verein sind auch wichtig.

5th disciple: Meine Schule, mein Traumberuf, meine Familie, auch Sport und Tiere sind fur mich wichtig.

6th disciple: Es ist wichtig, selbstandig zu werden.

7th disciple: Wir wollen gehort und akzeptiert werden.

Teacher: Ja, die Probleme, die fur die Jugendlichen wichtig sind, sind uberall ahnlich, in Russland und in Deutschland.

Wie heisst das vierte Problem, das auf dem Tagesplan steht?

Disciple: Es heisst so: Wovor haben die Jugendlichen Angst?

Teacher: Wer will zu diesem Thema sprechen? Bitte

Pupils: Sie haben Angst davor, dass Freundschaften auseinander gehen.

Allein dazustehen und beruflich total zu versagen.

Angst haben sie davor, dass sie keiner akzeptiert.

Sie haben Angst davor, dass sie arbeitslos sein werden konnen, auf der Strasse schlafen konnen /

Sie haben Angst davor, dass sie alle Freunde verlieren konnen.

Teacher: Auf diesem Gebiet gibt es auch Probleme bei deutschen Jugendlichen und bei russischen. Alle haben vor etwas Angst.

Wie ist die vierte Frage auf unserem Tagesplan?

Pupil: Es ist so: Die Probleme der Jugendlichen in Russland und in Deutschland.

Teacher: Wer will uns uber dieses Thema informieren?

Disciple: (short monological statement)

Diese Probleme sind so: Suche nach sich selbst und nach seinem Stellenwert im Leben, Abhauen vom Zuhause, Probleme mit den Eltern, Liebeskummer, kein Taschengeld, Stress in der Schule, Probleme mit Lehrern, mit Noten, Rauchen, Alkohol Gewalt in der Schule: autoritare Lehrer, autoritare Mitschuler, Schlagereien, Probleme mit den Eltern.

Teacher: Danke. Jetzt konnen wir die Jugendlichen charakterisieren. Wie sind die Jugendlichen eigentlich?

Pupil: Die Jugendlichen sind in Russland und in Deutschland in Kulturen und Subkulturen zersplittert. Einige sind in Gruppen, die anderen sind Einzelganger. Sie haben keine geschlossene Weltanschauung, sie sind keine Rebellen, sie sind politisch wenig aktiv, sie identifizieren sich mit Cliquen. Sie wollen vom Leben nur Spass haben. Die Jugendlichen sind von Politikern und Parlamentarien enttauscht. Nur 5 Prozent akzeptieren Parteien, viele aber akzeptieren Greanpeace.

Teacher: Danke. Jetzt haben wir eine kleine Pause. In der Pause sehen wir uns im Video eine kleine Szene uber einen Jungen an, der nach einem Sommerjob sucht. Die Szene spielen die Schuler der zehnten Klasse. Seid aufmerksam, passt auf!

Slide with samples of additional clauses and reason clauses.

4. Videoszene. (students watch the video)

5. Discussion of the video.

Teacher: Was habt ihr aus dem Film erfahren? (additional clauses)

Sample on the slide: Ich habe erfahren, dass …….

Pupils: Wir haben erfahren, dass der Junge nach dem Sommerjob sucht, dass er Punk ist, dass er ... ... heist, 17 ist, mit seiner Mutter und ihrem neuen Mann wohnt, Bier trinkt, raucht, Computercafes besucht, gut arbeiten ekannhrlich ist.

Teacher: Wie meint ihr, ob er einen Arbeitsplatz in der Firma Kodak bekommt. Warum Ja / oder Nein? Antwortet mit Weil-Satzen.

Slide example: Er bekommt einen / keinen Platz, weil er …….

Pupils: Er bekommt keinen Arbeitsplatz, weil er Punk ist.

, weil er raucht.

, weil er Bier trinkt.

., weil er ……….

Teacher: Ja, ein Punk darf auch einen Arbeitsplatz in den Sommerferien bekommen. Aber den Erwachsenen gefallen Punks nicht.

6. Dialogue speech. At a school psychologist's appointment.

Teacher: Alle Schuler haben verschiedene Probleme. Einige konnen aber diese Probleme selbststandig nicht losen. Sie wenden sich gewohnlicn an ihre Freunde. Die Freunde konnen aber keinen richtigen Rat geben. An wen kann man sich wenden?

A slide with tips on who to contact if your teen is in trouble.

Pupils: An die Eltern, an die altere Schwester oder an den alteren Bruder, an den Schulpsychologen.

Teacher: Richtig. Ich prufe die Hausaufgabe. Spielt bitte das Gesprach zwischen dem Schulpsyhologen und einem Schuler. Wer will die Rolle des Schulpsychologen spielen?

Students recount dialogues from homework.

Guten Tag! Wie heisst du?

Ich heisse ..., lerne in der 9. Klasse, bin neu in der Klasse.

Seit zwei Monaten lachen mich die Mitschuler aus. Ich begann den Unterricht zu schwanzen, um mich mit meinen Schulkameraden nicht zu treffen.

Wie lachen sie dich aus?

Sie nennen mich ... blode Kuh. Sie sagen, dass meine Nase zu lang ist.

Nein, du siehst hubsch und schon aus. Statt den Lehrern alles zu erzahlen und tapfer den Schulkameraden in die Augen zu sehen und laut zu sprechen, schwanzt du den Unterricht. Versprich mir, das nicht zu machen und mit der Klassenleiterin und den Mitschulern zu sprechen. Und die Situation verandert sich.

Ich verspreche. Danke schon. Auf Wiedersehen!

Auf Wiedersehen!

Guten Tag! Komm her! Nimm den Platz! Wie heisst du?

Ich heisse….

Was fur ein Problem hast du?

Vor zwei Wochen ging ich nach Hause aus der Schule. Drei unbekannten Jungen schlugen mich, um Geld von mir zu bekommen. Jetzt habe ich immer Angst nach Hause zu gehen.

Bei einem Angriff, statt zu schweigen, musst du nach Hilfe suchen und allein nach Hause nicht gehen.

Danke schon. Ich mache so! Tschus!

Auf Wiedersehen!

Teacher: Ja, die Kinder haben sehr viele Probleme zu Hause, in der Schule, auf der Strasse. Nicht immer konnen sie daruber den Eltern oder den Freunden erzahlen. Aber ihr konnt mit einem Psychologen telefonieren. In Deutschland ist die Nummer des Sorgentelefons 01308/11103 und hier konnt ihr 541-63-03 anrufen.

Helpline numbers in Germany and Moscow appear on the slide.

Teacher: Einige telefonieren mit den Psychologen. Horen wir ein Gesprach zischen einem Jungen und einem Psychologen.

Students receive listening sheets with unfamiliar words.

An audio recording of a conversation between a teenager and a psychologist on the helpline is included. After listening to the recording, students receive a small test as homework to monitor their understanding of what they heard.

7. Summing up.

Teacher: Ziehen wir Schlusse aus unserer Arbeit heraus! Wir haben produktiv und gut gearbeitet.

Schreibt bitte einige Thesen uber die Jugendlichen.

Students write conclusions about today's youth and their problems on sheets and post them on the chalkboard as they read.


For example: die Jugendlichen sind keine Rebellen! Sie wollen gehort und akzeptiert werden! usw.

Students read the conclusion and provide a short explanation.

Teacher: Danke schon. Unsere Tagesordnung ist zu Ende. Alle sind frei. Auf Wiedersehen!

Completed by: Bochanova Ksenia

Grade 9 student

Head: Lavrova Yu.A.

German language teacher


2015 year

The problems of youth have worried society at all times. The problem of young people is one of the main ones, because the future belongs to them. But the "present century" and the "past century" are always in contradiction. The time of global reforms that swept over Russia "broke" the system of the former "morality", significantly overturning all moral values. The older generation, who still has a fresh memory of "the days of the past" in their memory, finds it difficult to adapt to the current conditions, preserving the old system of values; it is even more difficult for the younger generation in this regard, since he does not yet have his own system of values, and if he does, it is conditional ...

But why does it seem to us that the older generation is always wrong, that they are looking for the origins of problems when they are on the surface or are looking for them in the wrong place? Probably because today's youth do not have a very developed sense of responsibility, or it is not yet strongly rooted in young souls. Young people do not have time to adapt to the rapidly changing economic, political, spiritual and social aspects of life. Social progress affects her needs, interests, value orientations.

Youth is a path to the future that a person chooses. The choice of the future, its planning is a characteristic feature of a young age.

The formation of social maturity of young people is influenced by many factors: family, school, workforce, funds mass media, youth organizations. Youth is a time when everyone must determine their own destiny, find the only true one, leading to success life path, which will allow you to maximize your abilities and talents. The growing generation is less healthy physically and mentally than the previous one. On average in Russia, only 10% of school graduates can consider themselves absolutely healthy. The number of young people leading an immoral lifestyle is increasing. Young people are being criminalized.Reducing opportunities for youth to participate in economic development. The share of young people among the unemployed remains high. Falling value of labor. “Big salary” - this motive turned out to be decisive when choosing a place of work.

Modern youth has a trait that shows that most of them want to have a good income, while not having a profession and not wanting to work. This is due to the fact that young people lack incentives to work.

Relevance of the research topic: This topic is especially relevant, since youth is the future of Russia.

Subject of study:youth subcultures
Object of study:youth today
Target: study the problems of modern youth in Russia and Germany and compare them.

Research objectives:

  1. What is the youth of the XXI century?
    2.What are the challenges facing today's youth?

3. What motivates young people to create subcultures?

4. How does the life of young people in Russia differ from the life of young people in Germany?

Research hypothesis:
Having studied the problems of modern youth in Russia and Germany, we will identify the similarities and differences between them.

Research methods:

1.Inquiry (questionnaire, conversation)
2. Testing
3. Method of statistical data processing

4. Using a comprehensive analysis of articles, sources, Internet materials.


  1. Main part.

2.1. What kind of youth she is XXI century?
What is the youth of the twenty-first century? If you ask this question to the grandparents of a modern young man, they will say that this generation, which lives one day, does not think about anything. They do not need anything, they are not interested in anything - such an opinion can often be heard from the older generation about modern young people.

Perhaps they are right? Look at a guy or a girl. They are sitting somewhere in the park, on a bench in the yard. They smoke, there may be a bottle of beer in their hands. Such a picture can often be seen today. But this does not mean at all that absolutely all young people are only interested in drinking and thoughtless pastime. Not at all.

Young people today are very different from their twentieth century peers. First, they are much more informed than they are, because the latest technologies allow them to receive a much larger amount of information than fifteen to twenty years ago. Secondly, it cannot be said that young people today are less educated. On the contrary, they know more, as they can receive knowledge from many sources. They just live in a different time.

But the important human values ​​for today's youth have remained the same. They also love and want to be happy, like young people did a hundred and two hundred years ago. They also want to find themselves, their place in this world. Only their methods and means are now different, and the possibilities have changed significantly.

Modern young men and women, as in the old days, are ready to come to the rescue, lend their shoulders when it is difficult. Here is a boy rescuing a drowning man from the hole. He risks his life, but he helps someone in trouble. A young man rescues a girl from a burning apartment. He does not perform the feat for the sake of reward or glory. The boy just does what he has to do because the girl is in danger. The newlyweds with friends went for a ride and, standing on the bridge, saw that a man was drowning. People rushed to save him. There are many more such examples.

That is, the values ​​of modern youth have remained unchanged: philanthropy, mutual assistance, help to those in need, and others. And they also have a purpose in life. Only the ways to achieve this goal are slightly different from the previous ones. And disputes about the fact that at another time everyone was not like that, there were and will be. And today's young people in thirty years will say to their children that they were different and lived differently. The eternal dispute between fathers and children!

Today there is an urgent need for well-educated, energetic people who are able to make bright, interesting decisions. The personal professional achievements of young men and women and the confident future of Russia largely depend on the activity of the representatives of the younger generation, their sincere desire to benefit their Fatherland.

The 21st century is the age of space speeds and computer technology. Under the concept of "youth of the XXI century" I represent people who are young, smart, full of energy, athletic, well-developed spiritually and physically.

In Russian history, youth has always been a hope for the future and a real support of the state in its most difficult and heroic deeds.... How many young people devote themselves to helping orphanages. How many have become good workers in production, loyal to their work and their homeland.

Today in our country there are youth public associations and initiative groups. Young activists take part in the social and political life of the country. The country hosts various youth and children's festivals, contests, Olympiads, shows, promotions, sports events, and Health Days. For many years in a row, the traditional action "Youth against drugs" has been held in our district. And our age of the Internet and space travel must become the century of a healthy lifestyle. I am firmly convinced of one thing: no matter what heights humanity reaches, young people remain active.

The life of youth in Germany.
Almost one in five people in Germany is under the age of 18. Approximately one third of all residents (27 million) are under 27 years of age. For most of them, their chances of life and the future have improved significantly in the past decade. This applies to both West German and East German youth. Especially in West Germany, most young people have a good foundation in material life. Their financial capacity is as good as never before, and their supply of consumer goods is sufficient. Never before have young people made so many trips around the country and abroad. Most young Germans are content with their lives.

In recent years, the forces of family, denomination, social environment and community that shape people's lives have diminished. At the same time, the free time of young people has increased and their ability to decide their own future on their own has increased. In this situation, modern youth is constantly in search of guidelines and ideals. Not all young people find understanding of their problems in their parents' home or school. Links with other responsible persons or groups involved in this are often weakened. In this situation, young people are easily tempted into behavior that can become a threat not only to themselves, but also to those around them.
The federal and state governments have proven their resolve by pursuing and punishing criminals by all means of the rule of law. Thus, since 1991, many youth programs have been created to combat intolerance towards foreigners. In the new federal states, since the beginning of 1993, a major awareness-raising campaign has been carried out against extremism and hostility towards foreigners. There are about 80 super-regional youth associations in Germany, employing about one quarter of all youth. Most of the youth unions are organized into the Federal Youth Union, such as the Young Evangelical Workers' Society, the German Young Catholics Unions, the Youth Trade Unions, the Land Youth Unions and the German Boy Scouts Union. The largest youth organization in terms of membership is the German Youth Sports Association. There are also youth unions in the political sphere, for example, the union of political youth.
Young people take part in various youth cultural projects, where such important topics as ecology, violence, hostility towards foreigners are discussed. Federal association

For cultural youth education, it is an association of 48 industry unions, in which more than 12 million young people take part annually. Special organizations initiate, organize and carry out cultural work with children and youth at the international, national and regional levels, carrying out more than 100,000 projects, competitions, workshops, meetings, seminars and sessions.


A young man faces a problem - to become independent, to take

your place in life. He faces many challenges that need to be addressed. Let's see what difficulties he will face.

  • Where to live?

The independence and independence that young people are striving for is very difficult to obtain without their own housing. Own housing is a separate apartment, which can be not only purchased, but also rented.

The housing issue has several problems.

First, young people are always and everywhere not a well-to-do part of society. Young people are a separate class of society that is just beginning to live and uses the resources of their parents. This means that the parents decide whether their child or young family needs a separate apartment or not.

And the choice and decision of parents depends not only on their outlook on life,

but also from material security. There is no middle class in Russia, so in most cases they cannot help solve the housing problem of their children. And for such decisions, young people simply do not have the money. Unfortunately, when solving the housing problem, the younger generation cannot count on state aid.

  • Where to study?

Working in a lucrative profession is almost impossible without professional training and higher education. Therefore, high school graduates strive to continue their education.

The position of our education and the material condition of our

teachers in particular generate corruption. Entrance exams are often a wallet competition.

The only thing a young person can do to be able to study for free at a university is to become a talent. Otherwise, you need to be willing to pay for your tuition. Parents almost always do this.

  • Where to rest?

Where does the young person spend time outside of school, home and work? This is the question

very important. As a rule, at this time a person is left to himself and no one knows exactly what he is doing.

It is important that the young man is really doing something at this time,

because because of "nothing to do" anything can happen:

from hooliganism to murder.

“Nothing to do” leads to drunkenness, drug addiction, hooliganism, fights and other crimes. Young people need affordable leisure centers for them: clubs, discos, sports and cultural centers, cinemas.

  • What to live on?

Finding a job that will become a source of basic income is another

difficulty to be overcome. It is easier to do this in megalopolises, but in other cities of Russia, the situation is much worse.

When a young man is looking for a job, he is trying to solve two of his problems: career growth and material well-being.

It is very difficult for young specialists to find work in Russia. It happens that work comes by itself, but very often you need to look for it. And the job search can last more than one week. You have to write correctly drawn up resumes, send them out to companies, pass interviews, withstand probationary periods.

Solving the problem of unemployment in general and youth unemployment in particular is the concern of the state. In big cities there are places to work and young people to work. But there are entire regions where there is nothing to do. And then it is no longer a problem of youth, but a problem of the region, and therefore the state.

It should be remembered that unemployment among the active and able-bodied

the population who needs to somehow get a livelihood leads

to an increase in crime, social stratification, and as a result, to social tension. But employment is not the only solution to the problem. The income of a young person can be a scholarship, allowance, or other social benefits.

  • What to strive for?

Young people today do not have those clear landmarks in life that were

from our fathers and mothers. But our fathers and mothers had something that today's youth do not have: knowledge about the laws of society and the system. They knew exactly how to achieve this or that goal, what is possible and what is not. Unfortunately, today's youth does not have this knowledge.

A young person needs to have an idea of ​​life and the world around him. He needs to understand what is good and what is bad. He needs to know the laws of the world in which he lives.

All this information comes to the child from parents, friends, teachers,

from fairy tales, cartoons, songs and films. And young people get a picture of the world from the media, products of mass culture and their life experience.

The picture of the world that young people now have, which was created

for a decade, tells them about powerlessness and prejudice.

This picture of the world provokes the younger generation. One part of him completely lost interest in politics and the life of the state. The other, having accumulated enough aggression, unites under radical, nationalist and fascist slogans. And it seems that none of today's politicians thinks that Russia in 10 years will have the face of modern youth.

  1. What is youth subculture?

A youth subculture is the culture of a certain young generation that has a common lifestyle, behavior, group norms, values ​​and stereotypes.

They do not mean rejection of the national culture, accepted by the majority, but reveal only some deviations from it.

Youth subculture is a complex and multidimensional phenomenon. Smaller subcultures are distinguished in it.

Why do young people create their own subculture?
The general reason for the formation of youth subcultures is dissatisfaction with life, the search for their own way in the "adult world", the special nature of relations with peers, and in the sociological aspect - the crisis of society,

his inability to meet the basic needs of young people in the process of their socialization. What is society - so is the youth, and therefore,

youth subculture.
What are the motives that encourage young people to adhere to this or that subculture?

Young people are encouraged to go to “informals”:

  • inner loneliness
  • need for friends
  • conflicts at school and at home
  • freedom
  • emotional richness of communication
  • distrust of adults
  • protest against the hypocrisy and insincerity of the society of "adults".

What youth subcultures exist in Russia and Germany?

Many domestic youth subcultures have been introduced and borrowed. Their homeland is the West. But Western samples of subcultural styles, rituals and values ​​have in many cases been revised and rethought in accordance with the peculiarities of Russian civilization and Russian mentality.

The peculiarity of their youth subcultures is that most of them are focused either on leisure activities or on the transmission and dissemination of information.

There are many subcultures. There are different classifications.-

Socially active, with a positive focus of activity

(groups of environmental protection, protection of monuments, the environment).

Socially passive, whose activities are neutral in relation to

social processes (music and sports fans).

Asocial ( hippies, punks, criminal gangs, drug addicts, etc.).

2.4. Distinctive features of the life of young people in Russia from the life of young people in Germany.
In Germany, young people study longer on average.
For example, there are people who are 30 years old and have just finished their higher education (legal). And they immediately start to write doctoral dissertations(in fact, without having worked a day in the specialty). Fortunately, the scholarship system in Germany allows this. In Russia, this is practically impossible: At the age of 22-23, most young people already have higher education (of those who wanted and entered) and begin to work. Here 90% of young people after education go to work in the specialty for which they


Young people of the 21st century are smart, brilliantly proficient in computer technology, healthy, strong, purposeful, responsible young people, worthy citizens of their country. We are the present and future of Russia. It depends on us what our country will be like in ten, twenty years, in what state we and future generations will live. We will be able to build a strong state and prove that Russia is a powerful world power. I urge young people not to be afraid of difficulties, to be friends with sports, to conquer unknown peaks and strive for excellence!

List of sources used



Appendix # 1

Questioning. Subcultures. Your opinion.

So, subcultures - what is it? Do society need them? What makes people join subcultures? Please express your opinion.

First, a couple of standard questions.

What's your gender:




What do you mean by the word "subculture"?

What position do you think subcultures have in relation to the main dominant culture?

Deny mainstream culture

Exist regardless of the main culture

Exist within the main culture

There are interconnected with the main culture

Your option

In your opinion, are subcultures needed at all? If so, why?

What role do they play for society?

Do you sympathize with any subcultures? How and why?

I count

Enumerated earlier

Never ranked


Why did you choose this particular subculture? How did you come to it?


What does this subculture give you?


Do your closest friends also belong to this subculture?


How does society and family relate to your subculture?

19 respondents took part in the survey, including 7 students of grades 7-9 of the Ostyatsk secondary school.

All 100% of respondents are familiar with youth subcultures.

Among the most famous among students are punks (16 people, 84%),

rappers (12 people, 63%), goths (13 people, 68%), emo (14 people, 74%), skinheads (9 people, 47%).

Neutral to youth subcultures 14

of respondents (74%)

3 students consider themselves followers of one of the subcultures


Would become a member of a youth group if there are 14 people in the village (74%), no - 5 people (26%)

The most interesting for students are rappers (53%), goths (10%), punks (5%),

rockers (5%), music lovers (10%). 16% - no subculture is interesting.

Attracts - music (100%), clothes, style of behavior, dissimilarity from others.

74% of respondents would like to expand their knowledge about youth subcultures, 16% - no, 10% - are not interested in this.

Jeder fünfte Bürger Deutschlands ist jünger als achtzehn Jahre. Every fifth German citizen is under eighteen years of age.

Von den rund 15.5 Millionen Jugendlichen und Kindern in der Bundesrepublik ist etwa jeder zehnte Ausländer. Of the 15.5 million young people and children in the Federal Republic, approximately one in ten is a foreigner.

Etwa einem Drittel aller Einwohner, rund 26 Millionen, ist es weniger als 27 Jahre. About a third of all residents, approximately 26 million, are under 27 years old.

Für den größten Teil der jungen Menschen haben sich in vergangenen Jahrzehnten die Zukunftserwartungen und Lebenschancen bedeutend verbessert. For the majority of young people, hopes for the future and life chances have improved significantly in the past decades.

Sie haben nicht schlechte materielle Lebensgrundlagen. They have good material foundations for life.

Und ihre finanziellen Möglichkeiten sind so schön wie nie zuvor. And their financial capabilities are as great as never before.

Junge Menschen unternahmen niemals zuvor so viele Reisen im Inland und ins Ausland. Young people have never before undertaken so many trips domestically and abroad.

72% der jungen Menschen blicken zuversichtlich in die Zukunft. 72 percent of young people look to the future with hope.

95% der Jugendlichen sind mit ihrem Leben zufrieden. 95 percent of young people are happy with their lives.

37% der 15-24-jährigen Deutschen sind Mitglieder in einer Jugendorganisation, darunter 62% in einem Sportverein. 37 percent of 15-24-year-old Germans are members of a youth organization, among them 62 percent are in the sports community.

Bei manchen steht an der Spitze Sport, bei anderen - Lesen und Musikhören. For some, the main thing is sports, for others, reading and music.

In Deutschland gibt es ca. achtzig überregionale Jugendverbände. There are about 80 interregional youth associations in Germany.

In ihnen ist etwa ein Viertel der Jugendlichen organisiert. About a quarter of young people are organized in them.

Die meisten Jugendverbände schließen sich im Bundesjugendring zusammen, z. B. der Bund der Deutschen Katholischen Jugend, die Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Evangelischen Jugend, die Jugendverbände der Gewerkschaften, der Ring Deutscher Pfadfinder und die Landjugendverbände. Most of the youth associations form the Federal Association of German Youth Organizations, such as the German Catholic Youth Association, the Evangelical Youth Association, youth trade unions, the German Boy Scouts Association and the state youth associations.

Die Deutsche Sportjugend ist mitgliederstärkste Jugendorganisation. The Sports Youth Union is the largest youth organization.

Jugendverbände gibt es auch im politischen Gebiet: parteinahe Jugendverbände haben sich den meisten Parteien, welche zum Deutschen Bundestag gehören, angeschlossen. There are also youth associations in the field of politics: youth associations close to the party join most of the parties that belong to the Bundestag.

Sie gehören zum Ring Politischer Jugend. They belong to the Union of Political Youth.

Sections: Foreign languages

Class: 9


L (Lehrer) - teacher, S (Schüler) - student.

Lesson steps:

  1. Introduction. Selection of the studied topics in this section.
  2. Characteristics of German youth.
  3. Discussion of some problems of Russian adolescents.
  4. Analysis of the problem with the parents.
  5. Advice to parents.
  6. Translation of situations "Problems with parents".
  7. Summarizing.
  8. The lesson is accompanied by a computer presentation.

During the classes

1. Introduction. Selection of the studied topics

L - Guten Tag! Wir beginnen unsere Stunde. Wir erlernen das Kapitel 2. Wie heisst dieses Kapitel?
S1 - Das Kapitel heisst “Die heutigen Jugendlichen. Welche Probleme haben sie? "
L - Was machen wir gewöhnlich in den Deutschstunden?

Slide 2

S2 - Wir wiederholen ... (Wörter).
S3 - Wir prüfen ... (Themen).
S4 - Wir analysieren ... (Situationen).
S5 - Wir trainieren ... (Grammatik).
S6 - Wir lesen ... (Texte).
L - Hier sind verschiedene Themen aus dem Kapitel 2. Welche Themen haben wir schon besprochen? Nennt! (The chalkboard contains subtopics of this section.

(Students name only those that have already been studied for this lesson.)

Die Jugendszene in Deutschland
Probleme mit den Eltern
Gewalt in der Schule
Probleme mit den Freunden
Was ist für die Jugendlichen wichtig?
Die Jugendlichen und die Gesellschaft
Die Wünsche der Kinder
Abhauen von zuhause
Suche nach seinem Stellenwert im Leben
Rauchen, Alkohol, Drogen
Zersplitterung in Subkulturen

2. Characteristics of German youth

L - Wir haben vieles über deutsche Jugendliche erfahren. Könnt ihr jetzt über Jugendlichen in Deutschland erzählen, sie charakterisieren? Wollen wir die Sätze komplett machen!

Slide 3

(Students complement sentences in German that characterize German youth)

L - Erzählt über die deutschen Jugendlichen anhand dieser Sätze.

(The student gives a characterization based on the beginning of sentences.)

L - Übersetzt das!

Slide 4

(Students translate sentences from Russian into German.)

L - Charakterisiert die deutschen Jugendlichen mit Hilfe dieser Sätze.

(The student gives a characterization based on sentences in Russian.)

3. Discussion of some problems of Russian adolescents.

L - Wir haben erfahren, dass deutsche Jugendliche einige Probleme haben. Und russische Jugendliche? Haben sie ähnliche Probleme? Wollen wir darüber sprechen.
Arbeitet zu zweit / zu dritt 4 Minuten. Jede Gruppe wählt ein Thema, das wichtig ist.
Hier ist ein Wortsalat. Sucht passende Wörter / Ausdrücke zu den gewählten Themen.
Erzählt kurz über diese Probleme. Gebraucht dabei verschiedene Formen.
Group 1, bereite eine Erzählung vor.
Gruppe 2, versuche einen Dialog zwischen einem Reporter und einem Schüler zusammenzustellen.
Gruppe 3, mache das Assoziogramm komplett.
Gruppe 4, schreibe einen Brief.

(Students work in groups of 2-3 people: choose from familiar topics one problem that is important to them; search for suitable vocabulary from a variety of words according to the section (page 100); prepare a short message using this vocabulary in accordance with a certain form presentation - story, dialogue, diagram, letter.)

L - Präsentiert diese Theme!
4. Analysis of the extension with the parents.
L - Welche Probleme gibt es noch? Probleme mit den Eltern.

Slide 5

(The teacher defines the objectives of the lesson on a new topic.)

L - Wir analysieren die Gründe der Probleme.
Wir informireren uns über Konflikte zwischen Ilse und ihrer Mutter.
Wir spielen die Rolle des Psychologen.
Wir gebrauchen Infinitivgruppen “um ... zu”, “ohne ... zu”, “statt ... zu”.
L - Was sind die Gründe der Probleme? Versucht das zu übersetzen.

Slide 6

(Students translate the causes of the problem.)

L - Welches Grund ist der wichtigste? Bitte eure Meinung.

(Students identify those reasons they feel are important.)

5. Advice to parents.

L - Was müssen die Eltern in diesen Situationen machen? Schreibt einige Ausdrücke für Ratschläge.

Slide 7

(Students write expressions that can be used to advise parents on how to deal with different situations.)

L –Konflikte mit den Eltern. Ist es auch heuzutage typisch?
Die bekannte österreichische Schriftstellerin Christine Nostlinger erzählt darüber in ihrem Buch “Die Ilse ist weg”. Das ist die Geschichte von einem 14jährigen Mädchen. Sie hat Probleme mit der Mutter. Wollen wir darüber lesen - Übung 19, page 94.Lest bitte den Text, um das Wichtigste zu verstehen und sagt:
Wie reagirte die Mutter von Ilse auf ihre Tochter?
Warum bestrafte die Mutter von Ilse ihre Tochter?
Arbeitet 3 Minuten.

Slide 8

(Students read the text and answer questions.)

L - Ilse hat Probleme mit den Eltern. Und ihr? Denkt nach und beantwortet die Fragen zu Hause. Ihre Hausaufgaben ist die Übung 7, Seite 99.
L - Viele Erwachsene haben Probleme mit ihren Kindern. Hört diese Berichte zu.
Situation 1: "Ich habe einen Sohn. Er ist 20 Jahre alt. Mein Sohn ist in der letzten Zeit sehr aggressiv geworden. Er will mehr Taschengeld haben. "
Situation 2: ”Meine Tochter ist 15, geht oft in die Disko und kommt spät nach Hause. Manchmal schwänzt sie die Schule. "
L - Was muss man machen? Versucht in der Rolle des Psychologen einige Ratschläge zu geben.

(Students give advice using expressions they copied out in a notebook.)

6. Translation of situations "Problems with parents".

L - Noch einige Ratschläge des Psychologen sind in der Übung 4, Page 103. Wie ist es richtig? Sagt nach dem Muster. Gebraucht dabei Infinitivgruppen.

Slide 9

(Students pattern sentences using infinitive phrases.
Students name sentences, translate them to check the correctness of the choice)

L - Noch eine Übung machen wir jetzt. Geht an die Computers, sucht Übung 6, Seite 103 und arbeitet 4 Minuten.

Slide 10

(Students work individually at computers, complete exercise 6, page 103. The teacher checks after class.)

7. Summing up

L - Es klingelt bald. Wollen wir Bilanz machen. Was haben wir heute Neues gemacht?
S1 - Wir haben die Gründe der Probleme mit den Eltern analysiert.
S2 - Wir haben uns über Konflikte zwischen Ilse und ihrer Mutter informiert.
S3 - Wir haben die Rolle des Psychologen gespielt.
S4 - Wir haben Infinitivgruppen gebraucht.
L - Danke für ihre Arbeit. S1, S2, S3 haben eine Fünf bekommen. S4, S5, S6, S7 haben eine Vier bekommen. Bis bald.

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