Preparing for the exam download manuals. Preparing for the exam

Roofing materials 06.08.2020
Roofing materials

Hello dear friends and readers! Today is not an ordinary post. This is a post answer. Such a normal and great answer to the most frequent question, which the guys always ask me: "What do you recommend reading, what manuals should I use to prepare for the Unified State Exam in history or social studies?"

Let me do this. In the first part of this post, you will read what you want to hear. What you will be told without me. OK? But the second part of the post will be for those guys and their parents who really want high marks on the exam in a few months.

First part: what you want to hear

  • L. Katsva. The history of homeland. A reference book for high school students and those entering universities. Any edition.
  • A.S. Orlov. History of Russia: textbook. Any edition

You also need to stock up on tests, they can be found on well-known sites on the Internet, everyone knows them perfectly. And they are too famous for us to call them here).

If you wanted to hear just such an answer to the question: what manuals and textbooks to use to prepare for the exam, then you can stop reading. The information below is not at all for you. Feel free to take these manuals, read them, solve tests, and God help you!

Second part of the answer to the question: my real answer

It is not worth taking any allowances or buying at all. Here are the reasons:

  • There is absolutely no apparatus for reflection in the manual: for example, for independent work.
  • The tutorial is dry, it is assumed that you already have an understanding of the basic concepts. In history, these concepts: civilization, the state, the apparatus of power, forms of power, surplus product, natural economy, and other many concepts. The same goes for social studies.
  • There are no tests in the tutorials.
  • The manual does not explain how to solve tests, what are the principles of their solution. In the collections of tests themselves, at the very beginning, extremely dry information is given with the characteristics of the test itself, there are no principles there at all.

Despite these huge disadvantages, millions of children buy and prepare for these benefits every year. The result is very deplorable, look at the statistics of Rosobrnadzor. From myself, I can say unequivocally: 95% of the guys who read the manuals and prepare for them will never pass the exam in history or society for high scores. Yes, knowledge can improve, but they will not solve the test for a high result. Maximum points for 60 out of 100.

What to do. First, read and . Secondly, if your goal is self-preparation: you do not want to use the services of tutors and third-party services and sites, then the preparation option (really correct and competent) can only be like this.

STEP 1. You buy school textbooks (preferably the latest edition): for history - you buy a textbook for each period: for Ancient Rus, on the Middle Ages, on the New Time, etc. Authors on history: Sakharov, Buganov, Danilin, Kosulin, Rybakov, etc. The social science is similar. Take textbooks for grades 10 and 11.

STEP 2. For history, take historical Atlases and Contour maps... As for society, it will be necessary to take advantage of the manual, in which social science is presented in the form of diagrams.

STEP 3. In both disciplines, you are looking for where you will solve tests. Tests are needed with verification, so that you can check yourself on the answers.

STEP 4. Self-study technique:


Take a textbook on the first period of Russian history. You read the chapter, look in parallel in the Atlas. Tell yourself what you understand. Next, look at the forgotten chapter. Read it again. Retelling again. Note that you missed it again. Read the third time, the fourth, until you are able to properly retell what the chapter is about. Then answer the chapter questions at the end of the chapter. Better in writing, so you undermine the skill of formulating thoughts.

Then you read the second chapter, do the same work. Go back to the first chapter a day later, and check yourself what you remember. If you have forgotten everything, re-read it again and proceed as described above.

If you mastered in this way, for example, the period of Ancient Russia, take thematic exam tests for this period and solve both the first part of the test and the second. The second part will test yourself using the answers in the manual.

Social studies

Take a textbook on the first period of Russian history. You read the chapter, look at the same time write out incomprehensible terms, look for their definitions on the Internet or in a textbook (there is a Glossary at the end). Tell yourself what you understand. Next, look in the chapter on what you forgot, what terms you missed, learn them. Read it again. Retelling again. Note that you missed it again. Read the third time, the fourth, until you are able to properly retell what the chapter is about. Then answer the chapter questions at the end of the chapter. Better in writing, so you undermine the skill of formulating thoughts.

Have reached the end of the section, for example, Man and Society, take out a test on this topic passed and decide. You solve both the first and the second part. The second part will test yourself using the answers in the manual.


Is everyone capable of such training? No, not everyone. Serious erudition, normal memory, good perseverance and determination are required. Most will fizzle out by the second week of this preparation, or they will have breakdown... Believe me, I've seen this over the years of working with children (I also worked at school)

What to do?

Modern preparation for the exam for really high scores is unthinkable without the constant support of a competent teacher. Who, when he receives your tests, your questions, will give such recommendations that will clarify the material and the principles of solving the tests.

The trouble is that there are no such courses on the Internet now .. Why? Because in all other courses, you will be offered work in the so-called groups: when the guys are forced into a webinar room, and the teacher leads such a group lesson. Homework is also checked selectively, or given to the computer. As a result, an individual student is simply lost against the background of the others, and no one EXPLAINS HIS mistakes to HIM.

For our training courses

In our courses, each student's mistakes are explained individually, thanks to our excellent preparation service. The student watches a video lesson. He can view it as many times as he wants, at any time of the day or night, when the student is COMFORTABLE and CONVENIENT. Then the student completes the task. He can ask the teacher any questions directly. And the teacher will promptly give a clear, competent, professional answer.

All assignments are checked by an experienced teacher. Without approval of the assignment, no student will be able to access the next lesson until the assignment is completed at the proper level. How to do this is also explained. Cool?! Yes!

The Unified State Exam is a unified state exam that is taken by grade 11 students. The main difference from the standard passing of the ticket exam is the inability to prepare answers to specific questions; the Unified State Exam has a system for choosing an answer from possible options.

The admission of a graduate to a higher educational institution depends on the result of the delivery. In the process of repeating the material for the exam, it is customary to refer to various reference books for preparation. What formats of reference books are there and which one is better to choose - you will now find out.

Types of directories

For good preparation for the exam, it is necessary to use not only school textbooks, but also various other materials. Let's consider what are the types of reference books for preparing for the unified state exam.

School textbooks

Textbooks are written understandably and as much as possible simple language... The material is laid out on the shelves in great detail. All basic definitions, concepts, dates and numbers are described separately. it a basic level of... All paragraphs are accompanied by illustrations and descriptions of terms.

This option is suitable for learning a subject from scratch, at the beginning of the school year. However, it will not work if there are a couple of months left before the exam.

Abbreviated textbooks

This type of literature is created for students who have already formed basic knowledge and have a certain foundation in the subject. In these editions, the material is presented in a more thesis, like a synopsis.

This option is suitable for students who are already studying from school textbooks, but want to expand the boundaries of their knowledge and better prepare.

Profile textbooks for universities

Among the publications for universities, you can find a lot of textbooks that fully reveal one or another discipline. They will enable the student to gain complete and in-depth knowledge of the subject, the level of which will be quite sufficient for admission to a higher educational institution. The applicant will understand the subject better than in the school curriculum.

To obtain a high score, it is advisable to refer to the textbooks of specialized universities. But this can only be done if the student has completely mastered the material on the subject within the framework of the school curriculum. Otherwise, the textbook of a higher educational institution will only bring confusion to the student's head because of the profile definitions and a higher level than at school.

Supporting materials

Additional materials: tables, diagrams, formulas, atlases are required for studying the subject, regardless of the desired score on the exam. Each subject has certain information, which is put into separate pages, for example: multiplication tables, periodic table, etc.

This is useful for better assimilation of the material. This information should not be neglected.

Which reference book should you choose?

For high-quality and systematic preparation for the exam, one cannot be guided by any one material. It is advisable to use different sources... The choice of a reference book depends on the level of knowledge of the student.

Gotta start from the simplest- from the basic definitions that are found in school textbooks. You should fully understand and learn the basic information. From this level it is possible to use all the auxiliary materials. They start to study from the simplest level and do not abandon until the exam. Further you can go To reference materials and higher level textbooks. They assume an understanding of the terminology of the subject and cover the topic more broadly.
For students who want to get the maximum score on the USE, maximum knowledge coverage is required. To do this, you need to use textbooks from specialized universities. Thanks to these sources, the student will fully master the subject, which will have a positive effect on the final result.

To prepare for the exam, there are several types of reference books. It all depends on the level of the desired exam score:

  • To pass the exam for 3 - school textbooks and auxiliary materials are enough.
  • To get the maximum score, you will have to try and study more complex, specialized materials.

However, just reading the reference books does not guarantee an excellent passing of the exam, in any case, diligent study of the subject and diligence are necessary.

A convenient catalog where we bring to your attention all the books that can help in preparing for the exam 2019. Here you will also find individual selections for all subjects for 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015. Reshebniks, collections of assignments, tests - everything to prepare for exams after the 11th grade. With our books, you can get the best scores and successfully enroll in your chosen university. For any training format, you will need manuals with options and correct answers, this section will be useful to every eleventh grader, his parents and teachers. Every academic year we publish complete compilations tasks that were at the Unified State Exam in different disciplines this year, with their help you can test your knowledge and understand what additional classes you need and in what volume.

Official changes in exams

Certificate of changes in the KIM USE 2019. In KIM for all academic subjects, additional reminder instructions have been introduced for USE participants to check the recording of answers on forms No. 1 and No. 2 under the corresponding task numbers. All changes are not fundamental. For most subjects, the wording of the tasks is being clarified and the system of assessing the tasks is being improved to increase the differentiating ability of the examination work.

  • Mathematics Geography Physics Chemistry Informatics and ICT - no changes
  • Russian language - Increased the number of tasks in examination paper from 26 to 27 due to the introduction of a new task (21), which tests the ability to conduct punctuation analysis of the text. The format of tasks 2, 9–12 has been changed. The range of spelling and punctuation skills to be tested has been expanded. The difficulty level of individual tasks has been clarified. The wording of task 27 with a detailed answer has been clarified. The criteria for assessing the task 27 have been clarified.
  • Biology - The model of the task in line 2 has been changed (instead of a two-point task with multiple choice, a one-point task for working with a table is proposed). The maximum primary score for completing all work has been reduced from 59 to 58.
  • Foreign languages ​​- There are no changes in the structure and content of KIM. The criteria for assessing the performance of task 40 of the "Letter" section in the written part of the exam have been clarified, as well as the wording of task 40, in which the exam participant is offered a choice of two topics of a detailed written statement with elements of reasoning "My opinion".
  • References - The criteria for assessing the performance of tasks with a detailed answer have been clarified: corrections have been made in the assessment of tasks 8 and 15 (the wording of criterion 1 with a description of the requirements for the answer to 2 points, the rules for calculating actual errors in criterion 2), tasks 9 and 16 (in criteria 1 and 2, possible variants of flaws in the answer are taken into account), tasks 17.1–17.4 (the calculation of logical errors has been added to criterion 4).
  • Social Studies - The wording of the task 25 has been detailed and the grading system has been revised. The maximum score for completing task 25 has been increased from 3 to 4. The wording of tasks 28, 29 has been detailed, and their assessment systems have been improved. The maximum primary score for completing all work has been increased from 64 to 65.
  • History - There are no changes in the structure and content of the CMM. In task 21, an additional condition has been added, which determines the requirement for filling out the answer. Accordingly, the criteria for assessing task 21 have been supplemented.

Final essay 2019

  • December 5, 2018 (Wed) Final essay (presentation) - main deadline
  • February 6 (Wed) Final essay (presentation) - additional deadline

Early delivery schedule

  • March 20 (wed) geography, literature
  • March 22 (Fri) Russian language
  • March 25 (mon) history, chemistry
  • March 27 (wed) foreign languages ​​(oral)
  • March 29 (Fri) Mathematics Base and Profile
  • April 1 (mon) foreign languages, biology, physics
  • April 3 (wed) social studies, informatics and ICT

Reserve days of early check-in

  • April 5 (Fri) reserve: geography, chemistry, computer science and ICT, foreign languages ​​(oral), history
  • April 8 (Mon) reserve: foreign languages, literature, physics, social studies, biology
  • April 10 (Wed) reserve: Russian language, mathematics B, P

Main Wave Schedule

  • May 27 (mon) geography, literature
  • May 29 (Wed) Mathematics B, P
  • May 31 (Fri) history, chemistry
  • June 3 (Mon) Russian language
  • June 5 (wed) foreign languages ​​(in writing), physics
  • June 7 (Fri) foreign languages ​​(oral)
  • June 8 (Sat) foreign languages ​​(oral)
  • June 10 (Mon) social studies
  • June 13 (thu) biology, informatics and ICT

Reserve days for the main wave

  • June 17 (Mon) Reserve: geography, literature
  • June 18 (Tue) Reserve: history, physics
  • June 20 (Thu) Reserve: biology, informatics and ICT, chemistry
  • June 24 (Mon) Reserve: Mathematics B, P
  • June 26 (Wed) Reserve: Russian
  • June 27 (Thu) Reserve: foreign languages ​​(orally)
  • June 28 (Fri) Reserve: social studies, foreign languages ​​(in writing)
  • July 1 (Mon) reserve: in all academic subjects

Additional period (autumn)

  • September 3 (Tue) Russian
  • September 6 (Fri) Mathematics Base
  • September 21 (sat) reserve: mathematics Base, Russian

5 best manuals for preparing for the exam in the Russian language

Legotskaya V.S.,

teacher of Russian language and literature

MBOU "Gymnasium No. 5", Bryansk

I will pass the exam! Russian language. Workshop and diagnostics. Tsybulko I.P., Vasilievykh I.P., Aleksandrov V.N.

1. I will pass the exam! Russian yak. Modular course. Practice and diagnostics. Tutorial for educational organizations. Ed. I.P. Tsybulko. M .: "Education", 2017.-320 p.

2. You can download this manual

3. The material is presented available

Professional assessment

1. The tasks presented in the manual are convenient for understanding, correspond to real CMMs, they can be used in Russian lessons at the stage of generalizing the material and preparing for the exam, as well as independent work students.

2. The level of difficulty of tasks is different - from basic to advanced.

3. All topics of the school course of the Russian language are widely and fully worked out.

5. The material presented in the manual is systematized conveniently, corresponds to KIMs in the Russian language.

6. The tests presented in the manual objectively assess the degree of preparedness of students for the Unified State Exam.

7. This manual can be used under the guidance of a teacher from the 7th grade, separate tasks from the 6th grade.

8. Illustrations and tables, as already noted, are absent, but this is not necessary to prepare for the Unified State Exam in Russian.

9. The allowance is quite expensive, the minimum cost is 320 rubles. We, teachers of the Russian language, know that all the books of I.P. Tsybulkoare more expensive than other authors, and we understand why. I.P. Tsybulko headsthe federal commission of developers of control measuring materials in the Russian language and does not hesitate to successfully and expensively sell his books.


1. This manual can be used for self-preparation, for frontal work in the classroom, preparation with a tutor. Particularly interesting in the manual is the system of homework from lesson to lesson, the implementation of which provides both repetition and anticipatory acquaintance with the material.

3. The price of the benefit, as already indicated, is high.

5. All the skills that are tested on the exam in the Russian language are formed by this manual. I would like to note the rich material for checking morphological and syntactic norms. With the wrinkles of the manual, you can also organize effective work on an essay in the format of the exam. The manual contains a rich selection of modern texts, an algorithm for completing tasks for writing a creative work.

6. The chances of getting a high score on the Unified State Exam, if you conduct conscientious training in this manual, are great, but on condition that the work will be carried out under the guidance of a teacher. Rely only on self-preparation for this benefit is not worth it.

Unified State Exam. Russian language. Independent preparation for the exam. Highest mark.

1. Russian language. Independent preparation for the exam. Highest mark.Egoraeva G.T., Serebryakova O.A.M .: "Exam", 2017.-352 p.

3. The material is presented in an accessible way, I would like to note the richest theoretical material, a dictionary of USE terms.

4. Artistic decoration. There are no illustrations, which is methodologically justified.

5. Offset paper, offset printing.

Professional assessment

1. The tasks presented in the manual are easy to understand, correspond to real CMMs,The manual is intended for teachers who use tests to prepare students for the Unified State Exam, it can also be used by students for self-study and self-control. With the help of the manual, the teacher can organize a system of homework that will help to form the necessary skills, especially speech.

3. All the topics of the school course of the Russian language have been worked out widely and fully, the undoubted merit of the authors is a serious study of topics in morphology, which largely goes beyond the USE, but is necessary for the formation of general grammatical thinking.

4. Comments on the answers are understandable and accessible to schoolchildren.

7. This manual can be used under the guidance of a teacher starting from grade 7, individual tasks, in particular, spelling of roots and prefixes, from grade 5. Spelling material, in particular, the spelling of homonymous parts of speech, can be especially valuable for a practicing teacher. This material can be used by the teacher in the classroom starting from the 7th grade.

8. As already noted, there are no illustrations, but this is not necessary to prepare for the Unified State Exam in the Russian language. The schemes and tables presented in the theoretical part allow you to visually familiarize yourself with the material under study, are appropriate and methodologically competent.

9. The cost of the allowance and the benefits of its practical application are correlated correctly, the average cost is 260 rubles.


1. This manual can be used for self-preparation, for frontal work in the classroom, preparation with a tutor. Particularly valuable in the manual is the study of topics on morphology, these materials can be used in the middle level in preparation for olympiads and intellectual marathons, in extracurricular work.

2. Parents who are far from the Unified State Exam and the Russian language, most likely, will find it difficult to check, using this manual, how the child copes with the preparation for the exam.

4. The manual meets all the latest USE requirements.

5. All the skills that are tested on the exam in the Russian language are formed by this manual. I would like to note the rich material for checking morphological and orthoepic norms, for studying and consolidating topics in vocabulary.

USE 2017. Russian language. 50 options for typical test items.Vasiliev I.P., Gosteva Yu.N., Lvov V.V.

1.EGE -2017 . Russian language. 50 options for typical text assignments.Vasiliev I.P., Gosteva Yu.N., Lvov V.V.,M .: Publishing house "Exam», 2017.-448 p.

2. You can download this manual

provides readers with information about the structure and content of KIM in the Russian language, the degree of difficulty of tasks.

4. Artistic decoration. There are no illustrations, which is methodologically justified.

5. Offset paper, offset printing.

Professional assessment

1. The tasks presented in the manual are easy to understand, correspond to real CMMs,there are answers to all variants of tests, comments to the answers; samples of forms used on the exam to record answers.The manual is intended for teachers who use tests to prepare students for the Unified State Exam, it can also be used by students for self-study and self-control. With the help of the manual, the teacher can organize a system of homework that will form the necessary skills. Particularly valuable is the material with the answers to task 24. The table shows an approximate range of problems and the position of the author, which will allow students to correctly navigate the texts, correctly write an essay following the algorithm.

4. Comments on the answers are understandable and accessible to schoolchildren.

5. The material presented in the manual is systematized conveniently, corresponds to KIMs in the Russian language.

6. The tests presented in the manual objectively assess the degree of preparedness of students for the Unified State Exam.

7. This manual can be used under the guidance of a teacher starting from grade 7.

9. The cost of the allowance and the benefits of its practical application are correlated correctly, the average cost is 230 rubles.


1. This manual can be used for self-preparation, for frontal work in the classroom, preparation with a tutor. The selection of texts is especially valuable in the manual, they are understandable to modern schoolchildren, the problems raised in them are relevant, interesting to high school students.

3. The cost of the allowance and the benefits of its use, as already indicated, are correlated correctly.

4. The manual meets all the latest USE requirements.

6. The chances of getting a high score on the Unified State Exam, if you conduct conscientious training in this manual, are great, but on condition that the work will be carried out under the guidance of a teacher. You should not rely only on self-preparation for this manual, you should not also consider this manual as the only one when preparing for the exam, because comments on the answers are given only to two options (No. 20 and 31), which, of course, is not enough to prepare for the exam. exam.

USE 2017. Russian language. A set of materials for preparing students. Drabkina S.V., Subbotin D.I.

1. Drabkina S.V. Unified State Exam.Russian language. A set of activities for preparing students. Tutorial.-M .: Intellect-Center, 2017.-320 p.

2. You can download this manual

3. The manual presents theoretical material in the most structured form, which allows you to independently master topics in the Russian language.

4. Artistic decoration. There are no illustrations, which is methodologically justified.

5. Offset paper, offset printing.

Professional assessment

1. This manual presents a step-by-step system of preparation for the Unified State Exam in the Russian language, which provides, firstly, with acquaintance with the content of examination tasks, and secondly, with algorithms and models of reasoning for their correct solution. The manual contains a logical sequence of actions necessary to choose the correct answer, given in the form of algorithms. Typical mistakes that students make when completing assignments are considered. Contained guidelines on writing an essay-reasoning, examples of essays are provided. A set of typical training tasks with guidelines and answers allows you to consolidate the knowledge gained and prepare for passing the exam In Russian. The manual contains approximate options for the exam 2017 The manual is addressed to high school students who are preparing for the Unified State Exam independently or under the guidance of a teacher. Can be used by the teacher in practical work when practicing the necessary skills in the Russian language.

2. The level of difficulty of tasks is different - from basic to increased complexity, work with the manual will ensure both overcoming the minimum threshold and getting a high score on the exam.

3. All topics of the school course of the Russian language have been worked out widely and fully, the authors' undoubted merit is the detailed commentary on the solution of such complex topics as "Revealing the main information contained in the text", "Means of communication of sentences in the text", "Contextual definition of the lexical meaning of polysemous words ".

4. Comments on the answers are clear and accessible to schoolchildren, the algorithm for completing the tasks is presented step by step, a sample of the algorithm is presented, a commentary on the task, there are tasks for independent work.

5. The material presented in the manual is systematized conveniently, corresponds to KIMs in the Russian language.

6. The tests presented in the manual objectively assess the degree of preparedness of students for the Unified State Exam.

7. This manual can be used under the guidance of a teacher starting from grade 8, theoretical material can be presented to students from grade 7, in particular, the algorithm for completing assignments and comments on them.

8. As already noted, there are no illustrations, but this is not necessary to prepare for the Unified State Exam in the Russian language. The schemes and tables presented in the theoretical part allow you to visually familiarize yourself with the material under study, are appropriate and methodologically competent. There are tables in the manual that are not available in many other manuals.

9. The cost of the allowance and the benefits of its practical application are correlated correctly, the average cost is 300 rubles.


1. This manual can be used for self-preparation of students, for the teacher to organize a frontal, steam room and individual work in class, training with a tutor. Particularly valuable in the manual is theoretical material, algorithms for completing tasks, these materials can be used in the middle level in preparation for olympiads and intellectual marathons, in extracurricular work.

2. Parents can use this manual to check how their child copes with the preparation for the exam.

3. The cost of the allowance and the benefits of its use, as already indicated, are correlated correctly.

4. The manual meets all the latest USE requirements.

5. All the skills that are tested on the exam in the Russian language are formed by this manual. I would like to note the rich theoretical material on all topics of the Unified State Exam.

6. The chances of getting a high score on the Unified State Exam, if you conduct conscientious training in this manual, are great, but on condition that the work will be carried out under the guidance of a teacher.

USE 2017. Russian language. 1000 tasks with answers. All tasks of part 1. Egoraeva G.T.

1.Egoraeva E.G. Unified State Exam: 1000 tasks with answers. All tasks of part 1. -M .: Publishing house "Exam», 2017.-415 p.

2. You can download this manual

3. The material is presented in an accessible way,will help students not only to generalize and systematize the knowledge gained in all sections of the science of language, but also to assess their level of preparation for the upcoming exam.

4. Artistic decoration. There are no illustrations, which is methodologically justified.

5. Offset paper, offset printing.

Professional assessment

1. The collection contains a large number of tasks corresponding to the demo version of the USE control measuring materials in the Russian language in 2017, by solving which graduates will be able to acquire practical skills in completing the exam tasks and eliminate existing knowledge gaps in the shortest possible time. The manual is intended for teachers who use tests to prepare students for the Unified State Exam, it can also be used by students for self-study and self-control. With the help of the manual, the teacher can organize a system of homework that will form the necessary skills.

2. The level of difficulty of the tasks is average, however, working with the manual will ensure not only overcoming the minimum threshold, but also getting a high score on the exam.

3. All topics of the school course of the Russian language have been worked out widely and fully, in strict accordance with the KIMs of the Unified State Examination.

4. Comments on the answers are understandable and accessible to schoolchildren.

5. The material presented in the manual is systematized conveniently, corresponds to KIMs in the Russian language.

6. The tests presented in the manual objectively assess the degree of preparedness of students for the Unified State Exam.

7. This manual can be used under the guidance of a teacher starting from grade 5.

8. As already noted, there are no illustrations, but this is not necessary to prepare for the Unified State Exam in the Russian language.

9. The cost of the allowance and the benefits of its practical application are correlated correctly, the average cost is 200 rubles.


1. This manual can be used for self-preparation of high school students, for frontal work in the classroom, preparation with a tutor. Particularly valuable in the manual is the selection of tasks for the development of morphological and syntactic norms.

2. Parents are likely to find it difficult to test how their child is preparing for the exam using this manual.

3. The cost of the allowance and the benefits of its use, as already indicated, are correlated correctly.

4. The manual meets all the latest USE requirements.

5. All the skills that are tested on the exam in the Russian language are formed by this manual.

6. The chances of getting a high score on the Unified State Exam, if you conduct conscientious training in this manual, are great, but on condition that the work will be carried out under the guidance of a teacher. You should not rely only on self-study in this manual, you should also not consider this manual as the only one when preparing for the exam.

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