How is khash cooked. Khash with pork legs. To prepare the dish you will need

Roofing materials 17.09.2020
Roofing materials

Today, hardly anyone can say with certainty who was the first to invent the recipe for khash, a soup cooked on the cartilage and bones of animals (often a bull). Armenia is assumed to be the homeland. But since ancient times, it has been brewed throughout the Caucasus and Transcaucasia. Popular in Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia. For many nations, it still remains partly ritual - it is served at funerals. Due to the high content of minerals, modern doctors advise it to patients with fractures - the bones grow together faster.

The five most commonly used ingredients in hashi recipes are:

Features of cooking khash

Thick, rich khash is recommended for those who have nothing against the tart and equally thick smell that forms during the cooking process. Owners of a good extract too)) It's all about the special products that are taken for him: beef legs, hooves and stomach (rumen). All this gives off a not too pleasant aroma when cooked. And it will take a very long time to cook - that is the peculiarity of the dish.

Cooking steps

Beef legs before cooking must be cleaned, greased and washed. Then soak in cold water overnight. Water must either be replaced frequently or used running water (ideally a spring).

Then, filled with water, they are boiled for about eight hours over low heat. Readiness is determined by the fact that cartilage and the remains of meat will fall off the bone themselves.

Five of the most nutritious khash soup recipes:

As for the scar, because of the strong smell, cooking it in an apartment is still a pleasure. But there is a little trick: boil for 30 minutes, replace the water with cold water, and cut the scar into small pieces.

How and with what to serve

No matter how strange it may sound, but khash is a morning dish that is eaten before everyone else. When cooking, it is not seasoned with anything, not even salt. This should be done already in the plate before eating. In addition to salt and minced garlic, other spices are allowed to taste. Some add some fresh milk. Caucasian peoples like to put khashi during feasts. By the way, it is considered purely masculine: it is prepared exclusively by representatives of the stronger sex. And they eat it with pleasure))

Step 1: Cooking hash.

As I said, khash is cooked seasonally, namely during the slaughter of cattle in Armenia (from late autumn to mid-spring). Therefore, its main ingredient is beef legs and tripe.
And the first thing we need to deal with them. If necessary, the beef legs are well scraped, washed thoroughly and singeed. Next, they must be cut lengthwise and soaked for at least a day, while it is necessary to change the water every two hours to remove a specific smell. After that, they are again washed well, scraped and put to cook on a slow fire. Please note that the water should not boil too much, and in no case do not add salt to the broth. Don't forget to remove the noise.
At this time, let's take care of the scar, which also needs to be washed, scraped off. Then we put it on a slow fire. Cook until the specific smell disappears. After that, we drain the broth where the tripe was cooked, and cut it into small pieces and add it to the broth where the beef legs are cooked. Cook over low heat for about 7-8 hours. Khash is considered ready when the meat is freely separated from the bone, and the scar has become soft.
After that, the soup is seasoned with grated garlic.

Step 2: Serve hash.

Before serving, finely chop the parsley, basil, cilantro and add to the soup. It is served with lavash. And vodka is perfect as an aperitif. Enjoy your meal!

Khash should not be salted, but it should be boiled over low heat. And in no case do not let the broth boil, as all the meat fat will disappear.

Khash is also eaten with grated radish and pita bread.

Khash is traditionally eaten in the morning during breakfast.

Khash is said to have a sobering effect. Therefore, they eat it on the second day of the wedding in Armenia.

Khash recipe is traditional for Caucasian cuisine. Its popularity is due to its healing properties. Khash is a real man's food with a high content of calories and meat. In Russian cuisine, something similar is jelly. Traditionally, real khash is prepared only by representatives of the stronger sex. They eat it for breakfast so that a man gets a boost of energy in the morning and can work all day without knowing fatigue. Also note healing properties khasha, it is recommended to use it after fractures and sprains, as well as after other diseases as a rehabilitation. This is due to the fact that hash is rich in calcium and other nutrients and extractive compounds that help improve the functioning of the body.

Fact: “The recipe is deeply rooted in Armenian culture. Soup from the legs and tails of cattle had a ritual meaning (sacrifice of cattle to the ancient gods), and therefore for a long time, even in restaurants, khash was not always on the menu, but only at certain time intervals. It was possible to order such a soup only in the morning hours, which indicates the connection of khash with the pagan rituals of the ancient Caucasus.”

How much hash is prepared

Cooking a dish will not work quickly and this must be taken into account. Even today, one should not count on the fact that khash can be prepared in 2-3 hours. The main reason is that the ingredients for the dish require serious processing.

Tip: “Traditionally, the preparation of khash begins in the evening. Active participation in cooking is necessary only in the first hours, and at night the soup can be left to simmer unattended.

What is hash made from?

Considering that the history of the dish goes back to the times of the pagan Caucasus, the remains of cattle (legs, tails and scars) were used as the main composition of the ingredients. Most often, khash was made from beef and lamb legs, but there is also a recipe for cooking chicken and pork.

What you need to know when choosing ingredients

The success of a good khash lies in the choice of quality meat. It is recommended to choose legs that are properly cleaned. If a we are talking about beef, then the choice of the front leg will be the most correct. The leg should be fleshy. You should not buy the back legs, they are not suitable for cooking because of their smell.

It is not necessary to have a culinary education to prepare a stew, but preparing the ingredients for cooking requires a long time (1-2 days). Cooking khash will also not work quickly, the average cooking time is 8-12 hours.

Basic steps for making soup:

  • We clean the legs, tail, stomach (rumen), sugar bone;
  • Soaking the ingredients in cold running water;
  • Cooking

Tip: “Preparing the legs for cooking is fundamental to the success of a delicious soup. The legs must be pitched using a gas burner, this process will clean it of wool and dirt. Then you should pour the leg hot water and clean from the remnants of burning. After that, you should place the leg in water for several hours, periodically changing the water. Clean the already soaked leg with a soft brush. Then rinse and cut it into 2-3 parts along the joints. Each piece received must also be cut in half.

Consider the most popular recipes for making khash at home from different varieties meat.

beef recipe

The most popular and classic khash is made from beef meat. The cooking process consists of the following step-by-step steps:

  1. Divide beef legs. It is recommended not to use an ax for this purpose, this will help the dish remain moderately fatty. The legs should be well washed, scorched and burnt should be scraped off from them.
  2. Next, cut the beef tail.
  3. Throw the cut legs and tail into a saucepan and add water and cook over low heat for 1-2 hours.
  4. Next, you need to drain the resulting broth, rinse the hooves and tail with running water, and either wash the pan or replace it with a clean one.
  5. Well-washed ingredients should be poured with water again and left to simmer for 7-8 hours.
  6. In the morning or after the cooking time has elapsed, you need to remove the hooves and tail from the pan, and pour 0.5 liters of boiled water into the broth.
  7. The meat must be cut off the bone and cut into pieces. At the same time, prepare the herbs and garlic to taste.

lamb recipe

Cooking will take a lot of time, but the end result, subject to the above rules, will exceed all expectations.

Cooking steps:

  1. The first step is to rinse and, if necessary, soak the lamb meat (it is best to use the lamb neck).
  2. It is necessary to make deep cuts to the bone in several places on the neck and cook it over low heat for 1-2 hours.
  3. Water during cooking must be changed at least 1-2 times.
  4. In order to give the soup a savory taste, take the spices to taste (bay leaf, pepper and garlic) and place it all in a cheesecloth bag. Place the resulting bag in a saucepan and continue to boil the soup over low heat.
  5. As soon as the meat is free to move away from the bone (at least 6 hours after the start of cooking), it must be pulled out of the broth and cut.

The soup is ready. It remains only to pour it into plates and serve it along with Georgian or Armenian lavash. It is also recommended to rub 1-3 cloves of garlic for each serving of hash.

pork recipe

A common version of pork soup. Pork legs are used as the main ingredient, which, as in the case of beef, must be carefully prepared for cooking (soak, singe, scrape off the burn).

The cooking recipe is not much different from the previous ones. The processed legs must be chopped and boiled over low heat, periodically draining the water. Add spices to taste 20-30 minutes before the meat is ready (it should be free to move away from the bone). Then take the meat out of the broth and cut it into pieces. It is recommended to serve soup with pita bread, herbs and garlic.

Recipe from Georgia

Such a hash is prepared from lamb or beef legs. The main difference from the classical methods is that before cooking, the meat is soaked in milk for 5-6 hours. After that, the soaked meat is stewed for 15 minutes, and the milk is poured into a separate container and also stewed separately for 30 minutes. Stewed meat is poured with boiling water and drained milk and boiled until tender.

How to serve ready-made soup at home

Serving the finished dish in a traditional way is just as important as the preparation itself. The container for khash is a ceramic plate. A leg with meat is placed in the center of such a plate and poured into it with a ready-made broth. When serving, be sure to also prepare pita bread and a set of chopped herbs, chopped garlic is also used. Prepared ingredients to taste are added directly to the plate. Since the soup is not salted during cooking, you can also put pickles or salted cheeses on the table. Traditionally, khash is eaten with lavash, half of the lavash is sent immediately to the soup, and the other is used instead of cutlery.


Khash is an unusual dish for the average Russian. Using the information from the article, anyone can cook and serve this amazing soup. We wish you bon appetit.

The cuisine of the peoples of the Caucasus is very popular far beyond the borders of their historical homeland. The traditional dishes of the highlanders are hearty and tasty, because seasonings, spices and various greens are added to the food in abundance. In this article, we will look at the recipes for khash, one of the most popular Armenian soups.

Khash is a rich soup made from beef, lamb or pork. The name comes from the Armenian word "hashel" (cook), which was later borrowed by the Turks and Georgians.

In former times, khash was a ritual dish that was cooked after rituals, when cattle were sacrificed to the gods. It was also called the "soup of the poor", because after the carcass was butchered, the legs and entrails were given to the poor. It was this second-rate meat that was used for cooking.

In addition, in the well-known Armenian manual for doctors “Consolation for fevers”, written about a thousand years ago, meat broth, called “khashoy” or “khashu”, is mentioned as a remedy for certain diseases.

Did you know? It has long been customary that khash can be prepared only in those months, the name of which contains the letter "r". It is not known where this tradition came from, but at present the dish is especially in demand in the Caucasus in late autumn or winter.

Armenian beef khash

It should be said right away that the preparation of traditional Armenian khash will take a lot of time.

For 4 - 5 liters of water you will need the following products:

  • beef leg;
  • 2 - 3 bulbs;
  • 5 - 7 cloves of garlic;
  • Bay leaf;
  • wine vinegar;
  • salt.


  1. Grind the beef leg over the burner, then scrape with a knife.
  2. Put the workpiece in a deep saucepan, pour cold water and hold for at least 4 hours.
  3. Cut the leg into small pieces, removing growths and excess fat.
  4. Put the meat to cook on low heat. This may take 7 to 10 hours. The beef will be ready to eat when it is completely boiled and separated from the bone.
  5. After the meat is ready, add the peeled onions, bay leaf to the pan and continue cooking for another hour and a half.
  6. While the dish is languishing on the fire, you need to prepare a mixture of salt, crushed garlic and wine vinegar.

The finished khash soup is poured into bowls, seasoned with the resulting sauce and served with pita bread and herbs.

Attention! After soaking in cold water, the beef leg can only be cut into pieces with a knife. In no case should you chop, because the bone will be crushed and small fragments can fall into the broth.

Lamb recipe

In the absence of beef, you can cook lamb hash, however, it should be borne in mind that it will turn out to be very fatty, thick and rich.

For work you will need:

  • 2 kg lamb neck;
  • onion;
  • dry inflorescences of cloves;
  • allspice peas;
  • garlic;
  • greens.


  1. Wash the lamb, use a knife to make cuts to the very bone.
  2. Place the meat in a saucepan, cover with water and bring to a boil. In this case, it will be necessary to change the broth several times, pouring out the boiled liquid and adding fresh.
  3. Fold the cloves and allspice in cheesecloth, if desired, add parsley root and bay leaf. Drop the bundle into the saucepan.

After that, you will need to cook the contents for at least 3 to 4 hours. Then cut the meat into pieces, pour the soup into bowls, where sprinkle the khash dish with a mixture of crushed garlic and chopped herbs.

From pork feet

The radish, which is crushed and served separately, will help shade the taste of khash from pork legs.

To prepare such a dish, you will need:

  • pork legs;
  • 2 heads of garlic;
  • large radish;
  • parsley root;
  • a bunch of basil;
  • Bay leaf;
  • salt.

Cooking order:

  1. Grind pork legs, clean their surface and cut into pieces.
  2. Put the blanks in a saucepan, pour cold water and leave for a day. Fluid will need to be changed every 3 to 4 hours.
  3. Rinse the legs, put on fire and cook, adding lavrushka leaves and regularly skimming off the foam.
  4. After 5 - 6 hours, when the pork legs are ready, remove them from the pan, cool and cut off the meat, and strain the broth through cheesecloth.
  5. Return the pork to the pan, pour over the broth and put on the fire for another hour.

Pork leg hash is served with a mixture of garlic, chopped basil, chopped parsley root and grated radish.

Traditional Georgian khash

Georgian khash is made from lamb or beef legs.

To prepare the dish you will need:

  • lamb or beef leg;
  • 10 garlic cloves;
  • greens;
  • peppercorns;
  • salt.


  1. Singe the leg and clean with a knife, then simmer until the meat separates from the bones.
  2. Take out the beef or lamb, cut into pieces and return to the pan, adding salt and peppercorns. After that, cook for another hour.
  3. Combine chopped garlic with chopped herbs. This mixture is added to the plates when serving the dish.

Attention! So that the hash does not acquire an unpleasant aftertaste, you will have to remove the foam regularly, otherwise its presence will negatively affect the quality of the finished dish.

Soup khash azerbaijani

Each people living in the Caucasus has its own recipe for making khash. In Baku, this dish is made using beef hooves and a large amount of onions.

To make hash you will need:

  • beef legs;
  • 4 - 5 bulbs;
  • a head of garlic;
  • salt;
  • fresh greens.

Operating procedure:

  1. Grind and clean the beef legs, and then send to the pan and cook for 2 hours.
  2. Add peeled onions to the soup, salt to taste and keep the dish on fire for another 2 hours.
  3. Remove the meat, separate from the bone, and strain the broth. Throw away the boiled onions, then return the remaining ingredients to the pan and bring to a boil.
  4. Grind the garlic cloves, put in a saucepan and turn off the heat after 5 minutes.

After the dish is poured on plates, it will need to be sprinkled with finely chopped fresh herbs.

From pork knuckle

Khash from pork knuckle is thick and very satisfying.

For which dish will you need the following products:

  • 2 kg pork knuckle;
  • peppercorns;
  • carnation;
  • Bay leaf;
  • garlic;
  • fresh greens.


  1. Wash the shank, remove the skin and fat, put to boil.
  2. When the meat begins to separate from the bone, add the peeled onion to the pan, bay leaves, and also place a gauze bag with peppercorns and clove inflorescences.
  3. Boil the dish for another hour and a half, then remove the meat and cut it into pieces. Strain the broth and again combine all the ingredients in a saucepan. Continue cooking for another 30 minutes.

At the end of cooking, you will need to mix chopped greens with chopped garlic and add it to the plates.

Cooking in a multicooker

You can cook hash in a slow cooker. However, it should be understood that such a dish will be different from a soup made according to the traditional method.

For work you will need:

  • 400 g of beef or lamb;
  • 2 - 3 onions;
  • one small carrot;
  • garlic;
  • any greens;
  • spices to taste;
  • salt.


  1. Wash meat, onions and carrots. Grind everything and put in a multicooker bowl.
  2. Pour the contents with water, close the appliance and cook the dish in the stewing mode for 3-4 hours.
  3. Pour chopped garlic and herbs into the hash, then simmer for another half an hour, not forgetting to salt.

Pour the finished khash into plates and serve to the table, putting pita bread on a separate dish.

It's so easy to bring notes of Caucasian cuisine to an ordinary everyday meal. Delicious, nutritious, natural! Try and enjoy!

AT national cuisines world you can meet a dish elevated to the rank of a symbol. It serves as a vivid embodiment of culinary and taste preferences people. In the cuisine of the peoples of the Caucasus and Transcaucasia, one of such culinary masterpieces was the Armenian khash or soup made from beef legs and beef tripe. Everything in it, from the set of products to the method of preparation, is associated with the traditions and customs of those who prepare it.

Khash is prepared not only in Armenia. In Iran and Azerbaijan, beef was replaced with lamb and called kelle-pacha soup. Even in Poland there is a dish similar to hash, and it is called flaky soup. Armenians treat the ancient national dish with deep respect. It is believed that khash should not be served with cognac. Its rich taste is revealed only under a drunk glass of vodka. Since it contains a lot of garlic, it should not be eaten by women, especially in the morning. They eat it hot, which means that long toasts are inappropriate for it. These are three postulates that true connoisseurs of Caucasian cuisine carefully try to observe.

Looking at the recipe of the dish, you will not find a large list of products there. However, you should be patient in order to prepare a real classic khash.

What products go to hash

We did not look for lightweight versions and offer you traditional recipe dishes with all the peculiar vicissitudes of its preparation.

We will need:

After reading the list of products, you can easily draw a parallel with the same aspic. The dish is prepared in the likeness of jelly, but with some nuances. Classic recipe designed for 5-6 servings. The cooking time, taking into account the processing of products, will take approximately 30 hours.

Tip: if you want to follow all the rules for preparing and serving khash, calculate the right time to serve the soup in the morning.

Preparation of beef legs and tripe

When cooking soup, your main efforts will be directed to the processing of the legs and scar.

You will:

  1. Singe beef legs over an open fire, scrape and rinse them, clean everything.
  2. Cut all legs lengthwise. If you are unable to do this operation at home, contact a professional butcher.
  3. The chopped parts of the legs should be soaked in cold water. Then change the water after 2-3 hours, during the day.
  4. The beef tripe also needs to be thoroughly washed and cleaned.

In the mountainous villages of Armenia, the recipe for khash involves soaking beef legs in a special way. The hostesses put them in a net, tie them to a mount on the shore and send them to a mountain stream, leaving them there for 10-12 hours. In urban conditions, it is impossible to cook a dish like this. Therefore, our recipe is adapted to your possibilities.

Let's start cooking

Having decided to cook the original Armenian soup, be patient. To get a classic hash, you need:

  1. After the beef legs get wet, they are placed in a saucepan, poured with clean water and boiled for 6-8 hours.
  2. Boil the cleaned beef tripe until tender, draining the water 3-4 times during the cooking time and pouring clean water. This procedure will help get rid of the specific smell inherent in the scar.
  3. Half an hour before the readiness of the beef legs, a scar cut into thin strips is added to them.
  4. Then put all the spices and herbs into the pan.
  5. Khash is ready when the meat separates freely from the legs.
  6. A minute before the fire is turned off, the soup is salted.

Important: never salt hash at the beginning or in the middle of cooking.

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