What to give as a keepsake when parting. Original gifts for the guy as a keepsake. Gifts for a man when parting

House projects 16.08.2020
House projects

Goodbye, parting for a long time or for short period time is always an ordeal for loving or friendly people. It is rarely easy, even if you just treat the person well. And then the desire to give an interesting gift - The best way express your good feelings, gratitude: whether it will be graduation, retirement, or just moving to another city or country. Who knows, you may never see each other again!

Sentimental gift to a friend

A good friend, with whom you are parting for a long time, can be given a universal gift that brings all those warm feelings experienced together into the next chapter of his life. This is an ordinary photo album. Yes, a little old-fashioned, but tasteful. Such a present, decorated not only with photographs, but also with funny collages and inscriptions, will “warm the heart” of a friend in separation.

More options for "friendly" gifts

It can be a pocket watch or a wristwatch, not necessarily expensive. But try to find an engraver and make a commemorative inscription on the item. The text is arbitrary, but very warm: here you can express wishes, confess friendship and love, and the like. A less original gift - cufflinks and a tie - may also suit a man or a young man.

Gift for a girl when parting

When parting for a long time, a girl can be presented with a medallion with a joint photo. On the reverse side there is a commemorative engraving with a declaration of love and devotion "to the grave." A good "female" present that speaks of mutual feelings is a ring with a stone (preferably selected according to the sign of the zodiac) or another piece of jewelry, just not too expensive. Of course, if you are an oligarch, you can also donate an emerald necklace!

What to give a goodbye to an employee

At retirement, it is also customary to give mementos at parting. Especially if the employee is valuable and respected, has authority among colleagues. Moreover, such a present, as a rule, is collective, which means that you can choose quite expensive and worthy of attention. So, after making some intelligence (what this person already has, so as not to get into a mess), we choose the options. The best one is a vacation ticket to hot countries or to a domestic rest house. Look at it within your means. You can donate a laptop, video camera or tablet - it will also always come in handy. Of course, it is necessary to accompany your gifts with appropriate wishes expressed in writing and, which is important, flowers!

It often happens that close and dear people are forced to leave us for a long time. This may be due to work in another country or a sea voyage, moving to another country, or even to another continent. In such situations, you always want to give something to a person in memory of your friendship, work or relationship.

When choosing a gift, the main thing is that it is appropriate. What will become a good present for a beloved man will not be correct to give to a colleague. And vice versa - what will become good gift a colleague is not allowed to give close man so as not to accidentally offend him.

A gift from a woman when parting

Sometimes it happens that after a long relationship, a couple must break up. In memory of each other, it is customary to give small gifts, something personal related to the time the lovers spent together, or, on the contrary, a small unobtrusive present. This could be:

  • cufflinks;
  • a postcard from a joint trip;
  • a gift made with your own hand;
  • favorite perfume.


This is a universal present for a man who will stay with him on long time... At the same time, cufflinks do not carry unnecessary sentimentality.

Postcard from a joint trip

For example, a couple spent an unforgettable time in Paris and a postcard from this city with wishes written by the donor's hand will be a wonderful sentimental and symbolic gift.


In memory of past relationships, you can do something with your own hands. For example, knit a scarf for a man or make a man's bracelet. This is not difficult to do, and such a gift symbolizes respect and care for a man.

Favorite perfume

Such a present will be a good, unobtrusive sign of attention for a man. The gift does not carry any hidden meaning and is presented rather as a tribute to tradition.

Gifts from the team when parting

If a colleague retires, the following gifts will be appropriate:

  • something related to a man's hobby;
  • a subscription to the cinema or to the games of your favorite football team;
  • expensive branded watches with engraving;
  • something for outdoor recreation, such as a barbecue or barbecue.

Hobby Gift

Every man necessarily has a hobby, and he will definitely be delighted with everything related to his hobbies. For an avid fisherman, a spinning rod will be a good gift, for a chess player - exclusive chess, for a collector - an item in his collection.

Subscription to the cinema or to the games of your favorite team

Retirement is associated with the termination of work, as a result of which a man will have a lot of free time.

A subscription to your favorite cinema or games of your favorite football club will help you to brighten up your leisure time. Any man will appreciate such a gift and will remember his colleagues during his leisure time.


It is customary to give an expensive watch, a pen with a gilded nib, rare wood souvenirs or jewelry as a sign of gratitude to a good employee who has dedicated the company for many years. Such a gift can be accompanied by the engraved inscription "For a long memory from colleagues."

Brazier or barbecue

Pensioners prefer to spend their vacations in nature on fine days, with their families and close friends, so such a gift will definitely not go unnoticed.

Gifts for a man when parting

If parting with a man is due to his move to another country and the donor was associated with him friendly relations, it would be appropriate to give him the following gifts as a souvenir:

  • an album with joint photographs;
  • engraved jewelry;
  • a picture with a view of the city or a memorial place for a man;
  • a book by a favorite author;
  • an item in a collection, if a man collects something.

Album with photos

If the donor and the man to whom the present is chosen are linked by many years of friendship, a large number of joint photographs have probably formed during this time.

A good choice would be a book-album, which can be ordered from any print publisher, or you can make it yourself. You can fill the pages of the album not only with photos, but also with pleasant memories, wishes and jokes that only friends will understand.

Jewelry with engraving

For a long memory, you can purchase a piece of jewelry with a corresponding engraving. It can be a bracelet or a ring, and if a man smokes, a high-quality expensive lighter with engraving will be a good gift. Such a gift will remain with a man for many years, and will always remind of old friends.

Painting with a view of the city

Such a gift is appropriate if a man leaves his hometown for good, where he was born and raised. You can order a painting from the artist of his favorite place or the main city attraction.

Favorite author's book

A book in an expensive collector's edition will always be a good gift. And if you accompany it with a wish written on the spread, such a present will be really memorable and pleasant.

Item to collection

Such a gift should be presented only to those men who are engaged in collecting. Depending on the interests and preferences of the man, this may be collectible car model, smoking pipe, rare coin or elite alcohol.

Representatives of some professions, for example, seafarers, can leave for a long time. In this case, when choosing a gift, one should take into account the fact that a man does not take too many things with him, so the present should be small. In a situation like this, a great option would be:

  • a video recorded by friends or a woman you love;
  • a waterproof camera that will allow you to bring great pictures from the flight;
  • pocket knife and flashlight;
  • compass.

Such gifts are of practical use, they will definitely be used and do not take up much space.

Whatever the present, you need to present it with sincere wishes from a pure heart. Any surprise will leave pleasant memories for years to come.

Author: astarta-15 Your sweet photo can be a gift option after parting, let it be a little sad. And on the back of the photo you will write your farewell words to the guy. On the occasion of parting, you can give a sad song or a lyric poem, for example: “We look at the same stars, and the sun shines for us the same. So is it really possible - Aliens we are now in this Light. I will not touch you with a glance, And a hot kiss will cool on my lips. From now on, we will not be around anymore, And my heart aches and sadly screams to me, That you are just a joke, That you are just a hobby, And that I was just a toy, Who loved you! ”You can also give your boyfriend a balloon in the shape of a heart, write on it sweet words, and after he accepts the ball from you, take it in his hands, kiss and let go - let him fly to look for new love. A wonderful gift will be something from food, exactly what you cook the most delicious, for example: jellied fish, or Kiev cutlets. And then your boyfriend will definitely understand that he has lost a very dear person. And draw a huge heart on the pavement, and write in it the affectionate name of your boyfriend, who only you called him, and every time he passes by your drawing, the guy will remember you.

It so happens that life connects two destinies, and then creates a number of circumstances in which they cannot be together temporarily or permanently. These can be different situations: the departure of a guy to study abroad, a long business trip to foreign countries or other cities of our state, the call of a guy into the army, his departure to sports competitions and much more.

In this case, you so want to leave in memory only the brightest and best feelings and memories. When a girl meets a guy, regardless of whether she considers him as a friend or her future boyfriend, and they have a warm relationship, then you definitely want to give him something as a keepsake when parting. And then the question arises - what to give the guy as a keepsake?

A gift for all occasions

You can defuse the situation at the moment of parting, if you present him with the order "For you, like behind a stone wall." Made of metal with appropriate lettering and a case, it looks like a real one. This gift is suitable for any reason for parting, whether it be moving him to another city or country of residence or leaving for the army.

The girl herself can attach it. In a solemn atmosphere, having intrigued the guy, she can say an opening speech with parting words that he behave well in their absence, which she herself promises to do. Then she will attach the order to his chest and kiss. When the guy reads the inscription, he will probably laugh.

Another option of what to give a guy as a keepsake if he often travels the world, may be the "Plan to conquer the world." It is a map that can be hung on the wall. Each state has a protective layer, rubbing which with a coin can change the color of the country where the guy has already visited.

Gift when leaving for the army

In general, the call of guys into the ranks of the Russian army is a fairly frequent reason to part with your girlfriend and relatives for a long time. The girl must decide what to give the guy as a keepsake so that he remembers her with a smile and the gift will benefit him. Such a gift can be a funny book - "Combat Regulations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation." She will probably be useful to him in the army.

A gift for a professional athlete

If a guy is professionally fond of sports and often leaves for various camps and competitions for a long time, then the answer to the question of what to give the guy as a keepsake, the answer may be a cup presented to him with an individual engraving. The engraving can consist of an inscription invented by the customer. For example, it may be the inscription “Your main prize is me”.

There are a lot of options for what to give a guy as a keepsake. All of them can be seen on our website. But, the main thing that a girl should remember is that there is nothing more precious than attention, sincere words expressing her emotions, and the promise of fidelity of feelings. And all of the above words can be backed up with a gift that will be original and cool. The minutes of parting are hard anyway, so a little humor won't hurt anyone.

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