What is a breast pump for - an overview of the models and the purpose of the device. Choosing and using a manual and electric breast pump How to express with a manual breast pump

Equipment and tools 02.08.2021
Equipment and tools
  • this should be done in a room alone, so that no one interferes. The room must be warm.

    Think about your baby. So the milk will pass faster;

  • if the breast is dense to the touch, it is better to massage yourself before the pumping procedure;
  • it is necessary to express every 3 hours during the day and try at least once at night;
  • it happens that milk leaves one breast poorly, so switch to the second breast, and then to the first. And you will see that the milk began to pass better;
  • in case of cracks it is worth using vegetable oil, or lubricate the nipples with Dexpanthenol cream.

  • electronic;
  • manual: piston, pump, pear, syringe.

There are many electronic breast pumps you can find on the market today.

The most common is the Avent breast pump. For the price, this product is quite expensive - about 3000 rubles. Also, the set may include special containers for storing milk.

The best place to start is.

  1. Piston breast pump. Easy to use. There is a special piston, thanks to which milk is expressed. The disadvantage is that mom's hand quickly gets tired.
  2. Pumped breast pump. Has accessories - pump, nozzle, bottle. His big disadvantage- lack of the possibility of sterilization.
  3. Pear. The special rubber bulb and attachment make it easy to use. Can be sterilized.
  4. Syringe, or vacuum, breast pump. In structure, these are two cylinders located one in the other. One cylinder is superimposed on the chest, and the second is made translational movements, due to which a vacuum is created and milk begins to stand out from the breast.

How to express breast milk correctly with a manual breast pump?

  1. It is best to start expressing with a manual breast pump. This way you will feel the strength and pressure that is comfortable for you.
  2. The manual breast pump should be boiled for a couple of minutes before using.
  3. Wash your hands with soap and water. It is not necessary to wash your breasts with soap, as soap dries out the skin and increases the likelihood of a nipple crack.
  4. Place the nipple in the middle of the breast pump attachment. Secure your chest with your right hand.

    The nipple should not be pinched, there should be no sharp pain.

  5. If your breast pump has a plunger, press down gently. At first, droplets will appear, gradually the milk will begin to flow out in trickles.

    Do not press on your chest, bruising may remain. With gentle movements, you can massage the mammary gland to facilitate milk flow. It is also helpful to take a warm shower before expressing. A pear breast pump works the same way, except that there is a rubber bulb instead of a piston.

  6. Use a breast pump until you feel relief in your breasts. You shouldn't do a complete emptying, and you can't, anyway, some milk will remain in the breast. In general, with mechanical expression, one procedure takes about 10 minutes.

    During one pumping procedure, two breasts should be emptied in turn.

  7. After this manipulation, the breast pump must be disassembled and washed with soap and running water. Then dry on a towel without wiping. You do not need to boil.

Breast milk can be stored in the freezer in special containers for up to six months.

How to use a breast pump with this mechanism? First, read the instructions.

As already mentioned, the most convenient modern breast pump from Avent.


  • does not contribute to the mother's fatigue, is gentle to the nipple;
  • memory. Remembers pressure and pumping mode;
  • ease of use, sterilization;
  • there are modes in which first there is a quick expression, then a slow and deeper one.

This breast pump is powered by either an electrical outlet or a rechargeable battery.

Don't worry if you can't do it right away. It takes some getting used to.

Anastasia, 28 years old:“After the birth of my daughter, I had to resort to pumping. Used a manual breast pump. At first it was painful and unpleasant, but in a few days I got used to it. Nothing wrong with that".

Why pump at all?

With normal lactation, the baby should consume breast milk as much as he needs. And you don't need to pump. But if you feel that the breasts are tight or sore, then there is a slight stagnation of milk. Then it is necessary to express in small portions until relief.

Also, the pumping procedure should be carried out during separation from the baby, mother's illness, acceptance drugs contraindicated in lactation.

Your pediatrician or breastfeeding specialist can also help you choose the right breast pump. Of course, a manual breast pump is not that easy to use, but it is better to start pumping with it.

For a mother-to-be or a mother who has just given birth, the most important question becomes good nutrition baby, so that the process of growth and development is as physiological as possible. However, the modern pace of life can make it difficult to breastfeed a baby. It was to solve this problem that breast pump.

A breast pump is a special device for expressing breast milk for the purpose of its further preparation. In addition to collecting milk, a breast pump allows you to solve another important problem - it significantly reduces the risk of lactostasis or milk stagnation in the mammary glands of a nursing woman, because milk secretion can be excessive in comparison with the volume of breastfeeding.

Types of breast pumps

Currently, the choice of a breast pump can raise questions, since the choice among these devices is very wide. Regardless of the manufacturer's company, all breast pumps can be divided into three groups:

  • Mechanical or manual breast pumps;
  • Electric breast pumps.

Each of the devices presented above has its own, both positive and negative sides, we will talk about this in more detail.

Manual breast pumps

They can be of two types: piston and pump. The device with a piston mechanism produces an almost natural feeling when expressing milk. Before use, a special piston is inserted into the device, which provides the suction force. Of the advantages of a piston breast pump, one can single out almost silent use when expressing, and also such a device is very easy to disassemble and sterilize. The negative side use becomes the participation of both hands when expressing, as well as significant efforts applied when using it. The pump-type breast pump has a suction effect due to the built-in pear.

The main and only advantage of manual breast pumps is their low cost, but they have much more disadvantages. Manual devices do not have regulation of the suction force, which quite often, when used, causes discomfort and discomfort in the breast of a nursing mother.

Electric breast pumps

When used, the suction force is created by a special electrical mechanism due to a conventional power supply or batteries. The newest versions can be equipped with special batteries, which adds convenience to their use. The main component of an electric breast pump is a motor that creates a vacuum in the nipple funnel.

The pump motor sets the rhythm that creates the suction force. There are two main types of electronic devices: analog and digital. Analog electric breast pumps have a monotonous pumping rhythm, while digital breast pumps simulate baby's breastfeeding more naturally and can not only regulate the suction force, but also the intensity of pumping.

How to express milk with a breast pump

Expressing milk is necessary when it is necessary, for example, when a feeling of fullness in the breast or when there is a need to prepare milk for feeding in advance. The procedure will require a sufficient amount of time, at least half an hour and also preparation time, so that the pumping procedure is as efficient and fast as possible.

How to express milk with a breast pump:

  • Expressing should only be done when the breasts are clean and warm.
  • The woman's mood should be good and conducive to expressing.
  • After the end of the procedure, you must immediately sign the milk bottles, and also clean the breast pump.

The above rules must be followed when using any type of breast pump, regardless of the manufacturer. We got acquainted with the general points of how to correctly and effectively express breast milk, now let's move on to the nuances.

How to use a manual breast pump

Expressing milk with a manual piston device will take time and effort, so how to use a manual breast pump correctly? You will have to express milk from each breast separately. The algorithm of actions during the pumping procedure will be as follows:

  1. Be sure to prepare for pumping. Set yourself up for this process. Better to take your time and be in a good mood. Immediately before pumping, you need to apply a warm and damp cloth to your breast, after which you should stretch your nipples. Massage your nipples in a circular motion for at least three minutes.
  2. Wash your hands thoroughly before expressing, and then get into a comfortable position, because the process takes at least 20 minutes on one breast.
  3. Begin to smoothly press the piston, while you should not exert strong pressure on the chest, in order to avoid injury. Pressing should be smooth and even.

How to use a manual breast pump with a pear

If the breast pump is with a pear, then squeeze the pear completely first. Thus, releasing all the air, then attach it to the chest and wait until the pear is completely expanded and filled with milk.

  1. If you experience discomfort or pain, be sure to check the location of the nipple and areola within the funnel. You can stop pumping for a few minutes and start pumping from the other breast.
  2. Express breast milk until your breasts feel soft to the touch. Lumps in the chest should disappear along with the feeling of discomfort.
  3. After the end of the procedure, the bottle with milk is disconnected from the apparatus and tightly closed. Write down the date and time you pumped right away and put the bottle in the refrigerator.

How to use an electric breast pump

Expressing with an electric breast pump takes less time than a manual breast pump and also increases the efficiency of the pump itself. Some electric breast pumps can be equipped with two breast funnels at once, which allows you to express milk from the right and left breast at the same time, which almost halves the expression time.

The procedure algorithm is almost similar to expressing with a manual breast pump, but does not require intense physical effort on the part of the woman. The average time it takes to express both breasts with an electric breast pump is 25-30 minutes.

Electric analog breast pumps allow you to independently adjust the suction force and the intensity of expression. If you experience discomfort while expressing breast milk, you should reduce the power of the breast pump motor. That will avoid injury to the nipple or directly to the breast itself.

Modern digital breast pumps independently regulate the intensity of expression and make it possible to carry out this procedure as comfortably as possible. Such breast pumps work in full automatic mode and allow you to simulate baby's sucking as accurately as possible. Digital breast pumps are equipped with a microprocessor that remembers the characteristics of pumping, which allows you to set it up just once and use this mode constantly with the possibility of correction. In advance, select the mode suitable for you in such a breast pump and use only it.

How to sterilize a breast pump

Cleaning your breast pump is an important process that should not be neglected. The breast pump must be sterilized after each use to ensure that the conditions are as close to sterile as possible during subsequent expression. This is necessary to minimize the risk of intestinal disorders in infants, since their intestinal microflora is not yet adapted to the environment.

It is imperative to sterilize not only the breast pump, but also the reusable milk bottles. This requires:

  • Disassemble the breast pump completely;
  • Wash all parts and bottles with soap and water;
  • Rinse well with water;
  • Load all parts and bottles into a sterilizer or boiling water;
  • It is necessary to boil the parts for at least 15 minutes in order to eliminate all microorganisms.

Sterility of the breast pump after boiling remains no more than 30 minutes, provided that all its parts are in a container with a closed lid. This means that the breast pump and bottles not only need to be cleaned after pumping, but also re-sterilized before the next use, for the safest possible both pumping and feeding your baby.

In this article:

There is no doubt that breastfeeding is priceless for a baby. Mother's milk is the basis of immunity and healthy development of the baby. The mammary glands constantly produce milk and, in order to avoid stagnation, it is strongly recommended to express its remains. In the old days, due to the lack of alternatives, women expressed milk by hand. Nowadays, breast pumps have appeared, thanks to which the pumping process has become much easier and faster. Therefore, the question of how to use a breast pump, young mothers ask even in the hospital.

Manual or mechanical breast pumps are popular with new mothers. Among them, the following types can be distinguished: breast pump with a pear, piston, vacuum, syringe. In order not to harm your health, it is important to know how to use your breast pump correctly.

What is a breast pump?

A breast pump is a special device that helps you express or empty your breasts. It can be the ideal assistant for a young mother to help maintain lactation and breast health for longer. Modern manufacturers offer a wide range of breast pumps.

All of them have the same principle of operation: the nozzle is placed on the nipple, and the mechanical or electrical part of the device forms a vacuum in it, which promotes the release of milk. Different types breast pumps differ in technical and price characteristics.

Types of manual breast pumps, their pros and cons

Manual (aka mechanical) breast pump can be presented in several forms:

  1. Piston breast pump- easy to use, silent during operation. Includes a bottle for expressing and a silicone attachment that simulates the process breastfeeding... Piston devices allow you to regulate the force of expression, which is most important for young new mothers. Cons - hands get tired quickly, fragile construction, more often than others prone to damage.
  2. Syringe Breast Pump has two cylinders in its structure, which are located one in the other. The inner cylinder should be placed on the nipple, the outer cylinder will translate back and forth. As a result, a vacuum is created, which activates the flow of milk from the breast. The syringe pump has pressure regulators that you can use to select the desired pumping speed. The disadvantages are the same as in the previous case.
  3. Pump breast pump most easy to use compared to other mechanical devices. Its design is elementary - a nozzle for a breast, a pump and a bottle. Cons - parts cannot be sterilized, there is no nozzle imitating sucking - this can contribute to the formation of cracks and subsequent inflammation.
  4. Pear breast pump as easy to use as the pump. A nozzle on the chest in the form of a plastic horn and the presence of a rubber bulb - that's the whole device of this device. The existing valve allows you to control the pressure. How to use a breast pump with a pear? It is recommended to do this infrequently.

Basic rules for using a manual breast pump

Learning how to properly use a manual breast pump will make it easy for a young mother to use an electric model. Therefore, it is better to start training with mechanical models.

So, before you start using a regular breast pump (for example, Kurnosiki), you need to carefully sterilize all its parts that need it. Detailed information can be found in the instructions for the device. Then you need to wash your hands with soap, dry them and assemble the breast pump for further work with it. If this is your first time pumping, you need to relax and have time and patience to learn how to properly use a manual or mechanical breast pump.

What a young mom needs to know about using a manual breast pump:

  1. The nipple should be inserted in the middle of the flange so as not to pinch it or chafe the skin while expressing. Fix the mammary gland in the chosen position.
  2. A manual breast pump with a piston requires several gentle strokes. Gradually, the desired rhythm and strength of optimal pressure on the chest will be determined. Having become accustomed to new sensations, in the future it remains only to rhythmically drive the lever up and down.
  3. The pear breast pump works in the same way. The nipple is placed in the flange, the hand presses the pump several times. In the first minutes, you need to press rhythmically and not at full strength, then, as milk is produced, great efforts can be made.
  4. Initially, milk is released in the form of drops. Then, as the rhythm of the impact grows, a thin trickle appears, after which it can pour in a real stream.
  5. Pumping should be finished when the breast becomes soft and shrinks and milk stops flowing from the nipple. When using a mechanical breast pump, it takes an average of 15 minutes for one pumping procedure.

When you have finished pumping, you need to sterilize the device again, and then dry it thoroughly and leave it until the next time. The container with expressed milk must be carefully closed, written on the date and time of expression, and placed in the freezer.

The advantages and disadvantages of the most famous brands

Medela produces different types of breast pumps - piston, pump, electric. Young mothers trust this brand. Milk pumps "Medela" are compact and easy to assemble, easy to use. Different kinds devices can operate on mains and batteries. The Medela bottle is made of safe material that does not emit toxins.

Many women, having learned how to use the Medela breast pump, appreciate the possibility of correcting the speed of expression and the convenient support for the bottle, with which there is no need to hold it during the procedure. The disadvantages of Medel breast pumps are their increased noise in operation, insufficient speed in electronic and electrical models, the price is about 5 thousand rubles.

The piston breast pump is popular with Avent. New mothers are attracted by design and compactness in this model. The design of the device allows you not to bend over specifically so that the milk is poured into the bottle. The presence of a soft massage cushion provides a tighter fit to the breast and massage that stimulates lactation.

A minimum of parts makes this breast pump easy to assemble and disinfect. After learning how to use the Avent breast pump correctly, many women are happy with their choice. But someone is sure that for such a high cost for a piston breast pump (in the region of 3 thousand rubles), you can purchase an electric model from another manufacturer, which will work much faster.

What to consider when using a breast pump?

Since feeding infant is a rather delicate and serious process, it is important to observe special sanitary standards and caution when using a breast pump.

So, before using the device for the first time, it must be disinfected in boiling water. After each use, the device should be washed with soap and dried thoroughly.

Immediately before the pumping procedure, the breast is washed with boiled water, and the hands must be washed with soap. Before pumping, a woman should be calm and relaxed, a warm compress or a cup of tea will help better secretion from the mammary glands.

The breast pump funnel should be fixed to the breast so that the nipple is exactly in the center of the breast. In addition, it is important to regulate the pressure arising in the device so that it does not provoke the development of pain in the woman.

Each breast should be emptied completely. You can't pay more attention to one breast and forget about the other. Changing the position of the breast pump frequently allows you to collect more breast milk and better influence subsequent milk production.

How to be effective when expressing?

To improve the efficiency of your breast pump, you need to use the following tricks:

  • the procedure for expressing breast milk with a breast pump should be carried out in the same environment and in a warm room, this will help form a clearer reflex to the production of breast milk, as a result of which it will be released more easily and faster;
  • the sounds of flowing fluid also improve the secretion of secretions from the mammary glands: running water from the tap, shower, sounds of a waterfall, etc.;
  • it is recommended to massage tight and swollen breasts before expressing;
  • if there are cracks on the nipples, then it is advisable to lubricate them with vegetable oil;
  • if milk is not released well, you should rearrange the device on the other breast, then return to the first one again;
  • you need to express milk at intervals of 3 hours;
  • sometimes the secretion is very weak from the filled mammary glands, in this case the problem may be in the breast pump itself - you need to check it for serviceability.

How do I clean my breast pump?

It is necessary to wash the device after each use. To do this, the breast pump is disassembled in accordance with the attached instructions. The parts of the product that are in direct contact with the skin of the mammary glands and milk must be washed in hot water with soap. After that, they are thoroughly rinsed with plenty of running water and left to air dry without the use of towels.

The question of the need to purchase a breast pump for each woman is individual. But if this device is already available, it is important to properly care for it and learn how to use it. In this case, he will become a reliable assistant, and not a useless trinket.

Useful video about the Avent breast pump

A breast pump is a device designed to express breast milk while breastfeeding.

The device adjusts lactation, breastfeeding.

What is a breast pump for, its types and rules of use are the main topics of the article. Consider also breast pump models.

A breast pump is necessary for a woman during her formative years.

The device is designed to increase the volume of milk, drain off its remains.

The device will help if your baby refuses to breastfeed.

It is also necessary for a nursing mother who decided to go to work during the day.

Thanks to the miracle of technology, you can avoid injuring your nipples. The device works quickly, it is convenient and practical for nursing women.

It is worth starting to express milk with a manual breast pump, the woman will be able to independently regulate the pressure and strength of the device.


  1. Pump-action. Refers to budget devices. This is its main and only advantage. The breast pump should not be used regularly, the device is not suitable for this, it breaks down quickly.
  2. Piston. This device is popular. It combines such qualities as reliability, low cost, convenience. It is possible to express 200 ml of breast milk in 10 minutes. The device stimulates lactation.
  3. Electric. Its advantages can hardly be overestimated. He independently expresses milk from 2 breasts at once. The disadvantage of the unit is in its price, and it is also too noisy, it works from the mains.
  4. Electronic. Professional breast pump. Most often it is used in maternity hospitals, but for the home it is purchased much less often.

Manual breast pump

Before use, the breast pump must be boiled for several minutes, and after use it must be disassembled, washed and dried.

Do you need a breast pump in the hospital?

The best breast pump for a breastfeeding woman is a baby. Sometimes mothers use additional devices to express milk. Do you need a device in a maternity hospital or can you do without it?

The state of health of every woman after engorgement of the mammary glands is different. One feels great, the other may have a fever. But this is considered the norm in both cases.

The device in the hospital will be needed in the following cases:

  • The child and his mother are in different departments. The forced measure forces the woman to use a breast pump to express milk and feed the baby remotely.
  • The child is lazy. He may oversleep a feed or drink some milk. The woman will feel, in this case, she can use the device.
  • The baby does not breastfeed.
  • Cracked nipples.
  • A woman cannot learn to feed a baby.

In these cases, a breast pump in the maternity hospital is necessary, it will help out mommy, allow you to feed the baby.

Which to choose?

  1. Women who need a device for a short time need to opt for inexpensive, budget models. Pump pumps are perfect. They are used when traveling. The devices do not need to be recharged from the mains, they are also suitable for home use.
  2. If there is an opportunity to buy an expensive breast pump with high productivity, you should give preference to a mechanical piston device. In a short period of time, the unit allows you to express a lot of milk. For a woman, it is absolutely painless thanks to silicone attachments that stimulate lactation.
  3. If the device for expressing milk will be in use every day, it is worth purchasing an electric model of a breast pump. The device is effective, allows you to set the required operating mode, reproduces it when expressing.
  4. For the maternity ward, a professional electronic device is ideal.
  5. If a woman wants to save time, she needs to look at models for double pumping. The device works quickly.

Before using the device, be sure to carefully read the instructions, rules for using the device. From them you can learn how to wash a breast pump, store, care for, transport.

Terms of use

It usually takes a woman only 10-15 minutes to express. If you follow all the rules, a nursing mother will not experience discomfort, a breast pump will be an excellent helper for breastfeeding.

Instructions for using the device:

  • 10 minutes before using the device, a woman needs to drink water or.
  • It is necessary to use the device with the regularity with which natural feeding occurs.
  • Before expressing, be sure to wash your hands and chest.
  • If the breast is firm, massage it, apply.
  • Cracks on the nipples should be lubricated with warm vegetable oil.
  • We press the device tightly to the chest, choosing the optimal pace for pumping.
  • It is necessary to apply the device alternately to the left and right breast if milk comes out poorly.
  • The unit must be removed immediately after the milk stops coming out.
  • If necessary, milk is poured into a container and refrigerated.
  • Wash all parts of the breast pump.

How to use a manual breast pump:

  1. The device is sterilized before the first use. This applies to the silicone tip, horn, etc.
  2. We apply the attachment to the chest so that it fits snugly against it.
  3. The pear must be pressed several times to select a convenient mode for pumping.
  4. We express the milk into a container.

Model overview

The best manual breast pump models.

AVENT breast pump Philips

Estimated cost - 3000 rubles. The kit includes a bottle, a nipple, 2 caps, spare parts. The attachment is shaped like a breast to allow natural milk flow.


  • Easy to use.
  • Has a comfortable grip.
  • Lightweight, can be taken on the road.


  • Works noisy.

Philips AVENT Natural

Medela Harmony breast pump

Estimated price - 2200 rubles. The breast pump is of high quality, with two-phase pumping. Works quickly, you can set the pace yourself.


  • Adjustable speed.
  • Silence.
  • Easy to assemble and disassemble.
  • Convenient to store.


  • Rigid pad.


Breast pump Tommee Tippee Сloser Nature

Estimated price - 3000 rubles. Consists of three parts, so it can be quickly assembled.


  • Transfer container.
  • Capacity designed.
  • Massaging nozzle.
  • Economical.


  • The milk container is small.

Breast pump Tommee Tippee Сloser Nature

Chicco breast pump

Estimated cost - 1100 rubles. The leader in sales, allows you to establish a comfortable speed, does not pull the nipples. The kit includes a bottle and a nipple.


  • Components.
  • Price.


  • Does not stimulate milk production.

Chicco breast pump

Milk pump "Mir Detstva"

The approximate cost is 1600 rubles. Easy to operate. The device is not intended for regular use.


  • Can be combined with any bottle.
  • Includes 2 bottles.
  • Low cost.


  • Cannot be used often.
  • There is no silicone insert.

Best Electric Breast Pumps

Breast pump Medela Swing Maxi

Estimated price - 8900 rubles. It takes a leading place among lactating women, because it allows you to express two breasts at the same time, quietly runs on batteries.


  • Double pumping.
  • Simple settings.
  • Can be fastened to the belt.
  • Operation from mains or batteries.
  • Silent.


  • Price.

Medela Swing Model

Breast pump Philips AVENT SCF

The approximate price is 7800 rubles. Convenient design, several pumping options, effectively copes with the tasks.


  • Soft massage cushion.
  • The set includes a nipple, a bottle.
  • Delicate to use.


  • Works quietly.
  • Expensive.

Electronic breast pump Philips Avent SCF332 / 01

Breast pump Medela Freestyle

Estimated price - 15,600 rubles. The device makes it possible to express milk in just a couple of minutes; using the display, it is possible to fully control the operation of the device.


  • Strains from two breasts.
  • Convenient to transport, store.
  • The display is backlit.
  • Remembers the pumping mode.


  • Price.

Nuk E-motion breast pump

The approximate cost is 4900 rubles. The motor is located on the device, therefore the unit is compact and mobile.


  • Regulates expression.
  • Two working phases.
  • Massage-effect pads.
  • Convenient lever.


  • The speed controller is inconvenient.

Before purchasing a device, you need to read customer reviews, this will help you buy a quality product.

Each woman individually decides for herself whether she needs a breast pump or not. If you learn how to use the device correctly, it will become an indispensable helper for a nursing mother and her baby.

Periodic pumping is required to maintain breastfeeding. Doing it with your hands is inconvenient, painful, and takes a long time, so there are breast pumps to facilitate and speed up the process. To avoid complications when collecting milk, you need to know how to use a breast pump.

Varieties of devices

A breast pump is a device that creates negative pressure to help milk flow out of the breast. Choose a breast pump taking into account the frequency of use, as well as the volume of milk required.

How to use a breast pump depends on the type of breast pump

If a woman is forced to express and store milk for her baby, then it is necessary to use breast pumps with special containers. If the child simply does not drink all the milk, because of which it is necessary to additionally express, then a simple breast pump without containers will do.

There are the following types of devices:

  • electric;
  • manual: piston, pump, pear, syringe.

These devices are selected individually.

Electrical appliance

The breast pump is powered by the mains. The device is quite expensive, but convenient. It has a milk collection container for maximum sterility while expressing. There is a special breast attachment that fits snugly. All additional parts other than the electric motor are detachable. They can be washed and sterilized.

It is advisable to use an electronic breast pump after a woman has used a hand-held device. The chest must get used to the non-physiological effects of any device. Expressing immediately with an electric breast pump may cause pain and cracks.

Hand tools

Manual breast pumps have an advantage over electronic ones, since the woman herself regulates their work. There are several varieties:

  • piston;
  • pump-action;
  • pear;
  • syringe.

Of these devices, it is better to use those that can be sterilized. A breast pump with a pear and a piston is well handled.

Does it hurt to use a breast pump

Expressing with a breast pump causes pain at the initial stage of its use. Also, pain occurs if you press hard on the chest or create a sharp and strong vacuum. With the correct use of the device, the discomfort disappears within a few days.

The easiest way to use a manual breast pump

How to use a breast pump

Expression is performed in a warm room without strangers. The device must be sterilized and dried before collecting milk. On the eve of the procedure, they take a warm shower. This improves milk flow. If your breasts are tight and sore, massage is recommended.

The frequency of the procedure is 1 time per 3 hours. Expressing less often is not recommended, as hot flashes will fade away. Be sure to carry out the procedure at night, at least 1 time. If there are cracks in the nipples, they are lubricated with human milk or dexpanthenol ointment.

Expressing with a manual breast pump

The manual breast pump is disassembled before use, sterilized for 2 minutes, and dried. A diaper and a bottle are prepared for the procedure. If the breast pump has a collection container, the bottle is not needed. Next, do the following:

  1. They wash their hands with soap, sit down at the table.
  2. A sterile breast pump is applied with a cup-shaped attachment to the breast.
  3. The nipple is positioned in the middle of the nozzle.
  4. Vacuum is created using a piston, a pear or other mechanism, depending on the type of device.
  5. The breast pump is applied first to one breast and then to the other.
  6. The procedure is carried out until relief appears in both glands.

At the end of pumping, the device is washed, dried, and the breast is wiped with a diaper.

There should be no pain during milk collection. If it appears, you need to weaken the vacuum. Do not press hard on the chest with the bowl of the device. This will damage the breast and cause bruising. Expressed milk is stored in a sterile bottle in the refrigerator or freezer.

Expressing with an electric device

Before using the electric breast pump, be sure to read the instructions. The breast pump is powered by the mains or battery. The device memorizes the strength of the negative pressure and the mode. It is not difficult to use it. The parts of the device are well sterilized. The pumping technique is similar to that of a handheld device.

Terms of use:

  1. Prepare: take a shower, sterilize the removable parts of the device, assemble the device, set the required mode, and do a massage.
  2. Attach the nozzle-cup to the breast, turn on the device, express milk.
  3. Attach the attachment to the other breast, express.
  4. Change the milk collection container if necessary.
  5. Switch off the device, wash and dry the parts.

These rules are pretty simple. Expensive devices create a low vacuum at the beginning and at the end of the procedure, and a high one in the middle. This greatly reduces the likelihood of pain.

Expressing with a breast pump ensures fast milk collection. Before using the device, ask your doctor how to properly collect milk. Expressing correctly is not accompanied by pain.

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