Collision in which the title is displaced. Open Library is an open library of educational information. Places of car division into sections

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Collision of vehicles.


I. In the direction of vehicle movement.

1. Longitudinal - collision without relative displacement of the vehicle in the transverse direction, ᴛ.ᴇ. when moving them in parallel courses (angle α is 0 or 180 degrees).

2. Cross - collision when the vehicle is moving on non-parallel courses, ᴛ.ᴇ. when one of them was displaced in the lateral direction towards the traffic lane of the other (angle α is not equal to 0 or 180 degrees).

II. By the nature of the mutual convergence of the vehicle.

The sign of an accident is determined by the value of the collision angle.

On this basis, collisions are divided into:

1. Counter - collision in which the projection of the velocity vector of one vehicle onto the direction of the velocity of another is opposite to this direction; TS approached each other with a deviation towards each other (angle α> 90;< 270 градусов).

2. Along the way - collision in which the projection of the velocity vector of one vehicle onto the direction of the velocity of another coincides with this direction; TS approached, moving with a deviation in one direction (angle α< 90; >270 degrees).

3. Transverse - collision in which the projection of the velocity vector of one vehicle onto the direction of the velocity of the other is O (angle α is 90; 270 degrees).

III. By the relative position of the longitudinal axes of the vehicle.

The sign is determined by the value of the angle of mutual arrangement of their longitudinal axes.

1. Direct - collision with a parallel arrangement of the longitudinal or transverse axis of one vehicle and the longitudinal axis of the second vehicle (angle α is 0; 90 degrees).

2. Oblique - collision in which the longitudinal axes of the vehicle "were located in relation to each other under acute angle;

(angle α is not 0; 90 degrees).

IV. By the nature of the interaction of the vehicle upon impact.

The sign is determined by deformations and traces in the contact areas.

On this basis, collisions are divided into:

1. Blocking- collision, in which, in the process of contacting, the relative velocity of the vehicle in the contact area by the time the deformations are completed decreases to 0.

2. Sliding - a collision in which, during the contacting process, slippage occurs between the contacting areas due to the fact that until the moment the vehicle leaves contact with each other, their speeds do not equalize.

3. Tangent - a collision in which, due to the small amount of overlap of the contacting parts of the vehicle, they receive only insignificant damage and continue to move in the same directions (with a slight deviation and a decrease in speed). In such a collision, horizontal tracks remain on the contact areas (scratches, rubbing).

V. In the direction of impact relative to the center of gravity.

The sign is determined by the direction of the vector of the resultant vectors of shock impulses.

On this basis, collisions are divided into:

1. Central - when the direction of the collision line passes through the vehicle's center of gravity.

2. Eccentric - when the collision line is at some distance from the center of gravity, to the right (right-eccentric) or to the left (left-eccentric) of it .

Vi. At the place of striking.

On this basis, collisions are divided into:

1. Front (frontal) - collision in which traces of direct contact upon impact with another vehicle are located on the front parts.

2. Front corner right and front corner left - collision , in which traces of contact are located on the rear and adjacent side parts of the vehicle.

3. Side right and side left - collision in which the impact was delivered to the side of the vehicle.

4. Rear corner right and rear corner left - collision in which traces of direct contact are located on the rear and adjacent side parts of the vehicle.

5. Rear - a collision in which the contact marks resulting from the impact are located on the rear of the vehicle.

Vehicle collision mechanism - this is a complex, connected by objective laws, of the circumstances that determine the process of convergence of vehicles before the collision, their interaction during the impact and the next movement to a stop. Analysis of data on the circumstances of an incident creates an opportunity for an expert to establish the relationship between individual incidents, fill in the missing links and determine the technical cause of the incident. A formal solution by an expert of a question on the basis of separate disparate data, without technical assessment their mutual correspondence and the correspondence of certain objective data, without identifying and explaining the contradictions between them, can lead to incorrect conclusions.

When examining the mechanism of an incident, signs that directly allow one to establish a particular circumstance may be absent. In many cases, the mechanism can be determined based on data about other circumstances of the incident, by conducting expert research on the basis of patterns that combine all the circumstances of the mechanism into one chain.


The vehicle can be divided into three stages: the approach of the vehicle before the collision, their interaction upon impact, and throwing away (movement after the collision).

First stage- the process of rapprochement begins from the moment a danger arises for road traffic when, to prevent an accident (or reduce the severity of the consequences), the driver must immediately take the necessary measures, and ends at the time of the initial contact of the vehicle. At this stage, the circumstances of the incident are most determined by the actions of its participants. In the next stages, the incident mainly unfolds under the influence of irresistible forces arising in accordance with the laws of mechanics. Therefore, in order to resolve issues related to the assessment of the actions of the participants in the accident, from the point of view of their compliance with traffic safety requirements, it is of particular importance to determine the circumstances of the accident at its first stage (the speed and direction of the vehicle before the accident, their location along the width of the carriageway).

Some circumstances at the first stage cannot be established directly on the spot or by expert interrogation of witnesses. Sometimes they are clarified by expert examination of the collision mechanism in the following stages.

Second stage- vehicle interaction - begins from the moment of their initial contact and ends at the moment when the action of one vehicle on the second one stops and they begin to move freely.

The interaction of the vehicle in a collision depends on the type of collision, it is determined by the nature of the impact, which can be blocking and sliding. With a blocking impact, the vehicles seem to be interlocked in separate sections, and there is no slippage between them. With a sliding impact, the contacting areas are displaced relative to each other.

The process of collision of a vehicle with a blocking blow can be divided into two phases.

In the first phase, deformation of the contacting parts occurs due to their mutual penetration. It ends at the moment when the relative speed of the vehicle at the contact area drops to zero and lasts for a fraction of a second. Huge impact forces, reaching tens of tons, create large decelerations or accelerations. With eccentric impacts, angular accelerations also occur. This leads to a sharp change in speed, direction of movement of the vehicle and their turn. But since the impact time is negligible, the vehicle does not have time to significantly change its position during this phase; therefore, the general direction of deformations mostly almost coincides with the direction of the relative velocity.

In the second phase of the blocking impact, after the completion of the mutual penetration of the contacting areas, the vehicles move relative to each other under the action of elastic deformation forces, as well as forces of mutual repulsion arising from an eccentric impact.

The size of the impulse of elastic deformation forces is rather small in comparison with the impulse of impact forces. Therefore, with a slight eccentricity of the impact and deep penetration of the contacting parts, the adhesion forces between them can prevent the vehicle from separating, and the second phase can end before they separate.

A sliding collision occurs in cases when the velocities in the contact areas do not equalize and before the separation of the vehicle from one another begins, the interaction occurs sequentially between their various parts located along the line relative to the displacement of the contacting areas. With a sliding impact, the vehicle manages to change its relative position in a collision, which somewhat changes the direction of deformations.

The second stage of the collision mechanism connects the first and third stages of it, which, under certain conditions, makes it possible to determine the circumstances of the accident at the first stage, based on the results of the study of the traffic situation after the accident.

Third stage- the process of throwing away (movement after a collision) begins from the moment the interaction between the vehicle ceases and the beginning of their free movement, ends at the moment of completion of the movement under the influence of resistance forces.

The collision mechanism at this stage is determined by the results of the impact of impact forces on the vehicle - dropping the vehicle, separating and scattering parts, debris, splashing liquid. Therefore, the most complete data required to clarify the collision mechanism can be obtained by examining and investigating the scene of the accident.

According to statistics, the most common type of accident is collision. In this regard, we propose to consider in detail modern classification types of vehicle collisions, which meets the needs of the transport-traceological examination, which should contribute to the systematization of methods and the most complete development of a methodology for an expert study of the circumstances that determine the mechanism of collision of vehicles.

The main requirement for any classification, in addition to the compliance with its purpose, for the sake of which it is carried out, is a clear formulation of the classification features, ensuring full coverage of all members of the system, excluding the possibility of homogeneous members falling into different classification groups and heterogeneous ones - into the same group.

The fundamental components of this classification are the concepts systematized and presented by NM Christie together with a group of authors.

The classification features that determine the mechanism of collision of vehicles are divided into two main groups: features that are common for a collision of two vehicles as a whole, and features related separately to each of them, which may not coincide.

TO common features belong to the following.

I. Movement of one vehicle in the transverse direction in relation to the traffic lane of another in the process of their approach (classification in the direction of movement of the vehicle). The sign is determined by the value of the collision angle, which can be established on the tracks of the wheels of both vehicles before the collision, according to the location of the vehicle and the traces of their movement after the accident, in the direction of throwing objects separated from them (glass fragments, etc.), according to the deformations obtained during the collision.

  • 1) longitudinal - collision without relative displacement of the vehicle in the transverse direction, i.e. when moving them in parallel courses (angle + is 0 or 180 °);
  • 2) cross - collision when the vehicle is moving in non-parallel courses, i.e. when one of them was displaced in the lateral direction towards the traffic lane of the other (the angle is not 0, 180 °).

II. Movement of the vehicle in the longitudinal direction in relation to each other (classification by the nature of the mutual approach of the vehicle). The sign is also determined by the magnitude of the collision angle.

On this basis, collisions are divided into the following three groups:

  • 1) oncoming - a collision in which the projection of the velocity vector of one vehicle onto the direction of the velocity of another is opposite to this direction; TS approached each other with a deviation towards each other (angle> 90 °,
  • 2) incidental - a collision in which the projection of the velocity vector of one vehicle onto the direction of the speed of another coincides with this direction; TS approached, moving with a deviation in one direction (angle 270 °);
  • 3) transverse - a collision in which the projection of the velocity vector of one vehicle onto the direction of the velocity of the other is zero (the angle is 90 °, 270 °).

If the angle differs so little from zero or from 90 ° that the applied research methods do not allow establishing this deviation, and if the possible deviation does not have a significant effect on the collision mechanism, then the latter can be defined as longitudinal or transverse, respectively.

III. The relative position of the directions of the longitudinal axes: Vehicle at the moment of collision. The sign is determined by the value of the angle of the relative position of the longitudinal axes, which is established on the basis of traceological studies of traces and damage in places of direct contact of the vehicle in a collision. In some cases, the angle can be set at the wheel tracks in front of the collision site.

On this basis, collisions are divided into two groups:

  • 1) direct - collision with a parallel arrangement of the longitudinal or transverse axis of one vehicle and the longitudinal axis of another (the angle is 0, 90 °);
  • 2) oblique - collision in which the longitudinal axes of the vehicle were located in relation to each other at an acute angle (the angle is not equal to 0, 90 °).

IV. The nature of the interaction of the contacting parts of the vehicle during the collision. The sign is determined by deformations and traces in the contact areas. On this basis, collisions of vehicles are divided into three groups:

1) blocking - a collision in which, in the process of contacting, the relative velocity of the vehicle in the contact area by the time the deformations are completed decreases to zero (the translational velocities of the vehicle in this area are equalized). In such a collision, in addition to the dynamic ones, static traces (prints) remain on the contact areas.

Signs of a blocking collision are the presence of traces on the contacting areas (imprints of individual parts of one vehicle on the surfaces of another) and a large depth of mutual penetration in a limited area.

The turning angle during the contacting time is, as a rule, small if the relative movement of the vehicle is insignificant in the process of mutual contact, with a low approach speed and blocking collisions, as well as with a slight eccentricity of the impact;

2) sliding - a collision in which, in the process of contacting, slippage occurs between the contacting areas due to the fact that until the moment the vehicle leaves contact with each other, their speeds do not equalize. In this case, only dynamic traces remain on the contacting areas.

In sliding collisions, when the movement of the vehicle in the process of mutual contact is large, and with a sharply eccentric impact, the angle of rotation by the time the vehicle leaves contact with each other can be significant. The influence of the type of vehicle on its turn during a collision is associated with the vehicle's mass and dimensions: the greater the mass and dimensions (and, consequently, the moment of inertia relative to the center of gravity), the smaller the vehicle's angle of rotation by the time it leaves contact with another vehicle;

3) tangential - a collision in which, due to the small amount of overlap of the contacting parts of the vehicle, they receive only insignificant damage and continue to move in the same directions (with a slight deviation and a decrease in speed). In such a collision, horizontal tracks remain on the contact areas (scratches, rubbing). An accident is not the result of interaction forces upon impact, but of a subsequent collision with other obstacles.

The features that characterize the collision mechanism separately for each of the two vehicles also include the following.

V. The direction of the vector of the resultant vectors of shock impulses (the direction of the collision line) in relation to the location of the center of gravity of the given vehicle, which determines the nature of its movement after the collision (with or without a turn). On this basis, collisions are divided into two groups:

  • 1) central - when the direction of the collision line passes through the center of gravity of the vehicle;
  • 2) eccentric - when the collision line passes at a certain distance from the center of gravity, to the right (eccentric right) or left (eccentric left) from it.

Vi. The location along the perimeter of the vehicle in contact with the impact area (classification by the place of impact). The feature (along with the relative position angle a 0) determines the relative position of the vehicle at the moment of collision. On this basis, collisions are divided into the following groups:

  • 1) front (frontal) - collision in which traces of direct contact when hitting another vehicle are located in the front parts;
  • 2) front corner right and 3) front corner left collision, in which contact marks are located on the front and adjacent side parts of the vehicle;
  • 4) right side and 5) left side - collision in which the blow was delivered to the side of the vehicle;
  • 6) rear right corner and 7) rear left corner - collision in which traces of direct contact are located on the rear and adjacent side parts of the vehicle;
  • 8) rear - a collision in which the traces of contact arising from the impact are located on the rear of the vehicle.

Such a system for classifying the types of collisions allows to cover all possible types of collisions between two vehicles and to determine the characteristics of any collision.

A road traffic accident is a complex cognitive object of expert research. Based on the above classification, it is obvious that the system of signs of this or that collision in its totality is a complex process of the road accident mechanism. In this regard, we considered it necessary to include in this classification two criteria that are "final" in assessing the collision mechanism - a typical (simple) collision and an atypical (complex) collision.

A typical collision is an accident in which common, often recurring signs prevail and which is characterized by the obviousness of the accident, the presence of all the cars involved in the accident, and a small number of vehicles.

An atypical collision is an accident in which a significant number of vehicles are involved, with the participation of a pedestrian (s), the process of the perfect accident is multi-stage, non-obvious, the recognition of which requires high qualifications and special knowledge in several scientific fields. Often, the complexity of an accident is expressed in the fact that the vehicle that made the collision disappeared from the scene.

Analysis of the literature shows that an incident (crime) is considered to be non-obvious if at the time of the initiation of a criminal case the person who committed it is unknown, and in order to identify and arrest this person, it is necessary to carry out investigative actions and operational-search measures.

A complex accident is in those cases when it is associated with the construction of several mental probabilistic models. The complexity of an accident depends on the number of its structural elements, connections between them. If the construction of an unambiguous mental model is enough to recognize an accident, then what kind of situation will be simple.

In the course of an accident, traces and damage of a very diverse nature are formed. At the same time, a certain pattern of their display is traced, due to the mechanism of a road traffic accident.

  • Kristi N.M., Tishin V.S. Diagnostic tests... Part 2: methodical. a guide for experts, investigators and judges / edited by Yu. G. Korukhova. Moscow: Expert Library, 2006.S. 3-7.
  • Belyaev M.V., Bushuev V.V., Demin K.V. Trasology and traceological expertise. Private teaching methodology in the specialty 031003.65 Forensic examination: educational and methodical. allowance. M.: Publishing house of the Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2013.S. 96-102.

The interaction TC in a collision is determined by the forces arising in the process of contact. Depending on the configuration of the contacting parts, they appear in different areas at different times, changing in magnitude in the process of TC advancing relative to each other.

Therefore, their action can be taken into account only as the action of the resultant set of vectors of impulses of these forces during the period of contact TC with each other.

Under the influence of these forces, mutual penetration and general deformation of the vehicle bodies occurs, the speed of translational movement and its direction change, and the TC turns around relative to the centers of gravity.

The forces of interaction are determined by the deceleration arising from the impact (acceleration upon impact in the accompanying direction), which, in turn, depends on the distance by which the TCs move relative to each other in the process of damping the velocity by these forces (in the process of mutual penetration).

The more rigid and durable parts the TC were in contact during a collision, the less (other things being equal) the depth of mutual penetration will be, the greater the deceleration due to a decrease in the speed drop time in the process of mutual contact.

The average value of TC deceleration in the process of mutual implementation can be determined by the formula

The accuracy of the calculation results largely depends on the accuracy of determining the distance D, which can only be established by traceological means. To do this, it is necessary to determine the distance between the centers of gravity TC at the moment of primary contact in a collision and the distance between them at the moment when mutual introduction has reached a maximum value (until the moment the colliding sections leave contact with each other - in sliding collisions), and find the difference between these distances.

The deceleration value determined in this way is the average. Its actual value at some moments can be much higher. If we assume that the deceleration build-up in a blocking collision follows the law of a straight line, the final deceleration value will be 2 times higher than the calculated average.

The extent and nature of deformations, as well as the displacement of TC during a collision, mainly depend on three circumstances: the type of collision, the speed of approach, and the type of colliding vehicles.

Deformation formation. Depending on the type of collision, the location of deformations along the TC perimeter and their nature (direction under the influence of the contacting parts, general body deformations) are determined. In a blocking collision, the general direction of deformations coincides with the direction of the relative velocity vector; in a sliding collision, it can deviate significantly due to the appearance of transverse components of the interaction forces. The relative displacement of the centers of gravity TC during the formation of deformations in a sliding collision can be much greater than in a blocking one, which reduces the interaction forces due to greater damping. In addition, in a sliding collision, a smaller part of the kinetic energy of the TS is spent on the formation of deformations, which also contributes to a decrease in the interaction forces during collision.

The overall deformation of the body TC in a collision is influenced by the eccentricity of the impact: in an eccentric collision, it is more significant than in a central one.

The rate of convergence TC at the moment of collision has a great influence on the formation of deformations, since the deceleration during the formation of deformations is proportional to the square of the rate of convergence. The higher the approach speed, the more significant both the general deformation of the body and the deformation of parts of the vehicle that were in direct contact during a collision.

The speed of convergence of the areas in contact during the collision should not be equated with the speed of convergence of the centers of gravity TC before the collision. In some cases, they can even be opposite in sign (for example, when a car hits the rear wheel of a heavy truck, when the approach of the areas in contact during the collision occurred at the moment of increasing the distance between the centers of gravity of the vehicle).

Since TC damage in a collision depends on the strength and stiffness of the contacting parts and their relative position, the type of TC has a great influence on their formation; quite often, with the almost complete destruction of a passenger car on a truck with which a collision occurred, there are only minor abrasions without significant damage to its parts.

Change in speed. Depending on the type of collision, the TC speed after a collision can sharply decrease (in an oncoming collision), increase (in a passing rear collision), and the direction of movement may also change (in a cross collision).

When the forces of interaction during a collision act in the horizontal plane, the change in the speed TC and its direction during the collision is determined by the condition of equality of the resultant momentum of two TCs before and after the collision (the law of conservation of momentum). Therefore, the vectors of the momentum of each of the two TCs before and after the collision are the guardians of parallelograms built on diagonals equal in magnitude and direction to the momentum vector of both TCs (Fig. 1.2).

To determine the direction of movement or the speed TC before the collision, it is very important to study the direction of the tracks of the TC wheels immediately after the impact, which will allow to establish the direction of the displacement of the centers of gravity of each TC and the speed of their movement (by displacement and turning around the center of gravity during the movement) after the impact.

Rice. 1.2. Scheme for determining the relationship between the vectors of the momentum TC before and after collision

In a blocking eccentric collision, the interaction forces act on TC, as a result of which the TC turns in the direction of the inertial moment that has arisen - the sharper, the greater the eccentricity of the impact. In this case, if the collision is longitudinal, the center of gravity TC is displaced from the line of impact and TC acquires a new direction of movement by the time it leaves the contact. After the collision, TC diverge at a certain angle to each other, if there is no adhesion between them, while simultaneously turning in the direction of the acting inertial moment.

In a longitudinal sliding collision, the resultant of the impulses of the interaction forces can significantly deviate from the longitudinal direction as a result of "wedging" of the vehicle, when there is a mutual rejection of the contacting sections in the transverse direction. In this case, TC also diverge in opposite directions from the longitudinal direction, but the rejection of the contacting sections causes the TC to turn in the opposite direction, if the resultant of the vectors of impulses of interaction forces passes in front of the TC center of gravity, or in the same direction if it passes from behind.

The direction and speed of approach (relative speed) of the areas in contact during the collision are determined by the vector of the geometric difference in the vectors of the speed of their movement at the moment of impact (Fig. 1.3). The direction of this speed can also be established by tracing in the direction of the tracks that appeared on the contacting parts at the initial moment.

The approach speed affects not only the kinetic energy consumption for the deformation of the vehicle parts, but also the change in the direction and speed of the TC movement in the process of contacting.

The higher the approach speed, the more the projections of the motion velocity vectors of both TCs on the direction of this speed change (in accordance with the law of conservation of momentum).

Rice. 1.3. Scheme for determining the relative speed (speed of meeting) TC in a collision

The influence of the type of colliding TCs on the direction and speed of their movement after impact is due to the fact that parts come into contact that are different in strength, horizontal arrangement and height, the nature of interaction (deforming or breaking, smooth or interlocking), etc. This contributes to the deviation of the resultant impulses of interaction forces from the direction of the approach speed both horizontally and vertically (when one TC "crawls" under the other).

The deviation of the resultant in the vertical plane leads to the fact that the regularities of dropping TC in the course of the collision change. The vehicle, which will be pressed against the supporting surface of the vertical component of the interaction force, will experience greater resistance to displacement due to an increase in the adhesion of the wheels to the road surface and will shift to a smaller distance than with the horizontal direction of this force. Another TS, thrown up by the impact of the vertical component of the force of interaction, on the contrary, will shift to a greater distance. Under this condition, the deviation of the direction of motion TC and the speed of their movement after the collision may somewhat disagree with the law of conservation of momentum, if one does not take into account the fact that the forces of resistance to displacement in the process of their contact could be unequal.

Therefore, in the traceological study of TC after a collision, one should pay attention to the signs indicating that one TC runs over another, at which vertical components of the interaction force appear. Such signs are prints or traces left by parts of one TC on another at a height greater than the height of these parts in the normal position of the vehicle; traces on the upper surfaces of the deformed parts of one vehicle, left by the lower parts of another; traces of collision with wheels from above, etc.

The rotation of TC in the process of contacting in a collision occurs during eccentric collisions, when the resultant of the impulses of the interaction forces does not coincide with the center of gravity TC and under the action of the inertial moment TC arising under this condition has time to acquire the angular velocity.

In blocking collisions, the direction of the impact closely coincides with the direction of the relative velocity of the parts of the vehicle that were in contact during the collision; in sliding collisions, the resulting transverse components of the interaction forces deflect the resultant in the direction opposite to the location of the area that was hit. The direction of the turn after a collision will depend on how the resultant passes relative to the vehicle's center of gravity.

In expert practice, this circumstance is not always taken into account, that in some cases, in the absence of data on the traces left by TC in the process of dropping after a collision, it can lead to an erroneous conclusion about the direction of the TC turn and the mechanism of the accident as a whole.

During the traceological study, it is necessary to identify signs of the nature of the collision (sliding or blocking). In a sliding collision, when TCs go out of contact with each other before the relative velocity drops to zero, longitudinal tracks appear following the main damage, protruding or partially torn parts are bent back at the end of deformations; longitudinally after the accident, TCs are positioned on either side of the collision site.

Signs of a blocking collision are the presence of traces on the contacting areas (imprints of individual parts of one TC on the surfaces of another) and a large depth of mutual penetration in a limited area.

The angle of rotation during the contact time is, as a rule, small if the relative displacement TC in the process of mutual contact is insignificant, at a low approach speed and blocking collisions, as well as at a slight eccentricity of the impact.

Accidents and accidents, unfortunately, happen very often nowadays. This is due to a large number cars, inexperience of drivers, external reasons and other factors. Therefore, today we will talk about the concept, analysis, classification, main and other types in road transport, their characteristics, causes of occurrence, consequences and types of responsibility.

Traditional division of road accidents by type

So, how many types of accidents are there and how are they classified? There are the following types of accidents.

The 3 main drivers of road accidents


This type of accident, collision, is one of the most common cases of accidents. A power-driven vehicle in such an accident collides with another MTS, with an animal or with.

Collisions of two MTS are as follows.

  1. Frontal.
  2. Rear.
  3. Side.
  4. Tangents.

It's important to know:

  • The most dangerous of these are the frontal ones. Most often they happen due to movement.
  • Several vehicles may be involved in a rear collision. The most common reason is.
  • Side collisions are not considered as dangerous, but they are very common. Usually happen at intersections due to.
  • Tangential collisions occur due to inattention when. These accidents are the least dangerous of all types.


  • In collisions with railway transport, the overwhelming majority of the fault is the driver of the car. Such accidents are almost always fatal, because the driver is unable to stop the train.
  • Collisions with animals most often occur outside the city in the dark. In these accidents, the car can receive severe damage, sometimes irreparable.

A specialist in this video will tell in more detail about the classic types of accidents:


Depending on the object, there are the following types.

  • . Vehicle, in motion, runs into a person on the carriageway or sidewalk.
  • An obstacle. In this case, a collision occurs with a stationary object.
  • The cyclist.
  • At the standing MTS.
  • For horse-drawn transport. The car collided with a draft animal or his cart.

Accidents happen due to the carelessness of both drivers and pedestrians and cyclists. The situation with arrivals in poor visibility conditions is getting worse.

Now let's talk about rollover as a type of accident.


More often it happens on suburban roads, where high is allowed. These accidents are unpredictable. Passengers, in particular, as a result of being hit by a car, can be severely injured, even fatal.

In addition, the vehicle could catch fire. The damage from such accidents is significant, often the car is no longer recoverable.

A specialist will tell you about the reasons for the formation of different types of accidents in the video below:

The fall

Falling from overpasses and bridges occurs as a result of force majeure, and as a result of the driver's loss of control. As a rule, the driver (under the influence of alcohol or drugs). In such accidents, even with falls from low altitudes, they rarely survive. These accidents are characterized by grave consequences, because accidental people who happened to be in the place of the fall can also die.

Falling loads may cause it. Loads that are not properly secured pose a road safety hazard. The suddenness of the situation is especially insidious. The load falls from the car driving in front, and the driver of the car following behind, simply does not have time to react.

About the types of injuries and damage to the car in an accident and a detailed classification, read below. We talked about the types of topographic analysis of road accidents separately.

Statistics on different types Road accident

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