A. Fundamentals of Philosophy - file n1.doc. Fundamentals of philosophy. Gorelov A.A. 1 Gorelov and the foundations of philosophy

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Main results of work for 2019: definitions of self-creativity and creativity of life are given. It is shown how they work in the broad context of the history of philosophy - the philosophy of Antiquity, religious systems and educational systems.

The book “The Russian Revolution and the Civilizational Foundations of Russia” examines the features of collective social creativity in the Russian revolution, in particular, the role of the Soviets as a form of organization of power in 1917, as well as the role of a new type of party in the preparation and implementation of the first socialist revolution in world history. The book was prepared as part of the events of the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences for the 100th anniversary of the Russian Revolution. The book “Creativity, Man, Science” (Gorelov A.A., Filipenok S.A., Yaroslavtseva E.I.) examines the connection between creativity as such and self-creativity, which is understood as a special type of creativity related to the creator himself, who tries to change himself in accordance with his ideas about the ideal of man as a qualitatively new formation that has not existed before. An analogy is shown between the processes of creativity of culture and creativity of life and the stages of creativity and self-creativity. The following stages of self-creativity, similar to creativity, have been identified: 1) Preparation- achieving peace of mind before starting training; 2) cleansing- “going crazy” and acquiring correct ideas; 3) perfection virtuous life; 4) examination obtained results. (2018)

Articles published in 2018 explored the features of collective social creativity during the Russian Revolution, as well as the role of ideas and the cultural meaning of self-sacrifice in the individual creativity of individual thinkers. The fundamental role of social creativity is shown using the examples of the concepts of N. Ya. Danilevsky, F. M. Dostoevsky and L. N. Tolstoy in changing the world, as well as the important role of individual creativity in terms of working with ideas in transforming the inner world of a person, starting from ancient times . (2018)

In the 2010s (until 2017) he worked on philosophical problems of creativity: the meaning of the philosophy of creativity, the problem of understanding the meaning of creativity, the role of creativity in the development of man and society, the main properties and social purpose of creativity. It is shown that the meaning of creativity is a set of processes of transformation of the bodily into the spiritual and the spiritual into the physical. On the topic “Creativity and Self-Creativity”, based on the widespread use of domestic and foreign historical and philosophical material from antiquity to the present day, the properties and features of self-creativity as a special type of creativity addressed to the subject of creativity are explored. The connection between the creativity of culture and the transformation of the subject of creativity itself is shown. As part of the events of the Institute of Philosophy for the 100th anniversary of the Russian Revolution, it is shown how creative constructs created by A.S. Khomyakov, N. Ya. Danilevsky, F. M. Dostoevsky, oppose revolutionary violence and the collapse of Russian civilization.

In 1970-80 engaged in research into philosophical issues of the relationship between man and nature, including the global aspect of the environmental problem. Gorelov traced the connection between the global environmental crisis and the socio-economic and spiritual crises of man. He formulated the urgent scientific, technical and socio-economic tasks of preventing an environmental catastrophe. This, in his opinion, requires harmonization of the relationship between man and nature in three spheres - transformative, cognitive and ethical-aesthetic. He developed the concepts of social and natural progress, aggressive-consumer and loving-creative alternatives to personal development, integrity of knowledge and transformation of the world, etc.

Since the early 1990s, Gorelov has paid great attention to modern global problems. He believes that globalization is an objective trend of world development that continues general trend social integration of humanity. However, globalization should not be limited to any one option, but should include the use of cultural diversity achieved by civilizations of the present and past. In order to take its rightful place in the globalizing world, the development of Russia must correspond to modern trends of informatization, technicalization, democratization, greening, etc. and at the same time correspond to the civilizational specifics that distinguish Russian culture as a link between the cultures of the West and the East over a vast space Eurasia. For the formation of a new global world, it is of great importance to overcome the environmental, socio-economic and spiritual crises of humanity, to achieve a higher moral level, in which the spiritual and social potential of the Russian idea can provide significant assistance.

In the 2000s, he worked on problems of cognition: including the relationship between truth and meaning, truth and creativity, and the role of the concept of truth in evolutionary epistemology.

15 ed. - M.: 2014. - 320 p. 9th ed. - M.: 2010. - 256 p.

The textbook was created in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards of Secondary Vocational Education in all specialties, OGSE.01 “Fundamentals of Philosophy”. The textbook presents philosophy as a branch of culture in an accessible form, characterizes its main problems in their formation from antiquity to the 20th century inclusive: what is truth, what is the meaning of life, what is the relationship between human freedom and responsibility, etc. The course is divided into two sections : first dedicated historical development philosophy, and the second - its specificity, methods, internal structure. For students of secondary institutions vocational education. May be of interest to anyone interested in philosophy.

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Preface 3
Introduction. What is philosophy? 5
Basic Concepts 5
The formation of philosophy from mythology 6
Death of Socrates 9
Rationality of philosophy 12
Philosophy subject 15
Definition of Philosophy 16
Part I. History of Philosophy
Chapter 1. Background of philosophy in Ancient India 19
Reincarnation and Karma 20
The One and Maya 21
Good and evil 22
Vedas and Upanishads 24
Chapter 2. Prerequisites for philosophy in Ancient China 27
Philosophical idea of ​​nature 28
The meaning of ritual 29
Lao Tzu 30
Confucius 32
Mo Tzu 35
Chapter 3. The formation of philosophy in Ancient Greece 37
Myth and Axial Age 37
Socrates 40
Mayovtika 41
Plato 43
World of Ideas 45
Soul 47
Aristotle 48
Matter and Form 50
Metaphysics 52
Laws of logic 54
Skeptics 55
Decline 56
Chapter 4. Philosophy of Ancient Rome 58
Lucretius 58
Stoics 60
Seneca 61
Epictetus 63
Marcus Aurelius 64
Sextus Empiricus 66
Chapter 5. Medieval philosophy 69
Features of medieval philosophy 69
Augustin 71
Muslim philosophy 73
Thomas Aquinas 74
Realists and nominalists 76
Skepticism 77
The meaning of medieval philosophy 77
Chapter 6. Philosophy of the New Age 79
Renaissance 79
Subject and object 80
Theory of knowledge 80
R. Descartes 81
B. Spinoza 83
G. Leibniz 84
F. Bacon 85
J.Locke 86
D. Hume 87
I. Kant 88
Chapter 7. Philosophy of the 19th century 93
I. Fichte 93
F. Schelling 94
G Hegel 95
Laws of dialectics 98
Materialism 101
Positivism 103
Evolutionism 103
Will to Power 104
Philosophy of the unconscious 105
Chapter 8. Philosophy of the 20th century 108
Existentialism 108
Psychoanalysis 114
Neopositivism 116
Pragmatism 118
Skepticism of 20th century philosophy 119
Chapter 9. Russian philosophy 122
Features of Russian philosophy 122
“A Word on Law and Grace” 123
The evolution of the Russian idea 126
I.V.Kireevsky 127
V.S. Soloviev 129
N. A. Berdyaev 130
Soviet and post-Soviet philosophy 131
The meaning of Russian philosophy 132
Part II. Main branches of philosophy
Chapter 10. Stages and patterns of development of philosophy 135
Antiquity 136
Middle Ages 137
New time 137
XX century 140
Progress of Philosophy 142
Chapter 11. Methods and internal structure of philosophy 150
Formal-logical (metaphysical) and dialectical methods 150
Pragmatic method 152
Structuralism 153
System approach and functional analysis 154
Method and principle 155
Special philosophical disciplines 156
Chapter 12. Origin and structure of the world 159
What does ontology study? 159
Dispute between philosophers 159
Chapter 13. Man and the meaning of his existence 171
What does philosophical anthropology study? 171
The similarity of man with other living beings and the difference from them 171
Human needs 173
Philosophical ideas about the perfect person 175
The meaning of human existence 177
Chapter 14. Knowledge of the world and truth 185
What does epistemology study? 185
Ancient concepts of truth 185
Concepts of truth in modern times 189
The relationship between absolute and relative truth 191
Correlation of truths in various branches of culture 193
Chapter 15. Ethics and the problem of freedom 196
Cyrenaics and Cynics 197
Diogenes 198
Aristippus 200
Aristotle's Ethics 202
Ethical problems in the development of science and high technology 205
Freedom and responsibility 206
Chapter 16. Social philosophy 211
What does social philosophy study? 211
The ideal state is like a family: Confucius 211
The ideal state is like the soul: Plato 213
Types of society 215
Non-directional dynamics 216
Cyclical development of civilizations 217
Directed development 219
Social progress 220
Chapter 17. Philosophy and global problems of our time 224
The problem of preventing thermonuclear war 224
Environmental problem 225
Global environmental crisis 228
Environmental Philosophy 231
Chapter 18. The difference between philosophy and science, art, religion, ideology and its place in spiritual culture 236
Philosophy and Science 236
Philosophy and art 243
Philosophy and religion 245
Philosophy and ideology 248
Philosophy as a synthesis of science, art and religion 249
Conclusion 252
List of required literature for the entire course 254
Brief glossary of terms 255
Appendix 257

9th ed. - M.: 2010. - 256 p.

The textbook presents philosophy as a branch of culture in an accessible form, characterizing its main problems in their formation, from Antiquity to the 20th century. inclusive: the nature of man and the meaning of his existence, man and God, science and its role, etc. The course is divided into two sections: the first is devoted to the historical development of philosophy, and the second to its specifics, methods, and internal structure. For students of secondary vocational educational institutions. May be of interest to anyone interested in philosophy.

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Preface 4
Chapter 1. What is philosophy 6
Basic Concepts 6
The formation of philosophy from mythology 7
Death of Socrates 10
Rationality of philosophy 12
Philosophy subject 15
Definition of Philosophy 16
Chapter 2. Background of philosophy in Ancient India 17
Reincarnation 17
Karma 18
United 19
Maya 20
Ahimsa 20
Dharma 20
Vedas 21
Upanishads 22
Chapter 3. Prerequisites for philosophy in Ancient China 24
Philosophical idea of ​​nature 25
Ritual 25
Three thinkers 26
Lao Tzu 27
Taoism 28
Confucius 29
Golden mean 30
Mo Tzu 32
Chapter 4. The formation of philosophy in Ancient Greece 33
Myth and Axial Age 33
Miletus School 36
Pythagoras 37
Democritus 38
Eleatic School 38
Heraclitus 40
Socrates 41
Mayovtika 43
Justice 44
Disciples of Socrates 44
Chapter 5. Plato's Time 45
Plato's Dialectics 47
World of ideas 47
Soul 49
Cyrenaics and Cynics 50
Diogenes 51
Aristippus 53
Chapter 6. Aristotle's Time 56
Matter and Form 58
Metaphysics 60
Logic 61
Ethics 62
Virtue 63
Epicurus 64
Stoicism 69
Pleasures and Pain 70
Skeptics 71
Decline 72
Chapter 7. Philosophy of Ancient Rome 74
Lucretius 75
Stoics 76
Seneca 77
Epictetus 79
Marcus Aurelius 80
Sextus Empiricus 81
Chapter 8. Medieval philosophy 84
Features of medieval philosophy 84
Augustin 85
Muslim Philosophy 87
Thomas Aquinas 89
Realists and Nominalists 90
Skepticism 91
The meaning of medieval philosophy 91
Chapter 9. Philosophy of the New Age 93
Subject and object 93
Theory of knowledge 93
R. Descartes 94
B. Spinoza 96
G. Leibniz 97
Continental rationalism and English empiricism 97
F. Bacon 98
D. Locke 99
D. Hume 99
I. Kant 100
The relationship between rational and sensory knowledge 101
Chapter 10. Philosophy of the 19th century 104
Fichte 104
F. Schelling 105
G.V.F. Hegel 107
Laws of dialectics 109
Materialism 113
Positivism 114
Evolutionism 115
Will to Power 116
Philosophy of the unconscious 116
Chapter 11. Philosophy of the 20th century 118
Existentialism 118
Fear 119
Absurd 120
Freedom 120
Humanism 124
Psychoanalysis 125
Archetype 125
Behavior patterns 126
Neopositivism 127
Pragmatism 129
Skepticism 130
Chapter 12. Russian philosophy 132
Features of Russian philosophy 132
"A Word on Law and Grace 133
The evolution of the Russian idea 135
I.V. Kireevsky 137
V.S. Soloviev 138
ON THE. Berdyaev 140
Soviet and post-Soviet philosophy 141
The meaning of Russian philosophy 141
Chapter 13. Main stages and patterns of development of philosophy 143
Antiquity 144
Christianity 145
New time 145
XX century 148
Progress of Philosophy 149
Chapter 14. Methods and internal structure of philosophy 156
Dialectical method 157
Pragmatic method 158
Method and principle 159
Special philosophical disciplines 160
Chapter 15. Philosophy and Science 162
Modern Science 163
Interaction of philosophy and science 164
Chapter 16. The difference between philosophy and art, religion, ideology 169
Philosophy and art 169
Philosophy and religion 172
Philosophy and ideology 175
Philosophy as a synthesis of science, art and religion 176
Chapter 17. Philosophy and global problems of our time 178
The problem of preventing thermonuclear war 178
Environmental problem 179
Ecological philosophy: fiction or reality 182
Chapter 18. The meaning of philosophy 186
Philosophy and truth 186
Philosophy and philosophies 188
Philosophy and life 190
Philosophy as a doctrine of the integral personality 191
The Future of Philosophy 192
Conclusion 194
Literature 196
Brief glossary of terms 197
Appendix 199
Contents 254

Anatoly Alekseevich Gorelov (September 23, 1946, Zaraisk, Moscow region) - specialist in philosophical problems of ecology and social philosophy, Doctor of Philosophy.

Graduated from the Geological Faculty of Moscow State University (1971) and is a graduate student at the Institute of Philosophy of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1974). Since 1973 he has been working at this institute (now the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences), currently he is a leading Researcher. Candidate's thesis - “Philosophical issues in modeling the biosphere” (1974); Doctoral dissertation— “Man and Nature: Ways of Harmonization” (1988).

Gorelov develops the problems of harmonizing the relationship between man and nature, as well as the problems of the “Russian idea” and the future of Russia. In Gorelov’s works, the trend of rationalization is considered as a universal development trend.

In the development of the “Russian idea” Gorelov distinguishes two stages - Orthodoxy, Russian communism and the now approaching third stage. Its course and the fate of Russia in the 21st century. in general depends on the correspondence of the direction of its development with global trends: informatization, globalization, greening, etc.

Gorelov analyzes the significance of sacrifice in the formation of new branches of culture (from art through mythology, philosophy, religion, science, ideology to ecology) and their occupation of leading positions, as well as the mechanism of substitution, which leads to the decline of once advanced industries and causes the need for new victims. In terms of social and political philosophy. Gorelov develops the theory of a just society. In recent years, he has written textbooks for universities on cultural studies, sociology and political science.

Books (15)

Individuality and evolution

The role of the formation of individuality in the evolution of nature and society is analyzed in the light of the modern natural science picture of the world, which has abandoned the idea of ​​eternal, unchanging laws governing the development of the world.

The idea is substantiated that individual objects and subjects (from quarks to humans), possessing original properties and interacting with each other, going beyond the limits of their own individuality (transcending themselves), form the laws of self-organization of nature and society.

Truth and meaning

The relationship between the concepts of “truth” and “meaning” is considered. The work consists of two parts.

The first part analyzes various concepts of truth that were formed in antiquity and modern times, as well as types of truth in various branches of culture.

The second part defines the meaning of life as the transformation of the bodily into the spiritual and shows how this definition is related to the definition of truth as a process and result of cognition.

History of world culture. Tutorial

The manual is written in accordance with the requirements of the state educational standard and covers all the necessary program topics.

The book is aimed at creating in students a holistic understanding of culture (material and spiritual), its essence, place and role in human society, and the patterns of its development. Particular attention is paid to the cultural significance of art, philosophy and religion. The reasons for the formation of many cultures are analyzed. Each chapter is accompanied by questions for review and a list of necessary literature.

A glossary of terms and a list of personalities are given. For undergraduates, graduate students and university teachers.

History of world religions

“History of World Religions” is a compulsory subject for some specialties in higher educational institutions. The textbook examines the history of the origin of religion, the mystical and mythological prerequisites for the emergence of religion as a branch of culture, the main world religions: Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam. Particular attention is paid to the moral aspects of religious beliefs. The book is equipped with questions for repetition and a list of additional literature on each topic, as well as a list of topics for tests and abstracts, questions for tests and exams and a dictionary of terms and personalities.

For students, teachers and everyone interested in religious issues.

History of Russian culture

The history of Russian culture is a compulsory subject for study in pedagogical universities of the Russian Federation.

The proposed textbook is written in accordance with the requirements of the state educational standard and covers all the necessary program topics. The book is aimed at creating in students a holistic understanding of Russian culture, its essence, place, role in society, patterns of development. Particular attention is paid to the importance of art, philosophy and religion. For the convenience of studying the subject, each chapter is accompanied by a list of necessary literature.

Meets the current requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education.

Concepts of modern natural science (for bachelors)

The purpose of this textbook is to help the student become familiar with an integral component of a single culture - natural science and to form a holistic view of the world. The specifics of natural scientific knowledge, its place and role in the development of culture are considered. Describes the basic ideas of modern science and the main theories of the twentieth century.

Besides theoretical course, at the end of each chapter there are questions for review, designed to facilitate the assimilation of natural science material that is difficult for humanities students.

Complies with the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Professional Education of the third generation.

For students of higher educational institutions in the humanities, graduate students, teachers and everyone interested in the concepts of modern natural science.

Fundamentals of Philosophy

The textbook presents philosophy as a branch of culture in an accessible form, characterizing its main problems in their formation, from Antiquity to the 20th century. inclusive: the nature of man and the meaning of his existence, man and God, science and its role, etc.

The course is divided into two sections: the first is devoted to the historical development of philosophy, and the second is devoted to its specifics, methods, and internal structure. For students of secondary vocational educational institutions. May be of interest to anyone interested in philosophy.

Political Science in Questions and Answers

The proposed textbook outlines in a concise form full course subject "Political Science". The book is aimed at creating in students a holistic understanding of politics, its essence, place and role in human society, the patterns of its development, as well as developing the ability to navigate complex political problems and form their own ideological position.

The compact presentation and accessible presentation of the material make this book indispensable for university students, allowing them to save time and prepare for seminars and tests for this course as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Political science. Lecture notes

The required minimum program for the discipline “Political Science” is considered.

The manual is aimed at creating in students a holistic understanding of politics, its essence, place and role in society, the patterns of its development, as well as developing the ability to navigate political realities and form their own ideological position. Allows you to prepare for seminars, tests and exams on this subject as quickly and efficiently as possible.

For undergraduate students of higher educational institutions and all those interested in the problems of political science.

Social ecology

Social ecology is a new compulsory subject for some majors.

The proposed textbook is written in accordance with the requirements of the state educational standard and covers all the necessary program topics. The most general and important problems of social ecology as a new scientific direction are considered, namely: the history of the relationship between man and nature; modern ecological situation; scientific, technical, class, social and religious aspects of environmental management; the formation of environmental ethics, environmental humanism, environmental ideology; the problem of socio-natural progress and prospects for the formation of an ecological society. Particular attention is drawn to the solution of environmental issues in Russia.

For the convenience of studying the subject, a workshop for seminar classes is offered for each topic; questions for exams and tests, a list of recommended literature for the entire course and a brief glossary of terms are provided.

For university students and everyone interested in the problems of interaction between nature and society.

Philosophy. Lecture notes

The course of the subject “Philosophy” is presented in a condensed, concentrated form. Basic concepts and definitions are presented, the structure of philosophy, its place and significance in culture is shown, and the history of philosophical teachings from Antiquity to the present day is highlighted. Allows you to prepare for seminars, tests and exams for this course as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Corresponds to the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education of the third generation.

The manual consists of three parts: “History of Ethics”, “Typology of Ethics” and “Ethics of the Future”.

In Part I, the history of ethics is presented as a natural evolution over three stages: ancient, medieval and modern.

Part II provides for the first time an original typology of ethics from the origins of morality in the natural world through the primitive ethics of retribution to the ethics of justice and mercy.

Part III outlines the main trends in ethics of the present and future. Ecological, global and space ethics are considered as alternatives to the ethics of the future. This construction of material is not found in existing textbooks on ethics. The material in the manual is closely related to training courses philosophy and cultural studies. The main practical goal is to help a young man solve his own moral problems that confront him in modern life.

For undergraduates, graduate students and teachers of higher educational institutions and everyone interested in ethical issues.

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