Grimoire tarot meaning. Black Grimoire

Lime 19.11.2020

Each deck of divination cards has a creator who put a certain symbolism into each lasso. The Black Grimoire Tarot is called the most powerful and mystical among the cards for black magic. The deck was created based on the creations of Howard Phillips Lovecraft.

Features of the Black Grimoire

The Black Grimoire Tarot deck (or Necronomicon) took its name from a long-standing magical practice in which books of knowledge on the dark arts were called Grimoires.

The deck consists of 78 cards. They are divided in the Tarot Necronomicon, or Black Grimoire, into Major (22) and Minor (56) arcana. In the Elders, Justice and Strength are rearranged, which distinguishes the deck from traditional Tarot. The first 22 arcana are key and symbolize the psychological, deep meanings of certain events, they set the overall picture of divination.

The minor arcana of the Tarot Black Grimoire express the external characteristics of situations and actions, they set the direction in divination. What suit prevails in the layout, this will be its result. The Minor Arcana divide Cups, Pentacles, Wands and Swords as in the traditional deck, but with a different meaning:

  1. Cups - Grimoire of Dreams, connection with the water element. Combining dreams, fantasies, emotions. Also the personification of ordinary earthly people who had no contact with the other world.
  2. Pentacles - Grimoire of Shadows, associated with the Earth. It characterizes the physical data of the participants in the events, details, material background. Counts the first acquaintance with the magical world, which begins to change a person.
  3. Wands - Grimoire of Light, responsible for the element of Fire. Interpreted as talents, inclinations, affections of a person. Takes into account actions to study the world around, reflections. Here there are turning points in the knowledge of magic that can destroy or improve fate.
  4. Swords - Grimoire of Demons, associated with Air. It unites the intellect and consciousness of a person, symbolizes otherworldly entities that can move into someone or something, control the victim. It is also a dark world capable of absorbing the soul, from which it is almost impossible to escape.

Divination by Black Grimoire cards

Before starting Tarot practice, a person must reveal the most hidden corners of the soul, directly meet with their nightmares, fears and illusions. This is exactly how the Tarot Necronomicon or Black Grimoire works: first, it checks the owner for strength of mind and stability, only after, in the layouts, it reveals dark secrets and the fate of other people.

When divining with the Black Grimoire Tarot deck, the cards show all the details without hints and ambiguity. Each chosen path is shown in 3 options, which are influenced by the past and future actions of the fortuneteller.

Safe even for a beginner, the Necronomicon Tarot layouts are called the Split Hexagram, the Key, the Attic, the Answers of the Goddesses. They are aimed at revealing the inner essence of problems, the causes of a difficult situation, identifying past unconscious experience. You need to work with images in these layouts carefully, adhering to all the conventions.

To get a reliable answer, follow the clear rules for using Tarot cards in Black Grimoire layouts:

  1. When interpreting any image, they rely on their own feelings and associations. In order to get to know each of them and formulate an emotional portrait, before starting to work with the cards, they carefully examine each of them, write down their feelings. Some recommend reading the works of Lovecraft, whose portrait is on the back of the cards.
  2. Tarot Necronomicon is used only if necessary, in serious and fateful hands. Small fortune-telling, for example, a card of the day or the fulfillment of a small wish, is best done using less energy-consuming decks of the traditional direction. If you turn to such questions with the Black Grimoire, he will not give a truthful answer, he is only interested in difficult situations.
  3. An outsider must not be allowed to play with or touch the deck without permission. He can hold it in his hands when his energy is needed for work.
  4. Cards must be stored in a specially designated place, in a personal bag. It is best to recharge and clean the cards appropriately every month.

Tarot Black Grimoire Necronomicon

TARO BLACK GRIMOIR. Deck feature. About illiterate tarologists

Tarot of the Black Grimoires Necronomicon. Deck Overview

Characteristics of the Major Arcana

The major arcana of the Black Grimoire Tarot show the common fabric and set the rhythm of divination. Each of them personifies a single story, as in a book.

The meaning and interpretation of the Necronomicon Tarot cards in the first 22 arcana are presented in the table.

Major Arcana card Value in direct position Meaning in reversed position
Jester Development and formation creative personality, carelessness Suggestibility, disconnection from the real world, mental illness
Mage High education, freedom, strong will Focuses, the desire to achieve the goal without talent, the way through
High Priestess Faith, mother's energy, blurring the line between worlds, intuitive flair Energy Lilith, irritability, anger, hysteria
empress The ability to get pregnant, intuition, the image of a muse for men Strengthening sexuality, the uncertainty of being
Emperor Stability, fair treatment, patronage, material wealth Despotic tendencies, dictatorship, poor memory
Hierophant Ossification of thoughts and judgments, ardent faith, desire to gain power, burdened with knowledge Distrust of oneself and people, vindictiveness
lovers Love relationship, vow keeping, joint project Unrequited feelings, betrayal, weak determination
Chariot Goal Achievement, Dominance, Progress, Wealth Frustration, loss of something valuable, despondency
Justice Compliance with rules and laws, maintaining balance Superstition, absent-mindedness, the results of erroneous actions
Hermit Calm, gradual action, the search for a spiritual source Departure into the inner world, hypocrisy, shyness
Wheel Random pleasant events, winnings, luck Unjustified hopes, empty activity, lack of result
Strength The supremacy of intellect and strength, superiority Strong opponent, surrendering positions, rash acts
Hanged Freedom, lack of attachment, borderline state of consciousness Pause, illness, inability to move on
Death The end of the event, the beginning of a new stage Death, accidents and catastrophes, gradual fading
Moderation Harmony, pleasure, distribution of forces Lack of practicality, showiness
Devil Unhealthy selfishness, narcissism, bad deeds Debauchery, black magic, unbridled aggression
Tower Irresistible pride, destruction of plans and norms of life Collapse, decline in strength, disappearance of the patron
Star Dreaminess, the emergence of inspiration, the realization of a dream Adverse situations, lack of motivation
Moon Occult practices, fantasies Falsehood, lies
Sun Divine beauty, sunshine Deception, eclipse, deceit
Last Judgment Reward, deliverance, new life Pangs of conscience, incompleteness, trouble
World Perfection, perfection, well-being Mistakes, unpleasant consequences, incompleteness of something

Characteristics of the Minor Arcana

The main feature of the Minor arcana of the Black Grimoire Tarot cards is a wide storyline and a variety of interpretations. Most of the cards next to the Major Arcana create a characteristic of the entire layout, indicate from which position to consider the chain of events, what this or that act will lead to as a result.

Aces signify the beginning of each book, or Grimoire, and the tenth arcana signifies the end. The images of the Page, Knight, King and Queen make up the class of Courtiers, more often meaning real personalities in fate. The youngest is the Page, and the oldest is the King.

The interpretation of the Necronomicon Tarot cards of the minor suit is contained in the table.

Arcana of Cups Arcana of Pentacles Arcana of Wands Arcana of Swords
Abundance, celebration. Scarcity (inverted) Lucky moment, enrichment. Black income (inverted) The beginning of a stage, the birth of life. Battered, loss of potential (reversed) Reaching peaks, victory. Loss, failed confrontation (reversed)
Association, couple. Contrast (inverted) Trade relationships. Need for funds (inverted) Choice between 2 paths. Complicated cases, illness (reversed) Fair fight, please help. Disbalance, judgment (reversed)
dynamic achievement. Useless work (inverted) Order, work for material wealth. Laziness, lack of order (inverted) Commonwealth, preparation for joint activities. Difficulties, disputes (inverted) The conclusion in a rigid framework, the surrender of positions. Despotism, tyranny (inverted)
Search within yourself, loneliness. Inner emptiness, debauchery (reversed) Savings, greed, hoarding. Poverty, carelessness (inverted) Caring, awareness of responsibility. Dishonesty, neglect (reversed) Truthful assessment, renunciation of goods. Self-deception, vain hopes (reversed)
Search for balance. Fears and fears (transl.) Defenseless position. Nervous disorders due to poverty (trans.) Demonstration of strength, competition. Brutal Fight, Ambush (transl.) Opposition of equal forces. Illness, suffering (transl.)
Entertainment, recovery. Petty family squabbles (transl.) Risk, quick decisions and actions. Conflict, mistrust (transl.) Work reward, victory. Doubt in victory, blur (transl.) Good time for travel, change of scenery, movement. Wasted risk, danger (transl.)
Selfishness, narcissism, egocentrism. High Expectations (transl.) Award for efforts, a gift from the sponsor. Extra sacrifice, loss (transl.) Wisdom, protection of rights and freedoms. Defenselessness, susceptibility to atrocities (transl.) A secret for a group of people, advisors. Conflicts of opinion, futile arguments (transl.)
Practicality, planning. Abstract Thinking (trans.) Self-sufficiency and complete independence. The danger of deceit (transl.) Grandiose events, ambitions and self-confidence. Missed Opportunities (transl.) Repentance, cleansing from mistakes and problems. Criticism, condemnation (transl.)
Occupation in art, spiritual enrichment. Loss of strength and time (transl.) Wealth from a previous investment. Small profits, imposition of loans (transl.) Analytical mind, foreseeing the situation. Hasty Decisions, Recklessness (transl.) Strong negative shock, sorrow. Detention, great hardship (transl.)
Nobility, readiness for the family. Old age, discouragement (transl.) Family legacy. Division of real estate, court (transl.) Loss of purpose and strength, infantilism. Depression (transl.) Imposing opinions, submission to the strong. Violence, captivity (trans.)
Distant friend, news. Gossip, betrayal (trans.) A young man with a great future, novelty. Spying, retreat (trans.) Son, attachment to details. Ambition, loss of boundaries (transl.) Quest, successful student. Guy with no experience, hired worker (transl.)
Seduction with expensive gifts. Failure in negotiations (transl.) Lawyer, low-key reaction. Magic effect, lie (transl.) Broad outlook, flight of thought, travel. Conductor without experience, fatigue (transl.) An ally with a hot temperament. An overly short-tempered friend (transl.)
A good partner or wife, betrothal, union. Secret romance, betrayal (transl.) A woman with a kind heart, a philanthropist. Bounty hunter (transl.) Business woman, mother. Jealous and familiar woman (transl.) A widow, a woman with a difficult fate and character. Wicked Woman, Witch (transl.)
Creative person with recognition. Plagiarism, using one's status for dishonest purposes (transl.) Sponsor and benefactor, positive man. Old pervert, pawnbroker (transl.) Father, wise man, diligent worker. Lucky advice, enterprise (transl.) Serious boss, politician. Strong adversary (transl.)


The difficult nature of the Black Grimoire Tarot deck, or the Necronomicon, makes one perceive divination with its help as black magic, treat it with all sorts of respect and preliminarily soberly assess one's own strengths.

The Black Grimoire Tarot (in the original Dark Grimoire Tarot) is a mystical deck that deserves special attention, as it belongs to the section of the Tarot where the "Dark Forces" are revered.

The very name Black Grimoire speaks volumes. And if it is translated into “human” language, then it becomes completely uncomfortable, because the word Grimoire denotes a collection or a book that describes rituals for summoning various spirits. The Black Grimoire Tarot is often referred to as the "Book of Shadows" or the "Necronomicon". The Book of Shadows is ancient book, which was written by powerful Black magicians and sorcerers. The Necronomicon is a book invented by the writer Howard Lovecraft, in which, according to the author's idea, various rituals and the history of Ancient Civilizations were described. This name is often found in his works. Actually, Lovecraft's work inspired the artist Michele Penko to create the Black Grimoire Tarot cards, which were based on the stories about the Necronomicon book. Soaked through with various symbols and mysticism, the Black Grimoire deck in its images reflects the signs of fate and the ways of life invisible to us, lost in the temporary space of this world.

deck structure

So, let's move on to the structure and meaning of the Black Girmoire Tarot cards. As in any deck that obeys the Tarot system, the Black Grimoire Tarot has 78 cards. Of these, 22 are the Major Arcana and 56 are the Minor. The Major Arcana is based on images of situations from the mythical book Necronomicon. A feature of the Major Arcana in this deck is that the Arcana "Strength" and "Justice" are reversed, 11 and 8, respectively. This somewhat contradicts the arrangement of the Arcana of the classical Tarot system. Minor Arcana in Tarot, the Black Grimoire is, in fact, four different books that contain secret knowledge. Each suit describes the discovery, use, traps and possibilities of the book to which it belongs. Thus, the suit of Wands is the Grimoire of Light, the suit of Pentacles is the Grimoire of Shadows, the suit of Cups is the Grimoire of Dreams, and the last suit of Swords is the Grimoire of Demons.

Principles of working with a deck

is the key or tool with which you can open and see the darkest corners of human aspirations, desires and fears that are born in the depths of our subconscious. So this deck is not suitable for considering any domestic issues or those related to everyday life. When working with the deck, the tarologist must understand that the meanings of the Black Grimoire Tarot are aimed at gaining knowledge about what is hidden deep in the subconscious, about the dark side of the soul and the fears of the questioner. Therefore, it is recommended to use this deck only for experienced tarologists who will be able to use this information for the benefit of the questioner, in order to achieve balance in his life. After all, the Black Grimoire Tarot displays the most hidden corners of our consciousness, which it is highly undesirable for outsiders to know about.

Split hexagram layout

The “Split Hexogram” layout (creator of the layout Eldemurov F.P.) shows the interaction of two opposing forces. It is used in those cases when it is necessary to see with what result and how exactly the interaction of a person’s actions and external circumstances that arise in his path will occur. The actions and actions of a person will be represented by a triangle, the top of which is directed upwards. And external circumstances will show a triangle with a top pointing down. The value of the layout positions: The first three positions refer to the triangle of external influence and represent: 1. Spiritual influence coming from the past. That is, in fact, this position points to what happened before, to the circumstances from which it all began. 2. Spiritual influence coming from the most probable future. The card in this position will show the circumstances that will arise further, indicate what will happen. 3. Advice that proceeds from the existing state of external affairs. A card in this position will mean both direct advice, warning of something and indicating the current situation, and indicating who or what caused the current situation. The following three positions refer to the triangle of internal influence and are interpreted as follows: 4. The state of the subconscious or instinctive side of the psyche of the querent. A card in this position will indicate the inner background of the problem that has arisen. That is, to what the situation began for the querent himself. 5. The state of the conscious side of the psyche of the querent, his perception and understanding of the current situation. That is, the map will indicate what is on this moment the questioner thinks. The card that fell out in this position will show whether the person understands what is happening to him at all.

Tarot cards will reveal the full picture of your work activity. You will receive answers to all questions regarding well-being, ambitions, difficulties and communication in the work process. All this will help you make any decisions regarding work or your own business.

Michele Penko is one of the authors and compilers of the Black Grimoire Tarot. Inspired by the work of Lovecraft, he created one of the most mysterious Tarot decks at the present time. A portrait of Howard Phillips Lovecraft crowned the shirt of this deck.

Tarot Black Grimoire - what is it

Terrifying and fantastic images, frozen in the pictures of the cards, will serve as the key to removing the veil of the mystery of the past, present and future. Influencing exclusively on a subconscious level, a deck full of mysterious and terrible images is used by magicians of the dark path, those whom the dark forces are ready to obediently help in magical work. Not every adept and practitioner of the magical arts can boast of the skills of interacting with the Black Grimoire.

The secret language of symbolism, images, colors and shadows of the deck introduces information directly to the subconscious level, bypassing the logic and skepticism of a restless mind. The Necronomicon Tarot, also called the Book of Shadows, is the only deck in which the meaning of the higher Arcana should be interpreted based on the other cards of the same suit that fell around it. It is not worth disturbing the deck over trifles and matters of low importance.

As in classic decks, the Black Grimoire Tarot consists of 78 Arcane cards. An exceptional feature of the deck is the ability of a fortuneteller to look into the darkest corners of his self, to understand the nature of fears, negative installations-walls, doubts and ways to neutralize them. Having pacified his skeletons and harmoniously balancing the Dark and Light principles in himself, the practitioner will touch the forbidden edge, which allows him to see the world "as it is" here and now.

If the Grimoire deck submits, be sure - it will open all possible scenarios without concealment and multiple hints. You should not avoid choosing a deck if you feel close and connected with it. The halo of delusions concerning the dark forces and the left path is only a haze that frightens off the inexperienced adept in his research.

The art of black magic poses a threat to the practitioner only when he tries to harm. The first and most important rule of black magic is: "Do no harm!".

Experienced practitioners, over many years of experience, have learned to ward off the consequences of violating this rule, but adepts who have just embarked on this path are advised to follow it steadily. In addition, it is not known for certain how well all kinds of shifts and withdrawals work. No one will cancel the universal laws of cause and effect, and not today or tomorrow the shot arrow will return to the archer with a blow of triple strength.

IMPORTANT! Be Sensible - don't play with the Dark Tarot. Use them only in case of real need, having previously clearly formulated your question.

Meaning and interpretation of Necronomicon Tarot cards

Before proceeding to the meaning and interpretation of the Necronomicon Arcane cards, I want to focus the attention of those “thirsty” to find the cherished Oracle, to the need to develop their own intuition. It is she who will reveal the true meaning of the Tarot card that has fallen out. There are no answers that cannot be stored in your subconscious. Its spheres of influence are underestimated, which ultimately leads to an incorrect, "technical" interpretation of symbols or images. Every magician knows the first step of the path: "First know thyself."

It is a great misconception that by purchasing the Necromicon or Black Grimoire Tarot deck, and interpreting it technically, you will gain the cherished keys of "cause and effect." You still need to get to know the deck. Meditate on each image of each of the 78 Arcana, recording observations and sensations experienced in the process. By noting something different in each card, feeling its character - this is how you can truly comprehend the art of divination.

Attention to detail is the key to the success of any practice. Let's take, for example, the Arcane Fool. What is shown there? A man in a straitjacket, he is surrounded by people, howling wolf-like animals, hands touching his trousers evoke a feeling of request than pulling him somewhere, eyes relentlessly watching him, a man behind him with wide eyes clearly has a desire to whisper something into the ears. In a word - madness around. But if you look closely at his face, you can clearly see the haughty steadfastness and calmness, detachment from the madness of his surroundings. He doesn't sit on a stool - he sits with his eyes wide shut! The dark gray tones of the card introduce a state of mild depression and melancholy. But the key object is the light above the madman's head. Despite the madness and chaos around, he is in the light. They say a fool is closest to God, because he does not see the separation between Good and Evil, Dark and Light, Right and Wrong. The card will highlight the problem, depending on the layout of the other cards that has fallen out, it can carry both a positive and a negative color.

Compared with the existing types of Tarot, it is the Necronomicon Arcana that immerses the fortuneteller in shades of longing and fear, depression and doubt. If you are ready for such states, continue reading the article further, where we will look at the generalized meanings and interpretations of this deck.

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Major Arcana Tarot Black Grimoire

The Major Arcana of the deck carry more important information, revealing to the fortuneteller the essence and nature of the situation, the basics of problems and their possible solutions. Therefore, we will dwell on the 22 senior archetypes in more detail.

✪ Arkan (0) - Fool

  • AT upright position: means the presence of creativity, spontaneity and thoughtlessness of actions, spiritual lightness, originality, unusualness, carelessness and freedom. Its appearance in the layout is a symbol of the question of the formation and development of the personality.
  • In reverse: escape from reality, impressionability and suggestibility, breaking the connection with outside world, mental confusion.

✪ Arcana (I) - Mage

  • In direct: freedom from prejudice, stereotypes, the card reflects the will, the ability to inspire, diplomacy and skill. Its appearance in the layout symbolizes self-education, the search for answers.
  • In reverse: trickery, incorrect judgments about the object, deceit (in the context of deceit), the ability to "go over the heads" towards one's goal, careerism.

From the Fool to the Magician. Tarot shows us such a transformation. From carelessness to certainty, from spitting to targeted search.

✪ Arcana (II) - high priestess

  • In direct: female energy, mother, faith, clairvoyance, intuition and wisdom. The card carries the energy of the border between the worlds. A thin line between realities. In such states, spiritual energy is most manifested. Moments of sunrise and sunset.
  • In reverse: hysteria, selfishness, unbridledness, a tendency to negative judgments, excessive anger and tearfulness. This is the power and energy of Lilith. Attracting the archetype of this demonic person can let in the fate of the fair sex, who have similar features and behavior.

✪ Arcana (III) - Empress

  • In direct: good influence on the resolution of cases, possible pregnancy, temptation and seduction, love, strong intuition, muse. This is the archetype of Venus. The deification of a woman by a man. Such energy can be felt from the Empress.
  • In reverse: lack of certainty and specificity, vagueness and vagueness, lack of charm and unattractiveness, easy behavior. The inverted position will also help a woman who has adopted the archetype of the Empress, get rid of sexual clamps and taboos.

✪ Arcana (IV) - Emperor

  • In direct: getting rid of material difficulties, excessive authority and justice, stable stability.
  • In reverse: despotism can manifest itself in a person with the Archetype of the Emperor. Nobody and nothing can stand in the way of his goal. The card in an inverted position indicates possible errors due to forgetfulness. Many tyrants are under the influence of the Emperor.

✪ Arcana (V) - Hierophant

  • In direct: inflexibility of judgments, rigidity of dogmas and mental constructions. The hierophant is weighed down by accumulated knowledge. Its archetype reflects tradition and religion. However, one can also see mercy in his face, a kind of compassion for those in need. The mushroom at the lower right corner of the map hints at hallucinogens. He is in their power and wants to extend this power to others.
  • In reverse: revenge and vindictiveness, loss of self-confidence, loss of faith in others.

✪ Arcana (VI) - Lovers

  • In direct: vow, love, a successful step or attempt, composure and determination
  • In reverse: indecision, betrayal, one-sided love.

✪ Arcana (VII) - Chariot

  • In direct: triumph and progress, spiritual ascent, material wealth, ambition.
  • In reverse: regressiveness, inability, loss of meaning, fiasco.

✪ Arcana (VIII) - Justice

  • In direct: balance of Forces, finger of fate, obedience to laws, open-mindedness
  • In reverse: prejudices, vagueness of reasoning, consequences of mistakes.

✪ Arcana (IX) - Hermit

  • In direct: calmness and measuredness, solitude, spiritual research
  • In reverse: illusory self-sacrifice, shyness and withdrawal into oneself, self-digging, obstinacy, hypocrisy.

✪ Arkan (X) - Wheel

  • In direct: the grace of fortune, an accidental win, success in business, pleasant changes.
  • In reverse: abandonment of goals, longing and uniformity of actions, unjustified hopes.

✪ Arcana (XI) - Strength

  • In direct: decisiveness and courage, fearlessness, the triumph of the mind.
  • In reverse: powerful adversary, stupid deeds, excessive ambition in actions, "first did - then thought."

✪ Arcana (XII) - The Hanged Man

  • In direct: freedom, deliverance, borderline state, enlightenment, insight, spiritual research.
  • In reverse: illness, sincere repentance, self-sacrifice, uselessness, stagnation or slowdown.

✪ Arcana (XIII) - Death

  • In direct: the beginning of new affairs, a close threat, the end of something.
  • In reverse: real death, accidents and disasters, destruction, withering.

✪ Arcana (XIV) - Moderation

  • In direct: prudence, recuperation, harmony, contentment.
  • In reverse: excess, resistance, impracticality, drama.

✪ Arcana (XV) - Devil

  • In direct: narcissism, bad deeds, susceptibility, seductiveness.
  • In reverse: debauchery, greed, gluttony, black magic.

✪ Arcana (XVI) - Tower

  • In direct: the collapse of plans and foundations, arrogance and its consequences, the proud man climbed a high tower and sits there alone.
  • In reverse: decline, opposition, lack of patrons.

✪ Arcana (XVII) - Star

  • In direct: dreams, inspiration, insight, help from above.
  • In reverse: dejection and impotence, cloudy thinking, unfavorable time.

✪ Arcana (XVIII) - Moon

  • In direct: immersion in fantasy, delusion, Maya, occult sciences.
  • In reverse: deceit, sycophancy, disease.

✪ Arcana (XIX) - Sun

  • In direct: harmony, divine symphony of life, transparency, openness.
  • In reverse: futility of attempts, fussiness, deceit, darkness, irascibility.

✪ Arcana (XX) - Last Judgment

  • In direct: revival, development, recognition, blissful reward, reward.
  • In reverse: annoyance, discontent, incompleteness, disasters, torments of conscience.

✪ Arcana (XXI) - World

  • In direct: inseparability, successful completion, fortune, initiation, improvement.
  • In reverse: imperfection, malevolence, rebellion, inability to overcome the line.

REFERENCE. If the card fell upside down, do not turn it over. You need to read in exactly the same position as she lay down. There are divination techniques exclusively on the Major Arcana.

Minor arcana of the deck

There are 4 suits in the deck (grimoire):

  • Swords - personify the pantheon of Demons. The connection with the body is the mind. Element - Air.
  • Wands are Light. Creative power. Sexual energy. Element - Fire.
  • Pentacles - Shadow. They represent the physical. Element - Earth.
  • Cups - Dreams and dreams. emotional sphere of life. Element - Water
Ace (1) of SwordsUnit (1) WandsAce (1) of PentaclesUnit (1) Cups
Two (2) of SwordsTwo (2) of WandsTwo (2) of PentaclesTwo (2) of Cups
Three (3) of SwordsThree (3) of WandsThree (3) of PentaclesThree (3) of Cups
Four (4) of SwordsFour (4) of WandsFour (4) of PentaclesFour (4) of Cups
Five (5) of SwordsFive (5) of WandsFive (5) of PentaclesFive (5) of Cups
Six (6) of SwordsSix (6) of WandsSix (6) of PentaclesSix (6) of Cups
Seven (7) of SwordsSeven (7) of WandsSeven (7) of PentaclesSeven (7) of Cups
Eight (8) of SwordsEight (8) of WandsEight (8) of PentaclesEight (8) of Cups
Nine (9) of SwordsNine (9) of WandsNine (9) of PentaclesNine (9) of Cups
Ten (10) of SwordsNine (9) of WandsTen (10) PentaclesTen (10) of Cups
Page of Swords - MessagePage of Wands - TrainingTen (10) PentaclesPage of Cups - Novelty
Knight of Swords - UnionKnight of Wands - AdventureKnight of Pentacles - CouncilKnight of Cups - Temptation
Queen of Swords - WidowhoodQueen of Wands - TrustQueen of Pentacles - ComplianceQueen of Cups - Romanticism
King of Swords - BossesKing of Wands - CompetenceKing of Pentacles - AmbitionKing of Cups - Maturity

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Is it possible to guess on the Black Grimoire and what it threatens

If you have chosen the Black Gremoire deck as a magical tool and feel a connection with it, then there are no obstacles to its study and practice. Based on the style in which the deck is designed and what emotional background it creates, it is easy to guess that at first it will not be easy. You will have to live, feel their energy and mood. Unlike the classic Waite deck, the Black Grimoire is not for every practitioner.

A great responsibility lies with the person who is guessing to another. The Black Grimoire is not the Urim and Thummim stones, on which you can guess "YES-NO". Tarot is complete system with its signs, and each sign is a key. And if you cannot correctly interpret the keys of the Tarot, you can harm the one who asked for help, including yourself. After all, what you said, a person will perceive as a program - a guide to action. What if you were wrong? It's like spoilage! Therefore, before pointing your finger at the sky, get acquainted with the deck and learn how to use it correctly. Otherwise, you will receive regular clicks on the nose from the Forces.

REFERENCE. Urim and Thummim stones. White and black stone. According to legend, only on these stones did God allow a person to guess. White is "Yes" and black is "No". There is mention of them in the Bible, but abruptly. I believe that such information was objectionable to the compilers of this book.

The Tarot deck must be treated as a living being, because it is a Model of the Universe. In addition to interacting with you when divining, take care of the proper storage of cards. Get them a special velvet bag. Cards are meant to be a friend, take good care of them. Store with incense and crystals in a clean, decent place. It can be a magic chest or a dedicated shelf.

Never let other people touch the cards. The only exceptions are when you ask the person you are guessing to shuffle the deck or hold it in your hands while asking a question. In this case, the Black Grimoire needs to feed the person's energy in order to give a more correct answer.

Avoid pranks and questions for fun. Do not guess to people whose face says "I came to check whether your cards work or not", "let's prove it." Just say that now is not the time for fortune-telling.

Neglecting these tips, the cards will begin to dissemble and disobey.


Tarot Black Grimoire Necronomicon, with which I want to introduce you today, is a very interesting, unusual, but rather gloomy deck that opens the door to the intricate labyrinths of the subconscious, internal fears and mysterious magical actions. It is in my personal collection, so the review will be based on my own impressions of working with it. Of course, I will not bypass the history of the appearance of this deck.

History of the deck

The author of the deck was a trio of quite well-known people in the circle of tarot readers: this is Pietro Alligo - the ideological inspirer, art director and founder of the publishing house Lo Scarabeo, writer Ricardo Minetti and artist Michele Penko, who created these excellent, slightly frightening, but very multifaceted images of the Black Grimoire Tarot . Of course, Michele Penko was inspired primarily by the works of Howard Lovecraft - an American writer, journalist and poet, the author of heartbreaking stories in the style of mysticism, fantasy and horror.

The Necronomicon is the name of a fictional book by Lovecraft that is referenced multiple times in his writings. This is a kind of collection of ancient mysterious rituals, rites and spells written by black magicians and sorcerers of the past. They say that this fictional book has a real historical prototype - at least the famous British occultist Kenneth Grant took Lovecraft's Necronomicon quite seriously, as did many modern writers and journalists.

We don't know for sure if this Black Grimoire actually existed, but the artwork we see on the Arcana of this Tarot does look like the ancient witchcraft texts really found expression through stunning, deep and multifaceted illustrations filled with magical, dark symbolism. The deck was first published in 2008 by the Italian publishing house Lo Scarabeo, and a year later it was republished by llewllyn Publications (USA).

Key features of the deck

Tarot Black Grimoire Necronomicon does not exactly repeat any of the existing traditions. This is the author's vision of the topic, while respecting the classical structure of the Arcana, but the archetypes themselves are presented in a completely different way. Perhaps someone will see echoes in some cards, since the Minor Arcana are drawn and among them there are those whose plot can be interpreted in the context of the classics, but I would not recommend doing this. It is best to perceive these cards as a completely unique system that shows us a picture of the world from a completely different, dark side.

The suits are traditional, but each of them is an independent thematic grimoire. Pentacles show the needs and desires of the physical body of a person, Cups immerse us in a dream world filled with the deepest emotions, Swords are a grimoire of demons, explaining that control and power can ultimately lead to despair and madness, and Wands reveal our creative abilities.

Symbolism of the deck

Is there any special symbolism in the Black Grimoire Tarot cards? Of course there is, but not everyone will understand it. These are mysterious books, ritual and magical objects, details of the situation, clothes, facial expressions of characters - in all this one can discern hidden semantic nuances. I once heard the opinion that in order to understand this deck, you need to know Lovecraft's work very well. I don't agree with this. Yes, of course, I once read the works of the horror master, but I never tried to compare the plots of the cards with his stories. For me, this deck seems to live on its own, it already contains everything you need in deep illustrations. She is the book itself, the Grimoire, so I don't think it requires shoveling all of Lovecraft's works to work with her.

Major Arcana

Let's look at some of the Major Arcana. Of course, I am delighted with absolutely all the images of the deck, since the artist managed to create a truly unique creation, but then my review will drag on for a huge number of pages. So let's go through the most interesting ones.

Let's start with the Fool, the zero Arcana that opens the gallery of the Black Grimoire Tarot. I have never met such a Fool. He sits shackled in a straitjacket, and hordes of strange people, creatures and demons hustle around him. Above the head of the madman hangs a lamp, which, it seems to me, symbolizes the newly discovered possibility of the subconscious, which will make the darkness and everything that hides in it recede. But will the Fool take advantage of this opportunity, or will he prefer to live surrounded by his own demons, firmly established in the depths of his unconscious? By the way, judging by the posture and facial expression of the character, he is quite well in control of himself and what is happening in his head does not frighten him at all.

On the Arcana Lovers, we see a young man and a girl holding hands. It seems that they are saying goodbye to each other, although it is very difficult for each of them to make such a decision. Behind, in the distance, a strange landscape stretches, shrouded in mist, against which stands female figure in red clothes. The lovers stand on the path that leads just there, into this unknown and frightening world. The red figure seems to hint that the choice must be made with the heart. What will the heroes of the map choose to do? Will one of them go down the path of the unknown or will they decide to stay together, unable to sacrifice their sincere feeling? Will the girl let her beloved go alone, or will she want to go on a journey with him? The choice must be made, despite the fact that it is highly ambiguous.

The Arcana Justice in the Black Grimoire Tarot is generally amazing. See what a fine line it reveals! On the one hand, we clearly see the ritual black magic, which many a priori call "bad". But do we know why the person symbolizing whom the Voodoo doll lies on the table deserved such treatment? It seems to me that Arkan hints at the fact that it is impossible to unambiguously divide our actions and desires into “bad” and “good”. What is evil for one is good for another. Harmony is in the balance between these two "fires".

The hanged man in this deck is a real suicide who decided to take his own life in a tiny room under the very roof, where, apparently, he lived until that time. Pay attention to the setting: a half-empty bottle of alcohol, an ashtray with numerous cigarette butts, a large mysterious book on the table, but at the same time closed. It seems to me that this man clearly did not make a spontaneous decision to commit suicide. He considered it long and carefully. It was not an impulsive, immature act. But what was the reason? Perhaps it is hidden in the pages of this most mysterious book? Perhaps he decided to sacrifice himself so that other people would not suffer? Or maybe the mysterious ancient knowledge opened up a completely different path for him, which will lead him to a completely different world, where the view from the window will no longer be so depressing? Who knows who knows…

The moon, created by Michele Penco, is almost a classic, but in a darker, Lovecraftian way. A man, headlong, rushes along a dark road illuminated by moonlight. Where does this path lead? Apparently, to the shore of the lake, where he will be overtaken by the monsters moving behind him. Are these monsters real or do they gain power over us only when we plunge into the dark world of our own subconscious? Maybe you should not drown in the depths of your fears, but muster up the courage to stop and turn to face them?

And we will complete the review of the Trumps of the deck with the Arcana World Tarot Black Grimoire Necronomicon. I think he's amazing too. Look: in the background we see majestic structures built by ancient civilizations - they symbolize fundamentality. The girl sitting on the rubble is a reality, and the faces of mysterious creatures in a haze of fog are ephemeral, the realm of our imagination. The key of the map is in the union of these three components, which mean the world. And all of them may well be subject to a person - this is evidenced by the pose of the girl and the book that he holds on his lap.

Minor Arcana

As I said, the Minor Arcana of the deck are divided into four grimoires. Let's look at two cards of each suit to understand how the main theme manifests in them. Let's start with the Wands - the grimoire of fire, which shows us the creativity and power of the fire element, which separates darkness from light.

The Six of Wands symbolizes surprise. From the flames blazing somewhere outside the fire map, a terrible creature appears with burning eyes and an envelope in his hand. The man did not expect the appearance of a monster, he is confused and does not know what to do. What is contained in this envelope: bad or good news? What will our hero do: run away or calmly accept the information that the creature from the other world transmits? This should be judged by the tarologist himself, depending on the situation. But one thing is clear - Arkan clearly speaks of unexpected events and our ability to respond to them.

Now let's turn to the Nine of Wands. The illustration shows a girl who is separated from the monsters by a wall of fire. Terrible creatures retreat in fear. But the fire could not flare up on its own, so it would be logical to assume that it was the girl who kindled it, thereby creating an island of safety for herself. Her talent is in the ability to control herself, find a way out of difficult situations, hone her skills and successfully apply them in practice.

The swords in the Black Grimoire Tarot are responsible for our thoughts, which sometimes push us into the abyss of madness. This is a mysterious grimoire of demons generated by our mind. I personally really like the Two and Eight of this suit.

The Deuce depicts a violinist standing on a high stump and playing his favorite violin with his eyes closed. A storm is raging around him, and monsters have crowded around the stump, but they cannot reach the hero. It seems to me that the card says that we are able to control our mind. Just close your eyes, let go of what is happening and allow yourself to immerse yourself in positive thoughts. When we think about the pleasant, even the most hopeless situation becomes less frightening. And who knows, maybe the storm will soon subside, and the monsters will get tired of waiting for the end of the melody and they will go in search of another, more shy victim?

The Eight of Swords shows us the trap of the mind. When we give free rein to our fear, it fetters our movements, prevents us from developing, doing something important. The heroine of the card created a hopeless situation for herself, succumbing to own fears, complexes, prejudices, and thus allowed the three-eyed giant to imprison herself in a jar.

Cups in the Black Grimoire Tarot show our feelings, emotions, both explicit and hidden. This is a grimoire of dreams, where fantasy is mixed with reality.

On the Six of Cups card, we see a girl sitting by the window, behind which a real apocalypse is being played out. A hurricane wind is raging, which is about to begin to tear roofs off houses, but this does not seem to bother our heroine at all. What happens to her? I have two options: either she is overcome by boredom and indifference, so she does not even make an attempt to escape from the hurricane or help one of the townspeople, or she is so deeply mired in her thoughts that she simply does not notice what is happening around.

The Eight of Cups illustrates a situation in which a man in a black cassock shows a girl a book, but she brushes him off as if from an annoying fly. It seems to me that the map can speak of a certain conservatism of views, unwillingness to learn something new and consider in more detail what is offered to us. She is guided only by her own emotions, but not by reason. Perhaps this book contains very important information that will allow the heroine to radically change her life? But she just doesn't want to accept it. Also, this Minor Arcana, in my opinion, can report that someone obsessively offers us something that we currently consider completely unnecessary, useless.

And finally, let's move on to the Pentacles, symbolizing our physical needs and manifestations of the material world. I suggest looking at the Six and Nine of this suit.

So, the Six of Pentacles Tarot Black Grimoire Necronomicon is pure manipulation. See with what fury the demons reach for the little thing that the man with a sly smile holds out to them! We see here perseverance, uncontrollable emotions, the pursuit of a free "distribution of elephants" - from the crowd, and on the other hand - cunning and the ability to manipulate the masses. Who knows, maybe the crowd is not demons at all, but the same ordinary people who have lost their human appearance due to the thirst for possession?

The nine shows the long way that the girl has come. She had almost reached the place she was aiming for. But is this the beautiful castle she dreamed of? In my opinion, this is a dungeon without windows and doors. It is possible to get inside through a small window at the very top, and for this you will have to climb a very high and dangerous staircase. What can the card say? The fact that we have not yet reached the goal and there is still a serious test ahead? Or that the achieved goal turned out to be not at all what we imagined it to be?

As you can see, all the Minor Arcana are very interesting. You can look at them for a very long time, each time finding more and more new semantic nuances. Now let's move on to the court cards.

court cards

Since we are looking at a very dark deck that works with the subconscious, we should not expect the usual images of the Court cards. We will not analyze them in detail, since it is much more interesting to determine the character traits of these characters on our own. For example, I spent more than one day on this. But I will say right away - on all court cards of the same suit, we clearly see the element corresponding to them, i.e. all Wands will be fiery, active, all Cups will be emotional and sensitive, Swords will be clear intellectuals, and Pentacles will be practical people. For example, I will give one image of each suit.

Features of the interpretation of cards

The meanings of the Black Grimoire Tarot cards, as I said, are quite easy to read intuitively. A competent tarot reader can even do without any additional literature. In the MBK, which, by the way, I do not recommend looking at at all, the inverted positions of the Arcana are also given, I found a similar approach in the book on this deck by Dmitry Nevsky. But personally, it’s not entirely clear to me why to turn over the cards, the interpretation of which is already quite multifaceted and allows you to see all possible aspects in the layout. In a word, whether or not to use "shifters" - in this case it's up to you to decide.

What issues is the deck suitable for?

Initially, I bought the Necronomicon Black Grimoire Tarot as a tool for working with subconscious fears, complexes, psychological problems, as well as for the diagnosis of magical effects. But, as practice has shown, these cards may well work as a universal deck. I tried to consider relationships, work, questions of self-realization and even the circumstances of the death of a person - and in all these cases I received clear, beautifully detailed answers. Therefore, I can safely say that if you find mutual language with this deck, it could very well become your main deck.

Who is the card for?

  • Loves Lovecraft's work
  • For those who are looking for a dark deck for magical diagnostics
  • Those who like to delve into the subconscious of the querent, as well as tarot psychologists
  • Those who want to work with their own inner fears

The MBC for the Black Grimoire, frankly, is no good at all. For me personally, half of the keywords presented in it did not intersect at all with what I myself see in the illustrations. I also have a book by Dmitry Nevsky “Tarot Black Grimoire Necronomicon. The power of fears ”- this is clearly a better option. But, again, the author offers his own, subjective opinion about the symbolism and meaning of the cards, so I also did not agree with him in everything, although my interpretation of some cards, surprisingly, agreed with Nevsky's vision.

I know that there is still a book by Larisa Vasilenko called “Shadows of the Ancients in the Black Grimoire Tarot”, but, alas, I am not familiar with its content. In a word, there is plenty of literature on sale to study the deck, but I still recommend that you start with your own, intuitive impression of each Arcana.

This concludes my review. Thank you for your attention!

Fantastic and mysterious images on the cards serve as a key to understanding the secrets of the past, provide information about the present and the future.

Tarot Black Grimoire with mystical and eerie images, affects the subconscious level. It is used by magicians capable of working with dark forces. Not every magician can boast of divination skills with the help of this mysterious and enigmatic deck.

Tarot "Necronomicon" is the only one of the decks of cards that needs to interpret the meaning of the highest arcana, based on the cards of the same suit that have fallen around other cards.

The deck should not be disturbed by questions that are not of great importance. Like classic decks, the Black Grimoire tarot consists of 78 cards. Their exceptional feature is that every fortuneteller can look into the most secret corners of his essence, understand doubts, recognize fears and interpret them correctly.

A fortuneteller with the help of this deck is able to neutralize all negativity. If you learn how to use the mystical and mysterious tarot correctly, they will tell you about all the possible scenarios.

It is required to be prudent and not play with the Black Grimoire tarot deck, it should only be used for its intended purpose, and if you are sure that it is necessary.

How cards work

Many people think that tarot shows the future in the form of movie pieces, but this is a delusion. The future, with the help of magical manipulations, looks like a web consisting of human emotions, intentions, aspirations. A tarot reader or magician must notice and understand the correct ways to correct the situation, to warn the fortuneteller against a fatal mistake.

Even such a powerful divination tool does not affect freedom of choice. Information about the future must be correctly understood and it will become a weapon in the hands of a fortuneteller. If you interpret it incorrectly, it will simply not be needed.

To solve common questions, you should use simple cards, it is impossible to find out information about domestic disputes or unimportant problems. It is recommended to resort to the help of dark forces only in difficult situations.

According to this tarot deck, the most secret desires and shameful addictions of a fortuneteller are revealed. A person must be ready to face the hidden fears hidden in the secret depths of the soul.

deck structure

Like any tarot deck, the Black Grimoire consists of 78 arcane cards. There are 22 Major Arcana and 56 Minor Arcana. The basis of the images of the Major Arcana are situations from the book "Necronomicon".

Their peculiarity is that the Arcana "Strength" and "Justice" change places, 11 and 8, respectively. This is not the case with the classical tarot system. The Minor Arcana are four different books that contain secret knowledge.

Each of the suits tells the discovery, application, various traps, of the very book to which it belongs. Suits have the following meanings:

  • The suit of Wands is a grimoire of Light.
  • "Pentacles" is a grimoire of "Shadows".
  • "Cups" - grimoire "Dreams".
  • "Swords" - Grimoire "Demons".

Only their correct interpretation will help the fortuneteller look into the secret corners of the human soul, find out the fears and desires born by the subconscious.

The fortune teller should treat the Black Grimoire as well as a living being, they are a model of the Universe. They also need to be stored properly.

To do this, you should buy a special velvet bag and store them together with incense in a clean place. The most suitable place is a magic chest. The cards must be treated as a friend. They should not be allowed to be touched by other people, except when, when divining a person, you ask him to shuffle the deck by asking him a question.

This is necessary so that the mystical deck is fed by the energy of a person and the cards give the most accurate answer. Do not ask the cards questions for the sake of pampering, it will end in tears. Do not guess to those people who ask to do this to check whether the cards work or not.

If you neglect the advice, the cards will begin to disobey.


Before you purchase a deck of Black Grimoire cards, see if you can accept their answers and interpret them correctly. They will tell about all the secrets of your subconscious. If you are ready for this, then feel free to buy this divination tool.

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