Biscuit production line. Profitable business: biscuit production. Mini-shop for the production of biscuits: equipment and technology for the production of biscuits. Technology and production stages

Beautification 24.11.2020

A cookie is a porous, low-moisture confectionery product. As a rule, cookies are of small thickness and size, while they can be of various shapes. It is made from flour, sugar, various fats and oils, egg and dairy products, flavors and leavening agents.

Cookies can be composite, from different types of dough, as well as with decoration (jam, chocolate, icing, etc.) and even with a filling.

Cookies are made from various types of dough: sugar - from plastic dough, lingering - from elastic-plastic-viscous dough, crackers and biscuits - elastic-plastic-viscous yeast dough.

The assortment of butter biscuits is very wide - depending on the taste (recipe), size, shape and decoration. Depending on the type of cookie, it is made from whipped or plastic dough. Different properties of the dough are achieved by different sugar and fat content, as well as by the technological conditions of its preparation and processing. Let's take a closer look at the process of producing butter cookies. Depending on the composition, the ratio of raw materials and the type of dough, butter biscuits are divided into shortbread, whipped, nut and rusks. Also, butter cookies include some types of products, the basis of which is a custard semi-finished product made using the technology of custard cakes.

Technological schemes for the production of various groups of butter biscuits differ in the methods of preparing and shaping the dough. First, let's dwell on the production of shortbread cookies - from the point of view of the technology of its production and the equipment used. Shortbread cookies are baked from two types of dough: shortbread - removable and shortbread - jigging.

Shortbread cookies contain a large amount of fat and sugar and are made from plastic dough. The dough is kneaded in universal kneading machines with Z-shaped blades. Raw materials are loaded into a kneading machine in a certain sequence and mixed for 10-15 minutes. Then add egg powder or melange, condensed or dried milk, water, and mix again for 5 - 8 minutes, after which flour, glucose syrup and starch are added and the whole mixture is mixed for another 2 - 4 minutes. With mechanized molding on rotary machines, the dough is kneaded somewhat differently, in accordance with the technology. And when molding the dough by hand, the finished dough in pieces weighing 7-8 kg is rolled out with a rolling pin on the table by hand. At home, the table and rolling pin are pre-dusted with flour, a piece of dough is kneaded on the table by hand, and then rolled in two directions until a uniform layer with a thickness of about 5 mm is obtained. Then, with shaped notches (by hand) or special rotary machines (in the factory), biscuits are cut out, which are then baked in ovens of various models.

This is, in brief, the technology for the production of shortbread cookies. The minimum equipment required for organizing such production manually is a conventional Z-shaped dough mixer. Such machines are widely used and are available either with a water jacket for cooling (heating) the product, or without a jacket. Different speeds of rotation of the blades (front and rear) lead to a more even kneading of the dough, intensify the kneading process, and prevent the dough from sticking to the blades.

For the manual molding process, a variety of shaped metal cuttings are used. In factories, biscuits are molded using rotary molding machines. Biscuits are baked in a variety of oven models, from small convection ovens to rotary ovens. They feature fast warm-up times, a powerful turntable, chamber lighting and a hermetically sealed door with a heat-resistant seal. Well-adjusted gaps in the baking chamber ensure even baking of products.

The same cookie can look completely different depending on its surface finish. Most often, cookies are glazed with chocolate or colored glaze. To do this, the biscuits are immersed in a glaze preheated to + 40C, and then cooled until the coating completely solidifies in a refrigerator at a temperature of + 8 ... + 10 C. For a variety of assortments, you can glaze the entire surface or part of the product. Some types of products are sprinkled with chopped nuts before the chocolate hardens, or a pattern is applied using a comb, sandwiched with fruit or cream filling. To do this, the filling is deposited on the lower surface of the chilled cookie and covered with a second cookie. Then the cookies glued with the filling can, for example, be completely covered with chocolate, and crushed nuts can be applied in the middle. This allows the culinary technologist to turn ordinary cookies into a work of art.

Shortbread butter biscuits.

These cookies also contain significant amounts of fat and sugar. It is made from dough with a consistency close to creamy. Beat butter or special confectionery margarine with powdered sugar first for 10-15 minutes, then add the rest of the raw materials and lastly the flour. The dough for sandy-jigging biscuits is prepared in dough mixing machines of various designs, as well as in planetary multi-speed mixers. Confectionery mixers allow the process of kneading the dough with a significant saturation of the dough mass with air at certain stages of the dough preparation process, which ensures an increase in the specific volume and an improvement in the quality of products. Forming of blanks is carried out (if manually) using syringe bags with various attachments, or on depositing machines, the so-called "multidrops". Despite the relatively high cost of such equipment, its ability to generate different types cookies allow you to achieve a return on costs in a short time. Baking shortbread cookies is carried out in ovens of the same models as for sandbags.

Whipped cookies.

The dough for whipped varieties of butter biscuits is subdivided into whipped biscuit and protein whipped. The biscuit-whipped dough contains a significant amount of eggs (melange) and has a liquid creamy consistency. There are various dough kneading technologies: simultaneous churning of egg powder or melange with sugar, followed by the addition of flour, or separate churning of proteins and yolks with sugar, followed by the addition of flour and mixing of the two components. To prepare this type of dough, planetary multi-speed mixers are used. Forming is also carried out using confectionery (jigging) bags for small production volumes, or - in factories - using a multidrop. Baking of products is carried out in the above-described confectionery ovens.

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In the production of flour confectionery products, the largest share is occupied by cookies - flour confectionery products of various shapes, small thickness, low moisture, porous, made from flour, sugar, fat, egg and dairy products, flavoring agents and chemical baking agents.
Recipes for individual types of cookies are made taking into account the properties of the base raw materials, its effect on the properties of the dough. The most important thing in such recipes, of course, is to obtain products with a given taste. Whole teams of research institutes and factory technologists are working on the problem of the optimal balance between taste and cost, and especially successful recipes are necessarily patented.

Cookies, depending on the recipe and cooking method, are divided into:
sugar - baked from plastic, easily torn dough;
lingering - baked from elastic-elastic dough;
butter - baked from other types of dough, the most diverse in its properties.
Crackers and biscuits are a separate type of cookie.

So, various types of cookies are produced from different types of dough: sugar cookies are obtained from plastic dough, lingering cookies - from elastic-plastic-viscous dough, crackers and biscuits - from elastic-plastic-viscous yeast dough. The wide assortment of butter biscuits is due to the variation in their sizes, shapes, finishes, and taste. Depending on the type of butter biscuits, it can be made from whipped or plastic dough. These different required dough properties are achieved mainly by varying the proportion of sugar and fat. The technological modes of its preparation are also important.

Developers and technologists draw up a recipe for each type of cookie, which contains a list and ratio of individual types of raw materials used. The cookie production process consists of the following operations:
preparation of raw materials for production
kneading dough
rolling dough
aging of the dough (for lingering cookies)
secondary rolling (for lingering cookies)
cookie molding
stacking and packaging of cookies.

At the confectionery factory, biscuits are produced on mechanized lines with periodic kneading of dough, or on production lines with continuous kneading of dough. Periodic kneading is more common for small businesses.

It is unlikely that our reader will benefit from detailed technical processes and specific recipes for cookies in the form they are baked in confectionery factories. Professionals and especially interested readers can easily find them in recipe reference books, patents and other Internet resources. We will publish here three basic dough recipes, on the basis of which you can, if you wish, try to bake a variety of cookies at home.

Sugar cookies

Butter 300 g
Sugar 1 glass
Wheat flour 0.5 kg
Chicken egg 3 pcs.

1. Mix eggs with sugar.
2. Add flour and butter. Stir.
3. Knead the dough, roll it out and cut it into curly pieces.
4. Grease a baking sheet with butter, add the dough pieces and bake in the oven until tender.
You can diversify the recipe by adding cinnamon, vanilla, candied fruits, raisins, etc. to the dough.

Lingering cookies

Egg - 2 pcs.;
Sunflower oil - 2 tbsp. spoon;
Flour - 0.5 kg;
Milk - 2 tbsp. spoon;
Soda - 0.5 tsp;
Granulated sugar - 0.5 tbsp. spoons.

1. Grind an egg with sugar.
2. Add milk and butter to them, mix thoroughly.
3. Pre-mix flour with baking soda in a separate container, and then combine it with the egg mixture.
4. Knead a thick dough.
5. Roll out the resulting dough and cut it into portions.
6. Cookies should be put on a baking sheet, sent to the oven at 180 degrees and baked for 10-15 minutes.
These cookies can be served without cooling.

Butter biscuits

Flour: 0.5 kg with baking powder (or 250 g corn flour)
Eggs; 3-4 pcs
Butter: 250 g
Powdered sugar: 250 g
A pinch of salt

1. Preheat oven to 180 ° C. Grease a baking sheet with butter and sprinkle with a little flour so that the flour covers the baking sheet well.
2. Mix oil and salt. Place in a medium container and stir with a wooden spoon until the butter is soft.
3. Add sugar. Continue stirring until the mixture is smooth.
4. Add eggs to the mixture one at a time. Stir well before adding the next egg.
5. Add flour and baking powder. Stir with a spoon or fork until the dough forms. Don't stir the dough for too long.
6. Sprinkle flour on a clean table and place the dough on top of it. Place the dough on the table and knead for 15 minutes, or until the dough is firm and smooth. If the dough still sticks to your hands, add a little flour.
7. Roll out the dough into a 5 mm thick sheet.
8. Cut the biscuits with different shapes using a knife or tin or plastic molds.
9. Place the biscuits in rows on the prepared baking sheet. Do not stack too tightly, as it will increase in size when baking.
10. Before planting in the oven, you can sprinkle with granulated sugar, brush with egg yolk.
11. Bake for 15-20 minutes. Watch the color of the cookies, the dough burns very quickly.
12. Cool to room temperature before serving.

If you wish, you can add cinnamon, vanilla, lemon zest, chopped nuts, etc.

The Russian confectionery industry is largely inherited by us from Soviet times. This is neither good nor bad, it is just an objective reality. There are negative aspects in this (modern imported equipment is still more accurate, more economical and more productive), there are also positive ones. In particular, traditional pastries of the last century (crackers, dryers, cookies, etc.) were not only cheaper, as your grandmother often recalls, but also healthier than foreign confectionery. Our products have always been made from natural products. Remember this slogan - "Soviet means the best!"? So, there it is actually not about tractors and "Zhiguli", but about missiles and cookies!

Let's try to figure out how we can distinguish high-quality products from low-quality ones. To do this, one should first introduce some postulates that define the concept of "qualitative" - ​​after all, each one can have its own.

First, let us agree that the more natural ingredients in the product, the better it is for humans. You can't fool nature. Natural honey is healthier than artificial one. Powdered milk loses something compared to natural milk. Natural eggs and melange still differ in taste and properties.

Secondly, absolutely all additives (flavors, preservatives, etc., sometimes contemptuously called "E-shki") in the composition of confectionery products are carefully checked and approved by the most serious authorities. Both international and domestic. We do not approve of the cheap populist media panic fanned by the profane. But at the same time, we agree: the fewer artificial stabilizers, flavors and colors, the closer the cookie is to the ideal mentioned in paragraph 1.

Thirdly, quality is never free. “You have to pay for everything,” as our president rightly remarked on another occasion. If we remove stabilizers and preservatives from the recipe, we thereby inevitably reduce the shelf life of products. Consequently, the risk of not being able to sell it increases, and this is automatically compensated for by a higher price. Natural ingredients themselves are more expensive than artificial ones. Anyone looking for an extra product should be prepared for an extra price tag.

And fourthly, natural dyes often fade in the baking process. Natural flavors lose their scent faster. The choice is up to the buyer: if we use expensive additives (saffron, cochineal, etc.), then the buyer will have to pay a higher price. Or the buyer will put up with the nondescript appearance of super-natural products.

In conclusion of the introduction, we recall once again: all products of confectionery factories, if they are properly certified and have not matured on the shelf for their shelf life, are guaranteed to be safe for the consumer. In the event that any components can cause an allergy or an unusual reaction in a part of the population (phenylalanine, peanut butter, etc.), the inscription on the label will warn about this. We consider confectionery products exclusively from the standpoint of "more useful" or "less useful". Politically correct, civilized, in a European way, without insisting on your opinion.

If you prefer to eat natural foods, go for the classic gingerbread. Inexpensive cocoa powder and menthol flavor are added to chocolate and mint baked goods. Fruit fillings often consist of jam with water-retaining and heat-stabilizing additives. And at those enterprises where they try to follow the traditions, they put not heat-stable gels as a filling, but highly boiled natural fruit purees or boiled condensed milk.

When choosing crackers, pay attention to the sameness of the slices, there should not be a large variation in color and size among them, there should be a lot of scrap and humpbacks. Crackers made to good standards should be crispy and easy to break. In addition, the list of ingredients on the bag with breadcrumbs should not contain preservatives: classic breadcrumbs contain very little moisture and do not need additional protection.


If dry biscuits (biscuits) are made in accordance with GOST, then it will contain only water, flour and a small amount of fat and sugar. Such products can be considered dietary and hypoallergenic. Baking powder in the form of soda, etc. is quite harmless, since during baking carbon dioxide is converted to rise the dough.

Sugar cookies

This is a familiar classic cookie with a clearly visible pattern on the surface, fragile but not hard. If the pattern on the surface is not clear, it means that there is less fat in the composition. That is, good sugar cookies are uniformly yellowish in color, brittle, porous and quickly swelling.

Oatmeal cookies

As we said above, if the cookies are beautiful, glossy and bright brown, then they are not very natural. When a large amount of oat flour is present in the dough, the product turns out to be dim without additional coloring. Thus, quality oatmeal cookies are gray-brown and without any gloss on the surface. The absence of flavors, preservatives and flavor enhancers can also be considered a quality criterion for lovers of natural products.


All shortbread biscuits are high in fat and sugar, making them a delicious treat, but because of this, they can hardly be considered healthy food. Fillings increase the attractiveness of the treat, but further increase the content of dyes, moisture-retaining and heat-stabilizing additives. Of all the fillings, the nutty one can be considered the most harmless, but it is also the most high-calorie. You decide.

Dryers and bagels

High-quality (corresponding to GOST) bagels and drying be oval or round, and the joints of the bundle should not stand out. The surface is glossy, smooth, without bulges and cracks. In the respective varieties, sprinkled with poppy seeds, cumin or salt. Correct drying should be brittle, and correct bagels soft. Scrap not more than 5%, such a product is considered substandard.

The basis for all such delicacies (the waffle itself) is practically the same, they differ in shape and fillings. By the composition of the fillings, you can judge whether the product is natural or artificial. Obviously, the most natural fillings are berry and fruit, which are made from fruit puree. Wafers with confectionery fat fillings (white, creamy, nutty, chocolate) contain more artificial additives.

The main enemy of hygroscopic dry products is moisture. They absorb it instantly, which not only spoils the taste, but also creates conditions for the development of harmful microflora. Therefore, the tightness of the packaging of dry confectionery products is so important. And remember: the less preservatives in the product, the shorter the shelf life. This indirect sign will also come in handy when choosing a natural product.

Cookies for children

If you try to make a rating of the "naturalness" of cookies, then dry biscuits will be in the first place. They are made only from water and flour, so biscuits can be considered a dietary and hypoallergenic product. Due to the absence of large amounts of sugar and fat in the recipe, biscuits are also relatively low in calories.

On the second position according to these criteria is straw. It also formally refers to dry liver made from flour, water and a small amount of fat. It came in second place due to the presence of some sugar, as well as the alkaline treatment, which makes the surface of the straw (as well as biscuits, known as "bretzels" or "pretzels") glossy brown. Harmless, proven by many generations of Austrians, but not for children. Moreover, if with salt.

Third place: oatmeal cookies. It is relatively low in fat and, most importantly, in addition to wheat flour, the recipe includes oat flour coarse grinding. It is she who saturates the cookies with fiber, vitamins and minerals. About the soft gray-brown color of natural oat cookies we wrote above.

In fourth place are sugar cookies. It contains significantly more fat, which allows the dough to maintain its shape. These are biscuits with the most beautiful exterior finish, allowing you to mold designs, patterns and inscriptions on them. It is advisable for a child to buy classic unflavored butter cookies. And do not forget about its high calorie content!

Fifth place: shortbread cookies. Caloric, high in sugar and fat. Unlike sugar dough, shortbread products do not hold their shape so well, but still high-quality products (for example, kurabiye) should be without torn edges. As always, the rule is the same: the shorter the list of ingredients, the more natural the baked goods.

Sixth place: crackers. They took the last place in the ranking of cookies for children because of the composition. Crackers, as a rule, are made using the dry cookie technology: the dough is also rolled out in a thin layer, collected in a multi-storey stack and cut into circles, rhombuses and squares. True, unlike biscuits, each of the layers is smeared with margarine, often mixed with cheese, ham, etc. Such a product turns out to be very high in calories, at the level of shortcrust pastry.

Not a baby cookie

This is all the rest of the beautiful cookies - filled, glazed, multi-layered, with chocolate and nuts. Delicious, attractive, good for festive table and as a gift - but it is better to protect children from it: a lot of sugar, a lot of fat, a lot of artificial ingredients, a lot of calories. Great buy for an office coffee break!

In the store, there are many different snacks and food on the shelves, and packaged nuts are not the last place. They are in great demand, therefore, the production of packaged nuts can bring an excellent profit to an entrepreneur.

To organize this business you need a little start-up capital. There will be no problems in the market with the promotion of a new brand.

The business consists of purchasing in bulk different types of nuts, roasting, packing and then selling them. The income of this business is from 40%. The main thing is to think about how not to “graze the back ones” among successful and functioning competitors.

In order to organize your production, you need a room. As with all other premises used in the food industry, there are requirements that must be taken into account and known in order to find a suitable area. The room for the production of packaged nuts should be at least 100 square meters.

After you have chosen a room, you need to purchase the equipment that is necessary to produce packaged nuts: packing glasses and ovens for roasting nuts. The necessary equipment can be bought both from a domestic manufacturer and from an imported one, because more and more often representatives of foreign equipment offer high quality of their equipment.

Packaging is also very important to the success of this business. It should be of high quality, colorful and attract the attention of buyers. The most advantageous is transparent packaging, as it is cheap and allows customers to see the product before buying. It is best to let professional designers take over the design of the label.

The range of these products should be large and have a wide variety of types of nuts: cashews, walnuts, hazelnuts and others, but also include various processing options for nuts, for example, raw or roasted, which will cover the majority of buyers.

The issue of finding and attracting potential buyers is handled by a manager who knows many ways to attract them, for example, calling companies, small stores, offering their products, participating in exhibitions, and more.

The cash required to start a packaged nut business is limited to the cost of a stove that has fluorescent interior lighting, the cost of a display case, rental fees, electricity, and the purchase of raw materials.

Today, the wholesale price for nuts is approximately $ 3.5-7 for 1 kg. Exotic Brazilian and Indian nuts will cost more, for 1 kg about 15 dollars, but they are in rather high demand. Nut mixes are also popular, their cost for 1 kg is no more than $ 9. At one point of sale alone, you can sell up to 20 kg of nut mixture per day.

In the production of flour confectionery products, biscuits occupy the largest share. Its production is about 45% of the total production of flour products.

Cookies are flour confectionery products of various shapes, small thickness, low moisture content, porous, made from flour, sugar, fat, egg and dairy products, flavoring agents and chemical leavening agents.

Recipes for individual groups of flour confectionery products are compiled taking into account the properties of the main raw material, its influence on the formation of dough and obtaining products with certain taste qualities.

Cookies, depending on the recipe and cooking method, are divided into:

ProductContent, %Energy prices ness, kJ per 100 g of product
chat rooms
Sugar cookies from flour I grade 5,5 7,4 10,0 25,6 50,6 0,1 1699
Lingering cookies izmuk I grade 6,5 7,8 8,1 19,8 56,8 0,1 1644
Premium flour cracker 8,5 9,2 14,1 2,8 63,3 0,1 1745
Biscuits made of flour I grade 12,0 10,6 1,3 3,6 70,2 0,2 1406

sugar - baked from plastic, easily torn dough;

protracted - baked from elastic dough;

butter - baked from various types of dough, various in their properties.

The biscuits are crackers and biscuits.

The chemical composition and energy value of individual: common types of cookies are given in table. nine.

Various types of cookies are produced from different types of dough: sugar cookies are obtained from plastic dough, lingering cookies - from elastoplastic-viscous dough, crackers and biscuits - from elastoplastic-viscous yeast dough. A different assortment of butter cookies is due to different sizes, shapes, finishes, tastes, depending on the type of cookies, it is made from whipped or plastic dough.

Different properties of the dough are achieved by different sugar and fat content and technological conditions for its preparation and processing.

For the production of cookies, high-quality raw materials and semi-finished products are used.

For each grade and type of products, a recipe is made, which contains a list and ratio of individual types of raw materials used. In addition, the recipe indicates the consumption of each type of raw material for the preparation of 1 ton of products.

The technological process of biscuit production consists of the following sequential operations: preparation of raw materials for production, dough kneading, dough rolling; aging of the dough (for lingering cookies); secondary rolling (for lingering cookies); molding, baking, cooling, stacking and packaging of biscuits.

Features of making cookie dough

A varied assortment of cookies is produced according to technological schemes in accordance with instructions that ensure the receipt of high quality products.

Common to all technological schemes is the preparation of raw materials for production. Raw materials are freed from containers, filtered or sieved, passed through magnetic traps to retain foreign objects and metal impurities.

Sugar cookies

The technological process for the production of sugar cookies is carried out on mechanized lines with periodic kneading of dough and on flow-mechanized lines with continuous kneading of dough.

Production of sugar biscuits on mechanized lines with periodic dough kneading. In some small businesses, sugar biscuits are produced on mechanized lines with batch dough kneading.

The flow chart of the batch process for the production of cookies is shown in Fig. 25.

The technological process of preparing sugar cookies by an aperiodic method includes the following operations: weighing raw materials and semi-finished products, loading them into batch kneading machines in a certain sequence, and then mixing until a homogeneous plastic dough is obtained.

In production, raw materials are loaded into the kneading machine in the following order: sugar or powdered sugar, fat; melange, condensed milk, invert sugar (invert syrup), milk or water, salt; chemical leavening agents, flour mixed with starch.

Raw materials without flour, starch and chemical leavening agents are mixed for 3-5 minutes in a kneading machine, then chemical leavening agents dissolved in water at a temperature of 15-20 ° C are added separately, and flour and starch are added last. The duration of kneading the dough depends on the temperature, the properties of the flour, the intensity of the kneading machine and other factors.

The duration of the dough kneading in winter is 20-25 minutes, in summer 15-20 minutes (at a blade speed of 14-20 rpm).

The finished dough should be well mixed, loosely bound, plastic and have a temperature of 19-25 ° C. Avoid "tightening" the dough, as this leads to a deterioration in the structure of the dough and products.

Rice. 25. Technological scheme for the production of sugar cookies on mechanized lines with periodic kneading of dough

The temperature of the water used for mixing is set so that the temperature of the recipe mixture of raw materials is 15-23 ° C. The temperature of the recipe mixture also depends on the temperature of the room where the dough is processed. At room temperatures up to 18 ° C, the temperature of the mixture of raw materials should be about 15 ° C; 18-20 ° С - about 20 ° С; above 20 ° С - about 23 ° С. These conditions must be observed in order for the resulting cuttings to take on the room temperature during stamping. Otherwise, they will differ from the mixture with the dough in structure, which will negatively affect the quality of the products.

The finished dough is formed on a rotary machine, an impact punching machine, on machines such as FPL or manually. When forming the dough by a die-machine or by hand, the dough is pre-rolled on a rolling machine. Forming of the dough by machines of the FPL type is carried out by extrusion through templates with various shapes, and by a rotary machine - by pressing the dough into the grooves of the forming shaft with another corrugated shaft.

The dough pieces are placed on heated and peeled stencils or oven mesh conveyor belts, and then baked and cooled. Chilled cookies are packed in packs, boxes and boxes.

Production of sugar biscuits on a flow-mechanized line with continuous dough kneading. When producing sugar varieties of cookies on a flow-mechanized production line, the dough is kneaded in a continuous way.

Loading of raw materials into the kneading machine is carried out in two streams: in the form of a mixture of flour and starch, which is supplied by one dispenser, and emulsion from the rest of the raw materials (supplied by another dispenser).

Preparation of the emulsion. An emulsion is a system that is uniform in appearance, consisting of two mutually insoluble (or poorly soluble) liquids, delimited by an interface.

The distribution of one insoluble liquid in another is possible only if the intermolecular cohesion forces of both liquids are different.

Emulsions are divided into crushed and concentrated. The former are characterized by a low concentration of fragmented liquid particles (dispersed phase) and can exist without a stabilizing emulsifier introduced into them. The latter are characterized by a significant concentration of the dispersed phase. To obtain strong concentrated emulsions, it is necessary to introduce emulsifiers into them, which reduce the surface tension and form mechanically strong protective layers on the surface of the droplets.

Emulsion for cookies is a multicomponent dispersed system of 8-10 components, the main

Rice. 26. Technological scheme of a flow-mechanized production line

Which are fat, sugar, melange, milk. The need for preliminary preparation of the emulsion is due to the fact that the water (milk) and fat used for kneading are mutually insoluble. Dosing a mixture of these types of raw materials with one dispenser is possible only if a non-segregating mixture of raw materials from insoluble liquids is obtained.

To obtain a strong non-segregating emulsion from two mutually insoluble liquids (for example, water and fat), the presence of a third substance in this system is necessary - an emulsifier, which reduces the surface tension at the interface between the two phases and envelops the particles of the dispersed phase with a thin mechanically strong film, preventing them from sticking together.

The strength of the emulsion depends both on the type and concentration of the emulsifier and on the degree of dispersion of the fat: the higher it is, the more stable the emulsion, all other things being equal.

Most of the cookie recipes include natural emulsifiers (lecithin in egg products, casein in milk), therefore, conditions are created for this group to obtain a sufficiently stable emulsion.

If the recipe does not provide for the use of raw materials containing natural emulsifying substances, or they are present in insufficient quantities, then it is necessary to additionally introduce emulsifiers.

Food phosphatide concentrates and surfactants are commonly used as emulsifiers, including "Whipping Paste".

Rice. 27. Technological scheme for the production of lingering cookies

1 - receiving flour haulage; 2 - burat; 3 - auger; 4 - flour haulage; 5 - bunker;7 - kneading machine; 8 - cart for transportation of dough;9, 11 - rolling machine; 10 - table for curing the dough; 12 - punching and cutting "light type machine;13 - conveyor oven;14 - cooling cabinet15 - transportgrater for transferring cookies to automatic scales;16 - automatic scales;17 - stacker for stacking cookieson the edge, 18 - machine for wrapping cookies in packs

Continuous dough sugar biscuits

The use of emulsions contributes to obtaining the most plastic dough that is easy to form. Cookies baked in emulsion have a clearer stamp imprint, more wetness, more porous and fragile. Thus, the use of an emulsion is necessary not only to carry out a continuous dough kneading process, but also to improve the quality of the biscuits.

The production of sugar cookies on a continuous flow-mechanized line (Fig. 26) includes the following operations: loading raw materials, with the exception of flour and starch, into mixer 7, where a uniform mixture of raw materials is formed, which is treated with emulsifier 2.

The resulting emulsion is pumped into an intermediate tank 3, from where it is fed by a dosing pump to a continuous kneading machine 5. Flour and starch are fed there by a tape dispenser 4, where the dough is kneaded.

The duration of the dough kneading is 14-20 minutes at a mixer shaft rotation frequency of 10-15 rpm.

The optimum moisture content of sugar dough prepared in continuous kneading machines is in the range of 15-17.5%. Higher humidity entails sticking of the dough to the rotor cells of the forming machine and a decrease in its productivity; lower humidity - to a decrease in the plasticity of the dough and the quality of products.

The temperature of the sugar dough should not be higher than 28 ° C, otherwise the quality of dough forming and the quality of finished products deteriorate.

The finished dough is transferred by a belt conveyor 6 to a rotary-forming machine 7, from where the dough pieces are fed to a single-belt oven 8 with a gas outlet system 9. After baking, the cookies are cooled in a preliminary chamber.cooling 10, installed on the belt of the oven, from where the biscuits pass through an inclined tray into the flow distributor 11, where the rows of products are rearranged. Then the biscuits enter the cooling chamber 12, the biscuit is turned on the edge by the stacker 13, and in this form it is fed to the wrapping machines 14. The wrapped packs are transferred by the conveyor 15 to the packaging machine 16.

Lingering cookies

The technological scheme for the production of lingering biscuits is shown in Fig. 27.

The kneading of the protracted dough is carried out in batch kneading machines of various designs, but kneading machines with

Shaped blades.

The dough must be mixed evenly. component parts raw materials in the dough and the course of the main processes aimed at the formation of dough with specified physical properties.

The process of dough formation and its properties is influenced by the order of loading of raw materials. Crystalline raw materials (salt, sugar) must first be dissolved in water or milk. Otherwise, sugar or salt crystals visible to the naked eye will appear on the surface of the products, impairing the appearance and taste of the products.

The introduction of chemical disintegrants together with some types of raw materials (fat, starch, milk, molasses, etc.), which have an acidic reaction, is not allowed, since as a result they may be partially neutralized. Chemical leavening agents are loaded into the kneader after partial addition of flour, preferably dissolved in water. The temperature of the water for dissolving chemical leavening agents should not be higher than 18 ° C; mixing of various leavening agents is not allowed.

It is desirable to load the fat into the kneading machine at a temperature close to the melting point, in a plasticized form. Good results are obtained when kneading the dough on a chilled, saturated with air fat. In this case, the porosity, fragility and wetness of the biscuits increase, and its density decreases.

The following order of loading raw materials into a kneading machine or emulsifier is recommended: invert sugar (invert syrup), water, salt, sugar, melange and other components, except for fat, chemical leavening agents and flour. The mixture is stirred for 5-7 minutes. After that, fat is added and the mixture is mixed again for 6-7 minutes. Then add chemical leavening agents in the form of a solution or in the form of a mixture with a portion of the flour. At the very end, add the rest of the flour. It is better to add flour gradually, in small portions, within 5-7 minutes. In this case, a higher uniformity of the dough is ensured and best quality cookies.

The duration of kneading a protracted dough is 30-50 minutes for biscuits prepared in kneading machines with a shaft speed of 18-25 rpm, and 10-15 minutes with a shaft speed of 80 rpm. The duration of the kneading may vary and depends on the properties of the flour, the speed of kneading, temperature conditions, the introduction of various additives.

The finished dough should be well mixed and have elastoplastic-viscous properties.

The temperature of the dough throughout the entire technological process should be maintained in the range of 38-40 ° C.

The moisture content of the dough for lingering cookies made from premium flour is 22-26% (the lower limit of moisture corresponds to the dough prepared according to recipes with a high sugar and fat content), from flour of the first grade - 25-26%.

In order to speed up the technological process, improve the quality of rolling dough and the quality of biscuits, the progressive technology for the production of lingering biscuits using sodium pyrosulfite developed by VNIIKP has now become widely used. Sodium pyrosulfite N and 2 S 2 O 5 is a chemical additive - an improver, approved for use by the USSR Ministry of Health. It is added at the very end of the dough kneading (2-5 minutes before the end of the kneading) in the amount of 0.025-0.05% to the flour mass and recipe. Before adding, a weighed portion of sodium pyrosulfite is dissolved in water at a temperature of 18-25 ° C and is evenly distributed over the entire surface of the dough by the end of the batch.

When using this improver in the finished product, it is necessary to control the residual content of sulfurous acid. In this case, the mass fraction of sulfurous acid in terms of sulfur oxide (sulfurous anhydride) should not exceed 100 mg / kg.

When using sodium pyrosulfite, the stage of dough aging is eliminated, the rolling scheme is simplified and improved. The finished biscuit has a smooth glossy surface, regular shape, fragile, crumbly structure.

Butter biscuits

Depending on the composition and ratio of raw materials and the type of dough, butter biscuits are subdivided into shortbread, sandy-otzadny, whipped, nut, crackers.

Butter biscuits also include several types of products, the basis of which is a custard semi-finished product made according to the technology of making custard cakes ("Dream", "Chestnuts").

Technological schemes for the production of various groups of butter biscuits differ in the methods of preparation and molding of the dough.

Shortbread cookies ... Shortbread cookies are subdivided into 2 types: shortbread-removable and shortbread-jigging.

Butter biscuits contain a large amount of fat and sugar and are made from plastic dough. Kneading the dough for shortbread sorts of butter biscuits is carried out in universal kneading machines with 1-shaped blades.

Raw materials are loaded into a kneading machine in a certain sequence: powdered sugar, fat, soda and essence - and mixed for 10-15 minutes. Then add successively melange, condensed milk and water and mix again for 5-8 minutes, after which flour and starch are added and the whole mixture is stirred for another 2-4 minutes. The temperature of the dough should be 20-22 ° С, the humidity of the dough should be 16-20%.

With the mechanized molding method, the conditions for kneading the dough are somewhat different: softened butter, powdered sugar, milk, soda and essence are mixed in a kneading machine for 6-7 minutes, then melange and water are added at the working stroke of the machine and mixed for another 2-4 minutes. Flour is added last. Mixing with flour lasts 5 - 8 minutes. These conditions have a favorable effect on the formation of the dough in a rotary way. With the mechanized molding method, the moisture content of the dough is 16.5-17.5%, the temperature is 22-24 ° C.

The dough for shortbread sorts of butter biscuits is molded by rotary machines similarly to molding sugar dough or by hand.

When molding the dough by hand, the finished dough in pieces weighing 7-8 kg is rolled out with a rolling pin on the table by hand * The table and rolling pin are pre-dusted with flour, the piece of dough is kneaded on the table by hand, and then rolled in two directions until a uniform layer with a thickness of 4.5-5 mm is obtained ... You can also roll out the dough on planks. In this case, the dough protruding beyond the edges of the board is cut off.

For some types of cookies ("Vyemnoe", "Petifour with candied fruit", etc.), the surface of the dough is greased with egg grease. In the mechanized molding process, it is applied by means of a grooved roller located in a grease bath, which is captured by the roller and transferred to an intermediate roller mounted above the first roller. A rotating hair brush takes the lubricant from the intermediate roller and lubricates the surface of the dough formed on the web. In the manual molding method, the grease is applied to the surface of the dough with a brush.

The surface of the dough layer during the production of certain sorts of products ("Round", "Sandy with sprinkling", etc.) "greased with melange, sprinkled with crumbs made from the same dough, or fried crushed almonds, or nuts (" Extracted with nut sprinkling ", "Sunrise", etc.) or sprinkled with sugar ("Children's fun"). For other products ("Petifour with candied fruit", etc.), candied fruit are placed on the dough pieces.

Certain types of cookies are finished after baking and cooling.

The most commonly used type of finishing is the coating of the surface of cookies with chocolate, which is carried out by immersing the cookies in a chocolate icing heated to 30-31 ° C and then cooling the products until the chocolate completely solidifies in a refrigerator at a temperature of 8-10 ° C.

Depending on the type of products, the entire surface is glazed with chocolate ("Shortbread, glazed with chocolate"), half of the surface ("Petifour, glazed with chocolate"), or the upper or lower surface of the products ("Dropped, glazed with chocolate", "Sandy-nut") ...

Separate sorts of products ("Shortbread, glazed with chocolate") are sprinkled with chopped nuts before the chocolate hardens, or a pattern in the form of wavy lines is applied using a comb ("Sliced, glazed with chocolate"), others are sandwiched with fruit filling. On the lower surface of the chilled biscuits, the filling is deposited with a syringe bag and covered with non-smeared biscuits, lightly pressing it against the filling for better gluing. Then the biscuits glued with the filling are completely covered with a layer of preheated chocolate ("Shortbread with fruit filling, glazed with chocolate"), and the middle of the surface is sprinkled with crushed nuts until the chocolate hardens.

After baking and cooling, some types of cookies are sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Shortbread cookies contain a significant amount of fat and sugar. It is made from creamy batter.

The technological scheme for the production of sandy-jigging varieties of butter biscuits differs from sandy-removable ones in that all raw materials, with the exception of flour, are knocked down in a certain sequence, and then mixed with flour. The dough is formed on a FAK machine, or a press machine, or using syringe bags.

The dough for shortcrust pastry varieties of butter biscuits is prepared in a kneading machine. The butter with powdered sugar is knocked down for 10-15 minutes, first at a low rotational speed of the blades of the machine, then at a high rotational speed. Then the rest of the raw materials are gradually added and finally the flour. The butter and flour are mixed for 1-4 minutes at a low rotational speed of the machine blades. The moisture content of the dough should be within 15-24%, temperature 19-22 ° C.

With a mechanized molding method, the moisture content of the dough should be 21.5-23%. Lower moisture doughs will not provide optimal forming.

Baking is carried out at an ambient temperature of the baking chamber of 200-250 ° C for 3-8 minutes, depending on the variety.

Whipped butter cookies ... The dough for whipped varieties of butter biscuits is subdivided into whipped-biscuit and protein-whipped. The dough is prepared in a batch-type churning machine with variable blades rotation frequency.

Biscuit-whipped butter cookies contain a significant amount of eggs and egg products and are prepared from a liquid creamy dough consistency.

The dough is prepared as follows. Depending on the type of product, melange with sugar is knocked down and, if provided by the recipe, protein, essence, soda in a beating machine for 10-20 minutes. The knocking down is carried out first at a low rotational speed of the machine rim, and then gradually increasing it. At the same time, the volume of the mass increases by 2.5-3 times. Then add flour and mix the mass for 10-15 seconds at a low frequency of rotation of the machine whisk. If the recipe provides for the use butter, then it is loaded in a melted form into a previously knocked down mass. Then add flour and mix as described above. The finished dough should be evenly mixed, loose. The moisture content of the dough is 25-32% depending on the variety, the temperature is 18-20 ° C.

Another method of preparing the dough is also widespread by separately beating the whites and yolks of eggs with sugar ("Biscuit for chocolate"). In a churning machine, the squirrels are knocked down for 20-30 minutes, first at a low rotational speed of the machine rim, then with a gradual increase. In the process of churning the mass at an increased frequency of rotation of the whisk, about 2.5% of the prescription amount of powdered sugar is added, and at the end of churning, a citric acid solution is added. At the same time, yolks with powdered sugar are knocked down in another whipping machine for 20-30 minutes, after which the finished mass is poured into a container and mixed with flour manually for 20-30 seconds (until the flour is evenly distributed in the mass), half of the whipped protein is added, again mix for 10-15 s, and then add the second half of the protein and mix the whole mixture for the same time. The finished dough should be well knocked down and free from lumps of flour.

The moisture content of the finished dough should be 37-39% * temperature 18-20 ° C.

Protein-whipped butter biscuits are characterized by a significant amount of protein and sugar and are made from well-whipped dough.

The dough for protein-whipped cookies is prepared as follows. In a churning machine for 20-25 minutes, squirrels are knocked down, first at a low, and then at a high frequency of rotation of the corolla. Then add the rest of the raw materials (almonds, candied fruits, flour) and manually mix until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

The humidity of the dough is 29-31%, the temperature is 20-22 ° C.

Whipped types of butter biscuits are formed on FAK machines or manually using syringe bags.

Walnut cookies ... These cookies are characterized by significant amounts of protein, sugar, crushed nuts or almonds.

To prepare the dough, dried, peeled almonds and granulated sugar are mixed with different amounts of protein: with 50% of the protein for cookies "Yuzhnoye", "Almond-chocolate", "Nut", "Vostochnoye", "Glazed stick"; from 70% for cookies "New", "Almond with finishing", etc. or from 80% for cookies "Slavyanskoe", etc.

The dough for macaroons is formed by depositing it with a syringe on sheets lined with paper or greased and dusted with flour.

The deposited dough for many types of cookies ("New", "Yuzhnoye", "Nut", "Slavyanskoye", etc.) is kept in the workshop for 6-8 hours until a crust forms. For some types of products, the surface of the dough is sprinkled with granulated sugar ("Almond-chocolate") and decorated with whole almonds and candied fruit ("Slavyanskoe").

Cookies are baked at an ambient temperature of the baking chamber of 180-220 ° C for 4-10 minutes, depending on the type of products.

After baking, the products are cooled on sheets until hardened and removed with a scraper or poured into production trays. Products baked on sheets lined with paper are separated from it one at a time, having previously moistened the paper with water.

Before cooling, the surface of some types of products is moistened with water ("Almond", "Nut") or sugar syrup ("Slavyanskoe", "Glazed stick"), followed by drying in the workshop. On the surface of other varieties, a filling is deposited with a syringe bag and sprinkled with crumbs ("Almond with a crumb finish") or chopped almonds ("Almond with an almond finish"), and a pattern of chocolate ("Eastern") is applied, followed by keeping the product in a refrigerator until solidification of chocolate.

Muffin croutons ... Muffin croutons also belong to the group of butter cookies and are a type of muffins. They are high in fat, sugar and eggs.

The croutons dough is prepared as follows. Oil and sugar are loaded into the churning machine and knocked down at a low rotation frequency of the machine blades for 10-15 minutes, then at a high rotation frequency they knock down another 10-15 minutes. After that, during the working stroke of the machine, melange is gradually added, the rest of the raw materials and knocked down for another 5 minutes. Lastly, the flour is loaded and mixed at low rotation frequency for 2-3 minutes.

The moisture content of the dough is 24-25%, the temperature is 20-22 ° C.

The dough is formed in different ways, depending on the type of product.

The dough for "Candied Fruit Cupcake" is deposited with a syringe bag on the bottom of the mold, lined with paper. Candied fruits are placed on the surface of the dough in one layer and covered with a layer of dough.

The dough for "Fruit Filled Cupcake" is divided into three parts. One part is tinted in pink color, the other - in a chocolate color, and the third is left unpainted. The dough of each color is gradually spread on sheets lined with paper with a layer thickness of 4-5 mm.

Crackers are baked at an ambient temperature of the baking chamber of 180-220 ° C for 20-25 minutes ("Candied Cupcakes") and

4 min (“Fruit-filled muffins”).

After baking, "Candied fruit muffins" are cooled in molds for 10-12 minutes. Then they are taken out of the mold, cleaned, trimmed with a knife from all sides and cut into two parts. After 6-8 hours, both halves are glazed with chocolate and cooled in a refrigerator until the chocolate hardens. After that, the loaves are cut into slices and stacked in rows in trays, replacing each row with paper.

"Cupcakes with fruit filling" after baking, while still warm, are glued together with the filling. To do this, a layer of filling about 2 mm thick is spread with a knife on a pink-colored cake and covered with a chocolate-colored cake; the latter is again spread with a layer of filling and covered with an unpainted cake. The glued semi-finished product is cut into slices with a knife.

“Cupcakes with fruit filling, glazed with chocolate” are prepared in the same way as unglazed, but first the glued cake is cut into strips and each strip is covered with chocolate on all sides when dipped in chocolate icing heated to 31 ° C.

After the chocolate has solidified in the refrigerator, the strips are cut in the transverse direction into slices and placed in trays, overlapping each row with paper.

Butter crackers. They are high in fat, sugar and eggs, and some varieties contain raisins and almonds.

Kneading the dough for some varieties of products ("Moscow bread", "Almond bread") is as follows. Oil and sugar are loaded into the kneading machine and knocked down at a low rotational speed of the machine blades for 10-15 minutes, after which melange is gradually added, the rest of the raw materials and knocked down for another 5 minutes. In the last turn, the flour is loaded and mixed at a low frequency of rotation of the blades for 2-3 minutes.

For other varieties of products ("Cut", "Vatrushka"), the dough is kneaded as follows. In a kneading machine, mix butter and powdered sugar for 8-10 minutes, add the rest of the raw materials, except flour, and mix the mass for another 4-6 minutes, then add flour last and mix everything for 2-3 minutes.

The finished dough should be evenly mixed, loose. The moisture content of the dough, depending on the variety, ranges from 15-23%, the temperature of the dough is 20-22 ° C.

Dough shaping is carried out in various ways. The dough for products of the "Moscow bread" type is formed as follows. The syringe bag is filled with dough and deposited in paper-lined molds. The surface of the dough is leveled with a spatula. The dough forms are placed on sheets, which are then loaded into the oven.

The dough for products of the type "Almond bread" is formed as follows. A piece of dough is rolled out by hand in the form of a loaf and placed in a rectangular shape. The dough protruding beyond the edges of the mold is cut with a knife. The dough loaves are removed from the molds, placed on boards lined with paper, and cooled in a refrigerator until solidification, after which the loaves are cut on a cutting machine or with a knife in the transverse direction into slices and laid flat on peeled sheets.

The dough for products of the "Cut" type is formed as follows: A piece of dough is rolled out by hand in the form of a bundle, which is then laid out on a sheet lined with paper and cooled in a refrigerator until it hardens. The surface of the chilled loaves is smeared with melange and the loaf is rolled in granulated sugar. Then the loaves are cut on a cutting machine or with a knife in the transverse direction into slices and laid flat on clean, wiped sheets.

When forming dough for products like "Cheesecake", a piece of dough is rolled out by hand in the form of a loaf-rope. The surface of the loaf is moistened with water. At the same time, a 3-4 mm thick piece of dough, tinted with burnt, is rolled out on a table dusted with flour.

The prepared loaf is placed on a rolled dough layer and wrapped. Gradually rolling the dough with your hands, it is shaped into a loaf, which is then laid on a sheet lined with paper and cooled in a refrigerator until it hardens. After cooling, the loaves are cut in the transverse direction into slices and placed on clean, wiped sheets.

All types of products are baked in an oven at an ambient temperature of the baking chamber of 180-230 ° C for 4-7 minutes, and products of the "Moscow bread" type - 25-45 minutes.

All products (except for products of the "Moscow bread" type) are cooled on sheets until solidified and poured into boxes or trays in a thin layer.

Products like "Moscow bread" after baking cool down in molds for 10-15 minutes; when warm, they are taken out of the molds, separated from the paper and placed on boards, on which they are kept for about 16 hours. After that, the loaves are cut into slices on a cutting machine or with a knife. Slices are cut flat, placed on clean sheets and dried at an ambient temperature of the baking chamber 200-230 ChS for 2-3 minutes. Then they are turned over to the other side and dried again for 2 minutes. The finished crispbreads are placed in boxes.

The most popular confectionery purchased by Russians for tea can be safely called biscuits.

The majority of consumers in our country buy it regularly, both spontaneously, grabbing it on the way to the checkout, and planning a purchase in advance, before going to the supermarket.

The production of various types of cookies in our country amounts to more than 900 tons per year, and the market demand not only remains at a high level, but is also growing steadily - by 8-10% annually. Of course, there is a lot of competition here, because the business is profitable.

Moreover, both large confectionery factories and small manufacturers coexist, which in this specific segment can successfully compete for tastes and consumer loyalty. Today, the confectionery niche is almost completely filled, but there is still room for new players, whose products, with a competent approach and high quality, can take their corner on the shelf of a grocery store, and then place on the table of the end consumer. We will try to tell you in this article how to organize our own production of cookies, which will be able to win back a share on the confectionery counter.

Basic steps for setting up a mini cookie shop

Unlike a number of other products, where small companies find it difficult to compete with the giants of the market, in the confectionery business, in particular in the production of biscuits, success can quickly come to small-scale production. The most important thing here is quality, taste, assortment and the presence of the very zest that will attract the attention of the consumer to the product.

Therefore, feel free to count on the fact that your own mini-shop for the production of cookies can easily turn into a successful, profitable and profitable business. However, despite such bright prospects, you will have to work hard to be able to declare yourself with better side... To do this, you first need to draw up a business plan, which will reflect and carefully consider the following points:

  • type and range of products;
  • cookie production technology, stages;
  • equipment (what, in what quantity);
  • premises for organizing a workshop;
  • sales of production products (channels);
  • calculation of costs and expected profits.

All these questions are essential, and it is their correct decision that influences the final result - the quality of the finished biscuits, the availability of demand and, as a result, profit.

We determine the range of our workshop

There are many types of cookies. Depending on the technology, as well as the composition (sugar and fat content), dough can be obtained various properties... Butter biscuits are especially popular, from which a variety of biscuits are made: shortbread, which is sweeter and fatter, and sandy-deposited, less fat and plastic.

As a result, you will have a very wide assortment (sugar, lingering, crackers and biscuits, etc.), which can be further diversified in shape, size, finish, various fillings and additives. You can determine which type of product to offer to consumers by interviewing the buyers themselves and analyzing the market, competitors in your region.

See what others are doing and do something new. Or the old one, but in a new interpretation - with unexpected fillings, combinations, other forms and original presentation. If the consumer notices and appreciates your cookie, then the trump card is in your hands.

Technology and production stages

Regardless of what type of cookie you make and what its recipe is, all the basic steps are almost the same. How are cookies made? The stages of this process can be divided into the following:

  • preparation of raw materials;
  • kneading and shaping the dough;
  • baking and cooling;
  • package.

As a rule, the following ingredients are used to prepare the dough: premium flour, sugar, fats, egg powder, melange, baking powder, flavors and various additives. Depending on the type of product, nuts, dried fruits, poppy seeds and sesame seeds, jams, condensed milk and others can be used. You will determine the need for certain components together with the technologist, developing an assortment and choosing a recipe for each type of cookie.

Stages of making cookies

The cooking process looks like this:

  • all ingredients are weighed and put into the kneading machine in a certain sequence (kneading is carried out within 15 minutes);
  • then egg powder / melange is added, as well as water and, if necessary, condensed milk (stirring continues for about 10 minutes more);
  • at the very end, add syrup, sifted flour, starch (knead for another 5 minutes);
  • the resulting dough is divided into parts, which are rolled into layers - separate portions are cut out of them using special forms or rotary molding machines;
  • cookies are baked in ovens and cooled;
  • if necessary, glaze, an interlayer is applied, various drawings and other decorations are made;
  • cookies are packaged (in portions or in batches, in cardboard boxes, bags, etc.).

In general, this is how cookies are made - the whole process from start to finish. There is nothing complicated in it, and you can master the technology within a few days if you have a good technologist. The specifics of each stage may vary depending on whether it is carried out manually or using special equipment. We will talk about it further.

Equipment required for organizing a mini-workshop

As discussed above, some of the steps for making the cookie (eg molding) can be done manually. This largely determines which equipment for the production of cookies must be purchased and which one can do without. For a mini-shop, it is permissible to include "manual stages" in the process, because the volumes here are not as large as in large factories. However, each workshop should have the following items:

  • flour sifter;
  • dough mixer / mixer;
  • dough machine;
  • rotary / convection oven;
  • refrigeration equipment;
  • machines for packaging.

In addition, a glazing line and other accessories may be required. If possible, it is better to use European rather than Russian equipment for cookies. For example, Italian molding machines are of higher quality and wider functionality, which will expand the range of products and improve their appearance. The right stove is also of great importance.

Search for premises for a mini-workshop

Where your cookie production will be located is also important. The choice of a suitable space should be given as much attention as the purchase of equipment. Since cookies are food products, the various nuances of their production (how, on what, where, in what conditions) are regulated by Rospotrebnadzor. A number of mandatory requirements are imposed on the production workshop:

  • the area should be sufficient to accommodate the entire set of equipment on it, as well as the organization of warehouse and utility rooms (rooms for staff, the office of the director and accountant, shower and toilet);
  • the repair must meet the requirements sanitary regulations(you can find out more about them in the Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance);
  • the premises must comply with fire safety standards;
  • on the territory of the confectionery shop, all communications must be carried out (sewerage, water supply, power supply).

For a shop starting up, you can rent production areas on the territory of a catering enterprise, if there are free ones. In addition, the landlord may have some of the equipment you need. This will help reduce costs at the very beginning, and with a favorable development of business - move to an independent premises.

Sales channels for mini-shop products

As already mentioned, the demand in this segment of the confectionery market is quite high, despite the large number of small and large manufacturers. Therefore, you can safely claim a share in it. It is better to sell the products of your workshop through several channels, which include:

  • wholesale companies selling products to retail companies;
  • grocery chains - regional and federal;
  • HoReCa sphere (supply to cafes and restaurants).

For each of these channels, there can be either a separate assortment of products, or the same (but in different volumes and packaging).

Financial plan for opening a mini-shop for the production of cookies

The initial investment in the organization of our own mini-workshop is mainly related to the purchase of equipment. Good equipment, especially foreign made, is not cheap. However, having once invested a significant amount in a high-quality molding machine, oven and other devices, you can use their power for a long time and reap the result of the work. On average, equipment for a mini-workshop will cost from 500-600 thousand rubles. In addition, the main items of expenditure include:

  • rent (depending on the area) - up to 150 thousand rubles;
  • remuneration of personnel (7-10 people) - up to 150-200 thousand rubles;
  • transportation, utilities and other expenses - up to 100 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of raw materials - depending on the volume of production.

Naturally, the larger the production, the more significant the costs, but also the greater the revenue. V this case we are talking about a small workshop that can produce on average up to 15 tons of biscuits per month. The wholesale price of one ton of products is about 40 thousand rubles, which means that the monthly revenue will reach about 600 thousand rubles. And the net profit will be about 150 thousand after deducting all expenses.

When will it pay off?

The profitability of biscuit production with a favorable outcome is approximately 20-25%. And the initial investment will pay off in less than a year (7-10 months). If the investments are higher, then the payback period may increase to two years, since the cost of equipment for large-scale production reaches several million rubles, which will take much longer to transfer to finished products.


Thus, a mini-workshop for a novice cookie maker with minimal experience is the most preferable. Small-scale production is more flexible, cost effective and much easier in terms of control over maintaining high product quality.

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Small-scale production of cookies as a business is gaining popularity among housewives, but the profitability of such a business of their own is insignificant, so home cooking is more of a hobby with a pleasant material bonus than a business that brings a stable income.

However, there is an opportunity to put baked goods on stream and get more significant profits.

Features of the confectionery business

The main and undeniable advantages of producing cookies as a business:

  • demand for products,
  • long shelf life,
  • independence from seasonality,
  • fast payback.

However, there is a very high level of competition among confectioners, although not only corporations but also small manufacturers work freely in this segment.

The main competitive advantage should be an optimal price / quality ratio, an updated assortment, a certain zest of the product.

Before calculating the required investments, you need to decide what niche you plan to occupy in the confectionery business.

You can stay at the level of home production, or you can develop your business to the level of a mini-workshop.

Home production

Baking cookies in limited quantities can become not only a hobby with a small income, but also, with the right approach, generate significant profits.

To do this, it is necessary, first of all, to show imagination and offer the consumer an original product, from the recipe to the packaging method (for example, making fortune cookies).

In addition, you need to find your own sales market with a permanent consumer.

To develop your business and attract new customers, you can place private ads on Internet resources, create your own blog and use the recommendations of regular customers.

To organize such a small business, there is no need to purchase expensive industrial equipment, it is enough to have ordinary household appliances and a large supply of free time.

Manufacturing facility

With the technological scheme of production, it is necessary to purchase industrial equipment.

Considering that the equipment of technological lines is a rather costly undertaking, it is necessary to choose the equipment with a view to the future.

So, with the correct calculation, you can purchase equipment with a higher performance than required. This will allow increasing the production capacity in the future without resorting to expensive re-equipment.

Own confectionery shop with equipment requires a large area, at least 200 square meters.

When choosing a premise for purchase or lease, it is necessary to assess the availability of all the necessary communications, as well as the possibility of zoning the space for the allocation of change houses and a warehouse.


It is rather difficult to calculate the profit from home production, since it is necessary to take into account a number of individual factors - from the recipe to the options for “supplying” the finished product, the solvency of the end consumer.

The calculation of industrial production is focused on average market prices:

  1. The most costly part that needs to be included in the cost plan is the purchase of equipment, which will cost an average of about 600,000 rubles.
  2. In addition, there will be labor costs for personnel, since even a small workshop will require at least 7 workers. You have to pay about 150,000 rubles a month.
  3. Depending on the production capacity, the cost of purchasing raw materials is calculated.

With a small capacity, up to 15 tons of products per month, sold at a wholesale price (about 50,000 rubles per ton), the proceeds will be about 750 thousand rubles. After deducting expenses, the net profit will be about 250,000 rubles.

The average percentage of profitability of the production of cookies as a business ranges from 20 to 25. Within 10-12 months, with positive estimates, the initial costs will pay off 100%.

Small production (home or small industrial) due to small volumes of products allows us to guarantee the buyer a high level of quality, which will be an additional advantage in a competitive environment.

Regardless of the type of biscuits (whether it be a diet biscuit or rich "nuts"), with a competent business building, you can find "your" buyer.

It is worth noting that small entrepreneurs who consider the production of cookies as a business should not go to large trading floors in order to sell their goods.

This is primarily due to the fact that retail chains use minimal markups, so you will have to significantly reduce the price finished products, which will affect the profitability of your own business.

It is worth selling cookies through retail stores or opening your own point of sale.

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