How to submit information on electricity. Now you can transmit the readings of the electric meter to Mosenergosbyt only with the help of a robot. Operators do not accept data by phone since July

Calculator 17.06.2019

Buying goods over the Internet these days is not uncommon.

But very few people know that you can also pay without leaving your home.

This article will discuss the main mechanisms for transmitting readings from electricity meters and how to pay for it through Internet resources.

The number of subscribers of energy sales organizations is increasing every year, so collecting data from metering devices is becoming increasingly difficult.

To optimize this procedure, electricity providers began to actively use remote methods of collecting information, including via the Internet.

Its main feature   It is that the subscriber himself enters the testimony for the current month and can immediately see his expense for this period. The whole procedure takes no more than a couple of minutes and saves consumers from standing in lines.

It is worth noting that not all energy sales companies   may offer such a service. You should clarify this information at the organization’s office or by calling the hotline.

You can also go to the official website of the company that supplies electricity, and check the presence of the "My Account" section there. After a simple registration, you will have access to the transmission and payment of electricity consumed. The whole procedure takes a little time and is provided to subscribers completely free of charge.


The gaining popularity of this method of transmitting readings is quite explainable. the following reasons:

  • Significant time savings. Now there is no need to stand in line at the cash register or wait for the controller to arrive to take readings of your meter.
  • The ability to track the history of electricity consumption in your meter.
  • Data transfer at any time convenient for you.
  • Online payment of electricity debt.


Like any innovation, this method has a number of disadvantageswhich cannot be ignored:

Ways to send data

For data transmission metering devices use 2 main methods:

  • through the active email inbox.
  • in the "My Account" section on the official website of the energy sales company.

For the first method   The following services are suitable:,,,

To send readings via email, you need to know the exact recipient’s return address. This information can be obtained at the office of the company, on the hotline, or in the receipt for payment of electricity.

The text of the email is required the following data is indicated:

In order to avoid confusion, all transmitted information must be carefully checked. If the sales organization does not receive the data of your metering device in a timely manner, the calculation of the consumed electricity will be carried out according to average standards that are completely disadvantageous to the consumer.

Earlier, the deadlines for providing meter readings were set from 23 to 26 of the current month. Now there are no penalties for a subscriber who did not transmit data on time. But at the same time, the energy sales organization reserves the right, in the absence of information on the amount of electricity consumed for the current period, to independently calculate according to the average statistics of the last six months.

Despite the general availability and ease of working with e-mail, data transfer is more popular. through "My Account". Its main advantage is not only the ability to track the history of the readings of its metering devices, but also the payment of electricity consumed.

Terms of use of "My Account"

Users of the "Personal Account" on the websites of energy retail companies have long been able to appreciate all its advantages.

Now the procedure for entering testimonials and paying for them takes a minimum of time, while all of the subscriber’s personal information is completely protected.

In order to register in the "My Account" section, you can use any method available to the subscriber:

It is recommended to change the password at least 1 time every six months, for security reasons. Indications should be given in advance to avoid unwanted arrears. In case of technical malfunctions or malfunctions, it is necessary to take a screenshot of the screen or receipt for payment for a substantive appeal to the company office.

Features of this system

In addition to transmitting information on electricity consumed, “My Account” performs a number of important functions:

  • Allows you to track the status of the account, which indicates the date and amount of the last payment, the current tariff, the amount of debt.
  • Opportunity through a convenient payment system (Visa, MasterCard, World, etc.) and print a check.
  • Monthly power consumption tracking.
  • Feedback is provided to resolve all issues raised by subscribers.

Consumers no longer need to sit with calculators to calculate the amount payable. Everything is considered automatically when entering the last meter readings. The personal data of the subscriber, including the details of bank cards used for payment, are protected.

It is worth noting that energy retail companies are very interested in transferring their customers to remote settlement, as this significantly saves not only customers time, but also company expenses. For this, different incentive systems may be offered in different regions, up to and including giving gifts to responsible subscribers.

In order to choose the most convenient way for you to transfer testimonies and pay them, it is recommended to contact the office of the energy sales organization that serves you to obtain all the necessary information.

An example of the operation of such a system in the Krasnoyarsk Territory is considered in the following video:

Light / Meters and electricity metering

From July 15, 2017, Mosenergosbyt completely switched to automated system   receiving readings of electricity metering devices by phone using the technology of intelligent speech recognition IVR. Acceptance of testimonies through the Contact Center operators is no longer carried out, the company said.

Now, in order to transmit the readings of electricity meters by telephone of the Contact Center, in the voice menu after the question “What interests you?” you must say the word "INDICATIONS" and then follow the voice instructions. The personal account number and meter readings should be dictated strictly by one digit. If the phone number from which the client is calling is stored in the Mosenergosbyt PJSC customer base as a contact, the system automatically identifies the caller and immediately proceeds to the second step - confirmation of the address. Also, the contact phone number can be confirmed after the session.

In the first half of 2017, 1,425,435 clients used the IVR service, including 823,304 clients who gave the readings of electric meters, 585,958 - they learned the status of their personal account, 14,493 - listened to tariff information, and 1,680 - found out the location of the necessary client office.

“Transferring the testimony in automatic mode will significantly relieve the Contact Center of the company and will enable customers, when the telephone line is quite heavily loaded, to contact the Contact Center operator and solve a number of other important issues on their personal account. Today, through the IVR system, we unmistakably recognize our customers, since the integration of the system with the database allows us to identify each client by phone number, eliminating the need for data entry, which means that the risk of error is minimal, ”said Sergey Kuregyan, development director of PJSC“ Mosenergosbyt. "

How else can I transmit the readings of the electricity meter Mosenergosbyt»?

Mosenergosbyt recalls that it is necessary to transmit the readings of individual electric meters to generate correct bills for actually consumed electricity every month from the 15th to the 26th. In addition to calling the contact center, Mosenergosbyt PJSC customers can still use any other convenient way of transmitting readings:

  • in the personal account of the client - LKK-MES.RF;
  • through a mobile application for devices on the platforms iOS, Android and Windows Phone;
  • by telephone a special round-the-clock free telephone line - 8-800-55-000-55;
  • through the testimony transfer terminals in the client offices of PJSC Mosenergosbyt, MFC (for residents of Moscow), LLC MosObleIIRTS (for residents of the Moscow Region).

How does the new voice system for receiving electricity meter readings work?

IVR is a high-tech intelligent voice self-service system based on modern Russian speech synthesis and recognition technologies. This system allows PJSC Mosenergosbyt customers not only to transmit readings of electricity metering devices around the clock, but also to pay for electricity, find out the current tariff, personal account status, apply for the necessary services for the replacement / installation of metering devices and much more.

To receive other services automatically when calling the Contact Center in the voice menu, after the question “What interests you?”, You need to say:

  • "TARIFF" - to find out the current tariff;
  • "BALANCE" - to find out the status of the account or the date of the last payment;
  • “PAYMENT” - for making payments through the operator of the Contact Center;
  • “OFFICE” - to find out the address of the nearest office;
  • "ADDITIONAL   SERVICES ”- to obtain information about paid services provided by Mosenergosbyt PJSC, or to fill out an application for installing / replacing an electric meter, installing / replacing a water flow meter, installing air conditioners, windows, or ordering electrical work;
  • “OPERATOR” - when the issue cannot be resolved automatically and operator assistance is needed.

Light / Meters and electricity metering

From September 1, Mosenergosbyt requires every month the transmission of electricity meter data from the 23rd to the 26th day inclusively. Data can be transmitted in three ways. tested the data transfer through the "My Account".

Transmission of electricity meter data to Mosenergosbyt. Three options

In the letters sent to subscribers, it is proposed to enter data in three ways:

  • by telephone "Mosenergosbyt" (contact center 8-800-55-000-55, 8-495-981-981-9)
  • put the testimony in a box in the office of Mosenergosbyt
  • transfer through "My Account" on the site of "Mosenergosbyt"

How to transfer meter readings through your account on the Mosenergosbyt website

Only registered users can use the “Personal Account” on the Mosenergosbyt website. When registering, you will be required to provide the following information:

  • your counter number. You can see it on the meter itself or in the corrective notice that Mosenergosbyt sends out every six months)
  • number of your personal account. It is indicated on the paychecks.

Having registered, you will be able to select the function "Transfer meter readings" in the "My Account". It is active only four days a month - from 23 to 26, inclusive. On the remaining days of the month this function is not available, when you click on the corresponding “button” the text “Entering meter readings is possible from 23 to 26 of the month!” Is displayed.

If you use the function at the “right” time, then when you select the “Transmit meter reading” function, a form will open where you can enter the current performance of your electric meter. If this is the first time you enter your meter data through the Mosenergosbyt Personal Account, be prepared for the fact that the system can give you a large debt to pay for electricity.

This can happen if the calculated figures (calculated by your average monthly consumption) turn out to be higher than the actual counter data you entered. According to Mosenergosbyt’s employees, they don’t need to be afraid of these numbers - with the end of the billing period (that is, with the beginning of a new month), the system will recalculate your debt, and after the 1st of the next month you will see the real amount, which will be indicated in payment receipt sent to you.

Transmitting meter data to Mosenergosbyt. What will happen if you do not provide data?

On September 1, 2012, the new rules for providing public services to citizens came into force, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 “On the provision of public services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings”.

Among other things, the new rules relate to the accounting and payment of electricity. Now consumers are obliged to take readings of individual metering devices from the 23rd to the 25th day of the current month and transfer them to the utility provider (i.e. Mosenergosbyt) no later than the 26th day of the current month.

In case of failure to provide information, as well as in case of failure or loss of the meter, the calculation of the fee for 3 months is based on the average monthly consumption for the past period.

After 3 months, the size of the fee is determined on the basis of the norm of consumption (approved by the authorities of the Federation). If information on the consumption of electricity from the consumer is not received, the calculation is also made according to the standard.

The contractor must at least 1 time per year, but not more than 1 time in 3 months (earlier - not more than 1 time in 6 months) to check the status of individual metering devices, as well as control readings at least once a year and not more than once every 3 months.

Consumers who do not have metering devices are obliged to inform the utility contractor about a change in the number of citizens living (including temporarily) in the room, no later than 5 working days from the day the changes occurred.

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