International Blood Donor Day. National donor day in russia. How and where can you donate blood

Lime 13.12.2020

World Blood Donor Day 14 June is a special day celebrated in honor of donated blood donors.

We sincerely congratulate all those who decided on such a noble cause and gave hope to people in need by donating their blood on Donor Day! Honors and deep respect for you for not being indifferent to other people's troubles and donating a part of yourself for the benefit of medicine and the healing of many human lives!

We invite everyone to donate blood on this day at the blood transfusion station.

In May 2005, during the World Health Assembly, ministers of health around the world unanimously adopted a statement of commitment and support for voluntary blood donation. In resolution WHA58.13, they decided to hold World Blood Donor Day every year on June 14, the date of which was timed to coincide with the birthday of Karl Landsteiner (1868-1943), an Austrian doctor and immunologist, Nobel laureate who discovered blood groups in humans ...

World Blood Donor Day is a special day celebrated in honor of donated blood donors. The objectives of this event are to raise awareness of the need for safe blood and its products and, of course, to express gratitude to donors who voluntarily and gratis donate their blood to save human lives.

193 UN member states, 181 National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, 50 voluntary donor organizations and numerous blood transfusion specialists from all over the world take part in the Day's events.

Every second all over the world, people of all ages and backgrounds have a need for blood transfusions for health reasons. And transfusion of blood and blood products saves millions of lives every year. Although the need for blood is universal, access to it for those who need it is unfortunately not universal. The shortage of blood is especially acute in developing countries, where the majority of the world's population lives.

Approximately 108 million blood donations are registered worldwide every year, about half of which are in high-income countries, where 15% of the world's population lives. That is, 62 countries provide 100% of their blood supply through voluntary, non-remunerated donors. And today, an adequate and reliable blood supply can only be secured through regular, voluntary and unpaid blood donation around the world. In addition, these donors are the safest group of donors, as they have the lowest prevalence of blood-borne infections.

2017 is dedicated to the topic: “Donate blood. Turn it in now. Donate often ”to highlight the role that individuals donating blood can play in helping others in emergencies, and how important regular blood donations are to ensure an adequate blood supply.

Today we will tell you about Donor Day when and how it is celebrated in the Russian Federation and around the world. Also from the presented article you will know why it was installed and to whom it is dedicated.

General information about Donor Day

Blood Donor Day is one of the social holidays, which is not only national, but also international. According to the founders, this event is primarily dedicated to the donors themselves. On such a day, they congratulate and thank people who donated blood for a long time or once to save the life or health of completely unfamiliar patients. In addition, this holiday is dedicated to doctors who carry out blood sampling, as well as other medical workers who develop all kinds of methods, carefully examine the material being handed over, control the operation of equipment and the sanitary condition of transfusion centers.

Donor Day in Russia

Every year on April 20 one of the most important social holidays is celebrated in the Russian Federation. Its name reads as follows - National Donor Day.

For uninitiated people, it is very interesting why this particular number was chosen for such a holiday? As you know, the reason for its establishment was a rather humane event. The fact is that in 1832, on April 20, a young obstetrician from St. Petersburg, Wolf Andrei Martynovich, for the first time performed a successful blood transfusion of one of the women in labor with obstetric bleeding. Thanks to the competent work and professionalism of the doctor, the woman's life was saved. It should be noted that the patient's husband became the donor of the blood used during the operation.

Some statistics about blood donation

Donor Day was established for a reason. Every year in our country more than one and a half million people are in dire need of blood transfusions. According to experts, about 200 liters of donor material are required daily in the capital of the Russian Federation. By the way, more than 35% of blood for transfusion in Moscow and the Moscow region comes from other regions of our country.

According to statistics, since the late 1990s, the urgent need for it has increased several dozen times. This is due to the fact that it was from this time that various (terrorist acts, earthquakes, etc.) began to appear more and more often. This situation in the country has contributed to the fact that the number of donors has also significantly increased (by about 17 times).

What is donated blood for?

Donor Day was established not only to thank those who are directly involved in the processing of the material, but also to remind people again how sick people urgently need their blood.

It should be noted that not everyone knows what donation is generally needed for. The fact is that blood and its components are needed, firstly, for patients with severe oncohematological diseases. By the way, among such patients, there is a fairly large percentage of young and older children.

Secondly, donated blood is extremely necessary for those people who have been involved in a serious road traffic accident.

Thirdly, the material is in dire need of women after childbirth and patients of various specialties associated with a high risk to life and health.

Are there supplies of donated blood? We find out together

Donor Day was established after several tragic events. After all, it was airports and aircraft crashes that showed that a huge number of patients who were in a difficult situation needed donor blood. As practice shows, there are a lot of sympathizers and those willing to help the victims in our country.

According to experts, in case of an emergency there is a strategic supply of donated blood in Russia. This is a store of red blood cells, which are deeply frozen. The number of strategic dosages is approximately 3500-5000 units. In addition, about 35 tons of fresh frozen plasma are stored in special centers.

Features of the national holiday

Events dedicated to the National Donor Day are officially held in all Russian regions on April 20. On this day, questions are raised about the problems of donation in the Russian Federation, as well as an exchange of experience.

It should be noted that the most important problem today is a noticeable reduction in the number of donors. That is why, over the past few years, various activities have been actively carried out that help revive the donor movement in Russia. Thus, a federal program for the development of the blood service was developed.

Donation Law

In 2013, on January 21, the law “On the donation of blood and its components” came into force. According to it, free blood donation is encouraged in the Russian Federation. The reward is that volunteers are given the opportunity to dine for free. However, for deficient blood groups, the fee is still preserved. Moreover, the Ministry of Health issued an order that allows a citizen submitting his material to write an application and receive money instead of hot meals.

By the way, under the same law, the list of benefits that had previously been provided to donors was reduced. However, such changes did not affect the Honorary Volunteers.

Who are the Honorary Donors of the Russian Federation?

Honorary donors in our country are those people who have donated blood and its components at least 40 times in their entire life, or donated plasma at least 60 times.

In addition to the usual badge "Honorary Donor", such volunteers are encouraged by annual leave at a convenient time for them (according to the TKRF), receiving medical care out of turn in government agencies and the right to purchase vouchers to any Russian sanatorium at the place of study or work.

It should also be noted that the annual payments intended for honorary donors have increased by about 1.5 times. Now this amount is approximately 9,959 Russian rubles. At the same time, donor payments will be indexed every year according to inflation.

World donor day

As mentioned above, donor day is not only national, but also international. So, in May 2005, during the 58th session of the World Health Assembly, which was held in Geneva, the date of the social holiday was approved - June 14. Donor Day is celebrated all over the world at this time. The named number was not chosen for nothing, because it was on this day in 1868 that the Austrian immunologist and doctor Karl Landsteiner was born. In 1930 he received the Nobel Prize for such an important discovery as a person.

Features of the international holiday

As well as the national, International Donor Day is celebrated quite actively. So, every year on June 14, millions of people come together to hold events that call on the world's population to help each other in difficult situations.

In all large and small cities of the Russian Federation and the world, press conferences, actions and exhibitions are held in which medical workers, honorary donors, representatives of the authorities (the public), and the media take an active part. As a rule, such events are aimed at highlighting the existing problems and tasks of donation. During press conferences and other meetings, it is decided how to improve the work of the donation centers, as well as how exactly to encourage people to donate blood.

It should be especially noted that on this day, medical stations and centers are open to all comers. Statistics show that on June 14, the collection points accept an incredible number of volunteers. Each of them strives to contribute to the development of donation around the world. Thanks to such people, millions of lives are saved every year.

Every second on our planet, people of different ages and nationalities require a blood transfusion for medical purposes. Donation annually saves thousands of people from death and helps restore health. In order to express respect for such people who voluntarily donate their blood, as well as to invite new participants to their movement, an international holiday was created. Thanks to World Blood Donor Day, there are more noble opponents in the world every year, as well as the number of people saved.

The availability of donors is especially important for countries with a population of more than 10 percent of the world. To date, it is possible to make supplies of donated blood only if everyone who wants to do it regularly (without harm to their health) and free of charge.


At the annual international congress of ministers of health of all countries of the world in 2005, it was decided to create a World Blood Donor Day. The very idea of \u200b\u200bestablishing a holiday was put forward by such organizations:

  1. National Health Organization.
  2. Federation of the Red Cross and Crescent.
  3. Federation of Blood Donor Organization.
  4. Blood Transfusion Community.

The date of the celebration was not chosen by chance; voters relied on historical data. The holiday is determined on the day in the calendar when the great doctor was born - Karl Landsteiner, an Austrian by birth. It was he who in the 30th year of the last century was awarded the Nobel Prize for the discovery of the phenomenon - human blood group.

The purpose of the holiday is to educate the public about blood diseases, their development and consequences. Every year the holiday takes on a pre-agreed theme.


By tradition, this day is celebrated:

  1. Patients with blood diseases.
  2. Donors.
  3. Doctors of specialized specializations.
  4. Students and teachers.
  5. Organizers of charity events.

Regional and international congresses of specialists are organized, educational lectures are given. In crowded places (shopping centers, squares), charity events are held, the proceeds from which are sent to help the sick.

Permanent donors are given gratitude in the form of a certificate or diploma. Mass media broadcast about diseases of the hematopoietic system, methods of their treatment. Professionals give advice on how to preserve their health.

World Blood Donor Day is celebrated annually on June 14 in different countries of the world. Today, according to statistics, blood transfusion is carried out for every third inhabitant on the planet.

The issue of lack of donor blood is becoming more acute every year - people get injured, get into accidents. But anyone can donate blood in order to save the life of another person.

In May 2005, during the World Health Assembly, ministers of health around the world unanimously adopted a statement of commitment and support for voluntary blood donation. In resolution WHA58.13, they decided to hold World Blood Donor Day on 14 June each year, the date of which is timed to coincide with the birthday of Karl Landsteiner (1868-1943), an Austrian doctor and immunologist, Nobel laureate who discovered blood types in humans.

World Blood Donor Day is a special day celebrated in honor of donated blood donors. The objectives of this event are to raise awareness of the need for safe blood and its products and, of course, to express gratitude to donors who voluntarily and gratis donate their blood to save human lives.

World Blood Donor Day is coordinated by the World Health Organization

The day is coordinated by the World Health Organization, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, the International Society of Blood Transfusion and the International Federation of Blood Donor Organizations.

193 UN member states, 181 National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, 50 voluntary donor organizations and numerous blood transfusion specialists from all over the world take part in the Day's events.

World Blood Donor Day is a special day

Blood transfusion is an essential component of emergency medical care. In emergencies, the need for blood transfusion increases and its implementation becomes more difficult. Well-organized blood services are needed to build up an adequate supply of donated blood for emergencies.

About 112 million blood donations are registered worldwide every year, about half of which are in high-income countries, where 15% of the world's population lives. That is, 62 countries provide 100% of their blood supply through voluntary, non-remunerated donors. And today, an adequate and reliable blood supply can only be secured through regular, voluntary and unpaid blood donation around the world.

Preparing to donate blood

On the eve, you can not drink alcohol and drugs, it is also advisable to sleep and not smoke. The blood collection procedure itself is completely painless and even useful, as it stimulates the body to reproduce blood and its components.

It turns out that the procedure is quite simple and only takes a few minutes. After the donor is in a comfortable chair, a disposable needle is inserted into his vein. After a few minutes, the nurse will apply a pressure bandage.

This year, on June 14, the world will again celebrate World Blood Donor Day. Therefore, on this day, we express our gratitude to the people who voluntarily and free of charge donate blood necessary to save human lives, and raise awareness of the need for regular blood donation in order to ensure that all individuals and communities have timely access to affordable supplies of safe blood and products. quality-assured blood, an integral part of universal health coverage and a key component of effective health systems.

Transfusion of blood and blood products saves millions of lives every year. Blood and blood products are essential for the proper treatment of women in whom pregnancy or childbirth is complicated by the development of bleeding; children with severe anemia associated with malaria or malnutrition; patients with blood and bone marrow diseases, hereditary hemoglobin anomalies and immunodeficiency conditions; victims of injuries, emergencies, disasters and accidents; as well as patients undergoing complex medical and surgical interventions.

While the need for transfusion of blood and blood products is universal, there is a marked difference in the level of access to safe blood and blood products between and within countries. In many countries, blood services face challenges in ensuring an adequate supply of quality and safe blood and blood products.

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