Tsesarevich Georgy Mikhailovich Romanov in contact. What is known about the life of the heir to the imperial house, Grand Duke Georgy Romanov. "I learned the Russian economy in the mine"

Hand tools 29.03.2021
Hand tools

In a bunch of all the photos and information about George, Nikolai's brother, with subsequent replenishment and further analysis.
(In short, a very dark story with him.)

Georgy Alexandrovich 1871, Tsarskoye Selo - June 28, 1899 near Abastumani, Tiflis province) - His Imperial Highness, Tsarevich and Grand Duke, third son Alexander III and Maria Feodorovna, brother of Nicholas II.

As a child, George was healthier and stronger than his older brother Nikolai. He grew up a tall, handsome, cheerful child. Despite the fact that George was his mother's favorite, he, like other brothers, was brought up in Spartan conditions. The children slept on army beds, got up at 6 o'clock and took a cold bath. For breakfast, they were usually served porridge and black bread; for lunch, lamb cutlets and roast beef with peas and baked potatoes. The children had at their disposal a living room, a dining room, a playroom and a bedroom furnished with the simplest furniture. Rich was only an icon, decorated precious stones and pearls. The family lived mainly in the Gatchina Palace.

George, Xenia, Mikhail, Tsarevich Nikolai at the skating rink.

Emperor Alexander III and Empress Maria Feodorovna with their son George on board the yacht. 1892

By decision of his parents in 1890, George, along with his older brother, went on a trip abroad, the end point of which was to be Japan. Maria Fedorovna hoped that the sun and sea air would do her son good. However, about halfway, in Bombay, George had a seizure, and he was forced to return. Nicholas continued his journey without his brother.

Armored cruiser "Memory of Azov" and semi-armored frigate "Vladimir Monomakh"
in Piraeus, late 1880s or early 1890s

His Imperial Highness the heir Tsarevich Nicholas, Prince George of Greece, and Grand Duke Georgy Alexandrovich with officers of the frigate "Memory of Azov"

Afternoon rest of the highest persons on the frigate "Memory of Azov" (Tsesarevich, Prince George of Greece, Grand Duke George Alexandrovich)

In 1894, Alexander III died unexpectedly. Nicholas became emperor. Since he had no children yet, George was declared the heir to the crown prince.
However, the state of George's health remained poor, it was decided to send him to Abasturman.

That is how, at different times, a small village was called, hiding in the forests of the Meskheti Mountains of Georgia.

It is known for its unique climate, life-giving springs, beautiful nature and exquisite architecture. In ancient times, the fortress of Odzrkhe towered on this place. In the Middle Ages, busy caravan routes ran through the gorge of the Otskhe River, which retained the name of the fortress. In 1829, under the name of Abbas-Tuman, the village passes from the Ottoman Empire to the Russian. From this period, it gradually turns into a fairly well-known balneological resort.
Life in Abastumani changed dramatically when he was chosen to live in it by Grand Duke George Alexandrovich. Various places for treatment were considered, but the sad experience of the Grand Duke's stay in Algeria led to the fact that Abastuman was still given preference.

Probably, the opinion of the Grand Duke, Viceroy in the Caucasus, Mikhail Nikolayevich, played a significant role in this. Having lived for many years in the Caucasus, knowing and loving him well, he was a fierce admirer of everything Caucasian.

Grand Duke Mikhail Nikolaevich

The life of Grand Duke Georgy Alexandrovich in Abastumani consisted of medical procedures, trips around the neighborhood in the summer, and studies. .The constant companion of Prince Georgy Alexandrovich was Grand Duke Georgy Mikhailovich (Gigo), a connoisseur of history, born in Georgia, in Tiflis, who was interested in these places and knew them well. These places are full of ancient ruins, monuments of antiquity of distant times.

Grand Duke Georgy Alexandrovich and Grand Duke Nikolai Mikhailovich

Photo taken during a masquerade in the palace of the Grand Duke. He himself sits in front in a white Circassian coat. Behind him, presumably, Princess Nizharadze, in the center in the Armenian national costume A.Kalamkarov, the wife of the Abastuman postal director. The photo belonged to Victoria Iskandarova and was posted on the Internet.

Death and burial
On Monday, June 28, the Heir Tsesarevich, having ordered a tricycle with a gasoline engine, walked in the palace garden, examining the flower plantations. At 9 o'clock in the morning, His Imperial Highness deigned to sit on a tricycle and take a walk along the highway, in the direction of the Zekar Pass. The weather was good, with little wind. The heir to the Tsarevich was driving very fast (His Highness's tricycle speeds up to 35 miles per hour).
On such a motorcycle, the Tsarevich took a walk on the last day of his life.

Behind the palace of the Grand Dukes George and Alexander Mikhailovich, noticing in front of him a cart slowly moving from Abas-Tuman to the estate of Count Olsufyev with a milkmaid Anna Dasoeva, Anna Filippovna Dosaeva (Dasoeva). She lived all her life in Abastumani and was buried in the Abastumani cemetery.

The heir to the Tsesarevich deigned to give a signal, and Dasoeva's worker, the boy Afanasy Semenikhin, immediately turned the cart away from the road, freeing the latter for the passage of the Grand Duke. To the greetings of those on the cart, His Imperial Highness, smiling graciously, deigned to answer with a bow, quickly continuing his journey. After this meeting, Dasoeva's cart drove all the time along the edge of the highway, leaving the road for the free return passage of the Tsesarevich. According to Anna Filippovna Dasoeva, not even ten minutes had passed after the described meeting, when she saw that His Imperial Highness, while returning on a bicycle, deigned to reduce the speed of the car and spit thick blood what was at 35?. Fathoms from the place where the cross is now hoisted, and along what length a detour has now been laid. Dasoeva, noticing this and the bloody tunic on the Heir to the Tsarevich, immediately sent Semenikhin to the palace of His Highness for help, while she herself, running up to the Grand Duke, supported the Tsarevich and asked: - What is the matter with you, Your Highness?
“Nothing,” answered the Tsarevich in a weak voice, and at that time His Highness’s legs buckled Dasoev quietly and carefully lowered the August Sick to the ground, on his side, placing the Tsarevich’s head on a stone elevation, and she herself, grabbing an empty jug of milk, ran to a river flowing about 3 sazhens from this place. Having scooped up water, she hurriedly began to refresh the head and mouth of the Suffering Tsesarevich with water, cleansing His lips from dried blood. At the proposal of Anna Dasoeva to drink water, the Heir Tsarevich, directing a wide-open gaze at the woman, quietly nodded his head and with a weakened movement of his hand expressed his consent to this; but His Highness, due to a severe hemorrhage of the throat, could not take water. Here Dasoeva noticed, to her horror, that spots began to appear on the face of the Most August Sick, which did not portend a prosperous end. At 9:35 a.m. His Imperial Highness the Heir Tsesarevich and Grand Duke George Alexandrovich quietly, without suffering, rested in Bose. From the moment the Grand Duke stopped the tricycle and got off it, until the death of His Highness, no more than five minutes passed. Anna Dasoeva, still hoping for the possibility of saving His Highness, but convinced of her impotence, left the Tsarevich in place and started running to the Cossack to the post, located on this side of the palace of the Grand Dukes George and Alexander Mikhailovich, to let them know about the sad event. On the way, accidentally meeting some Muslim boy, and then walking along the highway, Lieutenant of the Mingrelian Grenadier Regiment Kasimov, Dasoeva hastily informed them, sobbing, about the misfortune with the Heir to the Tsarevich and, directing them to the crash site, she herself continued on her way to the Cossacks.
According to Dasoeva, the Cossacks immediately jumped on their saddles and galloped to the crash site and the palace of His Highness. In the meantime, Semenikhin managed to report the misfortune, and the doctor of the Heir to the Tsarevich, the life physician Aikanov, and the persons of His Highness's retinue raced from the palace in carriages. The body of the deceased Tsesarevich in Bose was transported to the palace, and in the place stained with the blood of His Highness, a tent was temporarily set up and guards were assigned. The next day, June 29, at 10 a.m., an autopsy of the body of the deceased Tsesarevich and embalming took place in Bose, carried out by the senior intern of the Semenov hospital in St. Petersburg, Biruley, who was temporarily on the waters, in the presence of the Tiflis governor I. Commandant Major General Rylsky, Medical Officer Aikanov, Prosecutor E. N. Nimander, Chief Physician of the local hospital Gopadze, doctors Tekutiev, Voskresensky, Maksimovich, and others. An autopsy established that the death of the Heir to the Tsarevich followed from a sudden rupture of a pulmonary vessel and severe hemorrhage in the throat. The embalming of the body of the Heir to the Tsesarevich ended at 8-30. evenings.

Local residents during a memorial service at the place of death of Grand Duke George Alexandrovich. July 6, 1899

Transferring the body of Grand Duke George Alexandrovich from the palace to the Alexander Nevsky Church

His burial was performed according to the Highest approved ceremonial, the remains were delivered to Borjomi in a chariot, then by train railway to Batum, then on the squadron battleship "George the Victorious" to Novorossiysk, from where by train to St. Petersburg, where the coffin with his body arrived on July 12 and was placed in the Peter and Paul Cathedral. The funeral service on July 14 was led by Metropolitan Anthony (Vadkovsky) of St. Petersburg, the emperor and empress were present; buried in the Peter and Paul Cathedral next to the sarcophagus of his father.

Georgy Mikhailovich Romanov (born 1981)


Great-great-great-grandson of Alexander II by mother Maria Romanova. The great-grandfather of Georgy Mikhailovich, cousin of Nicholas II Kirill Vladimirovich, in 1924 proclaimed himself emperor in exile. Georgy Romanov's father is Franz Wilhelm Hohenzollern, that is, Georgy Mikhailovich is also the great-great-grandson of the last German emperor Wilhelm II.

What does

Born in Madrid, studied at Oxford, worked in Luxembourg at the European Commission, from 2008 to 2014 he worked at Norilsk Nickel - first as an adviser to the CEO, then as head of the European division. The theoretical crown prince was engaged in lobbying - he sought to exclude nickel from the list of hazardous substances. Now Georgy Romanov has opened his own PR agency that will promote the interests of Russian companies in Europe.

Virtual Regent

Nikolai Kirillovich Romanov (born 1952)


Great-great-great-grandson of Alexander II, like Georgy Romanov. By birth Karl Emich Nikolaus Friedrich Hermann, Prince of Leiningen. In 2013, he converted to Orthodoxy and since then, from a legal point of view, he can claim the throne.

What does

A resident of the federal state of Bavaria, Nikolai Kirillovich, as a contender for the Russian throne, is the project of the former chief PR manager of the SPS party and State Duma deputy of the 4th convocation, Anton Bakov. Some time ago, Bakov registered the Monarchist Party, and also created a virtual state the Russian Empire, claiming several atolls in the Pacific Ocean. And Nikolai Kirillovich is the regent of the virtual empire.

Bakov also created the "Imperial Palace Fund", in which Nikolai Kirillovich works as an observer. Among the fund's projects is the creation near Yekaterinburg - of course, with the permission of the authorities - a monarchical mini-state to attract tourists. Apparently, Nikolai Kirillovich will be the main attraction there.

Film actress grandfather

Nikolai Romanovich Romanov (born 1922)


Great-great-grandson of Nicholas I, great-grandson of the son of Nicholas I Nikolai Nikolaevich Sr. His grandfather's brother, Nikolai Nikolaevich Jr., was the oldest of the surviving Romanovs in the 1920s. Then Nikolai Nikolaevich rejected all claims of Kirill Vladimirovich to the throne. Since then, the Nikolayevichs have been at odds with the Kirillovichs. Nikolai Romanovich heads the organization "Association of members of the Romanov clan", he himself does not claim the throne, although he could have been a direct heir in the male line. But he does not support the claims of the Kirillovichs either.

What does

Born in France, since 1936 he lived in Italy, the Nazis wanted to make him the king of occupied Montenegro, but he refused. He lived in the USA, Egypt and Italy, was engaged in winemaking, wrote books on the history of the fleet. The father of three daughters, his eldest granddaughter is the beautiful but not very famous Italian actress Nicoletta Romanoff.

Prince businessman

Alexey Andreevich Romanov (born in 1953)


Great-great-great-grandson of Nicholas I. From the Mikhailovich branch: Alexei Andreevich is a descendant of the fourth son of Nicholas I, Mikhail Nikolaevich, the governor of the Caucasus at the very end of the Caucasian War. He does not consider himself heir to the throne, he does not support the claims of the Kirillovichs.

What does

Born in San Francisco, studied at Berkeley, owns his own photography company, lives in Oakland, California.


Grand Duke of Russia, Prince of Prussia, heir to the Russian throne. Advisor to the General Director of OJSC Norilsk Nickel Member of the Board of the Nickel Institute

Born March 13, 1981 in Madrid. A son Franz Wilhelm Hohenzollern, Prince of Prussia (son of Prince Karl Franz Josef of Prussia, grandson of Prince Joachim of Prussia) and Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna Romanova. Parents divorced in 1986. According to his father, he is a direct descendant (great-great-grandson) of the German Emperor Wilhelm II, who was deposed in 1918. On the mother's side - the grandson of the Grand Duke Vladimir Kirillovich (1917-1992), the great-grandson of the Grand Duke and since 1924 the Emperor in exile Kirill I Vladimirovich (1876-1938) - the cousin of Nicholas II; great-great-great-grandson of the Russian Emperor Alexander II. Through her great-grandmother, the English princess Victoria-Melita (aka Grand Duchess Victoria Feodorovna) is a direct descendant of the English Queen Victoria.

Studied at primary school in Saint-Briac (France), then at St. Stanislaus College in Paris. Since 1988 he has been living in Madrid, where he attended an English school for the children of diplomats. Graduated from Oxford University.

Maria Vladimirovna has repeatedly stated that George's education will be continued in Russia. In late 1996 - early 1997, in funds mass media there were reports that George would return to his homeland as early as 1997, but this did not happen.

He first came to Russia at the end of April 1992, accompanying his family to St. Petersburg with the coffin with the body of his grandfather, Grand Duke Vladimir Kirillovich. He visited Russia for the second time in May-June 1992 to take part in the transfer of his grandfather's body from the Alexander Nevsky Lavra to the Grand Duke's tomb of the Peter and Paul Cathedral, and then visited Moscow.

Until 2006, he worked in the Department of Atomic Energy of the European Commission. In November 2008, during a visit to Russia, he accepted the offer of Vladimir Strzhalkovsky, General Director of Norilsk Nickel, to become his adviser, to which post he was appointed in December 2008. Represents the interests of Norilsk Nickel in the European Union. Together with the First Deputy General Director of Norilsk Nickel Oleg Pivovarchuk and Deputy General Director Victor Sprogis joined the board of the international Nickel Institute(Nickel Institute; main offices in Brussels and Toronto).

George's native language is French, he is fluent in Spanish and English, and knows Russian somewhat worse.

Doubts about the rights to the throne are the same as with regard to his mother (In 1905, against the will of Emperor Nicholas II, Cyril married his divorced cousin, Princess Victoria-Melita; the marriage of Cyril and Victoria was illegal from the point of view of the Church and at first he was not recognized by Nicholas, who legitimized him by royal personal decree only in 1907; Maria Vladimirovna’s mother, Grand Duchess Leonida Georgievna, nee Princess Bagrationi-Mukhranskaya, belongs to a Georgian dubious royal house, besides, she was married to an American by her first marriage businessman Sumner Moore Kirby, who did not belong to any royal or royal house).

Opponents of the Kirillovichs call Grand Duke George "Georg of Hohenzollern", and also - jokingly - "Prince Gosha" (and his adherents, respectively, "Goshists").

© V. Pribylovsky, V. Pribylovsky Public Internet Library "Antikompromat"

Hello dear!
I think it's time for you and me to finish our work on the character of Boris Akunin's book, which was started here: and continued here: _
It's time to talk about the grand-ducal family, or the "green house" according to the color of the livery, to which Afanasy Zyukin serves.
The head of this branch and the character of the book is Romanov Georgy Alexandrovich Grand Duke, uncle of Nicholas II. Admiral General of the Russian Fleet, but at the same time he was at sea only 1 time. " In the imperial family, he is known as a liberal"- as Akunin says. A great sybarite and a lover of male joys - somehow cognacs and women. His wife is Ekaterina Ioanovna, from whom he has 7 children - the eldest Pavel (also the hero of the book), the middle ones Alexei, Sergey, Dmitry and Konstantin, who fell ill with measles and remained in Moscow, the youngest is Mikhail, and the only daughter Ksenia.
It seems to be enough material for analysis, but it turns out that this whole family is a sort of prefabricated material from all the Romanovs.

Aleksey Aleksandrovich

But judge for yourself - Georgy Alexandrovich himself seems to be quite easy to read - the last Admiral General in Russia, and since 1888 just an admiral - this is the 4th son of Emperor Alexander II Alexei, but not everything is clear :-) He did not pull on the admiral , but he went to sea more than once - he rounded the Cape of Good Hope, visited China and Japan. Commanded the Guards crew. During the period described by the book, he was the Chief Commander of the Fleet and the Naval Department. But the competence was not enough.
Here is what his cousin, Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich, writes about him:
"A secular man from head to toe, "le Beau Brummell", who was spoiled by women, Alexey Alexandrovich traveled a lot. The mere thought of spending a year away from Paris would have forced him to resign. But he was on public service and held the position of no more no less, as an admiral of the Russian Imperial Fleet. It was hard to imagine the more modest knowledge that this admiral of a powerful state had in maritime affairs. The mere mention of modern transformations in the navy caused a painful grimace on his beautiful face. <…>This carefree existence was overshadowed, however, by tragedy: despite all the signs of the approaching war with Japan, the Admiral General continued his festivities and, waking up one fine morning, found out that our fleet had suffered a shameful defeat in the battle with modern Mikado dreadnoughts. After that, the Grand Duke resigned and soon died."
It happened in November 1908 in Paris.

A.V. Zhukovskaya

He was married to the maid of honor Alexandra Vasilievna Zhukovskaya, daughter of the poet V. A. Zhukovsky, and this marriage was not officially recognized. He had only one son - Count Alexei Alekseevich Zhukovsky-Belevsky (he was shot in 1932 in Tbilisi).

Konstantin Nikolaevich

Most likely, in his work, the author brought Georgy Alexandrovich as a symbiosis not only of Alexei Alexandrovich, but also of another well-known general-admiral, Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolayevich, the second son of Emperor Nicholas I. He was married to Alexandra Iosifovna, nee Alexandra of Saxe-Altenburg, and they had 6 children.
In 1896, Konstantin Nikolaevich was no longer alive, and therefore it was necessary to make such a mixture.
Isabella Felitsianovna Snezhnevskaya acts as a lover and wise in the book of Georgy Alexandrovich, in which Matilda Feliksovna Kshesinskaya (about her later) is easily read, who had 2 sons from the Grand Duke .. However, the official lover of the real Alexei Alekseevich was not Kseshinskaya at all, but another famous lady - Zinaida Dmitrievna Skobeleva, Countess of Beauharnais, Duchess of Leuchtenberg. This is the sister of the "White General" Mikhail Skobelev, and Erast Petrovich Fandorin, and together with him we could get to know this outstanding woman better in another book by Akunin - "The Death of Achilles". Interesting intersection, isn't it? :-)

Their relationship lasted a little less than 20 years, until her death in 1899 from throat cancer .. The Grand Duke named his yacht “Zina” in her honor. The legal husband, Duke Eugene of Leuchtenberg knew everything, but could not do anything. In society, this trinity was called "ménage royal à trois" (royal love triangle).
The children were from a mistress and our other prototype, Konstantin Nikolayevich, had a lot. From the ballerina (!) of the Mariinsky Theater Anna Vasilievna Kuznetsova, he had as many as 5 children. This is to 6 legal from the spouse :-) Here is such a prolific person.

Vyacheslav Konstantinovich

I never found the prototype of the unfortunate Mika (Mikhail Georgievich). None of the Grand Dukes in these years died at such a tender age. Although questions about his death are open - and I would not be surprised if he appears in one of the following books. Of the boys in this century, only 16-year-old Vyacheslav Konstantinovich, the son of Konstantin Nikolayevich, died early. But he died of meningitis.
Pavel Georgievich. Also, the character is prefabricated and not fully understood. Emperor Alexander II had a son, Pavel, who was thus also the uncle of Nicholas II, but he had nothing to do with the fleet, and was already an adult at the time of the events - 36 years old.

Kirill Vladimirovich

Therefore, most likely, the figure of Grand Duke Kirill Vladimirovich, the future self-proclaimed Emperor Cyril I, whose descendants are now frequent in Russia, is taken as a basis. He was a sailor, cousin of Nicholas II, the age is suitable, and besides, the character is similar. So, most likely, he was bred under the name of Pavel Georgievich.
Even more difficult with the figure of Xenia Georgievna. There was a Grand Duchess with that name. BUT .... she was born only 6 years after the events described. Therefore, most likely, this refers to Xenia Alexandrovna, the sister of Emperor Nicholas II. Approximately suitable for age. Although she was not married to any Prince Olaf - from childhood she was in love with Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich (who was called Sandro in the family) and married him.
I was able to survive the Revolution and go to immigration.

Xenia Alexandrovna

And finally, a couple of lines should be said about Isabella Felitsianovna Snezhnevskaya, that is, Matilda Feliksovna Kshesinskaya. Although a book could be written about this woman. She lived for almost 100 years and it was an interesting time for her. This fragile polka became a real diamond in the Romanov family. With the blessing of Emperor Alexander III, Matechka became an intimate friend of the heir to the throne Nicholas (the future Emperor Nicholas II) and was able to dispel his hypochondriacal view of the female sex. After that, she became the unmarried wife of the Inspector General of Artillery, Grand Duke Sergei Mikhailovich, and even gave birth to his son Vladimir, and after the revolution she married another Grand Duke Andrei Vladimirovich. Here is such a fate.

Matilda Ksishinskaya

On this, perhaps, everything. I hope I didn't get tired.
Have a nice day!

Religion: Orthodoxy
Birth: March 13 ( 1981-03-13 ) (31 year)
Madrid, Spain
Genus: Romanovs
Father: Franz Wilhelm of Prussia (in Orthodoxy - Mikhail Pavlovich)
Mother: Maria Vladimirovna Romanova

Georgy Mikhailovich Romanov(born March 13, Madrid, Spain) - a descendant of the Romanov dynasty through his mother, recognized by part of the monarchists (Kirillovtsy) [the significance of the fact?] heir to the leadership in the Russian Imperial House. The only child of Maria Romanova and Prince of Prussia Franz Wilhelm (in Orthodoxy - Mikhail Pavlovich). Not married.


George is the son of Prince Franz Wilhelm of Prussia of Hohenzollern and Maria Vladimirovna Romanova. Parents divorced in 1986.

Father - the son of Prince of Prussia Karl Franz Joseph (lieutenant of the German army), the grandson of Prince Joachim of Prussia, the great-grandson of the German Emperor Wilhelm II, who was deposed in 1918.

Through her great-grandmother, the English princess Victoria Melita (Grand Duchess Victoria Feodorovna) - a direct descendant (great-great-grandson) of the English Queen Victoria, is also her descendant through her father, his great-great-grandmother Victoria, her daughter and mother of Wilhelm II, but due to the fact that according to English law 1919, all those who fought against England were deprived of English awards and titles. He is 117th in the line of succession to the British throne.


Item h) Act dated July 21, 1976, Vladimir Kirillovich, even before the marriage of his daughter Maria Vladimirovna, established that his future grandchildren would bear the first name of Romanov and the grand ducal title, followed by the addition of the family name and title of prince or princess of Prussia. However, at birth, Georgy Mikhailovich received the surname Romanov and the title of His Imperial Highness the Grand Duke - the title of Prince of Prussia was no longer mentioned. Since 1992, the supporters of Maria Vladimirovna have been titled as “His Imperial Highness the Sovereign Heir Tsesarevich and Grand Duke. They also suggest that Georgy Mikhailovich will become the founder of a new Russian dynasty - the Romanovs-Hohenzollerns

The opinion of opponents

Opponents of the Kirillovichs call George Georg Hohenzollern, and also - jokingly - "Tsarevich Gosha".

Rights as Prince of Prussia

Georgy Mikhailovich, being the great-grandson of Joachim-Franz-Humbert, Prince of Prussia - the sixth and last son of the German Emperor Wilhelm II from the Hohenzollern dynasty and Princess Maria-Augusta of Anhalt, theoretically has the right to claim the title of Elector of Brandenburg, in contrast to his fourth cousin Georg-Friedrich Hohenzollern (the current Head of the Prussian Royal House), whose grandfather - Prince Friedrich-Wilhelm, the eldest son of Kaiser Wilhelm II - abdicated his rights to the throne on December 1, 1918. However, the fact that Friedrich-Wilhelm renounced his rights to the throne only on his own behalf, and not on behalf of his descendants, is of fundamental importance here, and his heir, Louis Ferdinand, was born in 1907, while Friedrich-Wilhelm was still crown prince. Thus, after the abdication of his father, Louis Ferdinand became crown prince, and his heirs are the heirs to the Prussian throne. George in the list of heirs to the Prussian throne is after all the descendants of Louis Ferdinand.


He spent his childhood in the city of Saint-Briac, then he moved to Paris. Until 1999, he lived with his mother in his native Madrid.

He studied at schools in France and Spain. Educated in

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