Payments Act from September 1. about the project

Heating schedule 02.07.2019

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04:14 — REGNUM

In the Stavropol Territory, social payments are indexed at 4% in 2017. Indexing will be introduced in stages from July 1 and September 1, 2017.

Indexation was made possible thanks to changes in the regional budget for 2017, which suggest an increase in revenues of 6.6 billion rubles. Accordingly, expenses will also be increased, including for social benefits.

According to the bill proposed for consideration in the Duma of the region, 136,604.62 thousand rubles are provided for the indexation of social payments in the budget of Stavropol for the current year. Earlier, deputies legislatively suspended the indexation of social payments for the current year. However, now it is decided to defrost the indexing.

The Ministry of Finance of the region proposes to carry out this “defrosting” in two stages.

According to the document, from July 1, 2017, it is proposed to cancel the suspension of the indexation of the monthly amount of funds for the maintenance of a child under guardianship transferred to a foster family; monthly remuneration to foster parents for raising children; for the maintenance of a child transferred to foster care. Social benefits are indexed to rural residents, labor veterans (including the Stavropol Territory), home front workers, heroes of the Stavropol labor, rehabilitated persons, victims of political repressions.

Large families will receive increased compensation in return for a set of social services for each child under the age of 18 years. In addition, travel allowances for students, retirement benefits for servicemen and spouses who have not remarried, as well as the parents of a war veteran who died in the line of duty, will be indexed.

Index payments to HIV-infected people and those caring for minors infected with HIV in medical facilities; maintenance of athletes and coaches, compensation for the work of preparing and conducting a unified state exam for teachers, child benefits.

As previously reported IA REGNUM, Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets demanded that the regions "restore all measures to support the birth rate of third children and second children."

Recall that in the Stavropol Territory in 2015, the payment of regional maternity capital in the amount of 100 thousand rubles, which was not actually paid since January 2014, was legislatively stopped.

Read on the topic:

This payment was given to large families at the birth (adoption) of the third and subsequent children after January 1, 2011.

In addition, requirements for a number of other social benefits have changed. This year indexation of social payments was frozen. However, at the beginning of 2017 it became clear that the region in 2017 will receive an additional 6.6 billion rubles from the federal budget and own funds.

The region’s revenues this year should amount to 85.6 billion rubles, expenses will increase by 7 billion rubles and amount to 89.6 billion rubles. The budget deficit will increase to almost 4 billion rubles.

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