Cheek lift exercises reviews. Exercises for the face. A set of universal exercises for facial rejuvenation at home

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How to remove sagging cheeks at home, as well as the causes of sagging cheeks, cosmetic procedures and prevention.

Slow aging has become an inevitable physiological feature of the human body. The deterioration of the body in each part of the body manifests itself in its own way, on the face this is evidenced by sagging cheeks, as they are otherwise called "bulldog flews". Sagging is hard to miss, especially when the phenomenon occurs in women.

The appearance of the face immediately deteriorates, the woman looks older than her age, and when walking fast, if you look closely, you can often see sagging cheeks shaking. An ugly sight, naturally the question arises of how to remove sagging cheeks and return the face to its former oval and beautiful shape.

The main reasons for sagging cheeks, or "bulldog flew"

Plunging into the problem, each person will first want to know why such a phenomenon happened to him, because many at this age do not even think that their cheeks can sag. Ptosis of the soft tissue of the cheeks is provoked by aging, at this stage of age-related changes there is a lack of collagen. The next reason for this is a hereditary factor, when the parents also had a “floating contour” on their face and body. Dramatic weight loss.

Cosmetic procedures

It is impossible to eliminate the "bulldog flew" on your own, here ordinary cosmetics will not help, it is impossible to paint over or mask a saggy body. Modern technologies come to the rescue, allowing you to change the contour of the face, perform.

Contour plastic

Facial contouring has become a widespread technology. The technology of the procedure is unique, it became possible due to the introduction into the problem area of \u200b\u200bits own fats obtained during liposuction, special gel preparations. A natural implant, before insertion, immediately after collection, undergoes a special treatment-cleaning. The introduction under the skin can be performed in stages. The face remains beautiful, the shape of the cheeks is correct from two to four years. After the procedure, the skin tightens, the face looks younger. The procedure takes about 40 minutes.


It is possible to tighten the skin from the inside without surgery using the bio-reinforcement procedure. The bottom line is that a special substance is injected into problem areas with injections, which allows you to align the skin, smooth it out. Performing injections in a specific area allows you to strengthen, tighten, return the correct oval to the face.

The main bio-reinforcement substance is hyaluronic acid, which, after a certain time, is simply absorbed, spontaneously excreted. The only drawback of this method is that after the end of the action, after its removal from the body, sometimes an intensified aging process begins. Therefore, under the age of 40, such procedures are considered contraindicated.

The drug is administered in three sessions, at first there are light blisters, after which they dissolve and are evenly distributed over the cheeks. Such a procedure can rejuvenate it for five or even eight years.


Closer to forty years of age, it is possible to carry out a lipofilling procedure. The procedure is considered safe. It is a plastic surgery during which specialists perform manipulations with a person's own fat. For example, if there is too much fat in the abdomen, it is pumped out and transferred to the sagging cheeks, injecting into the desired area.

The sagging is eliminated, the oval of the face becomes correct. Among the complications that are very rare, the emergence of subsequent asymmetry of the face is noted, which can appear only in the event of a medical error - an uneven introduction of fat into symmetrical areas.


An aesthetic treatment that rejuvenates the face by tightening sagging contours. The essence of the procedure is the use of infrared or radio frequency radiation that affects a different layer of the skin. Contraindications procedure, as well as side effects practically does not. It is performed painlessly. It is very popular. Differs in high efficiency. The procedure is repeated several times, the treatment of small areas lasts about 20 minutes.

Thermolifting can be: RF-lifting, Bipolar, Tripolar, Laser, Infrared and Monopolar. The type of procedure is distinguished by the strength of the effect on the skin, the method of implementation, and effectiveness. Some procedures, in addition to rejuvenation, perform the function of cleansing, removing harmful substances and toxins from the skin.

Cosmetological methods

Correction of ptosis at a professional level is recommended from 35 to 40. Cheeks are corrected on the basis of hyaluronic acid, fillers. Liquid implants are inserted through injections and fill sagging areas from the inside. Maintaining shape continues for about a year. The skin tightens, the volume of the cheeks increases. Instead of hyaluronic acid, silicone, polylactic acid is often injected, in this case it is possible to maintain the forms for up to three years.

Microcurrent therapy

The procedure for rejuvenating microcurrent therapy based on the use of electricity is based. Impulse currents of low voltage (up to 14 volts) affect the skin of sagging cheeks gently, going deep into all layers, muscles, subcutaneous tissue, affecting the thin vascular elements. The procedure is highly effective, ideally emphasizes the lost contour of the face, rejuvenates.

Thread lifting

Special threads made of non-absorbable and non-absorbable materials are placed inside the soft tissue. The skin is naturally stretched and elasticity is increased. The structure of the threads, the material itself contributes to the additional production of collagen and elastin. The effectiveness lasts from one to five years.

How to remove saggy cheeks on your face at home

Non-supporters of cosmetic procedures can remove not too sagging cheeks on their own, at home. Of course, if the phenomenon is running, then only plastic surgery can cope with it. However, this technique helps many people.


Today, a lot of exercises have been developed aimed at tightening, toning the muscles of the face and neck. It is quite possible to choose a specific complex for yourself and perform it daily, spending 10 minutes.


Every day, the sagging part of the face needs to be massaged, performing circular movements, patting, stroking. The massage can be performed in parallel with the application of masks, as if rubbing nutrients.

Face masks

Different face masks made from eggs, cow's milk, honey, sour cream and other "home" ingredients are especially effective. For example, on the sagging areas of the cheeks, the chin area, you can apply the following ointment: the chicken protein is whipped with a mixer until white, a tablespoon of liquid honey is added and oatmeal, is stirred. After 10 minutes of aging, the egg-honey mask is removed with warm water, the face is washed, a nourishing cream is applied. It is recommended to perform this mask with bulldog flews up to three times a week.

Prevention of sagging cheeks

As a preventive measure for sagging cheeks, you need:

  • adhere to proper nutrition;
  • monitor weight;
  • lead a healthy lifestyle;
  • properly care for the skin of the face.

At the slightest suspicion of sagging skin in the cheek area, seek help from specialists.

With age, the contour of the face often becomes indistinct, more sagging areas appear. This is due to the fact that facial muscles, like skin, weaken and can no longer maintain the same shape as in their youth. To regain former youth, find the perfect oval and get rid of a double chin will help the most effective exercise for face. If you perform the training complex regularly - twice every day - the first results will be noticeable in a couple of weeks.


Before proceeding with the exercises, you must follow the general preparatory rules:

  • Clear face of makeup or other cosmetic products. It is best to do exercises in the morning, before applying makeup, or in the evening, after washing;
  • To wash hands... On contact with the skin of the face, it is possible to introduce any contamination through the opening pores;
  • All exercises are performed in front of a mirror. It is extremely important to control the correct technique for performing each movement. Otherwise, an undesirable effect is possible.

When performing any exercise, it is necessary to avoid the appearance of wrinkles on the face. If this rule is neglected, unwanted creases will become more visible. To avoid trouble, it is necessary to fix possible creases with your fingers to immobilize the skin in the desired area.

Complex for face contour correction

Women after 40 years notice a loss of skin elasticity, the face sags, the corners of the lips go down, bulldog cheeks appear. The problem with a drooping midface is a weakening of the muscles in the cheeks and zygomatic muscles.

Anti-aging exercises for lifting cheeks and lifting the face:

  • Take a full mouth of air and move it from one cheek to another, then under the upper and lower lips alternately. Repeat ten times. After completion, you can complicate the task and roll the air in a circle.
  • Pinch the pencil with your lips and write your name in the air. The main thing is not to rush: if you feel very tired, you can take a short break and then continue working. Exercise improves the firmness of the cheeks and lifts the cheekbones higher.
  • Inflate your cheeks, put your fingers on them and press on your cheeks, trying to deflate them. Fingers and cheeks resist each other. Repeat 15 times. Good strength exercise for the midface.
  • Pull the lips into an oval so that all the folds on the face are smoothed out. Place the index and middle fingers in the mouth along the lower row of teeth. While pulling in your cheeks, create resistance with your fingers inside. Repeat the exercise 30 times. If it becomes difficult to perform it, you can do it 10 times in three approaches. In the process of work, the muscles get tired and the position of the lips may change. This categorically should not be allowed: it is better to do the movements slowly, but efficiently.
  • Lift the zygomatic muscles. The lips make the same oval as in the previous exercise. The nasolabial folds are strongly clamped with the fingers. To keep your eyes from squinting, you need to open them wider. Do 15 reps. In order to understand where these muscles are located, you should smile broadly or try to wink: the muscles that will move the most are the zygomatic ones. If the movement is well mastered, you can do it quickly, two contractions per second. Over time, the number of repetitions can be extended up to thirty times. This is the most effective exercise that has a lifting effect: it returns not only the firmness of the muscles, but also the elasticity of the skin.

Exercising the zygomatic muscles

Neck gymnastics

Neck wrinkles become a constant companion of women after 50 years. Due to the weakened muscles of the lower face, a double chin appears. Such a defect occurs not only with age, but also as a result of prolonged incorrect position of the body and head in everyday life.

The best exercises to strengthen your neck muscles:

  • Tilt the neck to the right shoulder, put the right hand to the head, along the right ear. Press your hand on your head; the head must create resistance. Do not remove your hand until your head is near your left shoulder. When moving in the opposite direction, the head presses on the hand. Repeat the same steps with alternating side changes. 10 repetitions will be enough.
  • Clasp your fingers and place them under the chin. The mechanism of movement is similar to the previous exercise: hands move the head back, the head resists. At the end of the exercise, transfer your hands to the back of the head and do the opposite action with another point of application of force.
  • Sit on a chair, straighten your back, straighten your shoulders. Raise your chin: it should look up diagonally. Fix the position. Lean back, in no case stooping. For greater effect, in this position it is worthwhile to linger for a few seconds, gradually increasing the slope angle. Repeat 15 times. The exercise is also recommended for people with problems with the cervical spine.
  • Cross your arms over your chest, lift your chin up to the limit, take a deep breath and count to ten, exhale, return your head to its original position. Repeat 8 times.
  • Sit down to evenly strain the muscles of the neck, the lips seem to say the letter "Y". Exercise strengthens the upper part of the neck. Repeat 20 times.
  • Raise the chin up and push the jaw forward, the movement is done strictly perpendicular to the floor. Do 30 reps.
  • Open your mouth, raise your head in this position, close your mouth at the top, return to its original position. 25-30 reps.
  • With your mouth closed, try to press your tongue completely against the palate; at this moment it is important to feel the tension of the neck muscles. Do the exercise 30 times.

It is not at all necessary to wait for the appearance of wrinkles and loss of the original oval of the face. The earlier you start training, the longer your face will maintain its natural youth. Facial gymnastics is easy to do at home and does not take much time: 15-20 minutes a day is enough to keep the facial muscles in good shape.

Over the years, the contours of the lower part of the face in women cease to be clearly defined - the skin begins to sag. Wrinkles are added to the changes in the face shape. Remove "signs of age" without participation plastic surgeon it is possible - modern cosmetology techniques will help with this.

Oval face - why changes are taking place

The oval of the face loses its shape for the following reasons:

  • age-related changes. The skin becomes less elastic over time, since starting from the age of 35, the synthesis of elastin and collagen slows down;
  • genetics. If women in the family begin to age early, it is necessary to take preventive measures after 30 years;
  • fluctuations in weight. Gaining weight causes the skin to stretch all over the body, including the face. On the other hand, drastic weight loss will also lead to sagging skin - it will not have time to adjust to the changes, so you need to lose weight gradually;

    With a sharp weight gain or rapid weight loss, the fabric does not have time to adapt to changes - the skin sags

  • excess fluid. If you like to eat spicy, salty and sweet foods, fluid is retained in your body - swelling appears, your face becomes rounded, and your skin becomes loose;
  • incorrect posture. If you constantly slouch, not only the position of the spine changes, but also the shape of the cheeks, the corners of the lips shift, the position of the neck changes;

    Posture affects the outlines of the face - the position of the neck changes, and therefore the chin, mouth and cheeks

  • bad habits. If a person smokes, abuses alcohol and unhealthy food, his body begins to age faster. The skin loses its freshness due to lack of moisture (when drinking alcohol), firmness and shape;
  • frequent exposure to the sun. Ultraviolet rays deplete the skin's collagen stores.

    If you sunbathe frequently, your skin will lose its collagen stores

  • improper care. If a woman uses cosmetic care products that are not suitable for her skin type and other features of the body, for example, age, they start working in the opposite direction - the skin becomes loose and sagging. Insufficient hydration and cleansing also play a negative role;
  • the habit of sleeping with your face in the pillow.

How to prevent the loss of elasticity of the face oval

In order for the skin to remain elastic, and the oval of the face to have beautiful outlines as long as possible, you need to take good care of your face and the whole body:

  • start eating right. Eliminate or at least minimize fried, too salty, sweet and starchy foods. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables - the vitamins in them will stimulate collagen production. Switch to complex carbohydrates - buckwheat, rice, oatmeal and other grains. There should be 5-6 meals a day to speed up the metabolism, but the portions should be smaller than usual. Chew thoroughly to engage all the muscles in your face, do not overeat. In the evening, only protein (meat, fish, eggs, cottage cheese, etc.) and vegetables are allowed if you want to lose weight;

    Unhealthy fast carbohydrates should be excluded from the diet - give preference to fish, meat, vegetables, fruits, herbs, cheese, eggs, cottage cheese

  • consume enough fluids. You need to drink about 1.5–2 liters of water a day (depending on your weight). If you comply with this condition, the skin will be regularly renewed, edema will disappear. It is good to drink green tea - it tones up;

    You need to drink regularly 1.5-2 liters of water per day

  • use the right cosmetics. Find products to cleanse, moisturize, and nourish. Consider your skin type and active ingredients. It is recommended to do this with the participation of a beautician. If age allows, be sure to use age serums and creams. The kit should include sunscreen, even if you do not sunbathe on the beach and live in a cold region - if possible, use it several times a day;

    Choose cosmetics based on your skin type and age

  • carry out contrasting washings. Wash your face alternately warm and cold water - if puffiness appeared in the morning, it will go away immediately. After a week, you will feel a slight tightening effect. You can also wash yourself with ice - cold cubes will increase blood circulation. Take chamomile and mint decoctions as an ice base;

    Contrast washing with ice in the morning will help to quickly tone the skin - the swelling and bruises under the eyes will go away, the skin will become elastic in a week

  • scrub the skin. You can use ready-made and homemade scrubs, for example, with ground natural coffee. They remove dead cells from the surface of the skin and accelerate the formation of new ones. In winter, it is recommended to carry out peels by a beautician.

How to tighten the oval of the face at home

Special facial gymnastics ("face-building"), massage, and masks are suitable as home methods, but these methods will work well only with minor defects. If the oval of the face has "swam" strongly, it is recommended to contact a beautician.

If you do the following exercises regularly every day, you will see the first result within a month:

  1. Chin extension. Place your hands on the surface of the table you are sitting at and rest your chin on them. For some time, tilt your head to your palms as much as possible, as if overcoming their resistance. Repeat 20 times.
  2. Puffing up the cheeks. Take more air into your mouth and roll it from one side to the other. Repeat until you get tired.
  3. Closing of teeth and lips. Close your teeth and lips tightly and push the lower part of the jaw forward. Be careful not to open your mouth. Repeat 10 times, holding for a few seconds in the final position.
  4. Smile with opposition. Pull in your cheeks as much as possible and press on them with your index fingers. Without changing the position of your cheeks, try to smile. Repeat 10 times.

    Regular exercise will increase the tone of the facial muscles - it will acquire aristocratic features

  5. Capture the upper lip. Having taken a sitting position, tilt your head back and try to grab the upper lip with your lower lip. Perform 15 times in multiple approaches.
  6. Exercise with a pencil. Place a pencil between your teeth, hold it down and try to write a few words in the air. Repeat as long as you can.
  7. Take a deep breath with your neck extended. Stand up and straighten up. Wrap your arms around your shoulders. Stretch your neck up as far as possible and take a deep breath. Hold this position for 10 seconds and return to the starting position. Repeat 10 times.
  8. Pulling lips. Pull your lips out with a "straw" and pronounce all the vowels of the alphabet. Try to do this in such a way as to feel the tension in the muscles in your face.
  9. Lifting the head while lying down. Lie on the floor and stretch out properly. Lift your head off the surface and very slowly raise it to your chest, and then begin to turn it in different directions. Do not lift your shoulders off the floor. Do 10 repetitions.
  10. Air in the mouth. Close your mouth tightly and draw air into your cheeks through your nose. Release it slowly through your slightly parted lips. Repeat a few times.

    Do facial gymnastics daily for 20 minutes

  11. The sounds "u" and "and". When you have a free minute, alternate these two sounds several times a day, straining the muscles of your face.
  12. Pressing on the cheeks. Inflate your cheeks slightly and close your lips. For 10 seconds, press on your cheeks with your fingers, as if trying to release air.
  13. Jaw movements. Extend your lower jaw and start moving it to the right and left. Do it slowly at first and then pick up your pace.

Video: what exercises to do for lifting the face oval

Massage for face contour lifting

Like gymnastics, facial massage can tone all muscles. The blood will circulate in the tissues faster - the skin cells will be renewed in a timely manner, receiving all the necessary substances. There are two types of facial massage: using the fingers and using a towel. The latter can be done daily, it is performed as follows:

With regular facial massage, you will see the first result in 1–2 months.

There are many manual techniques for facial massage, but they are always based on movements along certain lines. The massage can be performed independently at home or you can attend special procedures with a beautician. As a home option, the following simple method is suitable:

Perform this procedure every other day for 5-10 minutes. You will notice a slight improvement within a month.

Video: how to massage with a towel at home

Face masks, tightening the oval

Special masks, which can be quickly prepared at home, can remove pronounced defects in the face contour, but they will not be able to completely tighten the oval. For greater effect, it is recommended to combine masks with massage and gymnastics. Before applying the mask, cleanse your face with a regular daily cleanser. It is also advisable to make a scrub.

It is necessary to choose the compositions correctly - taking into account the type of skin and the presence of allergies to the components. For oily skin, a clay mask is suitable - it not only has a lifting effect, but also tightens pores and removes excess sebum. For dry skin, take formulations with olive oil, egg or cucumber.

Face reshaping masks are applied 1–2 times a week and complemented with moisturizing masks for full effect.

Gelatin mask with cream or eggs

Gelatin mask is a universal remedy for dry and oily skin. When gelatin hardens, it tightens the skin, which helps to tighten it.

Gelatin mask has a tightening effect when it hardens - after it you feel that the skin is tightened

To prepare the mask you need:

  1. Dilute 1 tbsp. l. gelatin in 100 ml of water. Leave for half an hour or an hour.
  2. Heat gelatin swollen in water in a water bath so that it completely dissolves - the water will be slightly thick.
  3. Add sour cream or cream to the mixture if the skin is dry, or eggs or honey if the skin is oily or normal.
  4. Pour in a small amount of olive or linseed oil. Hold in a water bath for another 2 minutes.
  5. Cool slightly and apply a warm hardening mask along the massage lines. Keep it on for 30 minutes.

Remove the mask by steaming: sit over a container with slightly hot water or apply a warm towel to your face.

Clay mask

The clay-based composition also fights wrinkles, moisturizes and nourishes the skin. A pink clay mask works especially well:

With dill

The dill mask has a pronounced tonic effect. When the skin is saturated with moisture, it tightens and becomes firm. You can see the result after 1–2 months with weekly use.

With cucumber and egg white

This mask is another tonic and at the same time firming remedy that also lightens age spots. The result from its application will be visible in 3 months.

Preparation and application of the mask:

Video: mask for lifting the oval of the face

Table: cosmetics for increasing skin elasticity

Means Active substances, action, price
Caffeine stimulates receptors in adipose tissues - the face "loses weight". Gingo biloba extract removes fluid and increases vascular tone. Hyaluronic acid moisturizes and forces the skin to produce its elastin and collagen. List active ingredients it doesn't end there. With continued use, the face looks rested, toned and refreshed. The cost of the cream is about 300 rubles.
Proxilan renews collagen fibers, lipohydroxy acid provides exfoliation and regeneration of the skin, minimizes hyperpigmentation. The composition of the product also includes a complex of sunscreen filters, so it can be actively used in the summer. The price is about 650 rubles.
The lifting effect is provided by shea butter and the complex "Plant cells of youth". These ingredients also help smooth wrinkles and restore firmness. Sea buckthorn oil treats irritations and redness on the face. The cream nourishes and moisturizes the skin well, protects it from the sun and temperature extremes. The cost is about 300 rubles.
The formula with adenosine, caffeine and fruit acids helps to tighten the oval of the face. Skin cells "wake up" and begin to actively produce collagen. It also contains neohesperidin, a powerful antioxidant isolated from red grapefruit that removes toxins from cells. You will have to pay about 2.5 thousand rubles for the tool.
Firming polymers restore the definition of the face contour. V-peptides strengthen the skin's structure and increase elasticity. LIPO-REDUCER complex fights lipids (fatty layer) and creates graceful contours. According to the manufacturer's assurances, immediately after application, the contours of the face become as if re-defined. An hour after application, the volume of the lower part of the face decreases. With regular use and minor defects in the oval, the face will again take on a V-shape. The serum will cost 6 thousand rubles.

Photo gallery: cosmetics for increasing the elasticity of the face oval

Evalar Turboslim face cream allows you to model the oval of the face Revitalift day cream L'Oréal Paris X3 laser evens skin tone and reduces wrinkles Garnier Active lifting 45+ day cream actively fights against visible age-related changes
Vichy LiftActiv Supreme Cream Fights Daily Skin Aging and Fights the Signs of Age Helena Rubinstein Anti-Aging Collagenist V-Lift Serum Firms

How to tighten the oval of the face with salon procedures

Beauty salons offer a variety of facial rejuvenation treatments. Most of them are aimed at tightening the skin and forming a clear contour. You will, of course, choose the procedures with a specialist cosmetologist who must provide you with a list of possible treatment options depending on your health condition and individual skin characteristics.


The mesolifting procedure consists in injecting a special composition based on amino acids, vitamins and hyaluronic acid into the deep layers of the skin using small needles. The components begin to act on the skin from the inside - the synthesis of collagen and elastin is accelerated, the skin is moisturized.

To see the desired effect, you need to go through 5 to 15 sessions, depending on the severity of the defects. The result does not begin to appear immediately, but after 1–2 months.

Mesolifting is a popular injection method of rejuvenation that helps to remove wrinkles and lift the oval of the face

In the first week after the procedure, it is forbidden to steam and simply heat the face, drink alcoholic drinks, as this can provoke bleeding. Also, you can not use care and decorative cosmetics. One procedure will cost 2,000-5,000 rubles. The effect after the course will last only about six months, then it is necessary to undergo repeated supporting procedures.

The patient's own blood plasma is injected under the skin to a depth of 3 mm - stem cells are activated, the skin becomes healthy and elastic, the complexion improves, and fine wrinkles are removed. Previously, 20 to 100 ml of blood is taken from the person himself, and then plasma is extracted from it in a special centrifuge in the presence of the patient.

During plasmolifting, up to 100 ml of blood is taken from the patient, from which plasma is then extracted

The drug is not stored - fresh blood is used at each session. The course usually includes 4-5 procedures. The break will be about 2 weeks.

The plasmolifting procedure is suitable for those who are afraid of injecting any synthetic substances.

The main disadvantage of plasmolifting is that it only helps with minor defects. If the situation is neglected, the method is used only as a preparatory stage before applying more effective methods, such as laser lifting, SMAS lifting, fractional thermolysis and others. The price of one plasmolifting procedure is about 5 thousand rubles.

For contour plastics, fillers are injected under the skin - special formulations based on hyaluronic acid, which gives the desired shape chin, cheekbones and other parts of the face and body. Distinguish between monophasic (the concentration of "hyaluron" is 15-20 mg / g) and biphasic gels (20-30 mg / g). The latter are used for highly noticeable defects.

Contour correction is an injection of a solution based on hyaluronic acid

Contour plastics have a lot of advantages:

  • long-term effect - from six months to 18 months;
  • relative painlessness;
  • absence of serious contraindications and side effects;
  • quick result after the session;
  • no recovery period and a small list of restrictions;
  • combination with other rejuvenation procedures.

The procedure is expensive - it will take from 10 thousand rubles for one session.

Thread lifting

The patient is injected under the skin with the help of thin needles, various types of threads, which the specialist pulls, achieving a tightening effect. They create a framework for soft tissues - sagging disappears, facial contours become clear, and cheekbones appear. The method has several advantages:

  • high efficiency,
  • long warranty period (correction only after 1.5-3 years),
  • minimal trauma,
  • short rehabilitation period.

Special threads (usually self-dissolving) are inserted under the skin, which create a framework of collagen fibers under the skin

Threads can be both withdrawn and insoluble (gold, polypropylene). The former dissolve on their own within about 10 months, but the skeleton of the soft tissue made of collagen fibers remains. Anesthesia is required before the procedure.

An obvious disadvantage of threads in the price - the procedure will cost about 25 thousand rubles. It is necessary to choose a specialist carefully, since a poorly performed procedure can lead to asymmetry, the appearance of irregularities on the face and the appearance of pain during the rehabilitation period.

Hardware cosmetology

Cosmetologists use not only injections, but also special devices for tightening the face oval, which affect blood circulation, lymph flow, oxygen supply to cells, and hence collagen synthesis. This method has enough advantages:

  • minimal trauma;
  • short rehabilitation period;
  • noticeable effect after just one procedure.

Hardware cosmetology gives quick results and is low-traumatic at the same time

The following are used as hardware techniques:

  • photorejuvenation. The skin is exposed to light pulses that penetrate deeply into the epidermis and begin to work at the cellular level. The advantage of the technique is that collagen continues to be actively synthesized even after completing the course. There is also a drawback - in a third of patients, the result after the procedure is not observed. For one session, you need to pay 1-9 thousand rubles, depending on the area of \u200b\u200binfluence and the number of impulses;
  • laser lifting. The laser beams create holes in the skin and target tissues - cell regeneration occurs. The structure of the skin is restored. And along with this, the oval of the face is tightened. The procedure is expensive - you will have to pay about 13 thousand rubles for one session for the cheeks and forehead. Their number and frequency will be determined by the cosmetologist based on the condition of the skin;
  • vacuum massage. Depending on the skin type and existing problems, the specialist selects the right attachment. Negative air pressure affects areas of the face, leveling the relief. The price of one session is about 1.5 thousand rubles. It will take from 5 to 10 procedures;
  • ultrasound. The device with ultrasound not only tightens the skin, but also cleanses it. The vibrations break down fatty deposits and remove them. One procedure costs about 2 thousand rubles;
  • thermage. The pulses generated by radio waves act on the collagen fibers. They shrink and create a tightening effect. This method is considered the most expensive - for the whole face of a woman they pay from 130 to 200 thousand rubles.

The procedure combines two methods - traditional massage of all facial muscles from the outside and working them out from the inside - through the mouth. This combination provides a quick visible effect after the first procedure. The course consists of 5-10 sessions. The massage triggers muscle self-healing. After him, they are pleasantly a bit a little a little sick. The advantage of the method is that it is safe and non-invasive - suitable for people who are afraid of injections.

With sculptural-buccal massage, the specialist kneads the muscles not only from the outside, but also from the inside.

The disadvantage of the method is that it is not performed on too thin faces - it requires at least a small layer of fat. The effect lasts up to a year, since after the procedure the muscles "remember" the shape that the masseur gave it. The cost of one session is about 4 thousand rubles.

Salon masks

To return the face to its previous clear contour, it is necessary to act not only on the skin, but also on the subcutaneous fat. Otherwise, the effect will not last long and will not be as pronounced as with invasive and hardware techniques. You will need to visit a beautician at least once every six months. In this regard, masks in the salon for tightening are used either as an additional measure, or in cases where more effective methods are not needed - with minor defects. Masks are usually combined with massages.

Lifting masks in the salon are carried out, as a rule, after massage and in cases where the defects are minor

A fairly popular procedure is the Skindulgence 30-minute non-surgical lifting system from NHT Global. The second and main stage is the mask. It is used not only in salons, but also at home. When applied, the mask creates pressure on the muscles and makes them work - their tone increases... The composition includes natural myostimulants - about 50 plant components. At the same time, there are no sulfates, parabens, silicones and various allergens.

The Skindulgence lifting system includes a mask, as well as a cleansing and regenerating agent

Also worth mentioning is a mask based on alginate - a plastic substance that is extracted from brown algae. For each type of skin, the beautician selects his own mask composition. In the salon, the procedure will cost 1–2 thousand rubles. If you conduct a session at home, you will spend 200-300 rubles. However, in this case, you will need an assistant - he will apply the composition to your face and neck. At this point, you will need to be in a horizontal position.

An alginate mask is carried out both in the salon and at home, but in the latter case, you will still need the participation of another person - an assistant

Deep peeling

Deep peeling exfoliates the upper layers of the skin - they are dissolved by acids. The cells receive a strong impetus to restore the removed layer of the skin - peeling here can be compared to damage that the body must quickly "repair". During regeneration, the tissues contract, which explains the tightening effect.

Deep peeling is always carried out under anesthesia, since the procedure is very painful

Phenolic acids are used for the procedure, so peeling is carried out under anesthesia in a stationary environment. The acid applied will cause severe skin burns. The procedure is painful and has many contraindications. This is the main disadvantage of the method. Another disadvantage - rehabilitation for 7-10 days - you will not be able to lead your usual way of life during this period. Deep peeling price - from 25 thousand rubles. The procedure is carried out no more than once a year.

Contraindications and possible consequences of the procedures

Each injection and hardware salon procedure has its own contraindications. However, there is also a general list of health conditions when cosmetic procedures cannot be performed:

  • oncology;
  • serious problems with the heart, blood vessels and blood;
  • the presence of pacemakers;
  • epilepsy;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • taking drugs that are excreted by the liver and kidneys;
  • exacerbation of acne, rashes of various natures, abscesses;
  • chronic skin diseases (eczema, psoriasis, etc.);
  • infectious and bacterial diseases;
  • inflammatory processes in the body, including the common cold, SARS, flu;
  • the presence of an allergic reaction to the components of the formulations;
  • serious mental disorders.

After almost all injection methods, redness, bruising, swelling and even bruising remain on the face for several days or even weeks. They do not pose a threat to health with proper facial care, following all the recommendations of the beautician. If you notice that your health has worsened, there is a fever, various rashes similar to allergic ones, and if blood is constantly oozing from the wounds, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Devices for increasing the elasticity of the oval of the face for home use

Salon cosmetology procedures have “home” alternatives - devices with the same principles of influence, but, perhaps, with less efficiency:

Works on the principle of mesotherapy. It is inexpensive - from 1 thousand rubles. The device has the shape of a roller with thin short needles made of steel or titanium 0.2–0.5 mm long. They create small punctures - through them, the previously applied agent gets under the skin, and therefore the nutrients. The tool comes complete with a mesoscooter. The method is quite effective, but painful - drops of blood will appear on the surface. Before the procedure, the roller is treated with chlorhexidine or alcohol, and then washed and placed in a special container.

On the surface of the mesoscooter there are thin small needles that pierce the skin so that the previously applied composition penetrates under it

RF lifting

The device acts on the skin due to the emitted radio frequency waves. The collagen fibers heat up and begin to contract and tighten. Contraindications include the presence of metal threads and implants - they will cause severe burns to the skin and muscles. The device for radio wave lifting can be used both at home and in the salon, but it costs from 5 to 35 thousand rubles.

The following models are popular devices:

  • Cutey Up RF;
  • AUT-305;

All of them are small in size - they are easy to store and carry. The M1601 Gezatone has 4 programs and 4 intensity levels. Additionally, the device offers a vibration mode and exposure to a red light spectrum, which has a beneficial effect on cell regeneration. The downside is that it works from the network.

When choosing a device, pay attention to their power, the number of modes, the availability of options (for example, massage). There must be warranty service - well-known companies producing such devices usually provide it.

Photo gallery: RF lifting devices

M1601 Gezatone allows for a salon procedure at home
The Cutey Up RF device is quite expensive, so only a few women use it at home NV-CR300 is a simple and convenient RF lifting device


The mesoporation device is considered an alternative to mesotherapy. No needles are used here, so the method is painless. Works on the basis of ultrasound, infrared radiation and charged ions. Under their influence, the components of the product, which is previously applied to the skin (it comes in the kit), penetrate deep under the skin. A well-known manufacturer of such a device is Gezatone. It will cost about 6 thousand rubles.

Mesoporation is a safe alternative to mesotherapy without the use of needles


This device affects the condition of the skin due to microcurrents, which cause muscle fibers to contract - they come to tone, and the face is immediately tightened, the oval becomes more distinct. A home device will cost about 2-20 thousand rubles. Its disadvantage is soreness in the affected area.

With myostimulation, skin fibers begin to contract due to microcurrents

A well-known muscle stimulator is the Perfect Face device from Gezatone. You just put it on your face and go to do your household chores - your hands are free. The device has a control panel, 6 exposure programs, 10 intensity levels and a built-in timer. It works on batteries, the price is about 3 thousand rubles.

The Perfect Face muscle stimulator has a timer, 6 exposure programs and 10 modes, which allows you to adjust the intensity of microcurrents

Another device is Slendertone Face S5 from Bio-Medical Research, which promises a rejuvenating effect for several years in 3 months. The procedure with this device is also hands-free. The device has two programs: "Lifting" (strengthening the muscles) and "Shining" (normalizing blood circulation and strengthening the walls of blood vessels). To achieve the desired effect, you must use the device at least 5 times a week. There should be a gap of at least 24 hours between sessions.

Slendertone Face S5 myostimulator looks like headphones - it is worn on the face

In order to tighten the oval and return your cheeks to their place, you need a fist and only 10 minutes. In a few weeks, you will be able to eliminate drooping cheeks, which greatly age the face.

Why are the cheeks dropping

The buccal muscle extends from the surface of the upper and lower jaw and is woven into the circular muscle of the mouth. Because of its spasm, not only the cheeks can go down, but nasolabial wrinkles can also appear. In addition, swelling appears in this area.

In the modern world, people often rivet their eyes to the screen of a phone or monitor. In this case, the head is tilted forward, and the muscles at this time are spasmodic. Muscles are our "formed memories." All experiences, emotions reflected in facial expressions, affect the muscles. The tension in nimh persists even during sleep. Because of this, the face sinks.

The muscles of the face run from the head to the neck and décolleté. When the muscles of the head, face and neckline are tightly compressed, each of them pulls the face down and creates sagging, double chin, flews and wrinkles.

How to do massage

Use your fist to release tension. Fingers clenched together make it easier to approach the muscles. Most importantly, you can perform massage anytime, anywhere. Even 10 minutes a day is enough. When the muscles are relaxed, they do not receive any additional stress. They become elastic. They improve blood flow, edema disappears and the complexion improves.

Exercise 1

Make a fist and place it on your face so that your index finger is close to the hole in your ear. Move up and down. Repeat 30 times on each side of the face.

Exercise 2

Place your fist with your knuckles just above your lower jaw. Massage by moving your hand from your chin to your ear. Repeat 30 times on each side.

Exercise # 3

Place your fist under your eyes. Press and move it lightly from side to side, going up to the lips. Repeat 30 times on each side.

Exercise 4

Place your fist under the jawbone. Press and slide down to your collarbone. Do 30 times on each side.

Exercise 5

Place your fist in the groove under the collarbone and move it from side to side. Run on both sides.

Try to do this complex every day. Exercises will help smooth out the muscles of the face, relieve spasms from them. They "fall" into place and tighten the skin behind them.

Any woman tries to improve her appearance. To do this, she uses many ways: a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, physical activity, expensive creams with a lifting effect. Exercises for the face without much time and financial investment will improve the oval of the face, tighten the muscles and strengthen the tone. The complex really works with problems: if the skin is sagging, it will restore firmness, elasticity for a flabby neck.

How gymnastics works on muscles and skin

With the inexorable passage of time, muscle tone weakens without specific training, the outlines and shape of the face change. Until about the age of 30, elasticity remains, there are no sagging, but then deformation phenomena gradually begin:

  • sagging cheeks;
  • a second chin appears;
  • The oval of the face "slides away";
  • the skin of the neck becomes flabby.

Exercises to tighten the facial and neck muscles help:

  • improving the condition of problem areas;
  • smoothing the dermis;
  • increased muscle tone;
  • positive changes in the appearance of the skin.

Of one daily care behind the face there is little to support the muscles of the cheeks and neck. It is necessary to perform lifting gymnastics for 6-10 minutes, and the first effect of the exercises will appear in 2-3 weeks.

Systematic gymnastics classes stimulate the processes:

  • enhancement of lymphatic drainage;
  • normalization of blood flow, tissue oxygenation;
  • reduction of mimic wrinkles;
  • muscle growth by increasing protein and collagen molecules.

By training the muscles of the face when performing a set of exercises, you can really resist deformation, the appearance of fine wrinkles, folds. Let's dwell on muscle groups:

  1. Ophthalmic - provide a lift of the upper eyelid Responsible for puffiness, swelling of the eyes, the appearance of "crow's feet" in the corners.
  2. Supracranial - hold the upper eyelid so that it does not sag. We owe the formation of folds on the forehead between the eyebrows.
  3. Nasal - exercises can change the edge of the nose (reduce or shorten).
  4. Mouth area - correct gymnastics improves the sculpting of the cheekbones. You can increase the volume of the lips and remove wrinkles (pouches) near the mouth.
  5. Chewing muscles - provide a perfect face contour. The training of these muscles improves the jaw contour, the double chin disappears.
  6. Cervical and chin muscles - the quality of the skin on the neck improves, tone appears, and the laxity of the neck goes away.

The effective impact of physical education is provided by the change of relaxing and strenuous efforts. As a result, an increase in elasticity and restoration of tone. Thanks to the exercises, skin elasticity returns, wrinkles near the eyes are smoothed. The dreams of many women come true - a facelift with the help of special exercises without injections and plastics.

Straining your back and shoulder muscles will interfere with exercise. The gymnastics is performed in a relaxed state, sitting on a chair. With your fingers, you need to fix the points with trained movements, avoiding unnecessary stretching.

Rules for doing exercises for the face oval

For the maximum usefulness of the movements performed, you need to follow the recommendations:

  1. Carrying out training has a minimum of contraindications and side effects. Among them are hypertension, problems with the facial nerve, jaw and plastic surgery, surgery on the spine. If you have dermatological problems, you need to consult with a specialized specialist.
  2. It is recommended to do exercises for the face and neck every day, otherwise the effect will be minimal.
  3. It is better to do the workout for the face in the evening. Rest at night has a beneficial effect on the condition of the muscles after exertion.
  4. Before the exercises, you need to fully prepare the skin - to clean it of tonal and decorative cosmetics. It is better to pre-warm your face with massage movements.
  5. At the end of the workout for the face, apply a cream with a lifting effect to the heated skin in a thin layer. This will increase the result from charging, prevent face sagging.
  6. You cannot perform professional procedures to strengthen the chin, neck, improve the oval - injections, mesotherapy and do gymnastics for the face. These are incompatible concepts. There is a great risk of zeroing the result from such a "tandem" or earning complications.

During exercises that allow you to strengthen the muscles of the face and chin, you need to carefully perform movements - throwing your head back.

Video "Gymnastics for the face"

6 simple exercises in 5 minutes for a facelift

Exercising for the face is an effective way to safely improve the oval, smooth out fine wrinkles and restore the lost tone of the facial muscles. It does not take a lot of time to carry out exercises for lifting the neck, for reducing the cheeks, in the basic complex there are no complex movements.

Simple movements made it possible to prolong the youthfulness of the skin, maintain its elasticity and delay the appearance of wrinkles. Let's take a closer look at the method of performing exercises for a facelift at home. Universal lip charger, results appear quickly enough if done regularly. Pulling movements help completely remove or reduce wrinkles (pouches) near the mouth. Plump and firmness returns to the lips.

  1. To warm up, pronounce the letter "P" several times. With the palms on both sides of the mouth, press on the cheeks and lips, we try to stretch the lips, it is impossible to squeeze to the end, there should be no wrinkles on the upper lip. Relax and vibrate (p-p-p-p sound);
  2. Raise the corners of the lips, hold them with your fingers, try to lift your lips through force. We monitor the center of the lips - it remains stress-free. Relaxation as in exercise 1.
  3. We try to make the mouth in the form of an oval, hold the corners with our fingers. We repeat the movement of the fish - we draw in and release our lips. Nose effortlessly, only lips work.

To obtain visible results, the exercises are repeated 18-30 times with the last time fixing for 5-6 seconds. The face contour charger has a mass positive feedback... Let's dwell on the movement pattern to tighten the muscles:

  1. It is necessary to raise the chin while simultaneously pulling the lower jaw. Fix for 3 seconds at the moment of the greatest stretch. Then go back to the beginning and repeat.
  2. With closed teeth, place the pinky and ring fingers on both sides of the lips. Do not press on the skin, just hold it easily. Then we extend the lower lip, freeze for three seconds and return to the IP.
  3. In the turn of the head to the side, we open our mouth, while the chin is raised. At the maximum stretch, we fix for 5 seconds, return to the PI and repeat from the beginning.

When doing exercises for the face contour for a month, you can expect positive changes. To improve the contour of the face, strengthen the muscles after 40 years, it is recommended to perform the following exercises against the wings:

  1. We try to pronounce the letter "O" We hold the lower teeth with our index fingers. With an effort we try to squeeze our cheeks so that our fingers come closer to each other. Tension is only at the cheeks, lips and the area near the nose are almost not tense, the upper lip stretches down. Relaxation (inflate and deflate your cheeks 4 times).
  2. Mouth in an oval position, fingers at an angle of 45 degrees above the lip. You need to press down with your upper lip. The lower jaw is relaxed. We return to the starting position, blow on the cheeks and gradually blow off 3 times.
  3. We fix the oval with our mouth, at the same time tighten the cheekbones, pronounce the sound "O" (do not pull). Upper lip down as far as possible. Do not move the corners of the lips.

All the proposed exercises for the cheeks are performed 15-30 times. We hold the last movement up to 5 seconds.

Simple stretching exercises for the lower face of the face:

  • move the head back as far as possible, until the neck muscles are completely stretched;
  • we push our tongue up all the way;
  • carefully you need to turn the neck in both directions.

The duration of the charge is 3-5 minutes, with one minute rest breaks. Gymnastics for the neck and face from wrinkles helps to smooth the face quite effectively. We offer the following basic workouts:

  1. Pressing your fingers on the corners of the eyes, squeeze the eyelids tightly, straining for 3 seconds. Then open your eyes wide. If your fingers feel a pulsation, everything is correct.
  2. Press your thumbs tightly to your eyebrows, draw imaginary eights with both eyes. Repeat up to 20 times.
  3. With three fingers - thumb, index and middle, press the forehead, while stretching the skin as much as possible. With effort we move the eyebrows down, up.

The performed gymnastic procedures will help prolong the elasticity, eliminate the sagging of the cheeks in adulthood. It is recommended to include the proposed exercise for the cheeks in the daily routine for a youthful face: the lips are extended, turn slowly in different directions, repeat up to 20 times. Simple movements with persistent execution can reshape and shrink the face.

We make fists, thumbs remain on top. On closed eyes, with gentle movements, we begin to massage the eyelids with fists, first clockwise, then counterclockwise. You need to touch with light pressure, without effort. The massage stimulates blood circulation, improves the tone of the facial muscles near the eyes. The skin improves, dark bags and swelling disappear.


First you need to open your eyes as wide as possible, up to bulging for a couple of seconds. Then we close our eyes. Alternate movements quickly up to 3 minutes. At the end, completely relax the muscles, do not open your eyes for 4 minutes. Exercise is one of the most effective in reducing eye fatigue.

Cheek puffing

We take a deep breath, hold our breath, round our cheeks. You need to release the air smoothly, the lips are slightly closed. Repeat up to 12 times. The alternation of face rounding with smooth deflation helps to preserve its contour for many years. The cheeks are firm, without wrinkles. The video below shows the cheek rounding technique for a facelift.


First, we smile as wide as possible, then we form our lips with a “tube”. Repeat 25 times. This lifting exercise helps to improve the shape of the face. The release of serotonin during kissing contributes to the effectiveness of the exercise. Positive emotions improve mood and muscle tone.

Stretching the ears

At first, we hold the earlobes with our fingers and drag them down (30 seconds). Then we pull in the opposite direction, finish with twisting movements in both directions. Unpretentious manipulations stimulate additional blood flow to the brain, increasing efficiency. For looks, stretching the ears helps stop the appearance of wrinkles. Already formed folds can be removed almost completely.


The charging sequence is to press with three fingers (index, middle and ring) to the arch above the eyebrow. Stretch the eyebrows in different directions for 4 minutes. When performed, the muscles in the forehead area are strengthened, wrinkles are reduced. Real relaxation occurs, stress is relieved.

A set of universal exercises for facial rejuvenation at home

Exercising for the face can really rejuvenate the face, for this you need a systematic performance, free time and a great desire to change your appearance. Let's dwell on the technique of performing gymnastics:

  1. Charging for the face from wrinkles begins with relaxation. Sit comfortably on a soft chair or small chair. The eyelids are lowered, the eyes are closed. We wait 15 seconds in this position. Then we completely cover the face with our palms. Without opening your eyes, you need to rotate the pupils in different directions in turn (16 times). Control the position of the eyelids without lifting during procedures. Smoothing vertical creases is the desired result.
  2. Gymnastics for the face at home helps to strengthen the muscles of the neck. You need to sit down in front of the mirror, your back is straight. The head is slightly raised, try to strain the neck. We repeat twice: "ui", "ee", "aa", "oo", "uu". Breathing while repeating sounds - through the nose, do not open the mouth. Repeat - 20 times.
  3. Gymnastics for the face contour includes eyebrow shaping. You need to raise your eyebrows as high as possible. The eyes remain motionless. Fixation - 10 seconds. As a result, the dermis near the eyebrows is tightened.

Exercises for lifting the face and neck provide effective exercises. The condition of the neck skin, lack of tone and elasticity visually determines age. Before doing exercises for lifting the oval of the face, you should warm up with clapping movements with your palms for a minute. Sequencing:

  1. The chin is raised, the jaw is forward. You need to strain your neck for no more than 5 seconds, then relax. Repeat 15 times. With a new movement, the tension must increase.
  2. The head is raised, the mouth is slightly open. We strain the neck muscles as much as possible, duration - 5 seconds. Then there was a relaxing pause. The next time, the repetitions increase, the maximum is 15.
  3. Tongue stick out, fingers touch the mouth. Tension to the limit. Time in tension - 5 seconds, then let go and relax. Repeats up to 10 times per day.

Exercises for a chin lift allow you to tighten the oval of the face. In order for the performed gymnastics to really work, the necessary recommendations should be followed:

  • before manipulation, we remove cosmetics in any usual way;
  • body condition affects the effectiveness of gymnastics, so you need to take a comfortable position with a straightened back;
  • all exercises for lifting the cheeks and face contours must be done calmly, without jerking, without unnecessary stress;
  • the time required for exercises to tighten the oval of the face takes no more than 10-15 minutes;
  • experts recommend that you put enough effort into the exercises for the cheek muscles, to lift the cheeks, chin and oval to release a small amount of lactic acid.

If there are problems with osteochondrosis and salt deposits in the cervical spine, you need to carefully perform the movements associated with a sharp rise in the head.

A set of exercises for lifting the face contour - face building

Face-building (literally "face construction") represents corrective gymnastics for the muscles of the face, which can slow down the manifestations of age-related skin aging. When performing exercises for the face, facelift actively affects the muscles, strengthens the tone, improves the oval. The system of exercises, if performed regularly, helps:

  • improving blood circulation;
  • strengthening muscles;
  • additional skin nutrition.

Systematic exercises for the face and neck help the recovery process by:

  • the oval sculpture returns;
  • lifting of the cheeks begins, cheekbones are drawn;
  • nasolabials become less pronounced;
  • double chin disappears;
  • leaves pasty and swelling under the eyes;
  • skin radiance appears.

When doing face building, there is no danger of muscle overload with constant stress on the facial muscles. The main requirement is to give the face a rest, relax before the next technique. The training system helps to develop and strengthen the muscular facial framework. Effective movements have been developed for each zone (cheeks, chin, neck, forehead). If you do gymnastics in accordance with the rules, the results will appear in 14 days.

Basic face-building classes in different zones:

  1. For the forehead, the goal is to get rid of or reduce horizontal forehead wrinkles. You need to place your fingers in the opposite direction on the forehead, both nameless ones hold their eyebrows. We try to raise our eyebrows while holding the skin. Eliminate vertical folds by holding the corresponding side of the face above the eyebrows with two index fingers. We gently move the eyebrows, with effort, we resist the shift with our fingers.
  2. For the eyelids - the starting position with the index fingers to touch the outer corners of the eyes, with the middle - the inner ones, movements are light, there should be no extra wrinkles. It is easy to press with your fingers, while looking up, squint your eyes. Then you need to relax, do not close your eyelids.
  3. From crow's feet around the eyes - hold the points above the corners of the eyes with ring fingers. Then we slowly close our eyes - the fingers move, the eye muscle should move behind the eyelid.
  4. To tighten the muscles of the cheeks, we work with two points: the first is in the middle of the lip from above, the second is similar from below. You need to open your mouth to stretch as much as possible to an oval. We gently hold our cheeks with our fingers, then smile, without changing the outlines of the mouth and the corners of the lips in the IP.
  5. To lift the corners of the lips, squeeze them tightly. With index fingers, press those places where there are more wrinkles, slightly raise the lips. We hold the corners with our fingers, then lower and relax.
  6. For the chin - we tighten the jaw tissues. IP - open your mouth and tightly tighten the lip to the lower edge of the teeth. Index finger to the middle of the chin, the corners of the lips back. Opening and closing the jaw slowly, the chin moves forward by 0.8 - 1 cm. In the extreme upper position, lock for 18-20 seconds.
  7. For the chin and neck - we sit straight, raise the chin, smile with closed lips. At the same time, the hand is at the base of the neck, over the collarbones and slightly downward with an effort.

It is recommended to start all exercises with 5-6 times, with a subsequent increase in repetitions to 18-20. With the appearance of sensations of tension in the facial and neck muscles, slight tingling or burning sensation, we can say with confidence that the face building technique is being performed correctly. You need to complete each exercise with complete relaxation: inhale, purse your lips and release air with a slight vibration. If you apply a firming cream to warm skin after gymnastics, the effect will be greater.

Restrictions and contraindications for the use of the complex:

  • hypertonic disease;
  • a history of facial trauma;
  • period 2 years after plastic surgery;
  • using botox.

Exercise, done daily and as recommended, really helps women regain lost facial muscle tone, tighten cheeks, restore oval and reduce neck laxity.

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