Types of cosmetic surgery on the face. Plastic surgery, types of plastic surgery. How to choose a plastic surgery surgeon

Pipes 16.08.2020

Plastic medicine is a separate area dealing with the correction of congenital or acquired visual defects. The most common type of such operations in Russia is considered to be facial plastic. There are several types of such procedures, some of them are performed without the intervention of a surgeon. Before deciding on any operation, you should familiarize yourself with the indications and contraindications, as well as the features of their implementation.


The main indication for plastic surgery is age. The optimal range for surgical intervention is considered to be between 35 and 55 years, since during this period cosmetic hardware procedures are no longer effective enough. Regeneration processes at this age are still active, which will allow you to recover faster after surgery.

Facial plastic surgery is indicated in the following cases:

  • loss of clarity of the oval of the face;
  • double chin formation;
  • overhanging eyebrows and ptosis of the upper eyelid;
  • the formation of bags and skin folds under the eyes;
  • deep and numerous mimic wrinkles.

The indication for plastic surgery is also the desire of the patient himself, since most of them are aimed at correcting the appearance. But in what volume and what kind of surgical intervention will be - you need to decide together with a specialist.

Types and features of the

Plastic surgery is divided into 2 major areas - reconstructive and aesthetic. The first is focused on eliminating deficiencies that affect the patient's health. These include a cleft lip, a large tongue, a missing outer ear, and a broken jaw. Such operations are performed only for medical reasons, since they are very difficult.

Aesthetic surgery helps to repair mechanical, chemical or thermal damage, as well as to correct some visual defects. Such cosmetic operations can prolong the patient's youth and improve his appearance. Aesthetic surgery is divided into plastic surgery and non-surgical procedures.

Non-surgical procedures

When age-related changes are not yet too noticeable, you can do without surgery. Such procedures are performed on an outpatient basis, they have a minimum of contraindications, after they are carried out, the patient quickly recovers.

There are the following non-surgical methods:

Name Features of the Result
Contour plasticThe procedure is carried out using injection or implantation. In the first case, fillers or specialized gels based on hyaluronic acid are used, which are injected subcutaneously. During implantation, specialists take fat from another part of the patient's body and transfer it to the faceAs a result of injections, they change the shape of the lips or cheekbones, smooth out fine wrinkles, raise the corners of the mouth, and eliminate nasolabial folds. Implantation helps improve facial contour and smooth wrinkles
ReinforcementThe procedure is a thread lifting performed using specialized absorbable threads. They are implanted under the skin. The procedure is carried out within half an hour or an hour without special training and hospitalizationReinforcement is carried out at a young age to slow down the aging process. After 35 years, it helps to eliminate nasolabial folds and fine wrinkles
BeautificationDuring the procedure, a facelift is performed using a complex of injections. They are selected based on the individual characteristics of the patient. The procedure is painless, does not require hospitalization and long-term rehabilitation
  • face shape correction;
  • elimination of wrinkles;
  • improving the appearance of the face

Plastic surgery

Plastic surgery is a radical method for correcting visual defects. The effect of their holding lasts for at least several years. In most cases, patients after such a surgical intervention require hospitalization and long-term rehabilitation. But the result of plastic surgery is most often noticeable even before the end of the recovery period.

Specialists identify the following types of plastic surgery:

Name Features of the Result
BlepharoplastyThe operation is performed in the presence of age-related changes and is a plastic eyelid. It is aimed at correcting the overhanging of the upper eyelid and eliminating fine wrinkles. The procedure also helps to reshape the eyes. The operation takes about an hour and does not require a hospital stay. Before its implementation, clients with eye diseases need an obligatory consultation with an ophthalmologist
  • giving expressiveness to the look;
  • elimination of bruises and bags under the eyes;
  • raising eyebrows;
  • elimination of crow's feet
BrawliftThe operation, which is a plastic surgery of the eyebrows, helps to raise them and is most often performed together with a forehead correction. It consists in weakening the ligaments and muscles that fix the eyebrows. During the operation, the skin is also moved up and fixed. It lasts about an hour, after which the patient is left in the clinic for a day
  • eyebrow shape correction;
  • elimination of deep mimic wrinkles;
  • improving the overall appearance of the face
LiposuctionDuring the operation, the surgeon removes excess fat from the face through small punctures in the skin. The procedure usually takes about half an hour and requires a short hospital stay after the procedure.Liposuction is aimed at correcting the shape of the face, and the effect of this procedure depends on adherence to the diet recommended by a specialist
RhinoplastyIn the course of rhinoplasty, or plastic surgery of the nose, they correct its shape, eliminate defects in the internal septa that cause snoring. It is not recommended to carry it out until reaching the age of majority, the only exception is injury to the nose. The operation takes about 1-3 hours (depending on the complexity) and is performed under general anesthesia. Tissues take a long time to recover (about six months)After rhinoplasty, hump is removed, the nose is shortened or its shape is radically changed. If during the operation cartilage or bone tissue was corrected, then the effect lasts for life.
Cantoplasty and cantopexyAs a result of age-related changes or the operation performed, an eversion of the eyelid (ectropion) develops, and during canthopexy, the ligament of the lower eyelid is fixed to the periosteum. It is used with a decrease in tone. In cantoplasty, the surgeon shortens the cartilage plate of the eyelid. After carrying out such procedures, the patient is left in the clinic for a couple of hours. The recovery period lasts 5-7 daysBoth procedures are aimed at correcting the shape of the lower eyelids, and the effect from them lasts from 5 to 10 years
OtoplastyDuring ear surgery, incisions are made behind the auricles. It is allowed to carry out the operation from the age of 6, and after the intervention, you need to wear a bandage for about 2 weeks
  • correction of the size of the auricles;
  • elimination of protruding ears
PlatysmoplastyA neck lift is performed simultaneously with the correction of the double chin, if any. During the operation, carried out under general or local anesthesia, the split neck muscle is sutured and fat deposits are removed. After it is carried out, the patient needs to lie on a pillow at a certain angle for 24 hours to accelerate healing.As a result, platysmoplasty corrects the shape of the face, but since the skin in the neck area is very thin, practically devoid of fat, the effect of the procedure lasts an average of 5 years
Removal of lumps of BishaBisha's lumps are fatty deposits in the cheek area that the baby needs to chew and suck. In adulthood, they protect the cheekbones from injury, but this function is not important, therefore, surgeons, if the client wishes, remove them. The specialist gets to the lumps through the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and the skin on the cheeksThe operation is performed to correct the appearance and highlight the cheekbones

There is another type of facial surgery called skin tightening.

Plastic surgery (cosmetology) Is a field of medicine dealing with the elimination of deformations and defects, restoration and improvement of the shape and functions of any organ, tissue or human body. This type of surgical intervention is aimed at returning the patient to the full value of his own body, psychological comfort, restoring the quality of life and a sense of beauty.

Plastic cosmetology aims at the complete or partial return of the lost functions to the human body. For example, breast reconstruction after mastectomy, rhinoplasty to solve breathing problems, skin grafts after burns, or removing scars and scars. However, operations are also aimed at purely aesthetic purposes - an increase in the breasts and buttocks, removal of a hump on the nose, correction of the shape of the eyes, etc.

Reconstructive and aesthetic plastic surgery

All plastic surgeries can be roughly divided into reconstructive and aesthetic (cosmetic) ones.

Reconstructive surgeries are just those that correct deformities of the body and tissue defects that interfere with normal human life. In this case, surgical intervention is not just a whim, but a vital necessity. Successful reconstructive plastic surgery can improve a person's quality of life by helping to restore a sense of fulfillment.

Aesthetic surgery is the use of cosmetic surgical techniques to improve the appearance. Such operations help not only to prolong youth and beauty, to improve your body, but also to get rid of many psychological complexes about the imperfection of your face, any organ or body as a whole. Thus, aesthetic surgery also significantly improves the quality of human life.

Types of cosmetic surgery

Most often, plastic surgeons are approached with a desire to look younger. For some, this means - big breasts and plump lips, while for others - to remove wrinkles on the face, for others - getting rid of loose skin. There are many types of aesthetic plastic surgery, but we will list the most common among them:

  • Plastic surgery of eyelids, nose, auricles
  • Breast and lip augmentation
  • Face rejuvenation
  • Hair transplantation
  • Enlargement of the male genital organ and vagina
  • Forehead and eyebrow lift
  • Cheekbones and chin plastics
  • Skin tightening after weight loss
  • Plastic surgery of hands, buttocks and abdomen
  • Hymenoplasty (hymen restoration)
  • Plastic surgery of large and small labia.

Another popular surgical procedure is liposuction, which removes excess fat from various areas of the body.

Read more about all types of plastic surgery in this section. Good luck!

Facial plastic
(face, nose, ears, lips, neck, eyelids)

Modern plastic surgery of the face has in its arsenal a lot of techniques for correcting completely different defects in appearance. With the help of blepharoplasty, lipofilling and facelift, unnecessary signs of aging and fatigue are removed, the look becomes more open and expressive, and the face is young. The most narrowly focused plastic surgeries - rhinoplasty (nose correction), cheiloplasty (lip plastic), otoplasty (ear plastic), mentoplasty (chin plastic) - are performed on certain parts of the face, but significantly change the entire appearance of the patient. Plastic surgery to remove Bisha's lumps allows you to save yourself from problems with flews and gives your face a more sophisticated look.

(implants, areolas, nipples)

Mammoplasty is a full range of plastic surgery aimed at correcting the appearance of the mammary glands. This includes:

  • increase or decrease in breast size
  • breast lift (mastopexy)
  • elimination of asymmetry of the glands
  • correction of the shape of the nipple and areola
  • breast reconstruction
  • re-mammoplasty

The modern implants used are made of high quality materials and have a lifetime manufacturer's warranty.

(belly, navel, waist, back)

Every person wants to have a beautiful toned body, but, unfortunately, nature has not endowed everyone with such an advantage. But thanks to modern technologies in the arsenal of surgeons there are such plastic surgeries as liposuction, lipomodelling and abdominoplasty. With their help, you can remove excess fat deposits in any, even hard-to-reach places, correct body parts that lack your fat and tighten your tummy.

(ass, clitoris, vagina, lips)

Such types of plastics are gaining more and more popularity in recent years. Gluteoplasty, or buttocks plastic surgery, allows you to tighten the butt and increase it in volume.

The entire range of plastic surgeries in the intimate area is aimed at removing defects and giving the genitals an attractive appearance:

  • laboplasty (correction of small and large labia)
  • vaginoplasty
  • clitoroplasty
  • hymenoplasty (hymen restoration)
  • g-spot injections (to enhance a woman's sexual sensations)

Absolutely every girl dreams of staying young and beautiful for a long time. This is probably the reason why most women are desperate to hide their age. The age of a woman is indicated by her hands, posture, style of clothing. But the first thing that can give out a woman's age is her face. Namely such signs of aging as aging skin and wrinkles.

In order for the first signs of aging to appear as late as possible, you need to properly care for your skin. And you need to start doing this already at the age of 20. However, in young years, our skin seems perfect, and no one thinks that in a few years real age will be noticeable.

If a girl did not start caring for her face at a young age, then after 25 years, various skin problems may well arise, which will definitely give out her age. Of course, all this can be corrected with the help of facial plastic surgery.

Facial plastic surgery is very popular among the fairer sex. But at the same time, facial plastics are the most feared, because operations performed on the face are considered very dangerous. But is this really so, and is it worth it to be afraid of facial plastic surgery? These and other issues should be discussed in more detail.

Contraindications and restrictions

Despite the fact that facial plastic surgery is very popular, not everyone can do it... There are a number of contraindications for which plastic surgery cannot be performed on your face. It is worth remembering that a doctor's consultation is required before any plastic surgery. And of course, you need to pass various tests. Even if, for all other indications, plastic is allowed, the delivery of tests is a prerequisite.

Need to know, that the tests have a certain expiration date... Therefore, if everything is fine with you now, this does not mean that in six months, when you are going to do plastic surgery, everything will be just as great. All examinations must be completed immediately before the cosmetic procedure within the time specified by the doctor:

Here are considered only the main contraindications for which you cannot do facial plastic surgery. Of course, in fact, there can be much more of them, so only a doctor can allow or prohibit plastic surgery.

In this case, the doctor may delay carrying out this procedureif the patient has ARVI or herpes. In other cases, in particular with oncology or poor blood clotting, long-term treatment is necessary until all symptoms that prevent plastic are eliminated.

Varieties of plastic procedures

There are many different types of plastics, and each of the options is suitable in order to eliminate a particular problem.

Without surgery

If you are afraid to undergo surgical intervention, then you have a direct road to a good cosmetologist. Many are sure that facial imperfections cannot be corrected without a surgeon, but this is far from the case. There are many methods to help correct blemishes and improve the overall appearance of your face. It:

Keep in mind: less complexity and the traumatic nature of non-surgical plastic surgery does not mean at all that it is possible to impose lower requirements on the clinic and staff, trying to find a more economical option. The consequences of any of the procedures described above, performed by an unskilled or technologically challenged specialist, can have very serious health consequences.

Moreover, the less complexity and responsibility of non-surgical plastics attracts not only all sorts of dark businessmen trying to make money on the desire of women to be beautiful, but also outright scammers.

Surgical methods

In order to achieve significantly noticeable changes in the skin of the face, it is necessary to resort to the help of a surgeon. There are quite a few plastic surgeries on the face:

Plastic surgery, like any other, cannot be called completely safe. Of course, it carries certain risks, this must be understood. And before deciding on such a step, you need to think very well and weigh the pros and cons. Under what conditions is it still worth doing plastic surgery:

Finally, it must be remembered that no plastics methods will allow you to preserve the achieved result forever. After some time, a new doctor's intervention will be required. This is both new monetary costs and an increase in the potential danger of procedures, especially when it comes to surgical methods of exposure. Thus, plastic is a struggle for beauty without an epilogue. And before you enter this fight, you need to use to the end safer ways: the use of various cosmetics that have the desired effect on the skin, massage, spa treatments.

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Plastic surgeries are aesthetic and reconstructive. The first is done to improve the body or face and thus increase self-esteem. The latter are aimed at eliminating congenital or acquired defects in appearance. Operations for medical reasons are performed from an early age. For example, the cleft lip is corrected after 3 months.

Until the child is 18 years old, each medical intervention is agreed with the parents (or guardians) and is supported by their signatures. If the child signs the documents himself, they are considered invalid.

2. Recovery from surgery can take several months

The recovery period depends on the specific operation and the patient's health. After procedures that do not require strong intervention in the body (such as injections), several days are enough. Rehabilitation after a facelift takes up to 30 days.

After breast reduction surgery (performed on men with disproportionately large breasts), recovery will take at least 1–2 weeks. Breast augmentation will take about 6 weeks to heal. At this time, you need to observe a special regimen (do not lift weights, do not drink alcohol, and so on), visit a doctor and do dressings, take anesthetic and remove the stitches at the end.

3. When choosing a specialist, the experience of a doctor, his portfolio, and not only matters

The plastic surgeon must be a member of professional organizations and have the appropriate education and certification. An additional advantage is professional involvement. If a doctor participates in conferences or teaches, he is aware of the latest trends in his field. Experience in carrying out a specific type of operation is important, since there is specialization here.

Before agreeing on an operation, you need to ask the doctor to show the results of his work. Many clients do not want their photos to be published on the clinic's website or in print media, but it would be better if the doctor, observing confidentiality, still shows the “before” and “after” photos. Pay attention to whether the doctor has photographs of patients taken a year or more after the operation. Feedback from other patients can also help.

4. Plastic is covered with dozens of myths

Many people believe that cosmetic surgery can be done in one go. In fact, many surgeries involve several sessions (for example, mammoplasty, liposuction), as well as postoperative observation with limited daily activities. Doctor visits will also need to be made afterwards.

Another common misconception is that after liposuction, fat will no longer accumulate. Alas, it can return, only it will be deposited in other places. Someone thinks that after surgical manipulations, being in the sun is harmful, but most operations do not require such restrictions, although exposure to the sun can be reduced in the first few days - this will allow scars to heal faster.

5. The surgeon can refuse the patient

Yes, there may be several reasons for this: age under 18, the presence of diseases that can adversely affect the operation (for example, blood or heart disease). Many surgeons refuse patients if they have deliberately high expectations: the doctor cannot “make” any desired part of the body from a photograph - he works with what nature has endowed you with. Therefore, let's say, it will not be possible to radically change the shape of the lips. The same applies to clients who are obsessed with copying the appearance of a star.

6. Sometimes after the operation you need to change your passport

Depends on how serious changes have occurred in the person's appearance. There are cases when people could not go through passport control at the airport because the officer did not recognize them in the passport photo. If the previous photo only remotely resembles your face, the document will have to be changed. If the appearance has not undergone major changes, the passport can be left.

7. Plastic will not get rid of excess weight quickly

The procedure, taking into account the postoperative recovery, will take a long time. For the first 2-3 weeks, patients will experience pain and bruises on the body. Work, exercise, childcare and household chores will need to be postponed by 4-6 weeks. The full rehabilitation will end only in six months or a year.

Then you can see the final result: until that time, the abdomen will swell, and the patient may experience numbness and stiffness in this part of the body. A scar at the level of the pubic bones will remain for life, although it will become less noticeable over time.

8. Operation is fraught with complications

Complications after surgery can vary. Hematomas occur in 1% of patients after breast and facial surgery. Seroma (accumulation of tissue fluid under the skin) occurs more often, especially in those who have had abdominal surgery. The liquid is quite easily removed by expressing through the syringe needle. Other common complications are infections and blood loss.

During liposuction, the surgeon may injure internal organs, which may require a separate operation to repair. Thromboembolism (or blockage of veins by a thrombus) occurs only in 0.09% of cases, and patients who choose abdominal plastic surgery are slightly more susceptible to it. The risk of blood clots is higher in those who have undergone more than one operation. In addition to the doctor's actions, the cause of complications may be an incorrectly selected anesthesia.

9. Aesthetic operations are harmless, but there is always a risk

Surgery is always a risk. To protect yourself, you need to carefully choose a specialist who will perform the operation. But besides the qualifications of the doctor, it matters how carefully and consistently the patient will carry out the preliminary preparations and subsequent prescriptions.

10. Operation requires lengthy preparation

Any operation begins with a preliminary consultation, at which the doctor assesses the patient's state of health and sends him for tests. In addition, the surgeon adjusts the diet and lifestyle: before the operation, it is better to refrain from alcohol and smoking and limit the intake of certain drugs (in particular aspirin and hormonal drugs). During the operation, it is better to abuse salty and spicy food, as it provokes swelling.

11. Smoking and plastic surgery are incompatible

Doctors recommend that patients stop using nicotine 2 weeks before the proposed operation: this applies not only to cigarettes, but also to nicotine patches, chewing gum and other products. The fact is that nicotine increases the risk of postoperative complications and slows down the wound healing process.

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