Growing hibiscus. What care does hibiscus need at home? Caring for Chinese rose

Frame houses 23.10.2023
Frame houses

Revered in the Pacific Islands, Hibiscus has received many names, and one of them is Chinese rose. It is this variety of Hibiscus that has taken root in the homes of modern people. Unpretentious in care, bright, bewitching Hibiscus attracts the attention of the most sophisticated viewer. It is especially good during the flowering period. Do you want to have a small tree in your home, decorated with unusual roses? Indoor Hibiscus will help make your dreams come true.

Short description

Homemade Hibiscus (Chinese rose) is an unpretentious flower. It is a tree (shrub) plant and belongs to the large Malvaceae family. Known to the general public since the middle of the last century. Originally used for propagation in botanical gardens.

It has a wide range of growth in the wild. Takes ancestral roots in the land of the rising sun. It is found in the lands of the Old and New Worlds with tropical and subtropical climates. In the wild, Hibiscus reaches its maximum size and can grow to a height of more than 3.5 meters (in a house it can grow to the ceiling). It has wonderful decorative characteristics for home use. Botanists count more than 15 species and varieties of Hibiscus. No more than 5 varieties are suitable for home keeping.

In the east, hibiscus is considered a cult plant. The Chinese attribute to it miraculous properties, such as: attracting goodness to the home, protection from dark energy, purification of the spirit. According to Feng Shui philosophy, blooming hibiscus has the power to attract financial well-being to the owner.

Care and maintenance of indoor hibiscus

Before you can grow a luxurious and blooming hibiscus, you need to be patient. Many years will pass before the small flower turns into a marvelous flowering tree with bright green leaves. Hibiscus grows slowly but surely.

By observing the necessary conditions for keeping Hibiscus, you are guaranteed to get an evergreen flowering plant in your home. A tropical plant, the magnificent Hibiscus loves good watering, bright lighting and high humidity. Let's study his needs and wishes in more detail.


During the growth period, the Hibiscus plant needs abundant and high-quality watering. This question is especially relevant in the summer. There are no clear standards for watering it. It is best to focus on the top layer of soil. A layer of soil that is too dry serves as a signal that it is time to water the flower.

For irrigation, use only “the right water”: filtered, settled, spring, melt or rain. Overwatering is dangerous for the root system. In order to optimize the watering regime, you can buy a soil moisture indicator. With such a device, the question “When to water Hibiscus?” will not arise.

The Chinese rose can withstand short-term drought, but you should not get carried away with it. Unlike succulents, it is not able to retain moisture. If for some reason the owners have not watered the Hibiscus for a long time, then it needs to be given a “tropical shower”. Thus, nourish all depleted parts of the plant with life-giving moisture.


Chinese rose (Hibiscus) grows well at temperatures from + 22 to + 28 degrees. If the temperature exceeds the norm, the flower may shed its buds. And if lower, then buds may not form at all. Hibiscus does not like drafts. Therefore, it is impossible to grow such a flower in a window with an open window. At temperatures below +8 degrees there is a risk of plant death.

.Air humidity

In its homeland, Hibiscus grows in conditions of high air humidity. To create favorable conditions in the house, the flower must be sprayed regularly, while trying to prevent water from getting on the buds and flowers.

In winter, pay special attention to air humidification. Do not place a pot of Chinese roses close to the central heating radiator. If this is not possible, then the battery should be covered with a wet towel, which is moistened as it dries.

An excellent solution would be to purchase an air humidifier. Such a device will be useful not only for the plant, but also for all family members.

Where to put a pot of Hibiscus flowers

Decoratively blooming Hibiscus loves sunlight. The south side of the apartment will suit him, provided that the flower pot does not stand on the windowsill. The slanting southern rays of the sun will fully provide him with the need for sun and warmth.

East and west are also suitable for growing it in an apartment. The north side is absolutely not suitable, or with the condition of additional lighting with special lamps that imitate the sun. In winter, when there is little sun and too dry air, Hibiscus especially needs care.

It's interesting to know

Many people complain that Hibiscus does not take root with them under any circumstances. Others, on the contrary, talk about its lush flowering and ease of care. Probably the secret of the flower lies in the energy. No matter how strange it may sound, Hibiscus does not get along with every owner. They also say that he is responsive to human speech and pleasant music. Maybe his main secret lies in these sayings?

The soil

Neutral soil, light and soft, is well suited for hibiscus. It’s good if the composition includes: turf, humus, leaf soil and coarse river sand. It's easy to prepare it yourself. Take all ingredients in equal parts and mix thoroughly. For those who are lazy, you can buy ready-made soil “for lemon and other tree-like and tropical plants.” Ordinary garden soil or black soil are contraindicated for Hibiscus.

Feeding and fertilizers

Fertilizers are additional nutrition, without which more than one house plant cannot live. Over time, the soil is depleted and the flower has nowhere to get the strength to grow and bloom. In the spring, use nitrogen-based fertilizers to feed Hibiscus, and phosphorus-based fertilizers during the flowering period. You can also use folk remedies, but carefully.

Hibiscus feeding is carried out using the root and foliar methods. During flowering, only the root method is used.

  • before applying fertilizer, water the flower generously;
  • Fertilize the flower no more than 3 times a month;
  • The best time for feeding is evening.

Hibiscus does not have a dormant period; it can bloom at any time of the year, as long as it is provided with warmth and light. Therefore, you can feed it all year round.


For the first few years, indoor hibiscus should be replanted no more than once a year. As the plant grows, the procedure should be carried out once every 2-3 years. Adults and very large specimens that have reached old age do not undergo transplantation. They just add new soil.

To understand that a flower needs replanting, you need to make sure that its root system has completely wrapped itself around the earthen ball and filled the entire space of the pot.

The best time of year to transplant Chinese roses is spring. When performing a complex transplant, the black roots should be cut off, allowing the young roots to develop.

A newly purchased Hibiscus plant is replanted a couple of weeks after adaptation. The shipping container may contain growth stimulants, which may adversely affect the further development of the plant.


It is important to remember that hibiscus flowers form only on young branches. That is why it requires annual pruning.

  • After each flowering, you need to trim the tips of the shoots, this will provoke the growth of side shoots, on which buds will appear next year;
  • It would not be a bad idea to pinch all the shoots of indoor hibiscus in early spring; pruning throughout the year does not harm the flower;
  • Remove diseased branches completely.

Hibiscus is quite loyal to pruning procedures and practically does not overdo it. Most likely this will benefit him. It is after pruning and pinching that it more actively pleases its owners with its marvelous flowers.

Flowering indoor hibiscus

Hibiscus can bloom all year round, but this requires very comfortable conditions, close to the tropics. At home, Chinese roses can be seen blooming from mid-summer to October. Its flower looks like a cup, in the center of which there are stamens collected in a tube. The color palette of Hibiscus is varied. There are pink, yellow, orange, burgundy, purple colors. Red Hibiscus is the most popular.

Hibiscus flowering has a short lifespan. With each dawn, new hibiscus buds bloom, and with sunset they wither.


At home, Hibiscus is propagated by cuttings, seeds and air layering. Three methods give positive results, but the method of propagation by cuttings is considered more convenient.

Cutting method

  1. The shoots cut off during pruning are planted in wet sand or in a glass of water.
  2. After the formation of a small rhizome, the flower is planted in the ground, the diameter of the pot should be no more than 10 centimeters.
  3. To increase humidity and create favorable rooting conditions, the young sprout can be covered with a jar.

This method of propagation has a distinct advantage - it is that hibiscus can begin flowering already in the first year. Flowers grown from seeds will only produce flowers in the third year of life. Air layering is used only by experienced flower growers or breeders who want to develop a new variety of Chinese rose.

Seed method

The period from January to March is good for planting Chinese roses with seeds. The seeds must first be soaked for 12 hours, and after planting in the ground, covered with glass or film to create a favorable microclimate. When the young shoots have several leaves, they can be planted in separate pots. Hibiscus seeds do not have good germination; out of 20 planted seeds, only 10 “babies” can grow, not all of which will survive to triumphant flowering.


Hibiscus does not get sick in the wild. Despite the fact that he has good immunity, his main illnesses in the house are associated with improper care.

Problem Cause Solution
Buds form but do not open There is not enough moisture or fertilizing has not been done for a long time Check the soil, moisten. If necessary, feed the flower.
Leaves become limp and lifeless Lack of watering or overwatering leads to root rot. Check the soil. Water. If necessary, replant the flower.
The foliage is drying up Indoor air is too dry Add moisture. Spray regularly.
Leaves are actively falling If there are no pests on the flower, then a draft may be the obvious cause. Eliminate the cause. Move the flower to another place.
Leaves turn yellow but dry Most likely the flower is cold or is watered with chlorinated water. Protect the plant from drafts, increase the temperature, water with high-quality water. Water with copper sulfate. Unfortunately, the yellow leaves will have to be removed.
Leaves turn yellow and become limp Root system disease Root inspection and treatment will be required, as well as replanting.

Indoor hibiscus does not bloom

Most often, problems with the lack of flowering in Chinese roses are associated with an excess of nitrogen. This problem will be solved by switching to fertilizers that contain a minimum proportion of nitrogen. It is also recommended to improve lighting.

Hibiscus buds fall

If there is a sudden change in plant conditions, the buds may fall off. Check that the temperature conditions are normal for indoor hibiscus, and also feed it with phosphorus.

Remember that you cannot rearrange or even rotate a Chinese rose during flowering.

Bacterial fungal diseases of indoor hibiscus

Most often, the development of fungal diseases is facilitated by conditions characterized as cold, dark, and damp. As a treatment, it is recommended to improve the conditions of the flower, transplant the hibiscus into new soil, sorting out its roots. A wide range of fungicidal drugs are used to combat fungal and bacterial diseases.


Scale insects, spider mites and aphids can cause harm to hibiscus if the plant is not helped in a timely manner. They all feed on its juice and lay larvae. Conduct a visual inspection of the flower.

  • The spider mite shows its presence with a barely noticeable web at the base and adjacent parts of the plant. It most often appears on hibiscus growing in rooms with dry air, which means this is a signal that the plant needs to be sprayed and bathed more often.
  • The scale insect detects its presence as “moles” that feel dense to the touch. Sits on leaves and trunk.
  • Aphids come in whole colonies. It can be identified by sticky spots and limp leaves. Hides on the inside of the leaf. It affects the entire plant very quickly. Its carriers are ants.

Proven folk remedies will help you get rid of pests. A solution of laundry soap, an infusion of garlic, onion peels, fumigation with sulfur, rubbing with weak manganese. These measures are gentle and do not cause severe harm to the plant. If there are too many pests, then more aggressive control measures will be required - chemicals (Iskra, Tanrek, Aktara, Karbofos). Their use should be careful, according to the instructions.


After all the treatment procedures and getting rid of pests, the plant needs to undergo “bath procedures”.

Hibiscus pros

  • blooms beautifully;
  • relatively unpretentious;
  • does not require frequent transplantation;
  • long-lived;
  • considered a healthy plant.

Hibiscus complexity

  • requires sufficient heat and light;
  • needs proper watering;
  • requires pruning and pinching;
  • requires a lot of space in the house when growing.

Having learned to determine the wishes of Hibiscus, you can grow a real tree in your apartment, strewn with lovely flowers. Diuretic and choleretic drugs are prepared from the petals of the Chinese rose flower, healing ailments and improving well-being, and hibiscus tea, which reduces blood pressure.

Almost every house, apartment and even offices, schools, hospitals and other institutions have various indoor plants. They decorate any offices, rooms, chambers and halls, simply standing on the windowsill or on the floor, or spreading out from cabinets or special racks. They delight the eye with their blooming and green foliage, saturate the air with oxygen and subtle, delicate, fragrant aromas, save in stuffy offices not only with their freshness and vitality of nature, but even absorb electromagnetic radiation from the computer monitor in front of which the staff works for days.

A plant such as indoor hibiscus is often chosen; it is quite unpretentious, especially if its owner is just starting to deal with flowers and gaining experience in this matter.

Hibiscus will forgive sudden changes in temperature, drafts, and insufficient bright lighting, and even if they simply forget to water it a couple of times, it will not die immediately. But in order for the plant to bloom and justify its second beautiful name “Chinese rose”, it still needs proper care.

The entire diversity of the plant can be divided into three main types, which differ in the period and time of flowering. The most famous and famous types of Chinese rose include:

These species grow well at home. They are also well adapted for growing in a winter garden or greenhouse; these places are also considered good for planting them. Hibiscus is a perennial crop and will delight its owner for several years in any of these planting places.

Decorative hibiscus has two varieties:

  1. Dutch has buds of orange, yellow, white, red or pink, and the petals themselves are either corrugated or have a different color at the edges.
  2. American(Florida) has a bud color of blue, lavender, violet, lilac, purple or brown. The petals can be simple or fully or half double, of the same color or with stripes and specks.

Of all the varieties of decorative hibiscus, the most vitally adapted ones have been identified, which include: red-leaved hibiscus, mix, double, Daniel Cooper.

Its development, flowering and beauty depend on whether the hibiscus is looked after correctly or not. Home care for indoor hibiscus is recommended for the following factors:

You can prune a Chinese rose in both summer and winter, and pinch it in early spring. It is worth pruning the shoots growing parallel to the trunk and those branches that rush to grow inside the crown - such pruning will not harm the hibiscus, on the contrary, it will have more strength to grow further upward and bloom more and more flowers.

Chinese rose is propagated by two methods, cuttings and seeds.

Cuttings. For this type of propagation, it is better to take layering from a young hibiscus plant. It can be placed both in soil and in water. To propagate in water, you need to place the cuttings in a dark glass and cover with a cap to increase air humidity. After a month, you can already replant it in the ground if a root has appeared. The soil must contain peat and sphagnum moss. When planting cuttings directly into the ground, you must first remove all leaves except the top two and prepare a mixture of peat and coarse sand.

Seeds. Hibiscus seeds should be planted in peat and sand soil from January to March. Before planting the seeds, you need to soak them in Epin. After planting, cover with film or glass (a kind of greenhouse) and maintain the temperature at about 26 degrees. When growing hibiscus seeds, the greenhouse should be ventilated and the soil should be sprayed.

The first option is recommended for a novice plant grower - it is simpler and has advantages. When propagated by cuttings, firstly, the characteristics of the mother variety will be preserved. Secondly, hibiscus will bloom in the first year after planting, in contrast to seed propagation (only after 2-3 years).

Signs of inadequate care

When growing ornamental hibiscus, the following difficulties may arise. For example, non-nutritious soil, dry soil or low temperature, etc. will cause the buds to not open and eventually fall off. Common problems:

Pest and disease control

Scale insects and spider mites are the main destroyers of ornamental hibiscus; they pose a threat to it. To prevent danger, you should wipe the foliage with soapy water, and then carry out the procedure of spraying with a special Actellik solution.

It is impossible to regret choosing indoor hibiscus. This is a truly unique, elegant cultivated plant that brings aesthetics to any room, gives its natural freshness and captivates the eye.

  • September 25, 2018
  • Flowers
  • Karmelia

Hibiscus (Chinese rose) is surrounded by many legends, according to which it improves the health of household members, is an absorber of evil forces, and can even help its owner get married or, conversely, scare away all gentlemen. In addition, in addition to her magical powers, she has an attractive appearance, is unpretentious and easy to care for. These arguments helped this flower become one of the favorite species for breeding at home.


The flowers of indoor hibiscus (Chinese rose) can be of different shades. And their distinctive feature is the fusion of reproductive organs - pistils and stamens, which are attached between the petals. The leaves are dark green in color with a glossy surface and are located close to each other and are located throughout the crown. The trunk becomes completely lignified, which brings the hibiscus closer to the appearance of trees.

This is an ornamental plant, reaching a height of up to 4 meters in natural conditions. At home, the maximum height reaches only one and a half meters. The branches are very spreading, and therefore hibiscus (Chinese rose) requires a lot of space. It is usually placed on the floor in large flower pots or tubs. The root system is also very well developed and large in size.

What humidity is needed for hibiscus?

This type of plant is demanding on drainage and a constant supply of organic matter. However, ensuring these conditions, although mandatory, does not cause much trouble to the owner. For Chinese hibiscus, care is very important. It is enough just to pay attention to maintaining the required level of soil moisture and preventing the roots from rotting. To do this you need:

  • add a little clay to the substrate, it will help the hibiscus achieve higher growth rates;
  • to avoid diaper rash, mulch the soil;
  • prevent water from stagnating when watering the flower frequently;
  • use drip irrigation; however, it is important not to injure the delicate petals, so moisture should not get on them;
  • Carry out regular spraying to avoid drying out and maintain the desired level of humidity.

If these conditions are met, the Chinese rose will receive the most comfortable atmosphere for good growth. This is especially important at home, where heating systems are constantly running.

Lighting and air flow for Chinese rose

The Chinese rose, or Chinese hibiscus, prefers rooms with good air circulation and therefore will not grow well in a musty room. Also, if you grow several roses at home, it is better not to place them close to each other and keep them away from direct sunlight and heat. If the plant is grown in hot tropical countries, then you need to choose a place for planting with periodic shading in the case of a flowering specimen. And you can choose permanent shade if the hibiscus does not bloom.

In general, the Chinese rose, or hibiscus (flower of death), a photo of which you can see in the article, is quite tolerant of various conditions; it only does not tolerate extremes, for example, direct sunlight on a windowsill on the south side or cold and shade on the north side. And even at home you can create favorable conditions for growing it without spending a lot of effort.

Watering hibiscus

When growing a hibiscus rose, you will not need to devote much time to care, with the exception of watering. This type of plant is very demanding on the amount of water and humidity level. It is strictly not recommended to allow the soil in the pot to dry out. In summer you will have to water more often than in winter.

In addition, there are several rules regarding hibiscus claims regarding watering:

  1. The soil in the pot should always be moist.
  2. It is better to water hibiscus using drip irrigation.
  3. Throughout the year, Chinese roses need to be sprayed.
  4. Particular attention should be paid to watering and maintaining the required level of air humidity during the heating season.

The Chinese rose should be watered with water at room temperature, previously settled. You also need to moisten the foliage so that it is saturated with moisture. This will help prevent the occurrence of certain diseases. The main thing is that water does not get on the flowering buds, since hibiscus petals are very delicate and can be easily damaged.

Chinese rose soil requirements

This species loves high humidity, so the soil on which it is grown must be well-permeable to moisture and air. Ready-made peat-based soil, sold in any gardening store, will not be able to provide the necessary permeability. Therefore, in order to offer the hibiscus (Chinese rose) the care it needs, it is better to prepare the soil yourself, observing several points:

  • It is worth adding a little rotted leaves to the substrate purchased in the store, this will give the desired structure to the soil and increase its moisture capacity;
  • you can also add a small amount of sand and turf;
  • it is necessary to create a slightly acidic reaction among the pH should not exceed 6.8, otherwise the absorption of nutrients from the soil will be difficult.

What fertilizers to use

Hibiscus (Chinese rose) at the growth stage requires constant addition of fertilizers to the soil. But during the flowering period, it is better not to use fertilizing, as it will not give a positive result or even cause harm.

It is noted that roses do not need large doses of phosphorus, since its excess has a negative effect on the plant, impairs flowering and poisons the plant. Whereas the amount of calcium should be much higher. Also, the applied fertilizers must contain magnesium, which is part of chlorophyll; if it is deficient, chlorosis can develop.

To fertilize, you should prefer days when the air temperature is low. It is better to apply fertilizers early in the morning or in the evening into soil previously moistened with water. The frequency of fertilization should not exceed one week, but more often is better. In this case, the dose should be proportionally reduced.

In addition, you can use the foliar feeding method. This requires ten times less fertilizer than for root crops. The diluted mixture must be applied to the surface of the leaves also in the evening or in the morning. A plant that has recently been transplanted cannot be fertilized.

How to replant hibiscus

When replanting Chinese hibiscus, caring for the plant in the future is very important, and the replanting itself is a prerequisite for successful cultivation.

To transfer Chinese roses, you should choose soil that is very light and contains the maximum amount of nutrients. In addition, it is better to use foliage soil as a base. Peat will not work in this case. The pot for replanting should not be too large.

A drainage layer of expanded clay or small pebbles must be placed at the bottom of the pot; its thickness should be about two centimeters. This layer is covered with soil; you should not mix these components.

The transplant is carried out in several stages:

  1. Before replanting begins, it is necessary to evaluate the root system. To do this, the plant is removed from the pot and the roots are examined. They should not show signs of rotting or damage caused by pests.
  2. Then the roots need to be cleared of lumps of earth.
  3. We transfer the plant to a previously prepared flowerpot. To do this, the plant is lowered into a container and assessed whether it is suitable for a rose. If necessary, if the pot is too deep, you can add more soil.
  4. After the hibiscus (Chinese rose) is placed in a container, you can cover it with soil, slightly compacting it layer by layer.
  5. The soil must be filled until about 1.5-2 centimeters remain to the edge of the pot to leave room for irrigation water.

You can even replant during flowering, although in this case you will have to be very careful not to damage the flowers. After replanting, the plant can be watered if watering was not done before replanting, otherwise wait until the next day.

How to properly prune hibiscus at home

The Chinese rose, or Chinese hibiscus, is considered one of the most beautiful ornamental plants. However, to achieve the ideal shape for the tree to have an attractive appearance, it must be pruned. There are several types of pruning. Her choice depends on the goal pursued by the owner. This could be removing damaged areas or shaping the appearance.

Types of pruning:

  • Selective. This type of pruning is designed to maintain the required shape and size. It is better to combine the time for it with the beginning of the growing season in order to get good flowering.
  • Topping. This procedure helps stimulate the growth and development of new branches. In addition, its main distinguishing feature is that the main part of the branches remains intact, only a small section is removed. This method is usually used for young hibiscus specimens.
  • Corrective trimming. The use of this method is recommended if the branches are quite large. In this case, the cut should be made in a place where there is wood that is still alive. If the cut is white and has a hard structure, then the branch will no longer grow as it is dead.
  • Strong. This method is used if the plant is already in critical condition and cannot be saved by either care or treatment.

In order to properly prune a plant and not harm it, you must follow a number of rules:

  • First of all, you should set a goal and choose a method;
  • then you need to thoroughly wash the instruments. They should also be as sharp as possible, otherwise the cuts will be uneven, which will worsen the appearance and harm the plant: the branches will take a very long time to heal. In addition, you can disinfect instruments using alcohol;
  • It is better to choose spring or summer for the pruning procedure;
  • after cutting off unnecessary parts of the Chinese rose (hibiscus), its care remains the same;
  • It is better to make the cut at an angle of forty-five degrees, and treat the wound areas with crushed, charcoal or activated carbon;
  • the apical part is cut off so that there is still space above the outermost branches on top;
  • It is very important not to cut off more than two-thirds of the branch.

By following all the above rules, you can minimize the damage caused to the plant during pruning.

How to propagate Chinese rose at home

Photos of hibiscus (Chinese rose) always amaze with their beauty, and almost every home has this flower. But not everyone knows how to propagate it on their own. In nature, it spreads by seeds. At home, this is done vegetatively using cuttings.

With the arrival of spring, you can use two main methods to propagate your flower:

  • Using seeds.
  • Cuttings.

Seed propagation method

Propagation using seeds is a very interesting activity that is perfect for gardeners who love to experiment and get new unusual shades of flowers. Seeds can be stored for five years, after which they may lose their ability to germinate. Before planting hibiscus, caring for the seeds must begin in advance and disinfect them by soaking them in a weak concentration of potassium permanganate solution.

It is best to plant seeds during the late winter - early spring. For sowing you will need:

  1. Soil mixture.
  2. Growth promoting ingredients.
  3. Greenhouse.

Before sowing, the seeds must be soaked overnight, covered with a solution so that they can “breathe”. Then they are laid out on gauze soaked in water, rolled up and placed in a plastic bag with small holes made in it for oxygen to enter, or in a small greenhouse to warm them up. Caring for Chinese rose (or hibiscus) seeds raises many questions. How to care for seed material before planting is one of the main issues, and by following the sequence described above, you can ensure the maximum number of seedlings.

After the seedlings hatch and germinate, the greenhouse will have to be ventilated daily, and the sprouts will have to be sprayed with water at a temperature slightly warmer than room temperature. And in the greenhouse it should not be more than 27 degrees. When a couple of leaves appear on the sprouts, they need to be transplanted into small pots, following the rules.


The greatest aesthetic pleasure comes from flowers that are grown independently, and their beauty cannot be conveyed by a photo of hibiscus (Chinese rose). But before you admire them, the flowers need to be grown. To do this, in spring or summer you need to stock up on cuttings. You can get them by pruning the plant before replanting. The main thing is that the hibiscus is well watered before the procedure.

The resulting cuttings can be rooted in 2 ways:

  1. In water.
  2. In the ground.

In order to plant a new plant, you need to wait until good roots appear that can support an adult plant. The rooting process occurs as follows. You need to take glasses and fill them one-third with soil. Before planting, the cuttings are moistened in heteroauxin. The soil around the cuttings is compacted and watered with water at room temperature. The soil should contain peat and be slightly loose. It may take about a month before planting. The cups are stored in a greenhouse or covered with a bag.

To root hibiscus (Chinese rose) in water, care at home must be appropriate. To do this you need to follow a number of rules:

  1. The container in which the cutting is placed should be glass and dark in color.
  2. Water must be used warm and settled.
  3. You can add a couple of tablets of activated carbon to a glass of water.
  4. Also add 3-4 drops of fertilizer to the water.
  5. It is better to place a glass of water in a place with good lighting, but so that it is not exposed to direct rays of the sun.
  6. Water needs to be added regularly and root growth monitored.

Once the roots reach a length of seven centimeters and a pair of leaves appear, the plant can be planted in a flower pot.

Why doesn't hibiscus bloom?

Many gardeners sooner or later have a question about why hibiscus (Chinese rose) does not bloom. In this situation, it is obvious that the flowering of a plant is a reward for caring owners. And if the flower still does not appear, it means that there are deficiencies in care or, on the contrary, it is too “high quality”.

There are several reasons why hibiscus does not bloom:

  • the wrong amount of water, it can be either a lack or an excess. Both of these options can delay the appearance of flowers;
  • there are not enough nutrients in the soil, or, conversely, they are in excess;
  • the pot must be the right size, because too small or large can hinder the flowering process;
  • sharp temperature fluctuations both upward and downward.

If all the conditions were provided, why does the Chinese rose (hibiscus) not bloom? The cause may be illness. To find out which one it is, it is necessary to conduct an inspection.

What causes hibiscus

Rosan is quite unpretentious in care, so even if some mistakes were made during cultivation, it most likely will not cause much harm to the plant. But if problems nevertheless arise, it is necessary to analyze how the hibiscus (Chinese rose) has been cared for recently; perhaps systematic violations will be discovered, which were the cause. Among such violations are:

  • growing hibiscus indoors with very high temperatures and insufficient air humidity;
  • timely regular spraying was not carried out, this procedure is especially important in the summer;
  • the plant was exposed to direct sunlight or stood in a draft or wind for a long time;
  • the plant was not cleaned of particles of dust and dirt;
  • excessive watering, which could cause root rotting;
  • Poor quality water was used for irrigation; damage can be caused by poorly settled water or with a large amount of harmful impurities;
  • the impact of pests on the plant, which could also appear due to interaction with an infected hibiscus specimen;
  • timely replanting and fertilization were not carried out;
  • excess nutrients in the soil due to numerous fertilizing;
  • insufficient amount of light.

If all the conditions necessary for good growth are met, then hibiscus will delight you with its long flowering and long life.

Signs associated with hibiscus

There are many signs associated with this mysterious plant that do not bode well. However, not all over the world believe in them, but only residents of Eastern Europe. In other countries, signs associated with hibiscus, or the Chinese rose, do not make such a strong impression on people.

Below are some beliefs:

  • Hibiscus flowering has a negative impact and causes negative emotions in all residents of the apartment in which they live, and can even cause illness. It also “impregnates” the walls of the house with bad energy;
  • if the foliage of the Chinese rose has darkened and begun to fall off, then you should soon expect a serious illness in close relatives;
  • hibiscus can influence family relationships, and if it grows in the house, then the marriages will be unhappy and short-lived;
  • on the other hand, there is a sign that completely contradicts the previous one. If a rose is growing in the house, then a woman will never be deprived of male attention and joyful events in life.

Sometimes signs are very contradictory, and whether to believe in them or not is everyone’s own choice.

Hibiscus is a popular houseplant. Many gardeners call it "Chinese rose". With good care, the evergreen tree grows up to 2 m or more. In addition to Chinese, there are other types of such a spectacular plant as indoor hibiscus.

Care at home is simple, the flowering is very beautiful, propagation using cuttings gives excellent results. In most cases, the Chinese rose is grown in offices and public spaces, and not in an apartment: strange signs are associated with the flower, which superstitious people pay attention to.

Types and varieties of Hibiscus for growing at home

General information about the plant:

  • in nature, the height of some tree species reaches 10 m or more;
  • genus from the Malvaceae family;
  • there are shrubs, trees and herbaceous plants, annuals and perennials;
  • in nature, Hibiscus grows in the tropics and subtropics, in Europe and America;
  • large leaves, large flowers, lush crown, bright greenery, shades of petals - from white to deep red;
  • A popular greenhouse and indoor plant is the Chinese rose. The photos help to understand why, when looking for an ornamental plant to decorate offices, Hibiscus rosa-sinensis is chosen with large, bright red, scarlet-tinged flowers, simple or double;
  • a tree with a central trunk grows up to 2-3 m, sometimes higher, requires pruning and crown formation;
  • the homeland of indoor hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis) is the Malay Archipelago;
  • Breeders have developed many interesting varieties of Chinese roses with varied shades of petals.

There are many types of Hibiscus in nature:

  • Hibiscus Syrian tree.
  • Trifoliate.
  • Volatile.
  • Chinese.
  • Bolotny.
  • Sudanese.
  • Cosmatofruitous.
  • Trifoliate.
  • Terry.

Some species change the shade of their petals during different flowering periods. Previously, the Chinese rose had only bright red petals, but in recent years hybrid varieties with different bud colors have been developed: white, yellow, combined, with a bright center.

Home care

In most cases, Chinese roses are grown in apartments and offices. The plant looks like a small tree with a light brown, woody trunk. Young shoots are green, leaves do not fall. If the growing conditions are not met, indoor hibiscus does not bloom, but even in the absence of buds the plant is highly decorative.

Location and choice of flowerpot

The light-loving species grows poorly and does not bloom when there is a lack of sunlight. Most often, a tub or flowerpot with a tree is placed next to a window, in a room whose windows face south or east. The western side is also suitable if there are no tall trees or shrubs with spreading branches growing nearby.

The pot is medium in size, not small, but not too big, otherwise the roots will grow too much and take up more nutrients. Hibiscus grows well in a wooden tub and plastic flowerpot. It is important that there are drainage holes in the bottom, otherwise rotting of the roots is almost inevitable with abundant watering.

Advice! You should not choose a dark-colored flower pot: the soil and roots overheat more strongly in hot weather.

Where to place the plant

Five rules:

  • Closer to the window and light.
  • Possibility of shading in the hottest weather.
  • In an area where there will be free access to the tree for crown care and watering.
  • Not in a draft.
  • No dampness, not in a dark room.

Soil and drainage

For growth and flowering, the substrate needs not only a nutritious, but also a loose substrate. It is important that when watering abundantly, the water does not stagnate in the flowerpot. Drainage consists of small stones, pebbles, clay shards, expanded clay at the bottom of the flowerpot. holes are required to gradually remove water from the flower pot.

You can buy soil for the Malvaceae family at a flower shop or prepare a soil mixture at home. You will need 1 part sand, leaf and turf soil + 2 parts humus.

Planting and transplanting

Young Chinese roses are replanted annually, adult trees - as needed, usually once every two to three years. If the roots are actively growing, completely entwining the earthen ball, or the plant is slowing down, then a larger pot will be needed.

When replanting, proceed carefully so as not to damage the roots. Fertilizing is not carried out for a week after transplantation.

It is also advisable to move to new soil after purchasing a young Hibiscus at a flower shop. With optimal soil composition, the plant quickly takes root in a new pot.

Step-by-step video - instructions for transplanting indoor Hibiscus:

Temperature and humidity

Indoor hibiscus does not like dampness, drafts and cold. The optimal room temperature is above +22 degrees, but extreme heat and lack of fresh air negatively affect the plant.

In summer, the room or office should be warm. If you have an air conditioner, you need to check whether cold air flows onto the leaves.

In winter, during the period when the growing season is suspended, you can move the pot with the plant to a cooler room: at +17..+18 degrees. The indicators must not be allowed to become extreme and drop below +7 degrees: the heat-loving species freezes, rots and dies.

Chinese rose loves high air humidity (about 70%), but it is not always possible to maintain such indicators in a room or office, especially in winter, when the central heating is turned on. Spraying is not carried out in winter; there is another simple method: place a container of water near the plant or periodically use a household appliance - a humidifier.

Watering and spraying

Indoor Hibiscus loves moisture, but daily watering is not needed. Liquid is added after the top layer has dried. The water must be left to settle for one to two days.

The most intensive watering is in spring and summer, during the active growth of young greenery and flowering. In autumn and winter, the tree rests, and the level of substrate moisture is reduced.

Spray the leaves in the summer if the room is stuffy and watering is not enough to retain moisture. You can wipe the greens more often with a damp cloth.

Lighting and supplementary lighting

A sunny room is a prerequisite for good growth and bud release. Some varieties (dwarf species) do not tolerate bright light; direct rays on a hot day can lead to burns on the leaves. You will need some shading or placing a flowerpot with a Chinese rose in a room with windows facing west or east.

Feeding and fertilizers

Moderate application of mineral compounds improves growth and has a positive effect on flowering. It is important to know: an evergreen tree definitely needs all the components, including potassium, for the active release of buds and magnesium, so that the leaves do not turn yellow. You need to be careful with nitrogen and phosphorus, add components in minimal quantities.

Many housewives carry out feeding based on natural ingredients. A decoction of banana peels and succinic acid for plants gives a good effect.


To form a beautiful crown, you need to periodically trim the lateral and apical shoots. Some housewives do not take measures to create a spectacular shape and limit themselves to hygienic pruning. Even in this case, the tree looks lush and “rich”, but if desired, in the spring you can slightly shorten the young branches in the right places to form the shape of a bush or tree.

In the absence of formative pruning, the bush will be wide and spreading. In good conditions, indoor hibiscus grows up to 3 m and higher, and shortening the top is indispensable. Pinching is carried out in the spring, during the growing season. Chinese rose is an excellent decor for public spaces where it is not very cold and there are no drafts.

Flowering and dormant period

The first buds appear in late spring; with good care and sufficient lighting, flowering lasts throughout the summer. Even very young plants grown from cuttings often bloom if the Hibiscus is in a warm, well-lit place and receives a complex of mineral fertilizers.

Each flower pleases the eye for several days, then fades, but a new one appears in another place. From autumn to the end of winter, you need to give the Chinese rose a little rest for the spring growing season and timely release of buds. If the gardener observes the peculiarities of seasonal care, reduces the intensity of watering and fertilizing in winter, then the Chinese rose in the spring will be full of strength for the new season.

Reproduction methods

Growing Chinese roses at home is not a labor-intensive process; the plant quickly takes root and grows well after planting in the ground. The main method of propagation is vegetative propagation: young Hibiscus grows from cut shoots. Growing from seeds is most often used by professional flower growers and breeders.


Growing Hibiscus from a cut shoot is not a very tedious task, and the result in most cases is positive. It is useful to study the technology to avoid mistakes.

How to proceed:

  • cut young, green cuttings from apical or lateral shoots;
  • carefully remove the leaves and place in a glass jar with lukewarm water;
  • You can cover the container with a plastic bottle on top to create a small “greenhouse”
  • After three to four weeks, roots appear on the cuttings. Next, the shoot is planted in light and nutritious soil containing peat, sand and humus. To retain moisture, it is useful to place sphagnum moss on the soil;
  • young Hibiscus is protected from exposure to the scorching sun, but is allowed to grow in a bright area.

Growing from seeds

The method is labor-intensive, complex, and without professional knowledge and skills it is difficult to achieve a good result. For this reason, amateur flower growers use simple and accessible cuttings to breed hibiscus, and only breeders propagate the evergreen species with seeds.

Care errors and their elimination

It is important to understand what factors negatively affect an evergreen plant and how to normalize the condition of the Chinese rose:

Problem Causes Elimination
Leaves turn yellow and dry The plant is in a stuffy, hot room. Watering is rare, the tree lacks moisture. Excess nitrogen fertilizers, magnesium deficiency In hot weather, shade the plant and wipe the leaves with a damp cloth. In the warm season, be more careful to ensure that the soil does not dry out too much. Avoid excessive application of nitrogen fertilizers and normalize the amount of magnesium
Rotting Damp, cold room. Moisture accumulates in the soil due to too frequent and abundant watering or lack of drainage holes in the bottom of the tub or flowerpot Normalize the temperature. Water the tree as the soil dries. Check if the water drainage holes are clogged
Doesn't grow The flower is in a dimly lit room. The flowerpot is too small. Poor substrate, lacking nutrients. Root rotting Move the flower pot with Chinese rose to a bright room, but not under the scorching rays of the sun. Replant the flower, normalize the composition of the soil

Diseases and pests, control methods


Important information:

Important details:

  • A fungus can settle on a weakened tree if the soil is too wet and water stagnates in the soil after watering.
  • If you notice a dirty white or gray-black coating or wilting of the leaves, you need to carefully wipe off the layers.
  • Be sure to move the flower to a separate room if there are other indoor plants nearby.
  • To destroy pathogenic flora, biological fungicides and chemical names for the fungus are used: Fundazol, Abiga-Pin, Bordeaux mixture, Fitosporin, Profit Gold, Maxim, Tanus, Gamair, Trichodermin, Green soap.
  • When selecting fungicides, the type of preparation is taken into account: systemic or contact agents, degree of toxicity, period of plant protection after treatment.
  • To prevent mycoses, conditions against which pathogenic flora develop are excluded, and the grant is not allowed to become over-moistened, cold or damp in the room with the Chinese rose.

Experienced gardeners often prepare the soil for planting on their own, which increases the risk of introducing fungal spores with organic components. A simple method - calcining the prepared substrate in the oven - is a good protection against harmful flora. Another method is to treat the soil with strong potassium permanganate: take enough crystals so that when mixed with water, a dark purple solution is obtained.

Hibiscus in the house: signs and superstitions

How many contradictions are hidden in such a popular flower as the Chinese Rose or Hibiscus! The possible influence on a person may be different, but to a greater extent superstitions and signs are associated with people’s imagination and have nothing to do with the real state of affairs. Hibiscus is the flower of death, as many “knowledgeable” people claim, and if flowering occurs at the wrong time, then a misfortune will happen to someone close to you. No one knows where this belief came from, but many are afraid to keep a luxurious tree with spectacular buds at home, and grow the plant in offices and public places.

There is another opinion - Hibiscus carries powerful energy, invigorates creativity, activates the circulation of active matter around itself, because the flower belongs to the sign of Fire. A plant with a masculine principle restores the flame of love in spouses who have been married for many years. In many eastern countries, Hibiscus is considered a talisman for the hearth and a talisman for good luck.

Which version is closer? It is up to each person to decide, taking into account his beliefs and character. If you want to have a Chinese rose, but there are concerns about bad signs, you can place a flowerpot with Hibiscus at work: a well-groomed, beautiful tree with bright foliage and large flowers will certainly delight colleagues and visitors.

Indoor hibiscus is an evergreen plant with spectacular, bright green foliage and luxurious, large buds. Even without flowers, the tree remains decorative. If you follow the rules, you can enjoy the luxurious blooms of the Chinese rose for several months.

Many have heard that there is an indoor flower called the “Chinese rose,” but most have no idea that this is one of the well-known varieties of hibiscus, which in the southern climate grows right on city streets, and in the northern regions has long been successfully cultivated in a flower pot. .

Characteristics of culture

Rose of love - this is what the residents of the Hawaiian Islands called the garden hibiscus. The flowers of this plant could often be found woven into the hair of girls, where they effectively emphasized the southern beauty with the rich shades of their inflorescences. This plant belongs to the mallow family and is cultivated as a small tree in an indoor flower pot, as well as an ordinary shrub in the garden or greenhouse.

The hibiscus flower is striking in its beauty

Hibiscus appeared in European botanical gardens in the 13th century. Today it can be found in many countries: Thailand, Egypt, China, as well as in Sudan and on the islands of Ceylon and Java.

The Chinese rose is an evergreen plant with a bare stem and alternate leaves that usually fall off during the dormant period. The inflorescences are quite voluminous and, depending on the variety, differ in the rich color and delicacy of the petals. The hibiscus fruit looks like a capsule, divided into five lobes. The seeds are slightly covered with fluff, but in some types of crop they are bare.

Hibiscus can be classified as a long-livers; its lifespan is long and amounts to about 20 years.

Hibiscus tree in the garden

This crop lends itself perfectly to bush formation and, with proper care, can reach three meters in height.

The branches of the plant have a sour taste, and its juice contains organic acids, anthocyanins, pectin and hibisic acid, which makes the drink from the plant healthy and refreshing. This drink is made medicinal by its bactericidal, hemostatic, choleretic and diuretic properties.

Table: seasonal plant care

Varieties and types of Chinese roses

Among the wide variety of hibiscus varieties, there are several popular ones that can be grown in an apartment:

  1. – can reach four meters in height, grows quickly, requires a lot of space. The Chinese rose is very light-loving and with insufficient lighting it almost does not bloom. Flowers are up to 12 cm in diameter, sometimes double. A tonic drink with healing effects is prepared from this variety.
  2. or Syrian rose, a deciduous plant resembling mallow. It is cultivated both in open ground and in flowerpots in apartments or greenhouses. When replanting, only the top layer of soil is replaced. Loves light and warmth, has many varieties.
  3. Dissected hibiscus– the petals of a flower of this species are dissected and laid back, and the pistil protrudes strongly forward, which is why this variety has a very exotic appearance. Shades of red and orange; care as for a Chinese rose.
  4. Hibiscus Sudanese familiar to everyone who loves hibiscus tea. This species is often called rosella or simply Sudanese rose. Flower diameter 10 cm, color red. The entire plant can be eaten, excluding the roots.
  5. or herbaceous was bred in the USSR, in Tashkent, by crossing pink, red and holly hibiscus. It is distinguished by its large flower size (about 27 cm in diameter). The leaves are shaped like maple leaves and have a reddish tint. Able to winter in open ground with insulation during frosty periods.
  6. – named after Daniel Cooper, who brought it to England. The variety is variegated; under bright light the foliage turns pink. Flowers with a long pistil, large, of different shades, changing color from the tips of the petals to the core of the bud. The variety has strong immunity.
  7. – a variety with a tree trunk. Blooms profusely and regularly. The inflorescence is hard, bright yellow with scarlet veins. It has about 15 varieties.

Photo gallery: such different hibiscus

Hybrid hibiscus is known for its huge inflorescences. Hibiscus “Chinese rose” is the most common type of hibiscus in city apartments. The well-known hibiscus tea is prepared from Sudanese hibiscus.
Syrian hibiscus is capable of growing a voluminous head of blooming greenery. Yellow hibiscus has more varieties. than the others, Cooper's Hibiscus has a very decorative appearance due to its variegated foliage. Dissected-petaled Hibiscus forms very unusual flowers.

Video: how linden hibiscus blooms in Israel

Caring for a flower in a pot at home

First of all, you should understand that hibiscus is a plant of southern origin, and therefore it is important to create conditions where it will be warm and light. The best place for the flower is on or near a south window, although the plant tolerates partial shade normally. The main thing is to choose the right light mode for it, since if there is insufficient lighting, the hibiscus stops blooming.

Note: if your plant grew in the shade, do not rush to suddenly bring it into the sun, the hibiscus will receive severe leaf burn. Accustom the plant to sunlight gradually, gradually moving the flower closer to the window.

Blooming hibiscus on a lit windowsill

The ambient temperature should fluctuate between 20°-22°C, since the Chinese rose reacts capriciously to extreme heat and night coolness. Therefore, you should not open the window at night, and on a hot day, protect the flower from overheating by ventilating and spraying.

Planting and transplanting

The soil for Chinese roses should be light, nutritious and close to neutral. The ideal composition would be a mixture of turf, leaf and humus soil with sand (4: 3: 1: 1) or mix one part of sand and humus with two parts of ordinary garden soil. Charcoal should be added to the soil.

Hibiscus roots do not tolerate stagnant moisture in the pot, so the plant must be provided with drainage to remove water. To do this, you can pour a layer of expanded clay or small pebbles at the bottom of the pot with a layer of about 4 cm.

Video: transshipment of hibiscus

It is advisable to replant young hibiscus once a year, replacing a pot of the same size with a larger container. But starting from the age of three, the need for annual transshipment disappears, and the Chinese rose is replanted only once every three to four years. This culture is fast-growing, so you need to choose an appropriate pot for it, since hibiscus does not like crowded conditions, and if the flower becomes crowded, it will slow down its growth.

Video: planted hibiscus in a large pot (personal experience)

Watering and feeding a houseplant

Hibiscus exclusively needs a humid atmosphere, so it needs to be watered and sprayed regularly:

With Too much air is not conducive to flowering at all, since the buds need moisture to open. Moreover, dryness will provoke drying of the foliage and attack by insects. . Saying that flowers will not open in a dry atmosphere does not mean that they need to be sprayed. After this procedure, the delicate petals will rot and the bud will fall off. Only the foliage should be showered, and the buds will receive the moisture that will evaporate from the surface of the leaf. You can also place containers of water next to the plant to humidify the air.

Hibiscus loves warm and settled water

Note: containers with water to increase the level of air humidity around the hibiscus should be placed directly next to it. You cannot place a flower pot in a pan of water.

If frequent contact with a spray bottle is not capable of causing rotting of the foliage, then flooding, especially with cold water, will destroy the roots. The Chinese rose should be watered frequently and abundantly, but each subsequent watering should occur only after the top layer of soil has dried by about 5 cm. Water for irrigation should be settled and at room temperature.

In the spring, hibiscus is fed with fertilizers containing potassium and phosphorus, this will promote growth and flowering. All other microelements should be added during the active period of development once every 2-3 weeks, except for nitrogen, which should be avoided in feeding hibiscus.

How to make hibiscus bloom

If the hibiscus does not bloom, then simply replace the soil in the pot and increase the level of light. In this way, the growth of young shoots is stimulated, on which buds are formed. Regular pruning also promotes abundant flowering of Chinese roses.

Hibiscus does not bloom in poor light

Often in the fall the heating is not turned on for a long time, and it already becomes cool outside. Hibiscus senses this temperature difference, especially if the summer is hot, and actively forms buds. Using this feature of the plant, you can artificially stimulate the Chinese rose to bloom early.

There is another stimulation secret that our grandmothers used. When transplanting a plant into the soil with a pot where the rose grows, a wooden stick or sliver is inserted at a short distance from the trunk. This may seem incredible, but flower growers claim that this method makes hibiscus bloom not just regularly, but also consistently, blooming one flower every day.

Hibiscus can be provoked to bloom even in the middle of winter

When a plant sits in a pot that is too large, it will first grow in it, adding greenery, and only then will it find the time and energy to bloom. The flower container should be proportionate to the crown of the plant. True, if you plant a hibiscus in fertile soil, it will fill a large tub with roots quite quickly.

Proper and timely feeding also promotes hibiscus flowering. To do this, it is enough to apply a superphosphate extract or a complex fertilizer from a flower shop with a special composition to the moist soil once every 20 days to stimulate flowering.

And you shouldn’t use the flower all year round. A short rest in winter will allow you to enter the active growth phase in the spring with renewed vigor and delight you with abundant flowering.

Video: double yellow hibiscus bloomed

Rest period

Hibiscus is able to not go dormant during the winter, remain active and even bloom throughout the entire period until spring at room temperature. It is enough just to provide it with decent light and air humidity levels. But for good health and proper development, hibiscus must rest from November to February. To do this, you need to move it to a shaded and cool place and reduce watering.

For the winter, hibiscus can be moved deep into the room, away from radiators.

The volume of one watering should not be reduced, but the intervals should be increased. You can navigate by the dried layer. As soon as it has dried to a depth of 5 cm, this means that you can water the plant on the third day. The plant is sprayed during this period only if the air is too dry, but often this is not worth doing, and there is no need to feed it at all.

The optimal resting temperature for a Chinese rose for the formation of new buds is about 15°C. If the temperature is higher, the hibiscus will not “fall asleep” and will develop, which means it will require food. He will lack light and water, he will begin to get sick and, eventually, wither away. The lowest temperature limit is 13–14°C, when the temperature drops below, the flower will begin to freeze and hurt. By watering hibiscus abundantly at low temperatures, the grower risks ruining the roots of the plant.

In February, the Chinese rose is already ready to awaken, so you can gradually move it closer to the light and increase the temperature, and at the same time watering. A couple of weeks after the plant’s final adaptation to new conditions, it should be fed with potassium-phosphorus fertilizer.

Just before waking up, you can prune the hibiscus, this will stimulate its branching.

Why is pruning needed?

Formative pruning is necessary for hibiscus; it provokes the plant to bloom profusely. In addition, if you do not prune the Chinese rose, its bush will turn into impassable and unsightly thickets. You can trim the plant not only in spring, but also at any other time, following the rules. If, for example, the bush is pruned too late, in May, then it may not bloom. You can trim only those branches that have already faded.

After each flowering, pinch the tips of the branches, and the hibiscus will send out side shoots, on which buds will also begin to form.

Drastic pruning of hibiscus

It turns out that every unpruned branch is one unblown flower and a missed opportunity to admire it. The shoots parallel to the trunk are called “tops”; they need to be pruned first, just like the branches that grow inside the crown. Woody shoots growing parallel to the main branches are also recommended to be trimmed. As a guide, use a leaf facing outward: each shoot is shortened by one third above such a leaf.

You can form a bush depending on where it is kept: on a narrow windowsill it is more convenient to grow a compact tree, and on the floor in the living room it is more pleasant to see a spreading bush. It is difficult to overdo it when pruning hibiscus; this crop grows green mass very quickly, and the foliage becomes lush and dense.

Video: making a “marafet”

Video: trimming

How to graft hibiscus

Hibiscus can be grafted all year round, since it does not have a pronounced and obligatory dormant period. It is advisable to do this when the Moon is in the growth phase, because during this period plant juices flow from the roots to the stems.

There are several methods of grafting, and the most accessible is split grafting:

What is hibiscus afraid of?

Indoor plants are more often attacked by pests or infections, unlike their counterparts in the open ground, since they are in a confined space and sooner or later fall under a temperature jump, drought, draft or cold. While in the open air the environmental balance is regulated naturally, within four walls we ourselves create the conditions for maintenance and often make mistakes. In order to be able to provide timely assistance to a diseased plant, you must be able to recognize the symptoms with which hibiscus signals its abnormal condition, and know by what means you can correct the current situation.

Table: maintenance problems and care errors

Photo gallery: common hibiscus ailments

When experiencing stress, hibiscus may become spotted Hibiscus grows yellow leaves when there is excess calcium and nitrogen deficiency Hibiscus will wither if not watered or watered with cold water Lack of nutrition may appear as brown spots on the leaves Spots on leaves appear due to sunburn or insect attack Hibiscus turns yellow and curls leaves during active pest attack Guttation of hibiscus - a natural process in the plant Hibiscus attracts insects by emitting drops of fragrant nectar Hibiscus dries the leaves if it is not sprayed

Table: diseases and pests of hibiscus

Disease or pest Symptoms and causes Means for control and prevention
Non-infectious chlorosis It appears when the nutritional balance is disturbed, when there is an excess or deficiency of nutrients. The branches are thinning, the leaves are turning pale. Weak flowering indicates a lack of potassium, spots on the leaves indicate a lack of nitrogen or magnesium, unexpected leaf fall or white foliage indicates an iron deficiency.
Infectious chlorosis Occurs when a plant is infected with a pest, microbe, virus or fungal infection. The leaves curl and fall, the plant as a whole is depressed. Treatment of hibiscus with chemicals rarely helps in this case, since it is very difficult to determine the cause of the disease, and therefore to choose a drug. It is much easier to prevent such a nuisance: replant in a timely manner, keep the bush clean, and spray regularly.
Vascular wilting (tracheomycosis) Fungal infection of the plant. necrosis of branches at the base with transition to the trunk and gradual death of the entire bush. · All affected areas of the plant are cut off, capturing healthy tissue, and after that the hibiscus is treated with an antifungal drug (Verticillium. Fusarium, Zircon, dezavid, Grom-2, Domotsvet, Epin - use each drug strictly according to the instructions) or Trichopolum solution (dissolve 2 tablets in liter of water).
Aphid A small insect, it multiplies quickly, settles on the underside of the leaf, and drinks the sap of the plant. It appears as a sticky coating on plant tissues. Foliar treatment of the plant with tobacco infusion or Fitoverm preparations, diluted according to the instructions indicated on the package.
Spider mite A small red spider, almost invisible to the human eye. Covers the leaves with cobwebs and drinks the juice of the plant. Spraying will help get rid of ticks, as they do not tolerate high humidity. In case of a massive attack, it is better to use Fitoverm.
Whitefly Small white butterfly. It lives on the reverse side of the leaf, lays eggs, and leaves sticky marks on the leaves. Spraying with a solution of potassium soap or Fitoverm. In a well-ventilated room, the whitefly feels uncomfortable and leaves its habitat.
Little midge. Leaves egg clutches directly in the bud. The buds are falling off. Treatment with the drugs Muhoed, Grizzly or Provotox helps against gall midges (use according to the directions on the package).

Photo gallery: who threatens the Chinese rose?

A fungal infection of hibiscus can be misdiagnosed. Chlorosis of hibiscus is manifested by active yellowing of the foliage. Whitefly on a hibiscus bud. Gall midge - a small fly that lays larvae in the bud. Aphids on hibiscus settle on the back side of the leaf. With vascular wilting, the branches of the bush die. Spider mites on hibiscus leave noticeable skeins of web.


Indoor Chinese roses are propagated in two ways: by seeds and cuttings. The first method is labor-intensive and accessible only to breeders or patient gardeners with a penchant for scrupulous work, but dividing a bush by cuttings is not only simple, but also pleasant, since the cuttings retain all the varietal characteristics of the crop and the young plant blooms already in the first year of development.

Reproduction by cuttings

Usually hibiscus is cut after pruning.

Young branches are placed in a vessel with water, like in a vase. The container should be chosen from dark glass and it is better if it is possible to cover it together with the branches, like a cap, also transparent, for example, with a glass jar. The humidity around the cuttings will increase and they will take root sooner, and this will happen around the 25th or 30th day.

Hibiscus cuttings ready to take root in the ground

After the roots appear, the cuttings are transferred to peat soil with the addition of coarse sand.

Sphagnum moss added to the soil will also have a beneficial effect on the rooting of hibiscus cuttings. Before planting cuttings in the ground, it is necessary to remove all leaves from each branch except the top two.

After six months, the cuttings will turn into young plants and each can be transplanted into a separate pot for the next 12 months.

A rooted hibiscus shoot blooms in the first year

Seed propagation

Seeds are sown between the end of January and the beginning of March.

Before sowing, they are soaked in Epin's solution for 12–14 hours and only then laid out on a damp surface of a mixture consisting of sand and peat. The seeds are sprinkled on top with the same composition by one and a half centimeters and the container with the crops is covered with glass or covered with film to simulate a greenhouse atmosphere.

Hibiscus seed pod

The temperature in the seed germination area must be maintained constant, not exceeding 25°C-27°C, but despite the greenhouse nature of the procedure, this mini-greenhouse must be ventilated regularly to avoid the appearance of a treacherous fungus. During air baths, soil moisture is checked and sprayed if necessary. In order not to stress the seedlings due to temperature changes, the water in the spray bottle should be slightly warmer than room temperature.

When the seedlings form their second true leaf, they can be picked into separate small containers.

Hibiscus seedlings from seeds

Hibiscus grown from seed will bloom only in the second or third year.

Video: growing hibiscus from seeds

Video: sowing hibiscus in boiling water

Video: transplanting after sowing with boiling water

Video: sowing seeds for seedlings without soil

Hibiscus is ideal for those lovers of indoor flowers who prefer unpretentious exoticism. The Chinese rose can equally easily tolerate weak diffused light, temperature changes, and even a treacherous draft or short-term drought. Thanks to this undemanding nature, hibiscus is often displayed in hallways, offices, large living rooms and even the corridors of large institutions.

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