Decorative garden bows. Decorative onion. Proper planting and care. General description of decorative onions

Calculator 22.10.2023

As a gardener with little experience, I never considered the onion family as ornamental plants and planted only purely culinary varieties. Chives also grew in my onion bed, which annoyed me because they bloomed all summer long with lilac balls, and the greens themselves were hard, not juicy and suitable only for filling pies.

Imagine my surprise when at my neighbors I saw chives with other varieties of decorative onions in the form of a decorative landscape mini-garden and was amazed by their beauty and combination of colors.

It turns out that there are many varieties of decorative onions that can be used for original site design and without spending a lot of effort on caring for them.

Today there is a new hobby for gardeners - creating allarias (allium - onions). These are small mini-gardens of decorative onions that are planted on alpine hills, flower beds, lawns, and borders. Now I have such a small allery.

The article will describe the most interesting varieties of decorative onions and their features.

There are about 600 varieties of decorative onions. In Europe, they have been used for landscaping and decoration of gardens and parks for about 300 years.

In Russia, decorative bows have not yet become so widespread and only for a few land owners do they become interesting solutions for landscape design.

Decorative onions are unpretentious to lighting and soil, have a long flowering period, and differ in the richness of their colors and the shape of their inflorescences. Due to the concentrated content of essential oils and the specific onion aroma, they are grown only in the open air.

There is a rule for these plants: they must be planted in groups, and the smaller the plant, the greater the number of specimens that must be planted to create a beautiful and elegant allaria.

For the correct arrangement of plants in the allaria, it is necessary to take into account the height of the stem, otherwise taller varieties may obscure the shorter ones and a harmonious design will not work.

Decorative bows are divided into:

  • Tall, 80-150 cm: Sicilian, blue, giant;
  • Medium height, 40-65 cm; bow of Christophe, Schubert, beautiful,
  • Low-growing, 25-35 cm: bear's, karataev's, Ostrovsky's onion.

Varieties of decorative onions

Schubert bow

One of the most beautiful onions, the Schubert onion, blooms in early summer. The flower stalks have different lengths, thanks to which the plant resembles fireworks. The color is pink-lilac, the height is no more than 35 cm. Since the birthplace of this variety is the Mediterranean, it is better to dig it up for the winter and store it in a basement or cellar.

Neapolitan onion

The Neapolitan variety is distinguished by snow-white flowers in the form of bells, begins to bloom in June and forms a fluffy cloud. The length of the stems is 30-35 cm, it looks very elegant in single plantings. Does not tolerate winter well; it is better to grow in the southern regions of the country.

Moth onion or golden onion

The word “moth” in Greek legends refers to a herb that removes the magic of evil forces. Why the onion was given this name is unknown.

The onion received its second name because of its bright yellow flowers; it blooms for a short time, from late June to July, which is why it is not very popular. The flowers are star-shaped, the leaves are wide and glossy. The height of the plant is no more than 25-40 cm. It does not tolerate stagnation of water at all.

Slime Bow

Distributed throughout the country, it can be especially often found in vegetable gardens in Siberia, which is why its second name is Siberian onion or mangyr. The onion got its name “slime” because when the leaves are cut, juice—mucus (tears)—is released abundantly.

It is used for food due to its abundance of vitamins and mildly pungent taste with a garlicky aroma. It blooms with pink-lilac flowers in July, reaches a height of up to 70 cm. It is used in Tibetan medicine as a remedy for anemia and anemia.

Onion Karatavsky

Low-growing plant, excellent for alpine hills, unpretentious. The flower can be pink, lilac, and has a spherical shape. The leaves are longer than the stems, which gives the plant the appearance of a bouquet; it is used for cutting and blooms until the end of summer.

Christophe's Bow

Another name for this onion variety is Star of Persia; some flower lovers call it “porcupine.” The peduncle has the shape of a sphere, consisting of lilac flowers in the form of sharp stars, of which there are up to 90 - 100 pieces in the flower cap.

The petals of the flower are hard, sharp, and it blooms for almost 2 months. After flowering, the inflorescence dries directly on the stem. For this property, it is often used for decorative dried flowers.

Onion is pretty or pretty

It has a second name - the onion of the biologist Pachosky, who described its properties in detail. In natural conditions, it is an endangered species, listed in the Red Book of the Saratov Region.

The inflorescences have an original shape, reminiscent of a fountain. The stem is long, up to 55 cm, the flowers in the form of elongated cups hang down on thin stems. Blooms in mid-summer.

Bow Chameleon

The variety is suitable for regions with cold winters; it blooms for a long time, almost all summer. The inflorescences look like a fluffy round sphere consisting of many stars. The color is pinkish, pale, but on each petal there is a bright pink stripe in the center. Plant height – 50-60 cm.

Sicilian onion or honey garlic

This onion is otherwise called nectaroscordum, it has 2 varieties, both are listed in the Red Book. The variety is tall, up to one and a half meters, but despite this, it is not afraid of the wind. Peduncles are pinkish, in the form of large bells, tilted heads down.

Magnificent honey plant, blooms in May - early summer. The resulting onion honey has medicinal properties, but is not to everyone's taste.

Onion Narcissiflorum

The birthplace of onions is the Alps. This type differs from other varieties of decorative bows; it is considered an aristocrat among them. Grows up to 45 cm, loves partial shade, blooms for almost a month and a half.

The flowers look like drooping bells and have the original color of dark red wine. Received this name for the similarity of the leaves with the leaves of daffodils.

Blue onion

Due to its unusual color, blue onions are considered royal. The stem stretches up to 1 meter, it is crowned with a blue ball, which consists of bell-shaped flowers, there are up to 300 of them in one inflorescence.

There are few leaves, they are located in the lower part of the stem, edible while young. The variety has a peculiarity: the leaf dries out in July and grows back in August. One of the most decorative varieties.

Ostrovsky's bow

The variety is called mountain-loving, since the most suitable soil for it is rocky slopes. The inflorescences are small, consisting of six-petalled flowers, similar to double lilac.

The petals are of different lengths and have a magnificent crimson color and a pleasant aroma. Blooms all summer. One of the shortest bows, ideal for alpine slides.

Aflatunsky onion

One of the most famous varieties is Aflatun onion. Today it is listed in the Red Book, as it is considered an endangered variety. It has unique properties similar to those of ginseng. In Central Asia, where the variety comes from, its bulbs are used for food by older people, as it preserves memory and slows down aging.

A tall variety, it begins to grow as soon as the snow melts, blooms with large caps of purple inflorescences, has a delicate scent, and is a honey plant.

Giant or gigantic onion

The variety is tall, up to 1.8 meters, loves sunny areas, does not tolerate waterlogging. The flower is spherical, dark lilac in color, consists of tiny star flowers, and is very decorative.

The only drawback is the rapid withering of the foliage. It blooms for about 25 days, starting in early summer. When dried, they are used to decorate rooms.


It has a second name: onion, it is popular among gardeners as a table spice; in Siberia it is called rezun, and in the south - tribulka. It grows as an unpretentious plant, tolerates cutting well, and quickly reproduces by seeds.

Blooms in June. Inflorescence color: cream, raspberry, lilac. Can be grown at home as a potted crop.

Round onion

The variety is otherwise called “drumsticks”. The plant is medium-sized, up to 80 cm high, the stems are thin, the inflorescence is small, the size of a walnut, and has a bright manganese color. Blooms in July-August. In Russia, it grows wild in the Caucasus, where it is used as a seasoning before flower stalks appear.

Bear onion, wild garlic

Bear onion (wild garlic) is widespread throughout Russia. The leaves are used for food and have a characteristic garlicky taste. The variety contains many vitamins and is used in the treatment of diabetes, gout, and hypertension.

In addition to decorative onions, there are many varieties of onions that are edible and table onions: onions, batun, shallots, leeks.

Among the decorative onions, edible varieties can also be distinguished:

  • Bear (ramson) - culinary, preparations;
  • Slime - fresh, for salads;
  • Chives - onions - culinary;
  • Suvorov onion - leaves, heads for preservation;
  • Roundhead - seasoning;
  • Aflatunsky - prevention of aging;
  • Blue - young leaves;
  • Sicilian - onion honey;
  • Fragrant - for salads and pickling.

In Ukraine, any onion is called tsybulya.

Among the plants that can decorate a personal plot, decorative onions stand out. It is also called allium, although this word is translated from Latin as garlic. It is a beautiful, unpretentious flower, pleasing to the eye in spring and summer, and is not difficult to plant and subsequently care for. In this article we will look at how to plant and care for decorative onions in open ground at a summer cottage.

Decorative onions are spherical or star-shaped inflorescences located on a high arrow. Their color depends on the variety, the specific aroma is a bit like the smell of onions, but more pleasant. Allium is a good honey plant, as a result of which bees and other insects hover around it, collecting nectar.

Decorative onions are used by gardeners in landscape design to create flower arrangements in their summer cottage.

The photograph gives an idea of ​​what the inflorescences look like and how they look against the background of other garden plantings.

Cut onion flowers are very durable and can stand in a vase for weeks. In addition, they are often used in dry bouquets and various compositions such as ikebana.

In addition to decorative purposes, some varieties also have practical benefits, since they are used for food purposes. However, special caution must be exercised here, since decorative onions also have inedible and even poisonous varieties.

Propagated by bulbs, seeds or bulbs. In all cases except bulbs, the growing season is longer. All varieties of Russian selection are winter-hardy, but very sensitive to prolonged moisture. Crops brought from Central Asia do not tolerate hypothermia. For these reasons, gardeners, in order to guarantee the preservation of planting material, prefer to dig up decorative onions for the winter and store the bulbs in a cool, dry room.

Growing decorative onions in the country in infographics

For the basics of growing onions, see our infographic below ⇓

Which type of decorative onion should I choose?

There are more than 500 varieties of decorative onions, which are not possible to describe in one article. For this reason, the table shows the most popular ones.

Variety name Type and size of inflorescence, Coloring Stem height Flowering time Notes
Giant Ball-shaped up to 15 cm Purple Up to 150 cm June Sometimes the stem needs to be tied up
Blue Spherical up to 2 cm Blue Up to 1 m July Leaves die off at the time of flowering
Karatavsky Ball-shaped up to 10 cm White or lilac Up to 60 cm June Beautiful decorative leaves
Star of Persia Ball-shaped up to 25 cm Lilac Up to 60 cm From June to July
Moli (Golden) Star-shaped up to 4 cm Yellow Up to 30 cm May June
Schubert bow Star-shaped Pinkish Up to 30 cm June
Mount Everest spherical White Up to 120 cm June
Roundhead Spherical, up to 2 cm Pink or burgundy Up to 1 m July August
Roseum Spherical, up to 8 cm Lilac pink Up to 30 cm June Does not tolerate winter, so is planted in spring
Roundhead Elongated oval, up to 2 cm long From pink to purple Up to 1 m July
Chives Umbrella Pale pink Up to 30 cm June Flowering time 20 days

By selecting varieties based on color and the beginning of flowering, you can ensure that the area where the decorative onions are planted will please the eye for a long time.

Decorative onions look great only in group plantings! One of the disadvantages of decorative onions is that after flowering, their leaves quickly wither and dry out, so they must be planted next to dense plants or bushes

How to plant decorative onions?

The first shoots of decorative onions appear on days 8-12, and the appearance of a bunch of leaves is about 3 months. At this stage, careful care of the seedlings is necessary: ​​watering and removing weeds

There are three ways to plant this crop in open ground:

  1. Seeds. This is how onions are planted in the spring, but it is better in the fall - then they will undergo hardening or natural stratification. The landing site should be well lit. The distance between the seeds is small, since then they will have to be dived. It takes more than one season before flowering, since the bulbs do not gain strength immediately. As a result, low-growing varieties begin to bloom no earlier than the 3rd year from the moment of planting in the soil, tall varieties - no earlier than the 5th year.
  2. Bulbs. The preferred planting time is autumn. During the growing season, the so-called children appear on the bulb - small bulbs, which, after digging, are separated, cleaned, dried and stored as seed. In some varieties, such bulbs appear in 3 years, in others, their development period can reach 5 years.
  3. Bulbs. On the inflorescences of some varieties of decorative onions, small bulbs are formed - bulbs. In order to get the desired effect, you need to cut off the buds in a timely manner, and then use special stimulants. The method allows you to completely preserve all the properties of the mother flower.

From the moment small bulbs are planted until the first flower appears, it can take a long time - up to 5 years, depending on the variety. However, even without its balls, the decorative lux looks quite decent - like small green bushes. There is also a place for them on the site.

Preparing the soil for planting

To plant onions, soil acidity should not exceed 7.0 and be below 5.0. If the acidity is below the given value, liming of the soil is required. What should be the optimal soil for onions?

The recommended soil temperature during planting should not be lower than 16°C. This crop loves warmth, and lowering the temperature threshold at the time of planting can lead to damage to the seed material. In addition, if you plant onions long before the onset of frost, they will have time to take root a little and winter better.

The size of the hole for the bulb is small and the depth is approximately equal to the size of three bulbs. For small bulbs this is approximately 10 cm, for large ones - 15 cm.

The soil must have good drainage, allowing oxygen to flow freely to the roots of the plant. In such conditions, moisture leaves the root area faster. To achieve the desired result, you can add a little non-clayey sand mixed with potash fertilizers or wood ash into the soil.

Planting decorative onions in open ground

Ornamental onions are planted in the fall from September to October.

The landing algorithm ultimately boils down to the following steps:

  • We make holes three onions deep and two onions wide.
  • We place the bulbs 25-30 centimeters apart if these are tall varieties, and about 10 cm if they are low-growing varieties.
  • Pour some water into the hole and as soon as it is absorbed, place the onion in the prepared area.
  • Fill the hole with soil, pressing it down a little. If there are severe frosts in the region, it is advisable to mulch the planting site with loose dry manure or peat (see → Mulch for onions: rating of types, what is best to use and when).

Gardeners advise planting decorative onions at such a distance from each other that the leaves of neighboring plants do not overlap. It should be taken into account that when staying in one place for a long time, a bush is formed due to stems growing from the multiplying bulbs.

In winter, decorative onions need to be fed. To do this, granules of phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are sprinkled on the soil. During the season they will dissolve on their own and gradually go into the soil.

Growing and care

To successfully grow and care for ornamental onions, you should follow a few simple rules, such as:

  • The culture is viable only in open areas. Constant shadow is detrimental to allium.
  • The soil should not be wet. Excess moisture in the root area will cause the plant to wither.
  • For the same reason, onions do not require frequent watering. Allium should be watered only when the soil dries out.
  • During the summer, before the leaves wilt, the plant requires a small amount of liquid mineral fertilizer.
  • The bulb should be dug up after all the leaves on the plant have dried. Before planting in the fall, it should be stored in a dry place where the temperature is maintained at room temperature - 18-20 ° C.
  • Small onions should be protected from drying out. To do this, they can be placed in sawdust or crumbly peat.
  • In the spring, you should clean the area where the bulbs are planted and carefully loosen the areas around the plantings.

Fertilizers are applied in the spring only after the leaves have grown.

Gardeners' recommendations for growing ornamental onions

Tip #1. Do not pick off fading leaves, as this damages the root part of the plant and may cause it to die or become very sick. Wait until the leaves are completely dry.

Tip #2. If the bulb is constantly in the soil and not dug up, it may lose its properties over time. At least once every 3-4 years it must be removed from the ground and the side bulbs separated. They can be used to increase the number of plantings on your site or among your colleagues.

Tip #3. Do not add fresh manure to the soil intended for planting ornamental onions. Fresh ammonia that has not been converted to nitrogen will damage the plant.

What plants and flowers does it go with?

Decorative onions go well with low-growing ornamental plants and perennials, and contrast perfectly with yellow and white roses

Allium bulbs are usually planted at a considerable distance from each other. This allows you to place other flower and ornamental crops in between. The result is a motley and colorful area.

Ornamental gardening experts recommend combining onions with plants that bloom at the same time. Peonies, poppies, irises, and lupins are usually considered as such. If the flowers are selected according to the length of the stem, this allows not only to hide the fading leaves of the decorative onion, but also to create the unique beauty of natural decoration.

Very often, landscape designers plant allium among roses. The combination of purple or lilac balls with red or white roses looks very impressive and pleases the eye. A similar result can be achieved in combination with peonies, which were already mentioned above.

There are also original solutions when decorative onions are planted very densely by variety - up to 50 plants per square meter. As soon as flowering begins, colorful carpets are formed, spreading between trees and shrubs. Low-growing varieties are successfully used for decorating flower beds, alpine slides and borders.

Diseases and pests of ornamental onions

Decorative onions, like any cultivated plant, are subject to the influence of negative factors, which are given in the table. Here are ways to combat them.

To prevent diseases, it is recommended to disinfect the bulbs before planting. This is done in one way - by heating. A week before planting in the ground, the bulbs are blown with hot air for 10 hours (up to 45 ° WITH). You can simply heat it to the desired temperature without blowing, but in this case it is more difficult to achieve uniformity. The drugs should be used according to the dosage recommended by the manufacturer.

Gardener mistakes when caring for ornamental onions

Despite the fact that allium is unpretentious, mistakes do occur when caring for this cultural plant. Here are the most common ones:

  • Overmoistening of the soil, which leads to rotting of the bulb and the death of its children.
  • Planting allium together with onion garden crops, which is fraught with disease infection. Chemicals used for allium are contraindicated for food crops, since they take a long time to be removed from them and can end up on people’s tables.
  • The spread of weeds leads to the fact that the bulbs are damaged or are in a depressed state.
  • Plants are fertilized with fresh manure, which leads to the destruction of onions.

Answers to pressing questions

Question #1: We planted bulbs of the same variety in the ground before winter, and after digging it up, it turned out that some began to form additional bulbs, while others did not. What's the matter?

Apparently, the acquired bulbs belong to different generations. Therefore, some have not yet matured to the point where the bulb acquires the properties of a mother bulb.

Question #2: Onions have been growing in one place for a long time and have already formed beautiful bushes. But in the last season, yellow spots began to appear on the leaves. Spraying with chemicals gave a short-term effect. What to do?

After the leaves have completely dried, you should dig up the bulb, sort it out, throw away all the affected ones, dry it and disinfect it by heating. During the growing season, use products that can destroy downy mildew.

Question #3: We collected seeds from decorative onions and planted them in the ground; the seedlings turned out to be very uneven. Why did this happen?

Apparently, agricultural technology has been violated. Planting ornamental onion seeds requires some consistency. Firstly, the seeds are planted in the soil at the same depth and at a short distance - about 5 cm - from each other. Secondly, the seedlings are picked. At this stage, the first culling is made. Thirdly, onions should be planted in open ground only when the plant reaches a certain size. Usually this is 10-12 cm. At this stage, defects are also removed from circulation.

Question #4: We have a very marshy area, but I would like to grow ornamental onions. Is there such a possibility?

In the area that you intend to allocate for growing allium, we recommend that you provide good drainage. The result is achieved using sand and small trenches on the water inlet side. The sand is mixed with the top layer of soil, and it is necessary to ensure that the level of the allocated area is higher than the main area.

Question #5: Is it possible to plant decorative onions like this? so that when it blooms it creates a continuous carpet?

From gardening practice, it has been revealed that such an effect is achievable if you dig up the bulbs every year, sort them out and plant only healthy material in the winter. Otherwise, there is a risk of death of some of the bulbs. In addition, the bulb reproduces by division and new shoots will inevitably thicken the crops and interfere with the development of the flower stem.

Onion is not only a plant that is actively used in cooking. Botanists include more than six hundred species, including decorative ones, in the Allium genus. They grow everywhere - both in Novaya Zemlya and in southern Africa. You can plant decorative varieties of onions in your dacha, flowerbed, or garden. They are quite unpretentious, but at the same time they are distinguished by their original colors, shape and long flowering period. Only from different varieties of such a flower can you create a so-called garden of continuous flowering. Today's article is about growing and planting ornamental onions in the ground.

What is decorative perennial onion?

Ornamental onion varieties are attractive flowering plants of a wide variety of species. There are both very tiny and quite tall specimens.

Decorative bow

Most types of such onions are perennial, which means you don’t have to buy seeds, grow seedlings, or pick them every year.

In total, about 130 varieties of this flower are used in gardening, and some of them are eaten. However, it is better to add table varieties to the salad, and decorate a bouquet or flowerbed with decorative ones.

A feature of alliums, which is why they are practically not used independently in floristry, is the high content of essential oils with a specific odor. For the same reason, they are best grown outdoors. These flowers have long been used in landscape design:

  • when forming alpine slides or rock gardens;
  • when decorating borders or group plantings;
  • for decorating garden lawns and parks;
  • The plants are used as dried flowers.

The most popular varieties of decorative onions

Many varieties of such flora, as well as hybrids, are used in gardening.. Popular types include chives, Aflatun, Karatav, Roseum, and Christoph's onions.

  • Chives very familiar to lovers of the first greens. You can grow it both outdoors and at home, in pots. It reproduces and grows very well and looks very decorative. During flowering, the leaves may turn yellow. In such cases, they need to be cut off, and within a couple of days new ones will appear.
  • Aflatunsky– the most popular variety of decorative allium. It is also known as Dutch. The spherical inflorescences consist of small purple flowers.

In some countries, wild Alfatun onion is on the verge of extinction. It is listed in the Red Book. The properties of the plant are comparable to ginseng.

  • Karatavsky- a variety that looks especially good on mini-flower beds and alpine slides. Not tall, but hardy. Inflorescences can be purple, pink, cream.
  • Roseum- a variety that is distinguished by small, pale pink flowers.
  • Christophe's Bow- a popular decorative variety used in large flower beds. The diameter of the balls, which consist of individual flowers, reaches 18-20 cm.

Rules for planting in open ground

The plant is planted in the fall (early flowering varieties), in September, or in the spring (late flowering varieties), in May or late April.

For decorative onions, choose sunny areas - the more light, the more beautiful the color of the leaves and the richer the color of the buds.

The planting depth plays a role: on average, it should be twice the diameter of the bulbs. There should be up to 0.5 m distance between sprouts.

Caring for blooming allium

It is very important to provide such onions with a sufficient amount of moisture during the growing season - without this, they will stop expelling leaves. Later, it practically does not need watering.

There is no need to cover the plant for the winter, and allium should be replanted every four to five years.

The soil should be loose and neutral. It responds well to compost applications and loves potassium fertilizers.

Decorative onions at the dacha

Alliums get along well with irises, peonies, delphiniums, and poppies. During preparation for flowering, the leaves die off, but they cannot be picked off. With their help, plants accumulate nutrients in the bulb.

This onion is propagated by bulbs, bulbs or seeds. It is better to separate overgrown bulbs in the fall, during transplantation. To collect seed material, the first inflorescences are used, and they must be allowed to bloom completely.

To get a bright decorative flower from seeds, it is better to grow them in a separate bed in the first year and collect the bulbs at the end of the season. In this way, a full-fledged plant is obtained only after three years, and sometimes even after five years.

Diseases and pests of decorative onion flowers

  • Downy mildew- caused by fungi. Leaves and flowers turn yellow, dry out, and in wet weather a purple coating is noticeable on them. The cause may be too much nitrogen fertilizer or contamination from other plants. Before planting, the bulbs are treated with a fungicide, and diseased flowers and the soil around them are treated with Bordeaux mixture.
  • Root mite, onion fly– these pests often attack alliums. To protect the plants, warm the bulbs at a temperature of up to 40 degrees for 12 hours before planting. Plants can be sprinkled with tobacco dust, ash, or sprinkled with dichlorvos.

Decorative bow in combination with other flowers

Use and combination with other plants in the outdoor garden

The flower is planted on alpine hills, in flower beds, stone gardens, and used as a border. Giant blue or light blue balls are especially popular. Large varieties are used independently, and they should be planted at a large distance from each other. Small varieties can be planted side by side, in “islands”: this way they look more advantageous.

Since the leaves of alliums may dry out during the flowering period, it is better to plant low-growing flowers next to them: delphiniums, hostas. Such plants look very attractive next to lupins, poppies, peonies, irises, and aquilegias. It is especially good to combine allium with perennials.

In landscape design, both single plants and groups are used. Tall sprouts are planted one at a time, creating color accents in certain areas. When planted in groups, decorative onions create colorful spots.

Bed of decorative onions

By selecting varieties with different flowering periods, you can create a garden of continuous flowering, which will delight you with bright inflorescences from mid-spring to late autumn.

Decorative onion is an original plant with ball-shaped inflorescences. It is widely used to create colorful bouquets, decorate flower beds or flower beds. Easy care and unpretentiousness make this perennial popular with gardeners and landscape designers.

Allium is just appearing in garden plots; it is a plant for innovators who appreciate everything unusual. Decorative onions (allium): planting and care are described in detail in the article, a description of the plant is also provided, varieties, characteristics of propagation, cultivation in open ground are indicated, especially successful combinations with other plants in landscape design are indicated. The article is accompanied by colorful photos.

Description: varieties and varieties of allium

Decorative onion – allium – is an extraordinary decoration for a garden plot. The plant looks like an alien among the usual asters, irises, peonies, and tulips, attracting the eyes of everyone around with its appearance.

Thanks to its unusual appearance, decorative onions are valued by landscape design professionals. Even novice gardeners can grow ornamental onions; the main thing is to provide them with the necessary conditions for planting in open ground, care, and adhere to all the rules for their propagation.

Decorative onion is an unpretentious and very beautiful plant

Existing varieties and varieties of decorative onions can be used not only as decoration for flower beds and flower beds, but also for making bouquets. Certain varieties (for example, Hair) have a rather pleasant aroma. Alliums amaze with their variety of colors, shape and structure of inflorescences, and come in different heights.

One of the most common varieties of decorative onions in open ground is Allium Schoenoprasum(schnitt). The plant is low with lilac-pinkish or light lilac spherical inflorescences. It blooms in spring, suitable for growing both as an ornamental plant and for use as food. The green leaves of this allium variety are suitable for salads and have a fairly mild taste.

Allium Schoenoprasum

Schubert bow, Hair, Mount Everest are effective in bouquets and other floral arrangements:

  • Schubert bow- a low plant (arrows up to 25-30 cm), the inflorescence of which (grayish-pinkish shades) has the shape of a star, all pedicels are of different lengths, blooms in June. Only professionals can recognize this plant as an onion at first glance;

Schubert bow

  • Hair- an unusual onion hybrid, has unique inflorescences and leaves of smoky-gray tones. Particularly effective in landscape flower beds, used for floral decoration and bouquets. Blooms for about 3-4 weeks, starting in late May;
  • Mount Everest- a type of onion that decorates the garden with white ball-shaped inflorescences consisting of dozens of star-shaped flowers. Reaches 100-120 cm in height;

Decorative bow Mount Everest

  • Excellent as an ornamental plant Globemaster bow, which blooms in early June and blooms almost until late autumn. Onion inflorescences are spherical in shape (can reach 20-25 cm in diameter), consist of individual star-shaped flowers, decorative onions grow up to 80 cm in height;

Globemaster variety

  • Mole's Bow, golden (Allium moly, Allium aureum) - interesting with star-shaped inflorescences of golden (yellow) color, usually grows up to 20-25 cm;
  • Round onion It blooms quite late (in mid-summer), blooms for about a month, the inflorescences have the shape of an oval (or a slightly elongated egg). Flowers of pink or purple shades, arrow height - up to 60 cm;

Round onion

  • Will add variety to the flower arrangement bow bow(wild), growing up to 50 cm in height. The inflorescences differ from other decorative onions in shape - a bunch of short spherical flowers of pale pink shades.

bow bow

Planting a plant

If you want to decorate your flower garden with such an unusual plant as allium, planting and caring for it will not cause much trouble.

You need to remember a few rules:

  • decorative onion is a light-loving plant; it is advisable to plant it in sunny areas;
  • the soil under the onions should be soft, breathable, and have good drainage to avoid stagnation of water;
  • soil acidity should approach normal (7.0).

Advice: if the acidity of the soil where you plan to plant allium is below 5.0, it should be limed.

It is recommended to plant decorative onions in open ground either in early spring or autumn (in September when the air temperature is not lower than 12°C). The hole for the bulb is made on the basis that the thickness of the soil above it should be two to three times the height of the bulb itself. This ensures reliable wintering of the plant and protection from drying out.

Culture loves well-lit places

Before planting allium, the soil should be dug up, simultaneously adding mineral fertilizers and humus. It is recommended to water the hole a little, and the planting site should be mulched.

Advice: do not plant onions in lowlands, where melt and rainwater stagnate in the spring.

Plant care

Growing ornamental onions does not require much effort from the gardener; this plant is quite unpretentious in care. Moderate watering is recommended for decorative onions; it is better to under-water them than to over-water them.

Attention: onions cannot tolerate waterlogging, the bulb begins to rot and the plant dies.

After flowering and drying of the leaves, the bulbs should be dug up and stored at a temperature not exceeding 18-20°C. Small onions should be stored in peat or sawdust to prevent them from drying out.

Fertilizer and feeding of allium

When growing allium in open ground, compost, wood ash, and mineral preparations are used as fertilizer. It is necessary to provide feeding onions during the leaf growth phase, during budding, as well as the formation of bulbs.

Onions require feeding at least once a season

Landscape design specialists recommend using complex fertilizers containing nitrogen in nitrate form for these purposes. In the summer months, you can water the plants with liquid solutions of mineral fertilizers. At the beginning of autumn, to ensure a good wintering, decorative onions need to be fed with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers; the granules are applied to the soil without prior dissolution.

Plant propagation

Propagation of allium, like all bulbs, is possible in 2 ways: by seeds and vegetatively, i.e. by dividing the mother bulbs, as well as by growing small bulbs - bulbs (see also about growing bulbs - gladioli, tulips, hyacinths).

Ornamental onion seeds

Decorative onion seeds can be sown either in autumn or spring in well-lit places. After germination, seedlings should be picked. In this case, it is necessary to take into account a number of factors: some types of decorative onions sprout only when seeds are sown before winter, after natural stratification. An artificial change in temperature (keeping seeds in a cold place) may not give the desired effect. In addition, when growing onions from seeds, you should remember that some species will begin to bloom only in the third, and maybe the fifth or sixth season, only after the bulb has gained enough weight for the next reproduction.

It is much easier to propagate your favorite allium varieties using bulbs, separating the cloves from the mother’s plants. It should be noted that the ability to form small onions, the degree of division of the onion into cloves, depends on the characteristics inherent in the species. The children should be carefully separated from the mother bulb; they should have a well-formed root system and shoots.

Allium bulbs

In allium varieties, very small bulbs can form on the inflorescences. It is recommended to stimulate their appearance by cutting off the buds, while treating the plant itself with growth stimulants. These ground bulbs can later be planted in open ground to grow ornamental onions.

Diseases and pests

With improper care and high humidity, ornamental onions can be affected by downy mildew, rot, root mite, and onion fly. To prevent these diseases, experienced gardeners recommend heating the bulbs for 10-11 hours at a temperature of about 40°C (can be done in a dryer or oven). Before storing, cut onions should be thoroughly dried and also heated.

Onion fly

If infected with a mite or fly, the plant should be treated with a solution of chlorophos (2%) and use peat, ash, and tobacco dust.

Decorative onions: combination with other plants

In flower beds, allium will look most advantageous and will emphasize beauty:

  • peonies;
  • aquilegia;
  • lupins;
  • irises;
  • poppy

Allium in combination with other plants

You can create beautiful flower arrangements using tall allium in combination with hostas and delphinium.

Allium in landscape design

Allium is spectacular in photos and “live” both in a single planting and in a group flower garden. A tall plant planted around the site will attract attention and focus on the desired point in space. Ornamental onions in group planting are also beautiful and attractive; by planting several plants in one place, you can create a bright spot of color.

Allium in landscape design

Growing, planting and caring for allium are exciting activities, because using its various varieties and types you can create a garden of continuous flowering and admire the amazing shapes and shades from spring to autumn.

Agricultural technology for growing allium: video

Allium in landscape design: photo

Growing allium opens up new opportunities in landscape design for novice gardeners. Instead of laying out flower beds or creating a rock garden, using decorative onions, which are planted and cared for well in sunny areas, you can create a luxurious allium. This original approach will compete with the most exquisite floral arrangements. And by selecting varieties with different flowering periods for your plot, your garden plot will be full of multi-colored aerial heads both in early spring and late summer.

Features of the plant

Alliums belong to the Allium family. These decorative flowers are close relatives of ordinary garlic and onions, which is noticeable not only in their external similarity - a tall juicy arrow with a lush umbrella of a spherical inflorescence, but also in their characteristic specific aroma.

Reference. Some varieties are not only pleasing to the eye in open ground, growing ornamental onions also has practical benefits. Altai onions, wild garlic, and chives are used in cooking. On the contrary, Caspian and steppe onions are poisonous crops.

Different varieties have their own characteristics. Plant height can be low, about 10 cm, some species reach 1.5 m and higher. The leaves are found both narrow tubular and broad-lobed, long elongated and short oval. Alliums are united by a hollow, swollen flower arrow, which is crowned by a multi-flowered inflorescence.

Sicilian onion

To ensure the decorative appearance of allaria, experienced flower growers try to hide the quickly yellowing leaves of decorative onions with other plants. For this purpose, a combination of alliums and primroses, aquilegia, and garden geraniums is used in landscape design. Planting tall onions is good in the vicinity of peonies and irises.

Varieties and types of decorative onions

In the wild, there are several hundred species of alliums. They are widespread in the Northern Hemisphere - from the tundra to the tropics.

Onion Karatavsky

Dozens of varieties are cultivated in open ground for decorative purposes. The most common varieties for summer cottages:

  • Sicilian onion, also known as honey garlic. A tall plant with a peduncle of about 1.2 m. Inflorescences of pale cream and pink shades. Good not only in landscape design, but also in room interiors. It is used to create dry winter bouquets.
  • Karatavsky onion belongs to plants of medium height. The height of the peduncles rarely exceeds 30 cm, which is why the photo gives the impression of disproportionately large inflorescences - about 10 cm in diameter. This decorative effect is emphasized by wide oval leaves with veins of purple shades. Flowering period is June.
  • On average, Blue onion reaches a height of 80-90 cm. It got its name due to the color of the inflorescences - small blue balls, up to 5 cm in diameter. This variety is also called royal; it is considered one of the brightest and most beautiful representatives of alliums. The leaves are already eaten in April. Flowering period – July.
  • The Giant Onion stands out from other alliums with its gigantic height, about 1.7 m tall. Its large inflorescences have a diameter of about 15 cm. This variety needs a garter if there are sharp gusts of wind in the region that can break the plant. Blooms in early June.
  • Christophe's onion is a bright representative of the flora of Central Asia, where it earned the name Star of Persia. The flowers of lilac shades in the photo really look like stars, the interlacing of long rays of which form an openwork sphere at the top of the peduncle. Flowering lasts about a month and a half, but even after this the inflorescences retain their shape for a long time.
  • Moli onions stand apart from other varieties. This specimen, unlike its other relatives, has an inflorescence in the form of a flat umbrella with a diameter of about 7 cm. Its flowers have a bright yellow color, thanks to which its second name became the eloquent Golden Garlic. The stem is low, up to 35 cm. Flowering period is June.
  • Roundhead onion is a representative of the late-blooming alliums, the flowering of which lasts until the end of summer. Its inflorescence also has an unusual shape - an elongated oval. The color of the flowers has a wide range - from soft pink to dark burgundy. The inflorescences are small - about 2 cm long. At the same time, this is a tall variety that can grow up to 1 m. The flowering period is June.

Propagation of decorative onions

Allium propagation in open ground occurs by dividing the rhizome and daughter bulbs. Less often, seeds and dividing the bush are used for this.

Onion Blue

Seeds need stratification before sowing. Planting small specimens will make you wait about 3 years for the first flowering, large ones will bloom for 5-6 years.

Cultivation of rhizomatous species is accompanied by dividing the bush every 4-5 years. Such propagation helps to rejuvenate the plant and preserve the decorative appearance of the flower.

Preparing for landing

In order for the allium to have a bright color in the garden, planting and care should be carried out in a suitable place - in a brightly lit area and loose, fertile soil. Such conditions in open ground will ensure the development of large flowers and the rich color of the plant’s leaves.

Christophe's bow

Planting is carried out on light soils. To ensure that the soil drains well, when digging, add a little sand and apply organic fertilizer. A good combination for this is rotted manure and complex mineral fertilizer.

Important! Beware of adding fresh chicken droppings or manure for planting - it is harmful to the bulbs.


Planting of decorative onions is carried out in the fall - from the second ten days of September to October. For this:

  1. Make narrow holes with a depth equal to twice the height of the bulb.
  2. The distance between planting holes is maintained at about 30 cm.
  3. Immerse the planting material in the moistened hole.
  4. The top of the bulb is sprinkled with rotted manure.
  5. Mulching with peat will be useful.

This scheme is suitable for both planting decorative onions and replanting old plants. Propagation by transplantation can be carried out 5 years after planting the young bulb. The onion is dug up after the above-ground part has completely dried out. At this age, many small children are formed around the old bulb, which can be used to grow new plants.

Decorative bow in landscape design

It is also preferable to plant seeds in the fall, before winter. If you do this in the spring, you will need artificial stratification of the seeds at home. During winter sowing, this process occurs naturally.

Propagation by seeds can be done from planting material collected from decorative onions with your own hands. For this purpose, the best specimens of personal allium are selected.

Further care

Caring for decorative onions is not difficult. The main thing to remember is that this is a moisture-loving plant. In their natural habitat, alliums can withstand drought, but cultivated varieties stop growing without sufficient watering. Abundant watering is necessary at all stages of plant development - after planting, during budding, during flowering.

Decorative onions in gardening art

Decorative onion is a winter-hardy plant. Winter care does not even imply covering the plantings. But there is an exception for crops that were brought to us from Central Asian countries. In winter, the weather there is dry, while in our conditions at this time of year it sometimes rains. And this is the case when watering is undesirable and the bulbs require storage in a dry place. Therefore, varieties such as Schubert or Christopher onions are dug up in August and stored in a cellar or basement.

Fertilizer application

Caring for decorative onions will be incomplete without fertilizing. Mineral fertilizer is applied in the spring with the appearance of the first sprouts of allium. In the autumn months, onions benefit from fertilizing containing phosphorus and potassium. While the buds are blooming, fertilizers for flowering garden plants will not harm.

Reference. Growing ornamental onions works well in soils enriched with potassium. The best source is ordinary wood ash.

Decorative onions can hardly be called capricious and whimsical perennials. In care, the main attention is paid to abundant watering during the period of growth and flowering. Organic fertilizers are quite easy to create with your own hands. These are the basic conditions that will ensure bright and long-lasting flowering for alliums.

Decorative onion planting (video)

An attractive bulbous plant that is often found in landscaping is called an ornamental onion. It has many varieties. The spherical inflorescences are pleasing from May to September. After flowering, these perennial flowers do not lose their attractiveness; openwork balls, towering above other plants, look very impressive. Let's tell you more about decorative onions, about planting and outdoor care that they need.

Allium, or ornamental onion, belongs to the onion family. It is a close relative of garlic and regular onions. If you rub an onion, stem or leaf, you can smell an easily recognizable garlic or onion aroma. There are several hundred varieties of onions in nature, all of which grow in the northern hemisphere.

Allium leaves are basal, belt-shaped or linear. The flowers are small in size, collected in inflorescences, which serve as decoration for the garden. There are types of decorative onions with balls with a diameter of 30 cm. Most varieties bloom in May-June, but there are varieties that delight with beautiful flowering in September. Flowering lasts quite a long time, the bright purple balls of inflorescences look equally charming in the spring and autumn garden.

For the first time, allium became known in Ancient Rome; its name came from there. It was used for preparing various dishes, for decoration, decorating flower beds and courtyards. The plant has a specific aroma due to the essential oils contained in it.

Types of allium

Currently, there are about 600 plant species. All varieties of decorative onions are diverse; they differ in stem height, leaves, color, and shape of inflorescences. The leaves can be belt-shaped, arched, or linear. The stem is tubular, its height reaches one meter or more. Delicate spherical inflorescences give the plant a special charm. They consist of small flowers that can be of different colors and sizes.

The most popular varieties of decorative onions:

Sicilian onion or honey garlic. The plant is also called nectaroscordum. It is tall, its height reaches more than a meter. The inflorescences are bundled umbrellas, with pedicels of cream and pale pink shades. When dried, the inflorescences of this variety are used in flower arrangements.

Christophe's Bow or Star of Persia. Bright lilac flowers in the shape of a star are collected in openwork spherical inflorescences. They resemble fireworks. These balls reach up to 30 cm in diameter and bloom for more than a month. Leaves, pointed at the end, narrow, linear.

Onion Karatavsky. This plant is the shortest, the inflorescences are white or lilac, the balls are up to 10 cm in diameter. They bloom in June. Oval leaves with purple veins give the plant a special attractiveness.

Giant Bow. This is the highest type of decorative bow. He reaches human height. Inflorescences with a diameter of 15 cm. Strong gusts of wind during seed ripening and flowering can break the stems; the plant needs a garter. Flowering occurs in early summer.

Ostrovsky's bow. This is a perennial plant that begins to bloom in May-June. Inflorescences reach a diameter of up to 10 centimeters. It blooms with pink flowers.

Bow Moli. This is a low plant, which is also called Golden garlic. The inflorescences are yellow, in the form of a flat umbrella. Onions bloom in June.

Roundhead bow. An ornamental plant with inflorescences of an unusual shape, they resemble a slightly elongated oval. This variety blooms in autumn. The balls are small in diameter, only 2 cm. But their colors are amazing. There are flowers in soft pink, burgundy and other shades. The plant begins to bloom in June, flowering continues into the fall.

Allium Gladiator. It is distinguished by a high peduncle and inflorescences of star-shaped flowers of lilac color. Suitable for rock gardens, rocky gardens, and goes well with irises.

Blue bow. Royal variety of allium. Very beautiful, its balls are 5 cm in diameter and pale blue. The plant blooms in July.

Variety Purple sensation. Lilac and purple flowers of this variety can often be seen in gardens. Peduncles reach 70 cm in height.

Allium Globemaster (Globemaster). This variety has a long flowering period. Its peduncles are 80 cm high, and its inflorescences are up to 25 cm in diameter.

Bulgarian decorative onion. It reaches up to 90 cm in height. It blooms in early summer, the inflorescences are white and purple, very expressive and beautiful.

Decorative onion Ivory Queen. Flowers enchant with their beauty and sophistication. Its ivory inflorescences are 12 cm in diameter. Throughout the flowering period, it delights with a bright fragrant aroma.

Planting decorative onions

Planting of decorative onions begins in early autumn, when air and soil temperatures begin to decrease. You can plant allium bulbs and in the spring, when the snow melts, the temperature is above zero. Whatever time is chosen for planting, a number of preparatory manipulations are required to prepare the soil.

Soil preparation

Before planting decorative onions, you need to choose a place to plant them. Give him the most illuminated place in your garden. The soil should be loose and have good drainage. To do this, add mineral fertilizer with potassium and sand to the soil. Decorative onion bulbs for planting are carefully selected; only healthy ones must be selected, without shoots, mold or stains.

The best time to plant the plant is from mid-September to mid-October. The bulbs should take root before the first frost. It should be remembered that decorative onions need a lot of potassium. It is better to add more wood ash before planting. Liquid mineral fertilizers are introduced into the soil in the spring.


  1. It is necessary to make small narrow holes. Bulbs are planted in them. The depth is determined by the height of the bulb. It should be double height.
  2. You need to make a large distance between the holes, about 30 cm.
  3. The hole should be moistened and the bulbs that were prepared in advance should be planted.
  4. Sprinkle soil on top, lightly pressing down the soil. It should be light, not compacted.
  5. Sprinkle the bed with rotted manure and cover it with peat to prevent the soil from freezing.

Allium propagation

Decorative onions are propagated by dividing the rhizome of the mother bulb and by seeds. To sow seeds, you need to select developed seed pods with seeds. Allium seeds can be sown in autumn and spring. It is better in the fall, so that they adapt to temperature changes and undergo natural training. It is worth noting that when sowing seeds, the growing season is prolonged; low-growing varieties bloom only in the third year, and tall varieties in the sixth. This is because the bulbs must reach a certain size.

Most often, division of the main bulb is used for propagation. Decorative onions grow in one place for up to five years. Then it is dug up and planted. By this time, the mother bulb has daughters that need to be divided. The decorative effect of the flower will be preserved, the plant will be rejuvenated.

Caring for decorative onions

Speaking about decorative onions, their planting and care, it is worth noting that this plant does not need special care. Allium is easy to care for. Planting sites should be watered only as needed to keep them moderately moist. Plant growth stops if the soil is dry, but it quickly resumes after watering.

Regular feeding is required, in the autumn - phosphorus and potassium. In spring you should use complex mineral fertilizers. These are nitrogen-containing complexes in nitrate form. They stimulate the formation of buds and the active growth of leaves. In summer, liquid fertilizing with mineral fertilizers is introduced.

Pest and disease control

Garden plant diseases can spoil allium, disrupting its development. The main diseases and pests of ornamental onions:

  • onion fly;
  • cervical rot;
  • powdery mildew;
  • root mite

Powdery mildew appears as yellowed leaves, which then become covered with light mold. When these signs appear, it is necessary to treat the onion with special preparations (Previkur-energy, Ridomil MC), you can use Bordeaux mixture. To prevent infection, experienced gardeners warm up the allium flower bulbs in the oven before planting. The temperature is set to 40 degrees, the holding time is 12 hours.

Onion fly and root mite are the most dangerous pests. When infected with onion fly, you need to treat the plants with a 2% chlorophos solution and ash.

It is believed that the most effective measure to prevent plant infection in the future is to remove onion plant residues and warm up the bulbs.

Seed propagation in the garden strawberries we are used to, unfortunately, leads to the appearance of less productive plants and weaker bushes. But another type of these sweet berries, alpine strawberries, can be successfully grown from seeds. Let's learn about the main advantages and disadvantages of this crop, consider the main varieties and features of agricultural technology. The information presented in this article will help you decide whether it is worth allocating a place for it in the berry garden.

Often, when we see a beautiful flower, we instinctively bend down to smell its fragrance. All fragrant flowers can be divided into two large groups: nocturnal (pollinated by moths) and daytime, whose pollinators are mainly bees. Both groups of plants are important for the florist and designer, because we often walk around the garden during the day and relax in our favorite corners when evening comes. We are never overwhelmed by the scent of our favorite fragrant flowers.

Many gardeners consider pumpkin to be the queen of garden beds. And not only because of its size, variety of shapes and colors, but also for its excellent taste, healthy qualities and rich harvest. Pumpkin contains a large amount of carotene, iron, various vitamins and minerals. Thanks to the possibility of long-term storage, this vegetable supports our health all year round. If you decide to plant a pumpkin on your plot, you will be interested in learning how to get the largest possible harvest.

Scotch eggs - incredibly delicious! Try to prepare this dish at home, there is nothing difficult in preparation. Scotch eggs are a hard-boiled egg wrapped in minced meat, breaded in flour, egg and breadcrumbs and deep-fried. For frying, you will need a frying pan with a high side, and if you have a deep fryer, then that’s just great - even less hassle. You will also need oil for frying so as not to smoke in the kitchen. Choose farm eggs for this recipe.

One of the most amazing large-flowered tubs of Dominican Cubanola fully justifies its status as a tropical miracle. Warm-loving, slow-growing, with huge and in many ways unique bells of flowers, Cubanola is a fragrant star with a complex character. It requires special conditions in the rooms. But for those who are looking for exclusive plants for their interior, a better (and more chocolatey) candidate for the role of indoor giant cannot be found.

Chickpea curry with meat is a hearty hot dish for lunch or dinner, inspired by Indian cuisine. This curry is quick to prepare but requires some prep. The chickpeas must first be soaked in plenty of cold water for several hours, preferably overnight; the water can be changed several times. It is also better to leave the meat in the marinade overnight so that it turns out juicy and tender. Then you should boil the chickpeas until tender and then prepare the curry according to the recipe.

Rhubarb cannot be found in every garden plot. It's a pity. This plant is a storehouse of vitamins and can be widely used in cooking. What is not prepared from rhubarb: soups and cabbage soup, salads, delicious jam, kvass, compotes and juices, candied fruits and marmalade, and even wine. But that's not all! The large green or red rosette of leaves of the plant, reminiscent of burdock, acts as a beautiful background for annuals. It is not surprising that rhubarb can also be seen in flower beds.

Today, the trend is to experiment with unusual combinations and non-standard colors in the garden. For example, plants with black inflorescences have become very fashionable. All black flowers are original and specific, and it is important for them to be able to select suitable partners and location. Therefore, this article will not only introduce you to an assortment of plants with slate-black inflorescences, but will also teach you the intricacies of using such mystical plants in garden design.

3 delicious sandwiches - a cucumber sandwich, a chicken sandwich, a cabbage and meat sandwich - a great idea for a quick snack or for an outdoor picnic. Just fresh vegetables, juicy chicken and cream cheese and a little seasoning. There are no onions in these sandwiches; if you wish, you can add onions marinated in balsamic vinegar to any of the sandwiches; this will not spoil the taste. Having quickly prepared snacks, all that remains is to pack a picnic basket and head to the nearest green lawn.

Depending on the varietal group, the age of seedlings suitable for planting in open ground is: for early tomatoes - 45-50 days, average ripening periods - 55-60 and late ones - at least 70 days. When planting tomato seedlings at a younger age, the period of its adaptation to new conditions is significantly extended. But success in obtaining a high-quality tomato harvest also depends on carefully following the basic rules for planting seedlings in open ground.

Unpretentious “background” plants of sansevieria do not seem boring to those who value minimalism. They are better suited than other indoor decorative foliage stars for collections that require minimal care. Stable decorativeness and extreme hardiness in only one species of sansevieria are also combined with compactness and very rapid growth - rosette sansevieria Hana. The squat rosettes of their tough leaves create striking clusters and patterns.

One of the brightest months of the garden calendar pleasantly surprises with the balanced distribution of favorable and unfavorable days for working with plants according to the lunar calendar. Vegetable gardening in June can be done throughout the entire month, while the unfavorable periods are very short and still allow you to do useful work. There will be optimal days for sowing and planting, for pruning, for a pond, and even for construction work.

Meat with mushrooms in a frying pan is an inexpensive hot dish that is suitable for a regular lunch and for a holiday menu. Pork will cook quickly, veal and chicken too, so this is the preferred meat for the recipe. Mushrooms - fresh champignons, in my opinion, are the best choice for homemade stew. Forest gold - boletus mushrooms, boletus and other delicacies is best prepared for the winter. Boiled rice or mashed potatoes are ideal as a side dish.

I love ornamental shrubs, especially unpretentious ones and with interesting, non-trivial foliage colors. I have various Japanese spirea, Thunberg barberries, black elderberry... And there is one special shrub, which I will talk about in this article - viburnum leaf. To fulfill my dream of a low-maintenance garden, it is perhaps ideal. At the same time, it is capable of greatly diversifying the picture in the garden, from spring to autumn.

Anastasia Sergeeva

Can onions be decorative? Unusual decoration for your garden

Having seen huge and bright allium inflorescences in a flowerbed in the city or in a neighbor’s garden, everyone begins to wonder: what kind of marvelous thing is this? And then they can’t believe that it’s just a decorative bow! And since many are unfamiliar with this original-looking plant, we decided to show our readers the most interesting varieties of ornamental onions, as well as tell us in more detail about their planting, cultivation and care, if you want to plant these miracle balls at home.

Decorative bow - general characteristics

In Latin, allium basically means “onion,” but in everyday life only decorative onions are called allium. Few varieties of decorative onions are edible, so they are mostly planted in flower beds to admire the unusual inflorescences. And if you start choosing which allium to plant, it’s no wonder you get confused: while studying varieties of ornamental onions, botanists counted more than 600 varieties, although about a couple dozen are popular in gardening. But at the same time, most bows are similar to each other, prefer the same care and are generally unpretentious.

Most ornamental onions are perennials that bloom from late May to July, depending on the variety.

The inflorescences of decorative onions are of the umbrella type: sometimes they resemble a whole ball, and sometimes they resemble a hemisphere. Onion flowers are collected in a bunch into an inflorescence, usually have six petals, and are either cup-shaped or bell-shaped. The size of the inflorescences varies: some are 10-15 cm in diameter, while others reach as much as 30 cm. Decorative onions are also good for their palette - from white to blue and from pink to purple.

Like its edible counterpart - green onions, allium has thin arrow-shaped peduncles: they can be both tall and very tall (onions 1.5-2 meters high are known!), and there are also varieties with low peduncles. The leaves, depending on the variety, can be very different - thin, long, tubular, wide, fleshy, etc.

If you smell a flowering ornamental onion, you will hardly notice any odor. However, by making a cut on the peduncle or rubbing a leaf in your fingers, you can hear a characteristic onion and sometimes garlic aroma.

Common varieties of decorative onions

Aflatunsky/Dutch - this decorative onion is very common in our latitudes. It has spherical inflorescences of bright purple/hot pink color and medium diameter. It reaches approximately 1 m in length.

Blue - the height of such a pretty allium is about 60-70 cm. Shades vary from light to blue-blue, almost azure. Its inflorescences are small, about 4 cm in diameter, but a whole flowerbed of such flowers looks very beautiful.

Chives - this allium differs from its relatives in that its pink-violet inflorescences look like drop-shaped buds, not balls. They are small in size, so it is best to plant them in bushes or in rows near the border. And its leaves can be safely eaten - this is why it is especially popular.

Karatavsky is a beautiful low-growing decorative onion with fleshy wide leaves and rather large and lush balls of inflorescences from white to pink-red.

Gigantic/giant - this particular onion has pedicels that can exceed 1.5 m in height. Large purple balls on thin legs look very colorful, although they often break due to gusts of strong wind.

Round-headed - the peduncles of this onion come in different heights - from 30 to 80 cm, and the inflorescences are small (2 cm), but strong and unusual - ovoid in shape. This allium is also edible.

Sublime/Maclean's onion - has lush spherical inflorescences, whose shade can vary from soft pink to lilac. The average height is 1-1.2 m.

Christophe's onion - looks very elegant thanks to the openwork network of its inflorescences with a fairly large distance between the flowers. His balls are very large, sometimes reaching 25 cm.

Where to plant allium

Of course, like almost any other plants, alliums feel best not in pots and tubs, but in the soil in an open area, so if you have your own garden, front garden or a whole summer cottage, then in this case the scope for imagination is endless . After all, this way you can not just grow one bush of decorative onion, but a whole onion garden - an allery, which is sometimes called an “onion hill”. These allarias look simply magical:

By combining different varieties of decorative onions, different colors, different heights, you can get delightful compositions that look voluminous, lush and very harmonious. The main thing is to choose allium varieties in such a way that some of them bloom at one time, and some at another, and thus you will be pleased with a beautiful blooming allium for a long time if the faded and yellowed plants are removed in time. However, lazy gardeners can, on the contrary, select decorative onions with the same flowering period, so that at one moment they can observe a huge lush flower bed, and then remove all the flowers in one fell swoop.

You can also plant entire borders of onions, placing the shortest varieties in front, and then in ascending order.

The problem with allium blooming in different colors can be solved by adding other plants to the composition - fortunately, decorative onions feel very good in the company of many other flowers and shrubs: tulips, hydrangeas, peonies, roses, hostas, etc.

In the same way, you can plant decorative onions at home on the balcony - you can do it in a pot, but it’s better in a long box, along with other ornamental plants that will take over the flowering baton when the allium fades. But you should still give preference to low-growing decorative onions, since tall flower stalks on the balcony can be damaged by the wind.

Decorative onions - planting in the ground

When to plant allium depends on its variety and flowering period. It would be good to plant early-flowering onions in the fall, in September (at an air temperature of at least 12 degrees), so that the bulbs take root before winter, then in late spring or early summer they will already bloom. If the variety blooms late, then somewhere in late April or early May, when the soil is ready, you can start planting to get flowers in the second half of summer. It is worth noting, however, that some varieties of decorative onions do not bloom immediately, but only after several seasons, so you will have to wait.

As we have already mentioned above, generally decorative onions are very unpretentious, drought-resistant, and are not afraid of cold weather, so it is not difficult to choose a place for planting. This can be the most common, neutral, moderately fertile soil, as well as good access to sun or at least partial shade. It is advisable, however, that water does not accumulate in this area of ​​soil, since excess moisture can cause allium to rot. Planting decorative onions in heavily blown places with drafts is also dangerous - if the variety is tall, the flower stalks may be damaged.

Allium is usually planted as seeds or bulbs, and the bulb option is preferable for many. The bulb should be placed in a narrow hole 2-3 diameters deep, and the distance between the bulbs should be kept at least 30 cm. Before planting, the hole should be moistened, after planting, sprinkled with fertilizers, for example, compost or ash (but not fresh manure), and also mulched.
Onions need to be replanted every 4-5 years. It is best to propagate alliums using bulbs - baby bulbs separated from the mother bulb if they have already formed a root system.

If you are going to plant allium seeds, do it only in the fall, because in the spring they do not germinate very well. Plant them in winter and leave them to undergo natural winter stratification. Before planting seeds, the soil must be well fluffed and then moistened. The planting depth should be very small.

For more information on planting and propagating alliums, watch this video:

Ornamental onions are an excellent plant for the lazy due to their unpretentiousness, so we can say that the main stages of caring for them are watering in moderation, periodic fertilizing with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers and weeding.

Moreover, it is worth watering the onion in the heat, but otherwise depend on the situation - sometimes there is enough rainfall to supply the flower with moisture. But this applies to wilder varieties, but if the variety is especially capricious, cultivated, or you are growing ornamental onions on the balcony, then watering should be more frequent, the main thing is to prevent its overabundance.

Allium is usually fed in the spring, when its first leaves appear, but sometimes fertilizers are added during the formation of buds to make the inflorescences more lush.

With high-quality and fertile soil with good water permeability, allium bulbs can be left to overwinter in the ground. In other cases, it is better to dig them up after all the seeds have ripened and the foliage has dried, and then place them in a cardboard box or wooden box in a well-ventilated place.

When onions begin to bloom, you shouldn't pick off the fading leaves to improve their appearance - instead, you should plant them with plants that will cover up their yellow color. Another tip: to keep your allium looking good and lush every year, wait for it to bloom, but do not allow seeds to form - cut off the arrow. Then the foliage will begin to fade faster, and the bulb will not be depleted.

Allium diseases and their pests

If the plant has not been provided with suitable development conditions, in particular, there is an excess of moisture, then it can be affected not only by rot, but also by root mites, onion flies, and downy mildew. In this case, it is recommended to treat the plant with an insecticide - a 2% solution of chlorophos, and also fertilize it with ash, peat, and tobacco dust.

To prevent infection, you can heat the bulbs in the oven or dryer. After digging, they must be thoroughly dried, and only then warmed up. The heat temperature should be approximately 40 degrees, and the warm-up duration should be 10-12 hours. Also, before planting, the bulbs can be kept in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

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