Kite. Making a kite from paper: drawings with dimensions Dimensions of wooden planks for a kite

Anti-corrosion 20.10.2023

A basic DIY kite consists of three slats glued to a sheet of thick material. A tail with a small weight is attached to the end, serving as a rudder. It is important to place the center of gravity in the middle of the body, then the structure can rise into the air. The lighter the kite load, the higher the takeoff will occur. It is necessary to take into account the fact that as the lift of the kite increases, the thrust from the ground increases. The supporting structure is subjected to air pressure, so the material for manufacturing must be strong and rigid.

What is a kite

Initially, such aircraft were made in China in the shape of a dragon - not a single traditional ceremony was complete without this symbol in the sky. And although the manufacture of structures has long gone beyond the borders of China, the name has stuck. Various models of flying devices can be with a base, frameless, flat or multi-plane design. The finished apparatus is held in place by a long rope called a handrail. The aerodynamic shape promotes stability, and the strong thread helps keep the kite at the desired airflow angle.


The design of a simple kite, from a flying frame with a tensioned covering, can be assembled at home. It won't gain much height, but it will be a good start for gaining initial construction skills. There is a single principle at work here, based on the aerodynamic and physical properties of objects. Slings are attached to the corners of the body and combined into a bridle for stable control. Each model is decorated and stabilized by a tail. Maneuverability will be improved by additional cargo or multiple tails.

Operating principle

The main condition for a high launch is wind speed (3-4 m/s). It is recommended to launch the finished model in an open area where there are no trees or wires. A well-made structure will be lifted by the air masses themselves. You need to stand against the wind, releasing the rope 10-20 meters. In light winds, you can run to catch the moment when to send the flying device into the air. It is better to cope with this task together. The smoothness of the flight depends on how correctly the tail and the length of the lines are adjusted to the size of the structure.


There are a large number of models to choose from: flat, voluminous, curved, frameless, triangular or consisting of several links. The latter differ from a flat kite in their high structural stability. Multi-cell form, with a large number of individual links, connected in the form of polyhedra. A group of interconnected flying devices looks impressive in the sky. The width of such a product is suitable for attaching a small camera to it for aerial photography from a height.

How to make a kite with your own hands

To make a flying kite at home, you need to choose a model that determines the shape of the frame and the surface material. Determine the number of support rails that support the canvas in tension . Sheets of paper, fabric, plastic bags, and cardboard are used as canvas. The slings can be secured in one or two places on the base. Good aerodynamic force can be imparted to both uncontrolled (single-line) and controlled (multi-line) models. The thread winding spool will eliminate tangling during startup.

From paper

You can make a kite out of paper as follows:

  1. Fold a square out of thick paper.
  2. Label the axis of symmetry.
  3. Fold the sides in half.
  4. Fold the corners to form an accordion.
  5. Pass a long thread through the center of the accordion.
  6. Attach the adjustment rail.
  7. Connect a bundle of threads prepared in advance.
  8. Decorate the free end of the ponytail with bows or rags.
  9. Pull the tail through the hole and secure it securely with a rope.

From fabric

Develop an original pattern to make a flying kite toy from wire using fabric:

  1. Wrap a piece of flexible wire with threads and secure them at the ends.
  2. Shape the wire into the desired shape.
  3. Trace a piece of fabric along the contour of the frame, leaving an allowance of one and a half centimeters.
  4. Glue the fabric to the wire blank.
  5. Decorate the surface.
  6. Tie the rope in several places.
  7. Bring the ends of the ropes to one point, retreating 30 centimeters from the kite, and secure them together.
  8. Tie the rope.

Made from polyethylene

DIY kite made of polyethylene:

  1. Prepare two planks, one being twice as long as the other.
  2. Fold them, moving away from the top of the long bar.
  3. Secure the connection point with tape.
  4. Wrap the strips with tape and make small cuts.
  5. Pull a strong thread through the cuts and secure it.
  6. Trace the outline of the finished frame on polyethylene, adding one centimeter.
  7. Cut out and tape the edges.
  8. Tie a 30 cm long thread onto a short stick.
  9. Tie a piece of fishing line to the top of a long stick.
  10. Connect all three ends of the fishing line to each other and secure the thread of the lower corners, by which you will hold the kite, with tape.
  11. Decorate the product with ribbons.

Dragon Kite

A large design, with contours resembling a dragon, is performed as follows:

  1. Select materials for the frame and covering.
  2. Make a support base for the desired shape of the flying dragon.
  3. Secure the connected structures with thin rope.
  4. Make a drawing of the model on paper, use it as a template.
  5. Cut out the outline of the kite for the airfoil.
  6. Decorate the surface with homemade designs or stickers.
  7. Attach the outer trim to the frame.
  8. Attach the slings, tie the rail.

Box kite

The box kite is a multi-plane kite. It's done like this:

  1. Make 4 long wooden slats and 6 half-short wooden slats.
  2. Secure the short ones crosswise with a self-tapping screw.
  3. Attach the long slats to the small ones in the center and ends.
  4. Tie the larger sides at the corners with wire or rope in a crisscross pattern.
  5. Wind the rope around the slats, secure it with tape in the shape of a rectangular parallelepiped of the frame.
  6. Attach the plastic strips to the slats, making a complete rotation around the object.
  7. Stretch a rope over the cellophane covering around the perimeter of the square and glue it tightly to the surface.
  8. Make loops of wire for tying the line.

Diamond Kite

You can assemble a kite with your own hands so that the design has improved aerodynamic characteristics. The description will help you:

  1. Make 6 long wooden slats and 4 slats half as long.
  2. Make small crosses.
  3. Cover the sides with wire and secure.
  4. Attach long slats to the sides of the crosspieces.
  5. Coat the wooden slats with drying oil.
  6. Tape the frame around each cross piece.
  7. Align the frame perpendicular to the position of the slats in the crosses.
  8. Cover the body of the kite with two layers of tape, being careful not to damage the shape.
  9. Tie a strong thread to each rail and secure with a strip of tape.
  10. Attach the fishing line to the wide side of the diamond at both ends of the batten.


Marina Suzdaleva

Summer time has come. Children are spending more and more time outside. And although there are many interesting ideas, what to do with a child in the summer, creating with your own hands and then flying a kite can become the most vivid and memorable event for the whole family. The participants of “” were convinced of this from their own experience and share their ideas and impressions with us. A large gallery of kites of various shapes and colors will surely inspire you to create your own conqueror of the air!

We decided to make a kite. We found some simple instructions on the Internet and started making them.
We acted like this:

My daughter actively participated in the process and helped: she attached the sticks together, taped the packaging, and made bows. As it turns out, it's not difficult at all. And how much delight, squealing and laughter there was when flying the kite! Such emotions of a child are definitely worth the effort and time spent.

Gudimova Olga and daughter Varvara, 5 years old.

Kite "Monk"

She suggested that her husband make a kite with his daughter. As a result, he got carried away and began to work on his own, so in the meantime my daughter and I decided to make our own kite. This activity was new to me, so the choice fell on the simplest “Monk” model.

Materials and tools: thread, A3 sheet of thick paper, scissors, PVA glue.

Manufacturing process:

  • Cut out a square from a sheet of paper.
  • Carefully bend the edges along the axis as shown in the diagram. Fold down the corners of the paper. The angle may be slightly smaller than in the diagrams - whatever is more convenient for you.
  • We bend the edge of the bent corner again so that we get something like an accordion or spring.
  • We make a “bridle” - cut a piece of thread about 30 cm long and glue it into the resulting paper pockets.

Here my daughter decided to color our snake :)

While the snake is drying, prepare its tail. This is important, the kite will not fly without a balancer. For the tail, I used several pieces of wool thread about 50 cm long. We put them together and tie them into a tassel closer to the end of the tail. Cut out a triangle from waste paper and glue the tail. We tie a skein of regular thread to the bridle. The snake is ready.

The launch of our “firstborn” was successful. The kite did not fly high, but confidently!

Kudryashova Nadezhda and Anya 4.7 years old, St. Petersburg.

Red snake

Vladik made the kite together with his dad. For the base of the kite, 2 balloon sticks were taken. They were fastened perpendicular to each other. Then a nylon thread was pulled around the perimeter.

Next, a quadrilateral was cut out of paper with additions for the hem. The edges were folded and glued to the thread around the perimeter. A nylon thread was pulled from the three upper corners of the kite to the center and secured.

To control the kite, one end of a thread was tied to the resulting center, and the other end was wound on a homemade spool from a toilet paper roll.

Finishing touches: the snake was painted and its tail was made from thread with strips of wrapping paper tied to it. The snake is ready!

Lidia Maloletkova and son Vlad, 6 years old.

They started making a kite as soon as they received the task in the Ecological Expedition. Moreover, it turned out to be two kites, because There are two children and one common option is not yet available. I took a diagram of the simplest kite from the Internet; it turned out to be the “Monk” kite.

I took thick paper, folded it according to the pattern, and the children began to color. Vanya depicted it with blown felt-tip pens (we had a stencil), Nastya tried to blow it out, but she thought it was too long a process, and then she simply painted over the stencil, and I traced the outline.

After the design work, I glued the ends of the thread into the wings of the kite with Moment glue. I used a strong thread. And woolen threads went to the tail.

They launched it at the dacha, but by that time the second kite had disappeared somewhere, so only one flew... So much delight! Thanks for the idea!

Ekaterina Adnodvortseva and children Vanya 4 years old. 8 months and Nastya 3 years old. 3 months, Moscow.

Daniel and dad made a kite. The process was simple. Found a description on the Internet. We sawed off two sticks of the required size, fastened them perpendicularly with electrical tape and stretched a fishing line around the perimeter.

We had a very large ball, dad cut a suitable piece out of it. We connected the sticks and this piece, also using electrical tape. We attached fishing line to the top three corners and tied everything together. A fishing line on a reel was tied to the resulting center. The tail was made from strips of fabric. There was a lot of joy. Tomorrow dad is at home, they will launch it.

Lyudmila Shatalova and grandson Daniel, 5 years 2 months. with dad, Israel.

They made it into a friendly group of three girlfriends. It’s so joyful for my daughter when we not only work with her together, but also with her friends. She herself tells me: “Mom, let’s make a snake when Polina comes to us!” This is very important for children - to do it together, to be able to negotiate during the work process, to give in somewhere...

Then they merrily flew kites onto the stadium field: squealing, delight, running around! And other children looked at us with interest!

It is very interesting for us to participate in the Ecological Expedition. But the process sometimes remains behind the scenes. We were so busy making kites that I forgot to take a photo. Yana is at the table after a walk, and on the table is her snake and the remains of a tail (she later made a toy out of them for the cat).

Larisa Fedotova and daughter Yana, 6.6 years old, Barnaul, Altai Territory.

We made a kite from cardboard paper and ordinary threads. Ilya often makes something himself, some boxes with secrets, recently he made a multi-colored cocked hat. I am always pleased with such children's creativity. The most interesting thing is that I didn’t tell Ilyusha that I wanted to make a kite with him. I come home from work, and he started making a kite. Our wishes coincided in an amazing way.

Tired of boring walks?

My son Ilyusha and I made a kite yesterday; it didn’t fly fully, but it was still fun to run around with it. And in the evening I bought a ready-made kite, let's try to fly it.

Ksenia Gladilina and son Ilya, 7 years old, Dolgoprudny

Kite "Penguin"

Creation and launch process:

Roman Batalov, 8 years old, Kirov

We made the kite from improvised materials: to make the frame we used a bamboo mat on which we stretched a piece of plastic bag cut in the shape of a rhombus. The tail is also made from a bag.

Our kite was only able to fly to a low altitude (there was no suitable wind), but the children had fun - they ran after it like kittens after a bow! We will also try to fly the kite in windy weather.

Anastasia Zotova and sons Grisha, 4 years old, and Andrey, 1 year old. 3 months, Vladivostok.

This is a very simple model, but it is important to us that our son assembled it himself inside and out.

Timofey: “An amazing snake made from drawing paper and my mother’s threads. It flies well in windy weather, but in zigzags. That's why I named him Zig Zigus."

Timofey Vernyaev 7.5 years old, Meget village, Irkutsk region.

On the Internet I found the easiest way to make a kite. For several days I asked our dad to find us a couple of slats. As a result, after a couple of days, dad planed 5 slats for us))) The whole family participated in the process of creating the kite! Everyone was so interested in this...

To create the kite, only two slats were needed, but there was no time to waste, so dad sat down to make another kite, and from the remaining slats, the eldest daughter decided to “cook up” another one.

If we describe the creation process itself, then:

  1. We cut the sticks - long 60 cm, short - 35 cm, folded them perpendicularly and secured the cross with tape.
  2. The ends of the sticks were wrapped with tape and cuts a centimeter deep were made in them.
  3. The fishing line was pulled through these cuts, creating the contours of the kite.
  4. We placed the frame of the future kite on polyethylene (I took a regular bag and cut it, my husband took transparent polyethylene). We outlined the kite with a marker, adding 1.5 cm on each side to the hem, and cut it out along the contour, folded the edges of the film inward around the fishing line and secured them with tape. The “body” of the snake is ready.
  5. Then they made a bridle and tied it to a long fishing line. Made a tail.

At this point, the process of parents working with children ended and the creative process of children began. They drew flowers, some patterns and put a clown and a bear on a kite so that they could fly (added stickers).

Good day everyone! Today I want to show you how to make a cool kite.

And let's start with a brief theory and a list of terms so that you can understand everything during the manufacturing process.

So. Rokkaku is a traditional Japanese kite. Kite lovers call them Rockies for short. This type of kite differs from others in its very high stability in the sky, good aerodynamics, ease of manufacture and design itself. As well as great lifting power and the ability to fly into the wind. This kite also does not need a tail, but in strong winds the tail will add stability. It is precisely because of such a large number of advantages that this kite is used for aerial photography and video filming, fixing the camera on a special suspension. It's called Kaping.

Let's take a closer look at the design of the kite. The basis of the frame is the ridge. It must be strong and unbending. The best material for the ridge is fiberglass tubes. Two ribs are attached to the spine: back and front. The ribs are curved (the back is more curved than the front). It is these curved fins that give the kite better aerodynamic properties compared to other flat kites. The best material for fins is carbon tubes. But of course, the entire frame can be made of wood (and this article is about this option). A sail is stretched over the frame (without it the kite would not be a kite). You can use film as a sail. Like all snakes, Rokkaku is launched on a leer (long rope).

The most reliable lifeline is a fishing rope, but this is too expensive. You can also fly kites on a thick fishing line, or, in extreme cases, on a synthetic rope. The kite is attached to the rail using a bridle. It consists of a front beam, a rear beam and a middle beam. A very cool improvement is the rubber compensator (we'll talk about it later). And of course, you can add a tail (for beauty and better stability).

Let's move on to production!

We will make snakes from pine planks. As for sizes, they can vary as long as the proportions are maintained.

We will make a kite with a height of 120 cm. From the proportion we find the width and height of the rectangular part. We cut the frame elements a centimeter longer than the calculated ones (this is necessary for attaching the guy wires).

At the ends of the ribs, use a hacksaw to make cross-shaped cuts and a few more notches. At the ends of the ridge we make one cut and notches.

Next we need a rope (you can use this one, it is sold at any hardware store).

To fasten the rope we will use various self-tightening knots. The main knot is a regular loop with a fixation (figure-of-eight knot) at the end.

This loop is put on the edge of the bar and tightened on the notches, and the free end is threaded through the groove.

The ribs need to be bent. It is dangerous to bend dry pine planks (they break immediately). Therefore, they need to be steamed over boiling water, and only then bent.

We thread the rope into the opposite groove and wrap it along the notches, then fasten the free end with a couple of ordinary knots. This mount is very reliable.

Ready! Now you need to fasten the ridge with the ribs. We fasten the ribs to the ridge with a loop, and then wrap the connection as tightly as possible with a rope.

Yes, the structure is shaky, but now we will strengthen it. We attach a loop to one end of the frame and begin to go around all the other ends of the frame in a circle, each time securing the rope with a couple of turns along the notches, and then thread it into the groove again. Watch the rope tension! And so that the frame is even (all corners must be right).

Great! The result is a fairly light and durable design. Now we will attach the sail. We will use a 160-liter garbage bag as a sail. We cut it lengthwise and then carefully tear off the bottom. Should get a hefty sheet of cellophane.

We put the frame on it and start with the long part. A small strip of the bag needs to be folded around the rope and then sealed with tape. Carefully, maintaining the tension of the sail and avoiding folds, we go along the perimeter, cut and bend all six sides of the sail to the ropes. It is also advisable to glue the sail to the ridge with a couple of pieces of tape.

The kite is almost ready! Now you need to tie the bridle.
The beam lengths are very easy to select. The front and rear beams are equal to two kite heights, and the middle beam is one height. You can make the arms half as long, but with a long bridle the snake behaves more stable.

We will attach the front and rear rays to the centers of the halves of the ribs, or a little further from the center (using the already familiar fixing loop).

It is better to use a thick rope for the bridle, because thin rope tends to get tangled, but such problems do not arise with thick rope. Now we make holes in the right places of the sail, thread the end of the rope there, knit a figure eight at the end and a loop around the rib. Now we make the middle beam by tying a figure eight loop at both ends. This is how the middle beam turned out (from loop to loop is equal to the height of the kite).
The middle beam is attached to the front and back using a regular cowhide loop. We secure the ends of the front and rear beams to the ribs. Why such difficulties? This bridle mount allows the middle beam to be moved left and right, making it possible to secure it exactly in the center.

The handrail is attached to the middle beam at a distance of one third from the front beam. At the found distance we knit a small figure eight loop. Now you need to configure the mount. We go out into the wind and look for a point on the middle beam, when held by which the kite behaves stably. And now we attach a rail to it.

Kite flying games are an exciting and fun activity for anyone. Creating a flying structure with your own hands will help make it even more interesting. In this article we will tell you how to make a kite yourself.

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age

Have you already turned 18?

This device is rightfully considered the first aircraft created by man. It appeared several thousand years ago in China. National holidays in China were not celebrated without flying colorful kites of various shapes. The most popular form was the dragon. This gave the name “kite” to the product. Later, the product began to be used not only as entertainment, but also in scientific research, military affairs, construction (for creating bridges) and for meteorological observations.

Currently, special kites are being created for some types of extreme sports. Flying a kite is a great way to pass the time. Constructing such an aircraft at home will help train your powers of observation, intelligence, and unleash your creative potential.

Before you start creating a kite at home, decide on its type.

Let's look at the main varieties:

  • flat or single-plane - the simplest and most common type. The design of such a kite is in one plane. It is easiest and fastest to make such a kite with your own hands, but it is not characterized by high lifting force and strong winds are contraindicated for it. The shape can be triangular or square, but diamond or rectangular is more common;
  • multiplanar - a more complex view than flat. There are box-shaped, stacked or with many cells. In the structure of such a kite, the tail is not necessary, because its distinctive feature is a high level of stability and stability;
  • the design in the form of a snake train consists of several elements combined into one whole. Damage to one of the components of the overall system will not prevent the structure from remaining in the air, but may reduce the flight altitude.

You need to start making a kite with a drawing; it will help you determine the size of the product.

Any aircraft in the form of a snake will contain such basic components as:

  • frame. This is the base of the kite, consisting of slats, the location and number of which determines its type and model. The main function of the frame is to maintain tension in the fabric, ensuring the reliability, stability and strength of the finished product;
  • the canvas or surface of the kite. This is the material with which the frame is covered. It provides lift by creating a barrier to air;
  • connecting parts. These are needed if you want your flying kite to be mobile and easy to disassemble easily. The choice of method for manufacturing these components depends on the model of the kite and the material from which it is made;
  • obligatory places for fastenings in the form of bridles and bindings. They differ in connection options (two or more). The most popular and simple bridle is with one connection point. Its accessibility lies in the fact that it does not require regulation or additional devices. Such designs are typical for more complex options. In this case, the kite is controlled using the tail. A bridle, which has two or more attachment points, allows you to adjust the angle of the kite. Instead of a bridle, a keel can be used - this is an inseparable element of the same material as the canvas. It provides a fixed angle of attack, and it can only be changed through several tails;
  • railing This material is usually thread or rope. It is important that the material is durable as it serves to hold the kite. The dimensions depend on the design of the aircraft;
  • winding reel. A mandatory piece of equipment that prevents tangling, speeds up and facilitates the unwinding and rewinding of the thread;
  • tail. This is not just a nice decoration for the kite, it is designed to stabilize the kite in the air.

There are models without a frame, in which case the wind takes the shape of the snakes. A common example of a frameless kite is a paraglider.

Let's look at it step by step, as in practice of making a flat kite out of available materials:

  • take 2 wooden sticks: long and short. The size of the short one should be 4/5 of the long one (for example, 40 and 50 cm), we make small gaps at the ends with a knife. We fold the sticks perpendicularly so that the short one divides the long one in a ratio of 1:4 (in our case, we measure 12.5 cm from the edge of the long stick). This will be the intersection point of our base. We wrap the joints with tape or strong thread;
  • We pass a strong thread or fishing line around the perimeter through the prepared notches at the ends of the sticks, thereby forming the frame of our structure;
  • cut out the required shape from a plastic bag or light fabric around the frame, make an indent on each side (1.5-2 cm) to secure the edges. We cover the frame with the resulting canvas, tuck the edges, securing them with tape or glue. On the inside, the design resembles a slightly irregularly shaped envelope;
  • make a beautiful tail. You can use the remaining polyethylene, cut out several strips and intertwine them together. Also, the material for the tail can be a thread tied with ribbons in the form of bows. At the bottom of the long stick, secure the tail with tape, glue or a pre-made hole;
  • in order to make a bridle, we tie threads to the short ends of the structure on the right and left, the length of each should reach, when tensioned, to the point where the slats intersect. We tie their ends together (we get our bridle), and attach a handrail with a reel to it.

All! Our kite is ready!

A paper kite is the best option for beginners. It is easy to manufacture, does not require special materials and a lot of time.

To make the simplest version of a paper kite, the so-called monk kite, with your own hands, you will need:

  • thick paper or cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • scotch;
  • glue;
  • rope or strong thread;
  • winding spool (you can use a small piece of cardboard as a spool);
  • ribbon;
  • felt-tip pens (if you want to decorate the resulting product).

The main steps for preparing a flying monk kite are:

  • First you need to cut out a square from the paper. It is better to use A4 sheet, since the optimal side length of the square is about 25 cm;
  • fold the square diagonally, in the resulting triangle, fold the sides towards the diagonal. The result will be the well-known paper airplane. Fold the edges of the bent sides (airplane wings) again to the diagonal of the square. This way you will get an accordion. Carefully iron the folded areas;
  • unfold the resulting structure. In the corners of the accordion, located in the center, we make small holes where the bridle will be attached;
  • To make a bridle, we take a thread about 30 cm long. We thread the thread through the hole, tie it with a knot (for strength, you can glue these places with tape). To check the correct length of the bridle, fold the thread attached to the paper in half, it should reach the middle of the kite's nose line. Exactly in the center of the finished bridle we make a loop for attaching the handrail;
  • in order to make a tail, take a ribbon about 1.5-2 cm wide. Calculate the length along the diagonal of the square or line of the kite’s nose (it should be at least 50 cm). To attach the tail to the bottom corner of the structure, make a hole, thread the tail through, and secure it with tape or glue. For the tail, you can also use thin paper or several pieces of thread joined into one;
  • We tie a handrail with a spool for winding to the loop on the bridle. The reel can be made from cardboard. To do this, you will need to cut out a small rectangle, make a hole for the hand and for winding the thread;
  • At the last stage, decorate the resulting kite. Use your imagination to give the finished product a unique look.

You should also remember about such a feature of paper kites as fragility. It is not recommended to launch them in strong gusty winds. They also cannot be disassembled.

Having studied the basic points necessary to create your own product, you can easily make a unique kite that will bring you a lot of positive emotions.

Both children and adults are delighted with this fun - flying a kite. They are triangular, diamond-shaped, box-shaped, in the form of birds or dragons. They even come in the form of a butterfly flapping its wings.

The history of the flying kite begins in ancient China. There it received the name “dragon kite” due to the fact that on the Dragon Festival, huge constructions of paper bodies with a snake head at the end were launched into the air. This tradition is still alive today. From China, dragons became widely known in Asia. Later, in Europe they learned how to make a kite out of paper.

Over its long history, this simplest aircraft has served science more than once, as a military tool, and helped in the development of aircraft. Now it has turned into a well-known toy, popular with both adults and children.

Of course, in the modern world you can always buy a ready-made kite in a store. But if you know how to make a flying kite with your own hands, you can not only enjoy the creative process, but also get a unique toy. Created with your own hands, it will be a greater joy than the one purchased. The manufacturing process is very interesting, exciting and also uncomplicated. And the manufacturing costs required are minimal.

How to make a flying dragon with your own hands

To create an air dragon at home, you need to have a basic understanding of the main elements of its design:

At home, you can make the following types of flying dragons: flat air and box-shaped (volume).

The materials for making your favorite toy can be different, for example, paper, fabric, polyethylene. For some models you will need wooden slats. For the tail you will also need ribbons or threads with bows or tassels: it all depends on your imagination.

Snake "Monk"

How to make a flying kite out of paper? Try the simplest and most classic option first - the paper “Monk”. Even small children will be happy to take part in its production. To make this origami, you will need:

  • a square made of a sheet of thick paper (not newspaper);
  • spool threads for bridles;
  • narrow strips of bright fabric or ribbon for the tail;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • needle for making holes.

It is advisable to choose sheets no larger than A3. Larger sizes require higher paper thickness, which leads to an increase in model weight. As a result, a large device may become so heavy that it cannot take off.

The scheme for its manufacture is simple:

Despite the ease of manufacture, the Monk will fly well. It must be launched on spool threads, in a slight breeze, because a strong wind can easily crush it. If it starts to spin from side to side when starting up, the tail may need to be adjusted. You need to either lengthen it or make it heavier. In the case when the Monk takes off with difficulty and gains altitude very poorly, the tail, on the contrary, should be made lighter. When the tail is adjusted correctly, the kite should fly steadily, wagging slightly in different directions.

Frame snakes made of paper, fabric, polyethylene

Another type of flat flying structure is the frame kite. To build it, in addition to paper, fabric or polyethylene, wooden slats are also needed And. One of the schemes for its manufacture is used in the presence of the following materials:

  • sheets of paper or bag;
  • two wooden slats (one is shorter, equal to approximately 2/3 of the length of the first);
  • strong thread;
  • fabric (any);
  • scotch;
  • glue.

To create a frame, you need to connect the slats in the shape of a cross. You can fasten them with twine, pre-moistened with PVA glue. Then you need to cut out, focusing on the frame, the sail of the dragon itself. For this model it will be diamond-shaped. The ends of the sail must be firmly tied to the ends of the slats; you can even use tape for strength. In the middle of both sections of the smaller rail you need to tie ropes and secure them in the middle cross rail. You will get something like a pyramid of ropes, which needs to be secured to a railing. It remains to secure the tail at the bottom of the product. For good flight, the tail must be significantly longer than the main part.

Frame devices are the most popular and are easy to build at home. They can have any other shape: the popular triangle, star or bird. The form is limited only by imagination and materials.

Dragon in the shape of a triangle

The classic triangular shape is a more difficult to manufacture variety of flat structures.

You will need a thick plastic bag for this., slats, rope with reel. The dimensions of the finished product depend on the size of the package and the height of the launcher. The manufacturing scheme for a triangular kite is as follows:

To resemble a bird, one feature is used: a bowstring is pulled between the side parts.

Box kites at home

Another type of flying kite that you can make yourself is the box-shaped, or three-dimensional, flying kite. To make it you will need:

  • wooden sticks - 8 pieces;
  • sheets of thick paper;
  • strong rope;
  • ruler;
  • scissors;
  • glue.

For the manufacture of a box-shaped device At home, instead of durable paper, durable plastic bags, for example, garbage bags, are often used.

The frame is assembled from 4 vertical slats 80 cm long and 4 horizontal slats (spacers): two 75 cm long and two 50 cm long. From sheets of thick paper using glue you need to make two strips, each 186 cm long and 24 cm in width, plus 1 cm on all sides for allowances. Each strip must be divided into 4 equal parts.

Corners are cut out on the folds in the allowances and strong threads are inserted into the folds of all allowances along the entire length so that they extend into the cut corners on both sides by about 7 cm. Then the allowances and strips are connected with glue. The narrow edges of each strip are connected by side allowances - you get two boxes, but without a bottom. Long slats are placed inside the boxes at the corners and secured with the ends of threads glued into strips. The boxes should be located at the edges of long wooden slats.

Then spacers are placed crosswise so that they rest against the long slats. In places where the spacers intersect, this connection must be secured with thread. The kite boxes stretched by spacers will look like a rhombus. The bridle is made of a thin rope 1.3 m long. One end of the bridle is connected to one of the long slats above the upper box, and the other is attached to the slats above the lower box on the same side. A handrail is attached to the bridle - and you can do a test run. A tail is not required for such a kite.

A box kite can only fly properly in fairly strong winds. Its improved version is a triangular box kite with an additional wing. This type of kite is more complex in design, but it has better aerodynamics, and it takes off in light winds without a run-up.

How to fly kites

Flying a kite correctly is very important. The wind should blow at a speed of 4−6 m/sec. The most preferable place to launch is a field and, if possible, a hill, away from roads and away from wires. It is dangerous if the line of a running kite comes into contact with the wires or hangs on them. Especially if these are high voltage electrical wires. It is also important to take into account the strength of the wind and the strength of the handrail. If there is a strong gusty wind outside, the rope may break and the wind will blow the flying kite onto the wires.

You can launch a flying toy in different ways. If a person is alone, then the kite is placed with its front side facing the wind. The one who launches must gradually move backward, unwinding the rope and keeping the structure vertical. Having moved away a little, about 10 meters, you need to pull the rope towards yourself and run carefully. If there is wind, the kite immediately rises up.

It is much more convenient and easier to launch together. So, one remains with the kite, holding it above his head. The person holding the rope must stand with his back to the wind and unwind about 15 meters of the rope, then pull it tight. The sign to fly a kite is to raise your hand.

When the kite reaches a sufficient height, you must carefully release (poison) the line. If a gust of wind occurs, the rope must be released a little, this is necessary to relieve the pressure of the air currents on the body of the structure. When the wind subsides, the flying device must be immediately pulled towards you.

It is better to launch a box kite in the same way - against the wind and preferably not alone. The headwind will carry it forward, but at the same time a lift will arise and it will remain in the air at an angle. If the bridle is made straight, from threads of equal length, then the kite has no angle of inclination and will not rise up even in a strong wind.

On a windless day, you can try to make the kite fly by running forward with it. In this case, it is not the wind, but movement that creates the oncoming air flow that is needed for flight. At the top, a box kite flies on its own, even if a person does not move, because at the top the air currents are stronger than at the bottom near the ground.

If you want to have an interesting time, find an exciting activity for the whole family, then making an air dragon is perfect for these purposes. It’s not difficult to make it yourself, and its launch will not leave anyone indifferent.

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