Unpretentious spherical shrubs. Flowering and other beautiful types of shrubs in landscape design. Viburnum common Buldenezh

Anti-corrosion 23.10.2023

Decorative shrubs for a summer residence, photos and names of which will be presented in this article, are often precisely those elements that harmonize the overall picture and emphasize the necessary nuances of the site so that it looks attractive, bright and harmonious. They are like strokes on a canvas that will help to correctly “dilute” the flowerbeds with the necessary details and place accents on certain places. I am sure that every summer resident, gardener, owner of a personal plot wants to do everything correctly and carefully so that vegetables, fruit trees, beds with herbs are all in their places.

Depending on the size of your plot, imagination and general preferences, ornamental shrubs can be a background for other plantings, an element of garden compositions, appear in the form of hedges, or act as the main nuance to which everyone’s attention will be focused.

In this article I would like to talk about the most popular shrubs, most often planted in our region, and, of course, the most beautiful. It is unrealistic to cover the entire spectrum of these representatives of this plant kingdom, but it is worth paying our attention to the main flowering ones, as well as decorative foliage ones.

How to beautifully plant ornamental shrubs: basic placement criteria

The very first thing is to choose a plant that will feel comfortable in the climatic conditions of your region. You need to choose a specific variety based on this factor. The second nuance is its location.

If you purchase a sun-loving representative, then you need to plant it in a sunny place, where there will be a lot of light and not even a hint of shadow. But shade-loving ones, on the contrary, should be placed in shaded areas, or even in the shade of buildings or large trees. This is important, since the wrong choice of location can affect not only the brightness of the colors of the foliage or the splendor of flowers on the shrub, but also its viability.

The overall picture of the garden should also be taken into account when choosing a particular plant. In a small area, tall and lush specimens will look out of place. But, for example, flowering frost-resistant, low, beautiful bushes are ideal, and they will delight you with their appearance until the cold weather.

These representatives include the dwarf varieties of Cossack juniper Tamariscifolia and Green Carpet - low-growing, creeping along the ground, very frost-resistant. These are ideal options for creating compact alpine slides, rockeries, lawn edgings, and borders.

Shrubs for hedges should also be selected from among low or medium-sized representatives with a dense crown, so that later instead of an attractive fence you do not end up with columns of tall thickets. Thorny bushes, decorative flowering, columnar representatives, for example, junipers are optimally suited for such a design. Weigela, buddleia, spirela, and oleander are well suited for joint plantings; they will look harmonious with other green fellows growing nearby. And if you want to form an arch or, for example, decorate a gazebo or fence, then in this case you should choose climbing types.

The choice is wide! For each site of any size and shape, you can find your own option. In addition to flowering plants, there are many varieties of shrubs with amazing foliage colors, unusual crowns, and leaf shapes. Diversity is an important aspect in this matter. In most cases, the dacha landscape is divided into three zones (or tiers): the lower one - vegetable beds and flower beds, the upper one - fruit trees. But bushes can occupy the so-called middle zone. The correct selection and combination of plants with each other is the main goal for a summer resident who strives for beauty, comfort and harmony in his plot.

Decorative deciduous or flowering shrubs are not only a pleasure to contemplate, but also functional plants. Thus, by planting them near the fence, you can create a barrier from prying eyes or unwanted penetration (spiky varieties).

With their help, it is very convenient to zone a site, for example, to separate recreation areas and an area for growing garden crops.

Borders, paths, hedges, which have already been mentioned, creating protection (shade) for more delicate shade-loving plants, decorating some unsightly fragments on the site - all this can be decorated, decorated or hidden with the help of a variety of bushes and shrubs. And if you decide to plant fruit representatives, you will be additionally rewarded for your efforts with healthy berries.

Flowering shrubs for the garden

Some of these representatives are also fruit-bearing; this nuance will be indicated in the description.


I’ll start, perhaps, with flowering weigela. This shrub looks great both during and after flowering. The Nana Variegata variety can also be classified as a decorative deciduous variety; its foliage has a beautiful golden border, and Nana Purpurea has dark, red-brown leaves.

Weigela Nana Purpurea

The blooming weigela species delights the eye with pink bell-shaped flowers that bloom in waves throughout the season (usually the entire month of May). The first wave is the most abundant. Some varieties can produce color twice a year, such as Weigela Middendorf.

Weigel Middendorf


Spiraea is very unpretentious and very beautiful. Its varieties can bloom in both spring and summer. If you calculate the time correctly, then you can plant these two species in such a way that one fades and the second just enters the flowering phase. Some varieties of spirea have beautiful foliage - Vagnutta, Pink Ice. For this reason, they can be classified as decorative deciduous shrubs.

Spiraea Wangutta

Spiraea blooms profusely and luxuriantly, bending its branches literally covered with white flowers to the very ground.

The low, slow-growing Japanese spirea blooms with lush lilac-pink inflorescences. It is also attractive and a honey plant, like its white-flowering variety.

Spiraea japonica

Spiraea are not particularly picky about the choice of soil, but you should pay attention to the light/shade requirements of different varieties.

Spiraea in winter:

Jasmine or mock orange

Garden jasmine or mock orange - what would you do without it?! Because of its enchanting aroma, almost everyone knows and loves it. Today there are multiple varieties and hybrids of it - all of them are very attractive. Flowers vary in size, shape, color and aroma.

But in our case we are talking about a white-flowered representative - frost-resistant, disease-resistant, very unpretentious (can be placed in the shade or in a place illuminated by sunlight). It looks equally great in group plantings and in single plantings, the main thing is to water it on time, but do not allow water to stagnate in the area around the tree trunk. The flowering time of mock orange depends on its variety, but it usually begins in May and lasts about a month. There are those that bloom both in summer and early autumn.


Jasmine (mock orange)


Viburnum refers to both fruiting specimens and decorative deciduous plants. A unique plant in every sense: it blooms beautifully with large white spherical inflorescences, the berries are useful, and are widely used as medicine. The foliage is also noteworthy: its shade varies from rich green to gold and red.

In general, viburnum has many species (about 200), among which you can even find evergreen specimens. In our area, the most common and popular are its two familiar species - common viburnum and viburnum bulldonezh. They are frost-resistant, not capricious, decorative at any time of the year, they love shade and moderate watering. Flowering time: mid-May/late June, approximately 20 days.

Viburnum viburnum in bloom and with fruits:

Viburnum common

Kalina buldenezh:

Kalina buldenezh

Rose hip

Some shrubs that can grow in the country do not even need introduction or recommendations, for example, rose hips. It is attractive in appearance, useful in many ways, not only will it decorate your site in the spring when it blooms with pink or red flowers, but it will also create a thorny barrier if you plant it along the fence. Some of its varieties have flowers that are as beautiful as roses (double type), and varieties with healing red berries will give you a natural “medicine”, the valuable qualities of which are known to everyone. Rosehip is unpretentious, branches quickly, has a very dense crown, prefers sun or partial shade. It blooms from May to August.

Summer residents who decide to decorate their plots with beautiful shrubs immediately face the question - which shrub is best to plant?

Ideally, such a plant should satisfy the following requirements:

  1. Be beautiful throughout the summer season.
  2. Easy to care for.
  3. Frost-resistant, able to withstand our difficult winters.

Winter-hardy shrubs for Siberia

Below are the names and characteristics of just such ornamental shrubs: frost-resistant, unpretentious and beautifully flowering.

Many shrubs have proven themselves to be winter-hardy, undemanding and at the same time very decorative in our climate. I’ll tell you about the most popular ones, which can be planted in almost all regions of our country, including the Urals and Siberia.

Derain white

Famous for its brightly colored red bark. There is a form with large green leaves, which become multi-colored by autumn, and a more compact turf with white-edged leaves. To ensure that the tree bark is always bright, the bushes are pruned short every year, leaving stumps of shoots - a few centimeters above the soil level. With this formation, the bush forms expanding thickets.

  • Shrub height from one and a half to two meters.
  • Blooms in early summer.
  • Derain is exceptionally frost-resistant, decorative and unpretentious in all respects. Can be grown not only in the Moscow region, but also in Siberia and the Urals
  • Grows in any soil and tolerates heat and shade well.
  • Suitable for planting in the background of a plot or along a fence, as well as for hedges.

This turf is especially beautiful in the fall

This is a type of tree with green leaves that turn burgundy in autumn.

And this is variegated turf.

The leaves of this plant remain painted with a white pattern all summer.

This shrub is quite suitable for creating hedges.

Derain grows quickly and in order for the hedge to be always neat, it will have to be carefully looked after.

This is how the turf blooms.

The plant can be formed into either a lush bush or a small tree.

Derain does not lose its decorative effect even in winter.

Well, where else can you find a bush with such original, red shoots?

Deciduous barberries

They are distinguished by enviable winter hardiness and are easy to care for. The color of the leaves can be yellow, green, purple, red. Barberries are suitable for any fertile soil, open space or partial shade. They are easy to trim, but you don’t have to trim them, limiting yourself to removing damaged and excess branches in the spring.

  • The height of different types and varieties varies from 60 cm to 2 m.
  • An extremely unpretentious, frost-resistant shrub. Grows in shade, sun and almost any soil. It overwinters without shelter even in Siberia. The colors of the leaves are striking in their diversity.
  • The application is universal, from planting low-growing varieties on hills to creating hedges. It can serve as both a background and an edge; it looks beautiful on a green lawn.

Barberry Thunberg.

Such an elegant bush will decorate any hill.

Barberry goes well with conifers.

Here the barberry bush acts as the edge of the spruce.

Barberry on the lawn.

On a green lawn, variegated shrubs look very colorful.

Barberry hedge

Picturesque and practical hedges are made from barberry, but we must remember that this shrub is terribly prickly and not particularly pleasant to work with. Read more about using barberry in garden design


Almost all spirea are fast-growing, frost-resistant shrubs, unpretentious and profusely flowering. There are two groups of spirea - spring-flowering and summer-flowering. In spring-blooming species, such as Ash Spiraea, the drooping branches are entirely decorated with tiny white flowers. These spirea bloom once. In spring-flowering spireas, old and weak branches are cut out after flowering.

Summer-flowering spirea are characterized by long flowering. Pink (various shades) flowers are usually collected in flat spherical or spike-shaped inflorescences. Of the summer-flowering spireas, interesting is the Boumalda spirea (height 60 cm), blooming with graceful, carmine-pink flat inflorescences. The Goldflame variety has young leaves that are yellow and orange, so the bush looks very elegant in spring.

Varieties of Japanese spirea (height 60 cm) are also very interesting. For example, the Crispa variety is distinguished by very decorative bright flowers.

  • The height of the bushes, depending on the variety, is from 0.5 m to 2 m.
  • If you select spring-flowering and summer-flowering varieties, flowering can continue almost throughout the spring and summer.
  • Spiraea does not require fertile soil. Grows quickly in both sun and partial shade. Most spirea are winter-hardy and do not need shelter even in the harsh Siberian winters.
  • These shrubs are not only decorative, but also have a wide variety of sizes, bush shapes, leaf colors and different flowering times. Thanks to these qualities, you can decorate the garden with only spirea.

Spiraea Vangutta.

Such tall shrubs are suitable for single plantings or for growing in hedges.

You can create such a picturesque corner by planting spirea with hostas and juniper.

Spiraea japonica

The low-growing Japanese spirea makes elegant borders. It also looks appropriate in rockeries.


Tree hydrangea, a shrub of North American origin, proved to be the most winter-hardy. Other species (originally from China and Japan) are less frost-resistant and more difficult to care for.

Tree hydrangea is common in our gardens, but for some reason everyone wants to see plants with blue, pink or even reddish inflorescences in their gardens. Such hydrangeas, of course, are spectacular, but more capricious, although among them there are varieties that some gardeners successfully grow in the northern regions.

But if you haven't grown hydrangea in your garden, start with tree hydrangea - an easy-to-care, showy shrub with huge caps of white flowers.

Hydrangea paniculata grows well in the harsh regions of Russia, a very beautiful wintering shrub up to three meters high (ours does not reach such a height) with a dense spherical crown. The inflorescence is a wide-pyramidal panicle 15-30 cm long and 30 cm wide. The flowers are white, turning red in autumn.

  • The height of the bushes is up to two meters.
  • Blooms from mid-summer.
  • Hydrangeas are extremely moisture-loving, tolerate shade well, and love well-drained, fertile, acidic soil. Therefore, peat is added when planting. The soil can be acidified with iron sulfate.
  • Hydrangeas are planted as single bushes or in groups. The plant goes well with other coniferous and deciduous ornamental shrubs.

Such a picturesque shrub is sure to attract attention.

Cinquefoil shrub

Deciduous shrubs, prostrate or compact. The bush-like forms of cinquefoil have three names at once: Kuril tea, bush cinquefoil and five-leaf plant. Cinquefoil is made attractive by the abundance of small flowers. The most common is the form with yellow flowers.

The flowers are solitary or in a few racemes or umbellate inflorescences, medium-sized. The plant's bright green, small carved foliage is also decorative. Cinquefoils do not tolerate dry air well.

  • Bushes one to one and a half meters high.
  • The shrub blooms for a very long time - almost from the beginning of summer to the beginning of autumn.
  • Cinquefoils are photophilous, although they tolerate slight partial shade, are quite drought-resistant, and require rich soils, which must be moderately moist.
  • Winter-hardy: species forms can withstand forty-degree frosts, varieties are less tolerant of low temperatures.
  • Cinquefoil is suitable for creating borders and low hedges, looks elegant in single and group plantings, and combines harmoniously with coniferous plants.

Here is such a neat bush of Potentilla fruticosa.

Cinquefoil tolerates clipping well and makes colorful hedges and borders.

Bladderwort viburnum

Large, frost-resistant shrub. Both of its forms - both with golden and purple leaves - are always decorative: in the spring, when the leaves bloom, during flowering (it blooms with white corymbose inflorescences) and after it, when clusters of red fruits are formed.

  • The height of the bushes, depending on the variety, is from one to three meters.
  • Flowering in early summer, for 20 days.
  • Bladderwort is unpretentious, drought-resistant and shade-tolerant, but it is better to plant in full sun so that the leaves retain their bright color. Winters without shelter in the northern regions and Siberia.
  • Suitable for tall hedges and single plantings.

Diabolo bladderwort.

These are the different types of vesicles. There are shrubs with different leaf colors.

Bladderwort Luteus.


Snowberries come in white and pink. If you are interested in the most cold-resistant shrubs, then plant white snowberry; it can easily tolerate even the coldest winters.

Over time, it grows strongly and can grow in any conditions, both in the open sun and in the dense shade of trees. The shrub is valued for its many large, decorative, white marble-like fruits that form in the fall.

It lends itself well to pruning; bushes are thinned out in early spring and trimmed in summer.

  • It grows up to 2.5 meters wide and 1.5 meters high.
  • Snowberry grows on any soil, prefers a sunny place. Minimal care: the plant is drought-resistant, does not require fertilizing, can easily tolerate heat, and is not susceptible to diseases and pests.
  • With its white fruits it looks good on dark greenery: on the lawn, against the backdrop of conifers.

Snowberry hedges look elegant and require very little maintenance.

Snowberry fruits.

Ornamental shrubs for summer cottages with average winter hardiness

The plants described below, although they are not particularly frost-resistant, do not require special shelter for the winter. In most cases, simply covering the bushes with snow is enough.


If the action is given room, in June it will be covered with small flowers. The color of the flowers (and they can be both double and non-double) varies from white to intense pink.

In our climate, Deutzia rough is considered the most unpretentious. It blooms with white and pink flowers. It is not very demanding on the soil; it grows well wherever water does not stagnate. Adapts to both sun and partial shade. Faded branches are pruned after flowering. Old branches are cut down to the base.

  • Most varieties of deutia do not exceed 120-170 cm in height.
  • Flowering in spring and summer (depending on variety)
  • The shrub is easy to care for; drought-resistant and not susceptible to diseases and pests. In winter, it is advisable to press the branches to the ground (at -25º the buds freeze slightly)
  • Deutia makes picturesque, unformed hedges. You can plant a mixborder in the background or cover the base of tall bushes.

Beautiful deutzia.

Planting deutia hedges in the northern regions is not recommended. Still, this shrub is not winter-hardy enough for such purposes.

In the southern regions, deutzia is quite suitable for creating hedges

Keria japonica

An unpretentious shrub that blooms annually in April-May with yellow flowers. May bloom again.

The non-double form is very elegant: slender, slightly drooping branches, reaching a length of one and a half meters, yellow flowers, similar to large buttercup flowers. And after flowering, the bush looks lovely, thanks to its very beautiful bright green leaves, similar to young birch leaves.

  • The height of the bushes is up to two meters.
  • Blooms in spring. Flowering is long, almost two months.
  • Prefers a place in the sun. It can grow in partial shade, but its decorative qualities are noticeably lost. Regular watering and periodic feeding are required.
  • Used for single and group plantings. It goes well with conifers and looks beautiful on a green lawn.

Weigela Red Prince

Chaenomeles (Japanese quince)

A very common shrub because it can grow on any soil, both in the sun and in the shade. It blooms brightly in spring and bears golden, fragrant fruits in autumn. The bushes do not need pruning: they are thinned out occasionally.

  • The height of Chaenomeles bushes is from 1 to 3 meters.
  • This plant is not only an ornamental, but also a fruit shrub.
  • Frost-resistant, but in severe winters the ends of the shoots may freeze.

Chaenomeles blooms.

The shrub begins to bear fruit at 3–4 years of age and bears fruit annually.

The diameter of Chaenomeles flowers is 3 - 5 cm.

It should be noted that weigela, deutzia, and kerria can have severely frozen branches in severe winters. But nothing bad will happen: the bushes grow quickly.

Of all the listed assortments, I love summer spireas, weigelas, vesicles and barberries most of all for their beautiful and long flowering, high decorative value throughout the season

Shrubs should be placed in accordance with their growth and ability to grow in breadth.

About the rules for pruning ornamental shrubs

All of the plants listed are not rare; they are quite easy to acquire.

From the heart of a peony

The bee slowly crawls out.
Oh, with what reluctance!...

Matsuo Basho


Rhododendron (Rhododendron) is a beautiful flowering shrub and even tree. Depending on the variety, rhododendrons can be evergreen, with overwintering or falling leaves.

Evergreen - retain their foliage for 3-6 years. Those varieties that have overwintering leaves retain them throughout the year, and falling leaves remain on the bushes for one season from spring to autumn.

Rhododendron leaves have different shapes, and the flowers, collected in inflorescences, surprise with the variety of colors, shapes and sizes. Deciduous species are considered the most winter-hardy:

  • Lemon Lights- height and width up to 1.5 m. The bush is decorated with fragrant flowers of bright, lemon-yellow color
  • Northern Hi-Lights- large bouquets of yellow and white flowers against a background of beautiful red and burgundy leaves. Flowering late May - June
  • Mandarin Lights- the flowers are fragrant, narrow, tubular, funnel-shaped, red-orange with dark veins. The leaves are olive green, becoming dark burgundy, almost purple, in the fall. Flowering late May - June

Evergreen winter-hardy rhododendrons:

  • Mauritz
  • Haaga
  • Mikkeii
  • Peter Tigerstedt

Syrian hibiscus

Syrian hibiscus (tree-like) is a beautifully flowering deciduous shrub. Widely distributed in the southern regions, in Ukraine it grows in open ground everywhere. In Russia, it is often grown in the southern regions with shelter for the winter.

Looks good both in a single planting against the background of a lawn, and in a group of shrubs or in a hedge. The standard hibiscus tree looks extraordinary.

Syrian hibiscus grows up to 1.5-3 m in height and 1-1.5 m in width. The flowers are large - 12 cm, reminiscent of mallow flowers. Color range from white to purple.

Flowering begins at the end of June and continues until the end of September. Each individual flower lives for a day, but you will never notice this, because the bush will be constantly strewn with flowers.

For lush flowering, choose a sunny location with fertile soil for your hibiscus. Since the bush grows quickly and needs to form a crown, in the spring it is cut to 1/3 of the length of the branches.

Buddleja davidii is often called autumn lilac because of its similarity to this plant. Budleya grows quite quickly, reaching 2-3m in height.

At the end of July, long dense brushes consisting of small flowers of white, lilac and violet develop on the young shoots of the current year. Fragrant inflorescences smell like hyacinths and honey, attracting many colorful butterflies to your garden!

Buddleia develops well and blooms profusely in nutritious, moderately moist soil, in a sunny place protected from the winds.

With the onset of autumn, after frost, we cut the shoots of the bush almost to ground level, hill them up and cover them with peat or dry leaves. This way we will preserve the dormant buds, from which new shoots will develop in the spring.

  • Alba, White Cloud, White Profusion- white flowers
  • Fascinating- pink
  • Orchid Beauty- lilac-pink inflorescences
  • Royal Red- deep red flowers
  • Empire Blue- inky color
  • Black Knight- dark purple flowers
  • Harlequin- purple inflorescences

Weigela is one of the most decorative and abundantly flowering shrubs. Weigela blooms in May and pleases with flowers: pink, red, cream, yellow and white bells, almost until mid-July. The decorative nature of weigela is manifested not only in beautiful flowering, but also in leaves of different colors: green, purple, green with a white border.

The place for planting weigela should be sunny and protected from the wind; warmth and sun are prerequisites for its development. The soil for planting must be fertile and loose.

Weigela is a universal plant and will fit into any garden style:

  • Japanese garden - perfect, thanks to bright flowers and leaves
  • alpine hill - dwarf varieties will add bright accents
  • flower garden - in combination with perennials, after flowering it will be a wonderful background
  • hedges are an excellent option if you choose varieties that bloom at different times

Pay attention to these varieties of weigela:

Bristol Ruby(Bristol Ruby)
Eva Rathke(Eva Rathke)
Feerie Lemoine(Fieri Lemoine)
Newport Red(Newport Red)
Marc Tellier(Marc Tellier)
Pierre Duchartre(Pierre Duchartre)

Keria japonica

Keria japonica is a wide bush with green, straight, vine-like branches that form a cone-shaped crown. From May to July, Keria is covered with beautiful, golden-yellow double flowers. An adult bush reaches 1-1.5m in height.

To restrain the rapid growth of keria and maintain its neat appearance, the bush must be trimmed regularly.

Keria japonica grows well in both sun and partial shade. In landscape design, this bright bush is used both as single plantings and as a group of plants, often located near high stone walls or fences.

Companions for Keria can be dark green conifers, evergreens, weigela and plants with red foliage (Thunberg barberry "Atropurpurea" or "Rose Glow").

There are several decorative forms of keria:

  • Albomarginata- white-edged
  • Piсta (Variegata)- variegated

However, the most beautiful and most common is "Pleniflora" with densely double flowers on 2-meter branches.

Kolkvitsia is lovely

This spectacular flowering shrub is Kolkwitzia amabilis. Flowering flowers last a month: from mid-May to mid-June. The bright pink, bell-shaped flowers are collected in fluffy inflorescences and have a light, sweet scent that attracts bees, bumblebees and butterflies. An adult bush reaches a height of 2-4 m, and over time it becomes so wide.

Surprisingly, in the fall this plant will not go unnoticed either, because on one bush the foliage can be of different colors. Very decorative.

The lovely Colquitia is quite winter-hardy and loves well-lit places, however, even partial shade will not prevent it from blooming luxuriantly. It is unpretentious and grows in any well-cultivated garden soil. Known varieties:

  • Rosea(Rosea)
  • Pink Cloud(Pink Cloud)

The tree peony is a beauty that is worth planting in your garden! During flowering, it surprises with huge flowers of different shades, simple and semi-double.

Depending on the chosen variety, the flowers can be painted white, pistachio, raspberry, coral, burgundy, and purple. But its decorativeness does not end there. The tree peony has openwork, carved leaves, which turn red and burgundy in autumn.

Against this background, most flower garden plants look advantageous and brighter.

For full development and regular flowering, peonies require a sunny place with light partial shade, protected from wind and drafts. Pour gravel, broken bricks, and sand into the planting holes for drainage, since stagnation of moisture in the roots can destroy the plant.

  • Green Jade
  • Hatsugarasu
  • Noblewoman
  • Colorful Painting
  • Sing Yu Name
  • Hus Red


Hydrangea looks great as a single plant against the backdrop of a neat lawn, in a free-style flowering hedge and in group plantings. Hydrangea can even be a standard tree!

This amazing plant blooms from early June until autumn with huge round caps or clusters of inflorescences. By the way, if you cut them and put them in a vase, they will not wither, but dry out and will decorate your home for a long time.

For good development and abundant flowering of hydrangeas, choose a planting site in partial shade and provide regular watering. Hydrangea especially loves water, it is not without reason that its second name is Hydrangea (a vessel with water).

The soil for a hydrangea bush should be fertile, loose and acidic (or slightly acidic).

Advice: mulch the root zone of the hydrangea with forest pine litter, pine bark, and cones. This will acidify the soil and protect the soil from drying out during the hot summer.

Hydrangea paniculata:

  • Vanille Fraise
  • Wim's Red
  • Silver Dollar
  • Grandiflora
  • Pinky Winky
  • Lime Light

Hydrangea Macrophylla:

  • Hovaria Mirai
  • Forever and ever


  • Annabelle
  • Bella Anna
  • Pink Annabelle


Spiraea, depending on the variety and variety, look different and bloom at different times. This nuance can and should be used when creating a continuously blooming garden. Spiraea is unpretentious and grows well without special conditions.

Plant spring-flowering varieties together with summer-flowering ones, and from May until the coldest weather you will enjoy the beauty and aroma of spirea. By the way, spirea is a famous honey plant.

Spring flowering spirea:

  • Thunberg
  • oakleaf
  • Arguta
  • gray
  • Van Gutta

Summer flowering spirea:

  • Japanese( Nana, Little Princess, Golden Princess, Dart's Red, Shirobana)
  • white-flowered Macrophylla
  • Boumalda ( Anthony Waterer, Gold Flame)
  • Billard ( Triumphans)

To maintain a beautiful appearance and neat shape, spirea requires pruning. Sanitary pruning is used for spring-flowering varieties, removing old and damaged branches. Mature bushes of summer-flowering varieties are pruned in early spring at a level of 30 cm from the ground. This allows you to maintain the shape of the bush and prevent it from falling apart.

Forsythia (forsythia)

Forsythia is an early flowering shrub that becomes covered with bright yellow bells as early as March and blooms until April. The flowers are located on bare branches and completely cover them.

Actually, during flowering, forsythia resembles a fluffy, golden fountain. In autumn, the leaves of the shrub turn bright colors, even purple. This decoration is a must have in your garden.

Forsythia grows well in fertile, loose soils, sunny areas and partial shade. It is better not to plant it in the shade, as it will bloom and develop much weaker.

The forsythia bush quickly recovers even after drastic pruning, so it is often used to create a hedge. Conifers can be good companions for forsythia.

They mainly grow: ovoid (oval), hanging (F. suspensa) and intermediate (F. intermedia) forsythia, and in the southern regions - European (F. europaea), Giralda (F. giraldiana) and many other varieties.

Published by DecorateMe. Updated 08 May 2019.

Red color in nature is not such a rare phenomenon. Against the background of green foliage, shrubs with a red crown stand out as a bright spot. The variety of blooming flowers of different colors pleases the eye, among which many are red. When planning the design of a personal plot, do not forget that the red color of the plants will stand out favorably among the usual green color.

Red bush photo

Barberry is a common plant that can grow in both hot and cold climates. For planting, choose sunny places, as in the shade, brightly colored leaves become dull. Planting dates are spring and autumn. If you are planting a seedling with a closed root system, you can plant it at any time except winter. The composition of the soil should be such that it allows air to reach the roots; swampy areas are not suitable for planting. To provide barberry with optimal conditions, the best soil for it will be soil, turf, sand and humus. It is necessary to prune a little, leaving three buds from the surface of the ground. Watering is needed at intervals of 10 days. When the seedling takes root, reduce watering. It is necessary to feed barberry in the spring. Dig the soil in a circle and fertilize it with organic matter - compost or humus. Diseases that the Barberry bush can be exposed to are powdery mildew, rust, drying of shoots and leaf spotting. In this case, you can apply it by spraying the plant with fungicides, after removing the damaged shoots. Harmful insects - aphids and flower moths. Treatment with Chlorophos. You can also take 100 grams of laundry soap and dilute it in 10 liters of water.

Shrub with red flowers, name and photo

Calicant Few people have heard of this shrub with unusual red flowers. Calicanthus grows from two to four meters in height. The crown is unusually spreading. It begins to bloom in June. The flowers resemble the shape of a water lily. An extraordinary aroma emanates from all parts of the calicanth. Having studied the characteristics of this shrub, it can be successfully cultivated in temperate climates.

This shrub will do well in a sunny, open place. Considering the design of the garden, it can be planted next to a tree that does not have a dense crown so that sunlight penetrates through it. If you live in the southern region, shade; in the northern regions, choose open areas.

Calicanthus is not picky about soil, but grows better on sandy or loamy soils. A prerequisite for planting is a drainage layer at the bottom of the hole. Watering should be regular, but at the same time, the soil should not be over-moistened. Spraying foliage is necessary in dry, hot weather. Feed calicanth once a year, in the spring, with organic matter or mineral fertilizers. Calicanthus must be pruned, as otherwise it can grow very large. This shrub overwinters well in areas with harsh winters. Can tolerate temperatures down to minus thirty degrees. But, nevertheless, in order to avoid frostbite, it is recommended to cover with spruce branches (spruce branches). Calicanthus propagates by layering, cuttings and seeds.

Calicanthus is also good because it is resistant to diseases and pests. The biggest misfortune that can happen to calicanthus is root rot. To prevent this from happening, you should not plant in lowlands.

The name of red shrubs, shrubs growing in Russia

Bladderwort. This is the most common plant that can be found in many gardens due to its simplicity and beautiful crown. It got its name because of its bubble-like fruits. The fruits are usually white and look very good against the background of red foliage. It is good to use as a hedge. Grows up to three meters in height.

It is not difficult to care for him. Water regularly, the soil should not dry out. Fertilizer is also necessary. We do sanitary pruning in the spring. Decorative pruning - in autumn or spring. The bladderwort can be given any shape, for example, it will look like a fountain if you cut out all the thin branches at the very base. The rest are just shortened a little. If you decide to plant a bladderwort seedling, prepare a hole in advance so that the soil settles. The root collar should be level with the ground surface. The soil is a mixture of turf, peat and sand. After planting, compact and water well. The vesicular carp tolerates frosty winters well.

Reproduction is by layering, cuttings and also by dividing the bush. You can sow seeds, but this is a very troublesome task. And then, it is unlikely that the bladderwort will inherit bright foliage.

Skumpia - unfortunately, the least common shrub, but it gained fame in the ancient world. It is grown on an industrial scale to produce fisegine (a dye for wool and silk). Crafts are made from wood. But in the garden it also acquires a decorative function. Flowering begins in April, the inflorescences look like fluffy panicles. The second time, mackerel blooms at the end of summer.

Instances with green foliage are most resistant to frost. But there are varieties with a red crown that successfully tolerate harsher climates.

For planting, choose a sunny place, protected from drafts. It can be planted all year round, except for the winter season. This is due to the fact that its growing season is very long. It can grow on any soil, but the most suitable are loose and neutral. Avoid planting in areas where groundwater flows close to the soil surface. Before planting, you need to soak the roots. Remove rotten and diseased ones. Next, treat the cut areas with fungicide and crushed coal. Poor soil is better for planting. The hole should be slightly larger than the root system, where you need to pour a couple of buckets of water and let it soak. Then, pour a small mound on the bottom and place a seedling on top, spreading the roots over the mound. The root neck should be 2 centimeters above the ground. Compact the planted bush and water it thoroughly. Fertilizing is necessary for mackerel if the soil is not fertile: nitrogen fertilizers in the spring, and phosphorus and potassium in the fall. Pruning - once every two years or less. Usually this is done in the spring. Check all branches and cut off damaged ones (touched by frost and dry). At the same time, you can form a bush by pruning - young branches are cut by two-thirds, and old ones are cut to fit the stump. Mackerel is one of the plants that are almost not damaged by diseases and insect attacks. Overwintering of skumpii occurs successfully, since it can withstand frosts.

Red maple. Despite the fact that this type of maple originally grew in Japan, it is now successfully grown in the middle zone. It is quite frost and drought resistant. The shape of the crown is interesting; it can be mushroom-shaped or round. The color of the leaves varies, depending on the variety. The palette of red tones pleases the eye. Since Red Maple is very popular, many varieties have been developed, even dwarf ones, which are grown in tubs.

It is better to plant this type of maple on fertile soils, otherwise it will lose its color. Sand and rocky soils are not for him. It also does not like highly alkaline soils. Red foliage retains its color in sunny places, diffused sunlight is possible. Red maple is usually planted singly

Ornamental red shrubs, photo with name

Barberry Thunberg Coronite. Attracts attention with its foliage and original color. This species has a superficial root system, therefore, when loosening, you need to be very careful. The Coronita bush grows small, up to 1 meter in height, but it grows wider. This type of barberry can be successfully grown in temperate climates; it tolerates heat and frost well. At the end of spring, Coronita blooms, and by autumn the berries appear. They are not suitable for food, they are only decoration. Coronita can be planted along borders and on alpine hills. Although Coronita can grow in the shade, it is better to choose a sunny place for it so that the leaves do not lose their bright color. During the first time after planting, water regularly.

Photinia - This shrub got its name because of its shiny leaves (translation from Greek - brilliant). She is originally from Asia. There are many deciduous and evergreen varieties. Shrubs and deciduous trees acquire red foliage. Depending on the variety, the leaves turn red either in early spring or closer to autumn. Basically, these are not frost-resistant shrubs. But there is a variety that can be successfully cultivated in the middle zone, this Photinia woolly . It can grow successfully both in the shade and in the sun. There are no special claims to the soil; soils from acidic to neutral are suitable. It does not tolerate liming and stagnation of water in the roots.

Japanese maple - especially loved by the Japanese. In our gardens, lovers and experts of flora, with pleasure, cultivate it. It is small in size, and its mushroom-oval shape gives it an extraordinary charm. Also, it can be grown in tubs.

Shrubs with red berries, photo with name

Honeysuckle. Everyone knows this bush with berries that can be eaten. But there are also decorative varieties, the berries of which cannot be eaten due to their strong toxicity. Of all the varieties of such honeysuckle, we can distinguish climbing honeysuckle - Honeysuckle. It requires a support on which the branches are fixed in the desired direction. You can use an arch. It is better to plant it in a lighted place; it likes very moist soil. It blooms with large beautiful flowers, the smell from which can fill the entire garden. After flowering, red berries appear.

Common cotoneaster. Everyone has heard about this shrub, but not everyone knows how to care for it. Meanwhile, it is worth paying attention to, as it serves as an excellent addition to garden design. Pink or white flowers that produce red berries

This type of cotoneaster tolerates drought and frost well. It is not picky about care, grows on any soil, but does not tolerate stagnant water. Feed in the spring with nitrogen, and before flowering with superphosphate. For the winter, the tree trunk circle needs to be mulched.

Common barberry. The berries of this shrub are an irreplaceable thing in cooking. Jams, compotes, liqueurs are made from it, and in Georgian and Armenian cuisines, barberry is used as a seasoning for meat. Common barberry blooms in April-May. By the end of summer, berries appear. Plant barberries in sunny places, on neutral soils. Tolerates heat and cold well.

Rose hip. Rose hips have been known since ancient times for their beneficial properties and vitamin C content, which is indispensable for the human body. This shrub grows both in the wild and in gardens. The roots can go five meters deep. The shrub is fairly unpretentious and will grow well in a sunny place. The flowers, depending on the variety, come in different colors and resemble a rose. Rose hips will not only decorate the garden, but will also delight you with the harvest.

Red elderberry. Elderberry is rarely found in gardens. Basically, it is a wild shrub that can be found in the forest and in the most unexpected places. Despite this, elderberry can be successfully cultivated in your own area as an ornamental shrub. It begins to bloom with the appearance of leaves, in May. Red elderberry berries are not edible, and the elderberry itself has a specific smell that repels harmful insects.

Red Ribes. Currants are a tasty and healthy berry that is also grown on an industrial scale. Loves open sunny places, regular watering and fertilizers. In autumn or early spring, it must be treated against pests and diseases. Powdery mildew is one of the diseases that is difficult to get rid of. There are both folk remedies and chemical ones. Chemicals should not be used during the berry growth period. The best time is early spring or autumn, when the harvest has already been harvested.

Raspberries. Everyone knows about the beneficial properties of raspberries. Especially good is jam, which is consumed during a cold. Growing shrubs in your own area is not difficult. Taking into account the natural characteristics, the variety for cultivation is selected. It needs to be planted in flat areas. In the lowlands there will be stagnation of water, and in the higher elevations there will not be enough water. It likes a sunny place; in the shade, shoots with foliage stretch out and obscure the fruits. For better cultivation, raspberries are tied to a support. It grows in one place until 7 years, then a transplant is required.

Shrubs with small red flowers, photo with name

Broom. A fairly unpretentious shrub, which is often planted to strengthen the slopes. Among the variety of varieties, early broom stands out - Boscope Ruby. Does well in sandy and sunny soils. Reaches up to 1.5 meters in height. Care is usual, like for other shrubs - watering, fertilizing the soil. Do not plant near water bodies, as the bush is poisonous.

Honeysuckle seaside Serotina. This type of Honeysuckle is frost-resistant. The flowers are red on the outside and white on the inside. They have a pleasant aroma. Flowering begins in June and then again in August. Choose a place for planting that is sunny or shaded. Its versatility lies in the fact that this shrub can be used as a hedge, as well as grown on all kinds of supports.

Japonica. The shrub is unpretentious and can grow in poor soils. It begins to bloom in the spring, when the leaves have not yet appeared. The branches are strewn with red-brown flowers. Loves bright places and is not picky about moisture. Reaches a meter in height. It grows in one place for up to hundreds of years. It produces fruits from which you can make jelly, jam, and marmalade.

Weigel. A distinctive feature of this shrub is that it blooms twice per season. It blooms for the first time in May. Flowering lasts about a month. Second time at the end of August. The Weigela shrub has a strong aroma that comes not only from the flowers, but also from the foliage. Choose an open sunny place for planting and growing. Weigela loves regular watering and fertilizing twice a year - in spring and autumn. The shrub is subjected to pruning after winter, both sanitary and formative.

Shrubs with large red flowers, photo with name

Rhododendron - semi-shrub plant, which has more than 1000 species. The variety of shapes and sizes is amazing. Varieties with red flowers - Fireworks, 'Harlekin', 'Gold Dust', Parkfeuer. The plant does not tolerate open sunlight, so it is better to plant it on the north side. This is done in the spring; you can also plant it after flowering has ended. Soils should be well drained, without stagnant moisture.

Climbing rose. A favorite among the flower world is, of course, the rose. Among them there are many species and varieties, each of which is not inferior in beauty to other representatives of flowers. With proper care, the rose is climbing, grows and needs support. The place for it is chosen to be bright, but it can also tolerate partial shade. Regular watering and fertilizing are necessary conditions for successful cultivation. Varieties with red flowers - Santana, Sympathy, Amadeus, Baikal, Don Juan, Red Rambler. Roses winter well in temperate climates, some even without shelter. In spring, the climbing rose must be pruned. Dry and diseased branches are removed. Formative pruning is also needed.

Escallonia red. Escallonia is planted in sunny areas, protected from wind and drafts. Reaches a height of 3 meters, width, and can grow up to two meters. It does not tolerate frost well; shelter and mulching of the soil around the bush is required. Prefers slightly acidic soil. Needs formative pruning.

Shrubs with red foliage and flowers, photo with name

Hydrangea oakleaf. An original shrub, with a leaf shape similar to oak, only tougher and elongated. For the winter, it needs shelter and pruning of young shoots to avoid freezing. But it blooms on the shoots of last year, so, if possible, it is better to cover the young branches properly. The soil should be moist and can tolerate slight stagnation of water. Planted in sun and partial shade.

Decorative apple tree Purple. The splendor of flowering is not inferior to Japanese sakura. The root system is superficial, so it can grow even where groundwater levels are high. Choose sunny places for planting. The branches are flexible and therefore can be trimmed well. You can do curly pruning and even run it along a trellis. The apples are small, but quite edible. This variety tolerates frost well.

Barberry Atropurpurea- one of the varieties of Barberry Thunberg. The tallest species reaches 180 centimeters, but grows slowly. In the wild it grows on sandy slopes. The plant is not whimsical, easily adapts to all climatic conditions. Frost-resistant and not afraid of drought. Not susceptible to fungal diseases. In a word, a gift for a gardener! Disadvantage: the fruits are not edible.

Bladderwort Mindia. One of the varieties of the Bubblecarp shrub. This variety grows up to 2 meters in height and grows to the same length and width. It grows in one place, maintaining its decorative properties, for up to 30 years. Young leaves, when they first appear, are dark orange in color; closer to autumn, they acquire a burgundy color.

Red bushes in autumn, photos and names

Maiden grapes. Despite the name, it has nothing to do with grapes. An unpretentious vine that can grow many meters. Watering is required only three times per season, but with plenty of water. Grows better in a bright place.

Derain red- initially has green foliage and branches. With the onset of autumn, the bush turns red completely, along with the branches. Red branches look especially good when the leaves have fallen, on white snow. It is better to plant in a sunny place so that the bush has a brighter color. It will grow successfully in any soil, but to preserve its decorative properties, it is better to plant it in fertile soil or feed it regularly.

Staghorn sumac. It is also called Vinegar Tree; in Central Asia, sumac is used instead of vinegar. At the beginning, sumac grows in height, but after a few years the growth stops and it expands the crown in width. Sumac has very interesting elongated flowers; birds do not touch them. Sumac does not tolerate winter well, but due to the freezing of branches, new ones grow in their place. In winter, it is desirable that the snow envelops the entire plant.

European euonymus. Variety Red cascade unremarkable in spring and summer. In autumn, his time comes, the euonymus puts on a red outfit. The root system of the euonymus is superficial, so you need to loosen the soil carefully. Frost-resistant variety. Grows on any soil. It has a specific odor that repels insects.

Shrubs and trees with burgundy leaves, photos with names

Hazel Purpurea. The fruits (nuts) of this plant contain 20% protein and can replace meat. This variety of Hazel has an award from the Royal Academy of England. This is a tall and spreading bush. Loves sunny places. Do not plant in wetlands or areas with poor soils. Hazel's winter hardiness is high.

Laropetalum- the plant is of medium size, but can grow up to three meters. It grows in the shade, but needs a few hours of sun. Blooms in early spring with single flowers. Temperatures in winter can be down to minus seventeen degrees. Does not require special care. Grows well in loose neutral soils.

Black elderberry. Varieties with almost black leaves: Black beauty, Black Tower, Black Lace. Quite large bushes, growing up to 2.5 meters. It has a specific aroma that repels insects and rodents. for this reason, it is planted next to cesspools and compost heaps. loves sunny places with plenty of water.

Puzzlecarp Little Devil. The varieties of Bubblecarp are striking in their diversity. Foliage can be green, red, pink, purple, burgundy. In a word, any garden can be decorated. Choose varieties that suit you, with foliage of the desired color. And since it is not whimsical, its cultivation, in any case, will be successful.

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